Conjunctions Exercises 1: Complete The Sentences With One of The Words or Phrases

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Conjunctions Exercises 1

Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases

however as though in case to some extent

as soon as considering in order to as long as

1. __________ hard he tried, he still couldn't understand the computer manual.

2. They took ice-axes with them __________ they needed to cut steps in the ice.

3. We have nothing to fear from our enemies __________ we keep our nerve.

4. __________ that this is Henry's first competition, he has achieved a very respectable score.

5. He became an American citizen __________ promote his business interests.

6. "It looks __________ the same man committed both crimes." said the inspector.

7. While I accept your arguments __________, I cannot support the action you are taking.

8. "__________ the enemy crosses the stream, open fire!" said the captain.

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Coordinating Conjunctions Exercise

Choose the correct conjunction.

1. I did my best to pass my English exam yet / so I failed.

2. I will get my car serviced and / for there is something wrong with the brakes.

3. The suspect went to the airport and / yet tried to use a license that had his brother's

identification on it or / but he got caught.

4. Nobody expected Sam to get the job nor / so did I.

5. We can go to a Chinese restaurant or / and a Mexican, I don’t really mind.

6. It was raining heavily and / so we decided to stay at home.

7. Everybody was eager to participate the charity walk or / but the manager.

8. I got a seat in the front row for / yet I was really interested in the lecture topic.

9. My brother and / nor I will retire soon and go sailing around the world.

10. He can speak English so / and Spanish fluently, but / or his French is not so good.

1. Yet

2. For

3. And / but

4. Nor

5. Or

6. So

7. But

8. For

9. And

10. And / but

Due To / Since / Consequently

Complete the sentences with due to, since. or consequently.

1. ______________his poor eyesight, John has to sit in the front row in class.

2. _____________ John has poor eyesight, he has to sit in the front row.

3. John has poor eyesight.______________, he has to sit in the front row.

4. Sarah is afraid of heights. __________ ,she will not walk across a bridge.

5. Sarah will not walk across a bridge __________ her fear of heights.

6. ______________ a camel can go completely without water for eight to ten days, it is

an ideal animal for desert areas.

7. Mark is overweight. ___________ ,his doctor has advised him to exercise regularly.

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use

Paired Conjunctions

Fill in blanks using the words EITHER / NEITHER or BOTH

1. A: Would you like a piece of sandwich or some biscuits?

B: ___________, if possible. I’m extremely hungry.

2. A: Who would you like to go with. Peter or Andrew?

B: ___________, I’m afraid. I hate both of them.

3. A: Will you drink whiskey or do you prefer martini?

B: ___________, I really don’t care that much.

4. A: Where did you spend your vacation, Venice or Paris?

B: _________, I was in Holland.

5. A: Which restaurant shall we go?

B: ___________, I really don’t mind.

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use

Paired Conjunctions Worksheets 2

Rewrite these sentences using pair conjunctions

1. I didn’t need to visit the Cathedral. You didn’t need to either.

2. A hammer might help us with this kind of work. In fact a piece of stone might
also work.

3. You shouldn’t have called the police. Actually it was silly of you to call the
neighbors as well.

4. Breaking the silence was not the only good thing she did. She also said something
very useful.

5. Your sister must have taken some drugs. Look! The whiskey bottle is not in its
usual place either.

6. Peter didn’t like the idea of going for a walk. His wife seemed quite unwilling

7. You can take Sally or any other person with you. I really don’t care that

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May be freely copied for personal or classroom use

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