Evaluating Your Art Collage

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Evaluating Your Art

Mt first reaction to the art is that there’s a lot of different colours and the
pictures are both landscape and portrait. My artwork is a collage that I
made from various pictures of friends/family, animals, and nature. The
layout is random, and the outside of the collage doesn’t follow a square
outline because the pictures are all different orientation, its also bigger than
a regular collage on paper. I used pictures that I took, I’ve been collecting
them in an album and some of them are old which adds a bit of
photography. The pictures consist of mostly the same people because
that’s who I send a lot of time with. There were some empty spaces that I
filled up with polaroid pictures that I also took, there’s also two sticky notes
that two of my friends wrote down with some inside jokes.

My collage has shape, all the photos are the same size but some of them
are landscape and some of them are portrait. The inside could be
considered geometric, and the outside could be considers organic because
there’s no specific shape to it. Its balance because it each side is even with
the number of pictures, also the amount of portrait and landscape is around
the same. When you look at the collage you don’t just look at one thing,
your eyes move along the whole thing creating movement.

The artwork is about my fiends and the people/animals that are most
prominent in my life. I thought It’d be a good idea to do something that was
more special and meant something, I can add photos throughout the years,
and it can eventually grow. And photos can last a long time, I like being
able to easily look back on memories and I hope that when people look at
those they can think of the same. It also shows how we have grown over
the years especially the pictures of my puppy, he’s no longer small like in
the pictures so I have to add some more. Overall, there’s a lot of memories
packed Into this collage such as graduation, grade 8 trip, school dances,
sport trips for volleyball, and extra random occasions.

I think my technique was appropriate because it is a collage and id say it
looks pretty harmonious even though there’s a lot of different things going
on. I used pictures for the material, usually people cut out magazines, but I
don’t have of those, although I thought that pictures would be better, so it
definitely matches the aesthetic I was going for. I think I did a good job at
putting a personal touch which is why this one is my favourite, I also like
that the layout is not necessarily neat. I also think that people would think
it’s a nice piece of art because it means a lot and has a lot of potential to
grow and continue on instead of it just being a onetime thing. Some of the
tape is coming off around the corners since I only put one piece in the
middle of the pictures so next time, I would add some more pieces maybe
on each corner. I think this art piece could get an 85 because the whole
thing is a personal touch something that I can keep up with.

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