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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 75, 2017, 24–44 © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

y & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

What exactly distinguishes

aggressive from chronic
periodontitis: is it mainly a
difference in the degree of
bacterial invasiveness?

For centuries, two distinct forms of destructive peri- suggested the term periodontitis simplex, and Imrie
odontal disease have been recognized: one with a suggested the term chronic general periodontitis (87).
‘systemic’ etiology; and the other with a ‘local’ etiol- Since that time, several other names have been sug-
ogy. This presumably started with Fouchard & Hunter gested for this condition, such as paradentitis margin-
in the 18th century and received additional attention alis superfacilis (82) and paradentitis (20). Even in the
in the 20th century (113). Gottlieb (69–71) was proba- textbook of Glickman (67), in 1972, the terms simple
bly the first to distinguish a form of periodontitis that periodontitis or marginal periodontitis were used,
was frequently found in young individuals and he whereas in the textbook of Manson (117), from 1970,
called it ‘alveolar atrophy or diffuse atrophy’. He the term chronic periodontitis was employed. The
described this condition as a noninflammatory dis- American Academy of Periodontology (6) adopted
ease causing loosening, elongation and wandering of the term chronic marginal periodontitis in 1977.
teeth in individuals who were generally free of carious Screening PubMed using the search term ‘adult
lesions and dental deposits. He attributed this disease periodontitis’ showed that in the 1960s the term
to physiological deficiencies of alveolar bone or root chronic periodontitis became more popular than it
cementum. This was in contrast to Schmutz–Pyor- was pre-1960. The first time that a paper with adult
rhea, which was thought to be caused by the accumu- periodontitis in the title emerged was in PubMed
lation of deposits on the teeth and was characterized in 1981 (188). Schluger et al. (160), in their textbook
by inflammation, shallow pockets and resorption of of 1977, concluded in an extensive discussion on
the alveolar crest. Over time, various names have the terminology and classification of periodontal
been given to the so-called noninflammatory peri- diseases: ‘The data now available appear to support
odontal disease: genuine paradentosis by Becks (20) subclassification of marginal periodontitis into juve-
in 1931; periodontosis by Orban & Weinmann (139) in nile and adult types’.
1942; and, finally (because of a lack of proof of any Almost 10 years later, this nomenclature was
degenerative process), juvenile periodontitis by Butler adopted by the American Academy of Periodontology
(30) in 1969. Gradually, this term was accepted by the in the 1986 classification that recognized adult peri-
scientific community and the common term peri- odontitis and juvenile periodontitis, which was subdi-
odontosis became replaced with juvenile periodonti- vided into prepubertal periodontitis, localized
tis. However, it took more than 20 years for the term juvenile periodontitis and generalized juvenile peri-
periodontosis to become obsolete. odontitis (7). Three years later, the 1989 World Work-
In the same decade when Gottlieb introduced the shop in Periodontics recommended modifying the
term Schmutz–Pyorrhea, McCall & Box (121) classification of juvenile periodontitis into early-onset

Aggressive and chronic periodontitis

periodontitis as an umbrella designation. This was Regarding the lack of consistency between the
followed by subdivision into prepubertal periodonti- amounts of microbial deposits and the severity of
tis (localized and generalized), juvenile periodontitis periodontal tissue destruction, no objective criteria
(localized and generalized) and rapidly progressive exist and this analysis therefore suffers from subjec-
periodontitis (5). However, in 1999, during the Inter- tive interpretation of clinical evaluation. Therefore,
national Workshop for Classification of Periodontal research on the etiology and treatment of periodontal
Diseases and Conditions, it was decided that ‘it was diseases is challenging, being dependent on those
wise to discard classification terminologies that were rather vague patient selection criteria.
age-dependent or required knowledge of rates of
progression’. Accordingly, highly destructive forms
Historical review of changing diagnostic
of periodontitis, formerly considered under the
terms from 1967 to 2015
umbrella term of early-onset periodontitis, were
renamed aggressive periodontitis (12). According to In order to place the changing diagnostic terms that
the working group, distinguishing features were rapid have been used in studies over the last few decades
attachment loss, bone destruction and familial aggre- into a historical perspective, the PubMed database
gation. A secondary clinical feature that is frequently, was searched (as of July 2016) for studies published in
but not universally, present is inconsistency between 1967, 1977, 1987, 1997, 2007 and 2015 (the most
the amounts of microbial deposits and the severity of recent full year at the time of preparation of the
periodontal tissue destruction. In addition, localized manuscript) using the search terms periodontitis,
aggressive periodontitis has a circumpubertal onset, periodontosis, juvenile periodontitis, rapidly progres-
whereas generalized aggressive periodontitis usually sive periodontitis, adult periodontitis, aggressive
affects persons under 30 years of age, although periodontitis, chronic periodontitis, refractory peri-
patients may be older (105). odontitis and necrotizing/ulcerative periodontitis.
Regarding adult periodontitis, the term chronic The time period chosen, starting in 1967 with data
periodontitis was eventually adopted by the work- obtained at decade intervals subsequently, was based
shop participants because it is less restrictive than the on the following factors: (i) in 1966 the first World
age-dependent designation of adult periodontitis. Workshop in Periodontics was held; (ii) the first glos-
The group agreed upon the following simple classifi- sary of periodontal terms was published in 1977, and
cation for this most common form of periodontitis: Schluger et al., in their textbook of 1977, proposed
chronic periodontitis, localized and generalized. Sec- the subclassification of marginal periodontitis into
ondary clinical features included: (i) most prevalent juvenile and adult types; (iii) the American Academy
in adults, but can occur in children and adolescents; of Periodontology, 1986 classification, recognized
(ii) the amount of destruction is consistent with the adult periodontitis and juvenile periodontitis (subdi-
presence of local factors; (iii) subgingival calculus is a vided into prepubertal periodontitis, localized juve-
frequent finding; and (iv) slow-to-moderate rates of nile periodontitis and generalized juvenile
progression, but may have periods of rapid tissue periodontitis); (iv) to have a time point of evaluation
destruction (110). just before the major changes of the 1999 Interna-
Thus, for a proper diagnosis a clinician needs infor- tional Workshop for Classification of Periodontal Dis-
mation on: (i) the onset and rate of progression of eases and Conditions; and (v) to have two evaluation
periodontal tissue destruction; (ii) familial aggrega- time points after the major changes of the 1999 Inter-
tion; and (iii) assessment of whether or not the national Workshop for Classification of Periodontal
amount of destruction is consistent with the presence Diseases and Conditions. The results are presented in
of local factors. Obviously, all three items suffer from Table 1. Over the time period of the study, the num-
inherent problems. It is also impossible to assess the ber of publications with a diagnostic term in the title
onset of periodontal destruction, and previous clini- increased by more than 14-fold, from 35 in 1967 to
cal measurements and/or radiographs are needed for 498 in 2015. The term periodontitis appeared to be
assessing the progression of periodontal destruction. used throughout the time period of the study, of
Therefore, rapid progression is mostly estimated on almost 50 years. Regarding chronic periodontitis, it
the basis of the age of the patient in relation to the can be seen that this term was already present in
amount of periodontal breakdown at that age. The 1967 and that its use increased over time, culminating
assessment of a possible familial aggregation is also in almost 50% of publications in 2015. In 1967, more
problematic because family members may have undi- than 50% of papers had periodontosis in the title.
agnosed disease, tooth loss from caries, etc. This decreased to 6.3% in 1987 and to 0.9% in 1997. It

