L5 Castagna and Mercurio

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cutting edge.

option pricing

The vanna-volga method

for implied volatilities
European-style claims, is consistent with static-replication
The vanna-volga method is a popular approach for arguments. Finally, we derive first- and second-order approximations
constructing implied-volatility curves in the options for the implied volatilities induced by the VV option price.
Since the VV method provides an efficient tool for interpolating
market. In this article, Antonio Castagna and Fabio or extrapolating implied volatilities, we also compare it with other
Mercurio give it both theoretical and practical popular functional forms, like that of Malz (1997) and that of
Hagan, et al. (2002).
support by showing its tractability and robustness All the proofs of the propositions in this article are omitted
for brevity. However, they can be found in Castagna & Mercurio

The VV method: the replicating portfolio

We consider a foreign-exchange option market where, for a given
maturity T, three basic options are quoted: the 25D put, the ATM

The vanna-volga (VV) method is an

empirical procedure
that can be used to infer an implied-volatility smile from three
and the 25D call. We denote the corresponding strikes by Ki, i = 1,
2, 3, K1 < K2 < K3, and set K := {K1, K2, K3}.3 The market-implied
volatility associated with K1 is denoted by si, i = 1, 2, 3.
available quotes for a given maturity.1 It is based on the construction The VV method serves the purpose of defining an implied-
of locally replicating portfolios whose associated hedging costs are volatility smile that is consistent with the basic volatilities si. The
added to corresponding Black-Scholes (BS) prices to produce rationale behind it stems from a replication argument in a flat-smile
smile-consistent values. Besides being intuitive and easy to world where the constant level of implied volatility varies
implement, this procedure has a clear financial interpretation, stochastically over time. This argument is presented hereafter, where,
which further supports its use in practice. for simplicity, we consider the same type of options, namely calls.
The VV method is commonly used in foreign-exchange options It is well known that, in the BS model, the payout of a European-
markets, where three main volatility quotes are typically available style call with maturity T and strike K can be replicated by a dynamic
for a given market maturity: the delta-neutral straddle, referred to D-hedging strategy, whose value (including the bank account part)
as at-the-money (ATM); the risk reversal for 25D call and put; and matches, at every time t, the option price CBS(t; K) given by:
the (vega-weighted) butterfly with 25D wings.2 The application of
VV allows us to derive implied volatilities for any option’s delta, f
C BS ( t ; K ) = St e− r t Φ 
K (
 ln St + r d − r f + 1 s 2 t 

in particular for those outside the basic range set by the 25D put  s t 
and call quotes. (1)
In the financial literature, the VV approach was introduced by −r t
− Ke Φ 
Kd (
 ln St + r d − r f − 1 s 2 t 

Lipton & McGhee (2002), who compare different approaches to  
s t
the pricing of double-no-touch options, and by Wystup (2003),
who describes its application to the valuation of one-touch options. where St denotes the exchange rate at time t, t := T – t, r d and r f
However, their analyses are rather informal and mostly based on denote, respectively, the domestic and foreign risk-free rates, and
numerical examples. In this article, instead, we will review the VV s is the constant BS implied volatility.4 In real financial markets,
procedure in more detail and derive some important results however, volatility is stochastic and traders hedge the associated
concerning the tractability of the method and its robustness. risk by constructing portfolios that are vega-neutral in a BS (flat-
We start by describing the replication argument on which the smile) world.
VV procedure is based and derive closed-form formulas for the 1
 e terms vanna and volga are commonly used by practitioners to denote the partial derivatives
weights in the hedging portfolio to render the smile construction ∂Vega/∂Spot and ∂Vega/∂Vol of an option’s vega with respect to the underlying asset and its volatility,
respectively. The reason for naming the procedure this way is made clear below.
more explicit. We then show that the VV price functional satisfies 2
The ‘%’ sign after the level of the D is omitted, in accordance with market jargon. Therefore, a 25D call is a
typical no-arbitrage conditions and test the robustness of the 3
call whose delta is 0.25. Analogously, a 25D put is one whose delta is –0.25.
For the exact definition of strikes K1, K 2 and K3 , we refer to Bisesti, Castagna & Mercurio (2005), where a
resulting smile by showing that: changing the three initial pairs of thorough description of the main quotes in a foreign-exchange option market is also provided.
The option price when the underlying asset is an exchange rate was in fact derived by Garman &
strike and volatility consistently eventually produces the same Kohlhagen (1983). Since their formula follows from the BS assumption, we prefer to state we are using the
implied-volatility curve; and the VV method, if re-adapted to price BS model, also because the VV method can, in principle, be applied to other underlyings.

