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1. Because I work at weekends, my husband looks after our son.

2. I really don't like my husband anymore: I decided to get a divorce
3. His arm is broken: he has to go to the hospital
4. He didn't like the main meal; but he loved the dessert.
5. My children always argue to have the biggest piece of cake.
6. Our team grew when the two new colleagues arrived.
7. I remember his first name: his name is Jonathan.
8. Her granddaughter is teaching her how to create websites.
9. The apartment is getting too small, we have to move
10. When she opened her gift, she seemed quite happy.
11. The birth went very well: the mother and the baby are both healthy.
12. This baby is so lovely with her big eyes and little pink cheeks.
13. I think Clint Eastwood's latest film is really good!
14. I am sure you'll pass your test because you studied really well.
15. We haven't seen Tom in months, but one of my friends saw him recently at
16. A parent's permission is needed to enter this contest.
17. The patient is asking for a painkiller because he is suffering a lot.
18. You look cute in that blue dress
19. Before their marriage, they lived in a small apartment in the centre of town
20. My daughter comes home after school.
21. When I was a student, I lived alone in a studio flat
22. My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage this year
23. Her baby has been born, but I don't know if it's a girl or a boy.
24. Thanks to my sister-in-law who is Brazilian, my brother speaks Portuguese.
25. Because his sister works a lot, he often takes care of his niece
26. My youngest brother is two years younger than me.
27. Your long blond hair is beautiful
28. This child looks like his father: they have exactly the same face.

1. This building has four apartments.

2. In winter, we take the sledge out to go down the snow slopes.
3. My house is near a big car park.
4. She lives in a beautiful house with three floors.
5. I have a lot of Good memories of my childhood.
6. They like to walk with their dogs in the forest
7. The weather is beautiful: go play outside!
8. When we go on holiday, our neighbour takes care of the cat.
9. My grandfather remembers the Second World War.
10. In this region, there are a lot of wheat fields
11. I get on well with my neighbour; we often drink coffee together.
12. When I use a vacuum cleaner, the cat hides under the table.
13. My old boss was very unpleasant.
14. Mary must finish two reports before she goes on holiday
15. We're going to have fun at Lucas' birthday party: he has a karaoke game ready and
lotsof other surprises.
16. My son never finds me when we play hide-and-seek
17. I spend three hours a day in front of my computer screen
18. When I was 18, I decided to leave my village to go to university.
19. When I was a child, I did my homework with my brother.
20. Some young people think that adolescence is hard; it's a difficult time in a person's
21. The apartment is too small, we have to move.
22. She doesn't like living in the centre of town; it's too noisy.
23. They stood at the edge of the sea
24. I moved far from Brussels: I now live in Miami.
25. This apartment has two bedrooms and is on the third floor.
26. He lives in the countryside on a large farm.
27. Central Park is in the middle of New York City.
28. They took the ball to play football.
29. Every Sunday, we visit our pare

1. There are a lot of castles to visit in Scotland.

2. When he saw his baby for the first time, the young father was emotional.
3. I have never met all my family's relatives who live in Canada.
4. I have a lot of good memories of my childhood.
5. This student goes to all of her lessons.
6. When he leaves, I'm going to feel sad.
7. The Paris area is the most populated region in France.
8. During the wedding ceremony , the bride and groom exchange wedding rings.
9. I want to eat, I'm really hungry.
10. We are looking for the best place to go on holiday.
11. When she graduated, she partied until four in the morning.
12. I get on with my brother-in-law, he is now a friend.
13. My boyfriend doesn't want to get married.
14. The bride and groom danced all night with their guests.
15. It was a beautiful evening; I will never forget it!
16. We recommend that you drink at least one litre of water per day.
17. Black and White go well together.
18. He likes to dance the tango and the waltz.
19. She didn't sleep because her neighbours had a party all night.
20. We had a lovely weekend at the sea.
21. He was really pleased and happy to see her again.
22. She will get married to her childhood friend next month.
23. There weren't many people at the movies last night; there were only five of us in
24. More than a thousand guests were at the prince's wedding
25. He is preparing a romantic dinner with flowers and candles.
26. I have to buy flowers, tablecloths and other decorations for the hall.
27. This wonderful woman gave all of her money to a charity.
28. The guests sang and danced all evening.
29. You need to rest, you seem to be tired.
30. The bride and groom promise to love each other for life.
31. His colleague always arrives at the office lat

