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The Primacy of Cognition in Schizophrenia.

Article  in  American Psychologist · May 2005

DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.60.3.229 · Source: PubMed

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1 author:

Walter Heinrichs
York University


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The Primacy of Cognition in Schizophrenia
R. Walter Heinrichs
York University

Cognitive tasks and concepts are used increasingly in fects in thought and language, perception, memory, and
schizophrenia science and treatment. Recent meta-analyses attention appear in vulnerable children long before psycho-
show that across a spectrum of research domains only sis erupts into their lives (Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al.,
cognitive measures distinguish a majority of schizophrenia 2000). Patients experiencing their first psychotic episodes
patients from healthy people. Average effect sizes derived are cognitively impaired, and this impairment is relatively
from common clinical tests of attention, memory, language, stable over time (Albus et al., 2002). Recent studies suggest
and reasoning are twice as large as those obtained in little or no relation between symptoms and cognitive per-
structural magnetic resonance imaging and positron emis- formance early in the illness, and cognitive deficits remain
sion tomography studies. Chronic stress, genes, brain dis- when symptoms remit in response to medication (Hughes
turbances, task structure, gender, and sociocultural back- et al., 2003; Rund et al., 2004). It is recognized that
ground may all enhance the sensitivity of cognitive cognitive abilities influence quality of life and long-term
performance to schizophrenia. At the same time, disease adjustment and underpin learning and skills-based thera-
heterogeneity and the presence of endophenotypes and pies and interventions (Green, Kern, Braff, & Mintz, 2000).
subtypes within the patient population may place upper Hence, cognitive remediation programs have been devel-
limits on the strength of any specific cognitive finding. oped to modify the deficits observed in schizophrenia pa-
Schizophrenia is a complex biobehavioral disorder that tients (Reeder, Newton, Frangou, & Wykes, 2004). Fur-
manifests itself primarily in cognition. thermore, interest in psychotherapy, especially cognitive
approaches, has gradually rekindled (Bellack, 2004; Karon
& VandenBos, 1981; Trower et al., 2004). Cognitive func-

tion is also considered increasingly as a target for new
t the turn of the 20th century, a form of madness
forms of medication (Harvey & Keefe, 2001). Finally,
that came to be called schizophrenia was de-
hypotheses about the neurobiology and etiology of the
scribed and distinguished from mood disorders
illness use cognitive theory, methods, and findings (An-
like mania and melancholia (Kraepelin, 1896, 1919).
dreasen et al., 1999).
Schizophrenia was observed in young people and persisted
Thus, cognitive tasks and theory have come to play a
for years, working its way deeply and intimately into mind
role in many fields of schizophrenia research and clinical
and behavior. People with the illness might hear the roars
practice. However, although cognitive impairment is
of Satan or the whispers of children. They might move
viewed as an integral part of the illness, the magnitude and
armies with their thoughts and receive instructions from
implications of this impairment relative to other findings
other worlds. They might feel penetrated by scheming
have received little discussion. Cognitive deficits are not
parasites, stalked by enemies, or praised by guardian an-
only part of the schizophrenia syndrome; they are the
gels. People with schizophrenia might also speak nonsen-
primary expression of the schizophrenic brain. In this arti-
sically, their language at once intricate and impenetrable.
cle, I will draw from quantified evidence (meta-analysis)
And many would push, or be pushed, to the edge of the
and document the magnitude of cognitive impairment
social landscape, overcome by solitude.
within a broad context of neuroscience findings. I will then
Yet there was more to this illness than dramatic de-
discuss influences that may enhance and limit these mag-
lusions and hallucinations, disorganized language, bizarre
nitudes and argue for the importance of cognition in un-
behavior, and profound withdrawal. Early psychopatholo-
derstanding the nature of schizophrenia.
gists noted subtle disturbances in attention, memory, rea-
soning, and judgment. Indeed, Bleuler (1943, 1911/1950) A Panorama of Quantified Evidence
argued for impaired associative thinking, rather than delu-
sions or hallucinations, as a fundamental defect of the Evaluating the diverse and burgeoning knowledge base of
disorder. The diagnosis and study of schizophrenia were schizophrenia science has been a major challenge over the
founded on its characteristic symptoms. But there were last two decades, giving rise to increased application of
hints of another and perhaps more basic dimension, a meta-analysis and research synthesis. Meta-analysis statis-
cognitive dimension that coexisted with psychotic and so- tically integrates the results of previous studies and cali-
cial aspects of the illness.
Impaired cognition is now seen as a feature of schizo- Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to R. Walter
phrenia that precedes, accompanies, and then outlasts a Heinrichs, Department of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Ontario
patient’s symptoms and medical regimen. Measurable de- M3J 1P3, Canada. E-mail:

