Warlock Patrons, Boons, & Invocations - GM Binder

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Otherworldly Patrons

At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron feature.
The following additional options are available to a warlock:
the Archmage, the Coven, the Elder Sphinx, the Great Wyrm,
the Primeval Growth, the Titan, and the Wild Hunt.
For those with the willpower and time, arcane magic can be a
path to great power. Those who ascend to these lofty heights
of arcane power are known as Archmages, masters of the
weave. So wondrous is their power, and so strange are their
goals, these masters of magic will sometimes enlist warlocks
to help with, what appear to the Archmage, to be trivial tasks.
What drove you into the service of an Archmage? Was it a
desire for their power, or a simpler path to arcane mastery?
Archmage Features
Warlock Level Feature
1st Expanded Spell List, Arcane Apprentice
6th Astral Slip, Arcane Savant
10th Spell Ward
14th Banishing Shunt

The Archmage lets you choose from an expanded list of
spells when you learn a warlock spell. Beginning at 1st level,
the following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Archmage Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st magic missile, shield 
2nd magic weapon, rope trick Your patron grants you enhanced insight into the theories of
arcane magic. Starting at 6th level, each time you finish a
3rd lightning bolt, tiny servant long rest you can replace one warlock spell you know of 1st-
4th arcane eye, resilient sphere level or higher with another warlock spell of your choice.
5th arcane hand, wall of force 
Your knowledge of the weave allows you to resist arcane
 effects. At 10th level, you gain resistance to force damage,
When you make your pact with the Archmage at 1st level, and when you are forced to make a saving throw to resist the
they impart to you a mote of their immense arcane ability. effects of a spell, you can use your reaction to make an
Your spellcasting ability for warlock spells and class features Intelligence saving throw in place of the normal saving throw.
becomes Intelligence, and anytime you gain a warlock feature You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your
that is Charisma-based, it becomes Intelligence-based for you. Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
In addition, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, and you expended uses when you finish a long rest.
learn one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. It
counts as a warlock cantrip for you, but doesn't count against 
your total number of Cantrips Known. Starting at 14th level, when you hit a creature with an attack,
you can force them to make a Charisma saving throw in place
 of dealing damage. On a failed save, the target is instantly
You can draw on the arcane power of your patron to save you transported to a demiplane of your patron's creation for up to
from harm. Beginning at 6th level, when you are hit by an 1 minute, or until you lose concentration on this ability.
attack, you can use your reaction to instantly teleport through When this feature ends, the banished creature returns to
the Astral Plane, causing the triggering attack to miss. You the space that it was previously occupying (or the nearest
then immediately reappear in an unoccupied space of your unoccupied space) and must make an additional Charisma
choice within 30 feet of where you disappeared. saving throw, taking 5d10 force damage on a failed save.
Once you use this reaction to evade an attack, you must Once you use this feature to banish a creature you must
finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. finish a long rest before you can use it again.
 
