Basic Research Proposal

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October 2019
Experiences, Problems and Challenges Encountered by Multi grade Teachers in Pinili
District: A Phenomenological Study

I. Introduction and Rationale

Teaching in multi-grade classes has become a challenge that teachers have to contend

with. Multi-grade teaching has become one of the priority topics of the Working Groups on

the Teaching Profession (WGTP) agenda. The reason for bringing this issue on board is the

recognition that multi-grade teaching has a potential to improve the quality of teaching, thus

contributing to the global effort of achieving Education for All (EFA) goals and Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs) education related goals (Juvane, 2005:3).

Multi-grade classes are generally referred to as having two classes or three classes in

one single classroom having only one (1) teacher. Therefore, the teacher takes full

responsibility to teach pupils across more than one (1) curriculum. What makes it difficult to

handle multi-grade classes is the preparation of the daily lesson logs, preparation of

instructional materials and the added paperwork of the teacher. Fortunately, in the salary

standardization, these teachers who are teaching multi-grade class received 25% extra

remuneration based on their present salary.

Multi-grade classes existed because of the different arising conditions in exigency.

This happens when there are some areas with schools having low number of pupils and

unavailability of teachers. In most cases, these are commonly known as “deprived,

disadvantaged, and underprivileged” and are found in rural localities. (Caballero,2018)

With the aforementioned studies internationally and locally and as per observation by the

teacher-researcher, a research titled, “Experiences, Problems and Challenges Encountered by

Multi-Grade Teachers in Pinili District: A Phenomenological Study” is hereby proposed.

II. Literature Review

A. Multi Grade Classes in Philippine Education

A multi grade class is defined as a class composed of two or more grades less than one

teacher in a complete or incomplete elementary school. But when was this system introduced

in the Philippine Philippines setting?

The Multi Grade System has been implemented since 1920’s. It has always been

covered by policies on monograde class organization which resulted in multi grade classes.

The multi grade system has been with us for quite sometime but it is very obvious that we

have not regarded it as a very viable alternative delivery system to provide access to basic

education as well as quality education by providing complete grade levels in all public

elementary schools.While DECS (now DepEd) officials then had always recognized the

existence of multi grade classes, it was only under the leadership of Secretary Armand

Fabella (1993-1994) that the multi grade program was launched as a systematic and viable

means of meeting the goal and providing education for all.The existence of the multi grade

classes in our country is also embodied under the provision of the Philippine Constitution.

Considering the present thrusts of the government to make at least elementary education truly

accessible to all particularly to children in remote barangays, a policy has been made and

declared to build a school in all school-less barangays where enrolment and population

growth trends warrant the establishment of a new school, and develop and /or implement the

Multigrade System of Delivery, so as to enable children to complete their elementary

schooling particularly in areas where it is uneconomical to put up a six-classroom

B. Profile of Multi-grade Schools in the Philippines

From the nineteenth century up to the present around the world, there exist multigrade

schools that hold classes where one teacher is responsible for pupils belonging to different

age groups, grade levels, and curricula. In the Philippines, there are areas where enrolment is
low or there is a lack of teachers making it necessary for different grade levels to be

combined. Thus, in areas that are isolated and sparsely populated, geographically

inaccessible, or deficient in educational resources, multigrade classes have been adopted as a

strategy to ensure Education for All. As of school year 2008-2009, there were 37,697 public

elementary schools, and 12,225 of these (or 32%) were multigrade in nature (Villalino,

2010). Research shows that, aside from providing access, multigrade instruction delivers the

same kind of education as monograde classes and in some cases, improves the effectiveness

of educational delivery and contributes to the social development of pupils (Little 2004). For

multigrade schools to perform better and therefore improve learning outcomes, the

curriculum should be made more relevant and responsive to the abilities of the learners.

Classroom management such as appropriate grouping techniques with appropriate teacher

training will enhance learning. To specifically address the needs of multigrade schools in the

Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) in 2011 conducted a survey of multigrade

schools in the country.