April 2005 ● American Psychologist 229

Copyright 2005 by the American Psychological Association 0003-066X/05/$12.00
Vol. 60, No. 3, 229 –242 DOI: 10.1037/0003-066X.60.3.229
schizophrenia patients (Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003; Hei-
nrichs, 2001; Heinrichs & Zakzanis, 1998; Zakzanis &
Heinrichs, 1999). This synthesis is especially informative
because, in addition to quantifying a wide range of findings
from attention to cell counts, it used uniform study selec-
tion standards and statistical methods. Articles were in-
cluded if they compared healthy people and patients who
met criteria for schizophrenia based on the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychi-
atric Association, 1980, 1987, 1994 [DSM–IV]) or the
International Classification of Diseases (World Health Or-
ganization, 1978, 1992). In addition, articles had to report
descriptive or inferential statistics that were convertible to
Cohen’s d (Cohen, 1988), a common measure of ES. ES in
these meta-analyses was calculated as (Mc – Ms)/SDp,
where Mc is the control group mean, Ms is the schizophre-
nia group mean, and SDp is the pooled standard deviation.
The PsycINFO and MEDLINE databases were searched
back to 1980 along with reference sections from published
reviews in order to minimize the omission of relevant
R. Walter studies. Altogether, the synthesis quantified the results of
Heinrichs 639 articles reporting schizophrenia-healthy control differ-
ences in cognition, psychophysiology, and neurobiology.
This synthesis will be used to illustrate several points about
the strength of cognitive evidence and the wider spectrum
brates the average magnitude of difference (effect size of schizophrenia science.
[ES]) in the dependent variable between groups or condi- First consider the overview of research domains pre-
tions. Confidence intervals placed around the average ES sented in Figure 1. Studies were compiled into a cognitive
provide a quasi-inferential estimate of stability and error. In performance domain if they involved an information-pro-
addition, methodology and sample characteristics can be cessing task and reported response times, accuracy scores
coded as moderator variables and analyzed for relation- and errors, or verbal behavior. This yielded results primar-
ships with study outcomes. For example, a meta-analyst ily from easily administered and commonly used clinical
may suspect that the use of more or less medicated clinical and neuropsychological tests of digit span, verbal recall,
samples accounts for a portion of ES variability between word generation, spatial ability, attention, and reasoning
studies. Correlating each study’s ES and proportion of (Heinrichs, 2001, pp. 256 –260; Heinrichs & Zakzanis,
patients on medication can assess such possibilities. How- 1998). Results derived from laboratory and experimental
ever, moderator analysis is only feasible if large numbers tasks and paradigms like perceptual masking (Green,
of reports include the relevant information. Still, in theory Nuechterlein, Breitmeyer, & Mintz, 1999) and shadowing
and often in practice, meta-analysis offers a useful toolbox or dichotic listening (Wielgus & Harvey, 1988) were also
for estimating the strength and attributes of evidence in included. The grand mean ES in cognitive performance
psychological and medical science. As such, it represents a studies of schizophrenia patients and healthy people came
major advance over the traditional, and often highly selec- to 0.92 pooled standard deviation units. In other words, on
tive and impressionistic, literature review (Lipsey & Wil- average, healthy comparison groups scored almost one
son, 2001, pp. 5–9). standard deviation unit higher or better on the average
Average ESs are available for schizophrenia-control performance measure than did the average group of schizo-
differences in cognition (Aleman, Hijman, de Haan, & phrenia patients.
Kahn, 1999; Bokat & Goldberg, 2003; Johnson-Selfridge Studies were considered in the cognitive psychophys-
& Zalewski, 2001), evoked potentials (Jeon & Polich, iology domain if they involved a mental or information-
2001, 2003), regional brain volumes (Konick & Friedman, processing task but measured outcome with surface and
2001; Lawrie & Abukmeil, 1998; Nelson, Saykin, Flash- electrophysiological recordings and responses. This inte-
man, & Riordan, 1998; Wright et al., 2000), cerebral me- grated studies of eye movements during visual tracking
tabolism and blood flow (Zakzanis, Poulin, Hansen, & tasks and reports on the amplitude and latency of electrical
Jolic, 2000), dopamine receptor densities (Kestler, Walker, brain potentials in response to novel or repeated events
& Vega, 2001; Zakzanis & Hansen, 1998), and obstetrical (Iacono, 1998). Cognitive psychophysiology findings were
events (Cannon, Jones, & Murray, 2002; Geddes et al., similar in magnitude to cognitive performance, averaging
1999). about one ES standard deviation unit relative to healthy
The most inclusive and systematic synthesis is a series people.
of meta-analyses ranging across two decades of research A large number of neurobiological fields were also
and 82 quantified differences between healthy people and included. The results of postmortem techniques, which

230 April 2005 ● American Psychologist

Figure 1
Meta-Analytic Findings of Impairment in Different Domains of Schizophrenia Research

Note. This summary includes grand mean effect sizes and their 95% confidence intervals derived from clinical and experimental tests of cognitive performance
(Heinrichs, 2001; Heinrichs & Zakzanis, 1998); smooth pursuit eye tracking and evoked potential measures of cognitive psychophysiology (Heinrichs, 2001);
postmortem neuroanatomical and neurotransmitter receptor binding studies (Heinrichs, 2001); positron emission tomography (PET) and xenon inhalation studies of
regional metabolism and blood flow conducted with participants engaged in cognitive activation tasks (Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003); PET studies of regional
metabolism, blood flow, and receptor binding and xenon blood flow studies with participants in a resting state (Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003; Heinrichs, 2001); and
regional volumetric measurements of the frontal and temporal lobes based on structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003).

provide unparalleled spatial resolution of brain tissue, in- ical index (i.e., glucose metabolism vs. blood flow) and the
cluded findings in cytoarchitecture (e.g., neuronal cell dis- ESs in 55 imaging studies. Hence, for summary purposes,
array and disorientation; see Zaidel, Esiri, & Harrison, these studies were combined into one domain. However,
1997) and neurotransmitter receptor densities (e.g., dopa- some articles used an information-processing task and re-
mine; see Dean, Scarr, Bradbury, & Copolov, 1999). Taken ported changes in regional brain metabolism or blood flow
together they yielded a grand mean ES of 0.85. in response to this task. Other studies reported only resting
Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers state or baseline hemodynamic and metabolic or receptor
the highest resolution of neuroanatomical detail available occupancy data. This methodological difference was of
in living people. Moreover, structural MRI studies of re- theoretical interest and hence studies were compiled and
gional brain volumes are numerous. Davidson and Hein- quantified into separate PET/xenon active (ES ⫽ 0.58) and
richs (2003) found 100 articles published between 1988 resting domains (ES ⫽ 0.41). Two very recent outgrowths
and 2002 reporting frontal and temporal lobe volumes in of existing technology, functional MRI (e.g., Salgado-
schizophrenia patients and healthy people. These studies Pineda et al., 2004) and diffusion tensor imaging (e.g.,
produced a grand mean ES of 0.41. Nestor et al., 2004), were not included because of the small
A variety of imaging methods have been used to index number of studies reporting data convertible to ESs.1
regional cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Early blood The evidential value of an ES is implied by a number
flow methods like the xenon inhalation technique (Ingvar & of quantitative rules of thumb as well as by theoretical
Franzen, 1974; Mathew, Duncan, Weinman, & Barr, 1982) considerations. Thus, for example, ES ⫽ 0.78 separates
were superseded by positron emission tomography (PET)
scanning (e.g., Ragland et al., 1998) during the 1990s. Yet
Davidson and Heinrichs (2003) found no relationships be- 1
Paradoxically, the evolution of neuroimaging is making quantita-
tween imaging method (i.e., PET vs. xenon) or physiolog- tive synthesis and evaluation more difficult. Functional magnetic reso-

