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The Role of Clinical Engineering in the Promotion of Hospital Ergonomics

B. M. Giordani1, F. S. Barros2, P. Nohama3, M. M. Gusso3
Graduate Program in Design, Santa Catarina State University, Brazil
Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering, Federal University of Technology - Paraná, Brazil
Graduate Program in Health Technology, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil
use of technologies in hospitals. However, clinical
Abstract –– The clinical engineer is the professional inside engineering goes far beyond equipments, nowadays they are
the hospitals that uses the knowledge of engineering in favor deeply involved in activities like quality improvement and
the resolutions of questions from the health environment. In risk management. Thus, in its various functions, the clinical
addition to equipment management, clinical engineers have a
number of diversified assignments and they need ensure the
engineer is also concerned with the risks involved in using
safety and satisfaction of human beings during them. One way these devices in order to avoid accidents [2]. In this way, the
to promote this is through hospital ergonomics, the observation concern of the clinical engineering in the improvement of
of ergonomic parameters can help identify ergonomic the safety of the hospital services is perceived, making this
problems that can be solved, promoting health, satisfaction and professional responsible for the ergonomics in hospitals.
safety in the health units. Methods: The present study intended Ergonomics - or human factors - is centered in study the
to establish a relationship between the attributions of clinical adaptation of work to man [3], work being understood here
engineering and ergonomics, in order to demonstrate the in its broadest definition, all situations arising from the
ability of promoting ergonomics that clinical engineers possess,
interaction between a human being and a productive
using bibliographic research as a method to provide
information and data for the development of the research.
activity. Ergonomics is concerned with understanding the
Results: Comparing ergonomics parameters and clinical worker's skills and limitations in order to adapt the work to
engineering attributions found in the literature it was possible its needs, avoiding failures and thereby preserving the health
to identify several convergences between them. Discussion: of the individual. It is divided into three domains - physical,
With the comparison, this relationship was perceptible, cognitive and organizational - to analyze the work in an
demonstrating the opportunity that clinical engineers have in integral way and to achieve its goal of promoting health,
ergonomics of offering better health services. safety and people satisfaction, resulting in efficiency in the
functions performed [3]. Knowing the domains of
ergonomics and its scope, it is possible to affirm that it can
Keywords –– clinical engineering, ergonomic parameters,
be applied to many activities and responsibilities of the
hospital ergonomics. clinical engineer, going beyond the study of man-machine
interfaces, being applied for the planning of clinical spaces,
working hours and among other diverse interactions studied
I. INTRODUCTION by the ergonomics that are verified in the routine of a
clinical engineer.
The technological advances of the last decades are Ergonomic knowledge can be a potential ally to clinical
imposing the modernization of many sectors in society, in engineers in improving the safety of hospital services. The
health units is no different. Innovations in electronics, present study was devoted to present how clinical
nuclear medicine, computers and diagnostic by imaging are engineering professionals, in their daily assignments, can
some of the examples that illustrate the evolution of health assist in the promotion of hospital ergonomics, according
systems over the last century [1]. Each day that passes new ergonomics domains and parameters.
high technology devices are created and they are used to
promote better diagnostics and treatments for patients in
hospitals and clinics. As a result, in addition to the II. METHODOLOGY
improvement in services provided to users, it also increases
the need of professionals who are able to deal correctly with The present work was dedicated to perform a research
those equipment that are increasingly complexes and need of applied nature, with the purpose of producing practical
attention. Thus, the figure of the clinical engineer, knowledge in order to help solving specific problems. The
professional equipped with the necessary knowledge to approach used was qualitative, since it was emphasized by
perform such activities, becomes increasingly essential for the understanding of the phenomena and their respective
the management of those resources. meanings [4]. The research executed was exploratory, using
The Clinical Engineer provides support and enhances a bibliographical survey to understand the topics addressed
patient care through the application of engineering and to better relate them. Therefore, the technical procedure
management skills into health technologies [2]. In this way, used was a bibliographic research that provided the
these professionals are responsible for efforts related to the information and data for the development of the research.

