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87-88: Exercise 1: Rizal in the Eyes of the Filipino Youth

1. Get hold of several local or foreign newspapers/magazines.

2. Examine the pictures in the said newspapers/magazines

3. Choose and clip a picture (preferably colored) which, seemingly, is not related to Rizal
but which best reminds you of him.

4. Paste the chosen picture on the page provided (the picture should be big enough for
your classmates to see from their seats in class.

5. Be ready to explain why you have chosen the said picture.

I choose this picture because the dog reminds of Rizal who stood up for the
Filipinos and for the Philippines to achieve its freedom. He helped his co-Filipinos
without expecting something in return. In the news above, the man named Danilo stop
to take a rest but suddenly, the dog get down from his lap and push the wheelchair to
help him. It’s been seven months since he had the dog and yet Danilo treated him as
his own son. When I look at this, the man symbolizes the Philippines and the dog
symbolizes Rizal who stood up for the Filipinos to have freedom.

6. When called by teacher, read your explanation to your classmates.

7. Draw your conclusions. Are there similarities or dissimilarities? Explain your answer.
Their similarities are they both shown love and care, Rizal (for his country) and
the dog (for his owner). Their dissimilarity is that Rizal has an enemy and he has to fight
the Spaniards and to stop the injustices here in Philippines while the dog is helping his
owner who’s in wheelchair and shown love and care for him.
8. What do adolescents like you think of Dr. Jose Rizal? Are these generally positive or
negative? Explain your answer.
As an adolescent, I perceived Rizal as a good role model to the youth. These are
not generally positive and negative because in the first place, he sacrificed his life to
fight for the freedom of the Filipinos and for the Philippines. However, there are some
aspects we find in negative way. During his teenage and adult life, he had many
intimate relationships and there are several women in his life. This background may not
be good especially to young people as well as to families because at some point it is not
a good trait to have several women as it implies that a person is not faithful or not
serious with being in a relationship.

9. Is Dr. Rizal an ideal role model for the Filipino youth? Explain your answer.
Yes, Rizal is an ideal role model for Filipino youth because of the values that
Rizal held that Filipino youth may learn from him. He fought for the freedom of our
country which is the Philippines and he didn’t use harmful weapon but used the power
of paper and pen to fight against Spanish. He is proud Filipino who fought for his
country until death.

Integration: pg. 90
In the space provided, write your answers after doing the activity.
In two or three statements, complete the following:

I realized that:
I realized that there is lot of good news while looking at the newspapers. Having the life
and works of Rizal as a subject is an honor. It helps us Filipinos, to look back for the things that
Rizal made for us. This subject helps us to be updated with the latest news and issues about
Philippines and also teaches us the values and story of Rizal.

I resolve that:
I resolve that no one is perfect. Even our National Hero is not perfect. We have a lot of
imperfections but what’s important is that we accept our imperfections, improve ourselves, help
people or even animals who needs help, respect other people, love ourselves, our country and
91: Exercise 2: Making of a Hero
Follow the instructions and write your answers in the space provided.
1. Give five different definitions of the term “hero”.
 A hero is a person of superhuman qualities and often semi-divine origin.
 A hero is a person identified with good qualities, and said with whom the reader
is expected to sympathize.
 A hero is a person noted for courageous acts or nobility character.
 A hero is someone, who’s in opinion of others, has special achievements,
abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal.
 A hero is someone who gives himself, often putting his own life at great risk, for
the greater good of others.

2. Give five different definitions of the term “personality”.

 Personality is the combination of an individual thoughts, characteristics,
behaviors, attitude, idea and habits.
 It is a set of behaviors, cognitions, emotional patterns that evolve from biological
and environmental factors.
 The complex of all the attributes – behavioral, temperamental, emotional and
mental that characterize a unique individual.
 The visible aspect of one’s character as it impresses others.
 Personality embraces moods, attitudes and opinions and is most clearly
expressed in interactions with other people.

