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With Comprehensive
Review of Philippine Financial
Reporting Standards (PFRSs)

A guide in applying auditing procedures to specific

accounts of the financial statements.




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Darrell Joe O. Asuncion, MBA, CPA

Mark Alyson B. Ngina, CMA, CPA
Raymund Francis A. Escala, MBA, CPA
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 5: CASH TO ACCRUAL...........................................................4

CHAPTER 6: CORRECTION OF ERRORS............................................19
CHAPTER 8: CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS...................................28
CHAPTER 10: LOANS AND RECEIVABLES..........................................46
CHAPTER 12: INVENTORIES................................................................75
IN EQUITY SECURITIES.......................................................................100
CHAPTER 15: INVESTMENT IN DEBT SECURITIES..........................117
CHAPTER 16 INVESTMENT IN ASSOCIATE.......................................133
CHAPTER 18 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT.......................148
CHAPTER 19 WASTING ASSETS........................................................172
CHAPTER 20 INVESTMENT PROPERTY............................................178
CHAPTER 22 INTANGIBLE ASSETS...................................................184

HELD FOR SALE...................................................................................195

CHAPTER 25 INTRODUCTION TO LIABILITIES. . .. .. .. . ...................212

CHAPTER 27 LEASE...........................................................................245
CHAPTER 29 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY...........................................271
COMPREHENSIVE INCOME............................................................... .305
CHAPTER 33 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS...................................324
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual


PROBLEM 5-1 (Computation of Sales under cash basis)

Accounts receivable/Notes receivable trade/Advances from customers

Beg. balance – AR 200,000 180,000 Balance end - AR
Beg. balance – NR 240,000 170,000 Balance end - NR
Balance end - Advances 40,000 55,000 Beg. balance - Advances
Sales on account 600,000 4,000 Sales ret. and allowance
Recoveries - 2,000 Salesdiscounts
666,000 Collections including
3,000 Write-off
Total 1,080,000 1,080,000
Suggested answer: A

PROBLEM 5-2 Computation of Bad Debts

Allowance for bad debts

Ending balance 40,000 25,000 Beginning balance

Write-off 8,000 21,000 Bad debts expense
2,000 Recoveries
Total 48,000 48,000

Suggested answer: C

PROBLEM 5-3 (Computationof Purchases)

Accounts Payable / Notes Payable / Advances to Suppliers

Payments 800,000 200,000 Beg. balance - AP
Purchase ret. and allow. 6,000 400,000 Beg. balance - NP
Purchase discount 3,000 68,000 Balance end - Advances
Beg. balance - Advances 50,000 651,000 Purchases (gross)
Balance end – AP 250,000
Balance end – NP 210,000
Total 1,319,000 1,319,000

Suggested answer: A

Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

PROBLEM 5-4 Computation of Cost of Sales

Accounts Payable (AP) / Notes Payable (NP)

Payments 800,000 200,000 Beg. balance - AP
Purchase ret. and allow. 6,000 - Beg. balance - NP
Purchase discount 3,000 859,000 Purchases (gross)
Balance end - AP 250,000
Balance end-NP -
Total 1,059,000 1,059,000
Merchandise Inventory

Beginning balance 400,000 210,000 Ending balance

Net purchases 860,000 1,050,000 Cost of sales
Total 1,260,000 1,260,000
Computation of the net purchases:

Grossp urchases on account 859,000

Addcash purchases 10,000
Total 869,000
Less: Purchase returns and allowances 6,000
Purchase discount 3,000
Netpurchases 860,000
Suggested answer: B

PROBLEM 5-5 (Computation of Income Other Than Sales)

Rent Receivable/Unearned rent income

Beg. Balance - Rent 200,000 250,000 Balance end - Rent
Receivable Receivable
Balance end - Unearned 30,000 90,000 Beg. Balance – Unearned
rent income rent income
Rent Income (squeeze) 770,000 660,000 Collections
Total 1,000,000 1,000,000
Suggested answer: B

PROBLEM 5-6 (Computation of Expenses in General)

Prepaid Rent/Rent payable

Beg. Balance - Prepaid 200,000 250,000 Balance end - Prepaid
Salaries Rent
Balance end - Accrued 65,000 80,000 Beg. Ba lance – Re nt
Salaries payable
Payments 850,000 785,000 Rent Expense
Total 1,115,000 1,115,000
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Suggested answer: C

PROBLEM 5-7 (Computation of Cost of Machine Acquired and Sold)

Question No. 1
Carrying amount of equipment sold 25,000
Add: Accumulated depreciation 15,000
Cost 40,000
Question No. 2

Beg. Balance 100,000 120,000 Balance end
Cost of PPE acquired 60,000 40,000 Cost of PPE disposed
Total 160,000 160,000
Accumulated depreciation

Balancee nd 18,000 15,000 Beg. Balance

Accumulated depreciation 18,000 Depreciation expense
ofP PE disposed 15,000
Total 33,000 33,000

1. D 2. A

Question No. 1
Prepaid Insurance
Beg. Balance 7,500 6,000 Balancee nd
Payments 41,500 43,000 Expenses (squeeze)
Total 49,000 49,000
Question No. 2

Interest Receivable
Beg. Balance 14,500 3,700 Balancee nd
Income (squeeze) 112,700 123,500 Collections
Total 127,200 127,200

Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 3
Salaries payable
Balancee nd 61,500 53,000 Beg. Balance
Payments 481,000 489,500 Expenses
Total 542,500 542,500
Question No. 4

Accounts receivable trade

Beg. Balance 415,000 550,000 Balance end
Sales 1,980,000 1,845,000 Collections (squeeze)
Total 2,395,000 2,395,000
Question No. 5

Accounts receivable trade

Beg. Balance 415,000 550,000 Balance end
Sales 1,980,000 1,820,000 Collections (squeeze)
25,000 Write-off
Total 2,395,000 2,395,000
Question No. 6

Accounts receivable trade

Beg. Balance 415,000 550,000 Balance end
Sales 1,980,000 1,840,000 Collections (squeeze)
Recoveries 20,000 25,000 Write-off
Total 2,415,000 2,415,000

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B

Question No. 1
Accounts/Notes receivable trade
Decrease in A/R 100,000 100,000 I ncrease in N/R
Sales on account 4,260,000 10,000 Write-off
(squeeze) 4,200,000 Collections
30,000 Sales discounts
20,000 Sales ret. and allow.
Total 4,360,000 4,360,000
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 2
Accounts payable
Cash paid to creditors 2,800,000 200,000 Decrease in Accounts
Purchase discounts 40,000 2,650,000Gross purchases
Purchase returns 10,000
Total 2,850,000 2,850,000
Question No. 3 Merchandise inventory

Decrease in Inventory 25,000 40,000 Purchase discounts

Gross purchases 2,650,000 10,000 Purchase returns
2,625,000 Cost of sales (squeeze)
Total 2,675,000 2,675,000
Question No. 4

Rental receivable/Unearned Rent Income

Rental revenue 454,000 14,000 Increase in Rental
(squeeze) receivable
40,000 Decrease in Unearned
400,000 Collections from tenants
Total 454,000 454,000

Question No 5

Prepaid interest/Interest Payable

Decrease in Prepaid 5,500 114,000Interest expense
interest (squeeze)
Increase in Interest 8,500
Interest paid 100,000
Total 114,000 114,000

1. D 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D

Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 1
Accounts Receivable/Notes receivable trade
Beg. Balance – A/R 200,000 250,000 Bal. end – A/R
Beg. Balance – N/R 300,000 100,000 Bal. end – N/R
Sales on account 1,000,000 20,000 Sales ret. and allow.
(squeeze) 10,000 Sales discount
1,120,000 Collections
Total 1,500,000 1,500,000
Question No. 2

Accounts payable/Notes payable

Balance end – A/P 25,000 50,000 Beg. Balance – A/P
Balance end – N/P 75,000 100,000 Beg. Balance – N/P
Purchase returns and 40,000 650,000 Gross purchases
allow (squeeze)
Purchase discount 10,000
Payments 650,000
Total 800,000 800,000
Gross purchases 650,000

Less: Purchase ret and allow 40,000

Purchased iscounts 10,000 50,000
Net Purchases 600,000
Question No. 3

Sales 1,000,000
Less:Salesret and allow 20,000
Salesdiscounts 10,000 30,000
NetSales 970,000
Less: Cost of Sales
Merchandise inventory beg. 200,000
Add: Net Purchases
Purchases 600,000
Add:Freight-in -
GrossPurchases 650,000
Less: Purch.R et and allow 40,000
Purchase discounts 10,000 6 00,000
Totalg oods available fors ale 800,000 700,000
Less: Merchandisei nventory,e nd 100,000
Gross Income / Gross Profit 270,000
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 4
Prepaid/Accrued Salaries
Beg. Balance -Prepaid 100,000 125,000 Balance end - Pr epaid
Salaries Salaries
Balance end - Accrued 50,000 75,000 Beg. Balance - Accrued
Salaries Salaries
Payments 350,000 300,000Salaries expense
Total 500,000 500,000
Question No. 5

Accrued rent/Unearned rent

Beg. Balance - Accrued 70,000 40,000 Balance end - Accrued
rent rent
Balance end - Unearned 40,000 80,000 Beg. Balance - Unearned
rent rent
Rent income (squeeze) 490,000 300,000 Collection of rent
Total 600,000 600,000

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B

Question No. 1 Accounts receivable trade

Beg. Balance 200,000 300,000 Balance end

Recoveries 8,000 20,000 Sales discounts
Sales (squeeze) 1,570,000 1,408,000 Collections including
recoveries (1,498,000-
50,000 Accounts written-off
Total 1,778,000 1,778,000
Sales 1,570,000

Less: Sales discount 20,000

Net Sales 1,550,000
Question No. 2

Accounts payable trade

Payment (1,210,000- 150,000 Beg. Balance
20,000+30,000) 1,210,000 1,170,000 Purchases (squeeze)
Purchase ret. and allow. 10,000
Balance end 100,000
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual
Total 1,320,000 1,320,000

Purchases 1,170,000

Less: Purchases discount 10,000

Net Purchases 1,160,000
Question No. 3

Merchandise inventory
Beg. Balance 380,000 330,000 Balancee nd
Net Purchases 1,160,000 1,210,000 Cost of Sales (squeeze)
Total 1,540,000 1,540,000
Question No. 4

Rent Receivable
Beg. Balance 70,000 80,000 Balancee nd
Rent income (squeeze) 130,000 120,000 Collections
Total 200,000 200,000

Question No. 5
Allowance for Doubtful accounts
Accounts written off 50,000 20,000 Beg. Balance
Balancee nd 30,000 52,000Doubtful account
8,000 Recoveries
Total 80,000 80,000

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A
PROBLEM 5-12 Comprehensive

Question No. 1
Accounts receivable trade
Beg. Balance 500,000 750,000 Balance end
Professional fees 5,250,000 5,000,000 Collections
Total 5,750,000 5,750,000
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 2
ProfessionalFees(SeeN o.1) 5,250,000
Less: Rent expense (1.2M +100,000) 1,300,000
Supplies expense
(800,000+300,000-250,000) 850,000
Othero perating expense 750,000
Interest expense (1M x 12% x 9/12) 90,000
Depreciation expense (2,500,000/10) 250,000 3,240,000
Net income 2,010,000
Question No. 3 1,500,000

AccountsReceivable 750,000
Supplies 250,000
Total Current Assets 2,500,000
Question No. 4

Furniture and fixtures 2,500,000

Less: Accumulated Depreciation
(125,000+ 250,000) 375,000
Total Noncurrent Assets 2,125,000
Question No. 5

Total current assets (See No. 3) 2,500,000

Total noncurrent assets (See No. 4) 2,125,000
Total Assets 4,625,000
Question No. 6

NotesPayable 1,000,000
Accruedrent 100,000
Accrued interest on notes payable
(1,000,000 x1 2% x 9/12) 90,000
Total Current Liabilities 1,190,000
Question No. 7

Total assets (See No.5 ) 4,625,000

Less: Total liabilities (See No. 6) – all are
current 1,190,000
Total Owner’s Equity 3,435,000

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 1
Accounts receivable trade
Beg. Balance 124,000 146,000 Balancee nd
Sales onaccount 13,000 Sales discount
(squeeze) 1,535,000 1,500,000 Collections
Total 1,659,000 1,659,000
Salesonaccount 1,535,000

Add:Cashsales 160,000
Total sales 1,695,000
Question No. 2
Grosss ales (see No. 1) 1,695,000
Less:Sales discount 13,000
Net sales 1,682,000
Question No. 3

Accounts Payable
Payments 1,206,000 382,000 Beg. Balance
Balancee nd 410,000 1,234,000 Purchases (squeeze)
Total 1,616,000 1,616,000
Purchasesona ccount 1,234,000

Add:C ashp urchases 120,000

Total Purchases 1,354,000
Question No. 4

Merchandise Inventory
Beg. Balance 186,000 190,000 Balance end
Net purchases 1,354,000 1,350,000 Cost of sales (squeeze)
Total 1,540,000 1,540,000
Question No. 5

Prepaid G&A/Accrued G&A

Beg. Balance - Prepaid 9,600 8,400 Balance end - Prepaid
Interest Interest
Balance end – Accrued 9,000 7,000 Beg. Balance – Accrued
Interest Interest
Payments 204,000 207,200 Expenses
Total 222,600 222,600
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 6
General and administrative expense (see No. 5) 207,200
Depreciationexpense 84,000
Warrantyexpense 6,400
Total operating expense 297,600
Question No. 7

Sellingprice of land 20,000

Less:Bookvalue of land 16,000
Gain on sale of land 4,000
Question No. 8

SellingPrice 12,000
Less Book value
Cost 25,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 16,000 9,000
Gain on sale of warehouse equipment 3,000
Question No. 9

SellingPrice 42,000
Less: Book value
Cost 48,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 20,000 28,000
Gain on sale of boiler 14,000
Question No. 10

NetSales 1,682,000
Less:Cost ofSales 1,350,000
Gross Profit 332,000
Less:Operatingexpenses 297,600
Gain on sale (14,000+3,000+4,000) 21,000
Net income 55,400

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B
6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A
PROBLEM 5-14 Comprehensive

Question No. 1
Accounts receivable trade
Beg. Balance 150,000 200,000 Balancee nd
Sales (squeeze) 800,000 10,000 Sales returns
740,000 Collections
Total 950,000 950,000
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 2
Salesonaccount 800,000
Add:Cash sales 100,000
Totalsales 900,000
Less: Salesr eturns anda llowances 10,000
Netsales 890,000
Less:Costo fsales( squeeze) 390,000
Grossprofit(200,000/40%) 500,000
Merchandise inventory

Beg. Balance 190,000 220,000 Balancee nd

Net Purchase s (squeeze) 420,000 390,000 Cost of Sales
Total 610,000 610,000
Question No. 3

Accounts Payable trade

Payments (squeeze) 470,000 230,000 Beg. Ba lance - Accounts
Purchase returns and 8,000 428,000 Gross purchases
allowances (420,000+8,000)
Balance end – Accounts 180,000
Total 658,000 658,000
Question No. 4

Total payment of Accounts payable and admin expenses 518,000

Less: Payment ofA ccounts payable 470,000
Payment of admin expe nses 48,000
Question No. 5

Paymentof adminexpenses 48,000

Divided by: Percentage of cash expenses to total admin
expense 80%
Totaladminexpenses 60,000
Add:Sellingexpenses 200,000
Total selling and administrative expense 260,000
Question No. 6

Totaladministrative expenses 60,000

Less: Payment of administrative expense 48,000
Non-cash administrative expenses 12,000
Less: Depreciation for building
(440,000 x60%x 5% x9/12) 9,000
Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual
Depreciation for furniture andf ixtures 3,000

Divided by: Number of months used over 12 months 6/12

Annual depreciation 6,000
Dividedby: Depreciationrate 10%
Cost of Furniture and Fixtures (no residual value ) 60,000

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A

Question No. 1
Cash Receipts:
Fromcustomers 360,000
From issue of ordinary shares 100,000
Frombankloan 100,000 560,000
Cash disbursements:
Purchaseo fi nventory 300,000
Rent 15,000
Salaries 30,000
Utilities 5,000
Insurance 3,000
Purchase of equipment and furniture 40,000 393,000
Cash 167,000
Question Nos. 2 and 3

Current assets
Cash 167,000
Inventories 100,000
Prepaidrent(1,000x3) 3,000
Total current assets (No. 2) 270,000
Noncurrent assets
Property, plant and equipment 40,000
Less accumulated depreciation 4,000 36,000
Total assets (No. 3) 306,000
Question No. 4

Accountspayable 20,000
Utilitiespayable 1,000
Loanspayable 100,000
Interest on loans payable (100,000 x 12% x 9/12) 9,000
Total current liabilities 130,000

Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Question No. 5
Ordinary shares 100,000
Retained earnings (net income) 176,000
Shareholders’ equity 176,000

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A

Question No. 1 210,000

Notesreceivable–December3 1
Accounts receivable– December 31 950,000
Collectiono fnotesandaccounts 2,950,000
Notereceivablediscounted 200,000
Total 4,310,000
Less: Notes receivable – January 1 200,000
Accounts receivable– January1 740,000 940,000
Sales on account 3,370,000
Question No. 2

Notespayable –December31 580,000

Less:Notepayable–bank 300,000
Notespayable –trade 280,000
Accountspayable–December31 750,000
Paymentofn otesanda ccounts 2,100,000
Total 3,130,000
Less: Notes payable – January 1 750,000
Accounts payable – January 1 600,000 1,350,000
Purchases on account 1,780,000
Question No. 3

Equipment –January1 1,000,000

Add:Acquisition 280,000
Total 1,280,000
Less:Equipment–December3 1 1,200,000
Depreciation 80,000
Question No. 4

Interest accrued on note issued to bank (300,000 x 12% x 10/12) 30,000

Interest expense 30,000

Question No. 5
Volks Company
Income Statement
Year ended December 31, 2016

Chapter 5: Cash to Accrual

Sales 3,370,000
Cost of sales:
Inventory – January1 1,600,000
Purchases 1,780,000
Goods available for sale 3,380,000
Less: Inventory – December 31 1,500,000 1,880,000
Gross income 1,490,000
*Expenses 820,000
Depreciation 80,000
**Losso ns ale ofi nvestment 50,000
***Loss on note receivable discounted 10,000
Interestexpense 30,000 990,000
Netincome 500,000
*Expensespaid 790,000

Add: Prepaid expenses –January 1 120,000

Accrued expenses– December 31 50,000
Total 960,000
Less: Prepaid expenses – December 31 100,000
Accrued expenses – January 1 40,000 140,000
Expenses 820,000
**Salesprice 250,000

Less:Cost ofinvestmentsold 300,000

Loss on saleof investment (50,000)
***Loss on note receivable discounted (200,000 – 190,000) 10,000


Retained earnings – December 31 600,000

Add:Dividends 400,000
Total 1,000,000
Less: Retained earnings – January1 500,000
Net income 500,000

1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D

Chapter 6: Correction of Errors


PROBLEM 6-1 Income Statement and SFP Errors
Questions Nos. 1-6
2016 2017
RE, end RE, end
Net Workin of the Net Workin of the
income g capital year income g capital year
balances 200,000 180,000 200,000 160,000 260,000 360,000
1 - - - - - -
2 - - - - - -
balances 200,000 180,000 200,000 160,000 260,000 360,000
Questions No. 7

Assuming errors were discovered in 2016

Miscellaneousi1) ncome 25,000
Rent income 25,000
2)Notespayable 28,000

Accountspayable 28,000
Assuming errors were discovered in 2017



2) Noentry

Assuming errors were discovered in 2018

1) Noentry

2) Noentry

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C

Chapter 6: Correction of Errors

PROBLEM 6-2 Counterbalancing Errors

Questions Nos. 1-6
2016 2017
Net Workin Net Workin
income g capital R/E income g capital R/E
balances 200,000 180,000 200,000 160,000 260,000 360,000
1 (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) 15,000 -
2 20,000 2 0,000 2 0,000 (20,000) -
3 6,000 6,000 6,000 (6,000) -
4 (7,500) (7,500) (7,500) 7,500 -
balances 203,500 183,500 203,500 156,500 260,000 360,000

Question No. 7
A. Errors were discovered in 2016
1) Interestexpense 15,000
Interestpayable 15,000
2) Interest receivable 20,000
Interestincome 20,000
3) Prepaidi nsurance 6,000
Insuranceexpense 6,000
4) Rentrevenue 7,500
Unearnedrentrevenue 7,500

B. Errors were discovered in 2017

Assuming errors are discovered when the cash flows related to the
transactions were processed and booksare still open
1) Retained earnings 15,000
Interestexpense 15,000
2) Interestincome 20,000
Retainedearnings 20,000
3) Insuranceexpense 6,000
Retainedearnings 6,000
4) Retainedearnings 7,500
Rentrevenue 7,500

When books are already closed, no necessary adjusting entries to be

C. Errors were discovered in 2018
No necessary adjusting entries to be made.
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. C
Chapter 6: Correction of Errors

PROBLEM 6-3 Counterbalancing Errors

Questions Nos. 1-6
2015 2016
Net Workin Net Workin
income g capital R/E, end income g capital R/E, end
balances 200,000 180,000 200,000 160,000 260,000 360,000
1 (60,000) (60,000) (60,000) 6 0,000 - -
2 80,000 80,000 80,000 (80,000) - -
3 (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) 2 0,000 - -
Adjusted 200,000 180,000 200,000 160,000 260,000 360,000

Question No. 7
A. Errors were discovered in 2016
1) Purchases 60,000
Accountspayable 60,000
2) Accounts receivable 80,000
Sales 80,000
3) Cost of sales 20,000
Inventory 20,000

B. Errors were discovered in 2017

Assuming errors are discovered when the cash flows related to the
transactions were processed and books are still open
1) Retained earnings 60,000
Purchases 60,000
2) Sales 80,000
Retainedearnings 80,000
3) Retained earnings 20,000
Inventory,beginning 20,000

If books are already closed, no necessary adjusting entries to be made.

C. Errors were discovered in 2018

Nonecessary adjusting entries to bemade .

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B

Chapter 6: Correction of Errors

PROBLEM 6-4 Noncounterbalancing Errors

Questions Nos. 1-6
2016 2017
RE, end RE, end
Net Workin of the Net Workin of the
income g capital year income g capital year
balances 200,000 180,000 200,000 160,000 260,000 360,000
1. (30,000) ( 30,000) ( 30,000) (6,000) ( 36,000) ( 36,000)
2. 20,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 30,000 30,000
3. 12,000 - 12,000 - - 12,000
4. 150,000 - 150,000 (50,000) - 100,000
5. (12,000) - (12,000) - - (12,000)
6. (15,000) - (15,000) 5,000 - (10,000)

balances 325,000 170,000 325,000 119,000 254,000 444,000

Question No. 7
A. Errors were discovered in 2016
1) Insurance expense 30,000
Prepaidinsurance 30,000
2) Unearned rent income 20,000
Rent income 20,000
3) Accumulated depreciation 12,000
Depreciationexpense 12,000
4) Building improvements 200,000
Repairsexpense 200,000
Depreciation expense 50,000
Accumulatedd epreciation 50,000
5) Other income 20,000
Accumulated depreciation 48,000
Gain on sale 8,000
Building 60,000
6) Repairsexpense 20,000
Building 20,000
Accumulated depreciation 5,000
Depreciationexpense 5,000
B. Errors were discovered in 2017
1) Retained earnings 30,000
Insuranceexpense 6,000
Prepaidinsurance 36,000
Chapter 6: Correction of Errors
2) Unearned rent income 30,000

Retainedearnings 20,000
Rent income 10,000
3) Accumulated depreciation 12,000
Retainedearnings 12,000
4) Building improvements 200,000
Retainedearnings 200,000
Depreciation expense 50,000
Retained earnings 50,000
Accumulatedd epreciation 100,000
5) Retained earnings 12,000
Accumulated depreciation 48,000
Building 60,000
6) Retained earnings 20,000
Building 20,000
Accumulated depreciation 10,000
Retainedearnings 5,000
Depreciationexpense 5,000
C. Errors were discovered in 2018
1) Retained earnings 36,000
Prepaidinsurance 36,000
2) Unearned rent income 30,000
Retainedearni gs 30,000
3) Accumulated depreciation 12,000
Retainedearnings 12,000
4) Building improvements 200,000
Retainedearnings 200,000
Depreciation expense 50,000
Retained earnings 100,000
Accumulatedd epreciation 150,000
5) Retained earnings 12,000
Accumulated depreciation 48,000
Building 60,000
6) Retained earnings 20,000

Building 20,000
Accumulated depreciation 10,000
Retainedearnings 10,000
Chapter 6: Correction of Errors

1. D 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. D
PROBLEM 6-5 Comprehensive

Questions Nos. 1-3

Effects of error in
Net income Working
2015 2016 Capital
1)M Iover,N Iover 10,000 (10,000)
MIunder, NIunder (8,000) ( 8,000)
2) Purchases over, NI under (20,000) 20,000
(40,000) (40,000)
3)S aleso ver, NI over 20,000 (20,000)
70,000 70,000
4) Expenses over, NI under (80,000)
Depreciation exp under, NI over 20,000
5)O ther income over 20,000
*Lossu nder,N Iover 5,000
Adjustment (45,000) 32,000 22,000
Computation of loss:
SellingPrice 20,000
Less: Book value
Cost 40,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 15,000 25,000
Loss on sale (5,000)
Question No. 4

Effect of errors to Retained Earnings in 2016

Understatement to2 015 net income 45,000
Overstatement to2 016 net income 32,000
Net understatement to 2016 retained earnings 13,000
Questions No. 5


1) Retained earnings, beg 10,000
Merchandiseinventory, beg 10,000
Merchandisei nventory, end 8,000
CostofSales 8,000
2) Purchases 20,000
Retainedearnings 20,000
Advances supplier 40,000 40,000
3) Retained earnings, beg 20,000
Sales 20,000
Chapter 6: Correction of Errors
Sales 70,000

Advances customers 70,000

4) Depreciationexpense 20,000
Improvements 100,000
Accumulatedd epreciation 40,000
Retainedearnings 80,000
5) Accumulatedd epreciation 15,000
Retained earnings, beg 25,000
Equipment 40,000

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. C
PROBLEM 6-6 Comprehensive

Questions Nos. 1-5

2015 2016 016
Net Workin Net Workin
Income g capital Income g capital R/E
Ending Inventory 2015
understated, NI (6,000) (6,000) 6,000 - -
Ending Inventory 2016 10,000 10,000 10,000
overstated, NI overstated
Depreciation exp. 2015
overstated, NI (11,000) - - - (11,000)
Depreciation exp. 2016
over tated, NI (7,000) - ( 7,000)
Accrued expense
understated, NI 4,500 4,500 (4,500) - -
overstated 2015
Accrued expense
understated, NI 7,500 7,500 7,500
overstated 2016
Prepaid expense
understated, NI (5,000) (5,000) 5,000 - -
understated 2015
Prepaid expense
understated, NI (12,000) (12,000) (12,000)
understated 2016
Accrued revenues
understated, NI (3,000) (3,000) (3,000)
understated 2016
Deferred revenues
understated, NI 1,200 1,200 (1,200) - -
overstated 2015
Total (16,300) 5,300 800 2,500 (15,500)
Chapter 6: Correction of Errors

1. D 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. C


Note to professor:
Item letter b - On December 31, “f” should be December 31, 2016.
Item letter e - Additional industrial robots were acquired at the beginning of

20X0 (should be 2015).

Adjusting entries:
a) PrepaidI nsurance( 14,000
InsuranceExpense( 7,000
RetainedEarnings( 21,000
b) Retained earnings, beginning 25,000
MerchandiseI nventory, beginning 25,000
c) Retained earnings, beg 15,500
Commissionexpense 15,500

d) This is not an error, rather it is a

change in accounting estimate.
e) Equipment 100,000
Accumulated depreciation
( 20,000
Retainedearnings 80,000
Depreciation expense ( 10) 10,000
Accumulatedd epreciation 10,000
Question No. 5

Itema 21,000
Itemb (25,000)
Itemc (15,500)
dItem -
Iteme 80,000
Net adjustment to retained e arnings (E) 60,500

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. (E)

Chapter 6: Correction of Errors

balances 200,000 1 ,570,400 1 ,365,600 636,000 300,000
1. Advtg exp
over, NI under 50,000
2. Advances
rec. as sales
2016 60,000
2017 (100,000) 100,000 (100,000)
3. Advances rec.
as purchases
2016 (50,000)
2017 80,000 80,000 80,000
4. Gain
understated 64,000 64,000
Cost under (336,000)
depreciation 400,000
Depr. Over, NI
under 13,600 13,600 13,600
5. Rent revenue
under 20,000 (60,000) 60,000
6. Bad debts
exp under
(5% x 480K)-
16,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000)
7. Purchases
under 20,000
EI under 20,000
8. Ins. Exp.
Under, NIover 15,000 15,000
balances 344,600 1 ,662,400 1 ,443,200 696,000 424,600

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D

Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents


PROBLEM 8-1 Cash and Cash Equivalents

CurrentaccountatM etrobank 1,000,000
Payrollaccount 250,000
Pettycashfund( 2,000
Postalmoneyorder 15,000
Traveler’scheck 25,000
Treasury bills, due 3/31/2018 (purchased 12/31/2017) 100,000
Treasurywarrants 150,000
Undeliveredcheck 100,000
Company’spostdatedcheck 50,000
Stale checkissued 25,000
Total cash and cash equivalents (E) 1,717,000
PROBLEM 8-2 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Reportedc ash andc ash equivalents 6,325,000

Certificate of deposits with maturity of 120 days (500,000)
Postdated check (125,000)
Adjusted cash and cash equiva lents P5,700,000
Suggested answer: A
PROBLEM 8-3 Cash and Cash Equivalents 105,560

Billsand coinsonhand
Checking Account Balance in Bank of Philippine Island 44,000
Moneyorder 1,600
Pettycash ( - 1,650) 2,350
Traveler’scheck 44,800
Total 198,310
Suggested answer: (E)
PROBLEM 8-4 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash on hand 80,000

CheckingaccountNo.1 43-BPI 200,000
CheckingaccountNo.1 55- BPI (30,000)
*Securities classified as cash equivalents 3,600,000
Checking account No. 155 - BPI 3,850,000
*Breakdown of securities classified as cash equivalents
Date Maturity
Securities: Acquired Date Amount
120-day Certificate of Deposit 12/10/2016 01/31/2017 P 600,000
BSP-Treasury Bills (No.2) 10/31/2016 01/20/2017 1,000,000
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
Money Market Funds 11/21/2016 02/10/2017 2,000,000

Suggested answer: A
PROBLEM 8-5 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Bank cheque account P 58,400

Bank savings account (collectible immediately) 23,440
Cash 10,000
Treasury bonds – maturing in 2 months 8,500
Cash and cash equi valents P 100,340
Suggested answer: B
PROBLEM 8-6 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Petty cash fund (70,000-15,000-5,000) 50,000

Current account – Metro Bank (4,000,000+100,000) 4,100,000
Cash and cash equi valents P4,150,000
Suggested answer: C
PROBLEM 8-7 Effective Interest Rate

Question No. 1
Let X = Principal amount of the loan
Principal X
Less: Compensating balance 5%X
Add: Current balance 50,000
Amountneeded P3,375,000
X-.05X+50,000 = 3,375,000
.95X = 3,375,000-50,000
.95X/.95 = 3,325,000/.95
X = 3,500,000
Question No. 2

Annual interest payment (3,500,000 x 12%) 420,000

Interest income on the loan proceeds in the
compensating balance [3.5M-3,375,000) x 4%] 5,000
Netinterest 415,000
Divide by loan proceeds (3,500,000-175,000) 3,375,000
Effective interest rate
Suggested answers: 12.30%

1.C 2C.
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents

PROBLEM 8-8 Petty Cash Fund

Requirement No. 1: Working Paper for the Petty Cash Fund

Petty Cash Count Sheet
January 3, 2017; 9:00 AM
Denomination Quantity Total
Bills 200 10 2,000
100 20 2,000
20 40 800
Coins 10 10 100
59 45
1 804 804
.25 1,410 352.50
.10 1,520 152
.05 810 40.5
TotalBillsandCoins 6,258
Checks for Deposits:
Maker Date Payee Amount
W. Ally, Cashier 12/28/17 ABC Company 500
I.O.U's Date Amount
A. Braham, janitor 12/19/17 250
R. Tica, clerk 12/20/17 150
P. Du, Bookkeeper 12/22/17 200
Total 600
Payee Date Accountcharged Amount
J. Cruz, messenger 12/14/17 Advances to employees 125.00
CidBookstore 12/15/17 Supplies 150.00
Dalin Liner 12/19/17 Freight-out 192.00
Bureau of Posts (stamps) 12/20/17 Supplies 300.00
A. Bala, carpenter 12/21/17 Repairs 450.00
Total 1,217.00
Billsandcoins 6,258
Checksfordeposit 500
I.O.U’s 600
Voucherspaid 1,217
Unusedstamps 50
TotalPettyCashAccounted 8,625
Less: Petty cash Accountabilities 12,600
PettyCashShortage (3,975)
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
Petty cash accountabilities

Petty cash imprestbalance 12,000

Unclaimedpayroll 600
Petty cash accountabilities 12,600

I hereby acknowledge that the above petty cash fund items were counted
in my presence and the same were returned to me intact. I further
acknowledge a petty cash short of three thousand nine hundred seventy-five
( 3,975). I have no other fund accountabilities.
W. Ally
Petty Cash Custodian
Requirement No. 2


Employeea1) dvances 600
Petty cashfund 600
Expenses2) 1,217
Officesupplies 50
Petty cashfund 1,267
3) Cashs hort or over 3,975
Petty cashfund 3,975
4) Cashs hort or over 3,975
Petty cashfund 3,975

Requirement No 3
Billsand coins 6,258
Checksfordeposit 500
TotalPetty CashFund 6,758
PROBLEM 8-11 Bank Reconciliation

Oct.3 1 Receipts Disb Nov.3 0

Unadjusted bank bal 18,005 17,709 25,620 10,094
Erroneousbank credit (500) (500)
DIT:October 1,790 (1,790)
November 3,600 3,600
OC: October (6,681) (6,681)
Nov.(760+1,868) 13,114 19,019 2,628 (2,628)
21,567 10,566
Unadjusted book bal 11,534 18,269 21,575 8,228
Creditmemo Oct. 1,600 1,600
Nov. 750 750
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
NSF-Nov 665 (665)

BSC: Oct (20) (20)

