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What is the effect of temperature on

solubility of the solute to the solvent?

Think of an ice and water, ice represents the solute and the water is the solvent. If
you put the ice on water, it will dissolve incessantly. Knowing that Ice has low
temperature, this will lead the increases of solubility. In conclusion, as the solids
What dissolved in liquid, of
is the effect the temperature
solubility increasesonwith temperature. The high temperature
of the solvent makes up the increase of its kinetic energy, thus allowing its
solubility of the
molecules to besolute to the
more effective solvent?
in breaking apart the solute molecules that are bind
together by intermolecular attractions. Also, the increased kinetic energy in solute
plays on taking its molecules to dissolved more in solvent because they are less hold

Reference: solubility/#:~:text=For%20many%20solids%20dissolved%20in,held%20together%20by%20intermolecular%20attracti
Factors Affecting Solubility.

How will you identify that a solution is

saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated?

Saturated solution contains a possible maximum amount of solute that is
being dissolved in the solution. In contrary, unsaturated solution has less
than the amount of solute that is dissolved in the solution while
How willsupersaturated
you identify solution
thatis aansolution
inherentlyisunstable state, thus contradicts
the term “maximum amount”. Now, we can identify the solution if its
saturated, unsaturated,
unsaturated or supersaturated by adding a small amount of
or supersaturated?
solute. If the solute dissolve, then it is unsaturated, if will not then it is
saturated. If the dissolve added solute form a crystal around it, then it is

Reference: Chemistry: Determining the Concentration of a Solution.

Why does oil and water do not mix?

Think that you had an oily hand then you try to wash it, does the oil
remain? Yes, and what could be the reason behind it? Particle? Nature of
oil and water or their own molecules? Now, let us start in defining first
Why what
does is oil,
water to,
do not mix? oil is hydrocarbon in liquid
form which is sticky to touch and is formed by natural resources. Oil can
be used in different
Explain.forms; it may be for fuel consumption or cooking or
for lubricant. So basically, oils do not have any polar part unlike in liquid
water, so to be able to dissolve in water, they must break some of water’s
hydrogen bonds. Thus, water won’t do this to oil, resulting for its
component to separate oil from them.

Why oil and water do not

Reference: mix.
Some communities add sodium fluoride to their

water because of its benefits to the

teeth. What is the percent m/m of NaF if 64.6 mg of

solute is dissolved in every 40,000 g of water. (Put

answer in scientific notation)

Some communities add sodium fluoride to their

water because of its benefits to the

1.6×10^-6 m/m %
teeth. What is the percent m/m of NaF if 64.6 mg of

solute is dissolved in every 40,000 g of water. (Put

answer in scientific notation)

Solution:Page 11
Saline solution is often used in hospitals and

by optometrists. It is a 0.92% (m/v)

aqueous solution of sodium chloride. How

many grams of NaCl would be found in 1.59

liters of saline solution

Saline solution is often used in hospitals and

14.628g NaCl
by optometrists. It is a 0.92% (m/v)

aqueous solution of sodium chloride. How

many grams of NaCl would be found in 1.59

liters of saline solution

Solution: Page 12

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