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September )4, PA)1



WHEREAS. it i~ the pohcy of the slate In protecl ~nd promote the right to h®IMlet
the people and tnstttt health ronscousness among tham

WHEREAS. Section 4~8 (5) tv> ~nd(vtj of Rep iht c Act 7160 otherwise k
the I ocal t 'overninent C'ode of 1991 empowers the Sangguniang Pantungsod lo nown aS
the use of -treets and regulate traffic oii alt streets and other pubtic places;

WHEREAS. biking is a g o o d fo im o f ex e r cise p

SVt;tt-A ' O F E N tLiOt.'RINOLVt'Y A N D M E T A BOl ISMromoters by lhe
t O p r event D I APHILIPPINE
BETES an d
id reduce the risk of HEART OISEASE;

WHEREAS h iking i s r t so promoted a s

transportation, emtsstnn-tree anit noise-free. affordableantcatternattve
the massescheaper mode
and occupies of
l space

WHEREAS biking to work and school will help decongest traffic )ams. save
expi'nst~~ fossil tuel, promoles pollution-free emnt onment and mintmi e global warming;

WHEREAS. there «a riced lo e~tal>tish bike lanes r

to safeguard hihers frotrt accidents and olher road-related inrl bike-friendly =ones in order

WHEREAS. ii is tarot lP.a~thIE. io establish bike tEines

oatts of Hacotod t. ity espectatfy the congested areas tihe the mddowiAown
bike f riendly =ones
area. in all
area Burqos Area w>u Lacson Street among others,

WHEREAS. bil e lanes ar hikE.-friendly

ones shalt be rles ignated along Burgos
Stteet corner t trcumfererttial Road up to Barangay Alangilan and Bacotod-Murcia Road,
Baranqay A i ttts.
~ to Bacotod-Murcta Boundary, Barangay
recommendation by the A~rolod Tr~t Mansitingan per
mc Aitthortty Afhce/Traffic Managemerrt Unit.
Crly Ar1inence No. 556
September 14, 2011
Page 2

NOW THFRFFORE. be ilORDAINED as il is hereby ORDAINED by lhe

San99unlang Pantungsod In session assembied, that:

Saettnn 1 T l ttri Th i s orrtinance shallhe knnwn as "7he Bike Lanes O

nf Racolnd CHy."

Section ?. Scope. The application of this orrtinance shall be limited to hik".s or

bicycles and lhe designated bHce lanes/bike-friendly =ones in Bacolod City faltinp v4hin
the definition o ( t h e t e r m s r eferred t o t i e rein concerned DepartrneÃs or the c i ty
Go vernment end etl p»hhc and pnvate Iundicat persons in the Cky

SeCtten .'l. OeenittOn rif Tetrad. FOr Ihe purpOSe Of lhlS OrrlirtanCe. Ihe follOWtng
shall m~an

h H i k e s/Bicycle refers to Any two >;heelert vehicle having a re plr rlrlve

which Is
solely hornan oowered and having a seal height of 25 inches or greeter when the
seal is in the to'a~est possible position

b "Bike I~nes/R i ke Fnenrtly 7rines" refer l o t h e a r eas Resiqnatert es l anes f o r

passageof hikes&cycles

k) RTAA/TMIJ' -efers lo Ihe B acolod Traffic Aikhority Office/Traffic Management


d Ci t y Engineer 'refers to Bacolnd City Eng

ineer's (Wce

"Cyclist/Rirter" refers to the person driving hikes/bicycles

f DVWH" refers to the Delwrlment of P iihlic Works and High.; ays

rI H o e c l r e f er ~ t o t h e e nlire s»rface of any way o i slreet i iserl fn r p <thttc

transoi rt titia and open lo puhlic Ira%c

8~ t tnn 4. Est ~ M i st»~i i / ol B(k e L a rses/8/ke Frkr xtty Zotma i )pon the
recommendation ni i4e Hacolod Tiattic Authnnly ONcefTrafftc Management Vnjt the
areas along Burgos Street corner Ciicunlferc»IISI Road up lo 88[angay AtangllBn and to
Rerenrjey A)anylen end Harolod-M»rcie roast Rerangay Alijls. up lo P a gle»m VIHage,
Uaranpay Mansitingan shaN be designated as bike lanes/bike-friendty "ones
City Urdinance No. 556
SeP telrtb sr 14.?011
Page 3

The Cily Cnrltneer in cn orrtrnationwtth the DPMIIH and the Bacotod Traffic
Authority Uffice. and atter consultations ~ith the aITected barangsys, shall be responsible
far the rStaNiShment Of the apprOpriale areaS fOr bike laneSiblke-friendly =OneS and Shall
tikrv~se r sl abiishrd thr. neer Ssary mad signages and pa nr for the same.