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Maintaining the assumption of flat but stochastic implied Calculating the VV weights
volatilities, the presence of three basic options in the market makes We assume hereafter that the constant BS volatility is the ATM
it possible to build a portfolio that zeroes out partial derivatives up one, thus setting s = s2 (= sATM). We also assume that t = 0,
to the second order. In fact, denoting respectively by Dt and xi the dropping accordingly the argument t in the call prices. From (2),
units of the underlying asset and options with strikes Ki held at we see that the weights x1 = x1(K), x2 = x2(K) and x3 = x3(K), for
time t and setting CiBS (t) = CBS (t; Ki), under diffusion dynamics for which the resulting portfolio of European-style calls with
both St and s = st, we have by Itô’s lemma: maturity T and strikes K1, K2 and K3 has the same vega, ∂Vega/
∂Vol and ∂Vega/∂Spot as the call with strike K,8 can be found by
dC BS ( t; K ) − ∆ t dSt − ∑ xi dC iBS ( t ) solving the following system:
∂C BS 3
 ∂C BS ( t; K ) 3 ∂C iBS ( t )  ( K ) = ∑ xi ( K ) ( Ki )
= − ∑ xi  dt ∂s i =1 ∂s
 ∂t i=1 ∂t 
∂2 C BS 3
∂2 C BS
 ∂C ( t; K ) 3
∂C iBS (t )  ( K ) = ∑ xi ( K ) ( Ki ) (4)
+ − ∆ t − ∑ xi  dSt ∂s 2 i =1 ∂s 2
 ∂S ∂S 
∂2 C BS 3
∂2 C BS
 ∂C ( t; K ) ∂C iBS ∂s∂S0
( K ) = ∑ xi ( K )
( Ki )
(t )  i =1
+ − ∑ xi  dσ t (2)
 ∂σ i=1 ∂σ  Denoting by V(K) the vega of a European-style option with
2 BS 2 BS
1  ∂ C ( t; K ) 3 ∂ C i ( t )  2
maturity T and strike K:
+  − ∑ x i  ( dSt )
2  ∂S 2
∂S 2
 ∂C BS
( K ) = S0 e − r T T ϕ ( d1 ( K ))
V (K ) =
2 BS 2 BS ∂σ
1  ∂ C ( t; K ) 3 ∂ C i ( t )  2 (5)
+  − ∑ x i  ( dσ t ) ln
+ r d − r f + 12 σ 2 T )
2  ∂σ 2 ∂σ 2  K
d1 ( K ) =
σ T
 ∂ 2 C BS ( t; K ) 3 ∂ 2 C iBS ( t ) 
+ − ∑ xi  dSt dσ t where j(x) = Φ′(x) is the normal density function, and calculating
 ∂S∂σ i=1 ∂S∂σ 
the second-order derivatives:
∂2 C BS V (K )
Choosing Dt and xi so as to zero out the coefficients of dSt, dst, (K ) = d1 ( K ) d2 ( K )
(dst)2 and dStdst,5 the portfolio comprises a long position in the ∂s 2 s
call with strike K, and short positions in xi calls with strike Ki and ∂2 C BS V (K )
(K ) = − d2 ( K )
short the amount Dt of the underlying, and is locally risk-free at ∂s∂S0 S0 s T
time t, in that no stochastic terms are involved in its differential6:
d2 ( K ) = d1 ( K ) − s T
dC BS ( t; K ) − ∆ t dSt − ∑ xi dC iBS ( t ) we can prove the following.
 3
 n Proposition 1. The system (4) admits a unique solution, which
= r d  C BS ( t; K ) − ∆ t St − ∑ xi C iBS ( t )  dt is given by:
 i=1 
V ( K ) ln K2 ln K3
x1 ( K ) =
Therefore, when volatility is stochastic and options are valued V ( K1 ) ln KK2 ln KK3
1 1
with the BS formula, we can still have a (locally) perfect hedge, K
provided that we hold suitable amounts of three more options to V (K ) ln KK ln K3
x2 ( K ) = 1 (6)
rule out the model risk. (The hedging strategy is irrespective of V ( K2 ) K
ln K2
ln K 3
the true asset and volatility dynamics, under the assumption of 1 2

