Lilly Inthavong Professor Daniel Perez CIS 115 C41 21 March 2020

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Lilly Inthavong

Professor Daniel Perez

CIS 115 C41

21 March 2020

Module 2 Project

You have been assigned as a Mentor to three of the Interns for the next ten weeks. They have a few
questions about technology. Make sure to include all of the credible sources you reference as a list of
links at the end. If you directly quote any of the sources make sure to indicate that it is quoted and from

Your explanations should be in your own words, concise, and at a level that the three new Interns can
understand. The goal is to inform them without overwhelming them.

Your mentees are:

● Rick – recently returned to school after 40 years. His experience with technology is minimal. He
owns a computer but has only used email and the Internet on occasion. He is pursuing a degree
in CIS, simply to become more proficient in technology, as he will be retiring from his job as a
painter next year and is interested in a post-retirement part-time job in the IT field.
● Tamara – has three young children, is a stay-at-home mom, and pursuing an education in
Information Technology to prepare to enter the workforce in a few years. She has not yet
decided which field she would like to work in, but she thinks CIS at the moment.
● Juan – just graduated from high school and wants to work on computers. Juan thinks he
would like to start as a computer technician. He enjoys playing computer games, and has
some knowledge about computers and how they work, but not much experience.

Create a Word or RTF file with the following information in it. Answer just below each
question in a different color. Be concise and accurate. The grade point amount each question is
worth is next to the number for the question.

1. (5 pts) Rick just purchased a new Windows laptop. He was wondering if he could take
an online course with videos with dial-up Internet only. Give Rick two
recommendations about what type of Internet connection he should look into at
home in order to be able to view streaming video.

The type of internet connection you should look into are Broadband over Fiber, and Wi-fi
hotspots. Although Broadband over Fiber is a better suggestion to look into first considering the
speed that it has to move data is fast. Both are great to stream and download videos.

2. (5 pts)Juan gets confused when using the Internet. He begins on a page, clicks a link on
the page, and then cannot get back to where he started. Define the term hyperlink
for him and tell him a couple of ways to get back to the previous page.
Hyperlink can be an image, sentance, a short phrase, word, or sitemaps that you can select or
click on to go to a new section of the same file, or to a new website. A couple of ways to get back to the
previous page are, clicking the back button, searching the search box, navigating the drop down menu
and looking through the menus, or looking for text based hyperlink to go back to a previous page.

3. (5 pts) Tamara doesn’t understand URLs and has asked for an explanation. She would like
to know what the URL address looks like for a Web site home page, a Web page that is
stored in a folder, and a Web page that is produced on a query. In three bullet
points, please create an example of each using the URL

● Web site home page:

● Web page that is stored in a folder:
● Web page produced on a query: ()

4. (5 pts) Rick and Tamara aren’t certain what all the buttons, links and icons are on their
Browser window. They have asked you to identify the address box, refresh and home
buttons, back and forward buttons, new tab and settings menu. (Pick your favorite
browser to use.) A screenshot of a browser window with each identified, along with a
brief explanation of each is all they need.
● Red: Address box - This is where you gain access to other websites when you type in your
desired web location. Examples are google.
● Violet: Refresh button - This is another word to reload or update your current page.
● Yellow: Home button - This is where you can return to your main homepage of your main site.
● Pink: Back and forward buttons - The button pointing to the left indicates that you may go
back to the previous page, and the button pointing to the right indicates that you may go
forward to the next page if you have already gone on that page before.
● Green: New tab button - This tab allows you to open up a servel different websites or
files allowing you to go back and forth easily.
● Teal: Google setting menu - This button allows you to change up any aspect on your browser.