April 2005 ● American Psychologist 231

slightly less than half of patients and controls in a joint Nevertheless, this criticism does not apply in the same
distribution (Cohen, 1988). Hence, the average ESs of way to comparisons of cognitive and neuroimaging do-
neuroimaging literatures indicate very extensive overlap mains. True, these domains comprise literatures that use
between healthy people and patient groups in terms of the qualitatively different kinds of measures. However, the
biological variables measured in these fields. It is also patient populations involved are essentially the same. The
noteworthy that ESs for regional brain volume (MRI) are descriptive data presented in Table 1 suggest that the pri-
very similar to those for physiology (PET/xenon), whereas mary difference between the 155 neuroimaging and 204
both contrast with the magnitudes of cognitive domains. In cognitive studies underlying the findings in Figure 1 is the
fact, only cognitive studies yield average ESs large enough average sample size. Otherwise, the clinical samples that
to distinguish a clear majority of patients from healthy give rise to cognitive and neuroimaging evidence are very
people. similar. It seems unlikely that commonly reported patient
Another important aspect of research outcomes is the characteristics confound the ES comparisons in these
stability or reproducibility of findings. This can be indexed broad research domains. Therefore, it is important to
by the 95% confidence interval for the average ES, which note the sensitivity and discriminating power of cogni-
is analogous to a margin of error within which the mean is tive measures when contrasted with the results of neu-
most likely to occur. When this interval is large and in- roimaging methods.
cludes 0, then, by definition, the average difference be- Of course, grand mean ESs paint a picture of cognitive
tween patients and healthy people may also be 0. Similarly, evidence in extremely broad strokes, generalizing and col-
mean effects with overlapping confidence intervals are lapsing across many specific tasks and measures. However,
statistically indistinguishable, whereas completely sepa- the strength of this evidence is even more apparent when
rated intervals imply significant differences. literatures relevant to specific hypotheses are examined.
In light of these considerations, all of the research For example, studies of left frontal lobe cognition, anat-
domains in Figure 1 consistently generate findings well omy, and physiology have a long history in schizophrenia
removed from 0. However, the PET/xenon and MRI do- science. Average ESs from three cognitive performance
mains yield findings that occur in minorities of schizophre- literatures (Heinrichs, 2001; Heinrichs & Zakzanis, 1998)
nia patients. These neuroimaging domains also represent a associated with the frontal region and three neuroimaging
statistical dead heat situation in terms of their relative mean literatures (Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003) are presented in
ESs. In other words, they are equivalent in their ability to Figure 2. Across all left frontal brain research domains, the
discriminate patients and healthy people. Structural MRI largest average findings involve cognitive performance.
findings are remarkably stable if modest in magnitude. The Relevant abilities and measures include generating words
confidence intervals for the cognitive and postmortem do- that begin with specified letters (Controlled Oral Word
mains also overlap, implying equality of the respective Association Test [COWAT]; Benton & Hamsher, 1989),
mean ESs. At the same time, these intervals suggest that abstract reasoning and mental flexibility indexed by the
cognitive performance yields significantly larger average Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (Heaton, Chelune, Talley,
ESs and hence more powerful findings than the neuroim- Kay, & Curtiss, 1993), and working memory and attention-
aging domains. related deficiency on the Continuous Performance Test
Comparison of evidential strength across research do- (Adler et al., 2001; Barch et al., 2001; Cornblatt & Erlen-
mains is vulnerable to the apples-and-oranges criticism meyer-Kimling, 1985; Nuechterlein, 1983).
sometimes leveled at meta-analysis. In other words, it is Associated confidence intervals for the cognitive per-
questionable to compare qualitatively different data derived formance domains in Figure 2 indicate that the three mean
from different sources. Thus, what does it mean to say that, ESs are equivalent in magnitude and approximate 1.00.
in general, postmortem brain tissue data yield larger ESs This means that at least half and perhaps as many as two
than those produced by MRI data from relatively young thirds of schizophrenia patients score below the range of
living people? It may be meaningful to compare the dis- healthy participants on these performance tasks. In con-
criminating power of different research methods when they trast, the neuroimaging domains all yield less discriminat-
are applied to the same kinds of samples. But when qual- ing power, with average effects approximately half the size
itatively different methods are applied to qualitatively dif- of the cognitive findings. Hence, PET/xenon studies of left
ferent samples, then the meaning of the comparison is less frontal brain activation, resting metabolism, and blood flow
clear. as well as structural MRI-based studies of left frontal
volumes distinguish a minority of patients from healthy
people. It is also informative to consider the close similar-
ity between active (ES ⫽ 0.54) and resting (ES ⫽ 0.48)
nance studies often report only p values or statistically significant z scores PET/xenon literatures. It appears that using activation tasks
instead of group means and standard deviations. In addition, results are does not necessarily yield patient-control differences larger
frequently provided only for those spatial coordinates that yield significant
contrasts. These attributes make conversion of study outcomes into ESs than those obtained with only resting or baseline conditions
questionable and render cross-study comparisons problematic (see Lipsey (Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003). However, the confidence
& Wilson, 2001, pp. 34 –72). Hence, none of the published meta-analyses intervals for these domains are large, implying the exis-
cited in the present article included functional MRI studies. Special tence of considerable variability and instability in study
meta-analytic techniques or changes in reporting practices will be required
as the functional MRI literature expands.
outcomes. The structural MRI domain again seems to yield