V ( K ) ln K1 ln K 2
no jumps.) K K
x3 ( K ) =
V ( K 3 ) ln KK3 ln KK 3
n Remark 1. The validity of the previous replication argument 1 2
may be questioned because no stochastic-volatility model can In particular, if K = Kj then xi(K) = 1 for i = j and zero
produce implied volatilities that are flat and stochastic at the same otherwise.
time. The simultaneous presence of these features – though
inconsistent from a theoretical point of view – can, however, be The VV option price
justified on empirical grounds. In fact, the practical advantages of We can now proceed to the definition of an option price that is
the BS paradigm are so clear that many foreign-exchange option consistent with the market prices of the basic options.
traders run their books by revaluing and hedging according to a The above replication argument shows that a portfolio
BS flat-smile model, with the ATM volatility being continuously
 e coefficient of (dSt)2 will be zeroed accordingly, due to the relation linking an option’s gamma and
updated to the actual market level.7 Th

vega in the BS world.

The first step in the VV procedure is the construction of the 6
We also use the BS partial differential equation.
above hedging portfolio, whose weights xi are explicitly calculated ‘Continuously’ typically means a daily or slightly more frequent update.

This explains the name assigned to the smile-construction procedure, given the meaning of the terms
in the following section. vanna and volga.

40 Risk South Africa Autumn 2007

1 Implied volatilities plotted against strikes and put deltas (in absolute value), calibrated to the three basic euro/
dollar quotes and compared with the 10D (put and call) volatilities
0.125 0.125
Euro/dollar quotes Vanna-volga Euro/dollar quotes Vanna-volga
0.120 10∆ (put and call) volatilities Malz 0.120 10∆ (put and call) volatilities Malz
0.115 0.115
Implied volatility

Implied volatility
0.110 0.110

0.105 0.105

0.100 0.100
Data source: Bloomberg

0.095 0.095

0.090 0.090
1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Strike Put delta

comprising xi(K) units of the option with strike Ki (and D0 units strike K2 , (7) can be simplified to:
of the underlying asset) gives a local perfect hedge in a BS world.
The hedging strategy, however, has to be implemented at C ( K ) = C BS ( K ) + x1 ( K ) C MKT ( K1 ) − C BS ( K1 ) 
prevailing market prices, which generates an extra cost with + x3 ( K ) C MKT ( K 3 ) − C BS ( K 3 ) 
respect to the BS value of the options portfolio. Such a cost has to
be added to the BS price (1), with t = 0, to produce an arbitrage-
free price that is consistent with the quoted option prices CMKT (K1), n Remark 2. Expressing the system (4) in the form b = Ax and
CMKT (K2) and CMKT (K3). setting c = (c1, c2, c3)′, where ci := CMKT (Ki) – CBS (Ki), and y = (y1,
In fact, in case of a short maturity – that is, for a small T – (3) y2, y3)′ := (A′) –1c, we can also write:
can be approximated as:
C ( K ) = C BS ( K ) + y1 (K )
( ST − K ) − C BS ( K ) − ∆ 0 [ ST − S0 ]
3 ∂2 C BS ∂2 C BS
− ∑ xi ( ST − K i ) − C BS ( K i ) 
+ + y2 ( K ) + y 3 (K )
  ∂s 2 ∂s∂S0

 3
 The difference between the VV and BS prices can thus be
≈ r d  C BS ( K ) − ∆ 0 S0 − ∑ xi C BS ( K i )  T interpreted as the sum of the option’s vega, ∂Vega/∂Vol and
 i=1  ∂Vega/∂Spot, weighted by their respective hedging cost y.9 Besides
so that setting: being quite intuitive, this representation also has the advantage
3 that the weights y are independent of the strike K and, as such,
C ( K ) = C BS ( K ) + ∑ xi ( K ) C MKT ( K i ) − C BS ( K i )  (7) can be calculated once for all. However, we prefer to stick to the
i =1 definition (7), since it allows an easier derivation of our
we have: approximations below.
The VV option price has several interesting features that we
( ST − K ) ≈ C ( K ) + ∆ 0 [ ST − S0 ]
analyse in the following.
When K = Kj, C(Kj) = CMKT (Kj), since xi(K) = 1 for i = j and
+ ∑ xi ( ST − K i ) − C MKT ( K i ) 
zero otherwise. Therefore, (7) defines a rule for either interpolating
  or extrapolating prices from the three option quotes CMKT (K1),
 3
 CMKT (K2) and CMKT (K3).
+ r d  C ( K ) − ∆ 0 S0 − ∑ xi C MKT ( K i )  T The option price C(K), as a function of the strike K, is twice
 i=1  differentiable and satisfies the following (no-arbitrage) conditions:
Therefore, when actual market prices are considered, the option f
payout (ST – K)+ can still be replicated by buying D0 units of the lim K →0+ C ( K ) = S0 e− r T
and lim K →+∞ C ( K ) = 0
underlying asset and xi options with strike Ki (investing the d

