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Brayden Royer

KINS 4306 Internship Spring 2021


Weekly Journal #3

Throughout this week, the other interns and I were starting to get our schedule together

so that we do more activities with the people with I.D.D. For every morning, we do a morning

workout with the guys which consist of machines, hurtles, cones, and other equipment. After

the workout, I would come help with smaller things like rearranging desks and making the place

look a little nicer. I then ate lunch with the guys and girls and would then get ready for brain

games. We ended up playing wheel of fortune which is one of their favorites and mine as well.

These brain games really do help expand their minds and It is beneficial foe sure. After brain

games the other interns and I stayed longer with Barbara Coleman and Jay and had a zoom call

with KA, a fraternity to discuss a good philanthropy event to do in the future. On Tuesday, we

would do the workouts then after, josh and I hosted a drumming activity with the guys and

people online. The drumming activity consist of repeating after me, going with a song, and

making their own beats. I really enjoyed that and we will be doing that every Tuesday now.

After that we ate lunch with the guys and did brain games again. On Wednesday, we did the

morning workouts then helped the girls with some arts and craft. Since it is valentine’s day they

did some heart shaped crafts out of small puzzle pieces and other pieces which was great. We

then ate lunch with them and did more brain games. One thing that we are still working on or

trying to figure out is how to get the Oculus, which is a VR that would be very benefical and

impactful for them. This device consist of wear the VR goggles and holding a remote on both
the left and right hand. This VR device would be very awesome for them to use especially for

exercise, different types of therapy (music, art, etc) and help improve their mentality. The

Oculus is definitely something that can change the future and I hope everyone gets a hold on

one of these. On Thursday, we did the morning workout and helped around the LEC. We then

would eat luch with them then do some more brain games. On Fridays, there isn’t that many

people there so we had more freedom to figure out more scheduling, and ideas to do for the

upcoming weeks. We did the morning workouts and did joined in some music therapy with the

practicum students. We when ate lunch with them then hosted Wheel of Fortune again to end

off the day. This week was very fu and I cant wait to come back in on Monday and continue

making a difference onto their lives. I would definitely say that my communication skills and

confidence has improved since iv been here. I hope to continue learning more here and

continuing my internship here.

My Weekly Hours: 2/1/21-2/5/21

Monday: (2/1/21): 8:30-4:30; 8 hours

Tuesday: (2/2/21): 8:30-2:30; 6 hours

Wednesday: (2/3/21): 8:30-3; 6.5 hours

Thursday: (2/4/21): 8:30-3; 6.5 hours

Friday: (2/5/21): 8:30-2:30; 6 hours

Weekly Hours: 33

Total Hours to date: 93

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