PORTO, PORTUGAL; MARCH 19–24, 2018 ISBN: 978-1-5386-5475-0

978-1-5386-5475-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE IEEE CATALOG NUMBER: CFP1818G-ART

III. RESULTS - Act as technical part in committees.

- Collaborate in the improvement and maintenance of
the quality control of methods and instruments.
A. Clinical Engineering - Represent the institution outside the walls in aspects
related to engineering.
Clinical engineering, an arm of biomedical engineering, - Collaborate in the investigation of accidents involving
is a very important sector in health units. But it has not equipment in the hospital unit.
- Train human resources and instruct the technical staff
always been that way, the establishment of these sectors for the maximum use of resources.
and, consequently, of professionals called clinical engineers
is relatively recent. In order to execute those activities, in addition to the
The emergence and implementation of clinical specific training in clinical engineering that is required of
engineering was very important for the improvement of these professionals, the clinical engineering associations -
hospital practices. Clinical engineering departments have for example ABEClin - expects its members to perform their
become the support center for all medical technologies. functions taking ethical principles into account. Among the
They became responsible for all the biomedical instruments, principles, two stand out: Maintain, as a priority, the safety,
systems used in hospitals and the training of doctors on the health and welfare of the public; Make the health area a safe
safe use of equipment [5]. and effective environment for the responsible and effective
Studies have shown a substantial contribution of these use of the resources made available to it [7].
sectors in hospitals and clinics, since this professional The mentioned principles refer to the concern that this
interacts with several actors within the hospital professional must have with the promotion of the physical
configuration. Their assignments are not limited to the integrity of the people during their professional activities.
maintenance of equipment. In fact, clinical engineers are These principles closely resemble the objectives of
responsible for several activities. Some authors [6] ergonomics: safety, satisfaction and health [3]. This fact
categorized the activities into three main tasks (Table 1). demonstrates how clinical engineers are also responsible for
ergonomics in hospital environments, as in their daily
TABLE I assignments they should seek to promote this.

- Plan: determine objectives, goals, policies, programs,

B. Hospital Ergonomics
resources and establish procedures.
- Organize: organizational structures, outline Ergonomics is a science related to understanding the
relationships, describe positions and profiles, and interactions between humans and other elements or systems,
generate organizational manuals and procedures.
Integrate: select, guide, train and develop areas of
and applying theories, principles, data and methods to
tasks projects in order to optimize human well-being and
- Lead: delegate responsibilities, motivate, coordinate, performance of the system [8]. It is understood that the
overcome differences, anticipate and promote change. object of study of ergonomics is the man and all that he
- Evaluate: establish the information system, determine
efficiency standards, measure and feedback the other
interacts and interferes in the execution of a certain activity.
results. From this, it is possible to develop projects, plans spaces,
- Collaborate in the implementation of new techniques artifacts, systems, workstations to make them adequate for
and medical procedures that involve engineering the capacities and restrictions of people [3], according three
- Collaborate in medical or clinical research related to
different domains (Table 2).
Research and engineering.
development - Design and supervise the construction and testing of TABLE II
tasks special purpose equipment. ERGONOMIC DOMAINS.
- Carry out continuous study, research, development
and design of methods used in health care. PHYSICAL ERGONOMICS
- Develop methods of calibration, adjustment and It deals with the characteristics of human anatomy, anthropometry,
testing of instruments. physiology and biomechanics, related to physical activity. It includes
- Keep biomedical instruments in optimum working posture at work, material handling, repetitive movements, work-related
condition, ensuring patient and operator safety. musculoskeletal disorders, job design, worker safety and health;
- Plan the acquisition of medical-hospital equipment, COGNITIVE ERGONOMICS
aiming at the incorporation of technology. It deals with mental processes, such as perception, memory, reasoning
- Coordinate the acquisition process. and motor response, related to the interactions between people and other
- Manage the maintenance of medical-hospital elements of a system. It includes mental burden, decision making,
Service tasks equipment from acquisition to disposal. human-computer interaction, stress, and training;
- Plan and monitor changes in the physical structure of ORGANIZATIONAL ERGONOMICS
the health spaces. It deals with the optimization of socio-technical systems, covering the
- Interact with medical and paramedical staff to identify organizational structures, policies and processes. It includes
problems and generate solutions. communications, work project, group work scheduling, participatory
- Assist clinicians and researchers in defining problems project, cooperative work, organizational culture, networked
by analyzing and proposing solutions. organizations, telecommuting, and quality management .