Grandmother, auntie, wood witch, medicine woman, crone; Upon reaching 6th level, you have been granted rare insights
the strange creatures known as hags go by many names. into the magic of Covens. At the end of a short rest, in place
Their motivations are often sinister, and they delight in the of regaining one of your expended Pact Magic spell slots, you
suffering of others. When hags gather and form a magic pact, can impart that magical energy to a friendly spellcaster who
known as a Coven, they gain access to power beyond what completed the short rest with you. They immediately regain
any of them could hope to achieve individually. Together, their expended spell slots that have a combined level equal to or
ability to sow pain increases tenfold. What strange bargain less than the level of your Pact Magic spell slot.
have you made to access the Coven's unorthodox magic? Once you impart magical energy with this feature you must
finish a long rest before you can do so again.
Coven Features
Warlock Level Feature 
You have served your Coven well and they have rewarded you
1st Expanded Spell List, Weird Magicks with a strange magical ward. Beginning at 10th level, when
6th Deviant Recovery you take damage from a spell or other magical effect, you can
use your reaction to grant yourself resistance to the damage
10th Vile Resilience
from the triggering spell or magical effect.
14th Shared Spellcasting You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
 expended uses when you finish a long rest.
The Coven lets you choose from an expanded list of spells 
when you learn a warlock spell. Beginning at 1st level, the Starting at 14th level, you have grown powerful enough to
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. form a Coven of your own. At the end of a long rest, choose
Coven Spells up to two other willing spellcasters to form your Coven with.
Spell Level Spells While all members of the Coven are within 30 feet of one
another, they can all cast any spell known or prepared by
1st inflict wounds, ray of sickness another member of the Coven in addition to their own spells.
2nd alter self, enhance ability They must still expend their own spell slots to do so.
All members of a Coven are always aware of the direction
3rd bestow curse, nondetection and distance between them and the other members of their
4th dominate beast, polymorph Coven, so long as they are on the same plane of existence.
When you form a Coven, the bond remains in place until
5th insect plague, skill empowerment you complete 1d6 long rests, or a Coven member dies. You
can then form a new Coven at the end of your next long rest.
When you enter this pact at 1st level, the Coven you serve
grants you knowledge of their unorthodox spellcasting. When Forming Your Coven
you cast a warlock spell of 1st-level or higher, you can replace Each warlock may have different requirements for
its damage type with a damage type from another warlock others to enter their Coven. Some take any who
spell you know, altering the spell for this casting only. provide their power freely, while others require
Spells cast in this way resemble the strange magic of hags, embers to swear loyalty to their own patron Coven.
and may be unrecognizable to traditional spellcasters.
Immortal guardians of divine treasures, Sphinxes live to test
mortals who desire the relics of forgotten gods. They are
masters of riddles and other trials that reveal the true nature
of those they test. To an Elder Sphinx, time has no meaning,
and legends say the most powerful Sphinxes can influence
the flow of time with their ancient magic.
You have entered into a pact with one such Elder Sphinx.
Do you work in tandem, or did you fail the test of the Sphinx,
and rather then perish you opted to serve them with your life?
Elder Sphinx Features
Warlock Level Feature
1st Expanded Spell List, Guardian's Ward
6th Time Slip
10th Inscrutable, Eternal Guardian
14th Power of the Ancients

The Elder Sphinx lets you choose from an expanded list of
spells when you learn a warlock spell. Beginning at 1st level,
the following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Elder Sphinx Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st command, detect evil and good
2nd lesser restoration, zone of truth
3rd clairvoyance, slow
4th divination, freedom of movement
5th dispel evil and good, greater restoration
9th time stop

 
The power granted by your patron allows you to prevent the Your patron shields you from divination magic, much like they
unworthy from approaching you, or the things you protect. are shielded from such spells. Beginning at 10th level, you are
Starting at 1st level, you can use an action to project a small immune to any effect that would sense your emotions or read
but powerful ward outward from yourself, with a radius in your thoughts, as well as any divination spell that you refuse.
feet equal to five times your proficiency bonus. Additionally, any Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain
When a creature enters the area of your ward, or starts its your intentions or sincerity are made at disadvantage.
turn within it, it must succeed on a Strength saving throw in
order to move. On a successful save, it can move, but it treats 
the area within your ward as difficult terrain. On a failed save, The Sphinx you serve has blessed you with a semblance of
the creature cannot move into, or within, the area. their immortality. Starting at 10th level, you no longer require
You must concentrate on your ward as if concentrating on a food, water, or sleep, although you still require rest to reduce
spell. Your ward lasts for 1 minute, unless you choose to end exhaustion and still benefit from both short and long rests.
it early (no action required). Once you use your ward you In addition, for every 10 years that pass, your body ages
must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. only 1 year, and you are immune to being aged by magic.
 
Beginning at 6th level, you can manipulate time, much like You gain an empowered mastery over time, but only in your
your patron. As an action, you can pause time and move up to small area of influence. As an action, while your Guardian's
twice your movement speed without provoking opportunity Ward is active, you can cast a limited version of the time stop
attacks. You can only use your movement while time is spell. However, you may only interact with creatures and
stopped, you cannot use actions, bonus actions, or reactions. objects within the radius of your Guardian's Ward.
Time resumes when you finish your movement. When the time stop spell ends, your Guardian's Ward ends
Once you use this action you must finish a short or long as well. Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest
rest before you can use it again. before you can use it again.
 
