Women's Oppression Essay

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women's oppression

Throughout human history, women suffered from different kind of oppression. From being beaten to
being punished since they did something wrong or they religious choose, are some examples. For
these reasons, authors from different parts of the world used their pen to write or tell stories using this
controversial theme in their writings. This is the case of three novels: Sense and Sensibility by Jane
Austen, The Crucible by Arthur Miller and The Color Purple by Alice Walker.

Sense and Sensibility shows the oppression from part of the society towards the women. It forces
them to get marry for money or business only. Besides, the two main characters, Elinor and
Marianne, are also victims of Mrs Jennings and other women who force them to reveal their secrets
related to love. Another example is that the sisters along with their mother and their little sister
Margaret are victims of John and Fanny Dashwood who gave them little money.

In The Crucible, women’s oppression is not one of Arthur Miller’s most important themes but in the
play he used it. We can see it especially with Tituba who in despite of being a woman, she also is a
black person, living as a slave for the reverent Parris in a theocracy society. Therefore, her life is very
difficult and because of her characteristics, she is an easy target for accusations. For instance, when
she is accused for practicing witchcraft. The same happens to Marry Warren who is John and
Elizabeth Proctor’s maid. Sometimes she is beaten by John.

As regards The Color Purple, in this case the women’s oppression is one of the main themes. The
main character, Celie, suffers a lot through the story. She is raped, beaten, insulted, and ashamed;
not only for being a woman but also for being black, pretty much what happens in The Crucible with
Tituba. Mr.__ always sees Celie only as a servant and a sex object. He never matters if I enjoy it.”
Nettie, Celie’s sister, also is a victim of oppression from part of the African society. She is the
assistant of Samuel who is a minister. Along with his wife, the three of them travel to Africa as
missioners. The society of that country believes that Nettie is Samuel’s lover because she is a
woman who spends much time with Samuel, especially when his wife is ill. In this novel there are two
different societies: the African and American society.

These three novels are an excellent example of how three authors use the women’s oppression while
at the same time they tell an amazing story. Every day this theme becomes more and more strong.
Different countries around the world are constantly organizing protests and marches in favor of the
women’s right and of course asking to stop the oppression towards them. Argentina with its moto “Ni
una menos” and United States of America with “Time’s Up”, are some examples.

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