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Methods in Complex Analysis

 Cauchy-Riemann equations and the definition of differentiability for complex functions of

one variable.
 Computations with elementary (polynomial, rational, exponential, trigonometric) complex
functions; the definition and computation of complex logarithms and powers.
 Computations of integrals of continuous functions along curves in the complex plane.
 Cauchy's theorem for a simple closed path and related results, for example how to prove
Taylor's theorem and Cauchy's integral formula for the n-th derivative.
 The nature of singularities and the computation of their residues of suitable meromorphic
functions; the residue theorem and its use in the evaluation of real integrals.
 The notion of a conformal map; examples of conformal maps between elementary simple
domains; properties of bilinear maps; the Riemann mapping theorem.

- Topics
o Limits and Convergence
o Introduction to Complex Differentiation
o Complex Power Series
o Examples of Complex Functions
o Complex Powers
o The Cauchy-Riemann Equations
o Harmonic Functions
o Introduction to Complex Integration
o Cauchy’s Theorem
o Cauchy's Integral Formulae
o Liouville’s Theorem & the FT of Algebra
o Laurent Series
o Isolated Singularities
o Transcritical bifurcation
o Pitchfork bifurcations

Mechanics of Rigid and Deformable Bodies

What needs to be solved by the end of the course:

1. Derive conservation laws of linear momentum, angular momentum and energy for systems of
particles interacting along their line of centres.

2. Solve two-dimensional motions involving central forces and identify what quantities are conserved
in the motions.

3. Derive the vectorial relationship between linear and angular velocity for the motion of the
particles in a rigid body.

4. Calculate inertia tensors for various simple rigid bodies.

5. Prove and apply the parallel-axis and perpendicular-axis theorems.

6. Construct the Lagrangian function for simple motions of particles and rigid bodies.
7. Formulate and solve the Lagrangian equations for simple motions of particles and rigid bodies.

8. Derive the equations expressing conservation of mass, linear momentum and energy for a
deformable body undergoing motion described by a single spatial variable.

9. Solve simple one-dimensional problems involving the behaviour of fluids and elastic solids.

10. Manipulate Cartesian tensors and use them to derive the conservation equations for a
threedimensional deformable body (if this material is covered in the course).

- Point particle P of mass m

- 2D & cylindrical polar coordinates
- Central forces
- Motion under central forces
- Stability of circular orbits
- Theorem on conservative forces
- Conservative forces
- Motion along paths
- Motion on a smooth axisymmetric surface
- Rotating frames of reference
- Examples of motion in rotating frames
o Rotating drum,
o Motion near the surface of the Earth,
o Projectile motion
- Systems of point particles
- Systems of point particles: Angular momentum & inertia
- Kinetic energy & continuous rigid bodies
- Axisymmetric bodies, laminar bodies, & slender bodies
- Examples of rigid body motion 1
o Compound pendulum
o Cylinder rolling down an inclined plane
- Examples of rigid body motion 2
o Sphere rolling down an inclined plane
o Rotation of a body thrown in the air
o Stability of a freely rotating body
o Couples
- Kinetic energy & spinning tops
o Example: Spinning top (freely rotating axisymmetric body)
 Space cone, body cone, precession


- definition of groups, some basic arithmetic in groups.

- examples of groups
- cyclic groups
- cosets
- Lagrange's theorem
- normal subgroups, quotient groups
- group homomorphisms
- First Isomorphism Theorem
- Third Isomorphism Theorem
- Orbit-Stabiliser Theorem
- Burnside's theorem
- Subrings, ideals, quotient rings
- Ring homomorphisms
- Zero divisors, integral domains
- Maximal and prime ideals
- Ideals in polynomial rings
- Irreducible polynomials
- Irreducibility criteria
- Ring theory examples: polynomials over finite fields, endomorphism rings.
- Minimal polynomials, degree of field extensions
- Algebraic closure

Dynamical Systems

- Differential systems
o Introduction to linear systems
 n-dimensional dynamical systems and Fixed-point stability
 Hyperbolic fixed points
o Classification of 2D linear systems
o Phase portraits for the canonical systems
o Nonlinear systems
 The Lotka-Volterra system
 Stable & unstable manifolds
 Conservative systems
 Time-reversal symmetry
 Limit cycles
- Discrete systems
o Fixed points and stability
 Linearisation about fixed points and stability
 Periodic Orbits.
o The logistic map
o Lyapunov exponents and chaos
- Bifurcations
o Saddle-node bifurcation
o Transcritical bifurcation
o Pitchfork bifurcations

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