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ATC Case Analysis

Jansen Cowart

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

SF 210: Introduction to Aerospace Safety

April 1, 2021

The FAA’s NextGen program is a comprehensive, work in progress plan to update and improve

the National Airspace’s infrastructure and technology. (Rodrigues, C. C., Cusick, S. K., &

Cortés, A. L. (2017) The program was started in 2007 and is planned to be fully implemented by

2025. The system can be generally described as a shift from ground-based equipment to satellite

based equipment (How NextGen Works, 2020). Components of the system include: ADS-B

(currently implemented), Collaborative data sharing, Data communication (In limited use) (Daily

Breeze, 2016), and System Wide Information Management. In addition to these programs, the

FAA is mapping new airways and expanding GPS navigation In program such as the Q and T

routes. With updating the airspace system, some have proposed the privatization of air traffic

control. (Marshall, 2017)


The NextGen program was put in place to update the ageing navigation communication

procedures currently in place. Many of these systems have been in place since the mid-20th

century and must be updated to achieve maximum efficiency and safety.


The NextGen system will aid with traffic separation, enhanced visual producers, and more

accurate weather forecasting. These factors will lead to a safer, faster, and more advanced

National Airspace System.

Action 1: Data Communication is meant to supplement voice to voice instructions between ATC

and operators with text.

Advantage: It will reduce conflicts with planes that have similar call sign and tail numbers.

Pilots may get confused and follow instructions that were not meant for them.

Advantage: It will reduce clearance time for aircraft on the ground (Article)

Disadvantage: It is less useful in a crisis or emergency (NextGen – Data Communications,


Disadvantage: It has not been fully developed for aircraft in cruise.

Action 2: Many pilots in the modern era are known as “The children of the magenta line”. This

term comes from the magenta line used for GPS navigation. GPS navigation is safer than the

VOR checkpoint method used my many GA pilots. The FAA expanding available GPS routes

with make the community safer.

Advantage: Routes would be standardized and therefore safer.

Advantage: Many pilots are currently training using mainly GPS to navigate as technology


Disadvantage: With more and more GPS systems being used, pilotage and visual navigation

skills can deteriorate.

Disadvantage: GPS systems can fail or falter leading to a dangerous situation for an unprepared


The NextGen system has and will advance and aid the aviation industry. The new technology

being implemented allows for the industry to adapt and evolve. (Marshall, 2017) In the future,

the application of new technologies and procedures must be completed at a quicker pace. Most of

the technology in use before the upgrade had been outdated for years or even decades.


How NextGen Works. (2020, August 21). FAA.

M. (2016, June 24). LAX unveils Data Comm aircraft texting system designed to reduce flight

delays. Daily Breeze.


Marshall, A. (2017, June 8). Air Traffic Control Reform, Explained. Wired.

NextGen – Data Communications. (2015, March 4). FAA.


Rodrigues, C. C., Cusick, S. K., & Cortés, A. L. (2017). Commercial aviation

safety (Sixth ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

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