Inherently magical creatures with incredibly long lifespans, When you form your pact at 1st level, the Great Wyrm imbues
dragons hoard not only wealth and material possessions, but you with a Draconic Spark, a fraction of its elemental power.
servants and slaves as well. Benevolent and malicious, kind Ancient dragons can impart any element, but they most often
and terrible, good and evil, ancient dragons of all types have bestow one that matches their breath weapon. Choose either
motivations beyond comprehension to most mortal beings. acid, cold, fire, lighting, or poison for your Draconic Spark.
What sort of bargain did you enter into in order to access You gain resistance to your Draconic Spark damage type,
the overwhelming elemental power of an ancient dragon? and any time you cast a warlock spell that deals damage, you
can change the damage type to match your Draconic Spark.
Great Wyrm Features In addition, the power of your Draconic Spark allows you
Warlock Level Feature to speak, read, and write Draconic.
1st Expanded Spell List, Draconic Spark
6th Elemental Potency The power of your Spark grows, increasing the power of your
10th Imposing Presence spells. Starting at 6th level, when you cast a spell of 1st-level
or higher that deals your Draconic Spark damage type, you
14th Dragon Wings gain a bonus to one damage roll of the spell equal to 1d8.
 
The Great Wyrm lets you choose from an expanded list of Your body has been steeped in the overwhelming draconic
spells when you learn a warlock spell. Beginning at 1st level, magic of your patron, empowering your willpower and force
the following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. of personality. Beginning at 10th level, you cannot be
charmed or frightened while you are conscious.
Great Wyrm Spells
Spell Level Spells 
Starting at 14th level, you can use a bonus action on your turn
1st chromatic orb, command to manifest a pair of leathery dragon wings from your back,
2nd dragon's breath, scorching ray which grant you a flying speed equal to your movement
3rd fireball, lightning bolt
speed, and last until you use a bonus action to dismiss them.
You cannot manifest your wings while wearing armor
4th vitriolic sphere, wall of fire unless the armor is specifically made to accommodate them.
5th dominate person, cone of cold Any clothes you are wearing that do not accommodate your
wings may be destroyed when you manifest them.
 
Not all who serve the wild seek balance as Druidic Circles do. When you enter your pact with the Primeval Growth you are
Older, and oftentimes more sinister forces are at work in the imbued with a seed of natural magic. At 1st level, you learn
ancient forests of the world. Eldest of all plant life, ancient the thorn whip cantrip. It counts as a warlock cantrip for you,
trees, sacred groves, and sentient forests can remember an but it doesn't count against your number of Cantrips Known.
age when plants, not mortals or beasts, dominated the land. When you hit a creature with thorn whip, or when you
These ancient beings are known as Primeval Growths, the damage or restrain a creature with one of your Primeval
power limited only by the roots that hold them in place. Growth spells, you can use a bonus action to drain the life
Able to channel elder nature magic, these ancient beings force from one target of the spell. The creature takes necrotic
lend their power to mortals who have the ability to move damage equal to your warlock level, and you immediately gain
about the world, and can work to enact their primal will. temporary hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to
Primeval Growth Features your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain
Warlock Level Feature all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
1st Expanded Spell List, Grasping Vines 
6th Primeval Resilience The magic of the Primeval Growth has begun to change your
body. Starting at 6th level, your skin becomes rough and
10th Arboreal Guardian treelike, and your Armor Class cannot be less than 16.
14th Wrath of the Forest In addition, when you cast thorn whip, you can target up to
two creatures that are within the range of the spell.
The Primeval Growth lets you choose from an expanded list 
of spells when you learn a warlock spell. Starting at 1st level, Upon reaching 10th level, your bark-like skin grants you
the following spells are added to your warlock spell list. resistance to all non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and
Primeval Growth Spells
slashing damage, and you no longer require food or drink, so
long as you spend at least one hour in sunlight each day.
Spell Level Spells
1st ensnaring strike, entangle 
Starting at 14th level, you can use an action to lash out with
2nd barkskin, spike growth grasping roots at number of creatures within 30 feet, equal to
3rd erupting earth, plant growth your proficiency bonus. They must make a Strength saving
throw, or be restrained for 1 minute. As an action, creatures
4th grasping vine, guardian of nature can make a Strength (Athletics) check against your warlock
5th tree stride, wrath of nature save DC, escaping from the primeval growth on a success.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again.
At the dawn of creation the world was dominated by massive
creatures; powerful giants bound together by the Ordning,
hulking elementals that would become the landscape itself,
and legendary titans, like the Tarrasque, that slumber
beneath the earth. In remote places of the material plane
these ancient beings slumber, their power dormant, waiting
for an opportunity to remind the world of their existence.
Why were you chosen by a titan? Are they trapped, needing
someone to be their representative in the world, or do you
carefully draw power from an ancient slumbering giant?
Titan Features
Warlock Level Feature
Expanded Spell List, Elder Soul,
Colossal Form
6th Titanic Endurance
10th Stalwart Blood
14th Legendary Behemoth