1. Don't forget to lock the door of the house before you leave.
2. You can't leave the bathroom until you take a shower!
3. I dream of buying this beautiful villa, but it is too expensive.
4. The bathroom mirror is really dirty, I have to clean
it.5. During the winter, we have a fire in the fireplace.
6. Her two daughters sleep in the same bedroom.
7. She's about to move into a beautiful apartment.
8. There are many new buildings on this street.
9. I left my phone in the bathroom upstairs. Can you go and get it?
10. Sarah welcomes her guests in the living room and offers them a drink.
11. The living room isn't decorated yet; do you have any ideas?
12. I'm thinking about going to Barcelona or Madrid.
13. Glass is not a good material to use in a child's room.
14. The neighbours are playing ball in the garden.
15. Their room was on the fifth floor of the hotel.
16. You won't find a restaurant or bar in this residential area.
17. I'm trying to design a house, but it's not easy.
18. I don't like the decor in your living room, it's dark and there are too many paintings.
19. We have chosen glass as a material in order to have rooms with lots of light.
20. I was in my bed when I heard a noise downstairs in the living room.
21. The main door of the building leads onto a wide street.
22. My brother received a big period clock.
23. The house is quiet when the children are not there.
24. Don't play with the ball in the living room, you'll break a lamp!
25. On summer evenings, we have our meals on the balcony
26. The castle was very large : the visit lasted three hours!
27. She loves old-fashioned Renaissance furniture.
28. hildren, it's raining! Come inside quickly.
29. We want to buy a bigger table for the dining room.
30. The landscape gardener just brought the plans for the garden at the new house.
31. To decorate the house, I prefer a more modern style.
32. We don't like the modern style, it's too simple and unattractive.
33. The cabin was made of wood, it caught fire quickly.

1. Our electricity bill has decreased since we started using energy-saving light bulbs.
2. She is looking for a house to rent but she does not want to pay more than £600
3. The house will be available in a month, after the old owners leave.
4. One of the doors of the living room gives access to the garden.
5. They were watching television in the living room while their mother prepared dinner
6. I need the toilet, I'll ask the waiter where it is.
7. I bought an electric stove because when I cook on gas, I burn everything
8. As the kitchen tiles are dark, you can't see the marks on the floor
9. Because the washing machine is broken, we have been wearing dirty clothes.
10. It's nice to meet you, Mrs Atkinson.
11. Don't let the dog go on the new sofa, he will make it dirty.
12. You can't leave the bathroom if you haven't had a shower!
13. Every time my daughter prepares food, I have to clean the kitchen floor
14. For your comfort, choose a good mattress.
15. He was running in socks on the parquet floor and he slipped.
16. My brother had to buy an oven and a fridge because his kitchen wasn't well equipped
17. She loves older Renaissance furniture.
18. Our rent goes up every year; it's time to move.
19. I went to the kitchen to prepare food, but there was nothing in the fridge.
20. The five apartments are on the first and second floors of this building.
21. I don't know if Anthony is coming tonight; he often changes his mind.
22. He removed the wall separating the living room from the dining room in order
tomake the new space bigger.
23. We don't like the modern style, it's too simple and unattractive.
24. Water is included in this apartment’s rent, but the other utilities like gas and
electricity are not.
25. The terrace opens onto the garden.
26. The window of our room looked onto a nice little balcony where our neighbours liked
to sit and read.
27. The offices of this company are recent; they were built only one year ago.
28. Before you can start to build, you have to buy the land.

