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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies--2018
Student Name: Corinne Walker
IWU Supervisor: Dr. Karr
Grade Level: 2nd Grade

- Students will use the information from the lesson to evaluate their own roll in the community.
Who are some people and events that have changed our world?
- I CAN make a difference in my community
A. Goal: After the lesson, the students will successfully identify the characteristics of a productive community
member who makes an impact on society.
B. Objective:
- After the lesson, the students will be able to identify different rolls in a community.
- During the lesson, the students will identify what it means to be a responsible citizen of their community.
C. Standards: NCSS/ IAS

- 2.1.3 Identify actions and individuals who had a positive impact on the local community.

- D4.7.K-2. Identify ways to take action to help address local, regional, and global problems.

- People, Places, and Environments

II. Management Plan

a. Materials:
- Anticipatory set: paper for maps
- Graffiti wall: Large pieces of paper, markers, and iPads
- Individual Scenarios: Paper with scenarios, pencils, and tape
- Closure: worksheets, color pencils

b. Time: 45 minutes
- Anticipatory set: 7 minutes
- Graffiti wall: 10 minutes
- Individual Scenarios: 15 minutes
- Discussion: 7 minutes
- Closure: 6 minutes

c. Space
- Anticipatory set: at their desk in table groups
- Graffiti Wall: Areas around the outer edge of the classroom + wall space
- Individual Scenarios: Areas in the center of the classroom
- Discussion: rug space
- Closure: At their desk in table groups

d. Behavior
- Anticipatory set: students will be expected to work individually on their maps
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
- Graffiti Wall: Students are expected to collaborate with their group members + listen to other’s
- Individual Scenarios: students will work individually at first, but then collaborate effectively with
other students.
- Closure: Students will participate in the class discussion and return their worksheet back to class
the next day.
 Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—
- The poster on the wall will be slightly lower for students that are not as tall or students that are in a
- Students who are at a lower reading level will be given headphones to listen to the article and read along.
- Early finishers can add to their map and put more people who are in the community (now that they have
learned more).
- Students who would feel more comfortable drawing for the scenario instead of writing, will be given the
option to do so.
- ELL students will be given their iPads to use in case they need help with understanding.


III. Anticipatory Set/ Staging the Question [Compelling Question]
• I will give all of the students a piece of paper and markers. On the piece of paper, they will map out their
weekly routines/ places in the community they like. On this map I will ask them to color in a path they can
take to all of these places and I will also have them draw the buildings. They can write who they will see on
the way, and what they like to do there (They are allowed to be as creative as they want).

“I am going to give you all a piece of paper and markers. Before I do that, I want you to put on your
creative thinking hats. On the paper I want you to make a map of where you live. But on this map, I want
you to show me some of your favorite places to go in the community. I also want you to write down who
is at your favorite place, and who you might see on the way there! After you do that, feel free to color
and draw anything on your map that might surround some of your favorite places.”

- The students will have about 5 minutes to complete this activity.

 When the students are done drawing, have a group discussion. Allow time for the students to show their
classmates and the teacher, their maps.
 Have a sample map to show the students what the teacher put on his/her map. On this map have places
such as the library (with a librarian), a fire station (with firefighters), a school (with teachers and janitors).

“You showed me some really great and creative maps! Today we are going to look into a community and
what it means to make a difference in our communities. Some of you had some people already on your
map that we are going to talk about. Did you know that you can make a positive impact on your
community? Say it will me, ‘I can make a difference in my community.’ Let’s look and see some examples of
what some of our community members do!”

V.Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) Supporting Question/ Explicit Teaching

 Graffiti Wall
- There will be 4-5 large pieces of paper spread out on the walls of the classroom. On each paper, there
will be a different person from the community shown. The students will have videos on their iPads or
computers that they can pull up, giving a brief description of what each person in the community
does. (Brief description of the community member and what they do)
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
- Split up into groups of 4-5, the students will rotate through each poster. On the poster, the students
will write as many positive characteristics as they can for each one, after reviewing the videos of the
different rolls. Then, the students will rotate to a new one. After a while, the posters will continue to
get fuller and fuller.
- Once everyone has gone through all of the posters, the class will gather in either a circle or on the rug.
The teacher will hang each poster in the front of the room for everyone to see

“Did you learn anything new about a person from the community?” allow time for response.
“Let’s look at some of the characteristics that you put for each member. I’m going to highlight with a
marker, the ones that are the same.”

- The teacher will then highlight all of the attributes that are the same among the 5-6 posters.
 Transition:
- Now that we have investigated the characteristics of people in our community (now), let’s look at
what could happen if we didn’t have a certain roll in the community.
 Individual Scenarios
- There will be pieces of paper with about 20 or so scenarios for the students to look at. Each student
will go to one of the pieces of paper. Some of them will be on the floor, walls, desks, etc.
- After each student has found a different piece of paper, they will read the scenario.
o Scenarios will say something like “what would happen if we didn’t have any more teachers in
our community? What would the community look like? Would it hurt the community in any
way? How would you feel if this happen?
- The students will have about 10 minutes to think about the scenarios and write down some of the
o Encourage students to draw out their answers as well
- After the students have completed this task, have them go to other students to talk about their
scenarios and what they wrote down.
 Class discussion

“We looked at the characteristics of a person who makes a difference in our own community, AND we
looked at some different rolls that we can have in a community. What did you notice about the rolls in
the community? What were some of your discussions about the scenarios?