C. Multi-grade Teaching

Little (cited in Brown, 2008:6), delineated what the term ‘multi-grade teaching’ means.

She refers to multi-grade teaching as the teaching of learners of different ages, grades, and

abilities in the same group. She distinguishes it from mono-grade teaching in which students

within the same grade are assumed to be similar in terms of age and ability. She also

distinguishes multigrade teaching from multi-age within grade teaching, which occurs when

there are wide variations in age within the same grade.

Joubert (2010:1) refers to multi-grade teaching or multi-level teaching as the teaching of

different grade levels at the same time in the same setting, and that many terms are found in

the literature to describe multi-grade teaching. He indicates that the terms ‘combination
classes’, ‘forced mixed-age classes’ and ‘forced mixed grade’ usually refer to settings arising

through necessity and the characteristics of enrolment.

According to Hargreaves, Montero, Chau, Sibli and Thanh (2001:1), multi-grade classes

are classes where one teacher has the sole responsibility for two or more grades or classes of

learners at the same time. These authors, further state that the term is broadly used to include

combination classes, multi-age classes, vertically grouped classes and family grouped classes.

Brunswic and Valerien (cited in Brown, 2008:6), state that multi-grade teaching is a situation

where a single teacher is responsible for pupils of various ages spread over several grades,

and who study different curricula .

Brown (2008:6) argues that multi-grade teaching does not appear to enjoy a common

interpretation among researchers and education practitioners. He indicates that for many, the

concept remains deeply contested, and this has made it difficult to build consensus about

what it means.

Multi-grade teaching happens and occurs within the so-called graded system of education

when a single class contains more than one grade levels. The same pattern of curriculum is

being followed in the monograde system.

Managing a multi-grade class is quite difficult because of the presence of more than one

grade level inside the class. With that, teacher who are teaching a multi-grade class should be

skillful enough on how to manage the classroom, prepare the instructional materials,

assessing the pupils, record keeping other endeavors inside the class. Wide array of strategies,

methodologies, teaching styles, and approaches of teachers should be the armor of the


There are many problems being observed in multi-grade schools that teachers face. It

includes the social regards for learning, the learning environment, diversity of learners,

curriculum, planning, assessing and reporting, community linkages, and personal growth and

professional development. (Caballero,2018)

In another study conducted multi-grade education often takes place in remote schools in

difficult to reach areas. With that, teachers not only face the difficulties of dealing with a

multi-grade organized class, but also other constraints such as lack of resources, infrequent

supervision, and poor living conditions. This is also the scenario of the ten (10) schools in

Pinili District, are facing, more so that some of the teachers are not from the area where the

school is located.

III. Research Questions

The research seeks to identify the experiences, problems and challenges

encountered of teachers teaching multi-grade in Pinili District for the school year 2019 –

2020. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions;

1. What are the experiences, challenges, and problems encountered of the multi-

grade teachers in the following domains;

a) content knowledge and pedagogy

b) learning environment;

c) diversity of learners;

d) curriculum and planning;

e) assessment & reporting;

f) community linkages and professional engagement;

g) personal growth and professional development?

2. What could be the proposed support program for the multi-grade teachers in

terms of the seven (7) domains?

IV. Scope and Limitation

The basic research primary objective is to explain the lived experiences of teachers under

the seven (7) domains under the Philippine Professional Standards of Teachers (PPST). With

that, the basic research’s scope is only under the; a) social regards for learning; b) learning

environment; c) diversity of learners; d) curriculum; e) planning, assessing & reporting; f)

community linkages; and g) personal growth and professional development. No other claims

will be made outside the seven (7) domains.

The study will be conducted at Pinili District where it has ten(10) existing schools

having multi-grade classes namely; Sto, Tomas, Cabaroan, Barbar, Buanga, Bulbulala,

Bicbica, Gulpeng,Godogod , Liliputen and Puzol Elementary School. Grade 1-2 multigrade

teachers will be the respondents of the study.