1. Have you ever had fresh tomato and basil pasta?

2. We never go to the supermarket on Saturdays; there are too many people.
3. For his family's health, he only buys organic products.
4. Our rabbit isn't like the other rabbits: he doesn't like carrots.
5. The children pick strawberries and raspberries in the garden every year.
6. Ripe bananas are too sweet for my taste.
7. The cook will taste the soup before serving it; to make sure it has enough flavour.
8. These juicy fruits are refreshing.
9. This chocolate cake is really delicious, I'll have a second piece!
10. On their farm, my grandparents raised cows, chickens and pigs.
11. All of our products come from the region.
12. Be careful, I broke a jar of jam and there are pieces of glass all over the floor.
13. She made cauliflower with a butter, cheese and milk sauce.
14. In winter, Dad used to make vegetable soup every night to make us feel warm.
15. I buy frozen spinach and add a little cream and salt: it's quick and delicious.
16. This farmer lost a large part of his vegetable crop due to bad weather.
17. Feel free to add some finely chopped chives to your omelette.
18. When you buy a local product, you help all of the local farmers.
19. She bought a big pumpkin to make soup.
20. It takes 250 grams of flour, 150 grams of sugar and 100 grams of butter to make
21. We're going to make a pie and jam with all the plums you've picked.
22. Don't put too many gherkins in the salad or it will have an acid taste.
23. If you want fresh fruit and vegetables, come with me to the market.
24. Are you sure the mushrooms you picked in the forest are okay to eat?
25. Apples are very expensive this year, they cost £3 per kilogram.
26. That vegetable dish was so nice, we ate it all!
27. We are in the middle of winter: don't buy strawberries from abroad; buy
seasonalfruits from this region and period, like apples or clementines.

1. Milk products are a very good source of calcium for growing children.
2. I have everything I need,that's it, thank you.
3. Can you get some toilet paper? It's next to the tissues.
4. I can offer you cold drinks, with or without alcohol.
5. When my brother was a child, he always ate sausage with mashed potatoes.
6. You need to try my wife's dish of veal chops with mushroom sauce, they're
7. We are on the right street; his house is at the end.
8. I always get lost in the aisles of department stores: there are so many of them!
9. You must be careful when you use some cleaning products, they could be dangerous.
10. I was in my bed when I heard a noise downstairs in the living room.
11. He helps all of the tourists who are lost.
12. I don't like the small pieces of pistachio nuts in the slices of Italian sausage
13. This week, there's a special offer on wine: buy two bottles for the price of one.
14. We sell apples by weight, from 100 grams to 10 kilos.
15. You can find the supermarket at the entrance to the city.
16. The bakery section is full of delicious cakes and nice pastries.
17. The French have more than 1,200 kinds of cheese.
18. Do you need anything else from the bakery or is that all?
19. My daughter always adds two spoons of sugar to her plain yoghurt
20. Their room is on the fifth floor of this hotel.
21. If you want to exchange this item, we need the receipt
22. A little bit of this new dishwashing liquid is enough to make the glasses shiny.
23. He bought three beef steaks and salami at the meat counter

1. Don't forget to add your computer skills to your CV

2. The employees of this large multinational company have many perks, such as
freelanguage courses and free access to a fitness room.
3. I have some meal vouchers; come on, I'll take you to a restaurant!
4. Charlotte is really dynamic; she is making a creative contribution to the
5. Peter is still at work, he comes home around 6 p.m
6. The head of Human Resources will contact you to sign your contract.
7. After my studies, I sent letters to all the companies in the region, applying for jobs
thatmatch my qualifications.
8. The director welcomes clients in his office.
9. We have received many similar letters for this position, but your
professionalexperience really makes the difference.
10. The Purchasing department is looking for new suppliers.
11. I want to learn a new language; why not Portuguese or Italian?
12. Our Administrative assistant, Sheila, will give you the documents to complete.
13. There is a job available as Sales Manager in this supermarket.
14. We have to translate the contract into German for this new client
15. After she saw the advertisement of the new job, she updated her CV and sent
hercover letter to the company.
16. The marketing team has just presented the new advertising campaign.
17. In this multilingual family, we speak French, English, Japanese and Italia

18. He reads the list of job vacancies on the internet every day.
19. Thanks to my year-end bonus, we will go on holiday.
20. We have to deal with this urgently.
21. If you have a problem, call customer support on this number.
22. After a two-year training programme, he will qualify as a baker.
23. She explains why she wants to work for this company in her cover letter.
24. This year, she will take 7 days off to go on holiday to Barcelona.
25. The home page of the school website shows a picture of the building.
26. The website of this small company is really good; you can find all the
27. The salary of some athletes is in millions of pounds.