3. Enumerate and discuss the different factors which influence the development of
individual’s personality.
 Brain – is one of the most important personality determinants. It is generally
believed that the father and the child adopt almost the same type of brain
 Physical Characteristics – one of the most important factors in determining
personality. Physical characteristics such as height, skin tone, weight, hair color
and beauty. It influences interactions with other people, contributing to
personality development.
 Social Experiences – the things that occur around a person on a regular basis
determine how that person will behave and perceive themselves. It affects
person’s coordination, cooperation, family relationships, organizational
relationships, workplaces relationship and involvement in communities.
 Culture and Religion – these are highly determinants of personality. It is in
which one lives almost that are align to their traditional practices, norms,
customs, procedures, rules and regulations, precedents and values.
 Heredity – one of the most important factor in determining personality, since
mostly all other determinants such as physical characteristics, gender,
psychology and etc. are passed down through genes.

4. Give at least two specific examples of the different factors which have influenced in
shaping of Dr. Rizal’s heroic personality.
 Rizal was brought up with cultured, ideal values, and religious family. He was
taught by her mother about good values that shaped him as a good person and
by his uncles who taught him the importance of education and health which
shaped his personality, doctrines and beliefs in life..
 The execution of the three priests, Father Gomez, Burgos and Zamora, the
wrong accusation of his mother, and the unfair justice system in Spanish time
awaken Rizal’s sense of justice.
5. Give at least two specific examples of the different factors which have influenced in
shaping of your own personality.
 Our culture and religion taught me to respect people especially my parents that is
why I became a respectful person.
 The peers/friends that I have are positive and believing people especially when it
comes to dealing with problems related education that is why I grow up to be a
positive person and that I believe I can do all things and I can face all challenges
that I may encounter in the future with the help of God, my family and friends who
believes in me.

6. Describe your own personality.

I describe myself as a happy-go-lucky and positive person, respectful, creative,
optimistic, organized, thoughtful, warm, understanding, helpful, humble and God-fearing

7. If the ideal Filipino citizen is described to be socially concerned, productive, moral,

upright, and patriotic, like our National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal, how would you rate yourself
in a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest?
I rate myself in as 5 because I am still not as productive that could help our
country prosper and because I often patronize other country’s music than ours.

8. Do you see a need to improve your personality? Explain your answer.

Yes because I believe that I still have to experience a lot more and learn more
things in order to become more productive and responsible daughter and citizen of this

9. If your answer in number 8 is yes, what do you intend to do about it?

I will engage myself in activities to gain more experience, to learn more about
other people’s perspective, and to learn more about God. Because I believe that in
doing this, I will attain good personality.

10. Which factors in personality development are within your control? Explain your answers.
A factor in personality development that is within my control is social
experiences. This is because I can choose to engage myself with the people. I have the
ability to choose to interact with the people that are good influence to me and will accept
me for who am I without judging me.
Integration: pg. 94
In the space provided, write your answers after doing the activity.
In two or three statements, complete the following

I realized that:
I realized that there are a lot of factors in personality management. I still have a lot of
things to improve my personality. And I realized that I should improve my personality to help
myself to be more productive and to help my own country and environment.

I resolve that:
I resolve that I should improve myself for myself. I’ll focus on my studies and do my best
to help others. I should make a progress and contribute well to other people like what Rizal did
for the Filipinos and for the Philippines.
95-96: Exercise 3: Dr. Jose P. Rizal: A Fully Functioning Person?
Follow the instructions and wrote your answers in the space provided.
1. Research and define the terms “fully functioning person” and “Healthy personality”
 Fully functioning person – is the one who is in touch with his or her deepest
and innermost feelings and desires. These individuals understand their own
emotions and place deep trust in their own instincts and urges. Fully functioning
person is an individual who is continually working toward becoming self-
actualized. This individual has received unconditional positive regard from other,
does not place conditions on his/her own worth, is capable of expressing
feelings, and is fully open to life’s many experiences.
 Healthy personality – is a way for a person to act, guided by intelligence and
respect for life, so that personal need are satisfied and so that the person will
grow in awareness, competence, and the capacity to love the self, the natural
environment, and other people.
2. Enumerate and explain the characteristics of fully functioning person

