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Case Report

Herpes zoster infection: Report of a treated case

Kotya Naik Maloth, K. Vinay Kumar Reddy, Srikanth Kodangal, Kesidi Sunitha, Nagajyothi Meka1
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Mamata Dental College and Hospital, Khammam, Telangana, 1Department of Oral Medicine and
Radiology, Dr. Hedgewar Smruti Runga Seva Mandals Dental College and Hospital, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT Access this article online

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Herpes zoster (HZ) is an acute infectious viral disease result from Website:
reactivation of the DNA varicella-zoster virus, which occurs
more frequently among older adults and immunocompromised
persons. The most common complication of HZ is postherpetic DOI:
neuralgia, a chronic often debilitating pain condition that can last
months or even years. Deaths attributable to zoster are common
among immunocompromised persons. Prompt treatment with
the antiviral drugs, corticosteroids and analgesics decrease the
severity and duration of acute pain from HZ. Here, we report affected area. Lesions were preceded by prodrome of fever and
a treated case of HZ in 35-year-old male involving all three malaise for 5 days, followed by erythematous maculopapular
branches of the trigeminal nerve without any complication. rash. On examination, there were multiple pins headed
active vesicular lesions on left side of the face involving the
Keywords: Acyclovir, herpes zoster, postherpetic neuralgia,
outer canthus region, zygoma region, the ear, the upper and
trigeminal nerve, varicella-zoster
lower lips and lower border of the face. Associated with pain,
pruritus, burning tingling sensation over the involved areas
Introduction [Figure 1]. Intraorally the labial mucosa of upper lip, lower
lip, left buccal mucosa, retromolar area and the left side of
Herpes zoster (HZ) also known as “Shingles” is an acute
the hard palate was also involved not crossing the midline
infectious viral disease result from reactivation of the DNA
showing a dermatomal pattern [Figure 2]. No previous history
varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which causes chickenpox.[1]
of similar lesions were reported, and patient was unaware of
It manifests as painful vesicular eruptions of the skin or
the occurrence of chickenpox in his childhood. Based on the
mucous membrane in the area supplied by the affected
history and clinical presentation of the lesions, a provisional
nerve.[2] The pain may persist for months, even years after
diagnosis of HZ involving the left ophthalmic, maxillary and
the muco-cutaneous lesions heal, and this phenomenon is
known as postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), one of the most mandibular nerve, division of trigeminal (V) nerve was given.
common complication of HZ. The most commonly affected
Routine blood investigations along with HIV 1 and
dermatomes are the thoracic (45%), cervical (23%) and
trigeminal (15%). HZ can affect any of the three trigeminal 2 antibody tests were performed, and the blood values were
branches, most commonly affecting the ophthalmic branch. within normal limits and negative test result for HIV.
We report a treated case of 35-year-old male involving all
Antiviral therapy was instituted immediately with acyclovir
three branches of the trigeminal nerve.[3]
−800 mg tablets 5 times a day for 10 days, cvir cream −5 mg
applied 2 times a day. Corticosteroids are given in the form
Case Report of prednisolone 20 mg twice a day for 10 days to prevent
A 35-year-old male patient reported to our department with postcomplications like neuralgia-related disorders. For pain
multiple vesicular eruptions containing a clear fluid on his control, patient advised to take tramadol 50 mg tablets twice
left side of the face associated with severe pain along the a day for 5 days. Betadine mouth wash was also given to

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Kotya Naik Maloth, Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Mamata Dental College and Hospital, Giriprasad Nagar,
Khammam - 507 002, Telangana, India. E-mail:

Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University | November-December 2015 | Vol 8 | Issue 6 769
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Maloth, et al.: Herpes zoster infection: Report of a treated case

improve oral hygiene, and topical lidocaine was prescribed membrane in the area supplied by the affected nerve.[1] The
for painful skin lesions. The patient was regularly reviewed. nerves most commonly affected in HZ are C3, T5, L1, L2 and
1st branch of the trigeminal nerve.[5] The incidence of HZ
On examination of the patient after 10 days, there increases with age and in immunocompromised patients.
was complete regression of the lesion extraorally with The predisposing factors for reactivation of the virus are
encrustations and intraorally with hypopigmented areas trauma, benign or malignant tumor involving the dorsal
respectively [Figures 3 and 4]. No fresh vesicles were root ganglia, local X-ray irradiations and immunosuppressive
found. Patient was asked to taper the dose of corticosteroids therapy and immunosenescence.[6]
gradually, and finally, the medications were stopped.
In our case, based on the history, the predisposing factor was
found to be malnutrition with physical and psychological
stress secondary to the economic status and poverty. Patient
Herpes zoster is an acute infectious viral disease, and it is with HZ may progress through 3-stages,[7]
a sporadic disease with an estimated life time incidence a. Prodromal stage,
of 10-20%, 15 times higher in HIV-infected than in b. Active or acute stage,
uninfected patients and 25% of patients with Hodgkin’s c. Chronic stage.
lymphoma develop HZ. Household transmission rates were
approximately. 15%.[4] HZ is characterized by inflammation of The prodromal stage presents as sensations like burning,
dorsal root ganglia or extra-medullary cranial nerve ganglia, tingling, itching, pricking and boring occurring in the
associated with vesicular eruptions of the skin or oral mucous cutaneous distribution of the dermatome and is believed
to represent viral degeneration of nerve fibrils.[8] If the

Figure 1: Vesicular lesions on left side of face

Figure 2: Lesions present over the left buccal mucosa

Figure 3: Complete regression of the lesion extraoral with formation

of scar tissue and hypopigmented areas Figure 4: Complete regression of the lesion intraorally

770 Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University | November-December 2015 | Vol 8 | Issue 6
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Maloth, et al.: Herpes zoster infection: Report of a treated case

trigeminal nerve is affected in this period odontalgia may recommended for the following susceptible adults (without
occur. The symptoms of the prodromal stage may present a reliable history of chickenpox or a serologic test indicating
up to 1-month or for more duration before the acute immunity): Health care workers, those with close contact
mucocutaneous lesions appear, posing diagnostic difficulties to immunocompromised individuals or young children, and
to the clinician. This is known as zoster-sine herpetic or women who could become pregnant.[9]
zoster-sine eruption.[8]
The active stage is characterized by the emergence of the
skin rash that may be accompanied by headache, malaise Herpes zoster infection leads to various complications if
and low-grade fever. The rash progresses from erythematous left untreated, oral physicians should have a thorough
and edematous papules to vesicles and finally results in knowledge of this disease will help in early diagnosis,
the formation of pustules within 1-week which is the treatment and prevention of the complications having an
contagious period. The pustules begin to dry with crust edge on the regular updated treatment strategies in HZ.
formations, which will be exfoliated over 2-3 weeks, leaving
erythematous macular lesions that result in scar formation.[8] Declaration of patient consent
During this phase, the HZ is most contagious and could pose The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate
a significant cross-infection risk. patient consent forms. In the form the patient(s) has/have
given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and
The chronic pain syndrome stage is seen in approximately other clinical information to be reported in the journal. The
10% of all patients with HZ and is termed as PHN. PHN patients understand that their names and initials will not
is defined as a brief, recurrent, shooting, deep pain lasting be published and due efforts will be made to conceal their
1-3 months after the healing of the muco-cutaneous identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
lesions.[8] Risk of occurrence of PHN increases significantly
after the age of 60 years, which may be due to a decline in References
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(Zostavax®, Merck) was developed which was approved for
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the market probably in 2015. It is contraindicated during How to cite this article: Maloth KN, Reddy KV, Kodangal S,
pregnancy and is currently not recommended in HIV- Sunitha K, Meka N. Herpes zoster infection: Report of a treated case.
infected individuals, although its safety in this population Med J DY Patil Univ 2015;8:769-71.
is under evaluation. Vaccination against VZV is currently Source of Support: Nil. Conflicts of interest: None declared.

Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University | November-December 2015 | Vol 8 | Issue 6 771

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