Van der Velden

Table 1. Papers with diagnostic terms in the title found in PubMed in 1967, 1977, 1987, 1997, 2007 and 2015*

Diagnostic terms 1967 1977 1987 1997 2007 2015

used n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)

Periodontitis 10 (28.6) 9 (25.7) 26 (20.5) 59 (53.2) 82 (41.8) 179 (35.9)

Marginal 4 (11.4) 1 (2.8) 7 (5.5) – – –


Adult periodontitis – – 10 (7.9) 20 (18.0) 1 (0.5) 2 (0.4)

Chronic periodontitis 1 (2.8) 5 (14.3) 12 (9.4) – 64 (32.7) 234 (47.0)

Chronic adult – – 3 (2.4) 6 (5.4) 2 (1.0) 3 (0.6)


Chronic marginal – 2 (5.7) 4 (3.1) – 1 (0.5) 1 (0.2)


Periodontosis 19 (54.3) 12 (34.3) 8 (6.3) 1 (0.9) – –

Prepubertal – – 6 (4.7) 4 (0.4) 1 (0.5) –


Juvenile 1 (2.8) 6 (14.1) 25 (19.7) 2 (1.8) 2 (1.0) –


Localized juvenile – – 7 (5.5) 5 (4.5) 1 (0.5) –


Generalized juvenile – – 1 (0.8) – – –


Rapidly progressive – – 7 (5.5) 4 (0.4) 1 (0.5) –


Early-onset – – 7 (5.5) 8 (7.2) 1 (0.5) –


Aggressive – – – – 24 (12.2) 51 (11.2)


Localized aggressive – – – – 2 (1.0) 4 (0.8)


Generalized – – – – 13 (6.6) 22 (4.4)


Refractory – – 3 (2.4) 2 (1.8) 1 (0.5) 1 (0.2)


Necrotizing/ – 1 (2.8) 1 (0.8) – – 1 (0.2)


Total number of 35 36 127 111 196 498

publications with
diagnostic terms
in the title

Total number of 984 1,008 1,482 1,480 2,157 2,357

publications in
periodontal disease
*The search terms periodontitis, periodontosis, juvenile periodontitis, rapidly progressive periodontitis, adult periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis, chronic peri-
odontitis and necrotizing/ulcerative periodontitis were used.