232 April 2005 ● American Psychologist

lation. The PET/xenon studies of this region yield fairly
Table 1 small and highly variable ESs. Indeed, consideration of the
Descriptive Statistics for Schizophrenia Samples Used confidence intervals for the mean effects shows that they
in Neuroimaging and Cognitive Performance Studies include 0. Therefore, it could be argued that on average,
Neuroimaging Cognitive
patients and healthy people are essentially identical in
literature literature temporal lobe blood flow and metabolism. However, the
variability in outcomes implies that technical, design, and
Variable M SD M SD
sample composition differences between studies may con-
Sample size 26.1 18.6 36.1 30.2 tribute to effect magnitudes within these domains (see
Age (years) 31.9 5.4 34.4 10.0 Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003; Heinrichs, 2004). Overall,
Proportion of men (%) 78.6 18.3 82.4 63.0 nonetheless, it is clear that schizophrenia manifests itself
First hospitalization (age) 22.5 2.0 22.2 3.2 strongly in cognitive performance and more moderately
Length of illness (years) 10.0 4.9 12.7 7.6 and often inconsistently in neuroimaging measures of as-
Number of admissions 5.5 5.0 3.9 7.4 sociated brain systems.
Education (years) 12.6 0.9 12.0 1.1 The point of these overviews and comparisons is not
Antipsychotic medication to maintain that cognitive performance measures are some-
(%) 79.6 34.6 77.6 36.6
CPZ equivalent daily
how better than neuroimaging measures. Different ques-
dose (mg) 555.7 281.1 582.1 340.3 tions are being asked and answered with different instru-
ments in these fields, and they yield different categories of
Note. Sample data for neuroimaging studies were obtained from Davidson data. Yet there is one evaluation that can be applied across
and Heinrichs (2003) and for cognitive performance studies, from Heinrichs
and Zakzanis (1998). CPZ ⫽ chlorpromazine.
these diverse methods—their relative ability to discrimi-
nate healthy people from those with schizophrenia. And in
this respect, the discrepancy between neuroimaging tech-
niques, which have driven the neuroscience approach to
psychiatric disorders over the last two decades, and cogni-
stable average findings. This domain suggests that a mi- tive techniques is striking. The strength of cognitive find-
nority of schizophrenia patients, perhaps only a quarter, has ings is perhaps especially noteworthy because most of the
reduced left frontal lobe brain volumes relative to healthy techniques used to generate these findings are decidedly
people. low tech in nature. Orally administered and paper-and-
Another case in point is the left temporal lobe system, pencil tests— everyday tools to many clinical psycholo-
which has been considered along with the frontal lobes as gists—rather than sophisticated high-tech brain-imaging
part of a dysfunctional network in schizophrenia. In addi- instruments, distinguish people with schizophrenia most
tion to the neocortex, more medial regions of the temporal clearly.
lobe, like the hippocampus, which underpins aspects of
verbal memory, are of interest. Two cognitive (Heinrichs, Why Are Cognitive Measures So
2001; Heinrichs & Zakzanis, 1998) and four neuroimaging Sensitive to Schizophrenia?
(Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003) literatures are presented in
Figure 3. Here again there is a pattern wherein cognitive Instead of trying to explain, or explain away, modest neu-
performance yields large average ESs and neuroimaging roimaging findings, it makes sense to consider reasons for
measures of associated cerebral regions yield modest and the apparent strength of cognitive performance as an indi-
sometimes small and unstable effects. Verbal learning and cator of schizophrenia. Several possibilities are presented
recall of word lists and stories (verbal memory) in partic- schematically in Figure 4. However, it is important to note
ular produce substantial case-control differences that prob- that cognition-mediating processes will only amplify or
ably distinguish more than 70% of patients and controls in diminish ESs if these processes exist unequally in patient
a joint distribution. The memory findings presented in and control groups or interact with the disease in some
Figure 3 were produced by the Wechsler Memory Scale way. After all, the purpose of matching and control group
and its revisions (e.g., Wechsler, 1987) and by the Califor- designs is to eliminate or at least limit extraneous influ-
nia Verbal Learning Test (Delis, Kramer, Kaplan, & Ober, ences on group differences. Still, many potential cognition-
1987) and the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (Spreen mediating factors, from medication to the influence of a
& Strauss, 1998, pp. 326 –340). The selective attention chronic illness, cannot be equalized between patient and
version of dichotic listening (Egeth, 1992), whereby re- control groups and either exist selectively in patient popu-
search participants shadow one message and ignore an- lations or represent interacting variables.
other, is in the same range of effect magnitudes. Pathophysiology
In contrast to these large cognitive performance dif-
ferences between patients and healthy people, structural One cognition mediator that may occur preferentially in
MRI studies of the left temporal lobe and subregions like schizophrenia patients and not in healthy people is illness-
the hippocampus yield very modest but stable evidence. related brain disturbance or pathophysiology. Cognitive
These ESs suggest that tissue volumes are below the nor- performance depends on the integrity of brain systems that
mal range in one quarter to one third of the patient popu- mediate information processing. When this integrity is

April 2005 ● American Psychologist 233

Figure 2
Meta-Analytic Findings in Left Frontal Lobe System Domains

Note. This summary shows grand mean effect sizes and their 95% confidence intervals synthesized from studies of phonemic word fluency (Controlled Oral Word
Association Test [COWAT]; Benton & Hamsher, 1983; Heinrichs, 2001), the category score from the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; Heaton et al., 1993;
Heinrichs, 2001), Continuous Performance Test (CPT) scores indexing response accuracy and discrimination (d⬘; Barch et al., 2001; Heinrichs, 2001), positron
emission tomography (PET) and xenon imaging in active and resting conditions, and structural magnetic resonance (MRI) measures of left frontal lobe brain volumes
(Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003).