Nov 22 (22)
35 (35)
Check No. 148
disbursement (1,000) 1,000
Check No. 150
disbursement 270 (270)
13,114 19,019 21,567 10,566

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A
PROBLEM 8-12 Deposit in Transit

Depositin transit,beg P50,000

Add: Book debits for the month P400,000
Less: CM recorded this month 5,000
Error – check received (Jan) 36,000
Error – check issued (Jan) 27,000
Add: Error – check received (Feb) 16,000 348,000
Total 398,000
Less: Bank debits for this month P 360,000
Less: CMfor thismonth 6,000
Erroneous bank credit - Feb 2,500
Erroneous bank charge - Jan 1,000 350,500
Deposit in tran it, end P 47,500
Suggested answer: A
PROBLEM 8-13 Outstanding Checks

Outstanding checks, beg (squeeze) P 12,880

Add: Book credits for the month P8 5,800
Less: Error in recording 1,800
Servicec hargerecorded 30 83,970
Total 96,850
Less: Bank debits for this month P97,650
Less: NSF check returned 2,300
DMforthismonth 3,000 92,350
Outstanding checks, end P 4,500
Suggested answer: A

Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents

PROBLEM 8-14 Proof of Cash

Question No. 1
Outstanding checks, beg. 100,000
Add:Checksissued 2,500,000
Total 2,600,000
Less: Checks paid by the bank 2,200,000
Outstanding checks, end 400,000
Question No. 2

Deposits in transit, beg 300,000

Add:Depositsmade 1,800,000
Total 2,100,000
Less: Deposits acknowledged by the bank 1,600,000
Deposits in transit, end 500,000
31-May Receipts Disb. 30-Jun

Unadjusted bal-bank 2,600,000 *2,190,000 **2,410,000 2,380,000

Deposit in transit-May
31 300,000 (300,000)
-June30 500,000 500,000
Outstanding checks-
May31 (100,000) (100,000)
-June30 400,000 (400,000)
Erroneous bank credit (60,000) (60,000)
Erroneous bank charge 40,000 (40,000)
Adjusted balances 2,780,000 2,350,000 2,650,000 2,480,000
31-May Receipts Disb. 30-Jun
Unadjusted bal-book 2,190,000 ***2,400,000 2,500,000 2,090,000
Bank service charge-
May31 (10,000) (10,000)
-June30 50,000 (50,000)
CM for collection-May
31 600,000 (600,000)
-June30 550,000 550,000
NSFchecksforJune30 100,000 (100,000)
Adjusted balances 2,780,000 2,350,000 2, 650,000 2,480,000

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents

PROBLEM 8-15 Proof of Cash

Question No. 2
Outstanding checks, beg. 150,000
Add Checks issued
Bookdisb. 1,500,000
Less DM last mo 110,000
Error last mo. C T M
Under ofCD -
OverofCR - 1,390,000
Total 1,540,000
Less checks issued
Bank disb. 1,300,000
lessDMthismo 75,000
Error last mo. C T M
Under ofCD -
Erroneous B Cr-LM 45,000
Erroneous BC H-TM 30,000 1,150,000
Outstanding checks, end 390,000
Deposits in transit, beg 200,000

Add deposits made

Book receipts 1,300,000
Less: CM last month 125,000
Error last mo. C T M
Under of CR (21K-12K) 9,000
OverofCD 1,166,000
Total 1,366,000
Less: Deposits acknowledged by the bank
Bankr eceipts 1400000
Less: CM this month 150,000
Error last mo. C T M
Under of CR
Erroneous B CH-LM 20,000
Erroneous B Cr-TM 17,000 1,213,000
Deposits in transit, end 153,000
BANK 31-May Receipts Disb. 30-Jun

Unadjusted bal-bank 1,250,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 1,350,000

Deposit in transit-May 31 200,000 (200,000)
-June30 153,000 153,000
Outstanding checks-May 31 (150,000) (150,000)
-June30 390,000 (390,000)
Erroneous bank credit-May
31 (45,000) (45,000)
-June30 (17,000) (17,000)
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
Erroneous bank charge-

May31 20,000 (20,000)

-June30 (30,000) 30,000
Adjusted balances 1,275,000 1, 316,000 1,465,000 1, 126,000
BOOK 31-May Receipts Disb. 30-Jun
Unadjusted bal-book 1,251,000 1, 300,000 1,500,000 1,051,000
NSF-May31 (110,000) (110,000)
-June30 75,000 (75,000)
CM for collection-May 31 125,000 (125,000)
-June30 150,000 150,000
Undero fC R-May 9,000 (9,000)
Adjusted balances 1,275,000 1, 316,000 1,465,000 1, 126,000

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. D
PROBLEM 8-16 Proof of Cash

Question No. 1
BegBal. .7/1, P128,384
Add:CashreceiptsforJuly 1,364,858
Cash receiptsfor Aug. 1,839,744
Total P3,332,986
Less: Cashd isbursementf or July 1,330,882
Cashd isbursement for Aug. 1,712,892
Bankreconciliationitem 750
Unadjusted balance P 288,462
Question No 2
Outstandingcheck,Aug.31 P 67,122
Add: Checks paid by the bank
Bank debits except serv. charge P1,702,830
Less: Erroneous bankc harge 1,166
DM on Interest on note 4,950 1,696,714
Total P1,763,836
Less: Checks issued by the company
thisAugust 1,712,892
Outstanding check, July 31 P 50,944
Questions No 3 to 5

BANK 31-Jul Receipts Disb. Aug.3 1

Unadjusted balances 180,250 1,830,752 *1,702,918 308,084
Outstanding checks
July31 (50,944) ( 50,944)
August31 67,122 (67,122)
Deposit in transit
July31 32,844 ( 32,844)
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
August31 41,836 41,836

Erroneousbank charge - - ( 1,166) 1,166

Adjusted Balances 162,150 1,839,744 1,717,930 283,964
(*1,702,830 + 88)
BOOK 31-Jul Receipts Disb. Aug. 31

Unadjusted balances P162,360 P1,839,744 **P1,713,642 P288,462

Error in recording check
no. 216 taken up as
P1,930 but should be
P1,390 (1,930-1,390) 540 540
DM forint.onnote 4,950 ( 4,950)
Bank service charge
July31 ( 52) ( 52)
August 31 88 ( 88)
NSF forJuly 31 ( 698) - ( 698) -
Adjusted balances P162,150 P1,839,744 P1,717,930 P283,964
1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A

PROBLEM 8-17 Proof of Cash

Question No 1
Outstanding check
Check Nos. 144 P 1,500
149 8,000
150 12,000
Total P 21,500
Alternatively, it may also be computed as f ollows:
Outstandingcheck,beg P 7,000
Add:Checksissued 75,000
Total P82,000
Less: Checks paid by the bank
Bank Debits P 113,000
Less: DM for this month
NSF checks (10,000+40,000) 50,000
Banks ervicecharge 2,000
ErrorCorrection 500 60,500
Outstanding checks, end P 21,500
Question No 2 P171,500

Deposit in transit:
November30 (11,000)
December 31 20,000
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
Error correction (500)

NSF check, no entry on the books when returned

andredeposited ( 40,000)
Adjusted balance 140,000 P
Question No 3
Unadjusted disbursement, per bank P1 13,000
Outstanding checks
November30 (7,000)
December 31 21,500
Error correction (500)
NSF check, no entry on the
books on the returned and redeposit ( 40,000)
Adjusted balance P 87,000
Question No 4
Unadjustedbank bal. P 127,500
Deposit in transit
November 30
December 31 20,000
Outstanding checks
November 30
December 31 (21,500)
Adjusted bal. P126,000

Question No 5
Zero, adjusted bank and book balance on December 31 is the same.

Nov.3 0 Receipts Disb. Dec. 31
Unadjusted bank balance 69,000 171,500 113,000 *127,500
Deposit in transit
November 30 11,000 (11,000)
December 31 *20,000 20,000
Outstanding checks
November30 (7,000) (7,000)
December 31 21,500 (21,500)
Error correction (500) (500)
NSF check, no entry on the
books on the return and
redeposit (40,000) (40,000)
Adjusted bal. 73,000 140,000 87,000 126,000
* (69,000+171,500-113,000)
** (18,000+2,000)
Nov.3 0 Receipts Disb. Dec. 31
Unadjusted book balance 66,000 113,800 85,000 94,800
Credit memo for note
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
November30 8,800 (8,800)

December 31 35,000 35,000

Bank service charge
November30 (1,800) (1,800)
December 31 2,000 (2,000)
Adjusted bal. 73,000 140,000 87,000 126,000

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A
PROBLEM 8-18 Proof of Cash

Question No. 1
Outstandingchecks,beg P 16,250
Add: Checks issued this month
Book disbursements (squeeze) P128,750
Less: DM recorded this month 2,500 126,250
Total 142,500
Less: Checks paid by the bank P 133,750
Erroneous bank charge 3,750 130,000
Outstandingchecks,end P 12,500
Question No. 2

Depositin transit,beg P 12,500

Add: Deposits made by the company 152,500
Total 165,000
Less: Deposits acknowledged by the bank 145,000
Deposit in transit, end P 20,000
Question No. 3

Unadjusted cash in bank balance per ledger P 37,500

Add: Under-footing ofc ash receipts 2,500
Total 40,000
Less: Unrecorded bank service charges
(3,250 +1,500-2,500) 2,250
Adjusted cash in bank balance, 12/31 P 37,750

Question No. 4
Bank service charges per
bankstatementi nD ecember P 3,250
Less: Bank service charge in December
recorded in December
Total BSC recorded in the books Dec P 2, 500
Less: BSC in Nov. recordedi nD ec. 1,500 1,000
Unrecorded BSC charge in December P 2,250

Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents

Question No. 5
Unadjusted cash in bank, November (squeeze) P 16,250
Add: BookR eceipts (152,500 - 2,500) 150,000
Total 166,250
Less:Bookdisbursements 128,750
Unadjusted cash in bank, December P 37,500
Unadjusted cash in bank, November (squeeze) P 16,250

Less:BSCinNovember 1,500
Adjusted cash in bank, December P 14,750

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B
PROBLEM 8-19 Proof of Cash

Question No. 1
Outstanding checks, beg (squeeze) P 8,000
Add: Checks issued this month
Book disbursements P 148,000
Less: DM recorded this month 2,500 145,500
Total 153,500
Less:B ankd isbursements P1 50,000
Add: Paid out in currency 2,000
Less: NSF redeposited 3,000
DM for this month 1,500 147,500
Outstandingchecks, end P 6,000
Question Nos 2 to 5
BANK Sept.3 0 R eceipts Disb. Oct.3 1
Unadj. balance - bank 100,000 200,000 150,000 150,000
Undeposited collections:
September3 0 5,000 (5,000)
October 31 7,000 7,000
Outstanding checks:
September 30 (8,000) (8,000)
October 31 6,000 (6,000)
Paidoutincurrency 2,000 2,000
Adjusted balances 97,000 201,000 147,000 151,000
BOOK Sept.3 0 R eceipts Disb. Oct.3 1

Unadj. balance - book 91,500 196,000 148,000 139,500

Customer’s notes
September3 0 8,000 (8,000)
October 31 13,000 13,000
Bank service charge:
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
September 30 (2,500) (2,500)

October 31 1,500 1,500

Adjusted balances 97,000 201,000 147,000 151,000

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A
PROBLEM 8-20 Proof of Cash

Question No. 1
Account No. 143: Bank Book
Unadjusted balances P1,000,000 P1,099,400
Depositin transit *80,000
Misplaced check ( 20,000)
Outstandingcheck (**60,000)
Undeliveredcheck 15,000
Note chargedbythebank - ( 74 400)
Adjusted balance P1,020,000 P1,020,000
*(100,000 - 20,000, Misplaced check)
**(75,000 - 15,000, Undelivered check)
Question No. 2

Total Outstanding checks:

AccountNo.143 P 60,000
*Account No.144 1,860,000
Total outstanding check 1,920,000P
*Outstanding check for Account No. 144 is computed as follows:

Outstanding checks, beg P 250,000

Add: Checks issued this month
Book Credits P3,500,000
Less: BSC November 10,000 3,490,000
Total P 3,740,000
Less: Checks paid by the bank
BankD ebits P2,000,000
Less: BSC December 20,000
NSF check 100,000 1,880,000
Outstanding checks, end P1,860,000
Question Nos. 3 to 4

Unadjusted bank balance Nov.3 0 R eceipts Disb. Dec.3 1
2,200,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,200,000
Deposit in transit:
November 30 90,000 ( 90,000)
December 31 **240,00 240,000
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents

Outstanding check:
November 30 (250,000) (250,000)
December 31 1,860,000 (1,860,000)
Erroneous bank charge -
November 20,000 (20,000)
Adjusted balances 2,060,000 1,130,000 3,610,000 (420,000)
Unadjusted book

balance 1,980,000 1,420,000 3,500,000 (100,000)

Bank service charge: (10,000) (10,000)
December 31 20,000 (20,000)
Unrecorded collections -
November3 0 90,000 (90,000)
Uncollected customer's
note already recorded
as cash receipt (200,000) (200,000)
NSF-December31 100,000 (100,000)
Adjusted balances 2,060,000 1,130,000 3,610,000 (420,000)
**Depositi ntransit,beg P 90,000

Add: Deposit made by the co. this month

Book Debits P1,420,000
Less: Unrecorded collection 90,000
Customer’s note recorded as 200,000 1,130,000
cash receipts
Total P1,22000
Less: Deposits acknowledged by the bank
BankC redits P1,000,000
Less: Erroneous bank charge 20,000 980,000
Outstandingchecks,end P 240,000
Question No. 5
Adjusted balances:
AccountNo.1 43 P1,020,000
AccountNo.1 44 ( 420,000)
Total adjusted balances P 600,000
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C
PROBLEM 8-21 Proof of Cash

Question No. 1
RCBC Account Book Bank
Unadjustedbalance P 165,000 P 125,000
Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
Credit memof or notec ollected 6,000

Bank service charge (1,000)

Depositin transit 60,000
Outstanding checks (25,000+20,000) (45,000)
Unrecordeddisbursement ( 30,000) -
Adjusted balance P 140,000 P 140,000
QuestionNos. 2-3
Equitable PCI Bank Book Bank
Unadjusted bal. (squeeze) P 62,000 P 93,000
Creditmemof ornotec oll. 10,000
Bank service charge ( 2,000)
Deposit int ransit (15,000+20,000+50,000*) 85,000
Outstandingchecks (28,000)
Unrecorded transfer (30,000+50,000*) 80,000 -
Adjusted balance P 150,000 P150,000
*fund transfer No. 4 (Included both as unrecorded transfer and deposit in transit)

Question No. 4
Outstanding checks:
RCBC Account (25,000+20,000) P 45,000
EquitablePCI Bank 28,000
Total outstanding checks P 73,000

Question No. 5
Fund transfer No. 1 is recorded in the disbursing book during December while it

only cleared in the disbursin g bank in January.

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B
PROBLEM 8-22 Proof of Cash

BOOK Jan. 31 Receipts Disb Feb. 28

Unadjusted balances-books 200,000 150,000 80,000 270,000
CreditMemo-January 9,000 (9,000) - -
CreditMemo-February - 13,000 - 13,000
BSCcheck-January (100) - (100) -
BSCcheck-February - - 150 ( 150)
Check of the company issued in 700 - - 700
January was muti lated and
returned by the payee. A
replacement check was issued.
Both checks were entered in the
Check register but no entry was
made to cancel the mutilated
check, P700.

Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
The company issued a sto p - (1,200) (1,200) -

payment order to the bank in

February for check issued in
February which was not
received by the payee. A new
check was written and recorded
in the Check register in
February. The old check was
written off by a journal entry
also in February, P1,200.
Adjusted balances 209,600 1 52,800 78,850 2 83,550

BANK Jan.3 1 Receipts Disb Feb.2 8

Unadjusted balances-bank 206,600 159,000 88,650 276,950
Deposit int ransit-January 10,000 (10,000) - -
Deposit int ransit-February - 11,000 - 11,000
Outstanding checks-January (4,200) - ( 4,200) -
Outstanding checks-February - - 1,800 ( 1,800)
Erroneous bankc redit-January (6,000) - (6,000) -
Erroneous bankc redit-February - (4,000) - (4,000)
Erroneous bankc harge-January 3,200 (3,200) - -
Erroneous bank charge- - - (1,400) 1,400
Adjusted balances 209,600 152,800 78,850 283,550
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C
PROBLEM 8-23 Computation of Cash Shortage

Question No. 1
Unadjustedbank bal. P 225,400
Less: Outstanding checks (8,434+4,300+
6,524+ 9,551.50+4,577+5,961) (39,347.50)
Add:Undepositedreceipts 35,000
Adjustedbankbalance P221,052.50
Question No. 2

Unadjustedbookbal. P242,310.50
Credit memof or notes collection 30,000
Creditmemo for int. 900
Balance( cash accountability) P273,210.50

Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents

Question No. 3
Adjusted bank bal. (Cash accounted) P221,052.50
Less: Cash in bank bal. (cash accountability) 273,210.50
Shortage (P52,158.00)
1. B 2. D 3. B
PROBLEM 8-24 Computation of Cash Shortage

Question No. 1
Unadjustedbank bal. P 42,400
Outstandingchecks ( 11,500)
Undeposited collections 5,000
Adjusted bank balance P 35,900
Question No. 2

Unadjustedbookbal. P 46,500
Creditmemop roceedscleandraft 900
Debit memo for bank servicec harge ( 100)
Balance (cash accountability) P 47,300
Question No. 3

Adjusted bank bal.( Cash accounted) P3 5,900

Cash inb ank bal.( cash accountability) 47,300
Shortage asofJune30 ( P11,400)
Question No. 4

Additional cas shortage from July 1-15

Julycollection per duplicate O.R. P 18,800
Less: collections in July that were deposited in
Collection per duplicates lips P1 1,000
Less :Undeposited collection, June 30 5,000 6,000
Casht hatshouldb eo nh and on July1 5 P 12,800
Less:Actualc ashonh andonJuly1 5 4,800
Cash shortage from July 1-15 P 8,000
Question No. 5

Understatement of cash in bank per books (46,500-45,600) P 900

Overstatement of cash in bank per bank (44,000-42,400) 1,600
Understatement of outstanding checks (11,500-3600) 7,900
Overstatement of undeposited collections (5,100-5,000) 100
Non-recording of credit memo-proceeds of clean draft 900
Cash shortage as of Jun e 30 P11,400

Chapter 8: Cash and Cash Equivalents
1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. D

PROBLEM 8-25 Computation of Cash Shortage

Question No. 1
Deposit int ransit,u nadjustedb al. P 175,250
Less:C ustomer's Post-dated check 50,000
Adjusted Deposit in transit 125,250 P
Question No. 2

Outstanding checks, unadjusted balance P 246,760

Less:Unreleased check ( 14,750)
Company's post-dated check ( 37,210)
Adjusted Outstanding checks 194,790 P
Question No. 3

Unadjustedbal.perbank P350,000
Add: Deposit in transit( No. 1) 125,250
Less: Outstanding checks (No.2 ) (194,790)
Erroneousbankcredit ( 30,000)
Adjusted cash in bank bal. 250,460 P
Question No. 4

Unadjustedbal.perbooks P 293,500
Add: Credit memo for note coll. 15,000
Unreleasedcheck 14,750
Company'spost-dated check 37,210
Total 360P460
Less: Customer s post-dated check (50,000)
Cashi nb ankperbooksbal. P310,360
Less: Adjusted cash in bank balance 250,460
Cash shortage (P60,000)
Question No. 5

Unadjustedbal.perbooks P293,500
Less: Adjusted cash in bank balance 250,460
Net adjustments P 43,040
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables


Note to professor: Page 257.
ILLUSTRATION: Sales Discount (PAS 18 vs. PFRS 15)
Accountsreceivable 100,000
Sales (instead of allowance for sales discount) 100,000
PROBLEM 10-1 Trade andother receivables

Trade Trade and other Noncurrent

Receivables receivables Asset
1 277,000 277,000 -
2 150,000 150,000 -
3 - 10,000 -
4 - 30,000 -
5 - - 110,000
6 - 15,000 -
7 70,000 70,000 -
8 - 80,000 220,000
9 100,000 100,000 -
Adjusted bal. 597,000 1. C 732,000 2. C 330,000
PROBLEM 10-2 Different Freight terms

Question No. 1
FOB Destination, freight prepaid
Invoicepriceofmerchandisesold 300,000
Less: Invoicep rice of merchandise returned -
Netinvoiceprice 300,000
Less:Salesdiscount( 300,000x 2%) 6,000
Collectionbeforefreight 294,000
Less: Freight payment - FOB Destination, freight collect -
Add: Freight payment - FOB shipping point, freight prepaid -
Total Net Cash Collection(B) 294,000
Question No. 2

FOB Destination, freight collect

Invoicepriceofmerchandisesold 300,000
Less: Invoicep rice of merchandise returned -
Netinvoiceprice 300,000
Less:Salesdiscount( 300,000x 2%) 6,000
NetPaymentbefore freight 294,000
Less: Freight payment - FOB Destination, freight collect 5,000
Add: Freight payment - FOB shipping point, freight prepaid -
Total Net Cash Collection(A) 289,000
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question No. 3
FOB Shipping point, freight prepaid
Invoicepriceofmerchandisesold 300,000
Less: Invoicep rice ofm erchandise returned -
Netinvoiceprice 300,000
Less:Salesdiscount( 300,000x 2%) 6,000
NetReceiptbefore freight 294,000
Less: Freight payment - FOB Destination, freight collect -
Add: Freight payment - FOB shipping point, freight prepaid 5,000
Total Net Cash Collection(C) 299,000
Question No. 4

FOB Shipping point, freight prepaid

Invoicepriceofmerchandisesold 300,000
Less: Invoicep rice ofm erchandise returned -
Netinvoiceprice 300,000
Less:Salesdiscount( 300,000x 2%) 6,000
Collectionbeforefreight 294,000
Less: Freight payment - FOB Destination, freight collect -
Add: Freight payment - FOB shipping point, freight prepaid -
Total Net Cash Collection(B) 294,000

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B
PROBLEM 10-3 Gross method and Net method

Listprice P100 000

Less: Trade discounts
15%: (100,000 x1 5%) 15,000
20%: (100,000 – 15,000) x 20% 17,000 32,000
Invoice price, gross of discount (C) 68,000
Less: Sales discount (68,000 x3 %) 2,040
Invoice price, net of discount (D) P 65,960

1. C 2. D
PROBLEM 10-4 Computation of Percentageof Bad Debts Expense

Credit Sales Accounts written off Recoveries
2014 2,000,000 40,000 20,000
2015 3,500,000 270,000 15,000
7,000,000 330,000 50,000
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
2016 2,000,000 65,000 30,000

9,000,000 395,000 80,000

2017 3,000,000 85,000 40,000
12,000,000 480,000 120,000
Question No. 1

Percentage = Accounts written off minus Recoveries

Total credit sales
Total years from 2013 to 2017:
480,000 - 120,000
Percentage = 12,000,000
Percentage = 3.00 %
Question No. 2

Bad debts expense = 3% x 3,000,000

= 90,000

Question No. 3
Allowance for Bad debts
Writeoff 85,000 400,000 Beg.Balance
Balance end (squeeze) 445,000 90,000 Bad debts exp
40,000 Recovery
520,000 520,000
Question No.4 CASE 2

Percentage = Accounts written off minus Recoveries

Total credit sales
Total years from 2013 to 2015 (years should exclude the last two years ):
Percentage = 330,000 - 50,000
Percentage = 4 %
Question No. 5

Bad debts expense = 4% x P3,000,000

= 0,000

Question No. 6
Credit Sales BD exp Recoveries Write-off Net AB
2016 2,000,000 80,000 65,000 30,000 1 15,000
2017 3,000,000 1 20,000 85,000 40,000 165,000
Allowance for BD (D) 280,000
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question No. 7
Percentage of bad = Accounts written off minus Recoveries
debts to AR Total credit sales
Total years from 2013 to 2016:

Percentage of bad = 395,000 - 80,000

debts to AR 9,000,000
Percentage = 3.5%
Percentage of bad = Accounts written off minus Recoveries

debts to AR Total credit sales

Total years from 2013 to 2017:
Percentage of bad = 480,000 -
debts to AR 12,000,000
Percentage = 3 %
Question Nos. 8 and 9

Allowance for Bad deb ts

Balance end Beg. Balance
(3,400,000 x 3%) 102,000 105,000 (3,000,000 x 3.5%)
Write off 85,000 (D)42,000 Bad debts exp (squeeze)
40,000 Recovery
187,000 187,000

Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

1. B 4. D 7. C
2. B 5. D 8. D
3. B 6. D 9. C
PROBLEM 10-5 Aging Based on Outstanding Receivables

Question No. 1
Categories Balance Uncollectible
(No. of Days) Percent Amount
0-30d ays 500,000 2% 10,000
31-60d ays 600,000 3% 18,000
61-90d ays 750,000 5% 37,500
over 91 days 300,000 10% 30,000
Totals 2,150,000 95,500
Allowance for Bad debts

Balancee nd 95,500 40,000 Beg. balance

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
(see above table)

Writeoff 12,000 Recoveries

(23,000+100,000) 123,000 166,500 Bad debts exp (squeeze)
218,500 218,500
Question No. 2

Accounts receivable, end (see above table) 2,150,000

Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts, end 95,500
Net Realizable Value 2,054,500

1. A 2. A
PROBLEM 10-6 Aging Based On Days Past Due

Question No. 1
Overdue accounts % uncollectible Balance Allowance
Forl ess than 31 days 5.00% 300,000 15,000
From 31-60 days 6.00% 220,000 13,200
From 61-90 days 8.00% 150,000 12,000
From 91-120d ays 15.00% 60,000 9,000
For over121days 20.00% -
Required allowance for doubtful accounts 49,200
Question No. 2

Allowance for Bad debts

Balance end
49,200 20,000 Beg. balance
29,200 Bad debts exp (squeeze)
158 000 158,000

1. A 2. A
PROBLEM 10-7 Interest-bearing Note with Realistic Interest Rate

Requirement No. 1
*Selling price P100,000
Less: Carrying amount of machinery
Cost 500,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 350,000 150,000
Loss on sale 50,000) (P
The selling price is equal to the face amount, which is likewise equal to

the present value of the note since the note bears an annual interest rate that is
similar with the market rate.

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Requirement No. 2
Interest income = (100,000 x 10%) = P10,000

Requirement No. 3
Zero. The principal amount is collectible beyond one year from the reporting date
and thus, reported as non-cu rrent.

Requirement No. 4
P100,000. The entire principal amount of notes receivable is treated as noncurrent
asset since it is collectible beyond one year from the reporting date.

Journal entries are as follows:

01/01/2016 Notes receivable 100,000
Accumulated depreciation 350,000
Losson sale 50,000
Machinery 500,000

12/31/2016 Cash 10,000

Interestincome 10,000

PROBLEM 10-8 Interest-bearing Note with Unrealistic Interest Rate, Interest

Is Payable Annually, One-Time Collection of Principal
Question No. 1
Present value of principal (2,000,000 x 0.7118) P 1,423,600
Add: Present value of interest payments
(2,000,000x 10%x2.4018) 480,366
Total present value/ Selling price 1,903,966
Less: Carrying amount of machinery
Cost 1,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 150,000 850,000
Gain on sale P1,053,966
Question Nos. 2 to 5

Amortization table
Date Interest Interest Discount Carrying
Collections Income Amortization amount
01/01/2016 1,903,960
12/31/2016 200,000 228,475 28,475 1,932,435
12/31/2017 200,000 231,892 31,892 1,964,327
12/31/2018 200,000 235,704 35,672 2,000,000
The total amount of 1,932,435 is reported as noncurrent receivable since it is

due to be collected beyond twelve months from the end of the reporting period.
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

PROBLEM 10-9 Interest-bearing Note with Unrealistic Interest Rate, Interest

Is Payable Semi-Annually, One-Time Collection of Principal
Question No. 1
Present value of principal (2,000,000 x 0.7050) P 1,410,000
Add: Present value of interest payments
(2,000,000x 5%x4.9173) 491,730
Total present value/ Selling price 1,901,730
Less: Carrying amount of machinery
Cost 1,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 150,000 850,000
Gain on sale P1,051,730
Amortization table

Date Interest Interest Discount Carrying

Collections Income Amortization amount
01/01/2016 1,901,730
07/31/2016 100,000 114,104 4,104 1,915,834
12/31/2016 100,000 114,950 14,950 1,930,784
07/31/2017 100,000 115,847 15,815 1,946,599
12/31/2017 100,000 116,796 16,796 1,963,395
07/31/2018 100,000 117,804 17,804 1,981,198
12/31/2018 100,000 118,602 18,802 2,000,000

Question No. 2
Interest income up to 07/31/2016 114,104
Interest income up to 12/31/2016 114,950
Total interest income 229,054

Question No. 3
1,930,784. See amortization table above.

Question No.s 4 and 5

The total amount of 1,932,435 is reported as noncurrent receivable since it is due
to be collecte d beyond twe lve months from the end of the reporting period.

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D

PROBLEM 10-10 Interest-bearing Note with Unrealistic Interest Rate, Uniform Collection
of Principal

Question No. 1

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
Computation of present value of all payments:

Present Principal Interest Total Total PV

value factor collections collections
0.8929 600,000 180,000 780,000 696,462
0.7972 600,000 120,000 720,000 573,984
0.7118 600,000 60,000 660,000 469,788
Totalpresentvalue 1,740,234
Total present value / Selling price 1,740,234

Less: Carrying amount of machinery

Cost 1,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 150,000 850,000
Gain on sale P890,234
Amortization table
Date Interest Interest Amortizatio Principal Carrying
Collections Income n collections amount
01/01/16 1,740,234
12/31/16 180,000 208,828 28,828 600,000 1,169,062
12/31/17 120,000 140,287 20,287 600,000 589,350
12/31/18 60,000 70,651 10,651 600,000 -
Question No. 2

208,828. See amortization table above.

Question No. 3

1,169,062. See amortization table above.

Question N . 4
Principal collections – 2017 600,000
Less: Amortization – 2017 20,287
Current portion – 12/31/2016 579,713
Question No. 4

Carrying value – 12/31/2016 1,169,062

Less: Current portion – 12/31/2016 579,713
Non-current portion – 12/31/2016 589,350

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A

PROBLEM 10-11 Non-interest-bearing Note with Unrealistic Interest Rate, Non-Uniform

Collection of Principal
Question No. 1
Computation of present value of all payments:

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

PV factor collections TotalP V

0.8929 1,000,000 892,900
0.7972 600,000 478,320
0.7118 200,000 142,360
Total present value of the notes 1,513,580
Total present value / Selling price 1,513,580

Less: Carrying amount of machinery

Cost 1,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 150,000 850,000
Gain on sale P663,580
Question Nos. 2 to 5

Amortization table
Date Interest Amortizatio Principal Carrying
income n Collections amount
01/01/16 1,513,580
12/31/16 181,630 181,630 1,000,000 695,210
12/31/17 83,425 83,425 600,000 178,635
12/31/18 21,382 21,365 200,000 -

Question No. 2
181,630. See amortization table above.

Question No. 3
695,210. See amortization table above.

