Action Research Paper Rubric

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Action Research Paper Rubric

For ECE 7543

This rubric contains the criteria that the candidate must meet to earn a grade for the research paper, one of the
capstone projects of the M.Ed. Program in the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education.

Rank Amateur - 0 Acceptable - 5 Admirable - 10 Exceptional - 15

Candidate fully researches all aspects
Candidate researches
of his/her research question or
The linkages between one research question or
Candidate fully researches problem and conveys that information
Research the research question problem and conveys
all aspects of his/her in a coherent and convincing manner.
and the research report that information in an
Question research question or This research paper exceeds
are not clear. The organized manner. This
Thoroughly problem and conveys that expectations in more than one
research paper is poorly paper may contain few
Addressed information in a coherent manner, possibly having used more
organized and elaborations but will
and convincing manner than one research method, engaged in
incoherent. answer the research
multiple research triangulations, or
question clearly.
explored an innovative topic.

Candidate discusses
content information in the
research paper and
Candidate does not Candidate represents
Content clearly connects this Candidate demonstrates mastery in
discuss content content knowledge
Knowledge information to his/her writing about his/her content
information in the accurately and effectively
Demonstrated research question. This knowledge in this paper
research paper. throughout the paper.
paper may have few
examples and little

There is no evidence
Candidate reflects
that the candidate has Candidate reflects in some
sufficiently upon his/her Candidate reflects significantly and
reflected upon his/her detail upon his/her teaching
Professional teaching skills in persuasively upon his/her teaching
teaching and develops and develops skills in
Expertise recognizing, facilitating, and develops skills in recognizing,
skills in recognizing, recognizing, facilitating,
Demonstrated assessing, and facilitating, assessing, and evaluating
facilitating, assessing, assessing, and evaluating
evaluating student student learning
and evaluating student student learning

Candidate appears to Candidate creates a classroom

implement effective environment that reflects high
Candidate appears to
instruction that positively expectations for student achievement.
Impact on Candidate appears to have a positive impact on
impacts the learning of all This classroom seems to be a well-
Student have a negative impact one or more students in
students in his/her managed and active learning
Learning on students in his/her his/her classroom
classroom. This classroom environment. Candidate appears to
Demonstrated classroom through effective
seems to be a well- implement effective instruction that
managed and active positively impacts the learning of all
learning environment. students in this classroom.

Candidate is striving to
Candidate has not
establish rapport and a Candidate builds Candidate builds collaborative and
established rapport
respectful relationship collaborative and respectful respectful relationships with
Collaborative and a respectful
with colleagues, relationships with colleagues, supervisors, students,
Professionalism relationship with
supervisors, students, colleagues, supervisors, parents and community members.
Demonstrated colleagues, supervisors,
parents and community students, parents and Candidate reflects upon and improves
students, parents and
members community members professional performance.
community members
The paper contains all the main
sections required of a research paper,
according to according to departmental
The paper contains all the guidelines. The paper includes all of
The paper contains
The paper contains main sections required of the subsections noted on the
Research none of the main
all the main sections a research paper, guidelines. It is detailed and
Paper sections required of
required of a research according to departmental persuasive, an exemplar as a research
Completion a research paper,
paper, according to guidelines, and includes all paper.
according to
departmental guidelines. of the sub-sections noted
departmental guidelines
on the guidelines. (For Dr. Steffen, the minimum paper
length is 30 pages & the minimum
number of sources is 30 with 10 of
those being original research.)

10 points remaining given for an on-time, error-free paper

*Note too that the remaining 10 points may be removed for errors in the use of APA format or in grammar. The instructor of
record for this course may designate that even a large number of points will be removed from the final grade for these errors
in correctness.

*Note that points may be removed from the final grade if the paper is late



Maximum 150 words

Problem statement Question(s) being researched Background and reasons for the research Rationale with back-up from
other researchers or experts in the field

(Review of literature and related research)

Design Subjects Instruments Procedures

Data analysis Results

Conclusions Limitations Discussion Implications for future research and classroom practice

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