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Calamba “ Cradle of a genius”
Earliest childhood memories:

• The first memory of Rizal, in his infancy, was his happy

days in the family garden when he was 3 years old. He
was given the tenderness care by his parents.
• His father built a little cottage for him to play in
the daytime.
• Another childhood memory was The daily
angelus prayer. His mother gathered all
the children to pray the angelus.
• The nocturnal walk in the town, especially when
there was a moon, is another memory of his
The pilgrimage to Antipolo:

 June 6, 1868, Jose and his father left Calamba to

go on pilgrimage to antipolo, in order to fulfil his
mother’s vow which was made when Jose was
 It was the first trip of Jose across laguna de bay.

 After praying at the shrine of the virgin of antipolo,

they went to manila, they went to Santa Ana and
visited Saturnina.
First education from mother:

- His first teacher was his mother

-Jose learned the alphabet and prayers

from her.

- Seeing that her boy had a talent for

poetry, she encouraged him to write
The first sorrow:

The death of his little sister conch (Concepcion)

brought him his first sorrow.

The people of calamba knew Rizal as Pepe or

Jose Rizal was closest to his older Paciano.

Young rizal is a religious boy.

At the age of 3, he began to take part in the
family prayer.
His mother taught him the catholic prayer.
When he was 5 years old, he was able to read
haltingly the Spanish family bible.
He started his life as a student of Ateneo in
June 1872 with a prayer.
One of the men he esteemed and respected
in Calamba during his boyhood was father
Leoncio Lopez, the town priest
Rizal’s three Uncles:

1.) Uncle Gregorio – he was a lover of books. He

taught rizal to work hard, to think for himself and
to observe life keenly.

2.) Uncle Jose- who had been educated at

Calcutta. He encouraged his nephew to paint,
sketch and sculpture.

3.) Uncle Manuel- was a big, strong, and husky

man. He encouraged young rizal to learn
swimming, wrestling, fencing and other sports so
that rizal’s frail body acquired agility, endurance
and strength.
Artistic talents:
Early childhood Rizal revealed his God-given
talents for the arts on:
- He curved figure of animals and persons out of
-He could already sketch pictures of birds,
flowers, fruits, rivers etc.
- Aside from painting, sketching, sculpture,
and wood carving, he had a gift for magic.
- He was born poet. The first known poem that
he wrote was a tagalog poem “ sa aking mga
kababata”. He wrote it in an appeal to our
people to love our national language.
Influences on hero’s boyhood:

1.) Hereditary influence- according to biological science,

there are inherent traits or qualities which a person inherits
from his ancestors and parents. Therefore, Rizal inherited
lot of good qualities from his ancestors, father and mother.

2.) environmental influence- environment, as well as

hereditary, affects the nature of a person. Which includes
places, associates, and events. Like Rizal was affected in
what his family and the environment influence and teach
him to be a good person and develop his talent and
3.) Aid of divine Providence- Rizal was providentially
destined to be the pride and glory of our people. God
had endowed him with the venatile talents of a rare

Thank you

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