resulting cash at rate rd), provided one starts from the initial lim K →0+ dC
dK ( K ) = − e− r T and lim K →+∞ K dK ( )
dC K = 0

endowment C(K).
The quantity C(K) in (7) is thus defined as the VV option’s These properties, which are trivially satisfied by CBS (K), follow
premium, implicitly assuming that the replication error is also from the fact that, for each i, both xi(K) and dxi(K)/dK go to zero
negligible for longer maturities. Such a premium equals the BS for K → 0+ or K → +∞.
price CBS (K) plus the cost difference of the hedging portfolio To avoid arbitrage opportunities, the option price C(K) should
induced by the market-implied volatilities with respect to the
constant volatility s. Since we set s = s2 , the market volatility for 9
The authors thank one of the referees for suggesting this alternative formulation.

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also be a convex function of the strike K, that is, (d2 C)/(dK2)(K) >
0 for each K > 0. This property, which is not true in general,10
A. Discount factors: July 1, 2005
Expiry Dollar Euro
holds for typical market parameters, so that (7) leads to prices
that are arbitrage-free in practice. 3M: October 3, 2005 0.9902752 0.9945049

The VV implied-volatility curve K → ς(K) can be obtained by

inverting (7), for each considered K, through the BS formula. An B. Strikes and volatilities corresponding to the three
example of such a curve is shown in figure 1. Since, by main deltas: July 1, 2005
construction, ς(Ki) = si, the function ς(K) yields an interpolation- Delta Strike Volatility
extrapolation tool for the market-implied volatilities.
25D put 1.1720 9.79%

At-the-money 1.2115 9.375%

Comparison with other interpolation rules
Contrary to other interpolation schemes proposed in the financial 25D call 1.2504 9.29%

literature, the VV pricing formula (7) has several advantages. It

has a clear financial rationale supporting it, based on the hedging to agree quite well in the range set by the two 10D options (in the
argument leading to its definition; it allows for an automatic given example they almost overlap), typically departing from each
calibration to the main volatility data, being an explicit function other only for illiquid strikes. The advantage of using the VV
of s1, s2 , s3; and it can be extended to any European-style interpolation is that no calibration procedure is involved, since
derivative (see the second consistency result, page 43). To our s1, s2 , s3 are direct inputs of (7).
knowledge, no other functional form enjoys the same features. Figure 1 compares the volatility smiles yielded by the VV price
Compared, for example, with the second-order polynomial (7), the Malz (1997) quadratic interpolation and the SABR
function (in D) proposed by Malz (1997), the interpolation (7) functional form11, plotting the respective implied volatilities both
equally perfectly fits the three points provided, but, in accordance against strikes and put deltas. The three plots are obtained after
with typical market quotes, boosts the volatility value both for low- calibration to the three basic quotes s1, s2 , s3, using the following
and high-put deltas. A graphical comparison, based on market euro/dollar data as of July 1, 2005 (provided by Bloomberg): T =
data, between the two functional forms is presented in figure 1, 3M ,12 S 0 = 1.205, s1 = 9.79%, s2 = 9.375%, s3 = 9.29%, K1 =
where their difference at extreme strikes is clearly highlighted. 1.1720, K2 = 1.2115 and K3 = 1.2504 (see also tables A and B).
The interpolation (7) also yields a very good approximation of Once the three functional forms are calibrated to the liquid quotes
the smile induced, after calibration to strikes Ki, by the most s1, s2, s3, one may then compare their values at extreme strikes with
renowned stochastic-volatility models in the financial literature, the corresponding quotes that may be provided by brokers or
especially within the range [K1, K3]. This is not surprising, since market-makers. To this end, in figure 1, we also report the implied
the three strikes provide information on the second, third and volatilities of the 10D put and call options (respectively, equal to
fourth moments of the marginal distribution of the underlying 10.46% and 9.49%, again provided by Bloomberg) to show that the
asset, so that models agreeing on these three points are likely to Malz (1997) quadratic function is typically not consistent with the
produce very similar smiles. As a confirmation of this statement, quotes for strikes outside the basic interval [K1, K3].
in figure 1, we also consider the example of the stochastic alpha
beta rho (SABR) functional form of Hagan, et al. (2002), which 10
One can actually find cases where the inequality is violated for some strike K.
 e fix the SABR b parameter to 0.6. Other values of b produce, anyway, quite similar calibrated
has become a standard in the market as far as the modelling of volatilities.
implied volatilities is concerned. The SABR and VV curves tend 12
To be precise, on that date the three-month expiry counted 94 days.