compromised through disease, trauma, or faulty develop- nature of this cerebral compromise remains a challenge
ment, then performance problems ensue. Yet cerebral in- (Harrison, 1999; Harrison & Weinberger, 2005). There are
tegrity is multidimensional, and cognition typically de- few signs of obvious lesions, although postmortem brain
pends on distributed neural mechanisms rather than on one tissue may reveal cell disorganization and other possible
circumscribed region. For example, formation and recall of echoes of arrested neurodevelopment (Selemon, 2001). For
new memories seems to involve several structures includ- the most part, findings on brain dysfunction in schizophre-
ing the hippocampus, dorsomedial thalamus, and basal nia derive from neuroimaging studies like those summa-
forebrain, with possibly a special role for cholinergic neu- rized in Figures 1–3. Hence the picture of cerebral com-
rotransmission within this system (Baddeley et al., 2000). promise that emerges is one of reduced tissue volumes in
Similarly, analogical reasoning is fractionated across the key structures, altered or absent patterns of regional blood
brain (Wharton et al., 2000). However, some abilities are flow and metabolism, and increased or decreased neuro-
more focally represented. Thus, a small region of the infe- transmitter densities. Meta-analysis reveals that these find-
rior temporal lobe may play a crucial role in category- ings probably occur in minorities of schizophrenia patients.
specific naming (Pouratian, Bookheimer, Rubino, Martin, Still, many applications of neuroimaging show that re-
& Toga, 2003). Overall, the cerebral representation of gional anatomy and physiology vary with cognitive perfor-
cognitive abilities is understood to be complex, multifocal, mance in the illness, and this finding supports the idea that
and dynamic (Mar, 2004; Sporns, Chialvo, Kaiser, & a disturbed brain may contribute to the severity of cognitive
Hilgetag, 2004). deficits.
Many researchers and clinicians believe that schizo- For example, recent fronto-temporal neuroimaging
phrenia compromises normal function in fronto-temporal findings correlate with word generation (Watanabe & Kato,
brain systems, giving rise to the cognitive impairments 2004), verbal memory (Harrison, 2004; Weiss et al., 2004),
seen in most patients. Yet demonstrating and describing the and abstraction (Yacubian et al., 2002) performance in

234 April 2005 ● American Psychologist

Figure 3
Meta-Analytic Findings in Left Temporal Lobe System Domains

Note. The summary includes grand mean effect sizes and their 95% confidence intervals synthesized from measures of words or paragraphs recalled over trials
(verbal memory; Heinrichs & Zakzanis, 1998), auditory selective attention or shadowing performance (dichotic listening) studies (Heinrichs, 2001), volumetric
structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the hippocampal subregion and entire left temporal lobe as well as positron emission tomography (PET) and
xenon imaging during task active and resting conditions (Davidson & Heinrichs, 2003).

schizophrenia patients. In addition, special high-resolution that an underlying brain disturbance enhances the sensitiv-
techniques are beginning to articulate the abnormal cir- ity of cognitive performance to schizophrenia. A convinc-
cuitry that may underpin at least some cases of the illness. ing and reproducible demonstration with details on the
Hence, Nestor et al. (2004) used diffusion tensor imaging, nature of this disturbance is still missing. Hence, increas-
which provides data on brain fiber tract integrity, to study ingly, research on pathophysiology is being linked to neu-
cerebral correlates of cognitive performance. The coher- rogenetic paradigms in an effort to clarify both the origins
ence and directionality of the fronto-temporal tract ac- and the location of the putative schizophrenic brain distur-
counted for more than half the variance in patients’ Wech- bance.
sler Memory Scale—Third Edition (Wechsler, 1997) verbal
Genetic Influences
recall scores. Such findings not only support the idea that
impaired cognitive performance in schizophrenia reflects One of the most important constraints on cognitive ability
an impaired brain, they provide potential clues about the in health or illness is genetic in nature. General cognitive
underlying pathophysiology. ability is under strong genetic influence, and this general
Against this support it must be admitted that cognitive factor contributes to many different tasks (Plomin & Spi-
impairments do not always correlate with neurobiological nath, 2002). Therefore, inheritance plays a role in every
data in a predictable or consistent way. For example, hip- patient’s—and every healthy person’s— cognitive strengths
pocampal volumes associate with executive function in- and weaknesses. In principle, the use of healthy research
stead of with verbal memory performance in some studies participants should randomize the contribution of these
(Szeszko et al., 2002; Torres, Flashman, O’Leary, Swayze, cognition genes across patient and control groups. Unless,
& Andreasen, 1997). Indeed, a recent review concluded of course, one or more genes involved in cognition are also
that memory deficit–regional brain correlations are ex- involved in causing schizophrenia. In that case, the gene
tremely inconsistent in schizophrenia patients (Weiss & may contribute selectively to impairment in the patient
Heckers, 2001). Accordingly, it is likely, but not proven, group.