 Openness to experience  Ability to change through experience

 Lack of defensiveness  Unconditional self-regard
 Ability to interpret experiences  Tendency to be open to new
accurately experiences
 Open to feedback and willing to  Does not feel the need to distort or
make realistic changes deny any experiences
 A flexible self-concept  Lives in harmony with other people
3. Compare a person with a healthy personality and a person with an unhealthy
Person with Healthy Personality Person with Unhealthy Personality
 Warm  High level of neuroticism
 Authentic Connection To Others  Impulsive
 Flexibility of Emotional Expression  Low Self - Esteem
 Resistance To Stress  Self – Centered
 Self-Acceptance  Focus on External Factors
 Openness  Trouble Letting Go
 Trust In One’s Experience  Don’t Know Self
 High Self – Esteem  Passive
 Low Level Of Neuroticism  Got Easily Stress
4. Review the pictures in a newspaper/magazine; choose a picture which could symbolize
functioning of an individual with a healthy personality. Cut and paste the picture on the
page provided and explain why you chose it.
5. Compare Rizal’s characteristics with the characteristics of a fully functioning person. Did
he have a healthy personality? Explain and support your answer with specific examples.

Rizal’s Characteristics Fully Functioning Person

 Humility  Ability to change through experience

 Creativity  Unconditional self-regard
 Courage  Tendency to be open to new experiences
 Initiative  Doesn’t deny experiences
 Courtesy and politeness  Lives in harmony with other people
 Thrift  Openness to experience
 Gratitude  Lack of defensiveness
 Charity  Ability to interpret experiences accurately
 Devotion to truth  Open to feedback
 Honesty  A flexible self-concept
 Self – sacrifice  Willing to make realistic changes
 Self – control

As what I have observed, Rizal had a healthy personality but there are some
instances that he doesn’t meet the characteristics of having a healthy personality such
as living in harmony with other people because during that time, Rizal can’t be in
harmony with the Spaniards and other Filipinos who are against him because of the
cruelty and injustices made by Spaniards and because of him being courageous he
fought them using pen and paper to stop the Spaniards from their inhumane actions.

6. Compare your characteristics with the characteristics of a fully functioning person. Do

you have all characteristics of a person with a healthy personality? If your answer is no,
what do you intend to do about it?

My Characteristics Fully Functioning Person

 Warm  Warm
 Positive/Optimistic  Authentic Connection To Others
 Respectful  Flexibility of Emotional Expression
 Organized  Resistance To Stress
 Understanding  Self-Acceptance
 Thoughtful  Openness
 Helpful  Trust In One’s Experience
 Humble  High Self – Esteem
 God-Fearing  Low Level of Neuroticism

No, I don’t have all characteristics of a person with healthy personality but there are
others that are quite similar to a person with a healthy personality. What I intend to do about it
is doing self – reflection. I should develop good mindset and change the negative self-concept
that I have in myself for me to fully attain healthy personality. By doing a self – reflection, it will
build my self – awareness and self – regulation. Self awareness is the ability to understand my
strengths and weaknesses, emotions, values and goals and recognize the impacts that I made
to other people while self-regulation will give me the ability to redirect my disruptive emotions
and adapt to the sudden change in person’s surroundings. Doing these things will be very
beneficial to me since this is for self and it will make me become more productive citizen of this
7. What are the beneficial effects if majority of Filipino citizen will be able to develop a
healthy personality?
If majority of the Filipino citizen develop a healthy personality, then there’s a big
possibility that the Philippines will progress economically. There will be less poverty, suicide,
stress and other issues because majority of the Filipinos has resistance to stress, open for
constructive criticism and have high self - esteem. The Philippines’ society would surely benefit
since nothing could go wrong with someone who have healthy personality because of them
having the personality to quickly adapt to any situations and this makes it easy to go along with

