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Name: Angelina Dias

Activity: Name That Tune


Michelle. (2010, June 4). An Activity That Will Be a Lifesaver. Retrieved from

Chone, D. (2020, March 27). Name That Tune. Home & Community Recreational Therapy.
Retrieved from

(2021). What is Dementia. Retrieved from

(2021). Dementia, Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from

Equipment: I-pod/MP-3 player (anything that music can be played off of), piece of paper and

Description: The goal of this activity is to enhance cognitive skills, memory skills and social
interaction through jogging one's memory to guess a familiar song. This activity is great for
participants who have forms of dementia as it focuses on recall as well as cognition. It also
promotes reminiscence through memories of particular music, all while in the presence of others
with similar interests.
1. Choose 10-15 songs, appropriate for participants, ahead of time.
2. Gather a group of participants or one if working one on one with an individual. Groups
are better as it promotes social interaction as well, however, this activity can be done one
on one.
3. Establish weather participants would like to work in teams or individually.
4. Give each participant (or team) a piece of paper to write the answers down.
5. When everyone is ready play a clip of a song while everyone listens.
6. When the clip is over ask the participants to write down the name of the song and who
sang it.
7. One point is awarded for the name of the correct song and another point is awarded for
the correct name of the artist.
a. (Optional) Extra points can be awarded if the song comes from a movie and
participants are able to list the movie, or if the song has an associated dance and
participants can demonstrate the dance.
8. Once all songs have been played, tally up all the points and the participant (or group)
with the most points wins.

Primary Interaction Pattern: If there is a group of participants the primary interaction pattern is
multilateral as the actions are of a competitive nature among three or more people with no
antagonist. All participants are guessing to the best of their ability with no one individual
opposing anyone else. If the activity is done one on one with a participant and a facilitator then
the interaction pattern would be interindividual as the action of the participant is still competitive
but instead of being directed at multiple participants it is directed towards the facilitator.

Adaptation: Dementia is a broad term used to describe loss of memory, language,

problem-solving and other cognitive abilities. These loss of abilities are severe enough to infringe
on one's daily activities. It is caused by some sort of damage to, or loss of nerve cells in the brain.
There are many different types of Dementia including, vascular dementia, lewy body dementia,
frontotemporal dementia, mixed dementia, and Alzheimer’s Disease which is the most common.
Depending on the type of dementia and how early it is detected, some symptoms may be
reversible. However, there is no known cure (Dementia, 2021). Symptoms are different for
everyone and depend on the type of dementia the patient has. However, some detectable
symptoms/signs of dementia include; Cognitive changes- memory loss, difficulty
communicating, declining visual spatial abilities, difficulty with complex tasks and problem
solving, difficulty with fine motor skills, and confusion and disorientation. Psychological
changes- personality changes, depression, anxiety, inappropriate behavior, agitation, paranoia and
hallucinations. Keeping the mind active with physical, cognitive, and social activities, getting
enough vitamins, getting quality sleep, and having a healthy diet, are all preventative factors but
can not guarantee not developing dementia (What is Dementia, 2021). This activity is great for
those experiencing dementia as it promotes cognitive skills, memory skills, reminiscence and
social interaction. Music has been shown to have benefits when used with those who have
dementia as it brings back memories of forgotten times and even releases endorphins causing
positive emotions and puts people in a relaxed state. When done with a group of people
socializing is great as well as it promotes friendships in people who may have similar taste in
music (Michelle, 2010). There are a few ways that this activity can be adapted to accommodate
any participant who wishes to participate. Instead of using a paper and pen to write down the
answers, the teams can call out their answers if someone has a visual impairment. If a participant
has a hearing impairment then sign language can be used to spell out the words in the song, the
song lyrics can be written down, or if braille is available that can be used as well. To further
adapt the activity the participants can all choose a genre of music to choose songs from so
everyone has an equal chance of guessing some songs correctly.

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