SActlnn S. Rlgfits, OrÃae AN O bNyat&rls of Cy clists. - The foltowing shall

be It>e rigIHs duties mid oNigatiuns of cyclists

a T o r id e n n p i i b tic ma I n r st r r i t rt i s i g n a t r r t a s a h i k e l anes,

b Tn make thr appropriati hand signals in r very i«rn ~vhich sharl be g iven n o t
less than t 0 0 fe el fr om t urn s n d w h tte stopqing or waiting to t urn

c T n m aki a n ai Qihlr. signal before overtaking

<I Tn be rrtuinprrt vugh hrakrs tights and riftectr>r.

To keep nnr hanrl nn thr handtrbar al all times

f T n w r a i I h r. appropriati b ik r h e i niet at alt timeS,

g Tn yield thr ng h l-of-way tn ait traffic nn sLiCh roadway whenever entering or

Waul lo enter vr lo cross ~ roadway,

h T n r i i rc i sr. prnqrr precaijtrnns upon observing any child or p ersons with

JtsHbitrty upon a road especially on pedestrian crossing;

Tn pincurr. the nrcessery rtdrr s permit hike Iicensr. plate and rrgistralion in
Bccordancv YAI1 exlstllig laws and ieguiatlons,

Tn fnltnv traffic «gnagrs anil abidr. by all t r & i c r u les under existing laws.
which are atso applicable to vehicles

SecOrin 6. @kilt s nit Nc yrfe t.aoec. Fvery :yciisthidrr shall aNyays lake thi
designhtrd hll e I~n~ ~r bit ~-ITlendry onrs except on trte fciioY~lng circumstances

Whrn . ei n i i r t a king or passing anothir bicycle, vehicle or pi r tr strian within

Ihi idni Or 8b'ut In i n ter Ihe lane if SuCh OVerlaking Or paSSlng Cannat be
<ton+ Safrly ".,'irriill Ihe tane

h When rirrpaunrj for a tiiin ar an intrr~ection or into a private road nr dnve r ay

C."ity Urdinance No ~'~6
Sept euibe r t 4 20 11

c N f ha n r a a s n nzbty n e c essary I n l e av e t h e b i c yct~ i an e t o a v o i d dahlia or

ha=ar oous cond~lions

Seciiort 7. Pr o h j hltedActs. - The following are i estrictions imposed upel

cyi.ti~t~ and the right io use a bicycle

Nn cyctistlhiker ~hatt dove iinWr Iha influence of alcohol

h No b i cycle shall carry more than one rider

c N o r i rte:i ~halti ting to another vehicle white in the rtesignaterl bikeway.

rl No pe r ~o n s h al l o p e rate a bi c y cle/hike a t a spe e d g r e a ti'r t h a n

ieasor ab!~ and pixident tinder the conditions then existing;

No cyct«tlhiker shall text or u~e a cellphone E~ hile rtriinng

Sar.ti~n tt Othe r Ae hj b l f erfA r W. = The foHowing shall be o h s e r vart i n t h e

bik! Ianeibike-ftienrthr ones

No percnri operating a motor vehicle on «hach road shall drive in th~ bikaway
e xcept tr, p a rk when parking is p e rmitted, lo enter nr leave the road o r
prepare fo~ a turn.

b N o p e r ~r r c h a i t create obstruction along the. hike lani. or bike-fiiandly -ones

s»ch as hui »ot itmitert lo Sidewalk vending. d umping foconstruclion matenals
and toadtntt and unloading of goods except. tn einergency cases

c N r i f i Rr~on ~hatt use the designated bike lanes/bike-friendly = ones for rallies,
peaceftit concerted activities or olher related events except, for ret igious
processio»s, or activities supported ~rith the necessary permit

