Royer Weekly Journal 10

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Brayden Royer

KINS 4306 Internship Spring 2021


Weekly Journal #10

For this week at the LEC, it was a little interesting for sure. Due to another COVID

outbreak at the facility we will have to shut down all this week. We are planning to do online and

get everyone tested again this week and hopefully we will be able to open back up next week.

We shut down on Thursday and Friday this week but Monday to Wednesday was in person. For

Monday, we have started a new thing which is we all go to Lockerly and do activities there such

as nutritional education, arts and crafts, and recreational therapy. I did the recreational part that

consisted of corn hole, crocket, ladder ball, football, and parachutes. They definitely ejoyed the

parachutes the most. The parachutes was everyone gets 2 handles and we work together to raise

it up and down and do some fun things with it. After everyone did their rotations we had lunch

outside and then got ready to return to the LEC. Once we returned we did some work around the

building and had a meeting for the upcoming week. On Tuesday we had the morning workouts

and I hosted the drumming. I had social hour with the people online and ate lunch with them. We

then hosted brain games and ended off the day. On Wednesday it was the most interesting since

we got the news about shutting down that day. We did some art activities and fun games with

them and were getting prepared for the upcoming days. I ate lunch with the guys outside and did

some more fun games like corn hole and crocket. We had another meeting about everything and

was ready to get everything started online. We were supposed to come and assist the Fraternity

softball tournament this weekend, but due to exposure we were not allowed anymore. The

tournament was meant to raise money for us and its disappointing that we couldn’t go. On
Thursday we did online and consisted of tour around the greenway and some educational things

around the area. We did some brain games and ate lunch with them and got ready for the next

day. Friday was a fun day since it’s the weekend so we did some fun art kits and watched some

cool videos on art and science. We then ate lunch online with them and did some brain games.

This week was tough since we have to do online all next week but I know it’ll all be okay. I hope

everyone is safe and gets tested or gets the vaccine so that we can open back up again.
My Weekly Hours: 3/22/21-3/26/21

Monday: (3/22/21): 8:30-3; 6.5 hours

Tuesday: (3/23/21): 8:30-2:30; 6 hours

Wednesday: (3/24/21): 8:30-4; 7.5 hours

Thursday: (3/25/21): 9-3; 6 hours

Friday: (3/26/21): 9-3; 6 hours

Weekly Hours: 32

Total Hours to date: 321

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