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'Scale' and 'Degree of Detalil'

an range from layout of entire cities Way encompass the design of particular
to design of 'street furniture' spaces and structures and, in this
sense, overlap with architecture,
Can include Preparation of design landscape architecture and industrial
guidelines and regulatory frameworks,

or even legislation to control May also deal with 'place management

development, advertising, etc. and, in to guide and assist the use and
this sense, overlap with urban planning.
maintenance of urban areas.


Urban Structure
How a place is put together and how its parts relate to each other

Urban Typology, Density and Sustainability

Spatial types & morphologies related to intensity of use, consumption of
resources, production & maintenance of viable communities

B Accessibility
Providing for ease, safety and choice when moving to and through places

Legibility and Way-finding

Helping people to find their way around and understand how a place works


Designing places to stimulate public activity

Function and Fit

Shaping places to support their varied intended uses
Complementary Mixed Uses
Locating activities to allow constructive interaction between them

Character and Meaning

Recognizing and valuing the differences between one place and another
Order and Incident
Balancing consistency and variety in the urban environment
in the interests of appreciating both
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Combine ies
D organin Pges
Consiauity ad.Chanbe Compress POF
Locafingpeopleintime and place, including respect for heritage and support Redact

forcontemporary culture O Protect

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Making places where people are free to encounter each other as civic equals,
an important component in building social capitalL
Urban design the architecture of town and cities by paul d spreriegen
Imagability : it is that quality in a physical object which gives it a high probability of evoking a
strong image in any given observer. It is that shape, colour or arrangements which facilitates the
making of vividly identified powerfully structured highly useful mental images of the environment
People's impression of a building, a particular environment or a whole city are more than visual.
Within the city lie many connections, memories, experiences, smells, hopes, crowds, places,
buildings, drama of life and death, affecting each person according to his particular assumptions
and life processes.
From his environment, each person constructs his own mental picture of the parts of the city in
physical relationship to one another.
The most essential part of an individual's image or map overlap the compliments those of his
fellows. Hence we can assume a collective image map or impression map of a city as a
collective picture of what people extract from the physical reality of a city. That extracted picture
is the image of the city.

5 elements through which we read a city

1. Path
2. Edge
3. District
4. Node
5. Landmarks

9 elements are described as key elements for turning a space into a workplace
These elements vary in emphasis from place to place and for a specific context few elements
might not ve applicable at all. However, collectively, these elements work in harmony to create
great places all around around the world.

1st element is people. We consider them as heart and soul of a place. When we learn about the
users or the people, their culture, and history, we can better understand why the urban form is
the way it is and how it evolved. The form is a product of social, cultural, economic and
environmental forces.  Usually we have two kind of spaces - home/work. And now we have the
3rd type - meeting places for people.

2nd element is heritage. Heritage talks about the past physical and symbolic place. The most
important criteria is to know what to retain, reuse or replace for an urban design scheme. Delay
of heritage protection and conservation depends upon the importance and  to weave the old and
new. They not only makes a place special but also gives it a unique identity.

3rd element is mixed land use.

A building is usually considered as the inside of urban design. Any building components from an
urban design perspective are important for streetscape as an entity and townscape as a whole.
The main components are as follows

1st component: Appearance and materials

Appearance is observed at two levels - at a human eye level and at the street level and it
usually talks about bottom, middle and top of any built mass
Materials along with colour give a texture to the built mass and brings vibrancy or continuity in
the streetscape.

2nd component is altogether height, bulk, set back and layout. Here we understand the interface
of one built mass with another built mass or with the street. So all this is known as analysis in
form of bulk or volumetric analysis

3rd component is orientation to the street.

4th component is degree of integration. This is not about street or volume or material. It is about
amenities like water supply, sanitary pipelines, weather protection, design of chajjas, luovers,
balconies, etc and how they are integrated with built mass.

5th element - circulation, transit and pathway. In urband design, the thrust is to move people not
car. All designs are rooted towards pedestrian, bicycle and multimodal public transit system.
There are few desirables to achieve a pedestrian friendly environment.
  1. Ease of sight or community access. This is visual as well as actual. Permeability.
  2. Proximity to essential services like food stores and basic necessities.
  3. Roadways designed with a public streetscape in mind. Example - incorporating trees or
furniture to match function.
  4. Roadways or street as a critical orientation element.

7th element Public realm : parks, plaza, roof decks, street and parking lots provide opportunities
for temporary and permanent uses integrating public, semi private and private open spaces

8th element pedestrian ways and bikeways- footpaths, bike lanes, and waterways forms
essential means to move around the city without a car. Many accessible public bands are joined
by these green ways and blue ways.
Visually impaired, physically challenged, senior citizens, joggers, motorbikes, boaters, bicycle

9th activity and activity generation. We call them as urban magnets.

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