Aggressive and chronic periodontitis

is interesting that in 1987 about the same number of amount of attachment/bone loss and patient age.
publications dealt with research on these types of The aspect of inconsistency between the amounts of
patients; however, apart from periodontosis, it is now microbial deposits and the severity of periodontal tis-
referred to as prepubertal periodontitis, localized sue destruction was mentioned in four studies. How-
juvenile periodontitis, generalized juvenile periodon- ever, only one of these documented the inconsistency
titis, rapidly progressive periodontitis and early-onset by stating: ‘Only those participants who presented
periodontitis. Studies with these diagnostic terms with deep pockets with a minimal subgingival plaque
were not found in 2015. In that year, only 77 (16.4%) and healthy tissue response, free of inflammation
of publications dealt with the research topic of early- were selected for aggressive periodontitis category’
onset forms of periodontitis as patients were now (182).
being referred to as having localized and generalized The above analysis of publications in 2015 that
aggressive periodontitis. used aggressive periodontitis in the title shows clearly
the difficulties faced when interpreting the outcome
of the studies. First, one may wonder whether the
Diagnostic criteria of aggressive
studies that cite Armitage (12) without providing
periodontitis in publications from 2015
additional information, as reference for patient selec-
Regarding aggressive periodontitis, a further analysis tion, really applied all the criteria of Armitage cor-
was carried out on the 77 publications from 2015 to rectly. The same is probably applicable to the studies
evaluate the diagnostic criteria described in the sec- that present additional information but only for a few
tion ‘material and methods’ of experimental clinical items (mostly pocket depth, attachment/bone loss
studies. Consequently, 33 papers had to be excluded: and age). The rapidity of destruction is presumably
12 reviews; 14 case reports; four papers with abstracts almost never assessed, which implies that at the time
in English but with the main text in Chinese; one let- of the study, the patient may be in a quiescent stable
ter to the editor; and one author response; a further situation, as most of the periodontal breakdown had
one paper was not accessible. Thus, 44 papers were occurred before the start of the study. Familial aggre-
available for evaluating the diagnostic criteria used gation, although easy to evaluate by interview, is sub-
for selection of patients in these studies. The results ject to the inherent problem of lack of objectivity and
of the evaluations are presented in Table 2 and show was recorded only in a few studies. Lastly, no criteria
that Armitage (12) was the most frequently used refer- have been developed to measure objectively the
ence (N = 31). Adding the reference American Acad- inconsistency between the amounts of microbial
emy of Periodontology (2000) (9) (N = 3) and deposits and the severity of periodontal tissue
International workshop (1999) (8) (N = 3) implies that destruction. Such an inconsistency is present com-
84% of the studies refer to the diagnostic criteria monly, but not always, in patients with localized juve-
established at the International Workshop for Classi- nile periodontitis and those with generalized severe
fication of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions in periodontitis (29).
1999. However, five studies had no reference at all,
and four studies did not include the referred refer-
ence in the reference list. Eight studies used Armitage
Differences between aggressive
(12) as a reference but provided no additional infor- periodontitis and chronic
mation. The 27 studies with additional information periodontitis
presented data on age and pocket depth or attach-
ment loss and, to a lesser extent, on bone loss Individual differences exist regarding the degree of
(N = 12). It is interesting that 20 studies selected sub- susceptibility to destructive periodontal disease.
jects of ≤ 35 years of age, whereas seven included The most disease-prone persons may develop sev-
subjects up to 55 years of age. However, none of ere periodontitis at an early age, whereas others
these 27 studies provided additional information experience little periodontal breakdown up to old
regarding familial aggregation or rapid periodontal age. A recent retrospective study, based on a radio-
breakdown. A total of six studies reported docu- graphic evaluation spanning 6.6 years on average,
mented familial aggregation according to interview showed that patients with aggressive periodontitis
and six studies mentioned rapid destruction. How- have a significantly faster linear pattern of progres-
ever, rapid destruction was documented by previous sion than do patients with chronic periodontitis:
radiographs in only one study and in the other stud- 0.31 mm/year vs. 0.20 mm/year, respectively (138).
ies was based on the relationship between the Nevertheless, severe periodontal breakdown at

Table 2. Diagnostic criteria and referred references in papers with aggressive periodontitis in the title, published in 2015 and found in PubMed using the search term

aggressive periodontitis

Study number in reference list 1 2 10 11 13 17 18 27 37 41 42 56 57 59 65

No reference X X
Van der Velden

Referred reference not included in reference list

American Academy of Periodontology (9)

International workshop (8)

A: Armitage (12), C: Casarin et al. (35), H: Hodge et al. A A A A A A A A A A A A A

(84), L: Lang et al. (106)

Except for the reference no additional information X X X X

Age ≤ 35 years (x), range or mean  standard X X X X 14–45 X X X


Pocket depth ≥ 4 mm X

Pocket depth ≥ 5 mm X X X X X X

Pocket depth ≥ 6 mm

Attachment loss X X

Attachment loss ≥ 2 mm

Attachment loss ≥ 3 mm X X X

Attachment loss ≥ 4 mm

Attachment loss ≥ 5 mm X X X X X

Attachment loss ≥ 6 mm

Evidence of bone loss X X X

Severe bone loss X X

Familial aggregation mentioned: documented or no – – – Documented Documented – – Documented – – Documented – – – –


Rapid progression mentioned: documented or no data – – – – – – – Documented – – – – – No data –

Amount of microbial deposits not consistent with – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

severity breakdown mentioned: documented or no

Study number in reference list 74 76 81 88 91 92 94 102 109 114 127 128 135 138 140
Table 2. (Continued)

Study number in reference list 74 76 81 88 91 92 94 102 109 114 127 128 135 138 140

No reference X X X

Referred reference not included in reference list X X

American Academy of Periodontology (9)

International workshop (8) X X X

A: Armitage (12), C: Casarin et al. (35), H: Hodge et al. H A, L A A A C A A A

(84), L: Lang et al. (106)

Except for the reference no additional information

Age ≤ 35 years (x), range or mean  standard X X X X X 25–55 18–50 X 18–39 X X 16–40 ≤ 45

Pocket depth ≥ 4 mm

Pocket depth ≥ 5 mm X X X X X X

Pocket depth ≥ 6 mm X X X

Attachment loss

Attachment loss ≥ 2 mm X

Attachment loss ≥ 3 mm X

Attachment loss ≥ 4 mm X

Attachment loss ≥ 5 mm X X X

Attachment loss ≥ 6 mm X X

Evidence of bone loss X X

Severe bone loss X

Familial aggregation mentioned: documented or no – – – – – – – – – – – Documented – – –


Rapid progression mentioned: documented or no data – – – – – – – – No data – – – – – Documented

Amount of microbial deposits not consistent with – – – – – – – – – – – No data – – –

severity of breakdown mentioned: documented or no

Study number in reference list 142 146 148 150 157 164 166 167 168 179 182 184 185 192
Aggressive and chronic periodontitis

Table 2. (Continued)

Study number in reference list 142 146 148 150 157 164 166 167 168 179 182 184 185 192

No reference
Van der Velden

Referred reference not included in reference list X X

American Academy of Periodontology (9) X X

International workshop (8) X

A: Armitage (12), C: Casarin et al. (35), H: Hodge et al. A A A A A A A A A A A

(84), L: Lang et al. (106)

Except for the reference no additional information X X X X

Age ≤ 35 years (x), range or mean  standard X X X X X 27  4.5


Pocket depth ≥ 4 mm X

Pocket depth ≥ 5 mm X

Pocket depth ≥ 6 mm X X

Attachment loss

Attachment loss ≥ 2 mm X

Attachment loss ≥ 3 mm

Attachment loss ≥ 4 mm X

Attachment loss ≥ 5 mm X X

Attachment loss ≥ 6 mm

Evidence of bone loss X X X X

Severe bone loss

Familial aggregation mentioned: documented or no – – – – – – No data – – – – – – Documented