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42 Risk South Africa Autumn 2007

2 Euro/dollar implied volatilities and their approximations plotted against strikes and put deltas (in absolute value)
0.135 0.135
Vanna-volga smile Vanna-volga smile
0.130 First-order approximation 0.130 First-order approximation
0.125 Second-order approximation 0.125 Second-order approximation
Implied volatility

Implied volatility
0.120 0.120
0.115 0.115
0.110 0.110
0.105 0.105
0.100 0.100
Data source: Bloomberg

0.095 0.095
0.090 0.090
1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Strike Put delta

d f +∞
Two consistency results for the VV price V = e− r T h ( 0 ) + S0 e− r T h ′ ( 0 ) + ∫0 h ′′ ( K ) C ( K ) dK
We now state two important consistency results that hold
for the option price (7) and that give further support to the The same reasoning adopted above (see ‘The VV method: the
VV procedure. replicating portfolio’) with regard to the local hedge of the call
The first result is as follows. One may wonder what happens if with strike K can also be applied to the general payout h(ST). We
we apply the VV curve construction method when starting from can thus construct a portfolio of European-style calls with
three other strikes whose associated prices coincide with those maturity T and strikes K1, K2 and K3, such that the portfolio has
coming from (7). Clearly, for the procedure to be robust, we the same vega, ∂Vega/∂Vol and ∂Vega/∂Spot as the given
would want the two curves to exactly coincide. This is indeed derivative. Denoting by VBS the claim price under the BS model,
the case. this is achieved by finding the corresponding portfolio weights xh1,
In fact, consider a new set of strikes H := {H1, H2, H3}, for xh2 and xh3, which are always unique (see Proposition 1). We can
which we set: then define a new (smile-consistent) price for our derivative as:
CH ( Hi ) = CK ( Hi ) V = V BS + ∑ xih C MKT ( K i ) − C BS ( K i )  (10)
3 i =1
( ) ( )
= C BS ( H i ) + ∑ x j ( H i ) C MKT K j − C BS K j 
j =1
which is the obvious generalisation of (7). Our second consistency
result is stated in the following.
where the superscripts H and K highlight the set of strikes the
pricing procedure is based on, and weights xj are obtained from K n Proposition 3. The claim price that is consistent with the
with (6). For a generic strike K, denoting by xi(K; H) the weights option prices (7) is equal to the claim price that is obtained by
for K that are derived starting from the set H, the option price adjusting its BS price by the cost difference of the hedging
associated to H is defined, analogously to (7), by: portfolio when using market prices CMKT (Ki) instead of the
3 constant-volatility prices CBS (Ki). In formulas:
( )
C H ( K ) = C BS ( K ) + ∑ x j ( K ; H ) C H H j − C BS H j 
j =1
( ) V =V
Therefore, if we calculate the hedging portfolio for the claim
where the second term in the sum is now not necessarily zero under flat volatility and add to the BS claim price the cost
since H2 is, in general, different from K2 . The following proposition _
difference of the hedging portfolio (market price minus constant-
states the desired consistency result. volatility price), obtaining V , we exactly retrieve the claim price V
as obtained through the risk-neutral density implied by the call
n Proposition 2. The call prices based on H coincide with those option prices that are consistent with the market smile.13
based on K, namely, for each strike K: As an example of a possible application of this result, Castagna
& Mercurio (2005) consider the specific case of a quanto option,
CH (K ) = CK (K ) (9)
showing that its pricing can be achieved by using the three basic
A second consistency result that can be proven for the option options only, and not the virtually infinite range that is necessary
price (7) concerns the pricing of European-style derivatives and when using static replication arguments.
their static replication. To this end, assume that h(x) is a real
function that is defined for x ∈ [0, ∞), is well behaved at infinity An approximation for implied volatilities
and is twice differentiable. Given the simple claim with payout The specific expression of the VV option price, combined with
h(ST) at time T, we denote by V its price at time zero, when taking the analytical formula (6) for the weights, allows for the derivation
into account the whole smile of the underlying at time T. By Carr 13
 ifferent but equivalent expressions for such a density can be found in Castagna & Mercurio (2005)
& Madan (1998), we have: and Beneder & Baker (2005).

