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The Kundalini Awakening Breathing Instructions

1. Begin by sitting in the fudosai meditative posture. The mudra of choice to rest the fingers of the right
hand within the fingers of the left hand, palms facing upwards with the thumb tips touching each other.
The hands should be then resting comfortably in the area of the genitals.

2. Place the tongue on the roof of the mouth just behind where the teeth join with the palate. Close the

3. Begin to slowly belly breath, inhaling the air DOWN into the abdomen, expanding the stomach as
the air enters the body. Fill the lungs from bottom to top. Inhale for a count of four. Time the breathing
with the SLOW counting so that you have filled your lungs just as your reach four.

4. Exhale slowly from the top of your lungs to the bottom, contracting the stomach inwards. This
should pull the tummy back inwards toward the spine. Do this for a slow count of ten.

5. Inhale once again, same as before. There should be no pause between the inhaling and the exhaling;
the breath is seamless. Focus on the counting to keep the extraneous thoughts from intruding. Continue
this for at least ten minutes a day.

The eventual goal is to get the breathing down to between four and six breaths a minute. The
downward push of inhale will eventually become testicular breathing and inflate out well below the
navel without the upper ribs moving at all.
Safety First: The Secret Smile
The first meditation required for success in the Lightening Path training is the “Secret Smile”. Always
begin your practice with the secret smile. You want your body to be very happy. That way your
hormonal system will cooperate and you will avoid discomfort. I have observed that kundalini moves
best through a happy camper and this meditation is a process for internalizing an intensely positive
mind-state. A certain degree of intensity is required to raise the kundalini and so this practice draws on
highly charged positive emotions that most people are familiar with. There are five emotions utilized in
the Heaven’s Way Chi Kung, Lightening Path Esoteric Yoga Secret Smile Meditation.
Circulating the Five Intense Positive Mind States
Relaxed Calm: After you are in the fudosai meditation posture and have begun Zen breathing for 5-10
minutes, put a smile on your face. You should actually lift your cheeks so the corners of your mouth
turn up. Next tighten your toes until they really hurt and then release them. Do this three times paying
attention to the relaxed feeling that occurs with in between each pause. Move that relaxed feeling up
from the soles of your feet to your ankles and then up to your calves. Bring it around to your knees and
to the heavy muscles of the thighs allowing them to soften and relax. Picture your thorax as a grail
filling up with relaxation. Let the intestines, stomach, and lower back fill up as well. Next, allow it to
flow up into your chest, upper back, and shoulder so that it overflows into your arms and down to the
fingertips. Let your arms fill up until the relaxed feeling begins to move around your neck and up the
back of the head coming up over your ears and skull to rest behind your eyes. Catch the feeling with
your relaxed tongue and swallow it down to the bottom of your belly where you swirl it around.

Confidence: Remember a time when you did something you were not only proud of but other people
recognized your achievement. Pay attention to how you felt. Erase the people and the event while
keeping the feeling. Take that feeling down to your feet and bring it up through your body in the same
manner as in the active relaxation, but this time you don’t have to tighten your toes. Bring it over you
head, mix with the saliva, swallow, and allow it to mix with the relaxed feeling and then the cycle
begins anew. Do this for three cycles of more of breath.

Happiness: Next, picture a time when you were laughing so hard you literally fell down, cracked up,
and totally lost it. Take out the joke or situation and hold onto that wonderful feeling. Take that down to
your feet and bring it up through your body over your head, swallow it down and mix with the other
feelings. Then combine the four feelings to breathe through your body following the identical
procedure. Do this for three or more cycles of breath.

Love: Now remember a time when you were in love and felt loving. Take out the loved one and the
situation and hold onto that wonderful feeling. Take that down to your feet and bring it up through
your body over your head, swallow it down and mix with the other feelings. Then combine the four
feelings to breathe through your body following the identical procedure. Do this for three or more
cycles of breath.

Ecstasy: The smile is for adults over 19 years of age. If you are sexually active, remember the best
orgasm you ever had, and if male, hold onto the movement just before ejaculation and breathe that
feeling through
your body (as you probably don’t want to stain your trousers and the male orgasm is usually too short
for this exercise). If female, let it rip as you breathe through your body from the tip of your toes to the
top of your head, down behind your eyes, through the tongue, and back to your belly. This is the power
behind the secret smile and one of those important items usually regarded as oral transmission. Do this
for three or more cycles of breath.

Once you’ve succeeded in combining all these feelings and moving them from your feet to your head
and back to below your stomach, memorize the process. Make it part of your daily practice until it is so
easy that it just become a warm up for other methods that sticks with you.

- Dr Glenn J Morris

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