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Flight attendant Florence Schalfner was sting inher ‘2 during Eae-ofA man ins oat near her passed era note: It reac have s bora im my brs will se ici necessary. Sit next to mer 4 he bane Tre stent ld th tothe ara Yoel J te rie ere to pet the money and pnts ead that his demands hi been met an th plane Tacoma arport at 945 pm The mene (08 deere and the paserges and take to the pibts arc ordered 7d a door st ane, Beng rerwards- Cooper ordered the plots . They objected 0 Cooper si tht he ‘Aker rfl the ne tok of at approximately 740, vit Cocca td ‘oembersn beara Aer ake of oper a (ih attendant o go to the cocks he shi eset aun al Ch MY cen thebage cf ony At eat lock a Manet wen ‘nthe cocks hey inew tat he ust he Opened the "ear dor The plane bred Rent (05 wth fe ear doa 5 oper ich pre eda Bt yg oops vas eve sen gud ae No an at eh fund te reat as Ban Cooper Ana pane pees canta srived the jump (edoed he” Po Lined “he coud hve Resch Sn ana and then escaped later) but no bad, fate furwate wa oranda ee Sines to oe money ae ons ‘The money might have belonged to a (her yas er teem rears une ad rok ean a ay reer Escaneado con CamScanner

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