Evidence Something I Will Treasure Resuelto

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Evidence: Something I will always treasure

Every morning when I go to school, I wear the most special earrings that I had have. They were
given to me more than 3 months ago and have worn on all special dates. I received them from my
parents who live in Barranquilla with me. I look up to them because they have always taught me
how to be a better person. When they decided to give them to me, I felt excited because they
have a sentimental value beyond the material, since they made an effort to give them to me.

They were given to me because my birthday, so they were received by me in my house. They are
worn by me all time, even when I sleep, so literally they are kept in my ears. I would never sell
them, as I already mentioned they have sentimental value. Thanks god, they haven't lost by me,
something that it's unusual because I'm a little distracted.

Specifically, they were given to me on December 7th last year.

They are made of gold, in the image they look big but no, they are medium size since I am a girl.

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