Rapid progression mentioned: documented or no data – – – – – No data No data – – – – – – –

Amount of microbial deposits not consistent with – – – – – No data No data – – – Documented – – –

severity of breakdown mentioned: documented or no

In total, 77 papers published in 2015 with aggressive periodontitis in the title were found in PubMed. Thirty-three papers were excluded: 12 reviews; 14 case reports; four papers with the abstract in English but the main text in Chi-
nese; one letter to the editor; and one author response; in addition, a further one paper was not accessible. Thus, 44 papers were available for evaluation of the diagnostic criteria described in the section ‘material & methods’.
Aggressive and chronic periodontitis

20 years of age is much more striking and has Bacterial and viral aspects
received much more attention than severe peri-
By the end of the 1970s, the search for a specific bac-
odontal breakdown at age 60, although at a subject
terium as a possible causative agent for periodontitis
level, the rate of breakdown may be comparable
in young individuals had received a large boost with
over a short period of time. Owing to lack of infor-
the isolation of Actinobacillus (Aggregatibacter) acti-
mation about the onset of periodontal breakdown
in older subjects, it is generally assumed that the nomycetemcomitans from deep pockets of patients
with localized juvenile periodontitis (170). Subse-
amount of breakdown is the result of a slowly pro-
quent studies in the early 1980s showed that the
gressing disease. Rapid development of severe peri-
occurrence of A. actinomycetemcomitans in these
odontal breakdown at a young age is rare (3) but a
patients was extremely high, varying from 89% to
comparable rapid development of severe periodon-
tal breakdown at an older age may be just as rare, 100% (55, 115, 171). The bacterium was present in
20% of juveniles and 36% of adults with no or mini-
although this has never been properly investigated.
mal gingivitis and shallow pockets; and in 50% of
Thus, as suggested by Armitage (12), the diagnostic
patients with adult periodontitis (177). A more exten-
term of the disease should be age independent and
sive study, a few years later, showed that 96.5% of
accordingly the term aggressive periodontitis was
patients with juvenile periodontitis harbored A. acti-
born. The problem that remains is that it is almost
nomycetemcomitans, whereas only 20.8% of the adult
impossible to use the term aggressive periodontitis
patients with periodontitis and 16.9% of the peri-
as long as there is no proper way of diagnosing the
odontally healthy subjects had the organism (190).
disease. This may be illustrated by the manner in
Over the years this seemingly clear picture has
which the definitions aggressive periodontitis and
become more complicated. At present, some strains
chronic periodontitis were used in a recent paper
(100). Subjects showing ≥ 5 mm loss of attachment of A. actinomycetemcomitans are viewed only as
opportunistic pathogens whereas the specific JP2
at the proximal sites of molars and/or incisors in at
clone has properties of a true exogenous pathogen
least two quadrants were classified as having
(101). Ko€ no
€ nen & Mu € ller (101) also suggested that
aggressive periodontitis (100). The classification of
generalized aggressive periodontitis is likely to be an
chronic periodontitis was assigned to subjects who
extension of localized aggressive periodontitis rather
did not have aggressive periodontitis, and had two
than a different entity. This supposition is supported
or more teeth with attachment loss of ≥ 4 mm and
by findings from a study of families with juvenile peri-
probing depth of ≥ 4 mm, and at least one tooth
odontitis, which showed that 26 patients had general-
with bleeding on probing (100). This implies that
ized juvenile periodontitis and earlier records of these
the only difference between aggressive periodontitis
patients were consistent with localized juvenile peri-
and chronic periodontitis was 1 mm of attachment
loss. odontitis (118).
The progression of periodontal lesions from a local-
Periodontitis is a complex disease, being the
ized to a more generalized form may coincide with
result of a combination of factors, including: (i)
the introduction of a more complex microbiota which
the subgingival biofilm on both the tooth-root sur-
resembles that of generalized chronic periodontitis
face and on the pocket lining epithelium; (ii)
genetic factors and epigenetic modifications; (iii) (101). This view is supported by a recent study in
which 267 consecutive patients with periodontitis,
lifestyle-related risk factors, such as smoking, stress
which was diagnosed as either chronic periodontitis
and poor diet; and (iv) systemic diseases, notably
(n = 183) or aggressive periodontitis (n = 84), were
diabetes (112). These disease determinants interact
screened for the presence of A. actinomycetemcomi-
in a delicate and changing equilibrium. It is likely
tans and Porphyromonas gingivalis (133). Aggregati-
that genetic factors, in combination with microor-
bacter actinomycetemcomitans was detected in 54% of
ganisms, play a dominant role in the development
subjects with aggressive periodontitis and in 48% of
of periodontitis in young individuals, whereas life-
subjects with chronic periodontitis. A slightly higher
style-related factors become more important later
detection rate of P. gingivalis was found in chronic
in life (112). The topics of bacterial/viral, host
periodontitis (67%) compared with aggressive
response and genetic aspects of chronic periodon-
titis and aggressive periodontitis are only briefly periodontitis (52%) (133). Nevertheless, the above
findings were based on traditional bacterial
reviewed here and the reader is referred to several
identification, and more advanced open-ended
recent reviews to gain further insight into those
molecular techniques might have been able to relate
particular subject matters.

