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When dealing with IPv4, what is the minimum IP header length? 20 bytes

Ports 1-1023 are known as ______ ports. system registered destination source

The most common example of a connection-oriented protocol is _____ UDP TCP IP

A 32-bit number that's used to keep track of where you are in a sequence of TCP

segments is known as a(n) ______ number. sequence

The OSI network model has _____ layers. seven

The concept of taking traffic that’s all aimed at the same node and delivering it to the

proper receiving service is known as _________. multiplexing demultiplexing routing


A user requests an unencrypted webpage from a web server running on a computer,

listening on the Internet Protocol address What will be the socket address?

What port does the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) typically listen on? 80 443 21

Which field in a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) header provides the next expected

segment? Checksum Sequence number Data offset Acknowledgement number

Which field in a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) header is not typically used in

modern networking? Sequence number Checksum Urgent pointer

The checksum doesn't compute for a packet sent at the Internet Protocol (IP) level. What

will happen to the data? It will be sent, but may be out of order. The data will be resent.

X ->The data will be sent back to the sending node with an error. The data will be

In what order will the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) generally send all segments?

X ->Prioritized Random Largest to smallest Sequential

When is using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) most appropriate? When you

visit a news website When you make a phone call When you are streaming a video.
When you are listening to the radio.

You are sending a very small amount of information that you need the listening program
to respond to immediately. Which Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) flag will be used?


A device involved in a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is ready to close

the connection. The other device in the connection agrees. What has occured?

Handshake Three-way handshake Four-way handshake Two-way handshake

DNS stands for _________. Do Not Signal Domain Name System Dynamic Name Server

Diversified Nomenclature System

A DNS record that's used to redirect traffic from one domain name to another is known as a

_______ record. SOA CNAME

A _______ record is responsible for resolving an IP to a domain name. CNAME PTR

The final step of the DHCP Discovery process is known as ______. DHCPACK

A service that might appear to be a single server to external clients, but actually

represents many servers living behind it, is known as a _______. X VPN

multiplexer reverse proxy proxy

A company moves a popular website to a new web host. Which of the following will

change as a result? Internet Protocol (IP) address Root name server X

Domain name Network service

An IT systems engineer creates a new Domain Name System (DNS) zone that contains

pointer (PTR) resource records. Which zone type has been created? Fully

Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) X Subdomain Reverse lookup Start of

Authority (SOA)

Network Address Translation (NAT) is typically implemented with which hardware

devices? Check all that apply.
Great work! A firewall provides network protection. Most firewalls can provide NAT services.
You got it! A router is used on a network for a number of reasons, including NAT.

Which technology uses a tunneling protocol? Virtual Private Network (VPN)

What benefits does the Domain Name System (DNS) provide? Check all that apply.
Ease of address memorization
Woohoo! With DNS in place, there is no need to memorize hard to remember IP addresses.
Easy mapping to a new Internet Protocol (IP) address
Great work! DNS easily maps to a system's IP address, even if that address changes.
A new Domain Name System (DNS) server is being configured. Which record type

is used to declare a new zone? Name server (NS) X Mail Exchanger (MX)

Which of the following is NOT configured by a Dynamic Host Protocol (DHCP) server? X

Gateway address

An internal system behind a firewall needs to be configured for remote access. How

should Network Address Translation be configured? Rewriting One-to-

many NAT Port forwarding Preservation

What is the importance of using DNS? Assigning addresses Name resolution

During the name resolution process, which technique is used to avoid congestion when querying

a server? Redirect Lookup Anycast

A T1 consists of _____ telephone channels. 1 24

A T3 consists of _____ T1 lines. 1 24 28

ONT stands for ______. Optical Network Telephone X

The original and flawed wireless security protocol is known as _____. WEP WPA X

WPA stands for _______. WiFi Protected Access

What connection type is known as "always on"? Internet Broadband

Which wireless security standards uses a 128-bit key? ) WiFi Protected Access (WPA)
Fiber optic cable from a service provider can be delivered directly to the end user. Which

implementation delivers data to a cabinet for distribution? FTTH FTTB


A wireless network does not benefit like a wired network does, when it comes to collision

reduction. Which device reduces collisions on a wired network? Switch

Similar to Wireless networks, cellular networks use band configuration to avoid what problem?

Distance X

How many simultaneous phone conversations can a T1 line carry? 20 24

Which Fiber implementation is often referred to as Fiber To The Premises (FTTP)?

Check all that apply.
Fiber To The Home (FTTH)
You got it! With FTTH, fiber is actually run to each individual residence in a
Fiber To The Building (FTTB)

An IT suspects that an unauthorized device is connected to a wireless network. This is a result of

passkey sharing on a device brought from home. What is put in place to stop

such activity? WiFi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) X

Which value once represented a very popular modem baud rate that was used with dial-up

connections? 110 x

The ability for a protocol or program to determine that something went wrong is

known as ________. redundancy data verification error detection

The Linux and macOS program traceroute is known by a slightly different name on

Windows. It's referred to as ______. tracepath X ping ipconfig

An organization responsible for assigning individual domain names to other

organizations or individuals is known as a(n) ______. DNS registrar

An organization responsible for assigning individual domain names to other organizations or

individuals is known as a(n) ______. DNS registrar

The equivalent of the TTL field in an IPv4 header is known as the ______ field in an IPv6 header.

hop limit

A support technician uses the ping utility on a system that is online, yet no response is
received. What should be allowed through a firewall, for ping to operate


A tech uses the netcat tool on a Linux system. Of the choices, which has proper syntax? nc 80

Which of these addresses is an Internet Protocol (IP) v4 loopback address? 4

How many zeros are found at the beginning of an Internet Protocol (IP) v6 address that

correlate to a v4 address 80

When using the netcat command to test a network port, which option will provide

output that is not useful for scripting, but is useful for the human eye? -v
You would like to use the nslookup command in interactive mode. How is the mode

accessed? By providing a port number with the command. By providing the command with

no options. By providing the command with the interactive option. X By providing a

domain name with the command.

A company runs sensitive technologies locally, while entrusting less-sensitive

technologies to a broader user base. Which cloud delivery model is being used? Hybrid

Public Private X Community

You run the Test-NetConnection command on a Windows PC while only providing a host

name. As a result, what default action does the command use? Echo request Name

server lookup X Private tunnel Network address translation.

For Internet Protocol (IP) v6 traffic to travel on an IP v4 network, which two technologies
are used? Check all that apply.
Woohoo! IPv6 tunnel servers take incoming IPv6 traffic and encapsulate it within traditional
IPv4 datagrams.
IPv6 tunnels
Awesome! An IPv6 tunnel is used to encapsulate data between IPv6 tunnel servers.

When shortening an Internet Protocol (IP) v6 address, which two rules are used? Check
all that apply.
This should not be selected
Not quite. Please review the videos in the "IPv6" module for a refresher.
Replace groups of zeros with colons.
Removing all leading zeros.
Nice job! When shortening an IPv6 address, you can remove any leading zeros from a group.

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