Question No. 4
Principal collections – 2017 600,000
Less: Amortization – 2017 83,425
Current portion – 12/31/2016 516,575
Question No. 5

Carrying value – 12/31/2016 695,210

Less: Current portion – 12/31/2016 516,575
Non-current portion – 12/31/2016 178,635

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D

PROBLEM 10-12 Noninterest-bearing Note, One-Time Collection of Principal

Question No. 1
Total present value (1,800,000 x 0.7118) 1,281,240

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
Less: Carrying amount of machinery

Cost 1,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation 150,000 850,000
Gain on sale P431,240
Amortization table

Date Interest Income Amortization Carrying amount

01/01/16 1,281,240
12/31/16 153,749 153,749 1,434,989
12/31/17 172,199 172,199 1,607,187

12/31/18 192,812 192,812 1,800,000

Question No. 2
153,749. See amortization table above.
Question No. 3
1,434,989. See amortization table above.
Question No. 4 and 5
The total amount of 1,434,989 is reported as noncurrent receivable since it is due
to be collected beyond twelve months from the end of the reporting period.
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A
PROBLEM 10-13 Computation of Annual Payment or Collection

Requirement No. 1 CASE 1: Based on the original data

Annual collection = Present value of the notes

Present value of ordinary annuity for 3 periods
Annual collection = 1,500,000
Annual collection = P624,532
Requirement No. 2
Interest income (1,500,000 x 12%) = P180,000

Requirement No. 1
Annual collection = Present value of the notes
Present value of annuity due for 3 periods
Annual collection = 1,500,000
2. 6901
Annual collection = P557,600
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Requirement No. 2
Interest income (1,500,000 – 557,600) x 12% = P113,088

Accountsreceivable 250,000

Sales 250,000
Sales discount 250,000 x 3% x4 0%) 3,000
Allowanceforsalesdiscount 3,000
Cash( 250,000x 50%x97%) 121,250
Allowancef ors alesdiscount 3,000
Sales discount [ 250,000 x (50% - 40%) x 3%] 750
Accounts receivable ( 250,000x 50%) 125,000

On December 31, 2016, the receivable then is included in the statement of

financial position as follows:
Accountsreceivable,end 250,000
Less: Allowancef ors ales discount 3,000
Netrealizablevalue 247,000

Accountsreceivable 100,000
Refund liability 1,000
Sales [ 100,000 – ( 100,000x2 % x 50%) 99,000
Cash( 100,000x 60%x9 8%) 58,800
Sales discount [ 100,000 x (60% - 50%) x 2%] 200
Refundliability 1,000
Accounts receivable ( 100,000x 60%) 60,000

On December 31, 2016, the receivable then is included in the statement of

financial position as follows:
Accounts receivable = Net realizable value 100,000

Requirement No. 1 PAS 18
Dec.3 1 Accounts receivable 550,000
Sales 550,000
Cost of sales 300,000
Merchandiseinventory 300,000
Sales returns ( 550,000 x 30%) 165,000
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Allowancefors alesreturn 165,000

Jan. 5 Cash [ 550,000 - (45% x 550,000)] 302,500
Sales returns [(45%-30%) x 550,000] 82,500
Allowance for sales returns 165,000
Accountsreceivable 550,000
Requirement No. 2 PAS 18
Dec. 31 No journal entry. No revenue is recognized because the company
cannot estimate reliably any future returns.
Feb.1 Accountsreceivable 550,000
Sales 550,000
Cost of sales 300,000
Merchandiseinventory 300,000
Note: Revenue is recognized since the time period for rejecting/accepting has

Requirement No. 1 PFRS 15

Dec.3 1 Accountsreceivable 5,000
Sales [ 550,000x (100%-30%)] 5,000
Cost of sales ( 300,000 x 70%) 210,000
Asset for right to recover product to be 90,000
Merchandise inventory 300,000
Jan. 5 Cash [ 550,000 - (45% x 550,000)] 302,500
Sales returns [(45%-30%) x 550,000] 82,500
Accountsreceivable 5,000
Merchandisei nventory 135,000
Costof sales 45,000
Asset for right to recover product to 90,000
be returned
Requirement No. 2 PFRS 15
Dec. 31 Asset for right to recover product to be 300,000
Merchandiseinventory 300,000
Feb.1 Accountsreceivable 550,000
Sales 550,000
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
Cost of sales 300,000

Asset for right to recover product to 300,000

be returned

PROBLEM 10-16 Impairment of Receivable, One-time Collection of Principal

Question No. 1
Principal 16,000,000
Add: Accrued interest receivable 1,600,000 17,600,000
Less: *Present value of expected cash flows 7,705,280
Loan impairment (A) 9,894,720

*Computation of prese nt value of all payments:

PV factor Total collections Total PV
0.9091 1,600,000 1,454,560
0.8264 3,200,000 2,644,480
0.7513 4,800,000 3,606,240
Total present value of the notes 7,705,280
Question Nos. 2 to 3
Amortization table
Interest Carrying
Date Collections Income Amortization amount
12/31/2015 7,705,280
12/31/2016 1,600,000 770,528 829,472 6,875,808
12/31/2017 3, 200,000 687,581 2,512,419 4,363,389
12/31/2018 4,800,000 436,339 4,363,389 -

Question No. 4
Carrying value – 12/31/2015 (see table below) 15,458,634
Less: *Present value of expected cash flows 7,705,280
Loan impairment (B) 9,894,720
Amortization table

Received Interest Carrying
Date Or Accrued Income Amortization amount
01/01/2013 14,846,080
12/31/2013 1,600,000 1,781,530 181,530 15,027,610
12/31/2014 1,600,000 1,803,313 203,313 15,230,923
12/31/2015 1,600,000* 1,827,711 227,710 15,458,634
*Interest accrued.
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
12/31/2015 Accrued interest receivable 1,600,000

Interestincome 1,600,000
Unearned interest income 227,710
Interestincome 227,710

Question No. 5
Carrying value – 12/31/2015 (see table below) 17,058,634
Less: *Present value of expected cash flows 7,705,280
Loan impairment (C) 9,353,354

Amortization table
Received Interest Carrying
Date Or Accrued Income Amortization amount
01/01/2013 14,846,080
12/31/2013 1,600,000 1,781,530 181,530 15,027,610
12/31/2014 1,600,000 1,803,313 203,313 15,230,923
12/31/2015 1,827,711 1 ,827,711 17,058,634
12/31/2015 Unearned interest income 1,827,711

Interestincome 1,827,711

Question No. 6
Carrying value – 12/31/2015 (see table below) 15,458,634
Less: *Present value of expected cash flows 7,705,280
Loan impairment C) 9,894,720
Amortization table

Received Interest Carrying
Date Or Accrued Income Amortization amount
01/01/2013 14,846,080
12/31/2013 1,600,000 1,781,530 181,530 15,027,610
12/31/2014 1,600,000 1,803,313 203,313 15,230,923
12/31/2015 1,600,000 1,827,711 227,710 15,458,634

12/31/2015 Cash 1,600,000

Interestincome 1,600,000
Unearned interest income 227,710 227,710



Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C

PROBLEM 10-17 Reversal of Impairment Loss

Question No. 1
Present value of expected cash flows P6 54,552
vs. Would have been present value if there was no
impairment 600,000
Lower 600,000
Less:Actualamortizedcost 396,681
Gain on reversal of impairment loss (A) P 203,319

Question No. 2
Present value of expected cash flows P6 54,552
Less:Actuala mortizedc ost 396,681
Gain on reversal of impairment loss (D) P 257,871
Question No. 3

Interest income (600,000 x 10%) (B) P 60,000

Question No. 4

Interest income (654,552 x 10%) (A) P 65,455


1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A
PROBLEM 10-18 Pledge of Receivable

Principalamountborrowed P900,000
Less: One year interest deducted in advance (900,000 x 10%) ( 90,000)
Cash received on December 1 (B) P810,000
PROBLEM 10-19 Assignment of Accounts Receivable

Question No. 1
Principalamountborrowed P150,000
Less: Finance fee (150,000 x 5%) ( 7 ,500)
Cash received on December (D1) P142,500
Question No. 2
Notespayable P150,000
Less: Princip al payment
Remittance 95,000
Less: Interest (150,000 x 12% x 3/12) ( 1,500) 93,500
Notes payable – December 31(C) P56,500

Question No. 3

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
Accounts receivable – assigned (200,000 – 100,000) P 100,000

Less:Notespayable ( 56,500)
Equity in assigned account (C) P 43,500
1. D 2. C 3. C
PROBLEM 10-20 Factoring of Receivables

Entries to record transactions

Option Accounts Debit Credit
One Cash( 400,000 x 90%) 360,000
Receivable from factor
(25,000 – [5% x 400,000]) 5,000
Loss on sale of receivables (squeeze) 35,000
Notespayable 400,000
Two Cash( 400,000 x 90%) 360,000

Receivable from factor

(25,000 – [4% x 400,000]) 9,000
Loss on sale of receivables (squeeze) 34,000
Notespayable 400,000
Estimatedr ecoursel iability 3,000
1. B 2. C

PROBLEM 10-21 Notes Receivable Discounting and Notes Receivable

Question No. 1
Principal P 600,000.00
Add: Interest over full credit period (600,000 x 9% x 90/360) 13,500.00
Maturity value 613,500.00
Less: Discount (613,500 x 12% x6 5/360) 13,292.50
Net proceeds from discounting(C) P 600,207.50
Question No. 2

Net proceeds from discounting P 600,207.50

Less: Carrying amount on date of discounting
Principal 600,000.00
Add: Interest (600,000 x 9% x 25/360) 3,750.00 603,750.00
Loss on notes receivable discounting (A) (P 3,542.50)
Question No. 3
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Loss of P3,524.50. The amount of loss to be recognized is computed in a

similar way as to th at of discounted note without recourse. (A)
Question No. 4
Maturityv alue oft he note P613,500
Add: Protest fee and other bank charges 5,000
Cash received on December 1 (C) P618,500

Question No. 5
Interest expense of P3,524.50 . The amount of interest ex pense is compute d

in a similar way as to that of discounted note without recourse or conditional sale. (A)

Question No. 6
Maturityv alue oft he note P613,500
Add: Protest fee and other bank charges 5,000
Cash received on December 1 (C) P618,500
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C
PROBLEM 10-22 Discounting “Own” Note

Question No. 1
Notepayable P250,000
Less: Discount on note payable (250,000 x 12%) ( 30,000)
Carrying amount – Date ofi ssuance P2 20,000
Effective interest rate = Discount/Net proceeds

= 3 ,000/220,000
= 13.60%(D)
Question No. 2
Entry to record transaction
Cash 220,000
Discount on notes payable 30,000
Notespayable 250,000
1. D 2. B

Question No. 1
Credit Sales Accounts written off Recoveries
2013 2,220,000 52,000 4,300
2014 2,450,000 59,000 7,500
2015 2,930,000 60,000 7,200
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
7,600,000 171,000 19,000

Percentage = Accounts written off minus Recoveries

Total credit sales

Total years from 2013 to 2015:
Percentage = 171,000 - 19,000
Percentage = 0.02 or 2%
Question No. 2

Doubtful accounts expense (3,000,000 x 2%) = P60,000

Question No. 3

Reported doubtful account expense (bad debts written off) P 62,000

Less: Correct doubtful account expense (see No. 2) ( 60,000)
Overstatement in doubtful account expenses P 2,000
Question No. 4

Accounts receivable trade

Beg. Balance 418,000 645,600 Balance end
Sales on account 3,000,000 62,000 Write-off
2,710,400 Collections excluding
advance from customers
Total 3,418,000 3,418,000
Question No. 5

All wance for Doubtful accounts

Accounts written off 62,000 15,200 Beg. Balance
Balance end 21,600 60,000 Doubtful accounts expense
8,400 Recoveries
Total 83,600 83,600

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A

Question No. 1
Unadjusted accounts receivable, Dec. 1 (squeeze) 21,800P
Add:Adjustednet sales 255,000
Total 276,800
Less: Collections, net of discounts 156,800
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
Estimated uncollectible accounts charged to AR in Dec. 30,000

Unadjusted accounts receivable, Dec. 31 P 90,000

Subsidiary ledgerb alance, Dec. 1 P 59,000

Less: AR controlling account, Dec. 1 (see above) 21,800

Add: Estimated uncollectible account
charged to AR in Dec. 6,000 27,800
Customers’ credit balance(D) P31,200
Question No. 2

Collection, net of discount P1 56,800

Divideby:(100%-2%) 98%
Total credit to AR for collection (A) P160,000
Question No. 3

Customer credit balance, Dec. 1 P 31,200

Less: sale to customer with credit balance 10,000
Customer Credit balance, Dec. 31(A) P 21,200
Question No. 4

Unadjusted Sales, balance P2 60,000

b) Sales, FOB shipping pt., not yet recorded 10,000
c)S ales,F OB destination ( 15,000)
Adjusted Sales balance (A) P 255,000
Question No. 5

Subsidiary ledger, balance, 12/1 P59,000

Add: Adjusted Sales in December 255,000
Freight prepaid by the company 1,000
Total P315,000
Less: total credit to AR for coll. 160,000
Adjusted accounts receivable in Dec. (B) P1 55,000

1. D 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question No. 1
Balance Accounts
Dec. 31 Not due 1-60 days 61-120 days Over 120
1 12,000 3,000 8,000 1,000
2 22,000 22,000
4 20,000 10,000 10,000
5 55,000 2,220 52,780
6 7,500 7,500
116,500 27,220 68,280 11,000 10,000
Multiply by: 0.50% 2% 5% 50%
136.10 1,365.60 550 5,000.00
Question Nos. 2 and 3

Required balance (P136.10+P1,365.60+P550+P5,000) P 7,051.70

Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts, beginning 5,000.00
Doubtful accounts expense 2,051.70 P
Question Nos. 4 and 5

Interest Accrued interest

Interest income income income
(120,000X6 %X2 /12) P 1,200 P -
(100,000X 6%X 1/12) 500 500
Interest income P 1,700 P 500

1. D 2. C 3.

Question No. 1
Principal 4,000,000
Originationf ees received (342,100)
Direct origination cost incurred 150,020
Initial Carrying amount of the loan 3,807,920

Question No. 2
By trial and error, 12% interest rate will have a present value equal to the
initial carrying amount of the loan.
Present value of Prin. (4,000,000 x .7118) 2,847,200
Present value of Int. (4M x 10% x 2.4018) 960,720
Present value of Loan Receivable 3,807,920
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
Question Nos. 3 and 4

Interest Carrying
Date Collections Income Amortization amount
01/01/2016 3,807,920
31/12/2016 400,000 456,950 56,950 3,864,870
31/12/2017 400,000 463,784 63,784 3,928,655
31/12/2018 400,000 471,439 71,346 4,000,000

Question No. 5
Zero, As of December 31, 2016, the entire loan proceeds will be collectible on
December 31, 2018, that is two years from the repor ting date.
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A

Question No. 1
Annual Cash PV
Date flows factor Amount
Dec. 31, 2015 P1,750,000 0.9091 P 1,590,925
Dec. 31, 2016 2,000,000 0.8264 1,652,800
Dec. 31, 2017 1,750,000 0.7513 1,314,775
Total 4,558,500P
Question No. 2

Carrying amount oft he loan P 5,500,000

Less: Present value of the loan 4,558,500
Impairment loss P 941,500
Question Nos. 3 to 5

Interest Reduction to Carrying

Date Payment Income Principal amount
12/31/2014 P4,558,500
12/31/2015 P1,750,000 P455,850 P1,294,150 3,264,350
12/31/2016 2,000,000 326,435 1,673,565 1,590,785
12/31/2017 1,750,000 159,079 1,590,785 -

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question Nos. 1 to 4
Accounts Allow Mdse. Net Cost of
Receivable for DA Inventory Sales Sales
Unadjusted balances 300,000 3,000 400,000 1, 000,000 800,000
2)Salereturn (30,000) (30,000)
Cost of return
(30,000 x80%) 24,000 (24,000)
3)Sales FOB shipping
not recorded as 40,000 40,000
Cost of mdse sold
(40,000 x80%) (32,000) 32,000
4) Goods shipped
Destination recorded
assale (50,000) (50,000)
Cost of goods
(50,000 x 80%) 40,000 (40,000)
6)D oubtful accts exp (12,000)
Adjusted bal. 260,000 15,000 432,000 960,000 768,000
Question No. 5

Accounts receivable P260,000

Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts ( 15,000)
Net realizable value P245,000
1 B 2 B 3. B 4. B 5. C

Question No. 1
Classification Balance Estimated
Percentage Amount
1-60 days P1 ,000,000 1% P 10,000
61-120days 400,000 5% 20,000
121-180days 300,000 10% 30,000
181-360days 200,000 25% 50,000
More than oney ear 60,000 80% 48,000
Totals P1 ,960,000 P 158,000
Question No. 2 P 1,960,000

Accounts receivable, adjusted (see no. 1)

Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts, end (see no. 1) 158,000
Net realizable value P1,802,000
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question No. 3
Doubtful accounts per books (9,000,000 x 2%) P 180,000
Less: *Adjusted doubtful accounts expense 188,000
Understatement of doubtful accounts (P 8,000)
*Adjusted doubtful account expense

Allowance for Doubtful accounts

Write off (100,000+40,000) 140,000 90,000 Beg. Balance
Balance end (required) 158,000 20,00 Recoveries
188,000 Doubtful account expense
Total 298,000 298,000

Question No. 4

Total carryingv alue P3,000,000

Less: **Present value of the loan 2,790,000
Impairment loss 210,000 P
*Computation of present value
Annual Cash flow PV factor Total
P1,000,000 1.00 P1,000,000
1,000,000 0.93 930,000
1,000,000 0.86 860,000
Total Present value of the loan P 2,790,000
Question No. 5 Interest Amortizatio Carrying

Date Collections Income n amount

01/01/2016 2,790,000
12/31/2016 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,790,000
12/31/2017 1,000,000 143,200 856,800 933,200
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. B

Question No. 1
Accounts receivable, unadjusted balance
Per subsidiary ledger P1,660,000
Notereceivablei ncluded in theA R (200,000)
FactoredAccountsreceivable (160,000)
SalesFOBshipping point 100,000
Adjusted AR balance P1,400,000
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question No. 2
Allowancef ord oubtfula ccts,b eg. P 100,000
Add: Doubtful accounts (P15,000,000 + P100,000) x 1% 151,000
Total 251,000P
Less:Accountswrittenoff 28,000
Allowance for doubtful accts, end 223,000 P
Question No. 3
UnadjustedNetSales P15,000,000
Add:Sales,FOBshippingpoint 100,000
TotalSales P 15,100,000
Multiply by:rate 1%
Doubtful accounts P 151,000
Question No. 4
No effect . The audit adjustments did not result to any changes to inventory

Question No. 5
Sales, FOB shipping point 100,000 P
1. D 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. A

Question No. 1
Accountsreceivablef actored P 400,000
Less: Service charge (400,000x 5%) 20,000
Receivable from factor (400,000 x 20%) 80,000 100,000
Customers’ credit balance P300,000
Question No. 2
Principal P 300,000
Add: Interest over full credit period (300,000 x 12% x 6/12) 18,000
Maturity value 318,000
Less:D iscount(318,000 x1 2% x3 /12) 11,925
Net proceeds from discounting 306,075 P
Question No. 3

Maturity value of the notes (see item in No. 2) 318,000

Add:Protest fee 12,000
Total cash paid/Amount to be debited to AR 330,000 P
Question No. 4 480,000

Notep ayable( 80% x P600,000)

Less: Service fee (5% x P600,00) 30,000
Cash received 450,000 P
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question No. 5
TotalCash paid(see No.3) 330,000
Add: Interest income (P330,000x 12% x2 /12) 6,600
Cash received 336,600 P
Question No. 6

Accounts receivable-unassigned
(2,000,000-3000,000-400,000-600,000) P 700,000
Add: Accounts receivableassigned 600,000
Total 1,300,000
Less: Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts (1,300,000 x 5%) 65,000
Net realizable value P1,235,000

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. D

Question Nos. 1 to 3
60 days and 61 to 90 Over 90
Total below days days
Unadjusted Balance,
12/31/2016 1,900,000 1,000,000 5 00,000 400,000
WriteOff (40,000) (40,000)
Unrecordedsale 50,000 50,000
NSFCheck shipment – 20,000 20,000
In transit
FOB Destination (45,000) (45,000)
Consignment (45,000) (45,000)
Erroneous unit price (7,500) (7,500)
Adjusted balance,
12/31/2016 1,832,500 930,000 492,500 410,000
PercentageofU ncollectibility 4% 5% 10%
Required allowance,
12/31/2016 108,825 37,200 24,625 41,000
Question No. 4

Allowance for Doubtful accounts

Write off 40,000 100,000 Beg. Balance
Balance end (required) 102,825 - Recoveries
42,825 Doubtful account expense
Total 142,825 142,825
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Item Accounts Debit Credit

1 Allowancef orb ad debts 40,000
Accountsreceivable 40,000
2 Accounts receivable 50,000
Sales 50,000
3 Accounts receivable 20,000
Cash inbank 20,000
4 Sales 45,000
Accountsreceivable 45,000
5 Sales 45,000
Accountsreceivable 45,000
6 Sales 7,500
Accountsreceivable 7,500
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. C

Question Nos. 1 and 3

Adjusting entries for Accounts receivable
Item Accounts Debit Credit
1 Accountsreceivable 20,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 20,000
2 Salesdiscount 16 00
Accountsreceivable 16,000
3 Accounts receivable 120,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 120,000
4 Accountsreceivable 30,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 30,000
Miscellaneous income 30,000
Accountsreceivable 30,000
Accounts receivable
Beg. Balance 220,000 2,720,000 Balance end
Sales 4,000,000 30,00 Recoveries
Recoveries 30,000 *1,500,000 Collections, gross of

Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables
Total 4,250,000 4,250,000

*Collections from customers excludin g recoveries

Collections without discount 700,000

Add: Collections withd iscount 784,000
Cash discount availed (784,000/98% x 2%) 16,000
Total collections excluding recoveries P 1,500,000
Allowance for Doubtful accounts

Balancee nd 170,000 20,000 Beg. Balance

30,000 Recoveries
120,000 Doubtful account expense
Total 170,000 170,000

Accounts receivable 2,720,000

Less: Allowance for bad debts 170,000

Net realizable value 2,550,000P
QuestionNos. 2, 4 and 5

Adjusting entries for Loans receivable

Item Accounts Debit Credit
1 LoanR eceivable 400,000
Interestincome 400,000
2 Unearned interest income 45,382
Interestincome 45,382
Principal 4,000,000
Direct origination cost incurred 11,520
Direct origination fees received (300,000)
Initial carrying amount 3,711,520
Amortization table at 12% Effective Rate

Interest Carrying
Date Collections Income Amortization amount
01/01/2015 3,711,520
12/31/2015 400,000 445,382 45,382 3,756,902
12/31/2016 400,000 450,828 50,828 3,807,731
12/31/2017 400,000 456,928 56,928 3,864,658
12/31/2018 400,000 463,759 63,759 3,928,417
12/31/2019 400,000 471,410 71,583 4,000,000
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question No. 1
Unrecorded gain on sale of machinery – 2015 (see below) 90,183
Unrecorded interest income – receivable from sale of machinery
(240,183 x12%) 28,822
Unrecorded accrued interest – receivable from sale of plant
(1,500,000x 12%x9/12) 135,000
Net adjustment to R/E – 01/01/16 (B) 254,005
Cash consideration 200,000

Add: Present value of future cash flows (2.4018 x 100,000) 240,183

Totalsellingprice 440,183
Less: Carrying value of machine (800,000 – 450,000) 350,000
Gain on sale of machine 90,183

Amortization table (receivable from sale of machinery):

Interest Carrying
Date Collections Income Amortization amount
01/01/2015 240,183
12/31/2015 100,000 28,822 71,178 169,005
12/31/2016 100,000 20,281 79,719 89,286
12/31/2017 100,000 10,714 89,286 -
Question No. 2

Interest income from note receivable:

Saleofmachinery( 169,005x1 2%) 20,281
Sale of plant [(1,500,000 x 12% 3/12) + (1M x 12% x 9/12) 135,000
Sale of equipment (170,750 x 10% x 9/12) 12,806
Total interest income (C) 168,087
Question No. 3

Current portion of note receivable from:

Sale of machinery (see amortization table above) 89,286
Saleofplant 500,000
Total current portion (B) 589,286

Question No. 4
Non-current portion of note receivable from:
Saleofplant 500,000
Sale of equipment( 170,750 + 12,806) 183,556
Total non-current portion(D) 683,556
Chapter 10: Loans and Receivables

Question No. 5
Interest income froms ale of machine 20,281
Interest income from sale of plant (180,000 – 135,000) (45,000)
Interest income froms ale of equipment 12,806
Net overstatement of income(D) (11,912)

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. D

Chapter 12: Inventories


PROBLEM 12-1 Cost of Purchase

Purchasep rice basedo n vendors’ invoices 1,250,000
Brokerage commission paid to agents for arranging imports 50,000
Import duties 100,000
Freightand insurance onpurchases 250,000
Otherh andling costs relatingt o imports 25,000
Total cost of purchase (B) P1,675,000

Note that the trade discount was already deducted in arriving at the vendor’s

PROBLEM 12-2 Inventoriable Cost

Materials 350,000
Irrecoverablepurchasetaxes 30,000
Labor 120,000
Variableproduction overhead 50,000
Fixedproduction costs 40,000
Cartage in 8,000
Total (C)
PROBLEM 12-3 Rebates

Question No. 1
Invoice price ( o VAT is charged on these goods)
Less: Rebate offered to the entity by the supplier 10,000
Inventoriable cost (B)
Question No. 2

Inventoriable cost (C)


QuestionNo. 1 Free on Board

Cost of inventory ($100,000 x
ForEx loss ( - (A) 187,500
QuestionNo. 2 Cost, Insurance and Freight

Cost of inventory ($100,000 x

ForEx loss ( - (D) 125,000
Chapter 12: Inventories

Question No. 1
Variable cost:
Direct labor (
Directmaterials( 200,000
Fixed Cost ( / 100,000 normal capacity) x 100,000 actual 100,000
Total cost (C)
Question No. 2

Variable cost:
Directlabor( 120,000units) 1,080,000
Direct materials ( 2 excluding VAT x 120,000 units) 200,000
Fixed Cost ( 100,000
Total cost (C) 420,000
Question No. 3

Variable cost:
Direct labor (
Directmaterials( 160,000
Fixed Cost( 80,000
Total cost (D) 960,000
PROBLEM 12-6 Items to be Included in the Inventory

1 Items in the warehouse during the count P1,090,000

2 Items out on consignment at another company's store 70,000
4 Items purchased FOB shipping point that are in transit at 500,000
5 Freight charges on goods purchased above 13,000
Items sold to another company, for which our company
has signed an agreement to repurchase at a set price that
covers all costs related to the inventory. Total cost of
7 merchandiseis 200,000
Items sold FOB destination that are in transit at December
10 31, atcost 75,000
14 Items currently being used for window display 100,000
15 Itemsoncounterfor sale 400,000
17 Items included in the count, damaged and unsalable (150,000)
Items in receiving dept., returned by customer, in good
18 condition( not includedi nt hec ount) 50,000
19 Merchandise inventories out on approval, at cost 100,000
Finished special article goods, made to order (included in
20 thecount) (78,000)
Total (A) P2,370,000
Chapter 12: Inventories
The following items would not be reported as inventory:

3 Cost of goods sold in the income statement 40,000

6 Not reported int he financial statements 300,000
8 Cost of goods sold in the income statement 30,000
9 Cost of goods sold in the income statement 50,000
11 Advertising exp. In the income statement 10,000
12 Not reported in the financial statements 100,000
13 Temporary investments in the current
assets section oft he balance sheet 125,000
16 Not reported in the financial statements 360,000
21 Office supplies in the current asset 40,000
PROBLEM 12-7 Accounts Payable

Unadjustedbalance 1,800,000
Goods acquired in transit, FOB shipping point 100,000
Goodslost intransit 50,000
Adjusted Accounts Payable (A) P1,950,000
The journal entry on item 2 would include the following:
Purchases/Inventory 50,000
AccountsPayable 50,000
To record the purchase on December 20.

Query: For F/S presentation on December 31, is the goods lost in transit be
presented as part of inventory?
Answer: No, since the inventories were lost in transit and it is improper to report
inventories that is not existing (i.e. it violates the existence assertion). Thus the
journal entry at December 31 if no claim was filed and the common carrier has
yet to acknowledge the claim may include a:
Loss on goods lost in transit (preferably presented as 50,000
other expense and not as cost of goods sold)
Inventory /Purchases 50,000
And on the next year (January 5), when the claim was filed and
acknowledged by the common carrier, the journal entry will be:
Claimsfromc ommonc arrier 50,000
Gaino n reimbursement of lost inventory 50,000
To record the claim against common carrier on January 5.

Chapter 12: Inventories
PROBLEM 12-8 Consigned Goods

Inventory shipped on consignment to Lomasoc 360,000

FreightbyDesireetoLomasoc 18,000
Total Inventoriable cost (D) P 378,000
PROBLEM 12-9 Gross method vs. Net method

CASE NO 1: Gross method

Date Accounts Debit Credit
01/02 Purchases (100,000 x [1-20%]) 80,000 80,000
01/12 Accountspayable 80,000
Cash (80,000x[1-98%]) 78,400
Purchase discount 1,600
01/14 Accountspayable 80,000
Cash 80,000
CASE NO 2: Net method
Date Accounts Debit Credit
01/02 Purchases (100,000 x [1-20%]
x[1-2%]) 78,400
Accountspayable 78,400
01/12Accountspayable 78,400
Cash (80,000x[1-98%]) 78,400

01/14Accountspayable 78,400
Purchased iscountlost 1,600
Cash 80,000


1. B 5. C
2. C 6. C
3. D 7. A
4. A 8. D

PROBLEM 12-10 Cost Formulas - Different Methods

QuestionNos. 1and 2
Weighted average
Weighted average Total goods available for sale (in peso value)
unit cost Total goods available for sale (in units)
Weightedaverage = 1,105,000

Chapter 12: Inventories
unit cost 85,000

Weighted average unit cost = P13/unit

Inventoryend(40,000x13) = P520,000 (C)
Cost of goods sold (20,000+5,000+21,000–1,000) x 13 = P585,000 (C)
QuestionNos. 3 and 4

Moving average
Units Unit cost Total cost
April1 balance 20,000 10 200,000
Apr. 2 Purchase 30,000 12 360,000
Balance 50,000 11 560,000
Apr. 4 Sale (25,000) 11 (280,000)
Balance 25,000 11 280,000
Apr. 10 Purchase 15,000 14 210,000
Balance 40,000 12 490,000
Apr. 15 Sales (21,000) 12 (257,250)
Balance 19,000 12 232,750
Apr. 17 Salesreturn 1,000 12 12,250
Apr. 28 Balance 20,000 245,000
Apr.2 8 Purchase 20,000 16.75 335,000
Balance 40,000 15 580,000
Inventoryend = P580,000 (A)

Cost of goods sold (280,000 + 257,250 – 12,250) = P525,000 (A)

QuestionNos. 5 and 6
FIFO Units Unit cost Total cost

April 1balance 20,000 10 200,000

Apr.2 Purchase 30,000 12 360,000
Apr. 4 (25,000 units sold) From Apr. 1 (20,000) 10 (200,000)
From Apr. 2 (5,000) 12 (60,000)
Balance from Apr. 2 25,000 12 300,000
Apr.10 Purchase 15,000 14 210,000
Apr. 15 (21,000 units sold) From Apr. 2 (21,000) 12 (252,000)
Balance from April 2 4,000 12 48,000
Balance from April 10 15,000 14 210,000
Apr.17 Salesreturn 1,000 12 12,000
Balance from April 2 5,000 12 60,000
Balance from April 10 15,000 14 210,000
Apr.28 Purchase 20,000 17 335,000
Total Balance 40,000 605,000
Inventoryend = P605,000 (B)
Cost of goods sold (200,000 + 60,000 + 252,000 – 12,000) = P500,000 (B)
QuestionNos. 7 and 8
Note that inventory and cost of goods sold under FIFO periodic and perpetual
is the same.

Chapter 12: Inventories

1. C 2. C 3. A 4.A5. B 6.B 7. B 8. B
PROBLEM 12-11 Lower of Cost or Net Realizable Value

Question No. 1 Raw Materials

Supply of steel (used for motorbikes) Write-down

Cost 40,000
Moreprofitable( asis) 25,000 15,000
Supply of aluminum (used for bicycles)
Cost 60,000
More profitable (completed product) 50,000 10,000
Total write-down (C) 5,000
Question No. 2 Work-in-process

Incompletemotorbikes Write-down
Cost 30,000
More profitable (completed product) 25,000 5,000
Incomplete bicycles
Cost 50,000
Moreprofitable (asis) 60,000 -
Total write-down (D) 5,000
Question No. 3 Finished goods

Motorbikes 0,000 Write-down

More profi able (completed product) 60 000 20,000
Cost 80,000
More profitable (completed product) 110,000 -
Total write-down (C) ,000
Question No. 4 Adjusted COGS

Cost of goods sold before write-down

Add: Write-down
Raw materials 25,000
Work-in-process 5,000
Finished goods 20,000
Adjusted cost of goods sold (C)
PROBLEM 12-12 Purchase Commitment

Date Accounts Debit Credit
Chapter 12: Inventories
11/15 No entry

12/31 Loss on purchase commitment (20,000 x [25-20]) 100,000

Estimated liability for purchase commitment 100,000
03/15 Purchases(25,000x2 5) 500,000
Estimated liability for purchase commitment 100,000
Accountspayable/Cash 500,000
Gainonp urchasecommitment 100,000
Date Accounts Debit Credit
11/15 No entry
12/31 No entry
03/15 Purchases(25,000x2 5) 500,000
Accountspayable/Cash 500,000
PROBLEM 12-15 Purchase Commitment

Date Accounts Debit Credit

3/31 No entry
12/31 Loss on purchase commitment (1,200,000-1,000,000) 200,000
Estimated liability for purchase commitment 200,000
04/30 Purchases 1,200,000
Estimated liability for purchase commitment 200,000
Accountspayable/Cash 1,200,000
Gainonpurchasec ommitment 200,000
1. B 2. A
PROBLEM 12-13 Inventory Estimation - Gross Profit Rate Method

Sales 3,400,000
Less: Salesreturns (30,000)
Net Sales excluding Sales discount 3,370,000
Multiplyb y:C ost ratio (1-30%) 70%
Cost of Goodssold 2,359,000
Inventory,January 1 650,000

Add: Net Purchases

Purchases 2,300,000
Add:Freight-in 60,000
Less: Purchaser eturns (80,000) 2,280,000
Total Goods available for sale 2,930,000
Less: Cost ofgoodssold (2,359,000)
Chapter 12: Inventories
Merchandise inventory that should be on hand 571,000

Less: Actual merchandise inventory on hand (420,000)

Cost of Missing inventory (A) 151,000

PROBLEM 12-14 Inventory Estimation: Average Method - Retail Method

Computation of cost ratio:
Cost Retail
Inventorya t January 1 250,000 375,000
Purchases 1,325,000 1,750,000
Netmarkups - 200,000
Netmarkdowns - (75,000)
Totals 1,575,000 2,250,000
Cost ratio (1,575,000 / 2,250,000) = 70%
Computation of Inventory end at retail
Balance up to markdowns (see above computation) 2,250,000
Less:Sales 1,500,000
Estimated normal shrinkage (1,500,000 x 5%) 75,000
Estimated normal shoplifting losses 50,000
Inventoryendat retail P 625,000
Computation of Cost of goods sold
Total goods available for sale at cost 1,575,000
Less: Inventory end at cost (625,000 x 70%) 437,500
Cost of Sales (B) 1,137,500

PROBLEM 12-15 Inventory Estimation: FIFO Method - Retail Method

Computation of cost ratio:
Cost Retail
Purchases 292,500 400,000
Net markups - 75,000
Netmarkdowns - (25,000)
Totals 292,500 450,000
Cost ratio (292,500 / 450,000) = 65%
Computation of Inventory end at retail
Balance up to markdowns (see above computation) 450,000
Add:Inventorybeginning 100,000
Less:Sales 375,000
Inventoryendat retail P 175,000
Multiply: Costratio 65%
Inventory end at cost (A) P113,750
Chapter 12: Inventories


Question No. 1
A EI over (P129-P119)x 4,000 40,000
B EI under (70,000)
C EI over 100,000
Overstatement of ending inventory 70,000 (C)
Question No. 2

D. Ending inventory understated (140,000) (B)

QuestionNos. 3 and 4

2015 2016
Unadjusted balance 1,000,000 1,200,000
A. EI over, NI over (P129-P119) x 4,000 (40,000) 40,000
B. EI under,NIunder 70,000 (70,000)
C. EI over, NI over (100,000) 100,000
D. EI under,NIunder 140,000
Adjusted balances 930,000 1,410,000
(A) (C)
Question No. 5

Unadjusted net income (1,000,000+1,200,000) 2,200,000

Less: Adjusted net income (930,000+1,410,000) Net 2,340,000
adjustment to income-understated (140,000) (D)

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D

QuestionNos. 1and 2
Ledger Physical
Balance Count
Balances priort o adjustment P3 14,800 P293,600
Add: Goods in transit sold, FOB destination 3,200 3,200
Less:unrecorded sale ( 8,400) -
Less:unrecordedp urchasereturns ( 6,000) -
Less:goodsheldonc onsignment - ( 8,800)
Add:unrecordedpurchase 3,640- -
Add: Goods in transit purchased, FOB shipping point 1,600
Add:Goodsoutonconsignment - 14,800
Adjusted balances P 307,240 P 304,400
Chapter 12: Inventories
(A) (C)

Question No. 3
Adjusted balances, perl edger P 307,240
Adjusted balances, physical count 304,400
Inventory shortage P 2,840 (B)

1. A 2. C 3. B


Note to the professor: Use the following guide questions in answering this

1. Accounts Payable and related accounts

Was there a valid purchase?
Was the purchase recorded?
Were the inventories INCLUDED in the count?
2. Accounts Receivable and related accounts
Was there a valid sale?
Was the sale recorded?
Were the inventories EXCLUDED in the count?