Van der Velden

specific microbiomes to distinct types of periodontal Early studies on neutrophils in periodontal crevices
disease. showed that they were present in both healthy and
Viruses, as well as bacteria, have been implicated inflamed gingiva (54, 165). It was also shown that
in the etiology of periodontitis. An active herpesvirus neutrophils could be sampled from crevices of clini-
infection capable of impairing periodontal host cally healthy gingiva, even when histological sections
defenses may actually mediate the entry of bacterial failed to show any inflammatory infiltrates in the gin-
pathogens into gingiva (169). The initial study inves- gival connective tissue (15). By labeling blood neu-
tigated the presence of human cytomegalovirus, trophils it was shown that the neutrophils migrate
Epstein–Barr virus, herpes simplex virus, human from the blood vessels into the crevices and that they
papillomavirus and HIV in crevicular fluid samples migrate at a higher rate to inflamed sites than to
from 30 patients with advanced periodontitis (143). healthy sites (16). In a full dentition with a healthy
Human cytomegalovirus was detected in 60% of the periodontium, about 30,000 neutrophils enter the
patients with periodontitis, Epstein–Barr virus in oral cavity per minute (159). Since 1970, a vast
30%, herpes simplex virus in 20%, human papillo- amount of literature has been published on the func-
mavirus in 17% and HIV in 7% (143). Numerous tion and dysfunction of neutrophils, and readers are
studies on periodontal herpesviruses have since been referred to the previously mentioned reviews. Individ-
carried out. The results of a recent review (169) uals with manifest impairment of neutrophil func-
showed median values of 49%, 45% and 63% for the tions are predisposed to severe periodontitis, as
subgingival prevalence of human cytomegalovirus, observed in subjects with leukocyte adhesion defi-
Epstein–Barr virus and herpes simplex virus type I, ciency, Kostmann syndrome, Chediak–Higashi syn-
respectively, in aggressive periodontitis. In chronic drome, Papillon–Lefe vre syndrome and Down
periodontitis, these values were 40%, 32% and 45%, syndrome (95, 136, 152).
respectively. However, the cited studies differed Studies in the 1970s found an association between
markedly in herpesvirus presence. Such differences juvenile periodontitis and decreased neutrophil
could be caused by mischaracterization of the peri- chemotaxis, as assessed on peripheral blood neu-
odontal disease activity status, disparity in viral reac- trophils (31, 43, 106). Subsequent studies showed that
tivation states, inefficient molecular detection 72–86% of patients with juvenile periodontitis exhibit
methods and patients being of different ethnic/geo- decreased neutrophil chemotaxis (153), but not all
graphical backgrounds (169). Aggressive and chronic studies were able to identify this neutrophil defect
periodontitis may be distinguished by in-depth her- (24, 99, 129, 176). In chronic periodontitis, studies
pesvirus analyses, but not according to the mere showed either normal (173, 176) or depressed (103)
subgingival presence or absence of herpesvirus gen- chemotaxis. A recent study suggested that neutrophils
omes (169). from the peripheral blood of patients with chronic
periodontitis exhibit reduced chemotactic accuracy
(151). It is likely that decreased chemotaxis will result
Host-response aspects
in increased tissue transit times, which may be more
Already in 1902, Znamensky (191) had described the pronounced in juvenile/aggressive periodontitis com-
histopathological changes of periodontal disease in pared with chronic periodontitis. Juvenile/aggressive
terms of infiltration of connective tissue with white periodontitis has also been related to decreased
blood cells and concluded that this reflected chronic phagocytosis of peripheral neutrophils in many (14,
inflammation. Subsequently, equally detailed 32, 34, 97, 174, 181), but not in all (176), studies. In
descriptions of the periodontal lesions were pub- adult/chronic periodontitis, studies showed either
lished by James & Counsel in 1927 (89) and Wein- normal (14, 176) or reduced (32) phagocytic activity,
mann in 1941 (186), but added local bacteria to the suggesting a more frequent reduction of neutrophil
disease pathogenesis. However, the host immune phagocytosis in juvenile/aggressive periodontitis than
response in periodontal diseases was not studied in in chronic periodontitis.
detail for several decades. Based on recent compre- Peripheral neutrophils of patients with juvenile/
hensive reviews by Ford et al. (60) and Cekici et al. generalized early-onset periodontitis contain and
(36), it is unlikely that there are major immunological release abnormally high levels of oxygen radicals in
differences between aggressive periodontitis and response to stimuli (98, 108, 168), suggesting hyperac-
chronic periodontitis. However, neutrophilic poly- tivity of such neutrophils, but other studies found
morphonuclear leukocytes may play a special role in normal or even reduced production of oxygen radi-
periodontal disease pathogenesis. cals from peripheral neutrophils after stimulation

