Paper Bussiness Travel: Course: English For Hotel Lecturer: Dr. Syafryadin, S.Pd. M.PD

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Paper Bussiness travel

Course: english for hotel
Lecturer : Dr. Syafryadin, S.Pd. M.Pd

Arranged by
1. Michel julian (A0B0005)




Praise the presence of Allah SWT for giving His grace and guidance so that I can complete
this paper assignment entitled Hotel Facilities on time.

The purpose of this paper is to take care of Mr. Syafryadin in the English For Hotel course. In
addition, this paper also aims to add insight into the hotel for readers as well as for writers.
We thank the lecturers who have given us this assignment, so that we can be better than
the existing business travel.
I realized that this was far from perfect. Therefore, we will look forward to criticism and
suggestions for the improvement of this paper.


Title ...............................................................................................................................I

Foreword ......................................................................................................................II

Table Of Contents .......................................................................................................III

Chapter I Introduction

A. Background ......................................................................................................IV
B. Formulation of the problem ............................................................................IV
C. Objectives and benefits ...................................................................................IV

Chapter II Discussion

A. Definition Of Bussiness travel .............................................................................5

B. Main reasons of business travel ....................................................................5

C. Examples Of bussiness travel .............................................................................6

Chapter III Closing

A. Conclusion .......................................................................................................10
B. Suggestion ......................................................................................................10

Business travel
1.1. Background
According to the WTO (World Trade Organisation) around 30 per cent of
international trips these days are for business – and business travel shows no sign of
slowing down. Even in this world of instant communication and social media,
business travel is as necessary and advantageous as ever.
1.2 Formulation of The Problem
a. What is bussiness travel
b. What kind of bussiness travel
c. What are the objectives of the bussiness travel

1.2. Objectives and benefits

1. To know definition from Bussiness travel
2. To know formula from Bussiness travel
3. To know example from bussiness travel

2.1 Definition of bussiness travel

Business travel

Business travel refers to traveling on behalf of your employer generally. Although it is

a singular term, i.e., business travel and not business travels, it refers to all trips for
work purposes. 

I might say, for example: “Business travel is becoming a significant part of our
airline’s income.” In this case, we are talking in general.

I cannot use business travel for just one journey. For example, I cannot say: “I’m
sorry, Jane is away. She is on a business travel.” I would have to say: “I’m sorry …
She’s on a business trip.”

2.2 Main reasons of business travel

 Networking. A handshake followed by a face-to-face chat is still the best way
to meet and get to know someone – much better than Skype calls or reading
dozens of emails and text messages. You may also want to personally show
your leadership skills.

 Examples & samples. You may need to take examples or samples of your

work or see examples or samples of something you’re considering investing
in. Explaining something – such as a product or service you offer – while with
someone and actually seeing they understand is much better than any other


 Be personal. You want to meet suppliers, customers or clients to take them

for drinks and a meal and personally give them a gift as a way of showing
your gratitude. You want to show them that they are worth the time that it
takes to make a personal visit.

 Check conditions. You prefer to visit suppliers to see everything looks fine.

For example, someone having T-shirts made wants to see the conditions for
workers are good. Or you are supplied food products and want to see where it

grows and the facilities where it’s produced and packaged. These conditions
can never be properly assessed through a flat screen.

 Location location location. Your company may have offices in various
locations and it’s helpful to visit so you know the environment. Or you may
need to inspect something for work purposes, such as a plot of land you’re
interested in.

 Attending meetings and events. You need to attend a meeting, lecture,

exhibition or show that’s relevant to your business.

 Search the world. You want to look for or confirm new products are right for
your business. You want to meet potential new suppliers or employees.

 Doing a deal. Business advisers Oxford Economics discovered through

research that potential customers are nearly twice as likely to sign with you if

you have a face-to-face meeting. So it’s definitely worth making that trip to
see them.

 Incentives. These trips are to motivate employees, and involve such as going
on team-building weekends – which although might involve a leisure event are
essentially for business purposes.

2.3 Example of business travel


In all the examples below, your employer is paying for travel, accommodation, etc.

 Meeting with customers or clients.

 Visiting suppliers.
 Attending a conference.
 Attending a course.
 Identify new markets, trends, and consumer traits elsewhere.
 Visiting somewhere to check the progress of a project.
 Visiting a prospect. A prospect is a company or person that you think could
turn into a paying customer.
 Apologizing to a customer.
 such as taking part in a press conference.
 The ROI from the trip is more than its cost.
 Your employer sends you somewhere to fix, for example, equipment.
 Networking. There are many people you can meet away from work with whom
you or your company could do business.
 Face-to-face meetings are usually more effective than using email, VoIP,
texting, etc. Sometimes they are necessary.

Business travelers typically in which they list how much they spent on local public
transport, meals, taxis, phone calls, etc.

negatives from a business travel

Business trips may be extremely rewarding experiences. However, for some

poeple, especially if they have families, there is a price to pay.

