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Name:VILLANUEVA, Blitz Lyle B.

GECC - 108

Course & Section:BSEE – 1ED MODULE 3 – Physical Self

Reflection Activity:

Plastic Surgery Animation: Open the link to watch


1. How do you feel about the video?

- The video is kinda sad because on my understanding that video shows
how cruel our society is and how can it affect the people or ourselves. It
demonstrates bullying and other kind of embarrassment that makes a person
insecure about their body and ended up getting some changes in their physical
look. By the time that it looks perfectly perfect, you will notice that you will
start to change it every time when they said something is bad in your body and
until it starts to ruin everything, that is so sad to think but it is happening
everywhere in the world.

2. To what extent you are influenced by your culture and the social media as to
how you view yourself?
- Here in the Philippines, based on my experience most of the people are
often judgmental, when they saw something or they notice something about
you that is not appropriate to their eyes and they’ll start to say something bad
about you even you didn’t do something bad to them. Mostly in the family,
you’ll learn on how to develop yourself by the help of your loved ones. They
will nurture and guide you to a right path for a better future but there are
some that lost their way to the right path because they lack of guidance from
their family. And for the social media, it is important for us to maintain our
image to everyone specially in the social media platforms because everyone
are looking and even you’ve done a single mistake, they’ll judge you. So for
me, I need to look perfect because I don’t want to receive some negative
thoughts about it but there is no escape from the eyes of a judgmental person.

3. If you are given an opportunity, would you change your body? Why?
- If I were given the chance to change my body, I would definitely refuse
because this is what God gave me and for me this is body is a wonderful gift
from him. I’ll treasure it no matter what, I’ll never change the way I am just to
gain popularity or to become perfect to the eye of those people who just keep
on judging the way you look. I’m happy the way I am right now because my
family and friends accepted me for who I am.

4. What are your insights about it?

- I think that you don’t need to please everyone by pushing yourself in a
situation where you starting to lose everything. You can still be happy on your
own way or by the help of others, we can’t remove the thought that having
plastic surgery can make you happy; you can feel the attention that you seek a
lot of times but in reality it causes a lot of problems that could ruin yourself
physically and emotionally. Plastic surgery can give you a temporary happiness
and you will still under go surgeries until you’re satisfied, but people might not
recognize you anymore because of the changes in your body.

Reflection Paper

In the music of Christina Aguilera entitled “Beautiful”, it tells us how some of

us are being insecure about their selves physically and emotionally. The most
unforgettable line in the music is when she said that “I am beautiful no matter what
they say, words can’t bring me down. I am beautiful in every single way; yes, words
can’t bring me down, so don’t you bring me down today”. This part of the lyrics is so
inspiring and it can motivate those people who are being down about their
appearance. It tells us to treasure what God given to us, stand up for ourselves and
don’t let the words or sentiments of others change our character. Show them what
you got don’t let them hinder you from achieving your dreams even they will continue
to look down on you, raise your head up and be proud of yourself. Let your flaws be a
weapon to fight them not physically but just showing them that you can beautiful in
your own way. Choose those people you can trust and those who can help you become
a better person.

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