Aggressive and chronic periodontitis

(24, 34, 176). Increased release of oxygen radicals after members of paradentose probands also had the dis-
stimulation of peripheral neutrophils has also been ease, which was much higher than the reported
reported in untreated patients with adult/chronic prevalence of 14.2% in the general population at that
periodontitis, but also in treated patients (64, 119) time. A more recent American study, which included
and in patients post-treatment (75); these results are 77 siblings of 39 probands with localized or genera-
suggestive of constitutionally hyperreactive neu- lized juvenile periodontitis, found that almost 50% of
trophils. Another study showed that therapy reduced the siblings also had juvenile periodontitis (26). The
total oxygen radical production, but not extracellular largest family study of juvenile periodontitis, to date,
radical release, by unstimulated neutrophils (hyper- includes 227 probands and 527 family members (60
activity) (120). A distinction may be warranted with localized juvenile periodontitis, 72 with genera-
between neutrophil hyperactivity (in which excess lized juvenile periodontitis, 254 unaffected and 141
oxygen radicals are produced in the absence of a with an unknown periodontal condition) (118). The
stimulus) and hyperreactivity (in which excess radical majority of the families were of African-American ori-
production follows stimulation of neutrophil surface gin. The authors concluded that the most likely mode
receptors) (38). Neutrophil hyperreactivity is not of inheritance was autosomal dominant in both
entirely a constitutional feature of patients with African–American and Caucasian kindreds, with a
chronic periodontitis but can occur secondarily to penetrance of 70% in African–American people and
periodontal inflammation (111). Certain proinflam- 73% in Caucasian people.
matory mediators are able to activate peripheral Few epidemiological studies have evaluated the
neutrophils (50), and oxidatively stressed neutrophils family relationship in chronic/adult periodontitis.
in chronic periodontitis may release extracellular Several studies have failed to show a familial cluster-
superoxide, which can be reversed by therapy (48). ing of the disease (19, 40, 52); however, a study of
No studies have compared hyperactivity or hyperre- 5,375 patients with chronic (adult) periodontitis, and
activity of neutrophils in juvenile/aggressive peri- with a mean age of 50 years, showed that 37% of the
odontitis vs. chronic periodontitis and thus no subjects had at least one parent or sibling with peri-
conclusion can be made regarding the relative magni- odontitis (194). A study of 24 families, selected on the
tude of oxidative stress in these two diseases. basis of having a proband with chronic adult peri-
It should be realized that most neutrophil studies odontitis plus a spouse and one to three children,
include rather a small number of patients, which showed that 45% of the children in the age group 10–
temper the conclusions of such studies. For example, 15 years had at least one pocket of ≥ 5 mm in con-
a Japanese study (176) from 2001 evaluated the neu- junction with loss of attachment (145). The general
trophil function in a group of 162 subjects distributed prevalence of periodontitis in that age group in the
over four relatively large well-defined subgroups, same city was 5% (180). Twin studies, in which sub-
according to the Page & Schroeder classification jects were selected on having a twin brother/sister
(141). No significant differences were found in neu- and not on the basis of a proband with periodontitis,
trophil function in terms of chemotaxis, phagocytosis, all reported a heritable component for chronic peri-
superoxide production and adhesion (176). A recent odontitis (44, 125, 126). These studies suggest that
systematic review examined the profile of cytokines/ chronic/adult periodontitis may aggregate in families.
chemokines in the gingival crevicular fluid and con- As reviewed by Loos et al. (112), genome-wide
cluded that the current weight of evidence is not suf- association studies followed by replication studies in
ficient to prove a difference between aggressive and large case–control populations have identified several
chronic periodontitis (53). single-nucleotide polymorphisms in a number of
gene loci as risk factors for aggressive periodontitis.
Those include: (i) PTGS2, a gene on chromosome 1
Genetic aspects
that encodes the enzyme prostaglandin-endoperox-
In general, the role of genetics is considered as more ide synthase-2 (also known as cyclooxygenase-2),
important in younger patients with aggressive peri- which converts arachidonic acid to prostaglandin H2;
odontitis than in older subjects with chronic peri- (ii) IL10, a gene that encodes the anti-inflammatory
odontitis. Evidence for a hereditary aspect of cytokine, interleukin-10, on chromosome 1; (iii)
paradentosise had already been suggested in DEFB1, a gene on chromosome 8 that encodes defen-
Germany by Boenheim (25), in 1928, and was sub- sin beta 1, an antimicrobial peptide; (iv) ANRIL (an-
stantiated in the 1930s by Belser (22) and Dickman tisense noncoding RNA in the INK4 locus) a gene on
(51). Their results showed that 57.7% of the family chromosome 9 that is involved in transcriptional

Van der Velden

repression; and (v) GLT6D1 (glycosyltransferase 6 publications also reported on the presence of bacteria
domain containing 1), a gene for glycosyltransferase in the periodontal membrane (178) and within the
located on chromosome 9. Polymorphisms within epithelium and the underlying tissues (21). Decades
ANRIL and PTGS2 gene loci tended to be associated later, Sussman et al. (175) concluded (based on a ser-
also with chronic periodontitis. The genetic risk vari- ies of publications from the 1950s and 1960s) that the
ant identified in GLT6D1 was located within an ability of bacteria to penetrate intact tissue was still a
intron, while the genetic risk variants for the other matter of considerable controversy and that the pres-
genes (ANRIL, PTGS2, IL10 and DEFB1) were located ence of bacteria in the connective tissue of the inter-
in regulatory regions. It is unknown whether the dental col had not been investigated. Their
genetic variants in intronic and regulatory regions subsequent study employed lamina propria biopsies
may, by themselves, be truly causative or simply be from adult periodontitis sites and showed bacterial
genetic markers of other genetic variations; regard- invasion in 20% of interdental cols, in 14% of sites
less, they may lead to subtle changes in the expres- with gingivitis sites, in 2% of sites with ulceration and
sion of associated coding regions and may affect the in 3% of sites with intact epithelium (175). As chronic
quantity of the transcription and subsequent protein inflammation was present also in tissue specimens
products (112). These associations confirm that with no evidence of bacterial penetration, they con-
genetics play a more important role in aggressive cluded that gingival inflammation may well be the
periodontitis than in chronic periodontitis. Neverthe- response to bacterial products rather than to frank
less, as suggested by Nibali et al. (134), the influence microbial penetration (175). In subsequent years,
of genetics in chronic periodontitis should not be dis- convincing evidence has been presented showing
regarded as negligible. Two recent genome-wide that in the case of juvenile periodontitis, bacterial
association studies found genetic variants related to invasion can indeed occur (33, 66), and that viable
chronic periodontitis (137, 158). A. actinomycetemcomitans can be demonstrated
within periodontal tissues (45). In Fig. 1A, a case of
juvenile periodontitis is presented, showing radio-
Bacterial invasion of the graphically cup-shaped interdental bone loss in
periodontal tissues which the most apical part of the radiolucency is
mid-interdental and not at the tooth site, consistent
The phagocytosis and killing of microorganisms by with bacterial invasion deep in the tissues. Treatment
neutrophils, together with the release of antimicrobial of this A. actinomycetemcomitans-positive patient
peptides by epithelial cells and neutrophils function- with a 7-day course of metronidazole plus amoxi-
ing as endogenous antibiotics, form the first line of cillin, scaling and root planing and oral hygiene
the innate immune defense against viruses, bacteria
and fungi (149). The major antimicrobial peptides
include alpha-defensins and cathelicidin LL-37 A

released from neutrophils, and beta-defensins

expressed by oral epithelial cells (47). To maintain a
healthy periodontium, neutrophils form a ‘wall’
between the bacteria colonizing the tooth surface and
the underlying epithelium to attempt to phagocytoze
bacteria attached to the tooth surface. During this
process of ‘frustrated phagocytosis’, neutrophil lyso-
somal enzymes (products of the oxidative burst) and
other proinflammatory substances are released into
the pocket and/or the underlying tissue, where they
may exert destructive effects (153).
It is interesting to note how thoughts come and go
in periodontal research. In the glossary of periodontal
terms published in 1986, periodontitis is described
merely as an inflammatory destructive disease.
However, Goady (68) had already described, in 1907,
bacterial invasion of periodontal tissues, pointing to Fig. 1. (A) Baseline; patient at 15 years of age. (B) Patient
the infectious nature of the disease. Later at 24 years of age, 9 years after treatment.