1. She Will have lessons in German before she moves to Berlin.

2. This boss offered a meal to all his workers.
3. Call the secretary to make an appointment
4. Using recycled paper saves trees.
5. He Will work with a historian to make this film about Marco Polo.
6. I Will reserve a table for two in our favourite restaurant.
7. Their room was on the fifth floor of the hotel.
8. Thanks to a good night's sleep, I feel great.
9. When I went back to work, there were more than two hundred emails to read.
10. Call Anne as soon as possible, she's waiting for your answer.
11. When you call the pizzeria, can you add pasta to the order?
12. One suitcase will be enough for all my things.
13. I forgot to pick up the copies of the contract, they are next to the photocopier.
14. The holidays are over; I don't want to go back to work.
15. The hospital cafeteria has organic salads.
16. I signed a six-month employment contract.
17. She has the authorisation of her boss to leave earlier today.
18. Every Monday, we have a team meeting to discuss the planning for the week.
19. He has permission to watch television until 9 p.m.
20. Did you write the report about your meeting with the English customers?
21. The room was full of people.
22. The employees of this shop don't want to work on Sundays.
23. The insurance company won't pay for the damage caused by the fire.
24. His parents are going to be at his dance performance
25. They wanted to do this project for years but they did not have enough money to do it.

26. Don't worry, I Will manage the situation.

27. I didn't understand anything in this gramar lesson; can you explain it to me?
28. Eva invited around 30 people to her birthday party.
29. The manager asks staff members to turn off their mobile phones during work hours.

1. I suggest you wear safety glasses when playing squash

2. I tried to explain the rules of tennis but he didn't understand them.
3. Some buildings have flat roofs
4. Remi goes to the gym every morning to build up his strength.
5. Slide your plastic card through the reader and the door will open.
6. He's worried about going on the boat because he can't swim
7. In most European countries, people drive on the right side of the road.
8. In a building without a lift, it's better to live on the ground floor.
9. She bought a very large key ring to make it easier to find her keys in her bag.
10. The restaurant's toilets are reserved for guests only.
11. You can find the supermarket at the entrance to the city.
12. Aren't you coming with us? That's a shame, we're going to have a great time.
13. When there is not too much wind, you can play badminton on the beach.
14. Tennis players train on the tennis court.
15. You're almost there; continue just a few more metres.
16. He left his gym bag in the changing room.
17. The customer asks for information about organic products.
18. In a building without a lift, it's better to live on the ground floor
19. This street is under construction: the workers have to repair the sidewalks.
20. He crossed the room without looking at me
21. In the United Kingdom, people drive on the left
22. I live opposite my sister's house; I cross the street and I arrive at her house.
23. It's Victor's book: you have to give it back to him.
24. We are waiting for you at the end of the hall
25. The terrace is on the same floor as the living room.
26. I'm going down to the cellar to get a bottle of wine
27. I lost my key, I can't go home!
28. Students will take their books from Their lockers.
29. Walk straight on to the end of the Champs-Elysées and you will arrive at the Arc
30. To get to the first floor, go up the stairs.
31. The water in the pool is too cold; I prefer to stay at the edge.
32. I don't have a garage for my car, it must stay outside.
33. You can't turn around here, we need to keep going on the same road.
34. He shows the way to tourists who are lost.
35. The Reception desk of this big hotel is open day and night.
36. You have to go through that door to get to the terrace.

