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05 Text Questions

1. Your father owns a restaurant and you are helping him out by doing odd jobs
around the restaurant for your summer job. This morning, he told you that he
wanted to hire a new chef garde manger and he asked you to write up an ad to
put in the paper that includes a basic job description and explains the role that
needs to be filled. Write that job description below.
- The work portrayal would say we're seeking out for a chef or would say
this eatery is searching for a chef that's gifted that takes care of
themselves which is individual care and a chef that knows how to serve or

er as
allow legitimate to begin with help. Our eatery is enlisting a chef that has

expertise, by and by clean, and can allow legitimate to begin with help.

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2. Imagine that your family owns a small farm that grows various fruits and

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vegetables. Usually, you sell all of the fruits and vegetables that you harvest at
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the local farmers market; however, the past few weeks, the farmers market has
been closed due to some zoning issues. What methods would you use to

preserve the excess fruits and vegetables that you have? Identify, describe, and
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explain at least three different methods and why you chose these methods.
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- I would legitimately store these natural products and vegetables that are
developed from the cultivate in legitimate capacity fridges or coolers and
in the event that someone copies or natural products are required to be at
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room temperature at that point I would take off them in a wash room. A
strategy I would utilize out of nourishment capacity strategy is chilling,
solidifying, and canning.

3. If you were asked to create an entire four-course meal using only the garde

manger section of the kitchen, what would this meal include? Plan and describe
what foods and dishes you would include in your four-course meal using only
items and equipment that would be found in the garde manger.

- Dishearten would incorporate chilled meats such as bologna, ham, or cut

turkey. This supper would too incorporate chilled vegetables such as
onions, lettuce, and tomato and chime peppers. The primary supper of the
four- course supper would be a turkey wrap with chime peppers. The

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moment dinner of the four-course feast would be cooked ham with
sautéed onions. The third course supper of the four-course dinner may
well be a bologna sandwich with brioche bread cut tomato and cut lettuce.
The final supper which is the fourth meal would it be a turkey wrap with
lettuce and tomato within the center with mustard on it. I am too bad but I
attempted to be inventive since I know it is nourishment arrangement and
nourishment capacity that's utilized within the Garde Trough.
4. Go take a peek in your pantry and fridge. Pick out at least 15 items and list them
below. Then, categorize them based on the categories listed in the classic cold
ingredients section from the unit.
- Brioche facial hair, goji berries, potatoes, cranberry juice, coffee grounds,

cornstarch, flour, sugar, oats, oil, beans, nectar, cornmeal, cocoa powder,

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rice, pasta. The things that can be put within the cooler ruddy cranberry

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juice beans in case they are cooked and pasta in the event that it is

blended with the sauce and meat moreover rice in case it is cooked.
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5. If you were hired to equip the garde manger section of a kitchen for a new
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restaurant that is opening up, what type of equipment would you include?
Identify and describe at least four different items that would be important to

include when putting together a garde manger and explain why.

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- The gear I would incorporate may be a fridge capacity framework or a

solidifying capacity framework too Tupperware's since Garde Trough. Four
things that would be imperative to utilize when putting together a Garde
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Trough chilled vegetables, chilled meats, One vegetable to incorporate

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that's exceptionally vital is lettuce since in a Garde Trough a serving of

mixed greens is included, moreover with cooked rice.

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