Ending Net
Inventory Sales Purchases AP Income
679 Unadjusted balances 550,000 1,000,000 600,000 450,000 120,000

682 Purch over, COS over, NI
under (46,740) (46,740) (46,740)
EI over, COS under, NI
over (46,740) 46,740
683 EI ov er, COS un der, NI
over (4,500) (4,500)
684 Purchunder, NI over 1,060 1,060 (1,060)
685 No, No, No
686 No, No, No
310 Yes, Yes, Yes
311 Sales over, NI over (560) (560)
EI under, NI under (560 x
70%) 392 392
312 Sales over, NI over (31,940) (31,940)
EI under, NI under (31,940
x 70%) 22,358 22,358
313 Sales over, NI over (6,350) (6,350)
EI under, NI under (6,350
x 70%) 4,445 4,445
314 Sales over, NI over (1,930) (1,930)
315 No, No, No
316 No, No, No
Chapter 12: Inventories

317 No,No , No
Net adjustment (24,045) (40,780) (45,680) (45,680) (19,145)
Adjusted balances 525,955 959,220 554,320 404,320 100,855
(A) (A) (A) (A) (D)

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. D

Ending Accounts Accounts Sales Neti ncome

inventory receivable payable

balance P220,000 P104,000 P138,000 P 1,010,000 P180,400
A (20,000) 20,000
B (10,000) (10,000)
C 50,000 (64,000) (64,000) (14,000)
D 14,000 (16,000) (16,000) (2,000)
E ( 24,000) ( 24,000)
Adjusted P 250,000 P24,000 P108,000 P930,000 P160,400
(A) (C) (D) (D) (A)
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A

Accounts Accounts Net

Inventory payable Receivable Net Sales Purchases Netin come

Unad usted
balances 250,000 400,000 1,000,000 4,000,000 2,500,000 600,000
A - - - - -
B 35,000 - - - 35,000
C 4,000 4,000 - - 4,000 -
D (25,000) - 40,000 40,000 - 15,000
E 10,000 - - - 10,000
F - - (30,000) (30,000) - (30,000)
G 34,000 - ( 68,000) (68,000) - (34,000)
H - - (10,000) (10,000) - (10,000)
I - - - (90,000) -(90,000)
J 60,000 60,000 - - 60,000 -
balances 368,000 464,000 932,000 3,842,000 2,564,000 496,000

1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. D

Questions No. 1 to 5

Chapter 12: Inventories
R/E Sales EI A/P CGS

2016 Purchases under, CGS 36,000

under, NI over, RE over
2017 Purchases over, CGS 36,000
2016 EI under, NI under, RE (32,000)
2017 BI under, CGS under (32,000)
Salesunder (20,000)
Purchasesu nder,C GSu nder (24,000) (24,000)
EIunder, CGSover (8,000) 8,000
Purchases under,C GS under (4,000) (4,000)
EIunder, CGSover (4,000) 4,000
Total 4,000 (20,000) (12,000) (28,000) (12,000)

BI - Beginning inventory
EI - Ending inventory
NI - Net Income
CGS - Cost of goods sold
RE - Retained earnings – 12/31/2016 or 01/01/2017
4,000 – overstated
(4,000) – understated
Note: The effect of errors on December 2016 and January 2017 has no effect on
the ending balance of the accounts payable on December 31, 2017 since the
payable is expected to be settled before the end of the year.

1. C 2. B 3. B D C

Question No. 1
Sales (475,000/80%) P593,750 100%
Less:Cost ofsales 475,000 80%
Grossprofit 118,750 20%
Inventory (in units)

Beg. Balance (60,000/P3) 20,000 25,000 Balance end (squeeze) or

Purchases 100,000 95,000 Cost of sales (475,000/5)
Total 120,000 120,000

Inventory (in peso amount)

Beg. Balance (squeeze) 60,000 125,000 Balance end (squeeze)
Purchases 540,000 475,000 Costo fs ales
Chapter 12: Inventories

Total 600,000 600,000

Weighted average unit cost = TGAS (peso) / TGAS (units)

Weighted average unit cost (P600,000/120,000) = P5/unit
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B

Question No. 1
The cumulative effect on change in accounting policy on January 1, 2016 or
December 31, 2015 Retained Earnings is understatement of 100,000, which is
the understatement of Ending Inventory on December 31, 2015. (B)
Question No. 2

Netincome– weightedaverage P3,250,000

Beginning inventory under, CGS under, Net income over (150,000)
Ending inventory under, CGS over, Net income under 100,000
Adjusted net income – FIFO (B) P3,200,000
Question No. 3

Computation of units sold:

Beginninginventory–units 10,000
Add:Total purchases–units 100,000
Total goods availablef ors ale – units 110,000
Less: Units sold (P6,400,000 / P80/unit) 80,000
Ending inventory inunits 30,000

The 30,000 ending inventory comes from the last two purchases as follows:
Units Unit cost Total cost
From 4th quarterpurchases 10,000 68 680,000
From 3rd quarter purchases 20,000 66 1,320,000
Total 30,000 (B) 2,000,000
Question No. 4

Cost (refer tono3). 2,000,000

Net realizable value [(P70 – P5) x 30,000] 1,950,000
Loss on inventory write-down (B) 50,000
Question No. 5 500,000

Add: Net Purchases (P6,480,000 – 980,000) 5,500,000
Totalgoodsavailablef ors ale 6,100,000
Less: Ending inventory at cost (see no. 3) 2,000,000
Chapter 12: Inventories
Cost of goodssoldat cost 4,100,000

Add: Loss on inventory write-down (see no. 4) 50,000

Cost of goods sold afte r inventory write-down (A) 4,150,000

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A

Question No. 1
(10,500 - 1,000 + 3,000) = 12,000 units
No. of units Unit cost Total
3,000 14 P 42,000
2,000 13 26,000
4,000 15 60,000
3,000 16 48,000
12,000 P 176,000 (A)
Question No. 2

(4,500+700+600)=5,800 units
No. of units Unit cost Total
1,800 19 P 34,200
1,800 20 36,000
1,200 21 25,200
1,000 22 22,000 (A)
5,800 P 117,400
Question No. 3
Net realizable value NRV Cost Lower
(12,000 x (P16-(10% x P16)) P172,800 P176,000 P 172,800
(5,800 x (P22-(10%xP22) 114,840 117,400 114,840
Lower of cost or NRV P287,640 P 293,400 P287,640
Question No. 4
Totalcost (seeno. 3) P 293,400
Less: Lower ofc ost or NRV( see no. 3) 287,640
Loss on inventory write-down (B) P 5,760
Question No. 5
Beginning inventories: P 99,000
Jackets(5,000xP15) 75,000 P 174,000
Add:*Total purchases (299,500 + 183,900) 483,400
Totalgoodsavailablef ors ale P 657,400
Chapter 12: Inventories
Less: Merchandise inventory atc ost 293,400

Cost of sales before inventory write-down P 364,000

Add: Loss on inventory write-down 5,760
Cost of sales after inventory write-down(B) P369,760
4,000 P12 P 48,000
3,000 12 36,000
2,500 13 32,500
3,500 14 49,000
2,000 13 26,000
4,000 15 60,000
3,000 16 48,000
22,000 P 299,500

900 P16 P 14,400

1,100 18 19,800
1,500 19 28,500
2,000 19 38,000
1,800 20 36,000
1,200 21 25,200
1,000 22 22,000
9,500 P1 83,900

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B

This T-Account of Raw Materials will be the same under the three different
Raw Materials
Beginning balance 600,000 1,200,000 Balance end
Net Purchases 2,200,000 1,600,000 Direct materials used
Total 2,800,000 2,800,000

Question No. 1
GP Rate: 2013 2014 2015 2016

Gross Profit 2,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000

Divide by: Sales 1,700,000 2,800,000 3,000,000
GrossProfit Rate 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Chapter 12: Inventories

The trend of gross profit for the past three years increases by 5% each year;
thus, if the trend continues, the gross profit for 2016 will be 30%. The cost ratio
then would be 70% (100% - 30%). Therefore, the cost of goods sold is
computed as follows:
Sales 6,000,000
Multiplyb y:C ostRatio 0.70
Cost of goods sold 4,200,000 (B)
Question No. 2

Finished Goods
Beginning balance 2,800,000 2,000,000 Balance end
Cost of goods 4,200,000 Cost of goods sold
manufactured 3,400,000
Total 6,200,000 6,200,000
Work in Process

Beginning balance 2,000,000 2,600,000 Balance end (A)

Direct materials used 1,600,000 Cost of goods
Direct labor 1,600,000 3,400,000 manufactured
Factory overhead 800,000
Total 6,000,000 6,000,000
Computation of factory overhead:

Directlaborcost 1,600,000
Multiply by: Predetermined rate 50%
Factory overhead 800,000

Question No. 3
GP Rate: 2013 2014 2015 2016
Gross Profit 340,000 630,000 1,000,000
Divide by: Sales 2,000,000 3,500,000 4,000,000
GrossProfit Rate 0.17 0.18 0.25 0.20

The GP rate in 2016 is computed as follows:

16% + 18% + 25%
Gross Profit Rate =
= 20%

The cost ratio then would be 80% (100% - 20%). Therefore, the cost of
goods sold is computed as follows:
Sales 6,000,000
Multiplyb y:C ostRatio 0.80
Cost of goods sold 4,800,000 (B)
Chapter 12: Inventories
Question No. 4

Finished Goods
Beginning balance 2,800,000 2,000,000 Balance end
Cost of goods 4,800,000 Cost of goods sold
manufactured 4,000,000
Total 6,800,000 6,800,000
Work in Process

Beginning balance 2,000,000 2,000,000 Balance end (A)

Direct materials used 1,600,000 Cost of goods
Direct labor 1,600,000 4,000,000 manufactured
Factory overhead 800,000
Total 6,000,000 6,000,000

Question No. 5
The gross profit for 2016 is computed based on the overall gross profit for
2014 and 2015:
Gross Profit Rate = 800,000 + 1,000,000
3,500,000 + 4,000,000
= 1,800,000
Gross Profit Rate = 24%

The cost ratio then would be 76% (100% - 24%). Therefore, the cost of goods sold is
computed as follows:
Sales 6,000,000
Multiplyb y:C ostRatio 0.76
Cost of goods sold 4,560,000 (A)
Question No. 6

Finished Goods
Beginning balance 2,800,000 2,000,000 Balance end
Cost of goods 4,560,000 Cost of goods sold
manufactured 3,760,000
Total 6,560,000 6,560,000
Work in Process

Beginning balance 2,000,000 2,240,000 Balance end (A)

Direct materials used 1,600,000 Cost of goods

Direct labor 1,600,000 3,760,000 manufactured
Factory overhead 800,000
Total 6,000,000 6,000,000
Chapter 12: Inventories

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A

Question No. 1
Accounts payable
Balancee nd 250,000 555,000 Beg. Balance
ret. and allow. 70,000 3,000,000 Purchases
Purchase discounts 80,000 100,000 Freight-in
Payments to supplier 3,255,000
Total 3,655,000 3,655,000
Question No. 2

Direct materials inventory

Beg. Balance 200,000 320,000 Balancee nd
Net purchases 2,950,000 2,830,000 Direct materials used
Total 3,150,000 3,150,000
Purchases 3,000,000

Add:Freight-in 100,000
Gross s 3,100,000
Less: Purchase returns and allow 70,000
Purchase discounts 80,000
NetPurchases 2,950,000
Question No. 3

Work in process
Beg. Balance 250,000 280,000 Balancee nd
Direct materials used 2,950,000 4,375,000 Cost of goods
Directlabor 900,000 manufactured
Factoryo verhead 675,000
Total 4,655,000 4,655,000

Question No. 4
Sales P5,100,000 120%
Less: Cost of sales (5,000,000/120%) 4,250,000
Grossprofit 850,000 20%

Note: Do not deduct sales discount from the gross sales since sales discount
does not constitute actual return of merchandise.

Chapter 12: Inventories
Question No. 5

Finished goods
Beg. Balance 400,000 525,000 Balancee nd
Cost of goods 4,375,000 4,250,000 Cost of goods sold
Total 4,775,000 4,775,000
Estimated finished goods 525,000

Less: Cost of goods out on consignment 20,000

Salvagevalue 10,000
Inventory fire loss 495,000
Question No. 6

Cost of goods sold (80% x P5,100,000) =P4,080,000

Question No. 7

Sales (5,100,000-100,000) P5,000,000 100%

Less: Cost of sales (80% x P5,100,000) 4,080,000 80%
Grossprofit 1,000,000 20%
Finished goods

Beg. Balance 400,000 695,000 Balancee nd

Cost of goods 4,375,000 4,080,000 Cost of goods sold
Total 4,775,000 4,775,000
Estimated finished goods 695,000

Less: Cost of goods out on consignment 20,000

Salvagevalue 10,000
Inventory fire loss 665,000

1. A2.A3.A4.B5.B6.A7.A

Question No. 1
Accountspayable, March3 1 2,370,000
Less:PaymentinApril 300,000
Total 2,070,000
Accounts payable for April Purchases
Totalpurchases 600,000
Less: Payment inA pril 200,000 400,000
Chapter 12: Inventories
Total (B) 2,470,000

Question No. 2

Purchases,a s of March3 1 4,200,000

Add: Purchases in April 600,000
Grosspurchases 4,800,000
Less:Purchase returns 12,000
Net purchases (B) 4,788,000
Question No. 3

Accounts receivable
Beg. Balance 2,700,000 3,000,000 Bal. end
Collections including
Sales on account 1,488,000 938,000 recoveries
Recoveries 0 250,000 Writeoff
0 Sales returns
4,188,000 4,188,000
Net Sales

SalesasofMarch3 1 9,040,000
AprilSales 1,488,000
Less: Sales return 100,000 1,388,000
Net Sales (C) 10,428,000
Question No. 4

NetSales 10,428,000
Multiply by:Costratio 60%
Cost of Sales (C) 6,256,800
Costo f Sales 9,000,000 10,500,000

Divide by: Gross Profit 9,000,000 4,500,000

50.000% 30.000%
Average gross profit = (50%+30%)/2 = 40%
Cost ratio = 100% - 40% = 60%
Question No. 5

Estimated inventory 3,031,200

Less: Shipment int ransit 40,000
Undamaged goods at cost 120,000
Salvagevalue 25,000
Inventory fire loss (C) 2,846,200

1.B2.B3.C 4. C 5. C
Chapter 12: Inventories

Questions No. 1 and 2
Purchases ending
11m os 12m os
Unadjustedbalance 2,700,000 3,200,000
Shipment in Nov. included in December purchases 30,000 -
Unsalables hipments received (4,000) (6,000)
Deposits in October shipped February (8,000) (8,000)
Deposits madev endor inNovember (22,000) -
Adjustedbalance 2,696,000 2,186,000
1.( D) 2.( D)
Question No. 3

Beginning inventory – January 1, 2015 350,000

Add: Purchases for 11 months (see No. 1) 2,696,000
Less: Ending inventory – Nov. 30, 2015 (360,000- 358,000
22,000 + 20,000)
Cost of sales 2,688,000 (A)
Cost ratio (5,736,000 / 6,720,000) = 80%
Question No. 4

Sales endingD ecember 31, 2015 3,840,000

Less: Sales ending Nov. 30, 2015 (3.4M-40,000) 3,360,000
Sales–December 2015 480,000
Less:Salesat cost 40,000
Sales in December 2015 made at a profit 440,000
Multiply: Cost ratio (2,688,000 / 3,360,000) 80%
Cost ofs alesmadeat profit 352,000
Add:Costo fs alesmadea tc ost 40,000
Total Cost of Sales -December 392,000 (A)
Question No. 5

Beginning inventory – Nov. 30, 2015 358,000

Add: Purchases for December (3,186,000 – 2,696,000) 490,000
Less:Costo f Sales– December 392,000
Ending inventory – December 31, 2015 456,000 (A)

1. D 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. A

Cost Retail
Inventory,Jan1 300,000 1,200,000
Chapter 12: Inventories
Purchases 6,000,000 8,500,000

Purchase returns (400,000) (800,000)

Purchase discounts (150,000) -
Purchase allowance (50,000) -
Freight-in 20,000 -
Departmental Transfer-In 600,000 1,100,000
Departmental Transfer-Out (560,000) (1,334,000)
Totals 5,760,000 8,666,000
Basis of computation of cost ratios

Totals 5,760,000 8,666,000

Markups 600,000
Markupcancellations (50,000)
Basis of computation (conservative) 5,760,000 9,216,000
Markdown (316,000)
Markdowncancellations 100,000
Basis of computation (average) 5,760,000 9,000,000
Cost ratios:

Cost ratio = 5,760,000
Cost ratio = 62,50%

Cost ratio = 5,760,000

Cost ratio = 64%

Cost ratio = 5,760,000 – 300,000

9,000,000 – 1,200,000
Cost ratio = 70%
Estimated ending inventory @retail – for all methods

TGAS @ retail under average method 9,000,000

Sales (7,000,000)
Salereturns 700,000
NormalShrinkage (500,000)
Estimated ending inventory @ retail 2,200,000
Question Nos. 1 to 6

Ending inventory at cost Cost of goods sold

Cost method (EI @ retail x cost ratio) (TGAS @cost – EI @cost)
Conservative (62.5%) P1 ,375,000 4,385,000
Chapter 12: Inventories
FIFO (70%) 1,540,000 4,220,000

Average (64%) 1,408,000 4,352,000

1. A2.B3.B4.C5.C6.D

Question No. 1
Subsidiary General
Ledger Ledger
Unadjustedbal. P 760,000 P 1,020,000
Undeliveredsales ( 100,000)
Valid Sales 60,000
SalesFOBdestination ( 100,000)
NSFcheck 50,000 50,000
Collectionbyt hebank ( 60,000) ( 60,000)
Sales in 2015 recorded in 2016 DR No. 38740 3,360 3,360
Receivable ins. Co DR No. 38741 ( 10,080) ( 10,080)
Sales in 2016 recorded in 2015 DR No. 38743 ( 19,200) ( 19,200)
Adjusted balance (D) P 784,080 P 784,080
Question No. 2
UnadjustedbeginningBalance 97,500
Add: ValidS ales in 2015 (60,000+ 3,360) 63,360
Total 160,860
Less:Receivablei ns Co (DR #3 8741) 10,080
Sales in 2016 recorded in 2015 (DR # 38743) 19,200
Current Accounts Receivable balance 131,580
Past Due:
Adjusted Accounts Receivable balance (see no. 1) 784,080
Less: Current Accounts Receivable balance 131,580
Past due Accounts Receivable *652,500
*or (662,500+50,000-60,000)
Age classification Amount Percentage Total
Current 131,580 6 7,894.80

Past due 652,500 10 65,250.00

Allowance for doubtful accounts (A) 73,144.80
Question No. 3

Allowance for doubtful accounts, beginning 7,000.00

Less:Accountswrittenoff -
Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts, ending 73,144.80
Chapter 12: Inventories
Doubtful accounts expense (A) 66,144.80

Question No. 4

Unadjusted Merchandise Inventory, ending 316,000

Add: Cost of merchandise sold of DR # 38743(19,200/120%) 16,000
Doubtful accounts expense (B) 332,000
Question No. 5

UnadjustedNetSalesbalance P3,000,000
Undeliveredsales ( 100,000)
SalesFOBdestination ( 100,000)
Sales in 2015 recorded in 2016D R No. 38740 ( 3,360
Sales in 2016 recorded in 2015 DR No. 38743 19,200)
Adjusted balance (B) P2 ,784,160

1. D2.A3.A4.B5.B PROBLEM 12-33

Accounts Accts. Net Net

Inventory payable Receivable Net Sales Purchases income
Unadj. 625,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 1,607,500 1,086,000
(77,500) (77,500) - - (77,500) -
(11,000) - - - - (11,000)
- - 20,000 20,000 - 20,000
105 0 - - - - - 105,000 -
12,500 12,500 - 1 2,500
1,000 1,000 - 1,000 -
(2,650) (2,650) - - (2,650) -
Adj. 652,350 433,350 520,000 4,520,000 1,540,850 1,200,000

1. D2.B3.B4.B5.C PROBLEM 12-34

1. C2.A3.A4.A5. PROBLEM 12-


1. C2.D3.D4.D5.B PROBLEM 12-36

Chapter 12: Inventories

1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. B

Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities



PROBLEM 14-1 Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities

Accountspayable 450,000
Accounts receivable 300,000
Accruedinterestexpense 54,000
Accumulated depreciation (150,000)
Advances fromcustomers (30,000) 48,000
Allowance for bad debts
Biologicalassets 360,000
Bonds payable 360,000
Cash and cash equivalents 210,000
Cash dividendspayable 81,000
Cash surrender value 180,000
Claimsf ort axrefund 135,000
Deferredtaxassets 180,000
Deferredtaxliabilities 57,000
Discountonbondspayable (45,000)
Finance leaseliability 135,000
Income taxes payable 27,000
Intangibleassets 90,000
Interest receivable 63,000
Investment in associate 135,000
Investment in bonds 510,000
Investment in equity
instruments 375,000
Investment in subsidiary 210,000
Issued redeemable
preference shares (with
mandatoryredemption) 300,000
Merchandisei nventories 399,000
Notes receivable 450,000
PHILHEALTH contributions
payable 18,000
Prepaid interest (not a
valuation account to financial
liability) 60,000
Prepaidrent 60,000
Security deposit 90,000
Sinkingfund 120,000
SSScontributionspayable 15,000
Stock appreciation rights
payable (SARs Payable) 360,000
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Unearned interest on
receivables 15,000
Unearnedrentincome 24,000
Utilitiespayable 750,000
Warrantyobligations 39,000
2,673 1,074 2,445 243
(E) (C) (E) (D)
Legend: FA – Financial Asset NFA – Non-Financial Asset

FL – Financial Liabilities NFL – Non-Financial Liabilities

SHE: Shareholders equity
1. E 2.C 3. E 4. D

PROBLEM 14-2 Acquisition of Investment

Journal entries are:
1/5/2017 Financial Asset at FVTPL 1,000,000
Brokeragefee 20,000
CommissionExpense 5,000
Cash 1,025,000
1/10/2017 Dividend receivable 20,000

Dividendincome 20,000

2/14/2017 Cash 20,000

Dividendreceivable 20,000
1/5/2017 Financial Asset at FVTOCI 1,025,000
Cash 1,025,000
1/10/2017 Dividend receivable 20,000

Dividendincome 20,000
2/14/2017 Cash 20,000

Dividendreceivable 20,000

The difference between FVTPL and FVTOCI is the treatment of transaction cost.

Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

PROBLEM 14-3 Basic Journal Entries- Acquisitions in Between Dates of

Declaration and Record
1) Trading securities
1/5/2017 Financial Asset at FVTPL(Squeeze) 980,000
Dividends receivable 20,000
Brokerageexpense 20,000
CommissionExpense 5,000
Cash 1,025,000
2/14/2017 Cash 20,000

Dividendreceivable 20,000
12/31/2017 Unrealized Loss – P&L 30,000
FinancialAssetat FVTPL 30,000
12/31/2018 Financial Asset at FVTPL 250,000

Unrealizedgain–P&L 250,000
2) Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income securities

1/5/2017 FVTOCIs ecurities 1,005,000

Dividendreceivable 20,000
Cash 1,025,000
2/14/2017 Cash 20,000

Dividendreceivable 20,000
12/31/2017 Unrealized loss - OCI 30,000

FVTOCI securities 30,000

12/31/2018 FVTOC secur ties 250,000
Unrealizedloss–OCI 30,000
Unrealizedgain–OCI 220,000

PROBLEM 14-4 Derecognition of Financial Assets - Sale of Investment

Question No. 1
Nil, since the above securities are FVTPL unrealized gain or loss is recognized in
the profit or loss. (A)
Question No. 2

Consideration received ( x 15,000 x 1/2) 750,000

Less: Brokerage andc ommission 20,000
NetSellingPrice 730,000
Less: Carrying value( 1,600,000x ½) 800,000
Realized loss on sale – P&L (B) (70,000)
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities


Question No. 3
Fairvalue,12/31/2016 1,600,000
Less:Cost 1,500,000
Unrealized gain - P&L (B) 100,000
Question No. 4

Considerationreceived 750,000
Less: Brokerage andc ommission 20,000
NetSellingPrice 730,000
Less: Carrying value (1,600,000 x ½) 800,000
Realized loss on sale – P&L (B) (70,000)
Question No. 5

Journal entries for the sale are:

12/31/2016 FVTPL 100,000
Unrealizedgain-P&L 100,000
1/2/2017 Cash 730,000
Loss on sale 70,000
FVPTL 800,000
To record the sale
12/31/2016 FVTOCI 100,000
Unrealizedgain-OCI 100,000

1/2/2017 Cash 730,000

Loss on sale 70,000
FVTOCI 800,000
To record the sale
Unrealized Gain (100,000 x ½) 50,000
Retainedearnings 50,000
To record transfer of unrealized gain to Retained earnings

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B

PROBLEM 14-5 Share Dividends

1. Memo entry: Received 1,500 ordinary shares from Pulsate


2. Investment in Preference shares - FVTOCI 250,000

Investment in Ordinary shares - FVTOCI 250,000
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Allocation: Total Fraction Allocated

Fair value cost
Pref. shares (1,500 x P200) 300,000 3/18 250,000
Ordinary shares (15,000 x P100) 1,500,000 15/18 1,250,000
Total 1,800,000 1,500,000

Share dividends is not regarded as an income., however different type of

shares received from the shares held is allocated using the relative fair
Comments on share dividends:
Accounting treatment for share dividends is actually a gray area, no clear cut rules
is provided under PFRS or other accounting standard setting
body. However, the authors believe that share dividends will only be
accounted as an increase in number of shares held and a decrease on the
price per unit.

PROBLEM 14-6 Cash Dividends

Question No. 1
The dividend income to be recognized in 2016 is P30,000 (15,000 x P2). (B)
Question No. 2

December 1 Dividend Receivable (15,000 x P2) 30,000

Dividendincome 30,000
December 15 No formal accounting entry
December31 Cash 30,000
DividendReceivable 30,000

PROBLEM 14-7 Property Dividends

Question No. 1
Property dividends are as income at fair value at date of declaration (250,000 x
15%) = P37,500. (B)
Question No. 2

November 1 Dividend Receivable (250,000 x 15%) 37,500

Dividendincome 37,500
December 31 No journal entry
February 15 NoncashAsset 37,500

DividendReceivable 37,500

Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

PROBLEM 14-8 Cash Received in Lieu of Share dividends

Question No. 1
Nil. The share divide nd is not considered an income. (A)
Question No. 2
Net Selling Price( 15,000x 15% x P36) 81,000
Less: Carrying amount of the investment sold
[(345,000/(15,000+(15% x 15,000)] x 2,250 45,000
Gain (or loss) on sale (D) 36,000
Question No. 3

October 1 Memo entry

October31 Cash 81,000
Gain on sale 36,000
FAatFVTOCI 45,000

PROBLEM 14-9 Shares Received in Lieuof CashDividends

Question No. 1
Shares received in lieu of cash dividends are in effect recorded at the fair value of
shares received on date of payment. Since the date of declaration and date of
payment is within the same period, the dividend income is computed as follows:
(15,000/5 x P44) = P132,000 (C)
Question No. 2
Journal entries are:
October 1 Dividend Receivable (15,000 x P8) 120,000
Dividendincome 120,000
October 31 FA at FVTOCI (15,000/5 x P44) 132,000
Dividendreceivable 120,000
Dividendincome 12,000
PROBLEM 14-10 Dividends Out Of Capital

Questions No. 1 and 2

Cash (P100 x 15% x 20,000) 300,000
Investment 300,000
Questions No. 3 and 4

Cash 300,000
Losso nl iquidation 110,000 440,000

1.A 2. D 3.B 4.C

Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

PROBLEM 14-11 Stock Split and Special Assessment

Question No. 1
Date No. of Cost per Total
shares share Cost
1/1 10,000 P42 P420,000
3/1stock split 15,000
Total (10,000 x 5/2) 25,000 P16.80 P420,000
11/1 Special assessment (P3.2 x
25,000) 80,000
Total 25,000 P20 500,000
Question No. 2

Fair value( P30 x 25,000) P750,000

Less: Carryingv alue 500,000
Unrealized gain-OCI P250,000 (D)
Questions No. 3 and 4

Journal entries are:

1/1 Financial Asset atF VTOCI P420,000 (B)
Cash P420,000
3/1 Received `5,000 shares as a result of 5
for 2 share split.
11/1 Financial Asset atF VTOCI 80,000
Cash (P3.20 x25,000) 80,000
12/31 Finan ial Asset atF VTOCI 2500 00
Unrealized gain – OCI (C) 250,000
[(P30 x 25,000) – P500,000]

1. D 2. D 3. B 4. C

PROBLEM 14-12 Stock Right

Question No. 1
Nil. The company will only make a memo entry to record the receipt of stock
right on a financial asset at FVTPL. (A)
Question No. 2
The stock right should be initially recorded at fair values as follows:
(P20 x 10,000) = P200,000. (B)

Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Question No. 3
The cost of the investment will only include the subscription price of P400,000
(5,000 x P80). (B)
Question No. 4
The cost of the investment will include the subscription price of P400,000 and
cost of stock rights exercised of P200,000 = P600,000. (C)
The journal entries under the two classifications are as follows:
Fair Value through profit and loss securities
June 15 Memo entry (Received 10,000 stock

July 15 FVTPL (P80 x1 0,000/2) 400,000

Cash 400,000
Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
June 15 Stock rights( P20 x 10,000) 200,000
Unrealizedgain-P/L 200,000
July 15 FVTOCI (P80 x 10,000/2)+ 200,000 600,000
Cash 400,000
Stockrights 200,000

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C
PROBLEM 14-13 Theoretical Value of Rights

Question No. 1
When the stock is selling right on
Value of one right = P320 – P200
= P20

Question No. 2
When the stock is selling ex-right
Value of one right = P320 – P100
= P24

1. B 2. C
PROBLEM 14-13 Dividend Income

Cash dividend 1,500,000

Shares in lieu of cash dividends (5,000 x P150) 750,000
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Total dividend income (C) 2,250,000

PROBLEM 14-15 Dividend Income

The dividend income to be recorded is equal to P2,400,000 (300,000 / 1,000,000 x

P8,000,000). The base is on actual dividends declared. A share
dividend is not regarded as an income. (A)

PROBLEM 14-16 Reclassifications of Investments in Equity Securities

Question No. 1
Not allowed. The only allowed reclassification is from Financial Asset at Amortized
Cost (FAAC) to held for trading Financial Asset at Fair Value Through Profit or
Loss debt securities (FVTPL), or vice versa. Therefore the securities remain as
FVTPL. Since reclassification is not allowed, there is no
reclassification gain or loss. (A)

Question No. 2
Not allowed (see discussion on no. 1). Therefore the securities remain as
FVTOCI. Since reclassification is not allowed, there is no reclassification gain or
loss. (A)

PROBLEM 14-17 Purchase: Trade Date vs. Settlement Date Accounting

1.B 2.D

PROBLEM 14-18 Sale: Trade Date vs. Settlement Date Accounting

1.D 2.A

PROBLEM 14-19 Exchange of One Financial Asset into Another Financial

Question No. 1
Fair value- Ordinary Shares (6,000 x P40) 240,000
Less: Carrying value- Pref. Shares (P425,000/8,000 x 4,000) 212,500
Gain on exchange (C) 27,500
Question No. 2

Journal entry would be:

Investment in Trading- Ordinary Shares (6,000 x P30) 240,000
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Gain onexchange 27,500

Investment in Trading- Pref. Shares (P425,000/8,000 x 4,000) 212,500

1. C 2. B
PROBLEM 14-20 Exchange of a PPE for Financial Asset

Question No. 1
Fair valueo f the financiala sset 820,000
Less: Carryingv alue oft hel and 600,000
Gain onexchange 220,000 (B)
Question No. 2

Journal entries are:

March3 1 Financial asset at FVTOCI 820,000
Land 600,000
Gain on exchange (820,000-600,000) 220,000

1. B 2. D
PROBLEM 14-21 Exchange of a Financial Asset for PPE

Question No. 1
Fair valueo f the financiala sset 650,000
Less: Carrying value of the financial asset 600 000
Gain onexchange 50,000 (B)
Question No. 2

Journal entries are:

March 31 Land (at fair value of the asset given up) 650,000
FVTOCI 600,000
Gain on exchange (650,000-600,000) 50,000
Retainedearnings 25,000
Unrealized loss (625,000-600,000) 25,000

1. B 2. B

Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

PROBLEM 14-22 Trading Securities

Question No. 1
(A) The cost of investment is P880,000. The brokerage fee and commission of
P10,000 and P10,000 respectively is charged to expense since the investment
acquired is a trading security. The investments are also acquired prior to the
declaration of dividends on January 10, 2016 so they are not purchased dividend
Question No. 2
Dividend income (P2 x 6,000 + P16,000) =P28,000 (A)
Question No. 3

Sellingprice P50,000
Less:Commission andtaxes 5,000
Netsellingprice 45,000
Less: Carrying value [2,500x(P90,000/6,000)] 37,500
Gain on sale (C) P7,500
Question No. 4

EDA Corp. shares [P50 – (P30,000/1,000)] x 1,000 = P20,000

DJOA, Inc. [P15– (P90,000/6,000)] x 3,500 = -
RVFE, Co. [P45– (P80,000/2,000)] x 2,000 = 10,000
ARP, Co. [P100–(P880,000/8,000)] x 8,000 = ( 80,000)
Loss chargeable to income statement (B) (P50,000)
Question No. 5

EDAC orporation shares P50 x 1,000 = P50,000

DJOA,Inc. P15 x 3,500 = 52,500
RVFE,Co. P45 x 2,000 = 90,000
ARP, Co. P100 x 8,000 = 800,000
Total balance of financial asset at profit or loss (A) P992,500
(Note: Reclassification of equity securities are not allowed.)


