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0 – 12/03/2020 
Canada at Midnight 
Changeling: the Dreaming 
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Changeling: the Dreaming 

Dream Economy: Glamour and Dross 
“Business is not about money. It’s about making dreams come true for others and for yourself.” 
- Derek Sivers 
What am I reading? 

This document is an orientation into the ​economic ​system of Glamour and Dross for players of 
the Canada at Midnight ​Changeling: the Dreaming​ chronicle. Winter is a cruel time, and 
holding on to Glamour has become extremely difficult. The following changes are put in place 
to properly reflect this scarcity. 

« L’hiver. L’automne l’a ralenti mais pour vrai ce tourniquet là ça pouvais pas durer. Pis là on s’ 
ramasse assoiffer de sang chaud et salé a tout bout d’champ pis a pas finir. Les désespérer 
y’appelles ça un hiver sans fin. Les réalistes eux y disent que ça va être long. Anyway, tout 
l’monde s’entent que l’hiver? Ben l’hiver cet frète en ostie. »  
Dax “Le Labrys,” Le Margrave de la Frontière des Fleuves, Redcap Seelie Légendaire 


Rules Changes 
The following mechanical changes and additions are in effect: 
a. A ​Font ​provides one Draught of 1 Glamour per Downtime action. Usable up to 
its Rating per month. 
b. Item ​Quality:​ Pristine​ is added to describe Dross that has not been affected by 
the Kithain has been added. 
c. A ​Freehold ​may safely store 20x its rating in Dross. These stored Dross gain 
the Quality: ​Pristine​ so long as they are stored inside a Freehold. 
d. Dross ​without​ the Quality: ​Pristine d
​ egrades by 1 point at the end of every 
even-numbered calendar month. 

Dross Preservation 
Dross is precious, and during Winter, it requires effort to preserve. Unlike Changelings, who 
rely on their mortal seeming to shield them against the force of Banality in the world around 
them, Dross lacks this protection, leaving it vulnerable. 
Quality: Pristine 
Pristine ​Dross has an advantage over other Dross when it comes to resilience against the 
world’s Banality. As long as non-Minted Dross (see below) remains undisturbed in its “native” 
place, it remains ​Pristine​. This can be called ​Natural ​Dross. As long as these types of Dross 
remain ​Pristine,​ the underlying Banality of the mundane world does not affect its potency, 
indefinitely. Such Dross can sit for centuries in a mountain dale or forgotten in a basement, 
and its Glamour remains undiminished. 
The following types of Dross are not considered Minted (a.k.a. ​Natural​): 
● Draughts produced by a Font 
● Dreamstones 
● Curios, Heirlooms and Mementos (which are natural products of mortal creativity) 
● Chimerical objects and creatures 
In a cruel twist of fate, Dross loses its ​Pristine​ quality as soon as any supernatural creature 
interacts with it. A Kithain can look at (or even scry on) Dross without disrupting this mystical 
protection. But as soon as the Dross is disturbed by the will of a Kithain or other supernatural 
creature, whether directly (e.g., touching it or using a Cantrip to affect it) or indirectly (e.g., 
asking a Kinain to fetch it for them), then the Wyrd forever changes the fate of the Dross. Once 
disturbed, Natural Dross loses its ​Pristine​ quality forever. 

Dross that has ​not​ been Minted (per pp. 218, 221) inherently has the ​Pristine​ Quality, until it is 
lost. Other forms of Dross, such as those arising from a Clurichaun’s Treasure Trove (p. 176) 
or by the Sacred Grove Cantrip (Arboreal 2, p. 133, Wild Dross), owe their existence to Kithain. 
For this reason, although they are not “minted” in the typical way, they lack the ​Pristine​ Quality. 
The Quality: ​Pristine​ does not count against any limit of Qualities an item may possess. 

Winter: An Erosive Force 

Due to the ravages of Banality, Dross that lacks the ​Pristine​ Quality loses a point of Glamour at 
the end of every even-numbered calendar month (February, April, etc.). When an item of Dross 
reaches a Glamour rating of 0, it is no longer Dross. Chimerical objects reduced to 0 Glamour 
in this way are permanently destroyed. 
Other Chimerical creatures and objects lose Glamour at the same rate as objects unless in the 
Dreaming or a Freehold. Chimera bought with the Background: Chimerical Companion and 
Treasures are not affected by this degradation. 
As a note, Dross can no longer be stored in the Dreaming due to the ​Firchlis​, the force of 
chaotic change in the Dreaming. Dross is too Banal to withstand the Dreaming and too 
Glamorous to withstand the Banality of the mundane world. Symmetry in all things. 

Tracking Dross 
C@M standard Dross item cards (see p. 5 below) must contain all of the following: 
● Value: Glamour Rating 
● Origin 
● Date Pristine Quality was lost or date of Minting 
● Dates logged in and out of Freehold storage 
In order to support the general well-being of Freeholds and Concordia as a whole, it has been 
traditional for time immemorial for ​Scutage​ to be collected. 
High King David formalized the system of Scutage, forbidding all Kingdom-level collection of 
Scutage without a formal measure passed by the Parliament of Dreams. High King Meilge 
abolished all such collections in the package of reforms that followed the Seelie Revolt. 
It is expected for Counts and Dukes to choose to collect a Scutage from their subjects, in a 
manner and amount they see fit. It is traditional that Parliament of the local Kithain is called in 
order to provide legal backing to this collection. 

Normally, in these negotiations, restrictions are placed on how the Scutage may be collected, 
and on how the Glamour will be spent in order to gain the popular support required for 
ratification of the scutage measure. 

All Freeholds have an understanding of who is in charge of protecting and logging the local 
Dross stores. This power usually falls to the Steward, though other arrangements are possible. 


Dross Item Card 

Storyteller C@M Number: 
[Original] and Current Value:​ [ ] 
Date ​Pristine Q
​ uality was lost, or date of Minting:  
Dates logged in and out of Freehold storage:  

Dross Item Card 

Storyteller C@M Number:  
[Original] and Current Value:​ [ ]  
Date ​Pristine Q
​ uality was lost, or date of Minting:  
Dates logged in and out of Freehold storage:  


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