1. She's looking for a thermometer in order to take her temperature.

2. This pill is so small that you can take it without drinking anything.
3. He took two painkillers because his back hurts so much.
4. Don't take antibiotics to treat your cold, they don't work against viruses.
5. My throat really hurts when I drink, I can't eat anymore either.
6. I forgot to take my coat and now I am cold.
7. My colleague has worked hard this week, he is tired.
8. Some headache tablets dissolve in water and can then be drunk.
9. I am worried about his condition : he has eaten very little for three days.
10. The director Will see his clients in his office.
11. If your baby has a fever, you should take him to the hospital straight away.
12. They bought two boxes of cereal.
13. Thanks to your health insurance card , some medicine is less expensive.
14. You can buy some medicine without a script.
15. He can't be cured: his illness Will get worse.
16. People who smoke have throats which are fragile.
17. During the weekend, only a few pharmacies are open.
18. The wounded man was screaming in pain.
19. The doctor gave him a medical certificate for five days; he will return to the office
20. As the whole family has the flu, we're staying at home.
21. Why are you crying? What is wrong?
22. Anne will go to the doctor because she's ill.
23. He fell during the football game; his leg hurts.
24. The doctor gave me a prescription to take to the pharmacy in order to get
themedicine I needed.
25. After working at his computer for 14 hours, he developed a bad headache.
26. Fruits and vegetables are a natural source of vitamin C.

27. This medicine isn't working: I am still sick!

28. When I was sick, my mother would give me a tablet to swallow.
29. After a long night's sleep and a good breakfast, Amy felt well again.
30. This weekend they will stay at home to rest.

1. This project needs a lot of work and time.

2. I want to stay in bed all day
3. The operation went well, the patient is in the recovery room.
4. His situation has changed: now, he is the company's manager.
5. The patient is waiting for his appointment with the doctor.
6. The paediatrics department treats sick children.
7. On Friday, the staff are allowed to leave work one hour earlier.
8. You have a stomach ache because you ate too fast.
9. The young patient's room is filled with flowers and gifts.
10. Thanks to internal medicine, you can get better if you have problems with your lungs
11. I don't want to eat anything. My feeling of nausea is worse.
12. He follows a diet which is very strict because he is allergic to gluten and lactose.
13. During the weekend,visiting hours are longer.
14. When it snows, we recommend that you drive more slowly.
15. She sees the doctor who gives her medical care every month.
16. After my diet, my weight stopped increasing and it stabilised
17. The birth was fine, without any problems; the mother and the baby are fine.
18. For his birthday, we gave him a basket of organic products.
19. Annually, my son's teacher informs me how my son is doing in class.
20. My grandfather is going to have an operation to fix his heart problem.
21. To recover quickly, you need to rest and take your medication.
22. After his skiing accident, he was in hospital for two days.
23. His health has improved since he stopped smoking.
24. Some people were wounded in the explosion, they were taken directly to
the emergency room.
25. His arm is broken; we have to take him to the hospital.
26. At home, my husband is responsible for the cleaning.

27. Before each operation, this surgeon meets with his patients to explain the
procedureand answer their questions.
28. I'm worried about his condition: he has eaten very little for three days.
29. There are home care services for the elderly.
30. It's not a serious condition, he'll be okay.
31. The wounded man was screaming in pain.
32. He hasn't called me in a week; I'm really worried
33. She took time off to visit her sister who lives in Germany.