The Titan lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
when you learn a warlock spell. Beginning at 1st-level, the
following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Titan Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st catapult, earth tremor
2nd enlarge/reduce (enlarge only), spike growth
3rd erupting earth, protection from energy
4th stoneskin, stone shape
5th transmute rock, wall of stone
 Beginning at 6th level, you can channel the resilience of your
Your Titanic patron greatly enhances your durability. At 1st patron to reduce incoming damage. You have a pool of d8s
level, your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases that you spend to fuel this damage reduction. The number of
by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class. dice in the pool is equal to 1 + your warlock level.
You also learn to speak, read, and write Primordial or Giant As a reaction, when you take damage, you can roll a
(your choice). Whenever you make a Charisma check when number of dice from this pool, reducing the damage by an
interacting with elementals (if you chose Primordial) or amount equal to your roll + your Charisma modifier. Your
giants (if you chose Giant), your proficiency bonus is doubled. pool regains all expended dice at the end of each long rest.
 
Also beginning at 1st level, you can channel your patron's Your connection to your gargantuan patron has deepened.
power to grow in size. As a bonus action on your turn, you Starting at 10th level, when you make a Constitution check
can activate your Colossal Form, gaining temporary hit points or Constitution saving throw, you gain a bonus to your roll
equal to your warlock level and increasing your size by one equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1).
category, for example, from Medium to Large. While in your
Colossal Form, you gain a bonus to the following rolls equal 
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1): You have mastered the magic of the titans, and can you wield
All Strength ability checks and Strength saving throws. their power with ease. Starting at 14th level, when you adopt
All damage rolls for melee weapon attacks using Strength. your Colossal Form, you can choose to grow by two size
categories, for example, from Medium to Huge. When you hit
Your Colossal Form lasts for 1 minute, but ends early if you a creature with a weapon attack while transformed, you can
are incapacitated or you end it as a bonus action. Once you roll one of the weapon's damage dice an additional time.
use your Colossal Form, you must finish a short or long rest In addition, once you adopt your Colossal Form, it lasts
before you can use it again. until you are incapacitated or end it as a bonus action.
The Wild Hunt lets you choose from an expanded list of
spells when you learn a warlock spell. Beginning at 1st level,
the following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Wild Hunt Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st beast bond, hail of thorns
2nd beast sense, find steed
3rd conjure barrage, haste
4th find greater steed, locate creature
5th conjure volley, tree stride