1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A
PROBLEM 14-23 Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income

Question No. 1
1/1/2016BookValue P 880,000
Brokeragefee 10,000
Commission 10,000
Dividendsreceivable ( 16,000)
Cost ofFVTOCI P 884,000 (C)
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Question No. 2
Dividend income (P2 x 6,000) = P12,000 (D)

Question No. 3
Proceeds(P35x 500) P 17,500
Carrying value (P500 x (P88,000/(2,000 x 110%)) ( 20,000)
Loss on sale P (2,500)
Net Proceeds (P40,000 – P5,000) P 35,000

Carrying value (2,500 x (P90,000/6,000)) ( 37,500)

Dividends on stocks sold (P2 x 2,500) ( 5,000)*
Loss on sale P (7,500)
Total loss on sale (P2,500 + P7,500) P (10,000) (D)
*This was sold dividend-on.
Question No. 4

March3 1 (65,000-50,000) 15,000

June15 (50,000-20,000) 30,000
Gain/(Loss) on Exchange (A) 45,000
Question No. 5

EDA Corporation preference shares (500 x P50) P 25,000

DJOA,Inc.(3,500xP15) 52,500
RVFE Co. ((2,000 x 110% - 500) x P45) 76,500
ARPCo.(8,000xP100) 800,000
LCC(1,000x 60) 60,000
Adjustedbalance P 1 014,000 (D)

1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. D

Question No. 1
Stockrights( 11,000x P6) P 66,000 (D)
Question No. 2

Cashp aid (P90 x( 10,000/5)) P 180,000

Cost of stock rights used (P4 x 10,000) 40,000
Totalinvestmentc ost P 220,000 (B)
Question No. 3

Proceeds(P5.5x1 ,000) P 5,500

Costo fs tock rights( P4 x 1,000) 4,000
Gaino nsaleofstockrights P 1,500 (C)
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Question No. 4
Proceeds P 440,000
Cost of shares sold (P76 ** x 4,000) 304,000
Gain onsaleofstocks P 136,000 (D)
Question No. 5

Original investment cost P 880,000

Costa llocated to stock rights* ( 44,000)
Additionali nvestment ** 220,000
Saleofinvestment ( P 304,000)
Adjusted cost of investment 752,000 (D)

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D

Question No. 1
Cashp aid (400K+20K) 420,000
Less:dividends 10,000
Correctcost 410,000 (D)
Question No. 2

Feb10. 30,000
Nov. 2
(10,000+(11,000/5) x 1 13,200
Totaldividendi ncome 43,200 (C)
Question No. 3

Fair value of new FA (10,000 x 40) 400,000

Less: Carrying value (975,000/15K x
5K) 325,000
Gain onconversion 75,000 (C)
Question No. 4

Consideration received (2,000 x 70) 140,000

Less: Dividends (2,000 xP 1) 2,000
NetSellingPrice 138,000
Less:Carryingv alue 99,000
Gain onsale 39,000 (C)

Shares value
10000 451,000
10-Feb 1,000 -
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Total 11,000 451,000

(11,000/5) 2,200 202,400
Total 13,200 653,400
15-Nov (2,000) (99,000)
Total 11,200 554,400

Cost of stocks on May 1

Subs. Price( 11,000/5x P62) 136,400
Add cost of stock rights (6 x 11,000) 66,000
Costo fs tocksonM ay1 202,400
Shares Cost
10000 550,000
10-Feb 1,000 -
Total 11,000 550,000
(11,000/5) 2,200 202,400
Total 13,200 752,400
15-Nov (2,000) (114,000)
Total 11,200 638,400
Question No. 5

Fairv alues Cost Difference

Gerrit-PS (70 x 10,000) 700,000 600,000 (900,000/15K x 10K)
-OS (45 x 10,000) 450,000 400,000
Loesch (72 x 11,200) 806,400 638,400
Barr( 20 x2 0,000) 400,000 410,000
2,356,400 2,048,400 308,000 (A)

Note: Use bid price on asset held, asked price for asset to be purchased.

1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5. A

Question No. 1
FVTOCI Portfolio – 12/31/2015
ColomaCompany 3,070,000
Soliman 2,737,500
VillanuevaCompany 1,871,000 7,678,500
Less: FVTOCI Portfolio – 01/01/2015
ColomaCompany 3,050,000
Soliman 2,725,000
VillanuevaCompany 1,875,000 7,650,000
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Unrealized gain – SFP (C) 28,500

Question No. 2

Fairvalue ofshares 2,797,500

Less: Carrying amount of Soliman portfolio 2,737,500
Gain onexchange 60,000 (B)

Note that the carrying amount is equal to the fair value previous remeasurement
date (12/31/2015).
Question No. 3
Proceeds from sale of Aquino shares 2,590,000
Less: Carrying amount of Aquino portfolio 2,600,000
Loss on sale (10,000) (B)
Question No. 4

FVTOCI Portfolio – 12/31/2016

ColomaCompany 3,080,000
VillanuevaCompany 1,867,500 4,947,500
Less: FVTOCI Portfolio – 01/01/2015
ColomaCompany 3,050,000
VillanuevaCompany 1,875,000 4,925,000
Unrealized gain – SFP (cumulative) (C) 22,500

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C

Question No. 1
Adjusted balance (5,000 – 4,000) x P50 = P200,000 (A)
Question No. 2

Type of Fair Total fair Allocated

stocks # shares value value cost
Ordinary 10,000 P30 P300,000 P234,375
Preference 2,000 10 20,000 15,625 (B)
Totalcost P320,000 P250,000

Question No. 3
Allocate part of the investment cost to the prefe rence shares.

Question No. 4
Proceeds(1,000xP17) P 17,000
Carrying amount [(P15,625/(10,000/5)) x 1,000)( 7,812.50)
Gain onsale P 9,187.50 (C)
Chapter 14: Introduction to Financial Asset and Investment in Equity Securities

Question No. 5
Proceeds, exclusive of interest P 2 80,000
Carrying amount (250 x 1,000 x 110%) ( 275,000)
Gain onsale P 5,000 (A)

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A

Question No. 1

NetSellingprice 250,000
Less: Carrying value (740,000/40,000 x 5,000) 92,500
Gain on sale (D) 157,500
Question No. 2

Considerationreceived 270,000
Dividend income of the investment sold (6,000 x *P20 x 20%) 24,000
NetSellingprice 248,000
Less: Carrying value (740,000/40,000 x 6,000) 111,000
Gain on sale (D) 137,000
*The par value after 2 for 1 share split is equal to P40 x ½= P20

Question No. 3

6/1/2016(35,000x4) 140,000
12/1/2016(35,000x 20%xP20) 140,000
Total dividend income (A) 280,000
Question Nos. 4 and 5

Fairvalue( 29,000xP43) 1,247,000 4.(D)

Less: Cost (700,000/40,000 x 29,000) 507,500
Unrealizedgain 739,500 5.(D)

1. D 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. D

Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities


PROBLEM 15-1 Acquisition of FAAC Term Bonds on Interest Date

Question No. 1
Present value of Principal (1,200,000 x 0.6355 ) 762,600
Add: Present Value of interest payments (120,000 x 3.0373 ) 364,476
Present value of the investment bonds (C) 1,127,076
Question No. 2

Amortization table:
Interest Interest Premium Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2015 1,127,076
12/31/2015 120,000 )(B135,249 5,2491 1,142,325
PROBLEM 15-2 Acquisition of FAAC Term Bonds in Between Interest Dates

Question No. 1
Present value oft hei nvestment bonds 1,878,460
Add: Discount amortization
Effectiveinterest 56,354
Nominalinterest 50,000 6,354
Present value of the investment bonds, April 1 1,884,814
AddAccruedinterest 50,000
Total Present value of the bonds (D) 1,934,814
Question No. 2

Amortization table:
Interest Interest Discount Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2015 1,878,460
12/31/2015 200,000 225,415 25,415 1,903,875
Total interest income (P225,425 x 9/12) = P169,061 (B)

PROBLEM 15-3 Interpolation of Effective Interest Rate of FAAC - Term

Bonds and Computation of Interest Income

Purchase price P1,100,000
Add:Transactioncost 44,752
Initialcarryingamount P1,144,752
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities

Since there is transaction cost incurred, effective rate must be computed. The
effective rate therefore is computed at 11.5% (refer to page 530 and 531 of the
textbook for example of interpolation).
Interest income (11.5% x P1,144,752)=1 31,646 (B)
PROBLEM 15-4 Acquisition of FAAC - Serial Bonds

Question No. 1
Interest Total Present Total Present
Principal Collection Collection Value Factor Value
450,000 180,000 630,000 0.8929 562,527
450,000 135,000 585,000 0.7972 466,362
450,000 90,000 540,000 0.7118 384,372
450,000 45,000 495,000 0.6355 314,573
Total Present Value of the serial bonds (C) 1,727,834
Question No. 2

Interest income (1,727,834 x 12%) = 207,340 (B)

PROBLEM 15-5 Reclassification

Note to Teacher: The requirement should be “ Under each item described

above, prepare the necessary entries on January 1, 2016 and December 31,

SCENARIO 1: Securities are properly classified as FVTPL under PFRS 9

Dec. 31, Investment in bonds - FVTPL 208,985
2016 nrealizedU gain ( - 208,985
Dec. 31,Unrealizedloss 113,668
2017 Investment in bonds -FVTPL 113,668
( -
Cash 0,000
Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.
SCENARIO 1: CASE NO. 1: Financialasset atFVTOCI

Jan. 1, Investment in Bonds - FVTOCI 1,951,126

2018 Investment in Bonds – FVTPL 1,951,126
To record the transfer of financial asset at FVTPL to FVTOCI.
DecCash. 31, 0,000
2018Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities
Interestincome 14,624

Investment in Bonds –FVTOCI 14,624

To record premium amortizati on using 11% revised effectiv e rate.

Amortization table-based on the 11% effective rate on the date of

reclassification is:
Interest Interest Present
Date Collection Income Amortization Value
December31,2017 1,951,126
December 31, 2018 200,000 214,624 14,624 1,965,750
December 31, 2019 200,000 216,233 16,233 1,981,983
December 31, 2020 200,000 218,018 18,018 2,000,000

SCENARIO 1: CASE NO. 2: FinancialAsset atamortized cost (FAAC)

Jan. 1, Investment in Bonds - FAAC 1,951,126
2018 Investment in Bonds – FVTPL 1,951,126
To record the transfer of financial asset at FVTPL to amortized cost.
DecCash. 31, 0,000
2018Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.
Interestincome 14,624
InvestmentinBonds–FAAC 14,624
To record premium amortizati on using 11% revised effectiv e rate.
SCENARIO 2: Securities are properly classified as FVTOCI

Dec. 31, nvestmentI in bonds - FVTOCI 186,288

2016 nrealizedU gain ( - 186,288
Dec. 31, Unrealized gain-OCI 139,089
2017 Investment in bonds - FVTOCI 139,089
( - )–186,288
Cash 0,000
Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.
SCENARIO 2: CASE NO. 1: Financial asset at FVTPL

Jan. 1, Investment in Bonds - FVTPL 1,951,126

2018 Investment in Bonds – FVTOCI 1,951,126
To record the transfer of financial asset at FVTOCI to FVTPL.
Unrealizedgain-OCI 47,199 47,199

DecCash. 31, 0,000
2018Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities

SCENARIO 2: CASE NO. 2: FinancialAsset at amortized cost(FAAC)

Jan. 1, Investment in Bonds - FAAC 1,903,927
2018 Unrealizedgain–OCI 47,199
Investment in Bonds – FVTOCI 1,951,126
To record the transfer of financial asset at FVTOCI to FAAC.
DecCash. 31, 0,000
2018Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.
Interestincome 28,471
InvestmentinBonds–FAAC 28,471
To record premium amortizati on using 11% revised effectiv e rate.

Amortization table-based on the 12% ORIGINAL effective rate on the date of

reclassification is:
Interest Interest Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
January 1, 2016 1,855,809
December 31, 2016 200,000 222,697 22,697 1,878,506
December 31, 2017 200,000 225,421 25,421 1,903,927
December 31, 2018 200,000 228,471 28,471 1,932,398
December 31, 2019 200,000 231,888 31,888 1,964,286
December 31, 2020 200,000 235,714 35,714 2,000,000

SCENARIO 3: Securities are properly classified as FAAC

DecCash. 31, 0,000
2016Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.
Investment in Bonds – FAAC 22,697
Interestincome 22,697
DecCash. 31, 0,000
2017Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.
Investment in Bonds – FAAC 25,421
Interestincome 25,421
SCENARIO 3: CASE NO. 1: Financial asset at FVTPL

Jan. 1, Investment in Bonds - FVTPL

2018 Reclassificationgain–P&L 47,199
Investment in Bonds – FAAC 1,903,927
To record the transfer of financial asset at FAAC to FVTPL.
DecCash. 31, 0,000
2018Interestincome 0,000
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities
To record the receipt of interest.

SCENARIO 3: CASE NO. 2: Financialasset atFVTOCI

Jan. 1, Investment in Bonds – FVTOCI

2018 Reclassificationgain–OCI 47,199
Investment in Bonds – FAAC 1,903,927
To record the transfer of financial asset at FAAC to FVTOCI.
DecCash. 31, 0,000
2018Interestincome 0,000
To record the receipt of interest.

PROBLEM 15-6 (Initial and Subsequent measurement, Derecognition and

Reclassification of Trading Debt Securities)
Question No. 1
Face value 5,000,000
Multiplyb y:N ominalr ate 12%
Multiply by: Months outstanding 12/12
Interest Income (C) 600,000
Question No. 2

Fair value of the bonds (5M X 104) 5,200,000

Less: Carryingv alue 5,379,079
Unrealized gain (or loss)-P&L (B) (179,079)
Question No. 3

Ne Selling Price (5M x ½ x 05) 2,625,000

Less: Carrying value (5M x ½ x 104) 2,600,000
Gain (or loss) on sale (B) 25,000
Question No. 4

Facev alue( 5M x½) 2,500,000

Multiplyb y:N ominalr ate 12%
Multiply by: Months outstanding 12/12
Interest Income (B) 300,000

Note that interest income is computed for the whole year even though the
business model was changed on July 1, 2016 since reclassification date will be on
the first day of the next repor ting period (January 1, 2017). The investment
therefore would be continued to be reported as held for trading on December 31, 2016.

Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities

Question No. 5
Fair value of the bonds on the 2,600,000
reclassification date, 1/1/17 (2.5M X 104)
Less: Carrying value (2.5M X 1.02) 2,550,000
Unrealized gain (or loss)-P&L (C) 50,000
Question No. 6

Fair value of the bonds on the 2,600,000

reclassification date, 1/1/17 (2.5M X 104)
Less: Carrying value (2.5M X 1.02) 2,550,000
Unrealized gain (or loss)-OCI (A) 50,000

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A

PROBLEM 15-7 (Initial and Subsequent measurement, Derecognition and

Reclassification of FAAC Securities)

Question No. 1
Face value 5,379,079
Multiplyb y:N ominalr ate 10%
Multiply by: Months outstanding 12/12
Interest Income (B) 537,908

The present value of the bonds is computed as follows:

Present value of Pr ncipal (5,000,000 x 0.6209 ) 3,104,607
Add: Present Value of interest payments (600,000 X 3.7908) 2,274,472
Present value oft hei nvestment bonds 5,379,079
(Please carry all the decimal places in the computation)

Amortization table (srcinal):

Interest Interest Premium Present

Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2015 5,379,079
12/31/2015 600,000 537,908 (C) 2,0926 5,316,987
12/31/2016 600,000 531,699 68,301 5,248,685
12/31/2017 600,000 524,869 75,131 5,173,554
12/31/2018 600,000 517,355 82,645 5,090,909
12/31/2019 600,000 509,091 90,909 5,000,000

Question No. 2
Nil. No unrealized gain or loss is recognized if the financial asset is classified as
financial asset at amortized cost. (A)
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities

Question No. 3
Net Selling Price (5M x ½ x 105) 2,625,000
Less: Carrying value (see amort ization 2,658,494
table) (5,316,987 x ½)
Gain (or loss) on sale (C) (33,494)
Question No. 4

Carrying value, 12/31/16 (5,316,987 x ½) 2,658,494

Multiplyb y:N ominalr ate 10%
Multiply by: Months outstanding (A) 12/12
Interest Income 265,849

Note that interest income is computed for the whole year even though the
business model was changed on July 1, 2016 since reclassification date will be on
the first day of the next reporting period (January 1, 2017). The investment
therefore would be continued to be reported as Financial Assets at Amortized
Cost on December 31, 2016.

Question No. 5
Fair value of the bonds on the 2,600,000
reclassification date, 1/1/17 (2.5M X 104)
Less: Carrying value (2,658,494 X 1.10) - 2,624,343
Reclassification loss- P&L (B) (24,343)

1.B 2.A 3.C 4. A 5. B

Note to teacher: You may ignore this since there is incomplete information to answer
some of the questions under this case.


Requirement No. 1
Annual expected loss
Multiply by: Present value of ordinary annuity for 5 years using
12% 3.6048 Lifetime expected credit losses

Requirement No. 2
Annual expected loss
Multiply by: Present value of 1 for 5 years using 12% .5674 12-month expected
credit losses
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities

Requirement No. 3
On initial recognition, Bank Company records the following journal entries:
January1 , LoanR eceivable 1,500,000
2017 Cash 1,500,000
To recognize loan asset at gross amount.
Impairment loss – P&L 11,348

Loss allowance in SFP 11,348

To recognize 12-month expected credit losses.
Requirement No. 4
If, at the end of 2017, there is no significant deterioration of the credit quality,
there would be no change to the recognition of the 12-month expected credit

Requirement No. 5
If, at the end of 2017, there is a significant deterioration of the credit quality, the
company should record lifetime expected credit loss. The amount to be
recognized is computed as follows:
Annual expected loss
Multiply by: Present value of ordinary annuity for 4 years using
12% 3.0373
Lifetime expected credit losses
Less: 12-m onth expect ed credit loss recognized January 1 11,348
Impairment loss – P&L
The journal entry therefore to record the increase in allowance is as follows:
Dec.3 1, Impairmentloss –P&L 49,398
2017 Loss allowance inSFP 49,398
To recognize lifetime expected credit losses

Requirement No. 1
Since the expected probability of default is only 2%, this is not considered
significant. Therefore the Company will only recognize 12-month expected loss.

Requirement No. 2
12-month expected credi t loss is computed as follows :
= 2%x ,000

Requirement No. 1
70%probability(4.8M–4.8M) 0
20%probability(4.8M–3.6M) 1,200,000
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities
10%probability(4.8M–3M) 1,800,000

Totalexpectedcashshortf all 2,000,000

Requirement No. 2

70%probability(4.8M–4.8M)x 70% 0
20% probability(4.8M –3.6M)x2 0% 340,000
10%probability(4.8M–3M)x 10% 180,000
Probability weighted cash shortfall 420,000
Requirement No. 3

Annual cashshortfall 420,000

Multiply by: Present value of annuity using 6.4% for 5 years 4.1669
Present value – lifetime expected credit loss 1,750,098
Requirement No. 4

Annual cashshortfall 420,000

Multiply by: Present value of 1 using 6.4% for 1 year .9398
Present value – 12 month expected credit loss 394,716
Requirement No. 5

Jan.1, Loan receivable 20M

2017 Cash 20M
To recognize the loan at gross amount
Impairment loss- P&L 394,716
Loss allowance–SFP 394,716
To recognize 12-month expected credit loss.

Requirement No. 1

Customer: Gross Lifetime

Group A carrying Expected Expected
amount credit loss Credit Loss
Not pastdue ,700,000 0.3% 17,100
1-30d ayspastdue 3,000,000 1.2% 36,000
31-60d ays past due 1,000,000 3.3% 33,000
61-90d ays past due 2,200,000 8.0% 176,000
>90daysp astdue 800,000 11.5% 92,000
Total 12,700,000 354,100
Customer: Gross Lifetime

Group B carrying Expected Expected

amount credit loss Credit Loss
Notpastdue 3,700,000 0.3% 11,100
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities
1-30d ayspastdue 1,200,000 1.5% 18,000

31-60d ays past due 1,500,000 3.9% 58,500

61-90d ayspastdue 800,000 7.2% 57,600
>90daysp astdue 900,000 8.3% 74,700
Total 219,900
The total lifetime expected credit loss is 574,000 ( 354,100+ 219,900).
Requirement No. 2

Gross carrying amount( + ) 20,800,000

Less:Lifetimeexpectedcreditl oss 574,000
Amortizedcost 20,226,000

Amortization Table @ 6.1932%

Interest Interest Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
January 1, 2017 0,000
December 31, 2017 100,000 117,670 17,670 1,917,670
December 31, 2018 100,000 118,766 18,766 1,936,436
December 31, 2019 100,000 119,928 19,928 1,956,364
December 31, 2020 100,000 121,162 21,162 1,977,524
December 31, 2021 100,000 122,472 22,472 2,000,000
Requirement No. 1

Investment in Bonds – FVTOCI 1,900,000 1,900,000

Impairmentloss–P&L 10,000
Loss allowance -OCI 10,000
Requirement No. 2

Cash ( 2,000,000x 5%) 100,000

Investment inBonds –FVTOCI 17,670
Interest income( 1,900,000 x6 .1932%) 117,670
To record interest collection and amortization.
Requirement No. 3

If both prime rate

If interest has not If only prime rate and credit risk
changed changed by 25% changed
Discountrate 6.1932% 6.4432% 6.9432%
Present value:
Principal 1,572,690 1,557,968 1,529,034
Interest 344,980 343,022 339,156
TotalPV *1 ,917,670 1,900,990 1,868,190
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities
*Based on the amortization table.

The change in fa ir value may be analyzed as follows:

Accretion due to time factor as interest income (Discount

amortization) 17,670
Decrease due to prime rate ( 1,917,674 - 1,900,990) (16,684)
Decrease due to credit risk ( 1,900,990 - 1,868,190) (32,800)
Total change in fair value ( 1,900,000 - 1 ,868,190) 31,810
Requirement No. 4

Unrealized loss – OCI ( 16,684 + ,000) 26,684

Impairment loss – P&L ( 32,800 - 10,000) 22,800
Loss allowance ( - ,000) 22,800
InvestmentinBonds–FVTOCI 26,684
To record impairment loss in profit or loss and decrease in fair value of asset.
Fairvalue –12/31/2017 1,868,190
Less: Amortized cost (see amortization table) 1,917,670
Decreaseinfairvalue (49,480)
Less: Decrease in fair value due to credit risk = impairment 22,800
Decreaseinfairvalue–OCI 26,680)
Requirement No. 5

Investment in Bonds – FVTOCI – 01/01/2017 1,900,000

Add:DiscountAmortization 17,670
Less:Decreaseinfair value 26,684
Less:Impairmentloss 22,800
Carrying amount = Fair value 12/31/2017 1,868,186

Requirement No. 1
Lossa llowance– SFP 433,000
Investment in Bonds – FAAC ,000,000
Requirement No. 2

Cash 5,000,000

Investment in Bonds – FAAC 5,000,000

Lossa llowance– SFP 433,000
Gaino n reversalo f impairment 433,000
Requirement No. 3

Cash ,500,000
Lossa llowance– SFP 433,000
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities

Impairment loss – P&L 67,000

Investment in Bonds – FAAC 5,000,000

PROBLEM 15-13 Impairment of Financial Asset at Amortized Cost

Question No. 1
Carrying amount of the investment – 12/31/2015 3,864,680
Less: Present value of expected cash flows (get the present value
computed using srcinal effective rate ) 3,188,800
Impairment loss (B) 675,880
Question No. 2

Interest income (3,188,800 x 12%) = 382,656 (D)

PROBLEM 15-14 Reversal of Impairment on Financial Asset at Amortized

Present Value of Principal (5,000,000 x 0.8929) 4,464,500
Add: Present Value of interest payments (500,000 x 2 x 0.8929) 892,900
Present value oft hei nvestment bonds 5,357,400

Present value expected cash flows, date of reversal 5,357,400

Would have been present value had there been no impairment 4,910,521
Lowerofthe two above 4,910,521
Less: Actual amortized cost (P3,986,000 x 1.12) 4,464,320
Gain onreversalof impairment 446,201

Present value expected cash flows, date of reversal 5,357,400

Less: Actual amortized cost (P3,986,000 x 1.12) 4,464,320
Gain onreversalof impairment 893,080

Question No. 1
Cost of investment – Jan. 21(P2,000,000 x 102%) =P2,040,000 (A)
Question No. 2 P1,060,000

Less: Accrued interest (P1,000,000 x 9% x 3/12) 22,500
NetProceeds 1,037,500
Less: Carrying amount (P2,000,000 x 102%) 1,020,000
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities
Gain on sale (A) P 17,500

Question No. 3

Proceeds P419,000
Less: Accrued interest (P400,000 x 9% x 5/12) 15,000
Netproceeds 404,000
Carrying amount (P400,000 x 102%) 408,000
Loss on sale (A) ( 4,000)
Question No. 4

Sold bonds: P 9,500

P1,000,000 x9%x 38/360
P400,000x 9%x280/360 28,000
Outstanding bonds:
P600,000x 9%x340/360 51,000
Total interest income (A) P 88,500
Question No. 5

Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (P600,000 x 102%) = P612,000 (A)

The market value is equal to its cos t.
1. A 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A
PROBLEM 15-16 Impairment and Reversal of Impairment Loss


Question No. 1
Present value of Principal (5,000,000 x 0.6209 ) 3,104,607
Add: Present Value of interest payments (600,000 X 3.7908) 2,274,472
Present value oft hei nvestment bonds 5,379,079
(Please carry all the decimal places in the computation)

Question No. 2

Amortization table (srcinal):

Interest Interest Premium Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2015 5,379,079
12/31/2015 600,000 537,908 62,092 5,316,987
12/31/2016 600,000 531,699 68,301 5,248,685
12/31/2017 600,000 524,869 75,131 5,173,554
12/31/2018 600,000 517,355 82,645 5,090,909
12/31/2019 600,000 509,091 90,909 5,000,000
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities

Question No. 3
Carrying amount of the investment 12/31/2016 (see table above) 5,248,685
Less: Present value of expected cash flows 3.756,574
Impairmentloss 1,492,111
Present value of Principal (5,000,000 x 0.7513 ) 3,756,574

Add: PV of interest payments (No interest will be recovered) -

Present value of the investment bonds 3,756,574

Question No. 4
Interest income (P3,756,574 x 10%) = 375,657

The interest income was computed using the srcinal effective rate and the
impaired value as of 12/31/2016.

Question No. 5
Present value expected cash flows, date of reversal 5,619,835
Would have been present value had there been no impairment 5,173,554
(see srcinal amortization table)
Lowerofthe two above 5,173,554
Less: Actual amortized cost (P3,756,574 x 1.10) 4,132,231
Gaino nreversalofi mpairment 1,041,322
Present value of Principal (5,000,000 x 0.8264 ) 4,132,231

Add: Present value of interest payments (600,000 x 3 x 0.8264) 1,487,603

Present value oft hei nvestment bonds 5,619,835

Question No 1
Present value of Principal (5,000,000 x 0.6209 ) 3,104,607
Add: Present Value of interest payments (600,000 X 3.7908) 2,274,472
Present value oft hei nvestment bonds 5,379,079
(Please carry all the decimal places in the computation)

Question No. 2

Amortization table (srcinal):

Interest Interest Premium Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2015 5,379,079
12/31/2015 600,000 537,908 62,092 5,316,987
12/31/2016 600,000 531,699 68,301 5,248,685
12/31/2017 600,000 524,869 75,131 5,173,554
12/31/2018 600,000 517,355 82,645 5,090,909
12/31/2019 600,000 509,091 90,909 5,000,000
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities

Question No. 3
Carrying amount of the investment 12/31/2016 (see table above) 5,248,685
Less: Present value of expected cash flows 3.756,574
Impairmentloss 1,492,111
Present value of Principal (5,000,000 x 0.7513 ) 3,756,574

Add: PV of interest payments (No interest will be recovered) -

Present value oft hei nvestment bonds 3,756,574

Question No. 4
Interest income (P3,756,574 x 10%) = 375,657

The interest income was computed using the srcinal effective rate and the
impaired value as of 12/31/2016.

Question No. 5
Present value expected cash flows, date of reversal 5,619,835
Less: Actual amortized cost (P3,756,574 x 1.10) 4,132,231
Gaino nreversalofi mpairment 1,487,604
Present value of Principal (5,000,000 x 0.8264 ) 4,132,231

Add: Present value of interest payments (600,000 x 3 x 0.8264) 1,487,603

Present value oft hei nvestment bonds 5,619,835

Question No. 1 P204,000

Less: Carrying amount [(P432,000/24,000) x 12,000) 216,000
Loss on sale (B) (12,000)
Question No. 2

Cost,1/1/2015 P5,311,400
Less: Amortized cost,1 2/31/2015 5,242,540
Premiumamortization 68,860
Less: Nominal interest( 5,000,000x 12%) 600,000
InterestIncome 531,140
Effective interest (P531,400/5,311,140) = 10%
Interest income (P5,242,540 x 10%) = P524,254 (B)
Question No. 3 P 22,500

2015 discount amortization (P1,903,150 – P1,881,000)

Nominal interest (P2,000,000x 13%) 260,000
Effective interest P 282,500
Divide by: 1/1/2015 amortizedc ost P1,881,000
Chapter 15: Investment in Debt Securities
Effective interest rate 15%

2016 Interest Income = 12/31/2015 amortized cost x Effective inte rest rate
= P1,903,150 x 15% = P285,472.50 (C)
Question No. 4

Fair value, 1/1/2017 (2,000,000x 101) P2,020,000

Less: Amortized cost – 01/01/2017
Book value, 12/31/2015 P 1,903,150
Add: Discount amortization
Nominal interest 260,000
Less: Effective interest 282,473 22,473 1,928,623
Gain on reclassification (C) P 91,377
Question No. 5

Trading securities:
Panaghoy, Inc. (14,400 x P22) P 316,800
Lamentation, Inc. [(24,000 – 12,000) x P15] 180,000
Total P 496,800

Zephaniah, Inc. ( x 360,000) P10,080,000

Genesis bonds (1.04 x 5,000,000) 5,200,000
Total P15,280,000
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A

Chapter 16: Investment in Associate


PROBLEM 16-1 Investment securities and equity method investments compared

Question No. 1
Cost of Investment 30,000,000
Less: Book value of net asset acquired (P120M x 20%) 24,000,000
Excesso fc ostoverbookvalue 6,000,000
Less: Overvalued depreciable asset (P6M x 20%) 1,200,000
Goodwill (A) 4,800,000
Question No. 2

Dividendsdeclared andpaid 5,000,000

Multiplyb y:Percentageofownership 20%
Dividends Revenue (C) 1,000,000
Question No. 3

Sharein netincome(P8Mx20%) 1,600,000

Less: Amortization of Undervalued valued asset (see below) 200,000
Adjusted net investment income (A) 1,400,000
Amortization of Undervalued asset

Depreciable Asset 1,200,000

Divideby: Averageremainingusefullife 6
Amortization ofU ndervalued valued asset 200,000
Question No. 4

Cost of Investment 30,000,000

Add: Net investment income (see no. 3) 1,400,000
Less: Dividends received (P1 x 1M shares) 1,000,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2015 (B) 30,400,000
Question No. 5

Investment using Fair Value ( 32 x 1,000,000) = 32,000,000 (D)


1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D

Question No. 1
Cost of Investment 5,000,000
Less: Book value of net asset acquired (P10M x 30%) 3,000,000
Excesso fc ostoverbookvalue 2,000,000
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate
Over or (under )valued asset:

Inventory[ (P900,000 – P800,000) x 30%] (30,000)

Machinery [(P2,200,000 – P2,500,000) x 30%] 90,000
Goodwill (C) 2,060,000
Question No. 2

Shareinnetincome(P2Mx30%) 600,000
Less: Amortization of undervalued valued asset (see below) 30,000
Add: amortization of overvalued asset 18,000
Adjusted net investment income (A) 588,000
Amortization of asset: 2016 2017

Inventory (30,000)
Machinery 90,000 90,000

Divideby:Remaininglife 5 5
Amortization of overvalued machinery 18,000 18,000
2016 2017

Net incomeo ft hea ssociate 2,000,000 4,500,000

Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 30% 30%
Sharein thenetincome 600,000 1,350,000
Dividends declareda nd paid 800,000 1,600,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 30% 30%
Dividendsreceived 240,000 480,000
Question No. 3 5,000,000

Cost of Investment
Add: Net investmenti ncome (see no. 2) 588,000
Less: Dividends received (P800,000x 30%) 240,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (A) 5,348,000
Question No. 4

Share in net income (P4.5M x3 0%) 1,350,000

Add: Amortization of Overvalued valued asset (see no. 2) 18,000
Adjusted net investment income (C) 1,368,000
Question No. 5

Carryingvalue– 01/01/2017 5,348,000

Add: Net investment income (see no. 4) 1,368,000
Less: Dividends received( P1.6M x3 0%) 480,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2017 (A) 6,236,000

1. C 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

PROBLEM 16-3 Investment in Associate with Inventories, Machinery and Land -

Land Was Subsequently Sold
Question No. 1
Cost of Investment 5,000,000
Less: Book value of net asset acquired (P12M x 20%) 2,400,000
Excesso fc ostoverbookvalue 2,600,000
Over or (under) valued asset
Inventory((P50,000)x20%) (10,000)
Machinery((P500,000)x2 0%) (100,000)
Land(P300,000 x20%) 60,000
Goodwill (A) 2,550,000
Amortization of Over (Under) valued asse t 2016 2017

Inventory (10,000)
Machinery (100,000) (100,000)

Divideby:Remaininglife 10 10
Amortization of Under (over) valued asset (10,000) (10,000)
Land - 60,000

2016 2017

Net incomeo ft hea ssociate 8,000,000 10,000,000

Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 20% 20%
Share in the net income 1,600,000 2 ,000,000
Dividends declareda nd paid 2,000,000 3,000,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 20% 20%
Dividendsreceived 400,000 600,000
Question No. 2

Sharein netincome(P8Mx20%) 1,600,000

Less: Amortization of Undervalued valued asset (see table 20,000
Adjusted net investment income (A) 1,580,000
Question No. 3

Cost of Investment 6,000,000

Add: Net investment income (see no. 2) 1,580,000
Less: Dividends received( P2M x 20%) 400,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (A) 6,180,000
Question No. 4

Share in netincome(P10Mx 20%) 2,000,000

Less: Amortization of Undervalued valued asset (see table 10,000
Add: amortization of overvalued asset 60,000
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate
Adjusted net investment income (C) 2,050,000

Question No. 5

Carryingvalue– 01/01/2017 6,180,000

Add: Net investment income (see no. 4) 2,050,000
Less: Dividends received (P3M x2 0%) 600,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2017 (A) 7,630,000

