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Activity Title: Crossword Puzzle

Crossword facts for kids. (2021, April 11). Retrieved April 11, 2021, from
Legg, T. J. (2018, September 17). 10 Early Symptoms of Dementia. Retrieved April 11, 2021,
Madaan, R. (2019, January 29). Here's what daily crossword puzzles do to your brain? Retrieved
April 11, 2021, from
do-to-your-brain/#:~:text=Working on crossword puzzles regularly,and enhance our
memory power.&text=Solving a daily crossword puzzle,dementia, Alzheimer's, and
What Is Dementia? (2021, April 11). Retrieved April 11, 2021, from
Worksheet Generator. (2021, April 11). Retrieved April 11, 2021, from

Equipment needed: A pen or a pencil, and a crossword puzzle worksheet that is made by the
Activity description: Crossword puzzle is a very popular word puzzle that can be found in the
newspaper, magazine, books, and even on printed paper from online. Crossword puzzles are
made up of black and white squares known as grid, and all of the white blocks goes either
horizontal or vertical for the participant to write their answer in. The goal of this activities is
filling the word, letter by letter, in the white blocks. Either next to the grid or below of the grid
will contain two columns of clues which to help the participant to answer the questions. Each of
those columns will have a direction indicating either “Across” or “Down”. Each of the clues will
have a number next to them indicating which of the white bloc to put the answer in. Crossword
puzzles are great cognitive activities that can allow participant to improve on their critical
thinking and their memories, and also their physical benefits such as motor skills.
1. The Facilitator will first create a crossword puzzle beforehand using the link
2. After the puzzle is created and is ready to be solved. print out the worksheets and hand
them out to the participants and explain them the instructions on how to solve the
crossword puzzle (can do the first-two clues together with the participants as a example).
This activity can work as a one on one or in groups as a whole.
3. While the participants are working on their puzzles, work around to see how they are
doing and at the same time encourage them by giving them positive feedbacks to keep
them engage into the activity.
4. If the participants are stuck with certain clues, help them out by giving them more hints
or work the problem out with the participant.
5. Once the participants are done with the puzzle, encourage them to continue to do
crossword puzzle more in the future by giving them harder level puzzles. That way, the
participant can actively engage to the activity without getting bored.
Primary social interaction patterns: The primary social interaction pattern for this activity is
aggregate because the action is directed by a person toward an object while in company of other
person who also are directing actions toward objects: action is not directed toward each other; no
interaction required among participant.
Adaptation: Dementia is a general term for loss of memory and other mental abilities severe
enough to interfere with a person’s everyday life. There were many types of dementia, but
Alzheimer is the most common type of dementia. The cause of dementia is by the damage brain
cell which interferes with the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other. If brain cell
can’t communicate with other brain cells, this can cause thinking, behaviors, and feeling to be
affected (, 2021). Symptoms for people with early onset dementia are short term memory,
and having difficulty finding the right word to express themselves. Crossword puzzle is an
excellent activity to help people with early onset dementia with their memory and their verbal
skill (Legg, 2021). According to Ann Lukits from a research on crossword puzzle, it has found
that crossword puzzles can help boost verbal skills as well as it cut the risk from dementia
(Madaan, 2021). This is an excellent way to help the participant to improve their verbal speech
which can help them better to express themselves. Ann Lukits also mentions from the study that
crossword puzzle helps improve memory and brain function, even for people that are in old age
(Madaan, 2021). Not only can the activities can help participants improving their memory but
also work with people in older age. Crossword puzzle is an excellent activity to help 75 years old
with early onset dementia with their cognitive abilities such as verbal skill, memory, and critical

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