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Changeling: the Dreaming 
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Changeling: the Dreaming 

“Through My Eyes” Exercise 

What is this? 
“Through My Eyes” is an ​optional​ activity for the ​Changeling​ chronicle. Players may use it any 
time they create a character. VSTs may also choose to interweave local events for their 
players to consider. The basic premise is this: ​learning ​history and ​experiencing ​history are 
fundamentally different. Players and characters can ​learn​ about Kithain history from ​A History 
of Concordia,​ supplemented by the Kith guides and other Changeling chronicle documents. 
“Through My Eyes” focuses on individual, subjective ​experience​ at recent points in history. 

We invite you to climb into your developing PC’s head and view the world through their eyes. 

Experiences of a Generation 
In real life, how old were you when you first knew anything about a state/provincial or national 
election? How much did you ​really ​understand about what was going on? Imagine your PC’s 
Chrysalis like that, as the emergence of their awareness of Kithain events. Then pick the year 
of their Chrysalis and skip to the first Kithain event below that they might have heard of. For 
each event, write some brief notes to address the following questions: 

❖ Did your PC know about this event at the time? Did they only find out later? 

❖ If so, how much did this event impact their view of the Kithain world? 

❖ How did they feel about it at the time? 

❖ Has that understanding developed and changed since then? 


2001: The Evanescence.​ A succession crisis consumes Concordia in David’s absence. Dark 
Glamour tainted by pervasive fear bathes the world. Black trods open to dump horrors of the 
Dreaming into the world, and humanity’s reinforced armour of Banality dims the Balefires. 

2002-2003: Rising Fears.​ High Queen Faerilyth, her sanity slipping, makes numerous public 
appearances, defending Lenore’s claim and promising her husband’s return, if only Concordia 
can bind together. Desperation drives Kithain to despoil Chimerae and Treasures alike. 

2004: Treaty of Northern Lights.​ In a grand move toward peace and reconciliation between 
Kithain and the indigenous Nunnehi, vast tracts of Concordia, not yet heavily populated or 
despoiled by modern society, are returned, at least as far as Kithain society is concerned. 

2005: David’s Return.​ David mysteriously returns, and Concordia regains its sovereign. But 
his sweeping changes are puzzling, as are his unexplained directives to Kithain society. 

2007: The Third Recession.​ Dross, the physical form of Glamour itself, begins to fail. The 
same year, the High King and High Queen dissolve their marriage; she no longer knows him. 

2008: End of Autumn.​ The Inanimae warn the Kithain and depart for the Dreaming. David 
leads his armies to war against the White Fomorian Court. When he falls, King Meilge and the 
Shadow Court’s host carry the day, placing all Concordian Kithain in their debt. The onset of 
Winter claims the High Queen’s life, though with less public certainty as to the cause. High 
Regent Meilge claims the throne and the Shadow Court gains plurality in Parliament. 

2009: Seelie Rebellion.​ Meilge extends David’s policies to an extreme, entraps the high 
nobles of Concordia and takes the Nine Hostages. Seelie nobles who refuse to bend the knee 
rise in rebellion. Those captured are either forced into oath or Undone, ending the revolt. The 
Shadow Court makes the concession on yielding its Titles. 

2010-2013: Adjustment.​ The scarcity of Winter undermines the means to continue civil war, 
and Concordia finds itself transitioning to Shadow Court hegemony. Under Shadow Court rule, 
the Dross Tax is not renewed in Parliament, allowing freeholders to keep their Dross at home. 

2014: Hoarfrost.​ Princess Lenore leads civic calls in Parliament for accountability of the 
Shadow Court and justification for its policies. While on the road, she barely survives a vicious 
and mysterious attack. Mariana ap Ailil drives the final break with the Fianna werewolves. 

2015: Ice.​ Using their wedding as leverage, the monarchs of Northern Ice secure the release 
of some of the Nine Hostages by High Regent Meilge after six years in captivity. 

2016: Investment.​ Meilge ennobles an unprecedented number of Commoner Kithain. 

2017: Second Fomorian War.​ Concordian Kithain mistake sightings of the White Fomorians in 
the Near Dreaming as an advance force, only to find freeholds under assault faster than 
foreseen. Kithain of all Courts unite against this common enemy in their desperate defence. 

2018: Courtly Grace.​ Queen Mab’s messaging and the new Order of Ardent Scouts signal a 
new era of inter-Court cooperation. 

2019: Changes.​ Chafing under the yoke of High Regent Meilge and subjugation by the 
Kingdom of Willows, Commoners loyal to the Kingdom of White Sands rise up violently, 
murdering six dukes and duchesses. The rebels later receive a Cold Iron sentence. Three 
Seelie heirs are branded fugitives by the throne, and Concordian forces begin to unravel the 
secret society called “Cat’s Cradle,” which they accuse of sedition. 

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