You can mark a creature as a quarry of the Wild Hunt. At 1st
level, you learn the hunter's mark spell. It counts as a warlock
spell for you, but it doesn't count against your Spells Known.
When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cast
hunter's mark, targeting that creature, at a level equal to your
Pact Magic spell slot, without expending a spell slot.
Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long
rest before you can cast hunter's mark in this way again.
Upon entering into your pact at 1st level, the dark magic of
the Wild Hunt imbues you with the skills of an expert hunter.
You gain proficiency in the Survival skill, and with all medium
armor, shields, and martial weapons.
The Wild Hunt drives you to attack with the fervor of a true
predator. Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead
of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Starting at 6th level, you can use an action to summon a Wild
Spirit to join you in for 1 minute. As a bonus action, you can
 command the Wild Spirit to harry a creature within 60 feet,
The Wild Hunt is a strange phenomenon that takes hold of reducing the it's movement speed by a number of feet equal
mortals, driving them to track and kill whatever poor creature to five times your Charisma modifier (minimum of 5 feet).
they perceive to be their prey. The source of this phenomenon Once you summon a Wild Spirit with this feature, you can't
is unclear, but legends tell of raiding parties from the Feywild summon another until you finish a short or long rest.
that draw unsuspecting mortals into their hunt, or of
individuals cursed by dark druidic magic. 
While its exact origins are unclear, mortals who are bound The wild fervor of the Wild Hunt heightens your instincts.
to this force by a pact start to take on the strange and unusual Starting at 10th level, you gain the following benefits:
characteristics of the Feywild; sprouting antlers and their When a creature marked by hunter's mark hits you with
ears growing pointed. As their appearance changes, they an attack, you can use your reaction to grant yourself a
slowly lose who they are, becoming one with the Wild Hunt. bonus to your Armor Class equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum of +1) against that attack.
Wild Hunt Features While you have a Wild Spirit summoned and you are hit
Warlock Level Feature by an attack, you can use your reaction to have the Spirit
Expanded Spell List, Hunter's Quarry, take the damage of the attack and immediately disappear.
Wild Warrior
6th Extra Attack, Spirits of the Hunt Upon reaching 14th level, you can call on your allies to join
10th Predatory Resolve you in the Wild Hunt. When you mark a creature with the
hunter's mark spell, you can extend the benefits of hunter's
14th Master of the Hunt mark to up to two other friendly creatures of your choice.
 