V. Research Methodology

a. Sources of Data and Sampling

The study will be using the purposive sampling technique in choosing the respondents

of the study. Grade 1-2 teachers from the multi grade schools will be answering the

structured interview questionnaire

b. Data Collection

The data collection will be in the form of a structured interview questionnaire which

was lifted from the study of Calaguas(2008) and Mulaudzi (2016). The said structured

interview questionnaire deals on the demographic profile of the respondents as the study

attempts to give the readers on the background of the respondents. Further, the structured

interview questionnaire answers the lived experiences, challenges, and problems encountered

by the respondents under the seven (7) domains in the Philippine Professional Standards of

Teachers (PPST).
c. Ethical Issues

In order to protect the respondent’s privacy, the recorded interview will be

kept with utmost care so as to observe ethical standards and professionalism in

conducting research study. In case that there is a need to look for the veracity of the

recordings conducted, the said material will be dealt with utmost care so as not to leak

information that may breach the ethical considerations.

d. Plan for Data Analysis

Since the study is phenomenological in nature, the research will be based on

the merit of interview with the use of the structured interview questionnaire. The

researcher will ask permission from the public schools district supervisor and the

school principal concerned for the schedule of the interview. To maximize the time

of travel, classroom observation will also be done with the consent of the school head

and at the same time the teacher respondent will be informed on an earlier date.

The result of the recorded interview will be carefully transcribed into text

format so as to make sure that all of the answers will be carefully reflected in the

results of the study.

All the interviews to be conducted will be done on the free time of the teacher

so as not to disrupt the class and observe time-on-task as being mandated by the


VI. Timetable/Gantt Chart

Activity 2019 2020

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April
Submission of Proposal October 14-November

Evaluation of Proposal November

Announcement of November,18
Approved Research
Proposal ,2019
Revision and Integration November
of Corrections and
Suggestions of the 19-25,2019
Research Proposal
Indorsement of Approved November
of Research
Data Gathering, Analysis
and Interpretation
Submission of the
Completed Research
Presentation/Defense in
the Division Office
-Revision and Integration
of the Corrections
-Final Proofreading

VII. Cost Estimates

Particulars Amount
1. Printing of the material. Php 500.00
2. Travel Expenses Php 1 000.00
3. Book binding process Php 500.00
4. Production of proposal and final paper Php 500.00
5. Other miscellaneous expenses. Php 500.00
Total Php11,500.00

VIII. Plans for Dissemination and Advocacy

The researchers plan to disseminate the information gathered in the research study to help

other teachers on what to do. Also, the result of the study will serve as an input to the

district’s multi grade program.

A SLAC or DLAC will be proposed in order to present the result of the study at the same

time have an input in the multi grade program of every school.

IX. References

Berry, C. 2001. Achievement Effects of Multi-grade and Mono-grade Primary Schools in the
Turks and Caicos Islands. International Journal of Educational Development, 21, 537-552.

Berry, C. 2010. Multi-grade Teaching: A Discussion Document. Available from


Bleakley, A. 2005. Stories as Data, Data as Stories: Making Sense of Narrative Inquiry in
Clinical Education. Medical Education, 39, 534-540.

Brown, B.A. 2008. Multi-grade Teaching: A Review of Selected Literature and Implications
for Teacher Education and Training in South Africa. Faculty of Education: University of
Fort Hare.

Brown, B.A. 2010. Teachers’ Accounts of the Usefulness of Multi-grade Teaching in

Promoting Sustainable Human- Development Related Outcomes in Rural Africa. University
of Fort Hare, East London.

Chudnovsky, D. 1998. The Big Bungle: Teacher Redeployment in South Africa. South
African Report. SAR, 13 No 2.

Creswell, J.W. 2009. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches. New York: Sage Publishers.

Department of Education, 2005. Report of the Ministerial Committee on Rural Education: A

New Vision for Rural Schooling. Pretoria: Department of Education.

Department of Education, 2009. Report of the Task Team for the Review of the
Implementation of the National Curriculum Statement. Pretoria: Department of Education.