“People in our community can hold characteristics such as responsibility, honesty, and they help the
people in need. Is this something that we can do too? Turn to your neighbor and discuss ways that we
can also have these same characteristics.”

- Students will collaborate with others and come up with some ideas.
- The students will share what they have found.
VI. Check for understanding.
 The teacher will walk around and guide the students in their discussion. If the students are not
understanding the material, the teacher will give an opportunity to reteach and guide the students towards
the middle of the lesson.
 The teacher will be there to guide the graffiti wall activity. This would be a good way to check for
understanding. If the students are not getting the material, the teacher can pause the activity in order to
further discuss the objectives.
VII. Review learning outcomes / Closure –
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
 The students will be given their choice of colored construction paper. They will write down a goal that they
have on how they personally want to be a positive impact on their community. Give them ideas if they need
assistance (picking up trash, recycling, writing letters to those in need, etc.). They can color, draw, and be
creative with it.

“We can all make a positive impact on our community, big or small.”


- The students will send home a paper with a box at the top for their picture. They can either draw a
picture of themselves or they can add a picture and glue it on. On this paper, the students will pretend
that they are older and have their dream job. They will then write about how they want to impact the
community in their job. Their parents can help them do this as well.
- The teacher will be evaluating student understanding by looking at what the students come up with
on the graffiti wall.
- The teacher will also be evaluating the students during the class discussion time. This will show if the
lesson was mastered or if it needs to be reviewed.
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Was this lesson appropriate for every student in the classroom?
8. Where the students engaged during the entire lesson?
9. Did the lesson accommodate to everyone’s needs?
10. Was there enough time for the lesson?
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018

Teacher Map Example:

Upland, Indiana


Fire Station My house
Fire fighters


Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018

Worksheet for home:

This is me in the future…

My name is _________________________

I am a __________________

I want to make an impact on the community by ___________________


Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018

Student: Corinne Walker

IWU Supervisor:
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Compelling Question:
Expectation: If any of the non-negotiable expectations are not met the lesson plan is returned unscored for
correction and resubmission. It will result in an automatic reduction of one letter grade.
Non-negotiable Expectations Element Met Not Met

Student uses the provided Template

template for Social Studies
Document is submitted as an Document
MSWord document for the Format
purpose of track changes.

Student includes all of the Headings

information in the template
heading along with the same
on the rubric page.

Rubric pages are submitted Rubric Pages

with the lesson plan

PowerPoints, worksheets, Lesson Plan

video links, web links, Resources
recording sheets, games, and
/or anchor charts are
included with submission of
the lesson plan.

Lesson plan includes dialogue Scripting

to be used in the lesson. Use
italics and line spacing for
easy reading.

Includes complete Indiana Standards: IAS

ac-ademic standards

Includes complete ISTE

Standard for
standard for students.
Students: ISTE
Includes NCSS standard from
Standards: NCSS
10 Thematic Strands list.

Includes a compelling Compelling

question and I can Question
I can statement
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Rationale Statement of rationale for the
learning experience and
environment in this lesson.

Goals are broader statements

Goals that should encompass many

Each objective should include

the following: Conditions;
Objectives Desired learning; Observable
behavior; and Accuracy (as

Management A. Materials:
Plan B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and
direct and focuses students’
attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly

connected to the content of the
lesson and is presented in terms that
are easily understood by students.

Plan For Instruction

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are
Individual provided in this lesson. The
Differences and opportunities are developmentally
Diverse Learners appropriate and/or are adapted to
diverse students.

Early Finishers
Exceptional Needs-
Lesson Demonstrate understandings,
Presentation for capabilities & practices associated
Social Studies w/ the central concepts & tools in
Civics, Econ, Geo, and /or History
w/in a framework of inquiry

Lesson The candidate’s lesson

demonstrates an understanding of
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Presentation developmentally appropriate

The candidate’s lesson includes

both modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes

relevant activities that encourage
student participation and critical

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and

Understanding the means to check for student
understanding of the lesson. A
[CU] provision is included to reteach all or
part of the lesson to all or part of the

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the

Outcomes and/ lesson purpose and/or objective.
or Closure

Plan for Assessment

Formal and A plan for formal and informal
Informal assessment [focus on formative]
Assessment throughout the lesson is included.
The assessment strategies are
uniquely designed for the students.

Reflection and The lesson plan includes all required

Post-Lesson self-answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements that do to meet A competent lesson plan earns a An outstanding lesson plan
the competent level will receive a score of score of 34-37/40. earns a score of 38/40-40/40
33 /40 or lower

Additional Comments:

40 RATING Points
Points Equivalent
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
100 - 96 Approved.
A/A- Outstanding 40-38 Print a copy of lesson for your university supervisor.
95 - 94
B+ Above Average/ Competent 93 - 90 37-36 Approved. Read Feedback, make necessary revisions
to document and then send to your university
89 - 87
B/B- Competent 35-34 supervisor and cooperating teacher. Not necessary
86 - 84 to resubmit to professor.
C+ Average/ Developing 83 - 81 33 Not Approved. Revise and Resubmit.
C Emergent/ Developing 80 - 78 32
C- Emergent 77 - 75 31-30
D Needs Improvement 74 - 66 29-27 Not Approved. Meet with Professor. Revise and
F 65 - 00 26 and Below Resubmit.

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