Marc Mccullough Questionnaire

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Marc McCullough

1. In recent years, the mayor and City Council have used a mix of
revenue increases and cuts in expenses to balance the city budget. Do
you agree? If not, what would you do differently?
No I don’t agree with anything that has to do with revenue increases and I’m
in high favor of cutting expenses. ($500 million for a court house?) I wouldn’t
know where I could cut /stop spending until I make into office, but once there I
will vote against any un-necessary spending.
2. Do you support the Jacksonville Journey? Explain your answer.
Yes I do support the Jacksonville Journey 100%, as I believe it to be so the
Journey has programs aimed at finding jobs for ex-offenders, and programs
for at-risk youth. As those areas I’m passionate about.

3. What endorsements have you received?

Well I have received endorsement from pastors that serve my community as
well as the people that reside in and around the community. But today I
haven’t received any corporate endorsements

4. How much civic activity do you perform outside work?

Most of my free time is spent helping others. I started a group called A.S.K
(Adults Supporting Kids) and P.O.E.T.R.Y (the Power Of Edifying The Real
You) where I’m dedicated to getting kids excited about writing (poetry) instead
of fighting!

5. How do you intend to comply with Florida¹s public records and

government in the sunshine laws? If you saw an elected official
breaking the sunshine law, what would you do?
I will fully comply with this law as I believe we all should be transparent in our
daily walk, especially when you’re an elected official.
If I saw an elected official breaking the sunshine law, I would give them every
opportunity to rectify the situation before I informed those in a position to
handle it.

6. What can you do to help support the clean-up of the St. Johns River?
So many people use the river and I think that we can all pitch in and help, so
any way that I can help I’m willing to do.

7. How can you become engaged in the city¹s high murder, infant
mortality and suicide rates?
I really believe that people are suffering not just on the streets but in gated
communities and until someone that has gone through what they’re going
through reaches out to them and just listen to the problems those numbers
will remain high. The murder rate stems from a lack of jobs/opportunities
which stems from a lack of education. I will/can walk the troubled
neighborhoods and restore pride and unity in “our” community

8. Has consolidation been a good or bad deal for Jacksonville? Please

explain your answer.
I’m not sure what consolidation that’s in question and would love more
information on the subject so that I can answer the question, before the

For council candidates:

What is the role of a council member? As mini-mayor? Or as legislator?
I really see the Council members as having the duties of both. As a legislator
it’s Council members job to work with the city, as a mini-mayor it’s the job of a
Council member to work for the community!

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