1.A 2.A 3.A 4.C 5. A

PROBLEM 16-4 Associate with Outstanding Cumulative Preference Shares

When an investee has outstanding cumulative preference share capital, an investor

should compute its share of earnings after deducting the investee’s preference
dividends, whether or not such dividends are declared.
Netincome 600,000
Less: Preference dividend (10% x 1,000,000) (100,000)
Net income toordinaryshares 500,000
Share in net income – ordinary shares (80% x 500,000) (A) 400,000

PROBLEM 16-5 Associate with Outstanding Preference Shares

Question No. 1
Netincome P2,500,000
Less: Total preference dividends ( 3,000,000 x 10%) 300,000
Netincomet oordinaryshares P2,200,000
Multiplyb y:Percentageofownership 30%
Share in thenet income ofa ssociate 660,000
Less: Amortization of undervalued asset ( 1,000,000/8) 125,000
Net investment income (B) 535,000
Question No. 2

Cost of Investment 6,000,000

Add: Net investment income (see no. 1) 535,000
Less:Dividendsreceived -
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (B) 6,535,000

Question No. 1
Netincome P2,500,000
Less: Total actual preference dividends declared 450,000
Netincomet oordinaryshares P2,050,000
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate
Multiplyb y:Percentageofownership 30%

Share in thenet income ofa ssociate 615,000

Less: Amortization of undervalued asset (1,000,000/8) 125,000
Net investment income (A) 490,000
Question No. 2

Cost of Investment 6,000,000

Add: Net investment income (see no. 1) 490,000
Less:Dividendsreceived -
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (A) 6,490,000

Question No. 1
Netincome P2,500,000
Multiplyb y:Percentageofownership 30%
Share in thenet income ofa ssociate 750,000
Less: Amortization of undervalued asset ( 1,000,000/8) 125,000
Net investment income (C) 625,000
Although the answe r shoul d be 400,000, the next best poss ible answer is

Question No. 2

Cost of Investment 6,000,000

Add: Net investment income (see no. 1) 625,000
Less:Dividendsreceived (C) -
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 6,625,000


1. B 2. B 1. A 2. A 1. C 2. C

PROBLEM 16-6 Change From Fair Value through Profit or Loss to Equity Method
- Step Acquisition
Question No. 1
Fairvalue –12/31/2017 3,600,000
Less: Carrying value (Fair value – 12/31/2016) (3,900,000)
Unrealized loss – P&L (B) (300,000)
Question No. 2

Investment income ( 550,000 x 15%) (C) 82,500

Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

Question No. 3
Nil. No catch-up adjustment on retained earn ings. (A)
Fair valueo f previously held interest 3,600,000
Acquisitioncost 3,600,000
Totalcost ofinvestment 7,200,000
Less: Book value of net asset acquired (12.5m x 30%) 3,750,000
Excesso fa ttributablet o machinery 3,450,000
Divideby:Remaininglife 10
Amortization ofU ndervaluedasset 345,000
Netincomeo ft hea ssociate - 2018 1,600,000

Multiply by: Percentage of ownership (15% + 15%) 30%

Shareinthenetincome 480,000
Dividendsdeclared andpaid 700,000
Multiplyb y:Percentageofownership 30%
Dividendsreceived 210,000
Question No. 4

Shareinnetincome 480,000
Less: Amortization of Undervalued asset (see table above) 345,000
Adjusted net investment income (A) 135,000
Question No. 5

Cost of Investment 7,200,000

Add: Net investment income (see no. 4) 135,000
Less:Dividendsreceived 210,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2018 (A) 7,125,000

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B
PROBLEM 16-7 Cost To Equity Method

Question No. 1
Consideration received (40,000 x 130) P5,200,000
Less:Dividend income(10x 40,000) 400,000
Netsellingprice 4,800,000
Less:Carryingv alue( 5,000,000) 5,000,000
Loss on sale (A) (P200,000)
(Assuming FIFO Method)
Question No. 2

Considerationreceived P5,200,000
Less:Dividend income(5x 40,000) 200,000
Netsellingprice 5,000,000
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate
Less: Carrying value [12M-(P5 x 100,000)/100,000] x 40,000) 4,600,000

Gain on sale (B) P400,000

Question No. 3

Fair value (P140 x 60,00 0) (A) P8,400,000

Question No. 4

Costo fI nvestment –01/01/2015 2,400,000

Add: Net investment income - 2015 (5,000,000 x 30%) 1,500,000
Less: Dividends received -2015 (30% x 2,000,000) 600,000
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2015 3,300,000
Add: Net investment income - 2016 (6,000,000 x 30%) 1,800,000
Less: Dividends received -2016 (30% x 3,200,000) 960,000
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2016 4,140,000
Netsellingprice 2,400,000

LessC arrying amount (P4,140,000 x ½) 2,070,000

Gain on sale (B) P330,000
Question No. 5

Investment in Kababain – FVTOCI:

Fairvalue( P150 x1 5,000) 2,250,000
Less:Carryinga mount 2,070,000 180,000
Investment in Passing Rate – FVTOCI:
Fairvalue( P140x 60,000) 8,400,000
Less Cost (12M-(10 x 100,000))/100,000 x 60,000) 6,600,000 1,800,000
Total Unrealized Gain –OCI to SFP (C) 1,980,000
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C
PROBLEM 16-8 Change From Equity to Cost Method

Question No. 1
Cost of Investment 4,000,000
Add: Net investment income [(1.8M-840,000) x 20%] 192,000
Less: Dividends received (P100,000 + P100,000) 200,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2015 (B) 3,992,000

The dividend received on August 1, 2015 need not be prorated even though
the investment was acquired on July 1, 2015 since dividends is considered
when the investor has the right to receive payment (i.e. date of declaration).
The P1.8M net income was for a period of 12 months ending December 31.

Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

Question No. 2
Salesprice (P25x50,000) 1,250,000
Carrying value of shares (P3,992,000 x 50,000/200,000) 998,000
Gain on sale of inve stment (B) 252,000
Question No. 3

Fair value of retained investment (P25 x 150, 000) 3,750,000

Less: Carrying amount of retained investment (P3,992,000 x
150,000/200,000) 2,994,000
Gain on reclassification to P&L (C) 756,000
Question No. 4

Fair value, Dec.3 1, 2016 (P30 x 150,000) 4,500,000

Fair value, Jan. 1, 2016 (P25 x1 50,000) 3,750,000
Unrealized gain, Dec. 31, 2016 (B) 750,000
Question No. 5

Fair value, Dec. 31, 2016 (P30 x 150,000) (A) 4,500,000


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A
PROBLEM 16-9: Discontinuance of Equity Method

Question No. 1
Cost (300,000x100) 30,000,000
Add:Income(4,000,000x. 3) 1,200,000
Less:Dividends (2,500,000x 3) (750,000)
Carrying Amount - 2015 (C) 30,450,000
Question No. 2

Netproceeds(160,000x120) 19,200,000
Less: Carrying amount (30,450,000x(160,000/300,000)) (16,240,000)
Gain on Sale (C) 2,960,000
Question No. 3

FVTOCI (140000x120) 17,080,000

Less: Carrying amount (30,450,000x(140,000/300,000) 14,210,000
Gain on Reclassification (B) 2,870,000
Question No. 4 (A) 280,000

Dividend Income (2,000,000x .14)

Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

Question No. 5
Investment in FVTOCI (140,000x125) (B) 17,500,000

1. C 2. C 3.B 4.A 5. B
PROBLEM 16-10 Associate Having Heavy Losses

Originalcost 1,400,000
Cash advances 400,000
Totalinterest 1,800,000
Net loss from 2015 to 2017 (40% x 4,000,000) (1,600,000)
Carrying amount of investment – 12/31/2017 200,000
Share in net loss of 2018 (40% x 800,000) 320,000
Loss to be reported in 2018 should be equal to the investment
balance only (C) 200,000

PAS 28, paragraph 29, provides that if under equity method an investor’s share of
losses of an associate equals or exceeds the carrying amount of an investment,
the investor discontinues recognizing its share of further losses. The investment is
reported at NIL or zero value.

PROBLEM 16-11 Downstream Sale of Inventory

2015 2016
Netincome 1,000,000 1,500,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 25% 25%
Share in the net income before adjustment 250,000 375,000
Less: Unrealized profit on downstream sale of
inventory (30,000) 30,000
Share in the net income after adjustment 220,000 405,000
(B) (D)
PROBLEM 16-12 Upstream Sale of Inventory

2015 2016
Netincome 1,000,000 1,500,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 25% 25%
Share in the net income before adjustment 250,000 375,000
Less: Unrealized profit on upstream sale of
inventory (9,000) 9,000
Share in the net income after adjustment 241,000 384,000
(B) (D)

Chapter 16: Investment in Associate
PROBLEM 16-13 Downstream Sale of Depreciable Asset

2015 2016
Netincome 1,000,000 1,500,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 25% 25%
Share in the net income before adjustment 250,000 375,000
Less: Unrealized gain on downstream sale of PPE (160,000) 40,000
Share in the net income after adjustment 90,000 415,000
(B) (D)
PROBLEM 16-14 Upstream Sale of Depreciable Asset 2015

Netincome 1,000,000 1,500,000

Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 25% 25%
Share in the net income before adjustment 250,000 375,000
Less: Unrealized gain on upstream sale of PPE (40,000) 10,000
Share in the net income after adjustment 210,000 385,000
(B) (D)

Question Nos. 1 and 2
2015 2016
Net incomeo ft hea ssociate 2,500,000 4,000,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 30% 30%
ShareinNI 750,000 1,200,000
Less: Gaino sale of equipment (100,000)
Add:Depreciationo fExcess 20,000 20,000
Gain on sale of inventory (upstream) (50,000x .3) (15,000) 15,000
Less: Gain on sale of inventory (Downstream) (150,000)
NetshareinNI 655,000 1,085,000
1.( B) 2.( B)
Question No. 3

Cost 5,000,000
Add:Investment Income2015 655,000
Less:Dividends(900,000x.3) 270,000
Carrying amount 2015 (A) 5,385,000
Question No. 4

Carryingamount01/01/2016 5,385,000
Add:Income 1,085,000
Less:Dividends (2,000,000x.3) 600,000
Carrying Amount - 2015 (B) 5,870,000
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

Question No. 5
Carryingamount01/01/2016 5,385,000
Add:Income 1,085,000
Less:Dividends(2,000,000x.3) 600,000
Less: Amortization of goodwill (400,000 x 2/10) 80,000
Carrying Amount - 2015 (A) 5,790,000

Note: Under PFRS for SMEs, Intangible Assets and Goodwill is amortized over their
useful life. If an entity canno t determine reliably the useful life, it is
assumed to be 10 yea rs.
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A

Question No. 1
Cost P1,700,000
Less:Equityinnetassets 1,400,000
Implied goodwill (D) 300,000
Question No. 2

Proceeds(2,500xP13) P 32,500
Less: Carrying amount [(P60,000/6,000) x 2,500] 25,000
Gain on sale (C) 7,500
Question No. 3

Proceeds(500 xP21) P 10,500

Less: Carrying amount [(P66,000/(2,000 x 110%)) x 500] 15,000
Loss on sale (D) 4,500
Question No. 4

FV off inancial asset received (1,500 xP 21) P 31,500

Less: Carrying amount [(P45,000/1,000) x 500] 22,500
Gain on conversion (A) 9,000
Question No. 5

Investment in Roque Corporation:

3/9 1,000xP1.2 1,200
9/9 1,000xP1.2 1,200
Investment in Ocampo Corporation:
6/30 (6,000 –2,500)xP1 3,500
Total dividend income (D) 5,900
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

Question No. 6
1/2/2016 AcquisitionCost 1,700,000
Add: Share in net income of associate (P1,200,000 x 30%) 360,000
Less: Dividends (P.50 x 4 x 100,000) 200,000
12/31/2016 carrying amount (D) P1,860,000
Question No. 7

Roquepref.(1,000–500)xP56 28,000
Roqueordinary(1,500xP20) 30,000
Ocampo(6,000-2,500)xP11 38,500
Dagumboy Co.( 2,000 x 110% -500) x P22 (C) 37,400
12/31/2016 FVTOCI Balance 133,900

1.D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6.D7. C

Question No. 1

Solano (264,500-250,000) 14,500

Castaneda (280,000-320,000) (40,000)
(70,000-195,000) (125,000)
Unrealized G/(L) (C) (150,500)
Question No. 2 (A)

Zero, gain or loss on reclassification is NOT allowed

Question No. 3

Fair value previously held interest (50,000 x 30) 1,500,000

Less:Carrying value 1,350,000
Gain on reclassification-P&L (C) 150,000
Question No. 4

Net investment income = July 1- Dec. 31 (30% x 900,000) (D) 270,000

Question No. 5

Fair value previously held interest (50,000 x 30) 1,500,000

Add:Acquisitioncost 3,000,000
Initial carrying amount – investment in associate 4,500,000
Add: Net investment income (see No.4 ) 270,000
Less: Dividends declared (P2x 150,000) 300,000
Investment balance end (C) 4,470,000

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

Question No. 1
Consideration received (P230 x4 ,000) 920,000
Less: Dividend of the investment sold (P8 x 4,000) 32,000
NetSellingPrice 888,000
Less: Carrying value of the investment sold (*1,970,000/10,000
x 4,000) 788,000
Gain on sale (B) 100,000

*(10,000 x P200) -(P8 x 10,00 0) + P50,000

The dividend that was paid and sold is not classified as dividend income since
the company did not ow n the shares when the dividend was declared.

Question No. 2
Net Selling Price( P450 x 50,000x 1/2) 11,250,000
Less: Carrying value of the investment sold (P20,800,000 x 1/2) 10,400,000
Gain on sale (C) 850,000
Beg. Balance of Investment in Associate 18,000,000
Add: Share in the net income of associate (25% x P20M) 5,000,000
Total 23,000,000
Less: Amortization (P2,000,000/10) 200,000
Dividends received( P40x 50,000) 2,000,000
Ending balance of investment in associate – 12/31/2016 20,800,000

Question N . 3
Nil. (A)
The dividend that was paid and sold in Boy-ot shares is not classified as
dividend income since the company did not own the shares when the
dividend was declared.
The dividend received in Cleo Shares is not regarded as income, but as a
deduction of the initial carryin g amount of the investment in associate.

Question Nos. 4 and 5

Fair value Cost (UL)/ UG
Rodolfo (P46 x 20,000) 920,000 1 ,000,000 (80,000)
Boy-ot (P192 x 6,000) 1,152,000 *1,182,000 (30,000)
Gene (P28 x 40,000) 1,120,000 1,280,000 (160,000)
Cleo( P450 x2 5,000) 11,250,000 11,250,000 -
Total 14,442,000 14,712,000 (270,000)
(C) (C)
* (1,970,000/10,000 x 6,000)
Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5. C

PROBLEM 16-19 Impairment losses recognized by an associate or joint

Question No. 1
In accounting for its associate, Mark Co. should recognize impairment loss.
However, it is generally not acceptable to simply multiply the amount of
impairment recognized in the investee’s own books by the investor’s percentage
of ownership, because the investor should initially measure its interest in an
associate’s identifiable net ownership at fair value at the date of acquisition of
an associate. Accordingly, appropriate adjustments based on those fair values
are made for impair ment losses recognized by the associa te.
Carrying amount
reflecting fair
values made by Recoverable Impairment
Mark Co. amount (40%) loss
CGUB 100,000 180,000 n/a
CGUC 320,000 160,000 160,000
Netassets 560,000 460,000 180,000

Question No. 2
The carrying amount reflecting fair values made by Mark Co. after impairment:
CGUB 100,000
CGUC 160,000
Netassets 380,000
Goodwill 40,000
Investment in associate (A)

PROBLEM 16-20: PFRS for SME: Jointly Controlled Entity

Question No. 1 Cost model
Total dividend paid by Entity Z’s
Multiply by:Percentage 30%
Dividend income – P&L to SCI (B)

Question No. 2 Cost model

Carrying amount (D)

Chapter 16: Investment in Associate

Question No. 3 Fair value model
Fair value – December 31
Less:Acquisition cost 300,000
Gain on change in fair value – P&L to SCI
Add:Dividendincome( 45,000
Total to P&L (A)
Question No. 4 Fair value model

Carrying amount = Fair value Dec. 31 (A)


Question No. 5 Equity method

Entity Z’s reported profit
Multiply by:Percentage 30%
Share in net income (C)
Question No. 6 Equity method

Acquisition cost
Add:Shareinnetincome 120,000
Less:Dividendsreceived (( 45,000
Carrying value – December 31 (B)

Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment


PROBLEM 18-1 Capitalizable Cost of Machinery

Machinery Others
Purchase price including VAT (1,568,000/1.12) 1,400,000 -
Costo f waterd evice to keep machine cool. 8,000 -
Cost of safety rail and platform surrounding machine 12,000 -
Installation cost, including site preparation and
assembling. 20,000 -
Fees paid to consultan ts for advice on acquisition of
themachinery. 13,000 -
PV of estimated dismantling cost of the new machine 10,000 -
Repair cost of the ma chine damaged while in the
processof installation - 5,000
Losso np remature retirement-old machine - 18,000
Other nonrefundable salestax 13,000 -
Cost of training for personnel who will use the
machine - 25,000
Adjusted balances (A) 1,476,000 48,000
PROBLEM 18-2 Capitalizable Cost of Land, Building and Land

Question No. 1
Purchase Price 925,000
Title Insurance 7,500
Legal feestopurchaseland 5,000
Property taxes, January 1, 2016 -June 30, 2016 15,000
Costo fg rading and filling building site 45,000
Total Cost of the land (A) 997,500
Question No. 2

Costo fbuildingconstruction 3,100,000

Interestonconstruction loan 60,000
Costo frazingoldbuildingonlot 42,500
Proceeds from sale of salvageable materials (6,000)
Total cost of the building (A) 3,196,500
Question No. 3

Cost of constructingdriveway 400,000

Cost ofparkinglot and fencing 60,000
Total cost of the land improvements (B) 460,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

PROBLEM 18-3 Deferred Settlement Terms (With or Without Cash Price

Question No. 1
Cash price equivale nt (A) 800,000
Question No. 2

Principal 1,000,000
Multiply by:Presentvalueof1 0.7972
Cost of the equipment (B) 797,200

PROBLEM 18-4 Exchange (With or Without Commercial Substance)

Question No. 1
Fairvalue oftheassetgiven 1,200,000
Add:Cash payment 200,000
Cost of equipment (D) 1,400,000
Question No. 2
Fairvalue oftheassetgiven 1,200,000
Less:Carrying amount 800,000
Gain on exchange (B) 400,000
Question No. 3

Carrying amountoft heasset given 800,000

Add:Cash payment 200,000
Cost of equipment (B) 1,000,000

Question No 4
Zero, the transaction lacks c ommercial substance. (A)

PROBLEM 18-5 Trade–in

Question No. 1
Cash price without trade in (A) 340,000
Question No. 2

Cash pricewithout tradein 340,000

Less:Cash pricewithtradein 270,000
Tradeinvalue 70,000
Less:Carrying amount 230,000
Loss on trade in (B) (160,000)

Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

PROBLEM 18-6 Acquisition through Issuance of Equity Instrument

Question No. 1
Fair value of the equipment received (D) 4,000,000

Question No. 2
Zero, the difference between the fair value and its par value is recognized as
share premium in the equit y. (A)

PROBLEM 18-7 Acquisition through Issuance of Bonds Payable

Question No. 1
Fair value of the bonds (10,200 x 500) (C) 5,100,000

Question No. 2
Zero, the difference between the fair value and its par value is recognized as
premium on bonds payable. (A)
PROBLEM 18-8 Acquisition by Donation

Question No. 1
Fairvalue 4,000,000
Add:Directcost 40,000
Total cost (B) 4,040,000
Question No. 2

Fair value (C) 4,000,000

The registration and transfer of title is charged to Donated Capital / Share


PROBLEM 18-9 Subsequent Expenditure on PPE

Question No. 1
Beginningbalance –Jan 1 790,000
Add:Overhaul–June30 60,000
Total cost of motor veh icle (C) 850,000
Question No. 2

Beginningbalance –Jan 1 1,900,000

Add: Rearrangement and installation – March 2 45,000
Improvement that extend the life – December 60,000
Total cost of machine (B) 2,005,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 3
Beginningbalance –Jan 1 600,000
Add:Unloadingand set upcost 48,000
Total cost of precision machine (C) 648,000
Question No. 4

Beginningbalance –Jan 1 4,100,000

Add: Installation of sprinkler system – part of blue print 130,000
Add:Cost of attic 500,000
Total cost of building (B) 4,730,000
Question No. 3

Routine repairs and maintenance (D) 26,000


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5. D


Question No. 1
Interest paid(2,000,000 x1 4% x1 2/12) 280,000
Less: Investment income
1,400,000x 10%x 6/12 70,000
200,000 x10%x 2/12 3,333
Capitalizable borrowingcost 206,667

Note that capitalization of borrowing costs does not cease during a temporary
de ay in construct on

Question No. 2
Interest paid (2,000,000 x 14% x 12/12) 280,000
Less:Capitalized borrowingcost 206,667
Interestexpense 73,333

Note that the interest paid and investment income is used to compute for the
capitalizable borrowing cost. However, the amount recognized as an interest
expense is the difference between the total interest paid and capitalizable
borrowing cost. Also, the amount recognized as interest income is 73,333.

Question No. 3
Totalprogresspayments 20,000,000
Add:Capitalizedborrowingcost 206,667
Totalcost ofthe stadium 20,206,667

Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 1
Interest expense under effective interest method (5,000,000 x 808,129
.176319 x 11/12)
Less: Investment income (250,000 x 11/12) 229,167
Capitalizable borrowingcost 578,962
Question No. 2

Interest expense under effective interest method (5,000,000 x 881,595

.176319 x 12/12)
Less:Capitalized borrowingcost 578,962
Interestexpense 302,633
Question No. 3

Totalexpenditures 2,700,000
Add:Capitalizedborrowingcost 578,962
Totalcost ofthebuilding 3,278,962
Question No. 3

Totalcost ofthe building 3,278,962

Less:Residualvalue 1,000,000
Depreciable amount 2,278,962
Divideby:Useful life 10
Multiply by: Months 1/12
Depreciation -2016 18,991
Note depreciation will start when the asset is available for use.


Question No. 1
Rate Principal Interest
15% 4,000,000 600,000
20% 2,000,000 400,000
Total 6,000,000 1,000,000
Capitalization Rate (P1,000,000 / P6,000,000) = 16.67%

January 1 (600,000 + 2,100,000) 2,700,000 x 12/12 2,700,000

July1 1,200,000 x6/12 600,000

December1 240,000 x 1/12 20,000
Averagea ccumulated expenditure 3,320,000
Multiply by: Rate 16.67%
Capitalizable borrowingcost 553,334
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Note that investment income is not considered since the two loans are considered
general borrowings.

Question No. 2
Totalinterestexpense 1,000,000
Less:Capitalized borrowingcost 553,334
Interestexpense 446,667
Question No. 3

Expenditures capitalized – previous period 600,000

Add: Expenditures during the current year 3,540,000
Add:Capitalizedborrowingcost 553,334
Totalcosto fthef actorybuilding 4,693,334
PROBLEM 18-13 Specific and General Borrowings

Questions No. 1 & 2

January 1,2 015 200,000 x 12/12 200,000

September1,2 015 300,000 x4 /12 100,000
December31,2015 300,000 x0/12 0
Average accumulated expenditure (A) 1. 300,000
Multiply by: Rate 12%
Capitalizable borrowing cost (D) 2. P36,000

Since the average accumulated expenditure did not exceed the principal of the
specific borrowing, the specific rate was used in determining the capitalizable
borrowing cost.

Question No. 3 & 4

Accumulated expenditures – 836,000 x 9/9 836,000
12/31/2015 (P800,000+ 36,000)
March 31, 2016 300,000 x 6/9 200,000
September30,2016 200,000 x 0/12 0
Average accumulated expenditure (D) 3. 1,036,000
Less:Specificborrowing 750,000
Excessa ttributablet og eneralb orrowing 286,000
Multiply by: Rate 9%
Multiply by: Monthsoutstanding 9/12
Capitalizable borrowing cost – general borrowings 19,305
Add: Specific borrowings (750,000 x 12% x 9/12) 67,500
Total capitalizable borrowing cost (B) 4. 86,805

Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

PROBLEM 18-14 Specific Borrowing Used For General Purposes

Totalexpenditures 6,000,000
Divideby 2
Total 3,000,000
Less: Investment income (50,000x 3/12) 12,500
Weightedaverage expenditures 2,987,500
Multiply by: Rate 10%
Capitalizable borrowing cost (A) 298,750
PROBLEM 18-15 Different Depreciation Methods

Cost P3,300,000
Less:Residualvalue 300,000
Depreciable amount P3,000,000
Requirement No. 1 Straight Line

2016(P3,000,000/ 5x 12/12) 600,000

2017(P3,000,000/ 5x 12/12) 600,000

Requirement No. 2 Service Hours

Depreciation rate per hour (P3,000,000 / 60,000 hours) = P50/hour
2016(P50/hourx 3,000hours) 150,000
2017(P50/hourx 3,500hours) 175,000

Requirement No. 3 Units of Output Method

Depreciation rate per unit (P3,000, 000 / 50,000 units) = P60/unit
2016(P60/unitx 5,000units) 300,000
2017(P60/unitx 4,500units) 270,000

Requirement No. 4 Sum-of the Years’ Digits

Sum-of-years-digits [5 x ((5+1)/2)] = 15
2016(P3,000,000x 5/15) 1,000,000
2017(P3,000,000x 4/15) 800,000

Requirement No. 5 Sum-of the Years’ Digits

Sum-of-years-digits [5 x ((5+1)/2)] = 15
2016(P3,000,000x5 /15x 3/12) 250,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment
2017 (P3,000,000 x 5/15 x 9/12) + (P3,000,000 x 4/15 x 9/12) 950,000

Requirement No. 6 Double-declining balance

Double declining rate (2/5) = 40%

2016(P3,300,000x 40%) 1,820,000
2017 [(P3,300,000 – 1,820,000) x4 0%] 792,000

Requirement No. 7 Double-declining balance

Double declining rate (2/5) = 40%

2016(P3,300,000x4 0%x3/12) 990,000

2017 [(P3,300,000 – 990,000) x 40% x 12/12)] 924,000

Requirement No. 8 150% declining balance

150% declining rate (1.5/5) = 30%

2016(P3,300,000x 30%) 990,000
2017 [(P3,300,000 – 990,000) x 30% x 12/12)] 693,000

PROBLEM 18-16 Composite Method

Salvage Depreciable Estd. Annual

Cost Value Amount Life Depreciation
MachineA 275,000 25,000 250,000 20 12,500
MachineB 100,000 10,000 90,000 15 6,000
Machine C 20,000 - 20,000 5 4,000
Total 395,000 35,000 360,000 22,500
Composite Life = (Depreciable amount / Total annual depreciation)
= P360,000 / P22,500
= 16 years (B)
PROBLEM 18-17 Retirement Method

Originalcost 5,000
Less:Salvage proceeds 600
Depreciation (B) 4,400

Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

PROBLEM 18-18 Change in Estimate

Cost 3,300,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation – 12/31/2016
[(P3,300,000 – P300,000) / 8 x4 ] 1,500,000
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2016 1,800,000
Requirement No. 1
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2015 1,800,000
Less:Residualvalue 300,000
Depreciable amount 1,500,000
Dividedby:R evisedremainingusefull ife 2
Depreciation –2016 750,000
Requirement No. 2

Carryingvalue– 12/31/2015 1,800,000

Less: Depreciation –2016 750,000
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2016 1,050,000

Requirement No. 1
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2015 1,800,000
Less:Residualvalue 150,000
Depreciable amount 1,650,000
Dividedby:R emainingusefullife(8 –4) 4
Depreciation –2016 412,500

Requirement No 2
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2015 1,800,000
Less: Depreciation –2016 412,500
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2016 1,387,500

Requirement No. 1
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2015 1,800,000
Less:Residualvalue 300,000
Depreciable amount 1,500,000
Multiply by: Fraction (SYD=10) 4/10
Depreciation –2016 600,000
Requirement No. 2 1,800,000

Carryingvalue– 12/31/2015
Less: Depreciation–2016 600,000
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2016 1,200,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

PROBLEM 18-19 Replacement Method

Replacementcost 6,000
Less:Salvage proceeds 600
Depreciation (C) 5,400
PROBLEM 18-20 Fixed Asset Turnover

Let X = Net Fixed Asset at the end of 2016

Fixed asset turnover = Sales
Average Fixed Asset
4= P1,480,000
.5 (P320,000 + X)
4= P1,480,000
P160,000 + .5x
P1,480,000 = P640,000 + 2x
X= P420,000 (C)

Question No. 1
Beg.Balanceofthe Land P 700,000
Cash paid 2,500,000
Mortgage assumed 4,000,000
Realtor'scommission 300,000
Legal fees, realty taxes and documentation expenses 50,000
Amount paid to rel cate persons squatting on the property 100,000
Total Cost of the Land (B) P7,650,000
Question No. 2

Beginning balanceo f theL and Improvement P 10,000

Cost offencingproperty 110,000
Total cost of Land Improve ment (A) P 120,000
Question No. 3

Beg.Balanceofthe Building P 900,000

Amount recovered from salvage of building (150,000)
Costo ft earing downanold building 120,000
Amountpaidto contractor 2,000,000
Buildingpermit 20,000
Excavationexpenses 50,000
Architects'fees 50,000
Total cost of building (A) P2,990,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 4
Beg.BalanceoftheM achinery P 980,000
Invoicecostofmachinery 2,000,000
Freight,unloading 60,000
Customs duties 140,000
Allowancesduringinstallations 400,000
Total cost of machinery (B) P3,580,000
Question No. 5

Totalcosto fLandImprovement P 120,000

Totalcost ofbuilding 2,990,000
Totalcost ofmachinery 3,580,000
Total depreciable property (A) P6,690,000

Royalty payment on machines purchased in the amount of P120,000 should be

included as part of manufacturing overhead in the company’s income statement,
if the same is based on units produced. However, if royalty payment is based on
units produced and sold, it sho uld be treated as a selling ex pense.

1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5. A

PROBLEM 18-22 Specific and General Borrowings

Question No. 1 and 2


Date Expenditures outstanding Average
01/01/2015 3,000,000 12 36,000,000
07/01/2015 7,000,000 6 42,000,000
11/01/2015 6,000,000 2 12,000,000
Total 16,000,000 90,000,000
Divideby 12
Weighted averagec arryinga mount 7,500,000
Specific borrowings (2,000,000 x 10%) 200,000

General borrowings:

Rate Principal Interest

14% 2,000,000 280,000
12% 18,000,000 2,160,000
Total 20,000,000 2,440,000

Capitalization Rate (P2,440,000 / P20,000,000) = 12.20%

Weighted average borrowing cost:
Specific borrowings

Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment
Actualborrowing cost 200,000

Less:Investmentincome 13,000 187,000

General borrowings:
Weighted average carrying amount 7,500,000
Less: Principal amount of Specific borrowings 2,000,000
Weighted average related to General borrowings 5,500,000
Multiplyb y: Capitalization rate 12.20%
Multiply by: Months/12 1 671,000
Weightedaverageb orrowingcost: 858,000
vs.Actual borrowingcost 2,640,000
Capitalizable borrowing cost(lower) (A) 858,000
Date Expenditures outstanding Average
01/01/2016 *16,858,000 8 134,864,000
07/01/2016 1,000,000 2 2,000,000
08/01/2016 2,000,000 1 2,000,000
Total 19,858,000 138,864,000
Divideby 8
Weighted averagec arryinga mount 17,358,000

*Total expenditures in 2015 plus capitalized borrowing cost in 2015.