The School Division of Ilocos Norte, Pinili District through the School Principal I of
Sto. Tomas/Cabaroan Elementary School is undertaking a study titled “EXPERIENCES,
in Pinili District. Rest assured that your identity as respondent shall be kept confidential and
your responses shall be treated properly. Thank you very much!

Name: _____________________________ Age:_______________________

Position: ______________________Grade level/s taught: _______________________
Years in Service: _______________


1. What is your understanding of the multi-grade teaching?

2. What teaching methods/strategies do you use in your multi-grade classroom? ( write
as many as you can)
3. What are your other experiences, problems, and challenges in teaching multi-grade
which is related to your mastery of content knowledge and the principles of the
teaching learning process.


1. How do you structure your classroom? How is your seating arrangement?

2. How do you manage the behavior of your learners? What are your strategies?

3. What are your other experiences, problems, and challenges in teaching multi-grade
with regards to the learning environment .


1. Can you briefly explain how you group your learners in the classrooms?
2. What is your idea about differentiated teaching in multi-grade classes?
3. What are your other experiences, problems, and challenges in teaching multi-grade
with regards to the diversity of your learners .


1. How do you plan your lessons?

2. What learning materials do you use?
3. What are your other experiences, problems, and challenges in teaching multi-grade
with regards to curriculum and planning .


1. Explain how you assess your learners in the classroom?

2. What challenges do you experience in the multi-grade teaching context?
3. How effective is multi-grade teaching in the education of learners?
4. What do you think should be done to ensure the effectiveness of teaching and learning
in your classes?


1. How often are you supported by curriculum advisors, community and school
stakeholders in multi-grade teaching?
2. How do you encourage parents , community and stakeholders in the educative


1. Are you trained to teach multi-grade classrooms? (enumerate seminars attended in

multi-grade teaching)
2. What are your other experiences, problems, and challenges in teaching multi-grade
with regards to your personal growth and professional development ?
Appendix A


June 15, 2018


Schools Division superintendent
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte
Laoag City


May I request permission to conduct my research study titled “GENDER AND

District ,this calendar year 2018. This study aims to determine the school community
awareness on Gender and Development (GAD) as a potential basis for comprehensive

Rest assured that classes shall not be disrupted during the administration of the

Hoping for your favorable action on this matter.

Thank you very much and more power!

Very truly yours,

Head Teacher-III

Appendix B


June 15, 2018



May I request permission to conduct my research study titled “GENDER AND

SCHOOLS TEACHERS” of Badoc District, this calendar year 2018. This study aims to
determine the school community awareness on Gender and Development (GAD) as a
potential basis for comprehensive dissemination.

Respondents to this study are randomly selected teachers. Questionnaires shall be

given to the respondents.

Rest assured that the respondents’ identity shall be kept confidential and their
responses shall be treated properly.

Hoping for your favorable action on this matter.

Thank you very much and more power!

Very truly yours,

Head Teacher-III


The School Division of Ilocos Norte, Pinili District through the School Principal I of
Sto. Tomas/Cabaroan Elementary School is undertaking a study titled “GENDER AND
SCHOOLS TEACHERS” in Pinili District. Rest assured that your identity as respondent
shall be kept confidential and your responses shall be treated properly. Thank you very much!

Name: _____________________________ Position: ______________________

Grade level/s taught: _______________________ Years in Service: _______________

Direction: Kindly rate the following indicators as to your level of awareness.

