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General De Jesus College

Discipline- Integrity- Excellence

For God and Country


In the light of the findings of this study and the

conclusions derived therefrom, the following recommendations

are then forwarded:

1. To students:

 They need to know their priorities to be able to

determine which tasks should be accomplished first. In

that way, they would prevent procrastination in doing

academic works.

 They have to practice time management and they must

have self-discipline. Time management is another way to

organize the things that are needed to be done first.

If the students know how to give importance in time,

they can manage their works.

 They might seek people who give them motivation to do

the tasks properly. The people who are close to them

would be a great help such as friends and motivational

speakers who can encourage them through helpful words

of wisdom.
General De Jesus College
Discipline- Integrity- Excellence
For God and Country

2. To school/administration:

 They have to disseminate information on harmful effects

of procrastination so that students can avoid it and to

become a productive.

 They ought to make techniques and strategies for the

students’ better learning.

3. To parents:

 They need to continue to monitor and guide their

children on how to manage time and to do their tasks

effectively and efficiently in school.

 They have to continuously give their children advice

and support while doing their home works to motivate

them and to help them surmount procrastination.

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