Integration: pg. 98
In the space provided, write your answers after doing the activity.
In two or three statements, complete the following:

I realized that:
I realized that there are a lot of benefits in having a healthy personality because if a
person has a healthy personality, he/she will become a fully functioning person wherein a
person will be able to understand their innermost self and redirect their goals and values in life.
A person with healthy personality can easily go along with other people and can easily adjust
to any changes and situations in his/her environment. Our National Hero Dr. Jose Rizal has
also a healthy personality and that made him a person that we Filipinos adore and idolized.
I resolve that:
I resolve that every human being must have healthy personality in order for us to
achieve a healthy and good environment. Problems are always there, it is imperishable but if
you have strong faith in God plus you have a healthy personality, those problems are nothing
compare to faith and belief in yourself and to our Almighty God. In conclusion, a fully
functioning person is a person with deep trust in his/her self and can easily solve all problems
in life.
99-100: Exercise 4: Toward Becoming an Ideal Filipino Citizen
1. Recall the enumerated healthy personality characteristics in Exercise 3 and list down
the five most important healthy personality characteristics in your own opinion.

 Warm  Openness
 Authentic Connection To Others  Trust In One’s Experience
 Flexibility of Emotional Expression  High Self – Esteem
 Resistance To Stress  Low Level Of Neuroticism
 Self-Acceptance

In my opinion the five most healthy personality characteristics are Flexibility of

Emotional Expression, Resistance to Stress, Self – Acceptance, High Self – Esteem,
and Low Level of Neuroticism.

2. Of the five most important healthy characteristics in your list, identify the primary healthy
personality characteristics that must be developed first, in order that the others could
also be developed after it.

Out of the five most characteristics in the abovementioned healthy personal

characteristics, the primary healthy characteristic that must be developed first is self –
acceptance in order for other healthy personal characteristics to be developed after this

3. Reason out and explain why the chosen primary healthy personality characteristics
could ensure the development of the other healthy personality characteristics.

Self – acceptance is the primary healthy personality characteristic because if you

accept your own self, you know what are your strengths and weaknesses and what
you’re capable of. You will be able to accept things easily, love yourself more, be able to
understand yourself more and be able to improve yourself. After self – acceptance, the
rest will follow such as flexibility of emotional expression, low level of neuroticism, high
self – esteem, resistance to stress, open to other people and trust other’s experiences
and being warm and authentic to others.

4. State the relationship between the primary healthy personality characteristics and the
characteristics of an ideal Filipino citizen-socially concerned, productive, morally, upright
and patriotic.

The relationship of the primary healthy personality characteristic which is the self
– acceptance and the characteristics of an ideal Filipino citizen which are socially
concerned, productive, morally, upright and patriotic is that a Filipino can’t achieve to be
an ideal Filipino citizen if he/she doesn’t have a healthy personality characteristics
which starts from accepting thy self. Self – acceptance is the key and the foundation of
being a responsible and to become an ideal Filipino citizen.

5. Trace the origin of the primary characteristics that will enable an individual to be an
ideal Filipino citizen like Dr. Jose Rizal. Get clues from the lyrics of the song “The
Greatest Love of All”

The origin of the primary characteristics that will enable an individual to be an ideal
Filipino citizen like Dr. Jose Rizal is learning to love yourself. Like in the lyrics of the
song, Greatest Love of All, “I learned to depend on me, I decided long ago, never to
walk in anyone’s shadows”. Not being true to yourself and copying other people is an
indication that you don’t know yourself and you don’t love yourself enough because if
you love and know yourself, you will focus on improving thy self instead of improving
yourself just to be like others. “If I fail, if I succeed. At least I’ll live as I believe”. This
lyrics shows that even though a person failed or succeeded in life, as long as he/she
loves him/herself, true, and do things as what he/she believes that is the most
important. Self – love will teach us the meaning of genuine, true, happy and honest life.
Integration: pg. 102
In the space provided, write your answers after doing the activity.
In two or three statements, complete the following:

I realized that:
I realized that self – acceptance and self – love is the key to become an ideal citizen. It
is because when you appreciate, accept and love yourself, your perspectives in life and in the
world will change and it will give you positive characteristics towards life. Just like in the song
“The Greatest Love of All”, the greatest love of all is not found in our relationship with others,
but inside of ourselves.

resolve that:
I resolve that all of us should love ourselves. If we realized that we don’t love ourselves
enough, then we should act right now and do something to start loving ourselves. We should
reflect on ourselves, find and open our hearts and minds and accept our own flaws and
mistakes. After all, we’re just a human being, a sinner, we make mistakes but one thing we can
gain in loving ourselves is that we can lessen the mistakes that we can do and start
appreciating the beauty of our self and the beauty of the world around us. We were be able to
appreciate all the blessings that God had given to us.
103-104: Exercise 5: Developing a Positive Self-Concept
1. List down your strengths and weaknesses and explain how these developed. Do this list
at home, in the privacy of your room, or in any quiet place.

Strengths (Self) Weaknesses (Self)

 Creative  Athletic
 Optimistic  Patient
 Organized  Shy
 Thoughtful  Hesitant
 Warm  Moody
 Helpful  Slow
 God-fearing

2. Have the abovementioned list ready on the day set for this exercise on developing
positive self-concept.

3. Choose a partner whom you are comfortable with, somebody whom you feel you could

4. Separate from your other classmates and start the exercise by saying to your partner “I
choose you as my partner because (state reason)_______________.
I choose you as my partner because I have trusted you fully and I am
comfortable when I am with you. I think of you as part of our family and I rely on you.
You’re the one who helped me and are always there for me in bad times and in good
times. You never judge me for my mistakes instead you correct me for the mistakes that
I have done.

5. Share each other’s strengths and weaknesses authentically. Be transparent to show

your real self to your chosen partner. Trace the roots of your strengths and
weaknesses. Let your partner trace the roots of her or his strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths (Self) Weaknesses (Self) Strengths (Partner) Weaknesses Partner

 Creative  Athletic  Athletic  Artistic
 Optimistic  Patient  Optimistic  Shy
 Organized  Shy  Thoughtful  Moody
 Thoughtful  Hesitant  Helpful  Complaining
 Warm  Moody  Adventurous
 Helpful  Slow  Energetic
 God-fearing  God-fearing

The roots of my strengths and weaknesses came from my family, religion, cultures
and the environment around me. But most especially it came from myself. My
strengths are the characteristics that I developed and these are also part of the
values that I learned from our culture and religion. My weaknesses are the negative
traits that came from my lack of confidence and lack of self – improvement

6. After 20-30 minutes, stop your sharing. When called by your teacher, same some of
your experiences during the exercise to the other members of the class. When your
other classmates are called to share their exercise, listen well.

7. Draw conclusions regarding your experiences and your classmates’ experiences. Write
these in the space provided.
My experiences and the experiences of others made me realize that some of us
had common strengths and weaknesses. This activity helps us recognize our own
strengths and weaknesses. What I have learned in this activity is that we should
determine our strengths and weaknesses in order to improve our weaknesses and to
have a positive self-concept. Having a positive self-concept can change a person’s life,
his values and even his goals in life.

8. What is the importance of having a positive self-concept?

The importance of having a positive self-concept is that it can boost a person’s
physical, social, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being. It can help person
face and tackle the challenging parts of life, such as poor health, financial problems or
even physical disability. Having a positive self-concept is really important because how
we think about ourselves and how we interact with other people around and the world
around us can change in just a blink of an eye.

9. Give the relationship of a positive self-concept with the characteristics of person with a
healthy personality and ideal Filipino.
The relationship of a positive self – concept with the characteristics of person
with healthy personality and ideal Filipino is that.
10. How can you apply to yourself these learnings gained from this exercise?

Integration: pg. 104

In the space provided, write your answers after doing the activity.
In two or three statements, complete the following
I realized that:

I resolve that:

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