5. (5 pts)Juan has heard about security and is concerned about what is shared when he
surfs the Web. Use a series of bullets to give him the process for viewing files in
the browser cache of the Chrome Web browser. Explain the difference between
browser cache and browser history in a final bullet point for this entry.
● On an open google chrome web browser, press down Control + Shift + J. The
console panel will open on your screen.
● On the tabs located on the top of the panel, click on ‘Network.’
● There will be a list starting with: ‘All. XHR. JS. CSS’ and so on, click on ‘All.’
● Now refresh your page.
● A list at the bottom of the panel will start to form, look under the tab ‘Size.’
● Find the files that are listed as ‘memory cache.’
● You have found your files in the browser cache.
● The difference between browser cache and browser history, is that a browser cache logs
thherao.tcosmp/fielec/5i8fi76c748w2/eCIbS-sMitoeduley-2o-Wuebh-Taevchenolvogiisesi/ted, it also logs documents, pictures,

videos. This way,

the web does not have to keep loading if you decide to click back and forth on a site. This
prevent any possible lag, as the browser history just logs the websites and pages you
have visited.
6. (3 pts)Juan is trying to understand how his browser knows the password he used
in the past for his Amazin' Premium account. Explain to them what this is called and
what they can do to protect his passwords if needed.

Your browser remembering passwords that you have used in the past is called Computer
Security. Meaning your browser will save the cookies, history, and passwords that you have used
on the browser. What you can do to protect your password if ever needed, is to create a strong
password, change up your password once in a while, do not write them out, and do not type in
your password on systems that you have no control of.

7. (4 pts)Rick would like to purchase a gift for his wife for their anniversary from the
Amazin' site. They share a computer at home, though, and he wants to keep it a secret.
How could he go about buying a gift for her on the shared computer without
leaving a browser history trail?

Rick, if you are using a google chrome browser, you can go ahead and put your browser into
incognito mode, information such as browser history, cookies, and entered information will not
be saved on your computer. Once you close out the browser, you are set to go. For Internet
ExPlorer, this is called InPrivate mode.

8. (5 pts)Tamara would like to create a web page for her family and friends, where she can
share information and images about her family. Please explain to her some options she
could use to create her page, including an explanation showing some simple
HTML code.

Some options you could use to create your page are using HTML to do whatever you desire with
your page, examples are making text different colors, different font, size, bold, or even italicize. You can
also add in pictures, videos, and hyperlinks. Examples of HTML code are, </(insert code)>Applied Text
here</(insert code)> , <header> , <footer> , and <video> .

9. (5 pts)Tamara has heard about Cascading Style Sheets, but is unsure what CSS is and
what it's used for. Please explain it to her and how it relate to HTML and Web

Cascading style sheets is a layout of different styles for web pages that can be changed and
adjusted. This relates to HTML and web pages, because web page uses HTML, and CSS is adding
10.(5 pts) Juan has used Search Engines, and uses Google primarily as his default search
engine. He wants to know more about how he can get more accurate searches.
Please define for him, in a series of bullets, where to find more precise tools in the
Google search page, how web crawlers traverse the Web to collect pages for
search engines, and describe the job of the search engine indexer.
● How to find more precise tools in the Google search page:

○ Go to google, type in anything you need to have searched up, then search.
○ After the page loads, under the search bar, there will be a list starting with, ‘All,
Images, Videos, Shopping, News, More.’ Towards the end of those tabs will be a
tab labeled, ‘Setting, Tools.’
○ Under tools, you will be able to adjust the time and location for your search.
○ Under Setting, you can explore the Advanced Search tab, giving you the
availability to do a more precise search.

● How web crawlers traverse the Web to collect pages for search engines:

○ Web crawlers are internet bots that searches the World Wide Web to collect
the internet’s data. Which allows those sites to pop up in our search results.

● The job of the search engine indexer.

○ Search engines collect and sort out information before a search to allow a
quick response for searching on the web.

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11.(3 pts)Tamara is trying to order something online with Juan's help. She starts to put in her
credit card number on a purchase webpage, but Juan stops her, saying the page doesn't
look secure. What is the most common sign that a page is not secure
● The most common signs that a page is not secure are, when a hypertext transfer protocol
secure in the URL does not end with a letter “S,” when a website does not have the
proper contact information, when the you do not see a verified trust seal, when there are
suspicious pop-ups, spams, and search engine warnings.

They appreciate your mentoring them, and hope to know as much as you when they graduate.

8. p. 183
9. p.184


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