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ROLLNO: 09CS1007


(a)Primary actor: Show Manager

R1 Configure Show Details

R1.1 Scheduling the Show

Description: stores the show dates, number of shows on a particular date

and the show timings.

Input: Show date, number of shows, and show timings.

R1.2 Setting Seat Details

Description: stores the number of balcony seats and ordinary seats to be put
on sale and their respective prices. It also stores the name and seat no
reserved for VIPs.

Input: number of balcony seats, number of ordinary seats, price of balcony

and ordinary seats, names of VIP and their respective seat number reserved
for them.

R2 Booking Status:

Description: displays the percentage of seats book and the corresponding amount
collected from selling ticket of various classes for the queried show

Input: Show-name

Output: displays percentage of seats booked and amount collected from booking for
various classes.
R3 Status of Sales agent

Description: Shows the total money collected by each sales agent and commission
payable to each sales agent (1% of total sale).

Input: Show name

Output: Displays the total money collected and commission of the sales agents.

(b) Primary Actor: Student Society President

R4 Show Balance Sheet

R4.1 Display Year Wise Balance Sheet

Description: displays the year wise balance sheet

Input: Choose the show balance sheet option

Output: Shows the year wise balance sheet

R4.2 Display Show Balance Sheet

Description: Displays the balance sheet of the required show

Input: Show name

Output: Displays the particular show balance sheet

(c) Primary Actor: Account Clerk

R5 Updating the balance Sheet

Description: Creates a balance Sheet for a particular show, if it doesn’t exists

already and updates the expenditure incurred in the show in “show-balance
sheet” and “year wise-balance sheet”.

Input: show name, types of expenditure in the show, amount of expenditure

on that particular type.

(d)Primary Actor: Sales Agent

R6 Selling Ticket

Description: stores the id of the sales agent and the total sale made by the agent, remaining
seats and booked seats are updated accordingly.

Input: Spectator Details like name, mobile number etc.

Output: Message confirming the seat booking prompts.

(e)Primary Actor: User

R7 Availability of Seats

Description: query for the availability of both balcony and normal seats for
the given show.

Input: Show-name

Output: available seats in all classes of seats.

R8 Booking Seats

R8.1 Creating premium users

Description: User details like name, address etc, and show name are
stored in database, Rs 1000 are deducted from the user and a 10 digit
unique id is generated.

Input: Show name, User details like name, account number etc.

Output: 10 digit unique Id

R8.2 Booking Seats by regular user

Description: Remaining seats and booked seats are updated

accordingly and ticket price is deducted from user and the total ticket
sale is updated.

Input: Show name, Number of seats, Seat Preference, User details like
name, mobile number etc.

Output: Printed ticket with seat numbers.

R8.3 Booking Seats by premium user

Description: Remaining seats and booked seats are updated

accordingly in the database and the ticket price is deducted from the
user after giving 10% discount on the actual ticket price.

Input: Number of Seats, Seat Preference

Output: Printed ticket with seat numbers.

R9 Cancellation of ticket
Description: Check for the validity of Ticket holder. Calculate days left in the
show and return him/her appropriate amount after deducting Rs 5 per ticket
if ticket is cancelled before 3 days of the show, otherwise deducting Rs 10 for
ordinary ticket and Rs 15 for balcony ticket if the ticket is cancelled at least
one day before the show deducting 50% ticket price.

Input: Seat Number, Spectator name

R10 Upcoming shows

Description: displays various shows along to be held in the auditorium in the

next one month and price of seats of various classes

Input: Select the option

Output: displays the list of shows to be held in next one month with their
seat prices of various classes.

(f)Primary Actor: Auditorium Secretary

R11 Authorizing Show Managers

Description: authorizes the show manager whose names are selected by the
Auditorium manager.

Input: Show Name, selected show manager names

Output: Displays Show manager list

R12 Scheduling the Shows

Description: Schedules the show

Input: Show Name, Show Dates

Output: Displays show schedule

R13 Authorizing Sales Agents

Description: authorizes the sales agents whose names are selected by Auditorium

Input: Show name, selected sales agent names

Output: Displays show sales agent


R1. The software should run on high end PC and free software such as Linux and Apache
web server.

R2. The system should ensure that data is protected from unauthorised class. The system
shall include a user authorisation procedure where users must identify themselves using a
login name and password. Only users who are authorised in this way may access the system

R3. The software can be accessed by different users from various terminals.

R4. Software must be reliable and proper handling of database must be done on a central

R5.System should be user friendly and well structured so that changes can be easily made in
order to meet future requirements.

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