Weighted average borrowing cost:

Specific borrowings
Actual borrowing cost (P2,000,000 x 10% x 8/12) 133,333 133,333
Less:Investmentincome -
General borrowings:
Weighted average carrying amount 17,358,000
Less: Principal amount of Specific borrowings 2,000,000
Weighted average related to General borrowings 15,358,000
Multiplyb y: Capitalization rate 12.20%
Multiply by:M onths/12 8/12 1,249,117
Weighted averageb orrowing cost: 1,382,451
vs. Actual borrowing cost (2,640,000 x 8/12) 1,760,000
Capitalizable borrowing cost (lower) (B) 1,382,451
Question No. 3

Actualborrowingcost-2015 2,640,000
Less: Capitalizable borrowingc ost - 2015 858,000
Interest expense (C) 1,782,000
Question No. 4

Actualborrowingcost-2016 2,640,000
Less: Capitalizable borrowing cost - 2016 1,382,451
Interest expense (C) 1,257,550
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 5
Totalcost,2015 16,858,000
Expendituresin2016 3,000,000
Add: Capitalizable borrowing cost - 2016 1,382,451
Total cost of the building (B) 21,240,451

1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5. B

Question No. 1
The computation of the income from government grant is as follows:
Totalcashreceived 20,000,000
Divideby:Usefullifeof thebuilding 20
Incomef romgovernmentgrant 1,000,000
Question No. 2

Cost ofbuilding 24,000,000

Divideby:Usefullifeof thebuilding 20
Depreciation 1,200,000
Question No. 3

Cost ofbuilding 24,000,000

Less:Governmentgrant 20,000,000
Total 4,000,000
Divideby Usefu lifeof thebuilding 20
Depreciation 200,000
Question No. 4

Cost ofbuilding 24,000,000

Less:Depreciation–2016 1,200,000
Carrying amount–12/31/2016 22,800,000
Question No. 5

Netcostofbuilding 4,000,000
Less:Depreciation–2016 200,000
Carrying amount–12/31/2016 3,800,000

PROBLEM 18-24 Grants Related to Nondepreciable Assets

Question No. 1
The computation of the income from government grant is as follows:
Totalfair valueoftheland 10,000,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment
Dividebyusefullifeof thebuilding 10

Incomef romgovernmentgrant 1,000,000

Question No. 2

Cost offactorybuilding 15,000,000

Divideby:Usefullifeof thebuilding 10
Depreciation 1,500,000
Question No. 3

Cost offactorybuilding 15,000,000

Less:Governmentgrant 10,000,000
Total 5,000,000
Divideby:Usefullifeof thebuilding 10
Depreciation 500,000
Question No. 4

Cost offactorybuilding 15,000,000

Less:Depreciation–2016 1,500,000
Carrying amount –12/31/2016 13,500,000
Question No. 5

Netcostoff actorybuilding 5,000,000

Less:Depreciation–2016 500,000
Carrying amount–12/31/2016 4,500,000

Question No. 1
Cost( 800,000+45,000-5,000) 840,000
Less ResidualValue 40,000
Depreciable cost 800,000
Divideby 5
Depreciation (B) 160,000
Question No. 2

Cost( 800,000+45,000-5,000) 840,000

Less Accumulated Depreciation (160,000 x 3) 320,000
Carryingamount 520,000
Less newresidualvalue 70,000
Depreciable cost 450,000
Dividebyremainingusefull ife (5-2) 3
Depreciation (A) 150,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 3
Cost 270,000
Less Accumulated depreciation (270,000/4 x 8/12) 45,000
Total 225,000
Carrying amount of old tires (12,000-(12,000/4 x 8/12) (10,000)
Cost ofnewtires 24,000
Total 239,000

Motor vehicle:
Sept.1 -May 30, 2019( 270,000/4 x8 /12) 45,000
June 1-Sept. 30 (215,000/4 x 12 mos-8 mos x 4 mos) 21,500
Tyres from June 1- Sept 30 (24,000/24 mos x 4 mos) 4,000
Depreciation expense (D) 70,500
Question No. 4

Depreciable Divide Depreciation

cost by exp
Residual Useful
Cost Value life
Airframe 800,000 10 80.000
800,000 0 years
Interior 100,000 10 10,000
100,000 0 years
Engines and 370,000 74,000
rotary blades 400,000 30,000 240,000 5 years 80,000
Inspection 240,000 0 3y ears
Total 244 000
Question No. 5

Cost 280,000
Less ResidualValue 40,000
Depreciable cost 240,000
Divideby 3
Multiply by 8/12
Depreciation (B) 53,333

1. B 2. A 3. D 4.D 5. B

Question No. 1
SellingPrice P52,000
Less Book value
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment
Cost P140,000

Less: Accumulated Depreciation

Upto 1/1 P92,800
From Jan. 1-May 1
[(140,000 -12,400) x 5/55]* 11,600 (104,400) 35,600
Gain on sale of mac hinery D (A) P 16,400

Note: No depreciation is recorded in the year an asset is purchased, and full

year depreciation is provided in the year an asset is disposed of

Question No. 2
Accumulatedd epreciation, R Jan1 P1 40,800
Add: Depreciation expense [(204,000-12,000)/15,000 x 2,100] 26,880
Accumulated depreciation, R Dec. 31 (B) 167,680P
Question No. 3

Accumulatedd epreciation,IJan1 P60,000

Add: Depreciation expense [(320,000-60,000-20,000)/10] 24,000
Accumulated depreciation, I Dec. 31 (C) 84,000P
Question No. 4

Accumulatedd epreciation,AJan1 P 64,000

Add: Depreciation expense (320,000-64,000) x 20% 51,200
Accumulated depreciation, A Dec. 31 (A) 115,200P
Question No. 5

Depreciation expense on Machinery: P 11,600

D (seecomputationinno.1)
R(seecomputationinno.2) 26,880
I(seecomputationinno.3) 24,000
A(seecomputationinno.4) 51,200
N(88,000/20%) 17,600
Total depreciation expense (D) P 131,280
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5. D
PROBLEM 18-27 Component Depreciation

Question No. 1
Purchase of bottling plant P1,500,000
Delivery and installation (750,000x 1/3) 250,000
Testing (33,000/3) 11,000
Total cost of engine (C) P1,761,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 2
Purchase of bottling plant P2,000,000
Delivery and installation (750,000x 1/3) 250,000
Testing (33,000/3) 11,000
Total cost of conveyor belt and fittings (C) P2,261,000
Question No. 3

Purchase of bottling plant P 800,000

Delivery and installation (750,000x 1/3) 250,000
Testing (33,000/3) 11,000
Total cost of outer struc ture (C) P1,061,000

Question No. 4
Depreciation of component of plant:
Engine = (1,500,000 + 250,000 + 11,000 – 500,000) / 5 years x
11/12 231,183
Conveyor belt etc = (2,000,000 + 250,000 + 11,000 – 0) / 8
years 11/12x 259,073
Outer structure = (800,000 + 250,000 + 11,000 – 50,000) / 3
years 11/12x 308,917
Total depreciation of plant (A) P 799,173

Depreciation starts from the date that the asset was available for use: February
1, 2016.

Question No. 5
Depreciation of component of plant:
Engine = (1,500,000 + 250,000 + 11,000 – 500,000) / 5 years 252,200
Conveyor bel t etc = (2,0 00 000 + 250,000 + 11 000 – 0) / 8
years 282,625
Outer structure = (800,000 + 250,000 + 11,000 – 50,000) / 3
years 337,000
Total depreciation of plant (A) P 871,825

1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5. B

Question No. 1
Fairvalue 1,400,000
Legal fees 50,000
Remodelingcost 100,000
Total cost of building (C) 1,550,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 2
Fairvalueo ftheassetreceived 1,200,000
Less:Cash paid 400,000
Fairvalue oftheassetgiven 800,000
Less: Book value of the asset given
Cost 1,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (1M/10 x 3.5) 350,000 650000
Gain on exchange (A) 150,000
Question No. 3

Office buildingNo.1 (940,000/7) 135,000

Office building No.2 (1,000,000/10 x 6/12) 50,000
Office building No.3 (1,200,000/4 x 6/12) 150,000
Factoryb uilding(1,550,000/10) 155,000
Total Depreciation expense (C) 490,000
Costo f office building No. 1 1,000,000

Less: Accumulated Depreciation 300,000

Bookvalue 700,000
Add:Majorimprovements 245,000
Total 945,000
Question No. 4

Income from government grant (1,400,000/10) (A) 140,000

Question No. 5 945,000

Less:Subsequentd epreciation 135,000
Book value (A) 810,000

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5. A


Question No. 1
Date Expenditures outstanding Average
January1 ,2 015 2,000,000 12 24,000,000
July1, 2015 4,000,000 6 24,000,000
November1 ,2015 3,000,000 2 6,000,000
Total 9,000,000 54,000,000
Divideby 8
Weighted averagec arryinga mount 4,500,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment
Weighted average borrowing cost:

Specific borrowings
Actual borrowing cost (2M x 10% x 12/12) 200,000
Less:Investmentincome - 200,000
General borrowings:
Weighted average carrying amount 4,500,000
Less: Principal amount of Specific borrowings 2,000,000
Weighted average related to General borrowings 2,500,000
Multiplyb y: Capitalizationrate 12%
Multiply by: Months/12 12/12 300,000
Weightedaverageb orrowingcost: 500,000
vs.Actual borrowingcost 2,000,000
Capitalizable borrowing cost (lower) (D) 500,000
Question No. 2

Totalexpenditures–2015 9,000,000
Totalexpenditures-2016 1,000,000
Capitalizedborrowingcost-2015 500,000
Capitalized borrowing cost – 2016 (see computation below) 1,160,000
Total cost of building (C) 11,660,000

Date Expenditures outstanding Average

January1 ,2 016 *9,500,000 12 114,000,000
July1, 2016 1,000,000 6 6,000,000
Total 10,500,000 120,000,000
Divideby 12
Weig ted averagec arryinga mount 10,000,000

Total of expenditure in 2015 of P9M and capitalized borrowing cost of P500,000.

Weighted average borrowing cost:

Specific borrowings
Actual borrowing cost (2M x 10% x 12/12) 200,000
Less:Investmentincome - 200,000
General borrowings:
Weighted average carrying amount 10,000,000
Less: Principal amount of Specific borrowings 2,000,000
Weighted average related to General borrowings 8,000,000
Multiplyb y: Capitalizationrate 12%
Multiply by: Months/12 12/12 960,000
Weighted average borrowingc ost: 1,160,000
vs.Actual borrowingcost 2,000,000
Capitalizable borrowing cost (lower) 1,160,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 3
Totalexpenditures–2015 9,000,000
Totalexpenditures-2016 1,000,000
Total cost of building (A) 10,000,000

Borrowing cost under PFRS for SME is expens ed outright.

Question No. 4
Costo fM achineryandEquipment 3,000,000
Multiply by: Fraction 3/15
Depreciation (A) 600,000
SYD is 15 yea rs and useful life is 5 years.

Question No. 5

Depreciation – remaining delivery truck (see below) 114,000

Depreciation – overhauled delivery truck (see below) 30,000
Depreciation – new delivery truck (see below) 24,000
Total depreciation on delivery truck (B) 168,000
Delivery truck:

Cost 1,152,000
Less:Accumulateddepreciation 432,000
Carryingvalue –12/31/2015 720,000
Less: Carryingv alue ofo verhauled truck 150,000
Balance 570,000
Divideby:Remainingusefullife(8-3) 5
Depreciation on remaining deliveryt ruck 114,000
Overhauled delivery truck:

Cost P240,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (P240,000 / 8 x 3) 90,000
Carryingvalue –12/31/2015 150,000
Add:Overhaulingcost 60,000
Adjusted carrying value – 01/01/2016 210,000
Divide by: Revised remaining usefull ife( 5 +2 ) 7
Depreciation on overhauled delivery truck 30,000
New Delivery truck:

Invoicecost 400,000
Freight 20,800
Installation andtesting 40,000
Totalcosto fnewdeliverytruck 460,800
Divideby:Useful life 8
Annual depreciation 57,600
Multiply by: Number of months used (July 26 to December 31) 5/12
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment
Depreciation on remaining deliveryt ruck 24,000

Question No. 6

Beginningbalance 1,152,000
Add:Overhaulingcost 60,000
Add:Cost ofnewdelivery truck 460,800
Adjustedcostofdeliverytruck 1,672,800
Less: Accumulated depreciation (432,000 + 168,000) 600,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (C) 1,072,800

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B

Question No. 1
SYD =(5 (5+1)/2 = 15

Date Fraction tob e used

4/1/06-4/1/07 (5/15)
4/1/07-4/1/08 (4/15)
Depreciation exp:
Jan 1-4/1/08 (4/15*1,500,000*3/12)
Add: depreciation from 4/1-12/31 180,000
Of the 1.2M (3/15*1,200,000*9/12)
Of the 300,000 (see computation below) 30,000
Total depreciation expense P3 10,000
Depreciation exp. from (4/1/-12/31):
Cost 300,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation
5/15*300,000 100,000
4/15*300,000) 80,000
Book Value, 4/1/08 120,000
Divide by remaining Life (5-2) 3
Total 40,000
Multiply by: 9/12
Depreciation 30,000
Question No. 2

Accumulated depreciation, beg. 800,000

Add depreciation expense 320,000
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment
Accumulated depreciation, End P 1,120,000

Question No. 3

Beg. Balofland 550,000

Add: Acquisition on Nov 4 700,000
Total cost of the land 1,250,000
Question No. 4

Directcost 2,220,000
Fixedc ost (15,000X 25) 375,000
Variable cost (15,000X 27) 405,000
Total Cost of bldg. 3,000,000
Question No. 5

Depreciation on the beginning

balance (6M-4,427,136-1,300,000) 272,864
Add: Depreciation on new bldg.
(3,000,000X 20%) 600,000
Totaldepreciation 872,864
Question No. 6

Cost of the machinery-beg bal. 3,000,000

Addmajoroverhaul 600,000
Add: Cost of the new machinery
Invoicec ost 356,000
Concrete embedding 18,000
Wall demolition 7,000
Rebuilding ofw all 19,000 4000 00
Total costo fm achinery P4 ,000,000
Question No. 7

Depreciation of machinery
Depreciation of the beg bal of machinery
OriginalCost P 3,000,000
Add:Major overhaul 600,000
Total 3,600,000
Accum. depreciation
(3,000,000/20*10) P1,500,000
Adjustedbookvalue P 2,100,000
Dividedby:r evisedremaininglife 15
Depreciation of the beg bal of machinery P 140,000
Depreciation on the new machinery
(400,000/20*6/12) 10,000
Depreciationofm achinery P 150,000
1.A 2.C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. B
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment


Question No. 1
Property-cost 3,400,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (1,360,000)
Depreciation (3,400,000 x 4%) (136,000)
Carrying value of property (C) 1,904,000
Question No. 2 360,000

Cost at 30June2016
Less:Disposal1July2 016 32,000 3 28,000
Accumulatedd epreciation (126,000)

Disposal 1 July 2016 (32,000 x 20% x 2yrs) 12,800 (113,200)

Carrying value1 July 2016a fter disposal 214,800
Less: Depreciation(214,800 x1 5%) (32,220)
Additions1 April2017 78,000
Less: Depreciation (78,000 x 15% x 3/12) (2,925) 75,075
Carrying value – 30 June 2017 (C) 257,655
Question No. 3

Constructioncosts 1,200,000
Professionalfees 7,800
Sitepreparationcosts (B) 90,000
Total cost of retail outlet 1,297,800
Question No. 4

Intangible–brand( cost) 290,000

Less: Accumulated amortization – 30 June 2016 101,500
Less: Amortization – 2017 (290,000 / 10) 29,000 159,500
Capitalized development cost (96,000 / 6 x 4) 64,000
Less: Amortization (64,000 /4 x3 /12) 4,000 60,000
Carrying value – 30 June 2017 (C) 219,500
Land 1,500,000

Property-cost 3,400,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (1,360,000)
Depreciation (3,400,000 x 4%) (136,000) 1,904,000
Constructions costs 1,297,800
Fixtures&fittings 257,655
Carryingvalue of PPE 4,959,455
Chapter 18: Property, Plant and Equipment

Question No. 5
Property 136,000
Fixtures and fittings (32,220 + 2,925) 35,145 171,145
Amortization(29,000+4,000) 33,000
Total depreciation and amortization (D) 204,145

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5. D

Chapter 19: Wasting Assets


PROBLEM 19-1 Depletion with Change in Estimate

Question No. 1
Acquisitioncost P164,000
Less:Estimatedresidualvalue -
Depletable costo f then aturalr esource P164,000
Divide by: Tons estimatedt o be extracted 20,000
Depletion perton P8.20
Multiplyb y:Tonsextracted-2015 4,000
Depletion – 2015 (B) P32,800
Question No. 2

Acquisitioncost P164,000
Less: Accumulated depletion – 12/31/2015 32,800
Carryingvalue –01/01/2016 131,200
Divide by: Tons estimatedt o be extracted 20,000
Depletion perunit P6.56
Multiplyb y:Tonsextracted–2016 8,000
Depletion – 2016 (C) P52,480
PROBLEM 19-2 Depletion with Change in Estimate

Acquisitioncost 20,000,000
Exploration cost. 15,000,000
Intangibledevelopmentcost 4,000,000
To al cos oft he naturalresources 390 00,000
lesse stimatedresidualvalue 1,000,000
Total depletable cost of the natural resources 38,000,000
divide by units est.t o be extracted 2,000,000
Depletion perunit 19.00
x unitsextracted 500,000
Depletion from2015to 2017 9,500,000
Question No. 1

Cost ofnatural resource 39,000,000

Accumulated depletion 9,500,000
Carrying amount,12/31/2017 29,500,000
Residualvalue 600,000
Depletablecost 28,900,000
Divide by revisedr emainingunits 400,000
Depletion rateper unit 72.25
Multiply by: Unitsextracted 200,000
Depletion (D) 14,450,000
Chapter 19: Wasting Assets

Question No. 2
Cost ofnaturalresource 39,000,000
Accumulated depletion 23,950,000
Carrying amount, 12/31/2018 (D) 15,050,000

PROBLEM 19-3 Depreciation of Movable and Immovable Equipment – Useful

Life of the Immovable Equipment is Shorter
Question No. 1
Acquisitioncost 8,000,000
Exploration cost. 12,000,000
Intangibledevelopmentcost 5,000,000
Total costo ft he natural resources 25,000,000
less estimatedresidualvalue -
Total depletable cost of the natural resources 25,000,000
divide by units est.t o be extracted 2,000,000
Depletion perunit 12.50
Multiply by: Unitsextracted 500,000
Depletion (D) 6,250,000
Question No. 2

Costoft hemovableequipment 4,000,000

Divideby:Usefulife 10
Depreciation (A) 400,000
Question No. 3

Costo ft hemovableequipment 2,000,000

Divideby:Usefullife(shorter) 4
Depreciation (B) 500,000

PROBLEM 19-4 Depreciation of Movable and Immovable Equipment - Life of

the Wasting Asset is Shorter
Question No. 1
Acquisitioncost 8,000,000
Exploration cost. 12,000,000
Intangibledevelopmentcost 5,000,000
Total costo ft he natural resources 25,000,000
less estimatedresidualvalue -
Total depletable cost of the natural resources 25,000,000
divide by units est.t o be extracted 2,000,000
Depletion perunit 12.50
x unitsextracted 500,000
Depletion (D) 6,250,000
Chapter 19: Wasting Assets

Question No. 2
costo ft hemovableequipment 4,000,000
dividebyunitsest. tobeextracted 20
Depreciation (A) 200,000
Question No. 3

Costo ft hemovableequipment P2,000,000

Divide by: Units estimated to be extracted (shorter)* 2,000,000
Depreciationrateperunit P1
Multiplyb y:A ctualunitse xtracted 500,000
Depreciation - 2016 (B) 500,000

*Estimated useful li fe using output method (2,000, 000 / 500,000) = 4 years

PROBLEM 19-5 Depreciation –No Production

Costo fi mmovableequipment 4,000,000
Divide by: Units est. to be extracted 2,000,000
Depreciationper unit 2.00
x unitsextracted 500,000
Accum. Depreciation 1,000,000
Question No. 1

Costo fi mmovableequipment 4,000,000

Less: Accumulatedd epreciation 1,000,000
Bookvalue,Dec. 31,2017 3,000,000
Divideby Unitsest.t beextracted 12
Depreciation in 2018 (B) 250,000
Question No. 2

Costo fi mmovableequipment 4,000,000

Less: Accumulated depreciation 1,250,000
Bookvalue,Dec. 31,2018 2,750,000
Divide by: Remaining units to be extracted 1,500,000
Depreciationper unit 1.83
Multiply by: Unitsextracted 100,000
Depletion (A) 183,333
PROBLEM 19-6 Liquidating Dividends

Accumulated profits -unappropriated 9,000,000

Accumulated depletion 4,000,000
Total 13,000,000
less: Capital liquidated 850,000
Chapter 19: Wasting Assets
Depletion in the ending inventory

(150,000 units X4 ) 600,000 1,450,000

Maximum Dividend (C ) 11,550,000

Question No. 1
Acquisitioncost P9,075,000
Divide by: Tons estimated to be extracted 1,100,000
Depletion perton P8.25
Multiplyb y:A ctual tons extracted – 2016 100,000
Depletion - 2016 (D) 825,000
Question No. 2

Cost of Installation 1,925,000

Divide by: Tons estimated to be extracted 1,100,000
Depreciationper ton 1.75
Multiplyb y:A ctual tons extracted – 2016 100,000
Depreciation - 2016 (B) 175,000
Question No. 3

Cost ofminingequipment 4,400,000

Divideby:Useful life 8
Depreciation – 2016 (A) 550,000
Question No. 4

Acquisitioncost P9,075,000
Less:Accumulated Depletion 825,000
Carryingvalue– 12/31/2016 P8,250,000
Add: Additionald evelopment cost - 2017 750,000
Remainingdepletable cost P9,000,000
Divide by: Estimatedt ons to be extracted 1,000,000
Depletion perton P 9
Multiplyb y:Tonsextracted –2017 150,000
Depletion - 2017 (C) P1,350,000
Question No. 5

Installation ((P1,925,000/1.1M) x 150,000 tons) P 262,500

Miningequipment (P4,400,000/8) 550,000
Total depreciation expense (C) P 812,500

1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C
Chapter 19: Wasting Assets

PROBLEM 19-8 Cost of Wasting Asset with Estimated Restoration Cost,

Depletion, Depreciation of Movable and Immovable Equipment

Question No. 1
Acquisition costo ft he wastinga ssets 150,000,000
Explorationa nd intangible devt.C ost 8,000,000
Estimated decommissioning and restoration costs-at PV 8,196,161
Initial cost (A) 166,196,162
Estimatedrestorationcost P12,000,000

Multiply by: Present value of 1 for four periods 0.6830

Present value oft he restorationc ost P 8,196,161
Question No. 2

Totalcosto fthew asting assets 166,196,162

Divide by: Total units estimated to be extracted 12,000,000
Depletion perunit 13.85
Multiply by:U nitsextracted 1,600,000
Depletion expense (B) 22,159,488
Question No. 3

Costoft hemovableequipment 6,000,000

Divideby:Usefulife 20
Depreciation (A) 300,000
Question No. 4

Costo ft hemovableequipment 9,000,000

Divide by: Total units estimated to be extracted 12,000,000
Depreciationperunit .75
Multiply by:U nitsextracted 1,600,000
Depletion expense (B) 1,200,000
Note: Units of output method was used since the useful life in years using the
estimated units to be extracted each year (8 years) is shorter than the useful life of the
immovab le equipmen t.
*Estimated useful life using output method (11,000,000 / 1,500,000) = 8years

Question No. 5
Date Interest expense Present value
01/01/2015 8,196,161
12/31/2015 819,612 (A) 9,015,777

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5. A

Chapter 19: Wasting Assets

PROBLEM 19-9 Cost of Wasting Asset with Estimated Restoration Cost,

Depletion, Depreciationof Movable and Immovable Equipment

Question No. 1
Acquisition costo ft he wastinga ssets 120,000,000
Explorationa nd intangible devt.C ost 6,000,000
Estimated decommissioning and restoration costs-at PV 6,355,181
Initial cost (A) 132,355,181
Estimatedrestorationcost P10,000,000

Multiply by: Present value of 1 for four periods 0..6355

Present value oft he restorationc ost P 6,355,181
Question No. 2

Totalcosto fthew asting assets 132,355,181

Divide by: Total units estimated to be extracted 12,000,000
Depletion perunit 11.03
Multiply by:U nitsextracted 1,600,000
Depletion expense (B) 17,647,357
Question No. 3

Costoft hemovableequipment 6,000,000

Divideby:Usefullife 6
Depreciation (A) 1,000,000
Question No. 4

Costoft hemovableequipment 9,000,000

Divideby:Usefullife(shorter) 5
Depreciation (A) 1,800,000

*Estimated useful life using output method (11,000,000 / 1,500,000) = 8years

Question No. 5
Date Interest expense Present value
01/01/2016 6,355,181
12/31/2016 2,6227 (A) 7,117,803

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. A

Chapter 20: Investment Property


PROBLEM 20-1: Classification Issue

Question No. 1
Farming land was purchased for its investment potential. 800,000
Planning permission has not been obtained for building
constructions of any kind.
A building that is held under mixed use; half is to earn rentals 860,000
A building leased to an associate under an operating lease 1,620,000
Total investment property (D) 3,280,000
Question No. 2
A new office building used by one of its subsidiaries as its head 1,200,000
office which was purchased specifically in the center of Makati
City in orde r to exploit its capital gains potential.
Owner-occupiedproperties 1,600,000
Buildings occupied by employees, including Ms. Munda – the 760,000
accountant. The employees pays rent on the building they
A building occupied by employees, the employees do not pay 240,000
market rent on the building they occupied.
A building that is held under mixed use; half of it is owner- 860,000
A property wherein significant ancillary services are provided 960,000
to occupants
Land and building leased to a subsidiary 2,100,000
A new machine leased to another associate under an operating 530,000
A building that is being constructed for future use as 870,000
administration building.
Total PPE (B) 9,120,000
Question No. 3

A property that is in the process of construction for sale 950,000

A property intended for sale in the ordinary course of business 450,000
Total inventories (C) 1,400,000
QuestionNo.4 (C) QuestionNo.5 (C)


1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C

Chapter 20: Investment Property

PROBLEM 20-2: Classification Issue

Question No. 1 Separate if portions can be sold or leased out separately. (C)
QuestionNo. 2 (A)

QuestionNo. 3 (B)

QuestionNo. 4 (C)

PROBLEM 20-3: Ancillary services

QuestionNo.1 (C) QuestionNo.2 (D)

PROBLEM 20-4: Intracompany rentals

QuestionNo.1 (B) QuestionNo.2 (D)

PROBLEM 20-5: Initial measurement - Investment property leased under

finance lease
Lower of fair value or present value of minimum lease pay ments.
Suggested answer: (B)

PROBLEM 20-6: Subsequent measurement: Cost model vs Fair value model

1.D 2.B 3.D 4.B 5. D 6. A

PROBLEM 20-7: Transfer from PPE to Investment Property – Fair value vs

Cost model
QuestionNo. 1 (D)
No gain or loss is recognized if the transfer is made at cost model.
QuestionNo. 2 (D)
No gain or loss is recognized if the transfer is made at cost model.

Question No. 3 and 4

Fair value date of trans fer
Less: Carryingv alue– 12/31/2016( 80,000,000
Revaluationsurplus–OCI 6,000,000
Less: Transfer of revaluation surplus to R/E as a result of
reclassification 6,000,000
Chapter 20: Investment Property

Gain (loss) on transfe r (D)

1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D

PROBLEM 20-8: Transfer from inventory to investment property – Fair value

vsCost model
QuestionNo. 1 (B)
Cost - 2,700,000
Lower of cost and net realizable value
QuestionNo. 2 (B)

The initial carrying amount under the new classification is the previous carrying
amount of

QuestionNo. 3 (D)
No gain or loss is recognized if the transfer is made at cost model.

QuestionNo. 4 (A)
2,880,000. Fair value at the date of transfe r. Don’t deduc t cost to sell.

QuestionNo. 5 (A)
Fair value at the date of transfer
Less:Carrying value 2,600,000
Gain on transfer

PROBLEM 20-9: Derecognition of investment property – Fair value vs Cost

Question No. 1
Gross selling price
Less:Disposalcost 120,000
Netsellingprice 2,870,000
Less: Carryingv alue– 12/31/2015( 2,700,000
Gain on sale (D)
Question No. 2

Gross selling price 120,000

Netsellingprice 2,870,000
Less: Carrying value – 12/31/2015 (fair value) 2,450,000
Gain on sale (C) 420,000
Chapter 20: Investment Property

Question No. 1
Less:Residualvalue 1,000,000
Depreciable cost 13,000,000
Dividedby: Usefulife 10 years
Annual depreciation 1,300,000
Multiply by: Monthsoutstanding 8/12
Depreciation – 2010 (D)
Question No. 2

Depreciation [( –
Impairmentloss 480,000
Total amount to SCI (A)
Question No. 3

Accumulated depreciation 3,466,667
Carrying value, beforei mpairment 10,533,333
Impairmentloss 480,000
Carrying value, after impairment - 12/31/2012 10,053,333
Less:Residualvalue 1,000,000
Depreciable amount 9,053,333
Divide by: Remaining useful life (120 – 32) 88 months
Multiply by: Numberof months 12
Depreciation – 2013 (to SCI) (B) 1,234,545
Question No. 4

Accumulated depreciation 3,466,667
Carrying value, beforei mpairment 10,533,333
Impairmentloss 480,000
Carrying value, after impairment - 12/31/2012 10,053,333
Depreciation -2013[( - 1,234,545
Depreciation –2014 [( - 1,028,788
Carrying value, 10/31/2014
Depreciation –2014 [( - 1,028,788

Gaino ntransfer( 10,050,000- 2,260,000

Unrealized gain - change in fair value( - 950,000
Total amount to SCI (A)

Chapter 20: Investment Property

Question No. 5
Fair value - 12/31/2015
Fairvalue -12/31/2014 11,000,000
Gain on change in fair value (B) 450,000
Question No. 6

Reclassification loss:
Fairvalue- 05/01/2016 9,500,000
Carrying value, 05/01/2016 11,450,000
Depreciation -2016 [( - 2,322,222
Total (A)
PROBLEM 20-11 Various investments

No. of Cost per Total

Date shares share Cost
1/1 10,000 21 210,000
3/1stock split 15,000 -
Total(10,000x5/2) 25,000 8.4 210,000
11/1 Special assessment ( 1.60 x
25,000) 40,000
Total 25,000 10 250,000
Question No. 1

Fairvalue ( 375,000
Less:Carrying value 250,000
Unrealized gain-OCI (D) 125,000
Question No. 2

Broker’s expense over, net income under ( 10,000)

Operating expense over, NI under ( 1.60 x 25,000 shares) (40,000)
Net income understated (B) ( 50,000)
Question No. 3

Netincome ofassociate 3,000,000

Multiplyb y:Percentageofownership 30%
Share in the net income before adjustment 900,000
Less: Unrealized gain on downstream sale of PPE 320,000
[( -
Less: Unrealized profit on upstream sale of inventory
( 30,000
Share in the net income after adjustment (C) 550,000

Chapter 20: Investment Property

Question No. 4
Costo fI nvestment –01/01/2016 4,000,000
Add: Net investment income - 2016 (see No. 3) 550,000
Less: Dividends received -2016 (30% x 800,000) 240,000
Add: Share in the translation gain (30% x 1,000,000) 300,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (B) 4,610,000
Question No. 5

Costo fI nvestment –01/01/2016 4,000,000

Add: Net investment income - 2016 (see No. 3) 550,000
Less: Dividends received -2016 (30% x 800,000) 240,000
Add: Share in the translation gain (30% x 1,000,000) 300,000
Less: Amortization of goodwill ( 200,000/10) 20,000
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (C) 4,590,000

Note: Under PFRS for SMEs, Intangible Assets and Goodwill is amortized over their
useful life. If an entity canno t determine reliably the useful life, it is assumed to be 10
yea rs.

Question No. 6
Fairvalue ofbuildingA 1,500,000
Less:Carrying value 1,000,000
Unrealized gain - P&L (B) 500,000

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C6. B

Chapter 22: Intangible Assets


PROBLEM 22-1 Research and Development Cost

R&D Others
Cost of activities aimed at obtaining new
knowledge 700,000 -
Marketingr esearch to study consumert astes - 16,000
Cost of developing and producing a prototype
model 23,000 -
Cost of testing the prototype model for safety and
environmentalfriendliness 80,000 -
Cost revising designs for flaws in the prototype
model 15,000 -
Salaries of employees, consultants, and technicians
involvedinR&D 120,000 -
Amount paid for conference for the introduction of
the newly developed product including fee of a
model hiredasendorser - 102,000
Advertising to establish recognition of the newly
developed product - 43,000
Cost incurred on search for alternatives for
materials, devices, products, processes, systems or
services 30,000 -
Cost of final selection of possible alternatives for a
newprocess 96,000 -
Periodic or routine design changes to existing
products - 2,500
Modification of design for a specific customer - 10,000
Cost of design, construction and operation of a pilot
plant that is not of a scale economically feasible for
commercialproduction 5,000 -
Cost of routine, seasonal, and periodic design of
tools,jigs,moldsanddies - 18,000
Cost of quality control during commercial
production - 32,000
Cost of purchased building to be used in various
R&D projects - 1,000,000
Depreciation on the building described above 100,000 -
Personnel costs of persons involved in research
anddevelopmentprojects 41,200 -
Design, construction, and testing of preproduction
prototypesandmodels 96,000 -
Adjusted balances 1,306,200 1,223,500
Chapter 22: Intangible Assets

PROBLEM 22-2 Researchand Development

Question No. 1
Subsequent expenditure on research
Development expenditures not qualifying for recognition
( 5/12) 200,000
Research and development expense (A)

Question No. 2
Acquisition cost of research and develop ment
Development expenditures qualifying for recognition
( 280,000
Intangible Asset under Development (A)

In-process research and development acquired is recorded as intangible asset at

cost. Subsequent expenditure on an in-process research and development project
recognized as usually done: research is expensed and development costs
capitalized only if all criteria for capitalization of development costs are met.

PROBLEM 22-3 Purchased computer software

Purchase price excluding refundable purchase tax 550,000
Add: Customizationc ost( 120,000+ 135,000
Testing cost( 37,000
Amortization (D) 722,000
PROBLEM 22-4 Website Cost

Question No. 1
Zero. All costs are charged to expense. (A)
Question No. 2

Obtainingadomainname 32,000
Installing developed applications on the web server 80,000
Stress testing 12,000
Designing the appearance (e.g. layout and color) of web pages 160,000
Creating, purchasing, preparing (e.g. creating links and
identifying tags), and uploading information 60,000
Updating graphics and revisingc ontent 32,000
Adding new functions, features and content 12,000
Reviewing securityaccess 36,000
Total intangible asset (B) 424,000
Chapter 22: Intangible Assets

PROBLEM 22-5 Renewable Rights

Question No. 1
As the costs associated with the renewal are insignificant, the asset must be
amortized over the 10 year useful life. The entity intends to renew the license
and the government intends to re-issue the license to Bangus Co., and therefore
it must be treated as an asset with a 10 year useful life.
Amortization ( (D)

Question No. 2
As the costs associated with the renewal are significant, and almost equaling the initial cost of the
license, the asset must be amortized over the 5 year useful life.
Although the entity intends to renew the license, the renewed license, when it is
acquired, must be treated a separate asset and amortiz ed over a useful life of 5
Amortization ( (C)

PROBLEM 22-6 Goodwill Computation

Current Assets ( 6,000,000 + 800,000) 6,800,000
Investments 2,000,000
PPE( 13,000,000+ 1,850,000) 14,850,000
Currentliabilities (3,500,000)
Noncurrent liabilities (2,500,000)
Fairvalueo fnetasset acquired 17,650,000
Fairvalueo fnetasset acquired 176 50,000
Multiply by: Normal rateofreturn 10%
Normalearnings 1,765,000
Totalearnings 9,000,000

Losso n sale(or Gain)onsale (100,000)

Bonus ( 150,000 x4years) 600,000
Operating income 9,500,000
Divideby:No. ofyears 4
Averageearnings 2,375,000
Question No. 1

Averageearnings 2,375,000
Less:Normal earning 1,765,000
Averageexcessearnings 610,000
Multiply by: Capitalization period 4
Goodwill (A) 2,440,000
Add: Fair value ofn eta sseta cquired 17,650,000
Purchase price (A) 20,090,000
Chapter 22: Intangible Assets

Question No. 2
Averageearnings 2,375,000
Less:Normal earning 1,765,000
Averageexcessearnings 610,000
Divideby:Capitalizationrate 10%
Goodwill (B) 6,100,000
Add: Fair value of net asseta cquired 17,650,000
Purchase price (B) 23,750,000
Question No. 3 2,375,000

Divideby:Capitalizationrate 8%
Purchase price (B) 29,687,500
Less:Fairvalueo f netasset 17,650,000
Goodwill (B) 12,037,500
Question No. 4

Averageearnings 2,375,000
Less:Normal earning 1,765,000
Averageexcessearnings 610,000
Multiply by: Present value of ordinary annuity 3.0373
Goodwill (C) 1,852,753
Add: Fair value of net asset acquired 17,650,000
Purchase price (C) 19,502,753

1 A 2. B 3. B 4. C

Question No. 1
NetPatent,January1 336,000
Divide by: Remaining life (8years -2y ears) 6
Amortization (A) 56,000
Question No. 2

None, the tradem ark has an indefinite life. (B)

Question No. 3

Cost of noncompetition agreement (1,600,000 x 1/4) 400,000

Divideby:Useful life 5
Amortization expense (A) 80,000
Chapter 22: Intangible Assets

Question No. 4
Purchase price 2,400,000
Less: Fair valueo fn et assets acquired 1,600,000
Goodwill (carrying amount) (A) 800,000

The goodwill shall not be amortized because its useful life is indefinite. However,
goodwill shall be tested for impairment at least annually, or more frequently if
events or changes in circumstances indicate a possible impairment.