April 2005 ● American Psychologist 235

Task Content and Structure
Figure 4
Multiple Influences on Cognitive Performance in Cognitive performance also reflects the tasks and proce-
Schizophrenia dures used to measure it. Moreover, it is apparent that
cognitive tasks vary in their discriminating power when
administered to schizophrenia patients and healthy people.
For example, the timed phonemic fluency or COWAT
(Benton & Hamsher, 1989) included in Figure 2 yields a
mean ES of 1.09 (Heinrichs, 2001; see also Bokat &
Goldberg, 2003). In contrast, the well-known Block Design
subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Revised
(Wechsler, 1981) yields an ES of only 0.46. The respec-
tive—and nonoverlapping—95% confidence intervals for
these means (COWAT: 0.92–1.26; Block Design: 0.24 –
0.68) suggest that the word fluency effect is significantly
larger than the Block Design effect. If the clinical samples
used to generate these effects are similar, then it is tempting
to conclude that schizophrenia involves a more severe
impairment in rapid word generation than in spatial rea-
soning. Hence, all other things being equal, tests of these
two abilities will differ in their sensitivity to the illness.
However, many things are not equal, and this compli-
cates the interpretation of task performance and inferences
about test sensitivity. Most popular tasks in schizophrenia
research are standardized clinical tests measuring more
than one aspect of cognition at a time. The phonemic
fluency task mentioned above is a case in point. The
COWAT elicits words beginning with specified letters over
Genetic relatedness is one of the few factors consis- three 1-min trials, with the total number produced repre-
tently shown to elevate a person’s risk for developing senting the main performance index. Yet the test taker is
schizophrenia (Gottesman, 2001). For example, having one also instructed to observe a rule that responses cannot be
parent with the illness alters the risk from a population base proper nouns or variations of a previous response. Accord-
rate of 1% to a risk of about 13%. In the special case of ingly, the test can be viewed as an index of language
identical twins and fully shared genetic endowment, the function because it involves word retrieval. But it also taps
risk to one twin if the other develops schizophrenia ap- executive ability and working memory because of the re-
proaches 50%. Adoption studies have shown that it is quirement to maintain and apply a response rule while
primarily biology and not family environment that predicts searching and selecting candidate words. Finally, the pho-
these elevations (Ingraham & Kety, 2000). Yet the search nemic word fluency test measures processing speed be-
for specific genes, regulatory mechanisms, and gene prod- cause of the time limit imposed. Is one or all of these
ucts involved in schizophrenia is an ongoing enterprise that abilities especially sensitive to schizophrenia?
has yielded no definitive answers. In the clinical practice of neuropsychological assess-
One possibility is that genes influencing key brain ment, psychologists usually use batteries of tests varying in
regions like the frontal lobes are those that also confer a performance requirements to aid interpretation of an indi-
susceptibility to schizophrenia. The COMT (catechol-O- vidual patient’s cognitive status (see Lezak, Howiesen, &
methyltransferase) Val(158)Met polymorphism and adja- Loring, 2004). Hence, impaired word fluency in the pres-
cent genes that mediate brain development are possible ence of normal performance on other language-related and
candidates in this regard (Bilder et al., 2002; Sanders et al., working memory tasks may mean that processing speed is
2004). In addition, genes involved in cognition, but not in the most compromised function. Researchers in cognitive
the etiology of schizophrenia, may interact with the com- neuroscience parse the mind with experimental paradigms
plex biology of the illness. For example, the NOTCH4 gene and focus on more refined operations like lexical phono-
is believed to influence frontal brain tissue volume and logical retrieval instead of standard word generation (see
cognition. Recent evidence implies that the NOTCH4 does Martin, 2003). Yet controversies dog basic science as well
not associate with susceptibility to the illness but does as practice with respect to the nature, composition, and
mediate cognition differently in patients and healthy people measurement of key cognitive constructs (Logan, 2004;
(Wassink, Nopoulos, Pietila, Crowe, & Andreasen, 2003). Tulving, 2002). The general consensus in schizophrenia
Accordingly, it is probable that complex interactions be- research is that multiple aspects of cognition are impaired,
tween disease susceptibility and cognition-related genes as including attention, working memory, encoding acquisi-
well as their direct effects enhance the sensitivity of cog- tion, and executive ability (Blanchard & Neale, 1994;
nitive performance to schizophrenia. Heinrichs, 1993). These impairments are captured power-

236 April 2005 ● American Psychologist

fully but rather coarsely by commonly used tests of cog- conditions not associated with stress and distress, like
nitive ability, and more detailed articulation is required. antisocial personality disorder, show normal cognitive
Apart from the putative function or process tapped by function (Crowell, Kieffer, Kugeares, & Vanderploeg,
a given task, there is the level of complexity, difficulty, and 2003).
therefore mental effort it requires. Hence, it is possible to It is known that a substantial proportion of schizo-
design and administer easy or demanding cognitive tasks, phrenia patients experience stress, anxiety, and a related
and this difficulty dimension can augment or reduce group decline in life quality (Ponizovsky, Grinshpoon, Sasson, &
differences (Chapman & Chapman, 1989). For example, Levav, 2004; Steer, Kumar, Pinninti, & Beck, 2003; Weth-
impaired word production in schizophrenia may reflect erell et al., 2003). Moreover, stress hormone levels predict
faulty search strategies or faulty selection from competing patients’ cognitive performance (Halari et al., 2004). How-
alternatives— or both. But then consider the difficulty of ever, it is less clear whether chronic stress and distress are
corresponding tasks and conditions. Marvel, Schwartz, and by-products of schizophrenia or precede and contribute to
Isaacs (2004) found that patients showed only search def- illness onset in the first place. For example, there is evi-
icits when search and selection conditions were equalized dence of abnormal stress hormone biology in adolescents at
for level of difficulty. It is possible that many cognitive risk for psychosis (Walker, Walder, & Reynolds, 2001).
tasks are sensitive to schizophrenia simply because they are Yet cognitive impairment is relatively mild during the
effort demanding rather than because they require mental prodrome period prior to the first psychotic episode
operations selectively impaired in the illness. (Hawkins et al., 2004). At the same time, there is little to
These considerations are complemented by the likeli- suggest that most patients undergo a progressive cognitive
hood that the processing requirements of a cognitive test deterioration over the course of illness (Albus et al., 2002;
interact dynamically with preserved and impaired brain Friedman, Harvey, Kemether, Byne, & Davis, 1999). On
systems to influence discriminating power and ES. Thus, if balance, it is reasonable to argue that the persisting stress
defects in specific cerebral systems underlie schizophrenia, and distress experienced by many schizophrenia patients
then tasks mediated by those systems will be impaired. have a performance-reducing effect on cognition. How-
However, compensatory brain regions may take over and ever, ambiguity remains with respect to the origin, nature,
normalize performance if part of a neural system is ren- and consistency of this reduction.
dered inoperative by disease. It seems, for example, that In contrast, the potential influence of antipsychotic
some aspects of memory lend themselves to compensation medication on cognitive performance can only occur fol-
and others do not. Memory-impaired schizophrenia pa- lowing exposure to mental health care services and a pro-
tients with deficient hippocampal activation benefit nor- visional diagnosis. It has been known for 3 decades that
mally from encoding manipulations designed to enhance psychotic symptoms diminish to the extent that drugs block
recall (Weiss et al., 2003). Put another way, verbal learning receptors for dopamine and other neurotransmitters (See-
and recall tests are highly sensitive to the illness (Aleman, man & Lee, 1975). Furthermore, there is evidence that the
Hijman, de Haan, & Kahn, 1999), but encoding manipula- brain responds to this blockade by growing more receptors
tion tests are not. This differential sensitivity may occur (Cooper, Bloom, & Roth, 1996, pp. 313–330). In a way,
because patients increase prefrontal activation in the ab- drug treatment alters the working brains of people with
sence of hippocampal activation. It seems that greater schizophrenia. The question is whether this alteration me-
prefrontal activity compensates for lack of hippocampal diates the cognitive impairments that are so prevalent in the
recruitment during a memory task. It follows, therefore, illness.
that the sensitivity of a cognitive task depends on its overall Unfortunately, finding a definitive answer to the ques-
difficulty level, on whether operations required by the task tion of drug-induced impairment in schizophrenia is no
are compromised in schizophrenia, and on whether these easy matter. In pursuing the issue, it is especially important
operations lend themselves to compensation through re- to evaluate medication-naive patients never exposed to
cruitment of preserved brain systems. antipsychotic medication, not just those who are medica-
tion free at the time of testing. Therefore, it is noteworthy
Stress, Distress, and Treatment
that Barch, Carter, MacDonald, Braver, and Cohen (2003)
Prolonged stress and distress may act negatively on cogni- reported results with a version of the Continuous Perfor-
tive performance and contribute to the magnitude of group mance Test in medication-naive schizophrenia patients.
differences. Indeed, any stressful medical or psychiatric These patients were impaired on the Continuous Perfor-
condition can have a debilitating influence, and evidence is mance Test, and impairment persisted beyond the acute
mounting that stress biology mediates both cognitive and illness phase and after medication was introduced. Indeed,
neuroimaging findings (Erickson, Drevets, & Schulkin, ESs derived from the data (average ES ⫽ 1.14) approxi-
2003; Hull, 2002). Hence, it is perhaps not surprising that mate those obtained with medicated and more chronic
motor vehicle accident survivors with whiplash but no schizophrenia patients (average ES ⫽ 1.04; Heinrichs &
brain injury demonstrate impairments on cognitive tasks Zakzanis, 1998). In addition, Hill, Schuepbach, Herbener,
(Kessels, Aleman, Verhagen, & van Luijtelaar, 2000). Sim- Keshavan, and Sweeney (2004) recently reported impair-
ilarly, patients with posttraumatic stress disorder are im- ment across many cognitive domains prior to initial anti-
paired relative to healthy people on attention and immedi- psychotic drug treatment. Finally, cognitive deficit has
ate memory tasks (Horner & Hamner, 2002). In contrast, been documented in high-risk and prepsychotic popula-