At 3rd level, a warlock gains the Pact Boon feature. The Your patron has granted you insight into the magic of Elder
following additional Pact Boons are available to a warlock Runes. At the end of a long rest you designate a Tiny stone of
in addition to those in the Player's Handbook: Pact of the your choice as your pact Runestone. While it is in your hand
Chalice, Pact of the Flesh, Pact of the Hourglass, Pact of the you, you can use your pact Runestone as a spellcasting focus.
Runestone, Pact of the Shroud, and Pact of the Strings. As an action, you can cause your pact Runestone to fly and
strike a target. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature
you can see within 60 feet. On hit, the target takes magical
Your patron has bestowed upon you a vessel for the creation bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier,
of potions and poultices. As an action, you can create a pact and Medium or smaller creatures must make a Strength
chalice in your empty hand. Each time you summon it, it saving throw. On a failed save, they are knocked prone. After
takes the form of a tiny object of your choice that is capable of the attack, your Runestone immediately returns to your hand.
holding liquid, and it can be used as a spellcasting focus by At certain levels your Runestone increases in power and
you. Moreover, your chalice counts as either a herbalism kit can knock larger creatures prone; at 5th level (2d8, Large),
or a set of alchemist's supplies (your choice), and you can add 11th level (3d8, Huge), and 17th level (4d8, Gargantuan).
double your proficiency bonus to any check you make with
that tool while your pact chalice is summoned. 
At the end of each short or long rest, you can use your pact Your patron has gifted you a mystical cloak to shield you from
chalice to conjure a vial of the following liquids: alchemist's harm and hide your movements. As an action on your turn,
fire, acid, holy water, a potion of healing, or a potion of you can summon your pact shroud, which takes the form of a
climbing. The liquid retains its potency until the end of your robe or cloak of your choice. While wearing your pact shroud,
next long rest, at which point it becomes inert and unusable. you are considered invisible while obscured by shadows,
Your pact chalice disappears if it is more than 5 feet away darkness, or other natural phenomenon such as fog or mist.
from you for 1 minute, if you use this feature again, if you Your pact shroud disappears if it is more than 5 feet away
dismiss the chalice (no action required), or if you die. from you for 1 minute, if you use this feature again, if you
dismiss your shroud (no action required), or if you die.
 You can bond a magic robe or cloak as your pact shroud by
Your patron twists your body, enhancing your physicality in a performing a ritual over a short or long rest. Once bonded,
way that reflects their own physical form. While you are not you can shunt it to an extradimensional space, or summon it,
wearing armor or using a shield, your Armor Class is equal to as an action. You cannot bond artifacts or sentient clothing,
10 + your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier. and you can only have one pact shroud at a time.
In addition, you can use a bonus action to morph one or
both of your hands into savage claws that reflect the nature of 
your patron. Your claws count as simple melee weapons with Your patron has granted you otherworldly musical talent. As
the light property, and they deal 1d6 slashing damage on hit. an action, you can create a pact instrument in an empty hand.
It takes the form of an instrument of your choice, and it can
 be used as a spellcasting focus by you. You are proficient with
Your patron has gifted you a mystical timekeeping device. As your pact instrument, and you add double your proficiency
an action, you can create a pact hourglass in your empty bonus to any ability check you make that uses the instrument.
hand. It takes the form of a timekeeping device of your choice When you use your pact instrument to cast a spell with a
each time you summon it, and it can be used as a spellcasting verbal component or a spell that deals thunder damage, you
focus by you. While you have your pact hourglass summoned, gain a bonus to one of the spell's damage rolls equal to 1d8.
you can use your reaction to rewind time and re-roll one Your pact instrument disappears if it is more than 5 feet
attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you make. away from you for 1 minute, if you use this feature again, if
You can use this special reaction a number of times equal you dismiss the instrument (no action required), or if you die.
to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once), and you regain You can bond a magic instrument as your pact instrument
all expended uses when you finish a long rest. by performing a ritual over a short or long rest. Once bonded,
Your pact hourglass disappears if it is more than 5 feet you can shunt it to an extradimensional space, or summon it,
away from you for 1 minute, if you use this feature again, if as an action. You cannot bond artifacts or sentient items, and
you dismiss your hourglass (no action required), or if you die. you can only have one pact instrument at a time.
Listed here are additional Eldritch Invocations available to
warlocks. If an Eldritch Invocation has prerequisites, you
must meet them to learn it, and you can learn an Eldritch
Invocation at the same time that you meet its prerequisites.
Prerequisite: eldritch bast cantrip.
For you, the range of eldritch blast is reduced to 5 feet and it
becomes a melee spell attack. Make a separate melee spell
attack for each beam, dealing 1d12 force damage on hit.
Any class features or Eldritch Invocations that affect the
range of eldritch blast do not work with this Invocation.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Flesh feature
When you take Attack action on your turn, you can use your
bonus action to try and grapple a creature with a Strength
(Athletics) check, as long as you have a free hand.
In addition, you can use Charisma (Athletics) checks in
place of the normal Strength (Athletics) checks to initiate
and maintain grapples while your pact claws are manifested.
Prerequisite: Pact of the Strings feature
When you cast a warlock spell with a verbal component
while using your pact instrument as your spellcasting 
focus, the saving throw DC for that spell increases by 1. Prerequisite: 5th-level, Pact of the Shroud feature
Your pact shroud billows out around you, slowing your fall
 and allowing you to glide. When you fall, you can subtract up
Prerequisite: Pact of the Hourglass feature to 100 feet from your fall when calculating your fall damage
When you make an Intelligence (History) check related to an and can move horizontally 2 feet for every 1 foot you fall.
event, in the place where that event took place, you see echos
of the past and treat a roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10. 
Prerequisite: 5th-level, Pact of the Strings feature
 When you, or another creature within 30 feet, is forced to
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chalice feature make a saving throw to resist being charmed or frightened,
Filling your pact chalice with clear liquid, you can peer into you can play your pact instrument as a reaction, weakening
the uncertain future. Using your pact chalice as a spellcasting the spell, and granting them advantage on their saving throw.
focus, you can cast the augury spell at-will, without expending Once you use this reaction you must finish a short or long
a spell slot or material components. rest before you can use it again.
 
