FEA of Stent

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2017 3rd International Conference on Biosignals, images and instrumentation (ICBSII), 16-18 March 2017, Chennai.

Finite Element Analysis of Palmaz -Schatz Stent

and Express Stent Using Three Dimensional Models
Keerthana.S Visalakshi.cho
Department of Biomedical Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering
Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College
Coimbatore, India Coimbatore, India
keerts.official@gmail.com sala19cho@gmail.com

Abstract—The paper reviews the Finite Element Analysis

(FEA) on three dimensional models of two different types of
stents namely Palmaz-Schatz stent and Express stent. The
simulations are performed for 2 cases: first is stents made of 316
LN Stainless Steel material and L605 Cobalt Chromium alloy.
FEA analysis is a computerised method that numerical uses
Numerical techniques to analyse the behaviour of a Stent. A CAD
Figure 2: Express stent
model of the stents is generated that are divided into small and
simpler elements known as Finite Elements. The stent CAD
model is meshed, then it undergoes simulation process .The For accurate result CAD model is been prepared which is
results are been Post-processed. From finite element analysis of meshed then the boundary conditions are been applied and
stents the post processed results of Von Mises Stress were studied post processing is done.
for strength analysis

Keywords— Finite Element Analysis, Palmaz-Schatz stent,

Express stent, Von Mises Stress.

A stent is a tiny wire like mesh tube, that are been inserted
in an atherosclerotic vessel to treat the weak and narrow
arteries. The stents are expanded and clean up the plaque
formation allowing normal flow of blood. The two different
kinds of biomaterials used for stent comparison are 316 LN
Stainless Steel material and L605 Cobalt Chromium alloy.
316LN is a low carbon, nitrogen-enhanced version of Type
316 molybdenum-bearing austenitic stainless steel. They have
high creep, stress-rupture and tensile strength at elevated
temperature. L605 is a cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel alloy.
It has good formability, high strength to 1500°F (816°C). Figure 3: requirements for a good analysis result
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) on three dimensional models
of two different types of stents namely Palmaz-Schatz stent
Figure 1 and Express stent.

Figure 4: Steps involved in FEA analysis

By above steps Figure 4 results are scrutinised.

Figure 1: Palmaz-Schatz stent

978-1-5090-4980-6/17/$31.00 @ 2017 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SURATHKAL. Downloaded on August 11,2020 at 16:12:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2017 3rd International Conference on Biosignals, images and instrumentation (ICBSII), 16-18 March 2017, Chennai.


A. Meshing
Due to cyclic symmetry only a portion of geometry will be
The mesh been used for FEA analysis of stents are considered. This helps in the analysis on a smaller mesh that
Tetrahedral Parametric Mesh .Meshing designates the cells or would take less computational time and power.
elements known as finite elements on which the flow is
solved. Is a discrete representation of the geometry of the B. Simulation
problem. Has cells grouped into boundary zones where The analysis type 'Static analysis - advanced' under ‘Solid
boundary conditions are been applied. In Tetrahedral mechanics'. The simulation run for each cases is performed.
Parametric Mesh, the mesh consists only triangular faces. For the ease we will create topological sets in order to use
Mesh Refinement is been adapted for enhanced accuracy and them further in our boundary conditions. The topological sets
to eliminate the error. which we will create will be based on the figure below which
explains all the boundary and loading conditions.

Figure 5: meshing result of Palmaz-Schatz stent

Figure 7: Topological sets of all boundary and loading conditions

The laminar flow module is used for this purpose, which

uses Navier-Stroke’s equation. Here blood is assumed to be an
incompressible fluid with density 1060 kg/m^3. Both
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian was considered. For
Newtonian behaviour, the blood viscosity is chosen to be
0.004 Pa.S. For non-Newtonian behaviour of blood, the power
law model was considered for analysis.

C. Post Processing
Post-Processing involves extracting the desired stent
properties from the computed field. The computed stent
properties are then compared to results. The magnitude of von
Mises stress can be viewed. In order to know which portion of
the stent are yielded, the Von Mises stress values from 0 to
205e6 is rescaled.

Figure 6: meshing result of Express stent

978-1-5090-4980-6/17/$31.00 @ 2017 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SURATHKAL. Downloaded on August 11,2020 at 16:12:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2017 3rd International Conference on Biosignals, images and instrumentation (ICBSII), 16-18 March 2017, Chennai.

The above equation is Von Mises stress

Thus the failure analysis can be analysed by arriving at this


Von Mises stress of the should be greater than the yield

strength of the material so it can withstand a maximum load
capacity .With the post processing results the Von Mises stress
is been compared with yield strength of the material to
scrutinize the results.

Figure 8: Post processing result for case 1 Comparison of the results is worth noting that the second
model of stent is expanded considerably less compared to the
first model case. Also the size of the second model become
nearly half along y-axis compared to the first model case. But
the second model expansion is more uniform than the first

Figure 10: The stent model comparison of two cases

By using solid mechanics it’s easier to analyse the static

Figure 9: Post processing result for case 2 advanced behaviour of each stent which helps the surgical
procedure easier and this seems to be a useful for scrutinizing
the various stent materials for different application by non-
Von Mises stress is used here to analyse whether stents
can withstand the cyclic loading. Von Mises stress of the stent REFERENCES
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978-1-5090-4980-6/17/$31.00 @ 2017 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SURATHKAL. Downloaded on August 11,2020 at 16:12:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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