Animals Soal kls2

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CATATAN (kelas 2-C: Bu Djoeli) Monday, 20th February 2017


1. Cat : kucing
2. Bird : burung
3. Dog : anjing
4. Goat : kambing
5. Monkey : monyet
6. Ant : semut
7. Rabbit : kelinci
8. Cow : sapi
9. Mouse : tikus
10. Cock : ayam jantan
11. Horse : kuda
12. Buffalo : sapi
13. Elephant : gajah
14. Tiger : harimau
15. Lion : singa
16. Fish : ikan

 Tame animal : binatang jinak

 Wild animal : binatang buas

Answer these question!

1. The monkey likes ………………… (pisang)

2. It is an ………………………… (gajah)

3. There are three ………………………. (ayam jantan)

4. That is not cat. That is a ……………… (kelinci)

5. There are many ………………………….. in the zoo (binatang)

6. The ……………………….. can fly on the sky (burung)

7. The ……………….. doesn’t like cat (anjing)

8. The ……………. Product milk (sapi)

9. The ……………………. Help a farmer (kerbau)

10. It is colourfull and can fly, it is ………………… (kupu-kupu)

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