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Give an example of each of the three types of models of fractions and show the same fraction for

each model.
2.2 #1,2,14

1. Michael doesn’t understand and needs to know that the whole amount can be made up
of a collection of objects. The collection of dark marbles is indeed less than the entire
collection of marbles and in that sense, they can represent a number that is less than 1.
As Michael does not recognize that since there are three rows, we can group them
together a call each row 1/3 of the total amount of marbles and since 5 dark marbles is
in 1 row and that row is 1/3 shows that its less than the whole group.

2. For Jean to say that 3 is 2/3 is a whole is wrong because 2/3 means two-third of 1. In this
problem the 3 means the whole has been divided into three parts that are equal in
some way. By 2/3 being by itself is implied to mean 2/3 of a unit or 1. Saying 3 is the
whole can be misleading because one may assume then that you are asking 2/3 of 3.
This can lead to confusion when the whole is defined instead of implied. Like in a
situation if you ask for 2/3 of 5, saying 3 is the whole would confuse the kid.

14. Explain why this location fits with our definition of fraction

You divide each 1-unit segment into 3 equal parts. So, the distance between the tick marks
is 1/3 of the unit. Then 5/3 is the firth tick mark to the right of zero.

0 1 5/3 2

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