Aggressive and chronic periodontitis

instructions resulted in mineralization of the dem- connective tissue of disease-active sites when com-
ineralized bone (Fig. 1B). pared with nonactive sites. Invasion of periodontal
Regarding chronic/adult periodontitis, an early connective tissue with A. actinomycetemcomitans
electron microscopy study found that bacteria were also occurred significantly more frequently in dis-
occasionally present in superficial epithelial cells and, ease-active sites than in nonactive sites (77). It has
in one of 13 patients, in the periodontal lamina pro- been suggested, on the basis of data from longitudi-
pria (177). In contrast, Frank (61) confirmed, in a nal monitoring of periodontal attachment level and
study of 14 patients, 35–56 years of age, with alveolar bone in humans and animals, that periodon-
advanced periodontitis, an earlier observation (62) tal disease progresses by recurrent acute episodes
that bacteria infiltrate the junctional epithelium and (72, 172). If invasion of bacteria into the connective
the underlying connective tissue in more than half of tissue occurs mainly at brief episodes of disease pro-
cases. In a study of eight patients with advanced peri- gression, it is not unexpected to find discrepancies in
odontal disease only one showed bacteria in the con- studies on the presence of bacteria in periodontal
nective tissue, while bacteria were found in the connective tissue. For detailed information on the
pocket epithelium in five (155). In another study of mechanisms of how microbial, environmental and
two patients with advanced chronic periodontitis, genetic factors contribute to bacterial invasion of
bacteria were found deep in the connective tissue in periodontal tissues, the reader is referred to the
both (4), whereas in a study of seven patients with recent excellent review by Ji et al. (90).
chronic generalized advanced periodontitis, four The term pathobiont was recently introduced in
showed bacterial invasion into the epithelium as well the periodontal literature (46). A pathobiont is a
as into the connective tissue, while in the other three symbiont – a natural member of the human
bacterial invasion was limited to the epithelium (116). microbiota – that is able to promote pathology
Subsequent studies using immunofluorescence and only when specific genetic or environmental con-
immunohistochemical staining for identification of ditions are altered in the host (39). The phe-
bacteria showed the presence of A. actinomycetem- nomenon that juvenile periodontitis/early-onset
comitans, P. gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and periodontitis and most cases of aggressive peri-
Actinomyces naeslundii in periodontal tissues (114, odontitis start early in life and that the classical
154, 156). More recently it was shown in vitro that periodontopathic bacteria are now regarded as
A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis are able pathobionts (80), implies that the host response
to survive within and spread to neighboring epithelial involving neutrophils and antimicrobial peptides is
cells (123, 189). An in vivo study demonstrated the less efficient at destroying pathogens in those indi-
presence of P. gingivalis in inflamed regions of gingi- viduals than in the general population. However,
val biopsies from periodontitis lesions as well as from an unhealthy lifestyle in terms of smoking, stress
clinically healthy sites of subjects previously treated and poor nutrition of adults may also weaken host
for periodontitis but not in biopsies from periodon- resistance and result in the development of peri-
tally healthy subjects (96). Gingipains from P. gingi- odontitis. It is hypothesized that bacteria invade
valis have the ability to splice the chemokine, and survive more readily within the periodontal
interleukin-8, into a version capable of increasing connective tissue of patients with juvenile peri-
neutrophil chemotaxis and priming the respiratory odontitis/early-onset periodontitis than of patients
burst (49), providing a mechanism for neutrophil- with chronic periodontitis.
mediated tissue destruction induced by tissue-invad- Figure 2A presents a case of aggressive periodonti-
ing P. gingivalis. tis in a 37-year-old nonsmoking woman. Clinical
An interesting study investigated the intra-connec- inspection showed intensely red and swollen papillae
tive tissue localization of A. actinomycetemcomitans and a full-mouth bleeding score of 100%. Pockets up
and P. gingivalis in six patients with untreated peri- to 12 mm were found at the second premolars and at
odontitis who exhibited ongoing periodontal destruc- all molars, and through-and-through furcation
tion (154). Periodontal disease progression was involvement was observed in the maxilla. Radio-
determined using the ‘tolerance’ method (77), mea- graphs showed advanced bone loss (Fig. 2C). Treat-
suring loss of attachment at 1-week intervals in order ment included prescription of metronidazole (500 mg
to identify short episodes of disease activity. The three times daily for 7 days) and rinsing twice daily
results showed that all subjects were positive for with chlorhexidine without any further instruction or
A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis, and that treatment. Evaluation after 4 weeks showed a major
P. gingivalis counts were significantly elevated in the gingival improvement (Fig. 2B), a full-mouth bleeding

Van der Velden

Fig. 2. (A) Baseline. (B) Four-week

follow-up. (C) Radiographs at base-
line. (D) Radiographs at 8-month fol-

score of 19% and substantial pocket-depth reduc- which could cause down-growth of pocket epithelium
tions. Subsequent conventional treatment resulted in and prevent connective tissue reattachment (147).
a full-mouth bleeding score of 8%, pocket depths
below 5 mm, almost closed furcations and extensive
alveolar bone gain (Fig. 2D). This striking healing Diagnosis of invasive periodontitis
response may be a result of the antibiotic treatment
given at the time of bacterial invasion into the con- The problem we currently face is how to identify peri-
nective tissue, when the bone was demineralized but odontitis in the disease-active state. Infections, in
connective fiber attachment to the root was still general, cause a rise in body temperature, and it is
intact. Immediate scaling and root planing to the dis- conceivable that periodontal inflammation is also
tance of the tip of the probe, which often penetrates associated with elevated gingival temperature. Early
deep into connective tissue (28), was avoided to pre- studies on oral temperature reported that the gingival
vent removal of attached connective tissue fibers, papilla is cooler than the corresponding position in