5 - Highly Aware
4 - Aware
3 - Moderately Aware
2 - Slightly Aware
1 - Not Aware
Part 1. Gender and Development (GAD) Awareness of the School Community on National
Mandates and Other Related Laws
No Indicators Rating
1 Republic Act (RA) 7192 – Women in Development and Nation Building
Act (An Act Promoting the Integration of Women as Full and equal
Partners of Men in Development and Nation Building and for Other
2 Republic Act (RA) 9710 – The Magna Carta of Women (An Act
Providing for the Magna Carta of Women)
3 Republic Act (RA) 7877 – Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 (An Act
Declaring Sexual Harassment Unlawful in the Employment, Education or
Training Environment and for Other Purposes)
4 Republic Act (RA) 9208 – Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 (An
Act Instituting Policies to Eliminate Trafficking in Persons Especially
Women and Children, Establishing the Necessary Institutional
5 Republic Act (RA) 8353 - Anti-Rape Law of 1997 ( An Act Expanding
the Definition of the Crime Rape, Reclassifying the Same as Crime
against Persons, Amending for the Purpose Act No. 3815, as amended
Otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code, and for Other Purposes)
6 Section 14, Article II of the 1987 Constitution (Recognizing the Role of
Women in Nation Building and shall ensure the Fundamental Equality
before the Law of Women and Men)
7 Section 28 of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) (Directing
Government Entities to formulate a GAD plan, the Cost of which shall
not be less than Five Percent of their Yearly Budget, Otherwise known as
the GAD Budget)
8 Executive Order (EO) 273 (Directing all Government Agencies and Local
Levels to institutionalize (GAD) efforts in Government by incorporating
GAD concerns in their Planning, Programming and Budgeting Process)

Part 2. Gender and Development (GAD) Awareness of the School Community on

Government Agencies Integrating GAD Plan to Program, Projects and activities (PPAs)
No Indicators Rating
1 The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), previously the National
Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW), leads in setting
the priority agenda for women’s empowerment and gender equality.
2 The National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) ensures
GAD issues and concerns, gender equality and women’s empowerment
are mainstreamed.
3 The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) ensures that
agencies submit their annual GAD Plan and Budget (GPB) and GAD
Accomplishment Report (AR)
4 The Commission on Audit (COA) conducts annual audit on the use of the
GAD budget.
Part 3. Gender and Development (GAD) Awareness of the School Community on Gender
No Indicators Rating
1 Inadequate information on Gender Sensitivity and Unawareness on
Gender and Development
2 Unidentified gaps or differences between men and women
3 Unequal status of men and women in national development and gender
4 Unrecognized women’s participation in development
5 Lack of structured/strategic mechanisms to support GAD program and
policies of the government

Part 4. Gender and Development (GAD) Awareness of the School Community on Gender
No Indicators Mean
A. Productive Roles
1 Production or economic activity usually dominated by men
2 Men are expected to do physical
3 Breadwinner is men’s primary role.
B. Reproductive Roles
1. Domestic activity such as housekeeping, care of the sick and children, done
mostly by women
2. Women are expected to do housework, teaching and nursing.
3. Mother/housewife is women’s primary work.
C. Community Managing Roles
1. Woman has the right to vote, run for election and hold public office
2. Woman has an equal right to education as man
3. Woman has the right to join leisure, sports and cultural activities.

Direction: Kindly rate the following indicators as to the level of significance.

5- Highly Significant
4- Significant
3- Moderately Significant
2- Slightly Significant
1- Not Significant

Part 5. Level of Significance of Factors Affecting GAD Awareness

No Indicators Rating
1 Information dissemination on GAD directives/policies and guidelines.
2 Issuance of necessary office orders, memoranda, circulars or guidelines
pertaining to GAD
3 Strengthening of orientation to school community members about gender
responsive program and other GAD related issues
4. Capacity to provide quality GAD trainings for the school community
5. Increased cooperation and participation of men and women (personnel &
students) in GAD related activities and programs
6. Appreciation of personnel and students for GAD activities and projects.
7. Participation to Women Initiated Activities (e.g. Women’s Month
8. Implementation of specific policies/mechanisms for women protection (e.g.
Anti-sexual harassment units)
9. Integration of GAD concerns/concepts in classrooms and in programs and
10. Recognition of women’s different perceptions and interests arising from
different social positions and genders roles
11. Creation of monitoring bodies that promote GAD
12. Adequate resources for the implementation of GAD programs and projects
for the welfare of the personnel and students
13. Other mechanisms for GAD Promotion and communication for GAD
messages (e.g. website, on-line)

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