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Marshmallow Fairy Flowers

By Jacque S. Benson

This was a tutorial published in Faerie Magazine.

Fun, easy, little flowers that you and your children can make together.

Items Needed:
Fruit Flavored Mini-Marshmallows

Granulated Sugar


Rolling pin

Wax Paper


Clean Artist Brush

Clean Scissors


Rose Bud

1. Liberally sprinkle sugar onto wax paper. Using light pressure with rolling pin, roll out
one green marshmallow. Flip and roll again into an oblong shape. Set aside.
2. Take three pink or orange marshmallows and press flat into sugar. Gently roll out each
one, flipping and rolling again to create a round circle.

3. Line the three circles, over lapping edges about ¼”. Dip brush in water and lightly
dampen the edges of the overlapped circles.
4. Placing the toothpick on one end, begin rolling the rose bud. Remove toothpick, and
pinch one end of the rosebud together.

5. Using scissors cut off pinched end. (Place the cut end into an airtight container for later
use.) Dampen the cut end. If petals release, just brush a bit of water to secure.
6. Lay rosebud on one side of prepared green oval. Brush a little water over the other side
of green oval, and wrap the dampened side over the dry side.

7. Twist the bottom to create a stem.


Full Rose

1. Roll out green marshmallow in the sugar. Flip and roll again, creating a circle.
2. Using scissors snip a ¼” diagonal cut around the circle in a pinwheel fashion. Set aside
to use as the calyx.

3. Follow steps 3-5, but this time using 5 to 7 marshmallows to create a full rose.

4. Lay the rose, dampened end down onto prepared green calyx. Using toothpick, gently
open the petals for rose.


1. Following the same procedure as rose, roll out two yellow marshmallows into circles.

2. Using scissors cut six petals being careful to leave the center of marshmallow intact.
3. Dampen the center of one marshmallow, and place the second on top overlapping

4. Using some of the saved used marshmallows from roses, pinch off a small piece and
roll into a ball, then roll into sugar.

5. Dampen the bottom with water and place into center of flower.


1. Roll green marshmallows in sugar to create an oblong shape.

2. Lay toothpick flat lengthwise over oblong and press gently.

3. Pinch both creased ends to create leaf.


For a little extra fairy sparkle, try using gold and silver dragees, or edible pearls as
centers for flowers.

To create a richer look, make a rose using white marshmallows; gilding the edges of
petals by lightly touching with a brush dipped in edible gold luster dust. Gilded white
roses are especially pretty on chocolate cupcakes or cookies.
Your flowers can be made ahead of time, then placed on cookies, cupcakes, or petit fours
when ready to serve. Just arrange the leaves and flowers on prepared confection, securing
with a bit of fresh icing.

Oh... And don’t forget a leave a few out for the fairies before you go to sleep!

They love flowers!

This is a wonderful publication! Click to order!

Tutorial and Photos By

Jacque Benson. July 2010. All Rights Reserved

This material may not be reproduced without permission from the author.

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