PORTO, PORTUGAL; MARCH 19–24, 2018 ISBN: 978-1-5386-5475-0


It is known that the assessment of the ergonomic aspects Knowing the parameters to be observed, it is possible to
of a system should be examined comprehensively in order to identify problems and plan ergonomic interventions to be
identify the nature of problems and their solutions. Some promoted. It should be made in all circumstances where
authors [9] described parameters to be used for this humans perform activities, including health care
identification (Table 3). establishments, where it is called Hospital Ergonomics.
Hospital Ergonomics aims to improve working
TABLE III conditions, comfort and safety of health workers and
ERGONOMIC PARAMETERS. patients [10]. Ergonomics differs when inserted in health
spaces, since the hospital environment presents very unique
configuration, morphology, physical arrangement, dimensions, reaches,
configurations, presenting peculiarities because it is a place
machines, equipment, consoles, benches, panels and furniture; of high complexity (physical, technological, instrumental),
Instrumental with constant temporal pressure and tension related with the
configuration, conformation, physical arrangement, topology, best possible care. This includes, among others, human
prioritization, ordering, standardization, compatibly and consistency, diversity, female prevalence, high physical demands and
supervision panels (synoptic, dials) or commands;
shift work. In addition, it is also important to highlight the
visibility, readability, comprehensibility and quantity of information, organizational aspects of the work, particularly hierarchical
prioritization, ordering; signal components - characters and symbols -, and relational aspects among health professionals [11].
security or guidance signaling systems, synoptic panels, video monitors Ergonomics is interdisciplinary and, therefore, it has the
and displays, operational manuals and instructional supports;
involvement of professionals from several areas for its
configuration, shape, apprehensibility, dimensions, movement and accomplishment [3]. It is observed that many professionals
resistance of manual and pedestrian controls; can assist in the promotion of hospital ergonomics. Among
Communications the areas, engineering plays an important role, having a
articulation and standardization of verbal messages by loudspeakers, critical view of the systems, acting on the technical aspects
microphones and telephony: quantity of oral communication equipment;
of environments and machinery, on the organization of jobs
comprehensibility, logical consistency of coding, compatibility of and flows of materials, among other functions [3]. In this
repertoires, coherence of stimuli, instructions, actions and decisions case, the performance of the engineers, especially clinical
involved in the task, compatibility with the amount of information, engineers, is highlighted, since they face many aspects that
complexity and/or risks involved in the task; qualification, competence deserve ergonomic attention in their daily functions.
and proficiency of the operator;
weight limits for lifting and manual transport of loads according to the
horizontal distance of the load in relation to the lumbar region of the IV. DISCUSSION
spine, the vertical course of lifting or lowering of the load, the
conformation of the load, the frequency of manipulation of the load;
From the previous assessment, it is possible to identify
aeration, sunshine and ambient lighting; Acoustic and thermal insulation; several convergences between the occupations and
Circulation areas and installation layout of workstations; Graphic objectives of clinical engineering with the aspects of
ambience, colors of the environment and architectural elements; ergonomics. To make it more evident, this relationship was
Physical-environmental explained by converging the attributions of clinical
lighting, noise, temperature, vibration, radiation, pressure, limits of
hygiene and safety at work, and considering the specificities of the task; engineering with the ergonomic parameters in Table 4.
toxicity and vapor; biological agents (micro-organisms, bacteria, fungi TABLE IV
and viruses) that respect standards of asepsis, hygiene and health; RELATION BETWEEN THE ASSIGNMENTS OF THE CLINICAL
risk and accident control, maintenance of machinery and equipment, use
of collective protection devices and personal protective equipment, Ergonomic Ergonomic
constant supervision of ducts, alarms and industrial plant in general; Clinical Engineering Tasks
Domains Parameters
Operational Plan: determine objectives, goals, Operational
task scheduling, formal and informal interactions, rhythm, repetitiveness, policies, programs, resources and Organizational Organizational
autonomy, pauses, supervision, precision and tolerance of task activities, establish procedures. Instructional
quality controls, team dimensioning; Organize: organizational
Organizational structures, outline relationships, Informational
splitting, isolation, participation, management, evaluation, day, hours, describe positions and profiles, Cognitive
shifts and work schedules, selection and training for work; and generate organizational Instructional
Instructional manuals and procedures.
training programs, task execution procedures; recycling and evaluation; Integrate: select, guide, train and Organizational
Urban Organizational
develop areas of performance. Instructional
planning of city space, urban signage and transportation, road, rail and Lead: delegate responsibilities,
subway terminals, circulation and integrationareas, rest and leisure areas; motivate, coordinate, overcome Cognitive Communicatios
Psychosocial differences, anticipate and Organizational Instructional
conflicts between individuals andngroups; communication difficulties and promote change.
interpersonal interactions; lack of options for relaxation and leisure.

