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Name: Natalia Howard Date: 3-11

ELL Theories Jigsaw

Reading assignments for Jigsaw:

1. Jim Cummins Theory

2. Krashen Theories

3. Universal Grammar Theory

My notes for assigned selection # 1

 Takes the average students 2-5 to develop conversational fluency

 Academic language can take 4-7 years depending on many variables-proficiency,
age, time of arrival in school, etc.
 Context embedded vs context reduced
o Storytelling activity vs phone call
 Second language learners become proficient in BICS way before (years) CALP
 Context embedded is easier to understand

Important Terms and Definitions:

 BICS: Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
 CALP: Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
 Cognitively Undemanding Communication: conversation on a playground, yes/no
question, etc.
 Cognitively Demanding Communication: academic content lessons, test, etc.

Other notes from “expert group:”

 Cognitively demanding and undemanding can make it easier or harder

Notes from “home group” about selections:

 Language acquisition occurs subconsciously
 5 different theories
 Acquiring parts of a language occurs in a predictable order
 We acquire language as we understand messages

 Chomsky questioned linguists’ previous theories
 Language is governed by a large number of rules
 Our brains are predispositioned to know certain structures of language
 Universal grammar=mental grammar
 Minimalist program: Chomsky’s way of proving his theory

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