Prerequisite: Pact of the Shroud feature Prerequisite: 5th-level, Pact of the Flesh feature
As a reaction, when you take damage while you are wearing While you have your claws manifested, you gain a climbing
your pact shroud, you can have your shroud absorb some of speed equal to your movement speed, and you can climb
the damage. You gain resistance to the damage from that difficult surfaces, including scaling walls and upside down on
attack, but your pact shroud disappears, and you must finish ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
a short or long rest before you can summon it again.
 Prerequisite: 5th-level, Pact of the Hourglass feature
Prerequisite: Pact of the Runestone feature When you roll initiative while your hourglass is summoned,
As a reaction, while holding your Runestone, you can cast you, and creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you, gain a
absorb elements at a level equal to your Pact Magic spells. bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Charisma modifier.
You can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
 Prerequisite: 5th-level, Pact of the Flesh feature
Prerequisite: 5th-level, Pact of the Chalice feature You can attack with your claws twice, instead of once, each
Using your pact chalice as a spellcasting focus, you can use time you take the Attack action on your turn. Your claw
an action to cast lesser restoration without expending a spell attacks also count as magical for the sake of overcoming
slot. You can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest. resistance and immunity to non-magical damage.
 
Prerequisite: 7th-level, Pact of the Shroud feature Prerequisite: 9th-level, Pact of the Chalice feature
You can cast the greater invisibility spell once using a warlock As an action, a creature of your choice can drink from your
spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. pact chalice, gaining the effects of the death ward spell. Once
 used, you must finish a long rest to use thie feature again.
Prerequisite: 7th-level, Pact of the Strings feature 
You can cast charm monster once using a warlock spell slot. Prerequisite: 9th-level, Pact of the Flesh feature
You can't do so again until you finish a long rest. As a bonus action, you can grant yourself temporary hit
 points equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1).
Prerequisite: 7th-level, Pact of the Runestone feature 
You can cast counterspell once, at a level equal to your Pact Prerequisite: 9th-level, Pact of the Runestone feature
Magic spell slots, without expending a spell slot. You can't do While you hold your Runestone, you gain a bonus to saving
so again until you finish a long rest. throws equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1).
 
Prerequisite: 7th-level, Pact of the Runestone feature Prerequisite: 15th-level, Pact of the Chalice feature
As an action, you can activate the rune, which causes your As an action on your turn, you can cast the reincarnate spell
Runestone to become magically fixed in place. Until you use without expending a spell slot or material components. Once
a bonus action to recall the Runestone to your hand, it doesn't you cast reincarnate in this way, you must finish 1d4 long
move. Your Runestone can hold up to 8,000 pounds of rests before you can cast the spell in this way again.
weight. More weight causes the rune to dispel and fall. As an
action, a creture can make a Strength check (DC equals 10 + 
your warlock spell save DC), to move the Runestone 10 feet. Prerequisite: 15th-level, Pact of the Flesh feature
 As a bonus action, you can manifest (or dismiss) wings
reminiscent of your patron's physical form, granting you a
Prerequisite: 7th-level, Pact of the Shroud feature flying speed equal to your movement speed.
While wearing your pact shroud while in darkness or
shadows, you are considered invisible to any creature that 
relies on darkvision to see you in that darkness. Prerequisite: 15th-level, Pact of the Hourglass feature
 As a reaction when you finish your turn, you can undo
everything that happened on your turn. You return to the
Prerequisite: 7th-level, Pact of the Hourglass feature space you began that turn in and you regain all resources you
You can cast haste once, at a level equal to your Pact Magic expended. You can then immediately repeat your turn.
spell slots, without expending a spell slot. You can't do so Once you use this feature you must finish a short or long
again until you finish a long rest. rest before you can use it again.
Wield overwhelming power with seven new
otherworldly patron options and a multitude of
additional Pact Boons and Eldritch Invocations.

Archmage - Coven - Elder Sphinx

Great Wyrm - Primeval Growth
Titan - Wild Hunt

Version 1.1.0 - Created by /u/laserllama

Artist Credits:
Covers - Kekai Kotaki - Awaken the Blood Avatar
Page 1 - Artur Treffner - Urza the Artificer
Page 2 - Alex Brock - Barrow Witches
Page 3 - Yigit Koroglu - Crossroads Augur
Page 4 - Jason Chan - Ancient Hellkite
Page 5 - Johannes Voss - Rosethorn Acolyte
Page 6 - Igor Kieryluk - Dominara
Page 7 - Victor Titov - Gilt-Leaf Winnower
Page 8 - Piotr Dura - The Revelation
Page 9 - Greg Rutkowski - Horror
Page 10 - Dominik Mayer - Time Warp

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