1. As my father always forgets where he parks, he spends a lot of time looking for his
2. He always uses a map to find his way around a big city more easily.
3. The castle is at the end of this dead-end street.
4. There's a beautiful hotel on the other side of this park.
5. I don't like coffee. However, I love tea!
6. A boat has just passed under the bridge
7. I hate to drive in the centre of Paris, there is too much traffic
8. Since this street has become a one-way street, many drivers make a mistake and go
the wrong way.
9. Be careful, the ground is frozen, it's dangerous!
10. This company offers free English lessons to all its employees.
11. If you go over the bridge, you will come to the school.
12. There's a parking space over there! Be quick, or someone else will park there.
13. The fitness room is reserved for hotel guests only.
14. Drivers must know the meaning of each road sign.
15. The Nile and the Amazon are the two largest rivers in the world.
16. As soon as we moved, we asked for our parking permit.
17. On Saturday afternoons, the car park of this supermarket is often full.
18. We have already passed this building five times; we are driving around in circles
19. The doctor gave me advice on how to stop smoking.
20. The church is opposite the municipality.
21. To get to the museum, go in the direction of the city centre.
22. If I don't write this email immediately, I will forget to do it.
23. He crossed the room without looking at me.
24. You can't turn left here, the road sign says "no entry"!
25. A tree fell down in the middle of the road; we had to turn around
26. Walk straight on to the end of the Champs-Elysées and you will arrive at the Arc de
27. If you don't stop at a red light, you break the law
28. To lose weight, you need to follow a diet and exercise.
TEST 13.1

1. Because the bread shop is across the street from my house, I'm going on foot to buy
2. You're almost there; continue for just a few more metres
3. I am curious, I want to read this writer's new book.
4. Most metro stops are built underground.
5. I took the metro in the wrong direction and I arrived on the other side of town.
6. You can't turn here, we need
7. To go to central London, the metro is much faster and easier than a car or bus.
8. When the traffic light is red, cars must stop.
9. Before you cross the road, check both sides for approaching cars.
10. His explanations were so detailed that it was impossible to go wrong.
11. The market is held in the main square of the village.
12. The Eiffel Tower is in an area in the centre of Paris.
13. My colleague is off work; she comes back in a week.
14. Can you tell me the way to the pharmacy?
15. I don't understand maths, it's really complicated!
16. The 10.30 train to Victoria Station will arrive 15 minutes late.
17. We're having a party Saturday night;are you free?
18. After landing, the passengers get off the plane.
19. This city is so big that many tourists get lost.
20. There are three possibilities to go to Spain: by plane, car or bus.
21. I haven't seen my sister for two years: I'm really looking forward to seeing her!
22. When we got off the train, there was no bus connection to the city centre.
23. In most European countries, cars drive on the right.
24. Don't worry if you make a mistake; it's normal when you learn.
25. Excuse me, can you give me some directions? I need to go to the train station.
26. On the metro map, each line is represented by a different colour or number.
27. The apartment is getting too small, we have to move.
28. In the highway code, the tram always has priority over cars because it takes longer
to brake.
29. There is a shop near this building, it is at the end of the street.

1. When the weather is hot, I wear light clothes.

2. You can try this dress on in the changing room over there.
3. Carrots are available in the fruit and vegetable aisle.
4. Ed is never cold; he always wears a T-shirt, even in winter.
5. Sarah bought a new outfit for her friend's wedding.
6. I don't like this kind of design: it makes me look fat.
7. Now, many young people like gothic styles.
8. This jumper suits you, you look really handsome!
9. This shop sells women's clothes in sizes16 to 20.
10. In the past, not many women wore trousers.
11. For her professional appointments, she always wears a White blouse and a black
12. I have some news that you Will like: we're all going to Berlin for the weekend!
13. My son has grown up a lot: all his clothes are now too short.
14. I just tried on a dress; I'm not going to take it because it's too small.
15. If you need accessories, ask me: I have a lot of necklaces, rings and bracelets to lend
16. After she bought the new dress, she bought matching shoes.
17. In winter I always wear a vest underneath my jumper.
18. In winter, you should wear scarves and hats to protect against the cold.
19. His brother gets ready for hours before going out in the evening.
20. The brand's spring-summer collection is inspired by the 1960s.
21. Since you lost weight, all your clothes are too big.
22. Please take off your shoes before entering the house
23. She is passionate about fashion; her wardrobes are filled with clothes.
24. Before we buy something, we always check the price.
25. Long skirts are back in fashion.

26. I need to buy some jeans in the size down from this pair of jeans.
27. I think Clint Eastwood's latest movie is great!
28. This material is very fragile, be careful when washing it.
29. These sleeves are far too long: they cover his hands.
30. He would like to buy the new Ferrari, but it's overpriced

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