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Candela Grosi – Natali Ures

EPD IV – 4°A


NAME: “Digital Threat”

TOPIC: Grooming

FORM: 4th


LEVEL OF ENGLISH: Intermediate


TIME ALLOTED: 3 lessons (120 minutes per lesson)


To start with, the Curriculum of Secondary School highlights the relevance of technology and
communication in the students´ life. In a way, one of the purposes is to incorporate them in
the classroom and meet the students´ interests in order to use the language and create a
meaningful content.

We have chosen Grooming as a topic because it is a strong theme nowadays, happening a lot
and carrying the worst consequences that we can imagine. As teachers, we intend to deliver
lessons based on the students´ needs.

We based our teaching choices on many approaches such as PBL (Project Based Learning),
where students work on a project over an extended period of time – from a week up to a
semester – which engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex
question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by developing a public product or
presentation for a real audience.

As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, creativity and
communication skills in the context of carrying out an authentic, meaningful project. Project
Based Learning unleashes a contagious, creative energy among students and teachers.

Moreover, we based our teaching choices on TBL (Task Based Learning) as we believe that
students learn, enjoy and improve their development when they solve meaningful tasks,
instead of drilling and filling in the blanks, and then report their answers to the class.

On the one hand, we relied on some aspects of the Humanistic Approach, developed by Carl
Roger, in which a positive environment is crucial to a human being´s learning process. But it

M. Candela Grosi – Natali Ures
EPD IV – 4°A

also expresses how important it is to encourage them to believe in themselves by helping

them to be aware of their potential.

On the other hand, we dealt with some aspects of Visible Thinking and the Learning Pit. Visible
thinking is applied by taking into account that it is based on innovating with intelligence, and is
focused on developing students’ thinking dispositions in such areas as truth-seeking,
understanding, fairness and imagination.

This theory expresses that “Learning is a consequence of thinking, and developing a culture of
thinking is critical if we want to produce the feelings, energy, and even joy that can propel
learning forward and motivate learners to do what at times can be hard and challenging
mental work.”

Last but not least, the bases of the Learning Pit are the learning of a concept. “The concept can
come from the media, conversation, observations or the curriculum. The key to the Learning
Challenge is to push students ‘into the pit’ by creating conflict in their minds. This deliberate
creation of a dilemma is what makes the Learning Challenge (…). Once ‘out of the pit,’ students
should be encouraged to reflect on the stages of thinking they’ve just been through – from a
single, simplistic idea (stage 1) to the identification of lots of, sometimes conflicting, ideas
(stage 2) right through to a new understanding of more complex and inter-related ideas (stage
3). They should then look for ways to relate and apply their new understanding to different

All things considered, we created our project with the main purpose of delivering meaningful
lessons and to promote thinking, speaking, learning from mistakes and working hard.


To what extent social networks leave children and teenagers in such a vulnerable position that
adults can take advantage of them?



Situación Aspecto Aspecto Aspecto
comunicativa lexical gramatical fonológico
Inglés Lectura de textos Temas de El uso de distintos Modo de
general descriptivos interés general tiempos verbales articulación de
relacionados con relacionados como son el sonidos.
textos auténticos de con el tema Presente simple
circulación frecuente central del con el objetivo de Patrones de
teniendo en cuenta la proyecto. expresar opiniones acentuación y
inferencia y y compartir ritmo.
anticipación. experiencias, y así
Participación en también Presente Entonación del

M. Candela Grosi – Natali Ures
EPD IV – 4°A

debates sobre temas Continuo. discurso.

de interés general y Pasado simple con
propio. el fin de debatir
sobre los recursos
trabajados, ya sea
su descripción y/o
comparación y

Formulación de
aplicando “wh-
words”, tales
como who, where,
which, when. Su
repaso, revisión y
sus respectivas

Enfoque Análisis de Vocabulario

comunicativo información de propio del
basado en soporte audiovisual tópico
tareas (videos, textos). propuesto.

Reflexión objetiva Vocabulario

crítica sobre propio de
contenidos de textos sitios de
leídos que proveen los internet
medios de relacionados
comunicación en al tópico a
cuanto a su propósito trabajar.
o intencionalidad y
tipo de público al cual
va dirigida la

M. Candela Grosi – Natali Ures
EPD IV – 4°A


This project is entirely focused on our students, and each lesson will encourage them to
express their thoughts, feelings and experiences. They will face different communicative
situations in order to apply what they have learnt so far. However, the main goal will be to
accomplish a meaningful learning process. That is why every task will be related to their social
context, age, interests and concerns.

As established by PBL (Project Based Learning), our students will be challenged with an
authentic problem, that is to say, a question or a real situation for them to solve. Indeed, their
role will be very active because they will decide how to carry out and present the final product.
They will be in charge of finding the necessary resources, information and material. Also, they
will be the ones deciding the message they want to transmit and the way they will
communicate it.

Regarding our teacher role, we will guide and support our students throughout the project by
giving them the appropriate tools to work and overcome any difficulties. We will give the
instructions in each task and, after that, we will check comprehension, guide and monitor
without interfering in their creative process. In addition, we will trigger debates and talks in
order to reflect on the topic, leading them to arrive at different conclusions. Naturally, we will
keep a record on how our students evolve every lesson.


Taking into consideration the approaches and methods on which we based our project, we are
going to use and provide several strategies.

Firstly, we will present the project with an “entry event” through a game related to Twitter in
order to work on social media vocabulary and rules.

Secondly, by using games as “What I used to think… but now I think” and “Raise your paddle
if”, where our students will express themselves.

Thirdly, sharing videos or pictures with our students in order to make them analyze and reflect
on. So they can debate and get to know each other.

Finally, we will propose the use of surveys, where our students can evaluate and revise the
process and purpose of the lessons, and our teacher role.


The project will require the use of a variety of resources.

M. Candela Grosi – Natali Ures
EPD IV – 4°A

Firstly, every lesson will rely on the use of different devices such as laptops, mobile phones or
tablets for research (images, videos, vocabulary). Also, they will be necessary because of the
role apps have in the project.

Secondly, we will provide our students with authentic material, i.e. texts, articles and
brochures. The goal will be to give them a sense of closeness to their social context, interests
and concerns. In addition, every game, warm-up and metacognition stage will be focused on
everyday situations to reflect on.

Finally, the final outcome will demand a laptop or a screen to project our students’ spots.


Our students will film an advertising spot to raise awareness on how to prevent Grooming.
They will write a script that will be acted out by them and it will be based on the research they
will previously carry out.

The day of the presentation, every group will show the advertising spot to their classmates and
a jury made up of teachers from other subjects, who will summarize what they have seen and
give some feedback to each team.


Our students will show their advertising spots in the third lesson. The presentation will be a
film festival in which every group will show their final products to their classmates and the
jury. Then, a press conference will be held where our students will ask every group different
questions about the spot’s making process and message. Finally, the jury will give some
feedback and reach a conclusion.


Regarding the evaluation process, we should consider not only the formal evaluation but also
our students’ participation in class, their role in their group work and their contribution to the
final outcome, their use of present simple and present continuous tenses, and their
formulation of wh- questions and complete answers.

Although our students will not sit for a written exam, they will carry out a final task whose
outcome is an advertising spot, and where they will be evaluated in terms of the use of
problem-solving strategies, the making process of the spot, the structure of the script and the
presentation of their outcome.

M. Candela Grosi – Natali Ures
EPD IV – 4°A


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