Aggressive and chronic periodontitis

the vestibular sulcus (63) as well as the sublingual the prescribed antibiotics. However, another possi-
area (23, 187). The temperature of the papilla bility is absence of bacterial invasion in the connec-
increases with increases in both gingival redness and tive tissue at the time point when the antibiotics
pocket depth (63), reflecting local inflammatory were given. A few years ago, two systematic reviews
events. Subgingival temperature increases from ante- were published on the effectiveness of systemic
rior to posterior regions of the mouth, and the tem- amoxicillin plus metronidazole as adjunctive therapy
perature of the mandible is higher than that of the to scaling and root planing: one examined the effec-
maxilla (130, 132). Sublingual temperature appears to tiveness of antibiotic on aggressive periodontitis;
be rather constant (130) and is higher in female sub- and the other examined the effectiveness of antibi-
jects than in male subjects (36.7 and 36.5°C, respec- otic on chronic periodontitis (161, 162). The
tively). The mean vestibular sulcus temperature is weighted mean difference in attachment gain was
about 34°C (131, 132). 0.42 mm for aggressive periodontitis and 0.21 mm
Direct comparison of shallow healthy and dis- for chronic periodontitis. This implies that the addi-
eased pockets showed that bleeding pockets have a tion of amoxicillin plus metronidazole was more
higher temperature than do nonbleeding sites (86). effective in aggressive periodontitis than in chronic
The higher temperature of bleeding shallow pockets periodontitis, a result that could be explained by a
was confirmed on the basis of differences between difference in bacterial invasiveness between the two
sublingual temperature and pocket temperature disease types. However, it has been argued that the
(85). A tendency for increasing temperature with distinction between the two disease types in these
increasing pocket depth has also been reported (58, two systematic reviews was not clear, and a recent
78, 104, 124, 183). Haffajee et al. (79) carried out a systematic review was unable to confirm the addi-
prospective study on patients with untreated peri- tional effect of amoxicillin plus metronidazole in
odontitis and found that elevated mean subgingival aggressive periodontitis (193).
temperature was related to subsequent attachment Two studies on aggressive periodontitis showed
loss, particularly in individuals who exhibited more that the administration of amoxicillin plus metron-
than one progressing site. The odds ratios of a sub- idazole, together with mechanical treatment, in the
ject exhibiting new attachment loss at one or more initial phase of therapy provides greater reduction of
or two or more sites were 14.5 and 64.0, respec- pocket depth and a larger gain of clinical attachment
tively, if the subject’s mean subgingival temperature at initially deep sites than does antibiotic adminis-
exceeded 35.5°C as assessed at six sites per tooth tration 3 or 6 months after the initial active phase of
(79). treatment (73, 93). There is strong evidence that
It has been suggested that the raised temperatures antibiotics are more effective when given to a dis-
in the presence of inflammation are caused by rupted biofilm than to an undisrupted biofilm (82).
increased circulation. However, it is more likely that Kaner et al. (93) explained the difference in clinical
increased blood flow has a cooling effect on the results between immediate and late administration
inflammatory process. Therefore, the raised temper- of antibiotic by hypothesizing that the immediate
ature of an inflamed area is the result of an increase administration of antibiotics results in a higher drug
in local heat production caused by an increased concentration in situ compared with late adminis-
local metabolism (107). The elevated subgingival tration. This difference could be the result of
temperature of 35.5°C at the sites with subsequent increased blood flow and capillary permeability dur-
attachment loss may be related to an increased local ing the initial inflammatory state, which is decreased
inflammatory infiltrate as such, but it is tempting to after the initial active therapy. However, the differ-
speculate that the elevated subgingival temperature ence in treatment outcome may also be explained
reflects bacterial invasion of the periodontal connec- on the basis of bacterial gingival invasion at the time
tive tissue. Mestnik et al. (122) showed that adjunc- of active treatment, which may be resolved post-
tive use of amoxicillin with metronidazole in treatment. In the light of the discussion above, it
patients with aggressive periodontitis produced a could be hypothesized that elevated subgingival
gain of clinical attachment, but five of the subjects temperature may help to distinguish between inva-
in the antibiotic group gained less than the median sive and noninvasive periodontitis. Such a distinc-
gain of attachment of the total group. It may be sug- tion may aid the clinician in the decision of whether
gested that the reason why these five subjects did to prescribe systemic antibiotics; however, research
not benefit from the antibiotic treatment is because is needed to show the proof of principle of the
of the presence of a microflora that is resistant to above concepts.

Van der Velden

Concluding remarks 9. American Academy of Periodontology. Parameter on

aggressive periodontitis. J Periodontol 2000: 71(Suppl. 5):
Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease for which an 10. Ardila CM, Guzma n IC. Clinical factors influencing the effi-
etiologically based classification is elusive. It is likely cacy of systemic moxifloxacin in the therapy of patients
that periodontitis proceeds with bursts of disease with generalized aggressive periodontitis: a multilevel anal-
activity caused by an imbalance between the patho- ysis from a clinical trial. Glob J Health Sci 2015: 8: 80–88.
11. Ardila CM, Martelo-Cadavid JF, Boderth-Acosta G, Ariza-
biont and the host immune response. Bacterial inva-
Garces AA, Guzma n IC. Adjunctive moxifloxacin in the
sion of the periodontal connective tissue may be an treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis patients:
important trigger of disease activity bursts. After clinical and microbiological results of a randomized, tri-
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