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Part I

***This is not an essay. ***

Throughout this unit, we have built our understanding of how the development of literary
devices in Fahrenheit 451 reveal and shape a theme of the play. As we studied the novel, we’ve
analyzed the ways certain literary elements and devices and their meanings have helped develop
the themes of the text. We’ve been tracking these changes through our anchor text theme tracker.
Now, we will begin our culminating writing project to demonstrate our understanding and
analysis of the text. This part of the project will help us plan what we are going to write for our
final literary writing task.

Activity 1: Analyzing the Prompt

How is a theme of Fahrenheit 451 shaped by a literary element or device?

To answer this question:

 Determine a theme of Fahrenheit 451.
 Select the literary element (e.g., characters, setting, conflicts, etc.) or device (e.g., diction,
figurative language, symbolism, imagery, etc.) you think most strongly conveys the
selected theme.
 Examine how the selected theme is shaped and refined by the element or device you

Create a visual map (outline) that supports your claims in answer to the question and
demonstrates an understanding of the text by using standard English conventions and mechanics,
grade-appropriate vocabulary, several pieces of strong and thorough textual evidence, and
effective commentary.

1. What theme or central idea do you think you might like to highlight?
_Y__ Books are a controversial and important part of our society and our lives.
___ Our reliance on technology can spiral out of control if we let it.
___ Knowledge is joyful and painful.
___ We can be confined by our own self-censorship.
___ (Other – Create your own theme)

2. Look at your anchor text theme tracker. What literary device/element do you think most
develops the theme that you picked?
___ Word Choice
___ Imagery
___ Figurative Language
___ Foreshadowing
___ Symbolism
_Y__ Irony
___ Allegory
___ Tension
___ Tone
___ Setting

3. How does the literary device/element that you picked shape the theme that you chose?
The use of irony that is used throughout the text is critical to developing the theme I chose.

Activity 2: Writing a Thesis Statement/Claim

Write a thesis statement that fully responds to the prompt by including the title of the text, the
theme you’ve identified, and the impact of the literary element or device’s development on that

Model: Ray Bradbury’s [strong descriptive word] novel Fahrenheit 451 reveals
[central idea/theme] through the use of [literary device/element].

Write Your Thesis Statement/Claim

Type Here: In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury utilizes irony to validly develop the theme that
books are an important and controversial part of a society.

***Remember, you are not writing an essay. You are simply using your thesis/claim and textual
evidence to help you begin to play your final project. Your thesis/claim is meant you maintain
your focus when you choose your actual project.
Activity 3: Choosing Evidence
For this part of the project, you must choose evidence from across the text. Complete the graphic
organizer below to help you outline the order in which you will present your evidence.
Remember to cite your evidence using MLA format.

Model: “evidence (direct quote)” (Author’s Last Name & Page Number)
Example: “ ” ()


(What makes your thesis (Page number) EVIDENCE SUPPORT YOUR
true) (2 pieces of evidence for each reason) REASON?
1. “You know, I’m not afraid of 1. This shows that the
The society in the text you at all … So many people firemen of their society are
is based on the idea are. Afraid of firemen, I different than what we
that books cause mean. But you’re just a man, expected based off the
conflict and firemen after all …” (5) firemen we have in our
are responsible for society.
finding books and
burning them.
2. “Do you ever read any of the
books you burn?’ He laughed. 2. This shows how the
“That’s against the law!” (5) people of their
society think books
are illegal, whereas
we think books are
full of knowledge and
1. “A natural error. Curiosity 1. This shows how Beatty
Irony drives the alone,’ said Beatty. ‘We knows that Montag has taken
conflict between Beatty don’t get overanxious or a book and is struggling with
and Montag. mad. We let the firemen keep an inner conflict but is acting
the book twenty-four hours. as if he knows nothing. This
If he hasn’t burned it by is important because
then, we simply come burn it emphasizes what a big deal it
for him.” (59) is that Montag is beginning
to view books in different

2. “Why don’t you belch

Shakespeare at me you fumbling
snob? ‘There is no terror, Cassius, in 2. This shows how
your threats, for I am arm’d so Beatty has a lot of
strong in honesty that they pass by knowledge of
me as an idle wind, which I respect literature, even
not!’ How’s that? Go ahead now, though he is
you second-hand literature, pull the supposed to believe it
trigger.” (113) is worthless, as the
fire captain. The
irony the author uses
causes the reader to
think about the
purpose and see how
even the person who
is supposed to be
most against them, is
actually a supporter
of them.
1. “The magic is only in what 1. This shows how Faber is a
books say, how they stitched supporter of books and the
One could argue that the patches of the universe power they have in society.
characterization is most together into one garment for
effective in developing us.” (79)
this theme because
many of the main 2. This shows how
characters, including Beatty is familiar
Montag, Faber, 2. “We shall this day light such a with the reference the
Granger, and even candle, by God’s grace, in England woman at the alarm
Beatty, recognize the as I trust shall never be put out,’ said made. This is
importance of books to Beatty. Stoneman glanced over at significant because it
the society. However, the Captain, as did Montag, shows that Beatty has
without the element of startled.” (37) knowledge of
irony, the reader may literature, so much so
not see the contrasts that he can quote
that Bradbury uses to lines from memory.
emphasize books are. This is also
significant because
Beatty has knowledge
of literature, even
though he is the
captain of the firemen
and it is against the
law to read books.

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