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We know that reactive loads such as inductors and capacitors dissipate zero power, yet the fact that

they drop voltage and draw current gives the deceptive impression that they actually do dissipate
power. This “phantom power” is called reactive power, and it is measured in a unit called Volt-Amps-
Reactive (VAR), rather than watts. The mathematical symbol for reactive power is (unfortunately) the
capital letter Q. The actual amount of power being used, or dissipated, in a circuit is called true power,
and it is measured in watts (symbolized by the capital letter P, as always). The combination of reactive
power and true power is called apparent power, and it is the product of a circuit’s voltage and current,
without reference to phase angle. Apparent power is measured in the unit of Volt-Amps (VA) and is
symbolized by the capital letter S.

An inductor has the property to oppose the change of current through it. It opposes the change by
virtue of storing or giving back the energy to the emf source.
Let us consider the positive half cycle. when the current is in the raising period, the inductor tries
to oppose the change of current,. It does so by storing the energy in its magnetic field.
During the period when the current falls, (remember we are still in positive half cycle only) the
inductor again tries to oppose the change of current, ie., it tries to keep the current constant. it
does so by giving the energy that it has stored back to the emf source.
This exchange of energy between the inductor and the source, will not add any thing to the load
power (active). But this exchange of energy causes an additional current component to flow in
the circuit, which causes losses. It is this exchange of energy, that causes the phase difference
between voltage and current. 

Reactive Power is when the Current flow, caused by AC Voltage applied across a device, results in the
Current flow being either ahead or behind the applied AC Voltage.

Reactive devices will store some Energy as Voltage is applied, and they will return that Energy later in
the sine-wave... Think of a Spring... You put power into a Spring, then when you reduce or remove the
force, such as Voltage, the Spring will spring back returning the energy put into it... No Energy is
absorbed, reactive loads return the energy put into then later.

If you charge a Capacitor with a DC voltage, then after the DC voltage connection removed, you put a
lamp across that Capacitor, it will make the lamp light briefly, as it returns the stored energy.

In the same way, if you connect a Voltage to an Inductor, such as a Motor, then reduce or remove the
voltage, the Inductor will kick back with energy as its magnetic field collapses.

So "Reactive Power" is a means of explaining how the Current seen in a Reactive Load behaves, relative
to the applied AC Voltage... Further understanding gets more complicated, and can be explained better,
against more specific and direct questions.

"REACTIVE POWER"... Let's clear up one common misconception, the Generators and Grid supplier, do
not supply you with Reactive Power... Power is Voltage and Amps.
The power company supplies you with AC Voltage.
What you do with that voltage is up to you and your equipment.
If you put a small (high ohm value) resistor across that voltage, you will draw a small current.
If you put a large (low ohm value) resistor across that voltage, you will draw a larger current.

Similarly your equipment controls the Current, not the supplier... If your equipment is pure resistive,
then the Current will be in phase with the applied Voltage... But if you connect an Inductive load, such as
a motor, the Current cycle will lag behind the applied voltage... This means the Current AC wave form
will be rising later than the voltage rise, bus so it will also be falling later than the voltage rise. This
means a certain amount of power will be absorbed by the Reactive part of your load, but then that
power will be returned later in the cycle... So, on average, no Reactive power is consumed... It is
absorbed like compressing a spring during part of the cycle, and returned to the system later in another
part of the cycle, like a spring pushing back.

In Motors, the Reactive part of the power creates a magnetic field, which then collapses and reforms in
the opposite direction as the applied AC voltage goes through its cycle... It is this magnetic field that
provides the mechanical force between two different parts, resulting in the Motor rotating... Only real
Power is consumed, as in the Motor doing mechanical work... Some real Power is lost as heat, in the
various inefficiencies as losses.

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