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of a straightforward approximation for the VV implied volatility Conclusions

ς(K), by expanding both members of (7) at first order in s = s2 . We have described the VV approach, an empirical procedure to
We obtain: construct implied volatility curves in the foreign exchange
K2 K3
ln ln market. We have seen that the procedure leads to a smile-
ς ( K ) ≈ ς 1 ( K ) := K
σ1 consistent pricing formula for any European-style contingent
ln K1
ln K1 claim. We have also compared the VV option prices with those
ln KK ln
ln KK ln KK (11) coming from other functional forms known in the financial
+ 1
σ2 + 1 2
σ3 literature. We have then shown consistency results and proposed
ln K 2 ln K 3 ln K 3 ln K 3 efficient approximations for the VV implied volatilities.
1 2 1 2
The VV smile-construction procedure and the related pricing
The implied volatility ς(K) can thus be approximated by a linear formula are rather general. In fact, even though they have been
combination of the basic volatilities si, with coefficients that add developed for foreign exchange options, they can be applied in
up to one (as tedious but straightforward algebra shows). It is also any market where at least three reliable volatility quotes are
easily seen that the approximation is a quadratic function of lnK, available for a given maturity. The application also seems quite
so that one can resort to a simple parabolic interpolation when log promising in other markets, where European-style exotic payouts
co-ordinates are used. are more common than in the foreign exchange market. Another
A graphical representation of the accuracy of the approximation possibility is the interest rate market, where CMS convexity
(11) is presented in figure 2, where we use the same euro/dollar adjustments can be calculated by combining the VV price
data as for figure 1. The approximation (11) is extremely accurate functional with the replication argument in Mercurio &
inside the interval [K1, K3]. The wings, however, tend to be Pallavicini (2006).
overvalued. In fact, being the quadratic functional form in the A last, unsolved issue concerns the valuation of path-
log-strike, the no-arbitrage conditions derived by Lee (2004) for dependent exotic options by means of a generalisation of the
the asymptotic value of implied volatilities are violated. This empirical procedure that we have illustrated in this article. This
drawback is addressed by a second, more precise, approximation, is, in general, a quite complex issue to deal with, considering
which is asymptotically constant at extreme strikes, and is obtained also that the quoted implied volatilities only contain
by expanding both members of (7) at second order in s = s2: information on marginal densities, which is of course not
sufficient for valuing path-dependent derivatives. For exotic
ς ( K ) ≈ ς 2 ( K ) := σ 2
(12) claims, ad hoc procedures are usually used. For instance, barrier
−σ 2 + σ 22 + d1 ( K ) d 2 ( K ) ( 2σ 2 D1 ( K ) + D2 ( K ) ) option prices can be obtained by weighing the cost difference
+ of the ‘replicating’ strategy by the (risk-neutral) probability of
d1 ( K ) d 2 ( K )
not crossing the barrier before maturity (see Lipton & McGhee
where: (2002) and Wystup (2003) for a description of the procedure
D1 ( K ) := ς1 ( K ) − σ 2 for one-touch and double-no-touch options, respectively).
However, not only are such adjustments harder to justify
K2 K3
ln ln 2 theoretically than those in the plain vanilla case, but, from a
D2 ( K ) := K K
d1 ( K 1 ) d 2 ( K 1 ) ( σ 1 − σ 2 )
K3 practical point of view, they can even have the opposite sign
K1 K1
with respect to that implied in market prices (when very steep
ln KK ln KK 2 and convex smiles occur). We leave the analysis of this issue to
+ 1
K3 K3
d1 ( K 3 ) d 2 ( K 3 ) ( σ 3 − σ 2 ) future research. n
ln K1
ln K2

As we can see from figure 2, the approximation (12) is also Antonio Castagna is an equity derivatives trader at Banca Profilo, Milan. Fabio
extremely accurate in the wings, even for extreme values of put Mercurio is head of financial modelling at Banca IMI, Milan. They would like to
deltas. Its only drawback is that it may not be defined, due to the thank Giulio Sartorelli and three anonymous referees for their comments and
presence of a square-root term. The radicand, however, is positive helpful suggestions. Email: antonio.castagna@bancaprofilo.it
in most practical applications. fabio.mercurio@bancaimi.it

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44 Risk South Africa Autumn 2007

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