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Siddharth Patnaik

6:36 AM (3 hours ago)

to bcc: me

Dear Class,

Greetings of the day!

The following two cases are up for discussion in the next class scheduled on 3rd January.

Request to send your team’s submission before the class. You may use the pointers given below:

An Uncomfortable Encounter: Perceptions of Sexual Harassment. North American Case Research


Overview of the case

Highlight the role of perception and attribution in defining harassment,

The social and psychological impact of sexual harassment on individuals

The possible reasons that sexual harassment incidents continue to occur.

Odyssey: The Life and Career of a Senior Consultant. Darden Business Publishing

Deconstruct the story of Walt Shill, highlighting what he learnt along the way

What possible lessons can be drawn for one’s career?




Anastasia is professor of HRM and male student had pressed his entire body against hers in front of
the class. She had experience of sexual harassment with her boss and college. Initially started with
small incidents and then escalated to having mandatory meetings held in strip clubs and unwanted
touching, and even attempted sexual assault.

She received two messages from student on the incident happened in class.

Anastasia is informal, casual teacher with high assertiveness – most of the students are happy but
few complaints that she is bullying. She researched that dominant female teachers are more likely
perceived as inappropriately aggressive since dominant behaviours are less gender role congruent
for women. So she is worried may complaint could be due to this gender role stereotyping. With this
there is some insecurity on her part.

Work: -

 Works for a university in Quebec

 Assistant professor in business department
 School is known for being inclusive and socially progressive
 Department had equal number of male and female
 Both the chair of department dean were women
 Four and half years and require to apply for tenure within next six months

The Stakes

 Anastasia expecting promotion – mandatory (one cannot simply leave to be same position
 If she fails to secure promotion – he will have to leave
 Tenure application evaluation process also include students feedback (major significant
portion) along with other activities

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