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Leadership Development 1

Case Study: USS Florida

The appointment of Michael Alfonso as Commander of the Trident
Nuclear Submarine was anticipated as a positive change. Aboard the
Trident, the general perception amongst the crew members was that since
Michael Alfonso had joined the navy as a young lad and moved up the
ranks to reach this position, he was a candidate well suited for this role.
This was a sad misconception. Alfonso had a negative impact on all
members of the crew irrespective of their seniority or ranking. Instead of
leading by example and earning the trust and affection of his subordinates,
Michael Alfonso chose to lead with harshness and maintained a rude and
unapproachable demeanor. His obvious attitude problem and frequent
outbursts impacted all members of his crew. As a result people started to
avoid interaction with him. Lack of communication can be a potential
hazard in any setting and was absolutely disastrous aboard one of the
world’s most dangerous submarines. Although the passage doesn’t provide
a clear explanation for his dubious behavior, his strict and irrational
behavior might be a chain reaction from years of loneliness and pent up
anger. Alfonso`s behavior drove his men into a corner and made them
hesitant to communicate and confer with their commander. The fear he
tried to instill in the minds of his men resulted in mistrust and increased
level of frustration thus decreasing the efficiency of the crew and taking a
toll on the crew`s mental health.


The mark of true leadership is the ease and facilitation of ones

subordinates. Although certification grades should be top priority for the
Commander of a submarine, in my opinion high quality interpersonal
relationships take precedent over all other factors. The passage introduces
us to the atmosphere aboard The Trident Nuclear Submarine as a highly
Leadership Development 2

sophisticated and well organized. The crew had a sense of elitism due to
the stern security and highly sensitive operations of the submarine. Both
senior and junior officers observed the protocols and remained cordial. The
induction of Michael Alfonso as the supreme leader of this created discord
in this already well-oiled machine. The irrational behavior and harsh
attitude of the new commandant developed a sense of fear and mistrust
amongst the crew and ultimately destroyed the serenity and peace
previously enjoyed by all aboard.
I also agree with Admiral Sullivan`s decision to remove the newly
appointed Commander from his post. The power of the position of Alfonso
seemed to have gotten to his head. Although his colleagues remembered
him as a quiet and reserved, after assuming charge Michael Alfonso started
reprimanding the crew openly for minor mistakes. He also made an issue
of something as minor as a soda dispenser. This puts a question mark on
his ability to continue as a leader. Even more alarming was the fact that his
subordinates became fearful of communicating with him. They kept things
to themselves in fear of a public outburst from their Commander. All this
was having a negative impact on the performance of the crew and the new
culture of keeping information hidden from their Commander could prove
to have disastrous consequences. Thus the seemingly harsh decision of
Admiral Sullivan seems justified in the circumstances created by the
inaptitude of Michael Alfonso.


The components of social intelligence are a person’s ability to

perceive, identify, understand and successfully manage emotions in self
and others. Michael Alfons`s emotional intelligence may be elaborated in
terms of the four key components as follows;
Leadership Development 3

Self-awareness is keeping in check one’s emotions and maintaining

self-confidence. Commander Michael Alfonso publicly displayed his
displeasure over matters of petty importance and made a spectacle of
himself. Although he seemed to be confident and self-assured, he failed to
assess the impact of his actions and demeanor.
As their new leader, Michael Alfonso failed to empathize with the
crew of the USS Florida. The public embarrassment he routinely exposed
his subordinates to, displayed his insensitivity and lack of tact. He was
quick to penalize for minor errors and failed to maintain a calm demeanor.
He also seemed unaware of the palpable tension across his vessel and
seemed ignorant of the feelings of his subordinates.
As commander, Michael Alfonso lacked the key leadership skills
required to lead a massive operation like the USS FLORIDA.
Although the submarine achieved high certification grades under the
command of Michael Alfonso, his lack of self-control generated a general
discord amongst his men. He was reputed to be a quiet and polite man
who kept to himself but he adapted very poorly in the leading role. Striving
to achieve a superior performance lead him to push his crew to breaking
point. His leading style didn’t inspire trustworthiness and optimism in his
Michael Alfonso was least bothered with the uplifting and professional
development of his subordinates. He failed to communicate his vision and
objectives to his subordinates and was overall a negative influence on his
teammates. His stern attitude promoted a lack of communication and
coordination abroad the submarine. He failed to develop cordial ties and
healthy professional relations with his colleagues.

Leadership Development 4

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