PORTO, PORTUGAL; MARCH 19–24, 2018 ISBN: 978-1-5386-5475-0


Evaluate: establish the

Informational modify a system according to the particularities, abilities
information system, determine Cognitive and restrictions of human beings, analyzing all systems that
efficiency standards, measure and Organizational
feedback the other results.
Operational interact with each other in a work situation, confronting the
Collaborate in the implementation prescribed work with what is actually performed [11].
of new techniques and medical
Organizational Instructional Thus, it is understood that there is a large space for
procedures that involve clinical engineering to contribute to the promotion of
engineering aspects.
Design and supervise the Interfaces
hospital ergonomics. By the amount of parameters that can
Physical be associated with the functions of these professionals, this
construction and testing of special Instrumental
purpose equipment. Ational may even be seen as a necessity. Reference [11] highlights
Carry out continuous study, that some ergonomic contributions that can easily be
research, development and design Organizational
of methods used in health care.
Instructional promoted with the help of clinical engineering: Distribution
Develop methods of calibration, of the respective services in the space, according to
adjustment and testing of Organizational Instructional parameters of functionality, communication and transfer
instruments. and/or movement of patients in the hospital; Selection and
Keep biomedical instruments in deployment of equipment and functional organization of
optimum working condition,
ensuring patient and operator
Physical Interfaces services and workplaces; Organization of hospital
Instrumental information flows and systems that improve communication
Manage the maintenance of between services where there is high patient transfer or
Physical Security
medical-hospital equipment from frequent communication; Use of equipment, utensils and
Organizational Operational
acquisition to disposal. devices of clinical practice; Organization and distribution of
Plan and monitor changes in the
Architecture working time of health professionals, based on
Physical-envir. organizational requirements, actual workloads (physical and
physical structure of the health Physical
mental) and the reliability and human resilience of these
Assist clinicians and researchers professionals; Patient Safety, namely in the identification,
in defining problems in clinical All recording and analysis of clinical error, medical error and in
and service areas by analyzing (Except Urban) the prevention of adverse events (or events) arising from the
and proposing solutions.
provision of health care.
Collaborate in the improvement
and maintenance of the quality Physical
control of methods and Organizational
Operational V. CONCLUSION
Organizational A hospital is an environment that integrates many
Train human resources. Organizational complex relationships, being a necessity the creation of an
Psychosocial ergonomically appropriate system for the functions
Collaborate in the investigation of performed there [11]. Therefore, there is a growing demand
Physical Security
accidents involving equipment in
the hospital unit.
Cognitive Cognitive for professionals committed to promoting these ergonomic
Instruct the technical staff for the aspects in their daily work, so that they can help in
Organizational Instructional
maximum use of resources. stimulating the quality of life and well-being in these spaces.
The clinical engineering professional is more than
Observing Table 4, it can be seen that from the capable of collaborating with hospital ergonomics, as well
assignments described [6], in only six ergonomic concepts as having many opportunities to exercise it in their
could not be used in the routine of clinical engineering, assignments.
while in the other 19 assignments several parameters could The present study demonstrated some ergonomic
be useful, improving equipment, spaces and services in parameters that can be observed from the point of view of
general. Then, it is observed how ergonomics can be the clinical engineer and when they are diagnosed can be
inserted in the hospital environments through the clinical easily solved, demonstrating where the professional can
engineer, reinforcing the importance of such professional in interfere and evidencing how valuable it is for the health,
the provision of health services more safe and satisfactory. safety and satisfaction of people in medical-hospital
Knowing the parameters to be observed in each function environments.
gives to the clinical engineer the sensibility to identify faulty However, it was only presented the opportunity for
items or elements to be improved in their daily activities. intervention by these professionals, tools and protocols that
In addition to the parameters, ergonomics provides a could be used for ergonomic diagnoses and corrections were
series of protocols to diagnose problems and tools to solve not explored at this time. It is recommended for future
them. It is up to the professionals to seek the aid to solve studies that ergonomic instruments that could be used by
each problem. A widely used protocol is the Ergonomic clinical engineering in the solution of ergonomic problems
Work Analysis, it is defended that this analysis allows to in the health units are listed.

PORTO, PORTUGAL; MARCH 19–24, 2018 ISBN: 978-1-5386-5475-0



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PORTO, PORTUGAL; MARCH 19–24, 2018 ISBN: 978-1-5386-5475-0


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