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Serving Edgewood

Week of April 18 Happy Birthday to:

Sound .................................Taylor Mills Sarah Pope 14
Jessie Seese 14
Sling ....................................Allen Posey Ash Jain 17
Screen ..................................Liz Allison Eric Happell 24
Ursula Crowell 25
Greeting Cards ........ Virginia Gilmore Pete Sanders-Nesbitt 26
Tiffany Ingram 29
Ushers/Greeters; .. Marge Welker &
....................................... Karen Rodgers
Sanctuary .......................... Sarah Pope
Security ........................... Barry Cosby

Please be in prayer…
Lord, we thank You that Your Word
reminds us that You are not far from any
one of us and that, in You, we live and
move and have our being. Help us to seek
You with all our hearts. (Acts 17:27-28
First Called Christians
Acts 11:19-26, Please Remember in Prayer
Acts 13:1-3 Shut-ins Health Grieving
Mildred Hunter Ted Ford The Gilmore Family
Katherine Roark Claudia Wells The Summers Family
Nell Swenson Sue Holt The Holt Family
Lee Hartline Karen Hotard The Spear Family
Susan Knight Ron Gilbert The Posey Family
Margaret Greene The William's Family
The Sanders-Nesbitt
 The service will continue to be available online.
 Don’t forget Wednesday evenings bible study zoom meeting at 7:30 pm. Here is the link
 Edgewood's handbell choir is meeting on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM to practice
handbells. t is a wonderful experience to gather and play music which glorifies God. If you
would like to play with us, please contact Susan Gilbert and we will assign you a bell to play.
 Please join the prayer team as we lift up Mary Adams as she contends with a flair up of
 Kris Jain will be facilitating a new Grief Support Group that will be starting up via
Zoom very soon! Be watching for details. We will be discussing the book (Grief Day
By Day) below and watching video clips from Grief Professionals. All are invited to
join. If you would like to purchase the book, the information is listed below from

 The diaper baby shower for Stephanie and Brady Barron is scheduled for this
coming Saturday (April 17) at 2:00 pm. A Zoom link will be sent out Saturday
morning. Join us as we celebrate the upcoming birth of Avery Lynn Barron. If you
would like to drop your gift by the church to be delivered, you can leave it in the
office or the Narthex. They will be picked up and delivered Saturday morning. Or
you can deliver gifts to the home of Sue Holt.

 Joe Rhodes daughter, April, had a baby girl Sunday morning. Mother and daughter
are doing well. Praise God for a safe delivery!

Coming Events at EPC

Mark your calendars now…
April 17 – Baby Shower for Stephanie and Brady Barron – 2:00 on Zoom.
April 25 – George’s last Sunday to preach Sunday Worship Service.
May 2 – Farewell Reception for George and Jeanne Haugen – 12:00 in Fellowship
May 16 – Connie Happell’s first Sunday as EPC’s pastor.
May 23 – EPC’s 70th Birthday Celebration and Homecoming. Lunch will be served on
the grounds after the Worship Service.
Dearest Members of Member Care Team and Lively Ones of EPC,

A number of weeks ago (too late already), I wrote notes to you wonderful
people to tell you how much Bob and I have appreciated your expressions of care,
concern and encouragement. Apparently, the notes fell victim to rain; Deyanna has
asked that I make another attempt, and I am grateful for a second chance. My
philosophy has always been that writing a thank you is an opportunity to enjoy the
gift all over again.
We were the envy of many who saw the beautiful plant on the desk at
Covenant Woods at Thanksgiving. The brilliant red of the Christmas cactus made it
a beautiful decoration, and we both enjoyed the goodies that came with each.
I’ll bet that most of you did not realize that the words on the little sugar hearts we
see on Valentine’s Day came from the Bible, and that the colors of jellybeans often
seen in Spring remind us of the promise and joy of Easter. These came with other
enjoyable treats.
Bob and I miss all of you so very much and so much appreciate what has
been done to let us know we are not forgotten. Edgewood is such a caring church
family; we have felt supported by your prayers as we have struggled through the
last year.
Much love, Bob and Claudia
Prayer Calendar—April 2021

1. 2. 3.
Megan Thompson Tiffany, Autumn, Dave, Yvette,
Stephanie, & Bethany, Ariel, &
Stephanie Tidwell Isaiah Tshiupula

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Marge Welker Bob & Claudia Bob & Karen Walter & Shirley Sheryl & Allen Lisa & Gus Lenny Yacobus
Wells Wetherell Williams Wright Youmans

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Mary Adams Liz Allison Patricia Banks Barry Barrentine Stephanie J.C. Bray Brenda Brewer

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Rebecca Bush Pat Collins Tom Collins Barry, Ginger, & Ursula Crowell Amy Dinsmore Lucile DuToit
Mariel Cosby

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Debbie Ellison Jean Fleisch Ted Ford Lloyd & Cynthia Ron & Susan
Brian, Gina,
Frey Gilbert
Dhavid, Brianna,
& Abigail Evans

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