Regular business travelers frequently feel loney. Some of them may show signs of
deteriorating mental health and even depression. According to Adam Perotta in
a Business travel News article in December 2019, over 20% of business travelers said
they experienced negative mental health effects.

“22 percent of respondents reported that business travel had a “very” or “somewhat”
negative impact on their mental health. Twenty-one percent indicated that even thinking
about an upcoming work trip caused stress. Factors causing that angst include the toll
travel takes on physical health, sleep schedules, personal relationships, personal
finances and productivity.”

Traveling regularly on behalf of your company may mean missing major family events,
which can contribute significantly to relationship problems.

Corporate travel is a huge market

Business travel is worth hundreds of billions of dollars each year globally. The biggest
spenders on business trips are the United States and China.

In the United States, there are over 405 million business trips annually (long distance).
For every working day, approximately 1.1 million Americans are traveling for work

The world’s most popular destination is New York City, while Shanghai is the fastest
growing. Trondent Development Corp. of business travel for airlines:

“Business passengers represent 75 percent of an airline’s profits despite only being 12%
of their total passengers. But the money is well spent: every $1.00 spent on business
travel creates $15 of profit for increased sales.”

Business Travel Is Not Always Identical To Travel

Many consider that a business trip out of town or abroad is synonymous with traveling.
This stereotype also causes business travel to be considered a waste of the company's
operating budget. So far, many people take advantage of the moment to take a trip
outside the city or abroad. However, professionalism must be upheld during a business

When doing a business trip, you should prioritize the responsibilities that the company
has entrusted to you. Any work or business thing must be done before you start having
fun. So you can return to your hometown with big results for your business or the
company you work for.
Various Important Things That Must Be Prepared in a Business Trip

You have to prepare some of these important things so that your business trip will run

 Round Trip Flight or Train Ticket

The first thing that deserves your attention is the transportation ticket during your trip.
Do not let you neglect ordering tickets home so that other schedules after a business trip
are neglected. Especially if you still have to take care of a lot of work after a business
trip. Choose a departure and return ticket that has the right schedule, so that the risk of
delays in public transportation schedules can be minimized.

 Quality Hotel Reservation

Apart from plane or train tickets, hotel reservations are equally important to support
business trips. You should choose a comfortable and quality hotel to support your
productivity. Now, Batiqa Hotels is ready to support the smooth running of your
business trip. Because all Batiqa Hotels branches are located in strategic locations that
are easily accessible from the city center.

The comfortable room facilities of Batiqa Hotels will pamper you after a busy day of
work. If you don't feel like going outside the hotel, relaxing in the hotel area will be fun.
Because Batiqa Hotels has complete facilities in the form of a restaurant and bistro, a
swimming pool, a gym center, and many more. Instagramable corners of the hotel are
also ready to become interesting photo backgrounds for you.

 Preparing job Job Materials

Furthermore, don't forget to prepare work or business materials that must be done
during the trip. You can prepare it in softcopy or hardcopy as needed. Try to check it

again just before leaving, so that no important material is left behind. If necessary, make
a checklist to make it easier for you to complete all important things without missing a
single job.

 Easy-to-Carry Gadgets

One of the important things that must accompany your business trip is a gadget. Of
course, you have to bring a smartphone and laptop to make work easier. Make sure that
your smartphone and laptop are light in weight so they don't overload your belongings.
The battery capacity of smartphones and laptops must also be large so that it is not easy
to low the battery when used. You can also bring a power bank as a backup in case
your smartphone starts running low in an emergency.

 Dress that is polite and neat

Clothing preparation for a business trip is clearly very different from clothes for traveling.
You should dress modestly and neatly, especially if you are going to meet a lot of
business clients. Actually you don't need to bring too many clothes. You can bring a
dark blazer and trousers to wear up to two times. As for the tops, you can bring a plain
t-shirt, shirt, or blouse according to your taste. Make sure that your appearance looks
attractive and fashionable so that the professional impression is more visible.

 Should You Bring Other Items?

You can bring body care products (such as body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, and
toothbrush) whenever possible. In fact, you can also bring cosmetics and perfume to
support your appearance. Even if you are in a hurry so that you don't have time to bring
the equipment, you can still buy it when you arrive at your destination. Buying cleaning
supplies at the destination will lighten your luggage when leaving.

3.1. Conclusion

It could see that the business travellers are less price sensitive and more concerned with
status. They
are motivated principally by the need to complete their travel and business dealings as
efficiently and
effectively as possible within a given time frame - this reflects their company’s motivation
for their
3.2 Recomendation

Similarly, we can describe the material that is the subject of this proposal, of course,
there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because it lacks of the
knowledge and the reference. Author much hope dear readers, providing
constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfect proposal to the author in the
writing of the proposal in the next opportunities. Hopefully this paper is useful for
writers in particular are also dear readers in general. Such review this time, may be
useful for you and also inspire

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