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1. It is a process through which metals in manufactured states return to their natural
oxidation states.
a. Corrosion c. Oxidation
b. Reduction oxidation d. Electrochemistry
2. It is a chemical reaction that releases energy/heat through light or heat.
a. Combustion Reaction c. Exothermic Reaction
b. Calorimetry d. Endothermic Reaction
3. It is the process of measuring the amount of heat released or absorbed during a
chemical reaction.
a. Combustion Reaction c. Exothermic Reaction
b. Calorimetry d. Endothermic Reaction
4. This refers to the level of free, non-compound oxygen present in water or other
a. Desalination c. Sedimentation
b. Dissolved oxygen d. Chlorination
5. This filters promote ion exchange in your water in order to remove salts and other
electrically charged ions.
a. Desalination c. Sedimentation
b. Dissolved oxygen d. Deionization
6. It is a process by which saline water (generally sea water) is converted to fresh
a. Desalination c. Sedimentation
b. Dissolved oxygen d. Deionization
7. It is a chemical reaction that absorbs energy/heat through light or heat.
a. Combustion Reaction c. Exothermic Reaction
b. Calorimetry d. Endothermic Reaction
8. This method uses chemical and physical processes to purify water and make it safe
for human consumption. Where it eliminates both large compounds and small,
dangerous contaminants that cause diseases with a simple and quick filtration
a. Desalination c. Sedimentation
b. Filtration d. Deionization
9. This works by moving water through a semi-permeable membrane in order to stop
larger, more harmful molecules from entering.
a. Ion exchange c. Sedimentation
b. Filtration d. Reverse osmosis
10. This technology uses a resin to replace harmful ions with ones that are less
a. Ion exchange c. Sedimentation
b. Filtration d. Reverse osmosis
11. This is the heat released when one mole of a substance is completely burned.
a. Molar heat of combustion c. Localized Corrosion
b. Generalized Corrosion d. Reverse osmosis
12. This type of corrosion attack is hard to prevent, engineer against, and often times
difficult to detect before structural failure is met due to cracking.
a. Molar heat of combustion c. Localized Corrosion
b. Generalized Corrosion d. Reverse osmosis
13. This uniform corrosion over the entire surface of the metal is rare and leads to
overall thinning which has little effect outside of fatigue and stress conditions.
a. Molar heat of combustion c. Localized Corrosion
b. Generalized Corrosion d. Reverse osmosis
14-15. The metal being corroded acts as the ______; the metal is oxidized, forming
metal ions and free electrons. The free electrons reduce the oxygen, often times
forming hydroxide, and providing a complimentary __________.
a. hydrated c. anode
b. cathodic reaction d. corrode


1. A 3 gram sample of ethanol is burned and produced a temperature increase of

57°C in 200 grams of water. Calculate the molar heat of combustion.
Molar mass of ethanol = 46.1g/mol
cp water = 4.18J/g°C

2. If 150 g of lead at 100°C were placed in a calorimeter with 50 g of water at 28.8°C

and the resulting temperature of the mixture was 22°C, what are the values of Qlead
and Qwater? The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g °C and the specific heat of lead is
0.128 J/g °C.

3. A 28.2 gram sample of copper ( csp(Cu)=0.685J/gK ) is placed in a coffee cup

calorimeter containing 100 grams of water that just stopped boiling. After some time
the temperature of the water becomes constant at 92.3°C. Assuming the atmospheric
pressure is 1 atmosphere, calculate the initial temperature of the Copper block.
Assume no heat is lost to the surroundings. cpH2O(l) is 4.18 J/g °C

4. A 100g unknown metal at 150°C was added on a 300mg of water at 25°C. The final
temperature of the mixture was 41.8°C. What is the specific heat capacity of the
unknown material?

5. A 100g water at 99.8°C was added on a 300mg of water at 25°C. what is the final
temperature of the mixture?


CH4 + O2  CO2 + H2 O
C2H5OH + O2  CO2 + H2 O
C3H8 + O2  CO2 + H2 O
C8H18 + O2  CO2 + H2 O
C4H10 + O2  CO2 + H2 O

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