8action 9, Pe i w Ntes - Su>y person who v i olales Sections 5, 7 an~i 8 heieof

sliati be subtractt n th f a t towirig penalties

a l If Nl Af f e r i s p. A t in e o f Tl i r e e H l l n < ti1'.d P es os ( P 3 0 0 0 0 i

b S a c n n f Offense — A fina of Five Huridiad Pesos iP 5AO OA)

c T h i r d Offense — 6 fina of Ona Thousand Pecos iP 1,0AA AAI v ithout prejudice

to Itis ; . .+cation of rider's liermittbike license piale for one year in case Of
C:ity Orrtinanca No 556
September 34 2011
Pape 5

The ehnvrm»ntirin»rt prnatti»~ shall h» appiicahle notwHhstandtng Ihe epplicetion

vf iiie New Civil Code eitd tiie Revised Penal Code or> the damage or injury committed to
p»ronne n e pro p ».rtyand th» r.xistingnational and local traffic rut».c and regulations
ePesdy eiplertieiited

Sorption 1A. &don'.eemaat.- The RTAAfTMl) shall ha responsihle for the strict
erNshon ot this ordinance. I r a fflc police anddeputized traffic enforcers shall
order in the bike lanes and bike-fnendty =ones and shall apprehend persons
ing i've, ordinance anrl shall rilr. Ihr, rotrr~ponding violation in Ihe biker's riding

In casr nf hicyctrslbikrs which poses danger to the public, a police office or any
uti=ed trafttc enforCer. may slop. inspec'I and test a bicycle believelo bc unsafe. have
proper equipment or aclinq In preiudice to the public

Seetiost 11 Pi t h y A d o nnatiott atxf AiNarettaca.- The City Engineer's Office, in

coordination anth the DPWH and lhe B1AO/TMU shall post lhe appropriate end relevant
strtneqes and roa(1paintings along the bike taneslblke-fttendty =ones. Such signages shail
hr posterl in rr i e i ant portion~ of the p»hlic road designated as bike IanesSike-friendly
:ones indi-.ating the city orctinance number an(f Ihe title thereof

Sectlott 1? . $ o u r ce Of F t u x h. Th e f u nding for the establishment of bike

Ianesibike fitettdly i n de~ ~he'll br. allocatrd otic percetit (1'K ) from lhe Annual investment

Ser titan 1't .CeparaMNfy Cta>aweIf any part ci ihis Ordinanr.e is drclarrd not
, alih unconstitutional or unlawful such declaration shall ncl affect or impair the retttaln&N
provisions sections or part thereof. which shall remain ar continue lo be in fbll foraO HNI

Section t'.3 Pepe~Nng Chasse, AII previous ordinances inconsistent ititlh N s

Urdinance shall be deemed repealed or modified accordingly

Section 14 FN e c t ivity Th i s Ar<itnence shall take rffect fiftren days (t5) ahar II
puhiicatton in a local neespaprr rit grnr ral circ;ulalion.
C:ity Arrtinance No 556
September 14 2011


t.ouncitors . Homer 0 R a ts. Archive S Banbar, Roherto M ' R ~ ,
Catehno T Ahsbo, Etiam l. Ang, Sonye M Verdeflor Cael&
7 Di~trito Mona Ata ( J a rdtn

Negative Nnn e

Absent None

(>lticial I eave Coiincilor Carlos Jose '4 Lnpe-

Main Atithor Cnunctlor E m L. Ang.

t .n-Authors Councilor~ Roherlo M Ro)es end Al Vtctnr A Esptno

Passed September I4. 201l (63" Regular Gesston)

Comments P ass e d
Counctlors El Ctd M Farniharan, Dindo t.. Ramos Elmer 7
Sy. Al Victpt A Esptno a»d Keith Emmanuel L R ectos were
nol around when Ihis ordinance +as passed

4/ic poor
($es NOttiCer


ATTV a tl.o, - ~J l l b h i i o
haec"etary lo the Sangguniqn


City Mayor

t lTA/HPt f ar

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