April 2005 ● American Psychologist 237

tions well before medication exposure takes place (Erlen- each group. Trends across studies in support of this pre-
meyer-Kimling et al., 2000). diction were detected by moderator analysis (Heinrichs &
Another perspective on the medication– cognition in- Zakzanis, 1998) and confirmed in a recent study of verbal
terface holds that newer or atypical antipsychotic drugs memory (Sota & Heinrichs, 2003). Male patients deviated
actually exercise a positive influence on cognition (Sharma, more than female patients from gender-based healthy pop-
2002; Weickert et al., 2003). Even the older, typical neu- ulation norms. Thus, gender may amplify cognitive impair-
roleptics like chlorpromazine and haloperidol are being ment unless study samples accurately reflect the gender
reevaluated in light of evidence that they provide patients proportions of the schizophrenia patient population.
with mild cognitive benefits (Mishara & Goldberg, 2004). Finally, it is possible that socioeconomic and cultural
However, given the presence of countervailing findings, attributes operate differentially in patient and control sam-
especially with respect to the older drugs, it is unlikely that ples despite efforts to control them through design or
this controversial issue can be resolved easily (Bilder, matching strategies. Schizophrenia has a higher incidence
1997). It may also be that supplementary medication, in- in disadvantaged immigrants than in the general population
cluding anticholinergic agents prescribed to alleviate side (Eaton & Harrison, 2000). Moreover, ethnic background
effects, contributes to specific cognitive impairments like predicts cognitive performance, especially in relation to
memory deficit. language-based tests, even in native English-speaking pop-
ulations (Gladsjo et al., 1999). Hence, schizophrenia sam-
Education, Gender, and Culture
ples with strong representation of disadvantaged sociocul-
An important influence on cognitive performance that may tural and language groups will also be at a cognitive
operate differentially in schizophrenia and healthy compar- disadvantage. Once again, sampling and matching strate-
ison participants is educational background and experience. gies designed to equate such attributes between patient and
It is known that educational achievement predicts perfor- control groups are no guarantee that extraneous influences
mance on most cognitive tests (Stratta, Prosperini, Dane- have been eliminated. Cognitive ESs will increase if the
luzzo, Bustini, & Rossi, 2001). However, the nature and cognitive disadvantage normally conferred by some socio-
direction of the relationship is complex. Cognitive ability economic and cultural factors is compounded by greater
levels, partly determined by genes, may set an upper limit disease severity in the disadvantaged group. Therefore, as
on educational achievement. But deficient educational ex- is the case with gender, care must be taken to ensure that
perience can also set limits on test performance, especially socioeconomic and cultural profiles of clinical samples
in terms of abilities like verbal and academic skills that are accurately reflect the broad patient population. Healthy
enhanced by formal schooling. control participants can then be recruited to match these
Case-control differences should not be influenced by a profiles.
variable like education if achievements are similar in pa-
tient and control groups. Yet achievements are not similar Conclusions: Capturing the Causes of
because education is affected negatively by symptomatic Schizophrenia With Cognitive
schizophrenia and by its prodrome and childhood anteced- Measures
ents (Fuller et al., 2002; Van Oel, Sitskoorn, Cremer, &
Kahn, 2002). Most patients do not complete postsecondary Cognitive differences between schizophrenia patients and
studies and many do not even complete high school. This healthy people have emerged systematically as the most
premature end to education makes it hard to create com- powerful findings across hundreds of studies and 2 decades
parable groups and can lead to underestimates of expected of neuroscience-based research. On average, cognitive
intellectual ability in the patients (Meehl, 1970). Partial measures yield ESs that are twice as large as those obtained
solutions to the problem include matching patients and with measures of regional brain volume (structural MRI),
control participants on parental education. When this in- blood flow, metabolism, and receptor occupancy (PET/
formation is hard to obtain, reading recognition scores xenon). In addition, the stability and reproducibility of
provide another way of estimating academic potential in cognitive evidence compares favorably with these neuro-
patient and comparison groups (Kremen et al., 1996). imaging measures. The reason for such large and robust
A further possible factor in cognitive performance is case-control differences must inhere in variables that co-
gender. Although population base rates for schizophrenia exist with schizophrenia and other prolonged illnesses,
are approximately equal in men and women, patient re- occur disproportionately in patient samples, or interact with
search samples are often 80% male (Heinrichs & Zakzanis, the disease process. These variables may include stress and
1998). Patient and control groups are typically matched on distress, pathophysiology and its interactions with task
gender composition so that the same high proportion occurs structure, and a variety of genetic and background influ-
in each group. The problem is that schizophrenia and ences that nest within patient samples. In concert, such
cognitive impairment may be more severe in men than in variables have a performance-reducing influence on cogni-
women. Therefore, predominately male patient samples tion, giving rise to the large differences found between
will be more impaired than patient samples with equal schizophrenia patients and healthy people.
gender proportions. Thus, a clinical versus control group Yet the challenge of understanding why cognitive
comparison with, say, 80% men in both groups will yield a brain function is so sensitive to schizophrenia has a corol-
larger cognitive ES than a comparison with 50% men in lary. The glass of evidence is half empty as well as half full.

238 April 2005 ● American Psychologist

Although cognitive ESs are large, they are not large enough schizophrenia patients. It must also show evidence of her-
to be markers for any condition defined by the DSM–IV itability and segregation with the illness in families
schizophrenia category. The largest cognitive and psycho- (Gottesman & Gould, 2003). Taken together, these consid-
physiological findings, obtained for verbal recall deficit erations suggest that many hurdles must be passed on the
(ES ⫽ 1.41) and the P502 evoked potential (ES ⫽ 1.55), road from cognitive performance to cognitive endopheno-
imply that about 70% of patients are distinguishable from type (Keri & Janka, 2004).
healthy comparison participants (Heinrichs, 2001). Aver- Nonetheless, recent empirical studies in cognitive sub-
aging across cognitive literatures, somewhat more than half typing and genetic epidemiology are promising and lend
of the patient population is likely to show any given im- support to the existence of cognitive endophenotypes and
pairment. But why are cognitive effects not even larger, variants within the schizophrenia population (Seaton,
large enough to capture virtually all of the patient popula- Goldstein, & Allen, 2001). There is suggestive evidence
tion? Such markers might involve findings in the range of that global cognitive impairment defines a subgroup pos-
ES ⫽ 3.00, whereby over 90% of cases in a joint distribu- sibly linked to susceptibility genes on chromosome 6 (Hall-
tion are separated. What limits the sensitivity of cognitive mayer et al., 2003). Impaired verbal memory may also
performance to schizophrenia, and why is a substantial indicate a genetic liability to schizophrenia (Toulopoulou,
minority of patients apparently unimpaired on any given Morris, Rabe-Hesketh, & Murray, 2003) and define a sub-
measure? group of patients with poor medication response (Joober et
One way of understanding the evidence is through the al., 2002) and severe functional disabilities (McDermid
concepts of endophenotype and disease variant. Endophe- Vaz & Heinrichs, 2002). It is perhaps ironic that cognitive
notypes are defined as biobehavioral abnormalities that are performance, less obvious and striking than the symptoms
linked to the genetic and neurobiological causes of mental used to define the illness and less technically impressive
illness (Gottesman & Gould, 2003). They are intermediate than brain imaging, may in the end be the signpost that
between the phenomenal world of symptoms and the mi- leads to the source of madness.
croscopic realm of biology. More objective and measurable Hence, it is important to acknowledge the lessons of
than delusions or apathy, they represent illness-promoting meta-analysis. Neurobiological measures, especially neu-
vulnerabilities. Endophenotypes are rooted in genes and roimaging techniques, have underestimated differences be-
brain systems but may express themselves in response to tween schizophrenia patients and healthy people relative to
the environment and experience. Specific endophenotypes cognitive measures. Make the brain do cognitive work and
probably occur at fairly high frequency in the broad schizo- measure performance in behavioral terms to maximize
phrenia patient population. However, there is no reason to differences between patients and healthy people. It must be
assume that all patients with the DSM–IV diagnosis share that the brain’s cognitive operating principles lie close to
any single endophenotype (Kendell & Jablensky, 2003). the causes of schizophrenia and its variants. The task of
Indeed, schizophrenia patients are no more likely than research is to identify those operating principles and trans-
people with epilepsy, movement disorders, or dementia to late them into terms that can be measured and modified
have one inclusive biobehavioral defect. through treatment.
It is likely that large cognitive ESs reflect the presence
of endophenotypes embedded in the artificial and exces-
sively broad schizophrenia category (Heinrichs, 2004). 2
The P50 brain wave abnormality comprises a voltage shift in
Discovery and articulation of specifically cognitive endo- response to a brief auditory event like a click. Measured with an electro-
phenotypes would spur research closer to the causes of the encephalograph, the shift is positive and peaks about 50 ms after the
illness by organizing patients into more homogenous stimulus event. Healthy people typically show a reduced P50 in response
groups. In the future, schizophrenia may resolve into etio- to a repeated click because the brain habituates to the stimulus. However,
many schizophrenia patients demonstrate an abnormally robust P50, sug-
logically distinct disorders in the way that dementia has gesting failure of the brain’s ability to habituate or gate a sensory event
resolved into Alzheimer’s and cerebrovascular conditions. (Siegel, Waldo, Mizner, Adler, & Freedman, 1984).
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