Question No. 5
Cost-Patent 384,000
Less: Accumulated Amortization (48,000 + 56,000) 104,000 280,000
Cost - Trademark (no amortization) (1.6M x 3/4) 1,200,000
Cost- Noncompetition agreement 400,000
Less: Accumulated Amortization (see no. 3) 80,000 320,000
Total carrying amount of the Intangible assets (B) 1,800,000

Note: Goodwill should not be reported as part of intangible asset since it is not

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

Question No. 1
Legal cost 7,000
Payment of licenses to author excluding refund able purchase
taxes (100,000-10,000) 90,000
Total cost of intangible assets (D) 97,000
QuestionNo’s 2, 3 and 5

Cost 97,000
Less: Amortization in 2016 (97,000/5 x 6/12) 9,700 No. 2 (C)
Carrying value, 12/31/2 016 87,300 No. 3 (C)
Less: Amortization in 2017 (97,000/5 ) 19,400
Carrying value, 12/31/2 017 67,900 No. 5 (D)
Question No. 4

Generalstart-upcost 1,500
Amortization 9,700
Cost ofprinting 100
Advertising expense (20,000 x6 /12) 10,000
Total Expense (B) 21,300

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D
Chapter 22: Intangible Assets

PROBLEM 22-9 Patent, Competitive, Related Patent

Question No. 1
Cost 500,000
Divideby:Remaining usefullife 10
Amortization (C) 50,000
Question No. 2
Cost of theoldPatent 500,000
Less: Accumulated Amortization (500,000 / 10 x 2) 100,000
Carryingvalue,1/1/2014 400,000
Competitive Patent 240,000
Total 640,000
Divideby:Remaininglife 8
Amortization (D) 80,000
Question No. 3
Carryingvalue,1/1/2014 640,000
Less:Amortization2014 80,000
Carrying value, 12/31/2014 (D) 560,000
Question No. 4
Carryingvalue,12/31/2014 560,000
Add:Related patent 200,000
TotalCarryingvalue,1/1/2015 760,000
Divideby:Extendedlife 20
Amortization (A) 38,000
Question No. 5
TotalCarryingvalue,1/1/2015 760,000
Less:Amortization,2015 38,000
Carrying value, 1/1/2016 = Loss (A) 722,000

1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A
PROBLEM 22-10 Comprehensive

Question No. 1
Acquisitioncost 600,000
Costs of employee benefit s arising directl y from bringing the
assettoi tsi ntendedcondition 60,000
Professional fees arising directly from bringing the asset to its
intended condition 13,000
Total cost of the trademark (C) 673,000

Question No. 2
None, the trademark has an indefinite life and is not subject to amortization.

Chapter 22: Intangible Assets

Question No. 3
Amortization-Trademark -
Amortization-Customerlist 60,000
Total a mortization (B) 60,000
Question No. 4

Amortization-Trademark -
Amortization-Customerlist 60,000
Amortization-Franchise 165,416
Total a mortization (A) 225,416
Downpayment 400,000

Add: Present Value of notes payable (600,000 x .7118) 427,080

Cost ofranchise 827,080
Question No. 5

Cost of trademark 673,000

Cost of customer list 300,000
Less: AccumulatedA mortization 120,000 180,000
Cost ofranchise 827,080
Less: Accumulated Amortization 165,416 661,664
Total carrying value (A) 1,514,664
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A

Question No. 1
Zero, organization cost is treated as outright expense .(A)

Question No. 2
Designcosts 3,000,000
Add:Legalfees 300,000
Registration fee with Patent office 100,000
Total cost of trademark (B) 3,400,000
Question No. 3

Cash 400,000
Add Present value of the note (200,000 x 2.91) (B) 582,000
Cost of Franchise 982,000
Question No. 4

Cost (seeno. 3) 982,000

Less:Amortization(982,000/20) 49,100
Chapter 22: Intangible Assets
Carrying value, 12/31/2016 (A) 932,900

Question No. 5

Amortization of the franchise P49,100 (D)

The trademark has no amortization because it has an indefinite life. It is only

tested for possible impairment .

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D

Question No. 1
Cost-Patent 136,000
Less: Amortization for the year (136,000/20) 6,800
Carrying value of the Patent (C) 129,200
Question No. 2

Licensing agreement No. 1

Unadjustedbalance 100,000
Less: Amortization for 2 years (100,000/20 x 2) 10,000
Total 90,000
Less: Reduction inv alue (90,000x 60%) 54,000
Carrying value (B) 36,000
Question No 3

Unadjustedbalance 118,000
Add: Amount creditedf ora dvancec ollection 2,000
Totalcost 120,000
Less:Amortization(120,000/10) 12,000
Carrying value - Licensing agreement No. 2 (C) 108,000
Question No. 4

Carrying values:
Patent(seeno1). 129,200
LicensingAgreementNo.1(No.2) 36,000
LicensingAgreement No.2 (No. 3) 108,000
Total carrying value (C) 273,200

The P16,000 cost incurred for advertising and the P32,000 legal expenses for
incorporation should be charged to expense when it were incurred.
Question No. 5
Nonamortization of Licensing Agreement No 1 (100,000/20 x 1) 5,000
Expenses capitalized:
Chapter 22: Intangible Assets
Goodwill(16,000+32,000) 48,000

Organization cost 58,000

Overstatement of Retained earnings (A) 111,000

All the expenses above were understated thereby overstating the net income
and retained ea rnings.
1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. A

Question No. 1
Unadjustedbalance 550,000
Less: Unamortized portion of improvements debited
Cost P75,000
Less: Amortization (P75,000 / 10 x 3) 22,500 52,500
Adjustedbalance–01/01/2016 497,500
Less: Amortization 2016 (P52,500 + P56,071) – see below 108,571
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (A) 388,929
Computation of amortization:

Adjustedbalance–01/01/2016 497,500
Less: CV of Patent with remaining UL of 2 years – 01/ 01/2016
Cost 210,000
Less: Accumulated amortization 01/01/2016
(P210,000/14x7 ) 105,000 105,000
CV of Patent with remaining UL of 7 years – 01/01/2016 392,500
Amortization of:

Patent with remaining UL of 2 years (105,000 / 2) 52,500

Patent with remaining UL of 7 years (392,500 / 7) 56,071
TotalAmortization 108,571
Question No. 2

Franchise cost 50,000

Less:Amortization(50,000/ 5) 10,000
Carrying value 12/31/2016 (A) 40,000

Question No. 3
The amount to be reported as goodwill is the excess of cost over the fair value of
net asset acquired. Goodwill is not amortized but only subject to impairment
testing. Therefore, the amount to be repor ted is P200,000. (A)

Question No. 4
Other coding costs after establishment of technological
feasibility 240,000

Chapter 22: Intangible Assets
Other testing costs after establishment of technological

feasibility 200,000
Costs of producing master for training materials 150,000
Total Software Cost (A) 590,000
Question No. 5

Completion of detailedp rogram design 130,000

Costs incurred for coding and testing to establish technological
feasibility 100,000
Total Cost charged to Expense (A) 230,000
Question No. 6

Patent(seeNo. 1) 108,571
Franchise(see No2). 10,000
Software cost–noneyet -
Total Cost charged to Expense (C) 118,571

1.A 2.A 3.A 4.A 5. A 6. C

PROBLEM 22-14 Inventories, PPE and Intangible Assets

Question No. 1
Unadjustedbalance 4,300,000
Add: Goods purchased FOB Shipping Point (B) 40,000
Adjusted balance 4,340,000
Question No. 2

Totalacquisitioncost 4,000,000
Add:Mortgageassumed 800,000
Totalcosto flandandb uilding 4,800,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage allocated to building 80%
Total Purchase Price allocated to Building 3,840,000
Add: Remodeling Cost( 300,000 – 20,000) 280,000
Total Cost of Building (A) 4,120,000
Question No. 3

Cost of improvement 500,000

Less: Accumulated depreciation (500,000/8 x 9/12) 46,875
Carrying value (B) 453,125
Question No. 4

Carryingvalue –01/01/2016 432,000

Less: Amortization 2016 (432,000 / 3 years remaining UL) 144,000
Chapter 22: Intangible Assets
Carrying value (C) 288,000

Question No. 5

Building( 4,120,000-120,000)/50 80,000

Leasehold Improvements (500,000/8 x 9/12) 46,875
Furnitureand Fixtures 150,000
Franchise (500,000/10) 50,000
Licensingagreement 144,000
Total depreciation and amortization expense (A) P470,875

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale



PROBLEM 23-1 Revaluation, No Change in Estimate

Question No. 1
Historical Replacement
Cost Cost Increase
Machinery 8,000,000 15,000,000 7,000,000
Accumulated depreciation (25%) 2,000,000 3,750,000 1,750,000
CA/DRC/RS 6,000,000 12,250,000 5,250,000
Carrying amount/Depreciated R eplacement Cost/Revaluation Surplus
Question No. 2

DepreciatedReplacementcost 11,250,000
Divide by: Remaining useful life(20 – 5) 15
Depreciation Expense – 2017 (C) 750,000
Question No. 3

Revaluationsurplus,b eginning 5,250,000

Less: Piecemeal realization – 2017 (5,250,000 / 15) 350,000
Remaining revaluation surplus end of 2017 (B) 4,900,000

Question No. 4
NetSellingPrice 10,000,000
Less: Carrying amount – 01/02/2018
Depreciated Replacement Cost, date of revaluation 11,250,000
Less: Subsequent depreciation (P750,000 x 2 years) 1,500,000 9,750,000

Gain on sale (A) 250,000

Question No. 5
Revaluationsurplus,b eginning 5,250,000
Less: Piecemeal realization for two years (5,250,000/ 15 x 2) 700,000
Remaining revaluation surplus to R/E (B) 4,550,000

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5. B

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

PROBLEM 23-2 Revaluation, With Change in Useful Life

Question No. 1
Cost Cost Increase
Machinery 12,000,000 14,000,000 2,000,000
Accumulated depreciation (25%) 2,400,000 2,800,000 400,000
CA/DRC/RS 9,600,000 11,200,000 1,600,000
Carrying amount/Depreciated R eplacement Cost/Revaluation Surplus
Question No. 2

DepreciatedR eplacementcost 11,200,000

Divideby:Remainingusefullife 25
Depreciation Expense – 2016 (B) 448,000
Question No. 3

Revaluationsurplus, 01/01/2016 1,600,000

Less: Piecemeal realization – 2016 (1,600,000/ 25) 64,000
Remaining revaluation surplus end of 2016 (C) 1,536,000
Question No. 4

NetSellingPrice 10,000,000
Less: Carrying amount – 01/02/2017
Depreciated Replacement Cost, date of revaluation 11,200,000
Less: Subsequent depreciation (P11.2M / 25 x 2) 896,000 10,304,000
Gain on sale (A) (304,000)
Question No. 5

Revaluationsurplus,b eginning 1,600,000

Less: Piecemeal realization for two years (1,600,000 / 25 x 2) 128,000
Remaining revaluation surplus to R/E (B) 1,472,000

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
PROBLEM 23-3 Revaluation, With Change in Useful Life and Residual Value


Machinery Cost Cost Increase

4,550,000 9,100,000 4,550,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation *1,125,000 **2,250,000 1,125,000
CA/DRC/RS 3,425,000 6,850,000 3,425,000
Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Carrying amount/Depreciated R eplacement Cost/Revaluation Surplus

*This amount should be the actual amount of accumulated depreciation (i.e.

using the original residual value)
* (9,100,000 – 100,000) / 20 x 5. This is computed using the revised residual

Question No. 2
DepreciatedR eplacementcost 6,850,000
Less:Revised residualvalue 100,000
Depreciable amount 6,7500,000
Divideby:Remainingusefullife 25
Depreciation Expense – 2016 (B) 270,000
Question No. 3

Revaluationsurplus,0 1/01/2016 3,425,000

Less: Piecemeal realization – 2016 (3,425,000 / 25) 137,000
Remaining revaluation surplus end of 2016 (B) 3,288,000
Question No. 4

NetSellingPrice 7,000,000
Less: Carrying amount – 01/02/2018
Depreciated Replacement Cost, date of revaluation 6,850,000
Less: Subsequent depreciation (P540,000 x 2) 540,000 6,310,000
Gain on sale (C) 690,000

Question No.
Revaluationsurplus,b eginning 3,425,000
Less: Piecemeal realization for two years (P274,000 x 2) 274,000
Remaining revaluation surplus to R/E (B) 3,151,000

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B
PROBLEM 23-4 Impairment and Revaluation of PPE


Question No. 1
Cost 2,200,000
Less:Residualvalue 200,000
Depreciable amount 2,000,000
Divideby:Estimated usefullife 10
Depreciation - 2016 (B) 200,000
Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Question No. 2
Zero. The company is using the cost model . (A)

Question No. 3
Cost 2,200,000
Less:Accumulatedd epreciation 200,000
Carryingamount 2,000,000
Less:Revised residualvalue 290,000
Depreciable amount 1,710,000
Divideby:Remainingusefullife (D) 9
Depreciation - 2017 190,000
Question No. 4

Cost 2,200,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation (200,000 + 190,000 + 190,000) 1,620,000
Carryingamount–12/31/2019 1,620,000
Less: Recoverable amount, date of impairment 939,500
Impairment loss (C) 680,500
Question No. 5

Recoverable amount 939,500

Less:Revised residualvalue 40,000
Depreciable amount 899,500
Divideby:Remainingusefullife 7
Depreciation (B) 128,500

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B

Question No. 1
Cost 2,200,000
Less:Residualvalue 200,000
Depreciable amount 2,000,000
Divideby:Estimated usefullife 10
Depreciation - 2016 (B) 200,000
Question No. 2

Recoverablea mount/fairv alue 2,990,000

Less: Carr ying amount 2,200,000
Machineryat cost
Less: Accumulated depreciation 200,000 2,000,000
Revaluation surplus (D) 990,000
Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Question No. 3
Recoverablea mount/fairv alue 2,990,000
Less:Revised residualvalue 290,000
Depreciable amount 2,700,000
Divideby:Remainingusefullife 9
Depreciation (C) 300,000
Question No. 4

Recoverablea mount, date of revaluation 2,990,000

Less: Subsequentd epreciationf or 2y ears 600,000
Carryingamount 2,390,000
Less: Recoverable amount, date of impairment 939,500
Decreaseinvalue 1,450,500
Less: Remaining r evaluation
Revaluation surplus, date of revaluation 990,000
Less: Piecemeal realization for two years 220,000 770,000
Impairment loss (C) 680,500
Question No. 5

Recoverable amount 939,500

Less:Revised residualvalue 40,000
Depreciable amount 899,500
Divideby:Remainingusefullife 7
Depreciation-2019 (B) 128,500

PROBLEM 23-5 Impairment and Revaluation of PPE


Question No. 1
Cost 2,300,000
Less:Residualvalue 200,000
Depreciable amount 2,100,000
Divideby:Estimated usefullife 10
Depreciation - 2016 (C) 210,000
Question No. 2

Cost 2,300,000
Less:AccumulatedD epreciation 210,000
Carryingamount–12/31/2017 2,090,000
Less: Recoverable amount, date of impairment (C) 1,850,000
Impairment loss 240,000

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Question No. 3
Recoverable amount 1,850,000
Less:Revised residualvalue 50,000
Depreciable amount 1,800,000
Divideby:Remainingusefullife 9
Depreciation (B) 200,000
Question No. 4

Recoverablea mount – 01/01/2017 1,850,000

Less: Accumulated Depreciation – 12/31/2018 400,000
Carryingamount–12/31/2018 1,450,000
Lower of:
Would have been carrying amount no impairment 2,300,000
Less: Recoverable amount – 01/01/2019 630,000 1,670,000
Gaino nimpairmentrecovery–P&L 49,400
The increase in fair value is recognized in P&L. (A)

Would have been carrying amoun t had been there no impairmen t:

Cost 2,300,000 Less: Depreciation

2016 210,000
2017 210,000
2018 210,000
Would have been carrying value – 12/31/2018 1,670,000
Question No. 5

Lower between Recoverable amount and would have been book 1,499,400
value – 01/01/2019
Less:Newresidual value 0
Depreciable amount 1,499,400
Divideby:Remainingusefullife( 10–3) 7
Depreciation (D) 214,200

1. C 2. C 3.B 4.A 5. D

Question No. 1
Cost 2,300,000
Less:Residualvalue 200,000
Depreciable amount 2,100,000
Divideby:Estimated usefullife 10
Depreciation - 2016 (C) 210,000
Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Question No. 2
Cost 2,300,000
Less:AccumulatedD epreciation 210,000
Carryingamount–12/31/2017 2,090,000
Less: Recoverable amount, date of impairment 1,850,000
Impairment loss (C) 240,000
Question No. 3

Recoverable amount 1,850,000

Less:Revised residualvalue 50,000
Depreciable amount 1,800,000
Divideby:Remainingusefullife 9
Depreciation (B) 200,000
Question No. 4

Recoverablea mount – 01/01/2017 1,850,000

Less: Accumulated Depreciation – 12/31/2018 400,000
Carryingamount–12/31/2018 1,450,000
Lower of:
Would have been carrying amount no impairment 2,300,000
Less: Recoverable amount – 01/01/2019 630,000 1,670,000
Gaino nimpairmentrecovery–P&L 49,400
The increase in fair value is recognized in P&L. (A)

Would have been carrying amoun t had been there no impairmen t:

Cost 2,300,000
Less: Depreciation
2016 210,000
2017 210,000
2018 210,000
Would have been carrying value – 12/31/2018 1,670,000

Zero, since recoverable amount is lower than the would have been book
value if there is no impairment loss.

Question No. 5
Recoverablea mount – 01/01/2019 1,499,400
Less:Revised residualvalue -
Depreciable amount 1,499,400
Divideby:Remainingusefullife( 10–3) 7
Depreciation (D) 214,200

1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5. D

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

PROBLEM 23-6 Impairment of Intangible Assets

Question No. 1
Patent(200,000/10) 20,000
Computer software (100,000 x6 0/120) 50,000
Total a mortization (A) 70,000

The copyright and tradename is not amortized because they have indefinite
useful life.

Question No. 2
Carryingvalue 400,000
Less: Recoverable amount (80,000 / .05) 160,000 240,000
Carryingvalue 350,000
Less: Recoverable amount (15,000 / .05) 300,000 50,000
Carrying value of reporting unit 3,000,000
Less: Recoverable amount (200,000 x 14.0939) 2,818,780 181,220
Total impairment loss (C) 471,220
Question No. 3

Carrying valueo fg oodwill – 12/31/2015 900,000

Less: Allocated impairment loss of reporting unit 181,220
Carrying value of goodwill – 12/31 /2016 (B) 718,780
Question No 4

Patent(P200,000–P20,000) 180,000
Copyright(recoverableamount) 160,000
Tradename(recoverableamount) 300,000
Computer software (100,000 – 50,000) 50,000
Carrying value of intangible assets – 12/31/2016 (A) 690,000

Note that goodwill is not rep orted as an intan gible asset.

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

PROBLEM 23-7 Amortization and Impairment of Intangible Assets

Questions 1 and 2
Trademark-Unadjusted balance 1,430,000
Less: Unamortized cost of improvement
that should have been expensed
Cost 150,000
Less: Accum. amortization (150,000/10 x 2) 30,000 120,000
Total 1,310,000
Add: Competitive patent debited to expense
Cost 135,000 120,000
Less: Accum. amortization (135,000/9 x 1) 15,000
Adjusted balance, January 1. 2016 1,430,000
Less: Amortization during the year
Patent with remaining life of 4 years *(160,000/4) 40,000 1)( A
Remaining patent (1,430,000-160,000)/15-7) 158,750 198,750
Carrying value of the Patent, 12/31/2016 2)A ( 1,231,250
Computation of the P160,000:

Originalcost 300,000
Less: Accumulated amortization (300,000/15) x 7 years)) 140,000
Remainingc arryingv alue, 1/1/2016 160,000

The 7 years age is from January 1, 2009 to January 1, 2016.

Questions 3
Carrying value of the trademark (no amortization) 800,000
Less: Recoverable amount (P75,000/10%) 750,000
Impairment loss (B) 50,000

Questions 4
Adjusted carrying value of the trademark is equal to its recoverable amount of
P750,000. (See no. 3) (B)
Questions 5

Downpayment 500,000
Add:Presentvalue ofthenote 874,000
Totalcost ofthe franchise 1,374,000
Divideby:Useful life 10
Amortization expense (D) 137,400

1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5. D

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

PROBLEM 23-8 Impairment of Cash Generating Unit

Question No. 1
Total carrying amount before impairment 72,000,000
Less: Fairv aluel ess costs to sell 60,000,000
Impairmentloss 12,000,000
Less: Impairment loss allocated to Goodwill (D) 2,000,000
Impairment loss allocated to other assets 10,000,000

Questions No. 2 and 3 (A)

Other assets in this case would include only PPE and Patent. Impairment of
inventories (i.e. write-down to NRV) is covered by PAS 2 while impairment of
FA at FVTOCI will be covered by PAS 39 / PFRS 9.

Questions No. 4 and 5

Carryinga mount Allocated
before impairment Ratio Impairment loss
PPE (atc ost model) 30,000,000 0.75 7,500,000 (D)
Patent 10,000,000 0.25 2,500,000 (D)
Total 40,000,000 10,000,000(D)

1.D 2.A 3. A 4.D 5. D

PROBLEM 23-9 Impairment and Reversal of Impairment of Cash

Generating Unit
Cash 100,000
Inventory 800,000
Accountsreceivable 1,200,000
Plant andequipment 24,000,000
Less:Accumulated depreciation 10,400,000
Trademark 2,550,000
Patent 850,000
Goodwill 400,000
TotalCarryingamountof CGU 19,500,000
Less:Value inuse 16,300,000
Impairmentloss 3,200,000
Less: Impairment allocated to goodwill 400,000
Impairment loss allocatedt o othera sset 2,800,000

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Balance Balance
before Impairment after
Impairment Fraction Loss Impairment
Plant and equipment 13,600,000 13.6/17 (2,240,000) 11,360,000
Trademark 2,550,000 2.55/17 (420,000) 2,130,000
Patent 850,000 .85/17 (140,000) 710,000
Total 17,000,000 2,800,000 14,200,000
Balance Balance
after after
Impairment Reallocation Reallocation
Plant and equipment 11,360,000 (40,000) 11,320,000 1(B).
Trademark 2,130,000 (7,500) 2,122,500 2(B).
Patent 710,000 47,500 757,500 3(B).
Total 14,200,000 - 3,520,000
Plant and Equipment:

Would have been BV, no impairment

Cost 24,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (2.6M +300,000) 11,600,000 12,400,000
Actual Book value

Impairedvalue 11,320,000
Less: Subsequent depreciation 1,000,000 10,320,000
Maximumg aino n reversal ofi mpairment 2,080,000

Would have been BV, no impairment

Cost 2,550,000
Less: Subsequent amortization 120,000 2,430,000
Actual Book value

Impairedvalue 2,122,500
Less: Subsequent depreciation 112,000 2,010,500
Maximumg aino n reversal ofi mpairment 419,500

Would have been BV, no impairment

Cost 850,000
Less: Subsequenta mortization 80,000 770,000
Actual Book value 757,500

Less: Subsequent depreciation 60,000 697,500
Maximumg aino n reversal ofi mpairment 72,500
Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

before Allocated
Reversal Fraction Gain Max gain
Plant and equipment 10,320,000 10320/13028 1,901,136 1,901,136
Trademark 2,010,500 2010.5/13028 370,372 370,372
Patent 697,500 697.5/13028 1 28,492 72,500
Total 13,028,000 2,400,000 2,344,008

Balance after
Plant and equipment Max gain bef. Reall Reallocation reallocation
1,901,136 12,221,136 46,863 12,267,999
Trademark 370,372 2 ,380,872 9,130 2,390,001
Patent 72,500 825,992 (55,992) 770,000
Total 2,344,008 15,428,000 - 15,428,000

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A
PROBLEM 23-10 Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale -Single Asset

Question No. 1
Cost 1,200,000
Less:Accumulatedd epreciation 480,000
Carryingamount 720,000
Less: Initial amount recognized– lower of:
Carryingamount 720,000
Fair value less cost to sell 600,000 600,000
Impairment loss (C) 120,000
Question No. 2

Zero. Non-current asset hel d for sale should not be depreciated. (A)
Question No. 3

Lower of:
Carryingamount 720,000
FVLCTS 790,000 720,000
Less: Carrying amount at initial recognition 600,000
Gain on reversal – P&L (C) 120,000
Question No. 4

Net Selling Price( 1,800,000 – 50,000) 750,000

Less:Carrying amount 720,000
Gain on sale (B) 30,000
Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Question No. 5
Cost 1,200,000
Accumulated depreciation 480,000
Carryingamount 720,000
Less: Initial amount recognized– lower of:
Carryingamount 720,000
Fair value less cost to sell 800,000 720,000
Impairment loss (A) -

1. C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5. A

PROBLEM 23-11 Noncurrent Assets held for Sale- Disposal Group

Question No. 1
C P8,800,000.

Question No. 2
(C) P6,000,000.

Question No. 3
Total carrying amount before impairment 59,600,000
Less:Fairv aluel ess costs to sell 52,000,000
Impairmentloss 7,600,000
Less: Impairment loss allocated to Goodwill (B) 6,000,000
Impairment loss allocated to othera ssets 1,600,000
Questions No. 4 & 5

amount as Allocated Revaluation
remeasured Decrease surplus
PPE (atc ost model) 22,800,000 0.59 940,206 -
PPE (at revaluation model) 16,000,000 0.41 659,794 400,000
Total 38,800,000 1,600,000 1,000,000
Revaluation Carrying

surplus amount
Impairment after
loss impairment
PPE (atc ostmodel) - 940,206 21,859,794
PPE (at revaluation model) 400,000 259,794 15,340,206
Total 400,000 1,200,000 37,200,000
Remaining revaluation surplus is

(P3,000,000 minus (P32M-P30M) P1,000,000

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Decrease in value of the PPE (at revalu ation model) is allocat ed to

1. First, remaining revaluation surplus
2. Balance to impairment loss.

1.C 2.E 3.D 4.B 5. A

PROBLEM 23-12 Noncurrent Assets held for Sale – Investment in Associate

Question No. 1
Share in net income (900,000x 30%) 270,000
Less: Amortization of undervalued 10,000
asset Net investment income (B) 260,000

Question No. 2
Beginning balance– 01/01/2016 Add: Net 5,000,000
investment income (see No.1 ) Less: 260,000
Dividends received( 150,000 x 30%) 45,000
Carrying amount – 12/31/2016 (A) 5,215,000

Question No. 3
Carryingamount–12/31/2016 5,215,000
Less: Initial amount recognized– lower of:
Carryingamount 5,215,000
Fair value less cost to sell 4,900,000 4,900,000
Impairment loss (B) 315,000

Question No. 4
Zero. No Share in the profit or loss and amortization shall be recognized when
the investment in associate is classified as noncurrent held for sale. The cash
dividend shall be recognized as income. (A)
Question No. 5

Net Selling Price (P4,900,000 – P100,000) 4,800,000

Less:Carrying amount 4,900,000
Loss on sale (D) (100,000)

1.B 2.A 3.B 4. A 5. D

Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Question No. 1
Irrigation Equipment P 740,000
Freightin 10,000
Installation cost 192,000
Total Machinery and Equipment, end (A) P 942,000
Question No. 2

Tradeinallowance 400,000
Book Value:
Cost 1,300,000
Less: Accum. Depreciation (P660,000+ P165,000) 825,000 475,000
Loss on trade in (B) 75,000
Question No. 3

Before addition [(P3,100,000 – P100,000)/20 x 3/12) 37,500

After addition: [(P3,100,000 – (P562,500 + P37,500) + 980,000
P200,000)/20)x9/12) 123,000
Depreciation expense (B) 160,500
Remaining life (20 – 4 + 4) = 20 years

Question No. 4

Turf cutter [{(P1,300,000 – P200,00 0)/5} x 9/12] +

{(P800,000 – P50,000)/6 x3 /12)}] P 196,250
Water desalinator [(P3,780,000 – P270,000)/10] 351,000
Irrigation equipment [(942,000/4) x 6/12] 117,750
Officebuilding 160,500
Total Depreciation expense (B) P 825,500
Question No. 5

Fair valueo n initialr evaluation P 3,780,000

Book value on initial revaluation:
Cost P4,000,000
Accumulated d epreciation
[(P4,000,000 – P200,000)/10 x 2) ( 760,000) 3,240,000
12/31/2016 RevaluationS urplus P 540,000
Less: Piecemeal realization in 2017 (P540,000/10) 54,000
12/31/2017 Revaluations urplus P 486,000
12/31/2017Fairvalue P 3,400,000
12/31/2017 Book value:
Adjustedcost P 3,780,000
Accumulated Depreciation
[(P3,780,000–P270,000)/10] ( 351,000) 3,429,000
Revaluation decrease – charged to Revaluation Surplus (A) P 29,000
Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A

Question Nos. 1 and 2

Cost-beginningbalance 126,000
Less Accumulated depreciation, beginning 144.375
Heldfor sale-carryingamount 8,200
Total 232,425
Depreciation charge for the year
Held fors ale (8,200 x 20% x 6/12) 820 (A)1.
Remaining balance (232,425 x 20%) 46,845 47,305
Classified as held for sale:
Depreciationfor theyear 820
Carrying amount 185,940
Question No. 3

Carryingamountat1Oct2015 372,000
Lessvaluationa t1 October2015 449,500
Revaluationsurplus 77,500
Valuation at1October2015 449,500

Less Depreciation expense (449,500/(40-9) 14,500

Revaluation surplus (B) 435,000
Question No. 4

Carryingamountat1Oct2015 1,080,000
Lessvaluationa t1 October2015 600,000
Decreaseinvalue 480,000
Valuation at1October2015 600,000

Less Depreciation expense (600,000/(50-20) 20,000

Revaluation surplus (B) 580,000
Question No. 5 C

Carryingamountat1Oct2015 1,080,000
Lessvaluationa t1 October2015 600,000
Decreaseinvalue 480,000
Less remaining revaluations urplus 456,000
Impairmentloss-PropertyB 24,000
Impairment loss-held for sale
(8,200-820)-6,500 880
Chapter 23: Revaluation, Impairment and Noncurrent Asset Held for Sale

Total impairment loss (C) 24,880

Question No. 6

Depreciation expense based on revalued amount 14,500

Less depreciation expense based on historical cost (400,000/40) 10,000
Piecemeal realization (D) 4,500

Revaluation surplus,b eginning( Prop. A) 62,000

Add revaluations urplus,Oct.1 ,2 015 77,500
Totalrevaluation surplus 139,500
Dividebyremaininglife 31
Piecemeal realization (D) 4,500

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities


PROBLEM 25-1 Total Liabilities

Total liabilities
Accountspayable P 1,000,000
Loanp ayable– currentportion 1,000,000
Unearnedrent income 300,000
Income taxpayable 250,000
Dividendspayable 100,000
Totalcurrentliabilities P 2,650,000

Bonds payable P5,000,000

Discountonbondspayable ( 500,000)
Loanp ayable– non-current portion 1,500,000
Deferredtax liability 15,000
Total non-current liabilities P 6,015,000
Total liabilities (B) P8 ,665,000

Below items shall be presented as part of entity’s assets:

Current asset
Advances toemployees P 45,000
Non-current asset

Cash surrender value of officers’ life insurance 75,000

Patent 50,000
Below item shall be pre sented in the shareholder’s equity:
Sharedividendspayable P 150,000
Below item shall be disclosed in the not es to financial stateme nts:
Contingent liability – guarantee to James P 500,000

The bank overdraft, which is part of cash management, is offset to any bank
balance with positive balance as provided under PAS 7.

PROBLEM 25-2 Current Liabilities

Current liabilities
Accounts payable – unadjusted P 4,000,000
Add/(Deduct): Adjustments 100,000
Debit balances in suppliers’ accounts
Postdated checksof 50,000
Accounts payable –adjusted P 4,150,000
Credit balances in customers’a ccounts 500,000
Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities
Premiumspayable 600,000

Accruedexpenses 150,000
Total current liabilities (A) P5 ,400,000
Below items shall be presented as part of entity’s non-current liabilities:

Bonds payable 1,000,000

Premiumonbondspayable 100,000
Mortgage payable 850,000
Deferredtaxliability 200,000
Deferredrevenue 175,000
Below item shall be presented as part of shareholders’ equity:

Stockdividendspayable 750,000
PROBLEM 25-3 Refinancing

Current liabilities
10% note payable, maturing 03/3 1/2015 P10,000,000
Annuals inking fund requirement 500,000
Total current liabilities (C) 10,500,000
Below items shall be presented as part of entity’s non-current liabilities:

12% note payable, maturing 06/30/2015 6,000,000

7% guaranteed debentures, due2 018 2,000,000

PROBLEM 25-4 Refinancing

(A) The amount to be reported as current liabilities in 2014 is P2,000,000 since the
refinancing agreement was completed af ter the reporting date.

PROBLEM 25-5 Refinancing

(A) The amount to be reported as current liabilities in 2014 is P2,000,000 since the
grace period was granted after the reporting date.

PROBLEM 25-6 Accounts payable

Accounts payable
Accounts payable – unadjusted P 8,000,000
Cost of goodslostintransit 500,000
Cost ofreturnedgoods ( 200,000)
Accounts payable – adjusted (B) P8 ,300,000

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

PROBLEM 25-7 Accounts payable

Amount of cash to eliminate accou nts payable
Accounts payable from:
*Purchases through March 15 (gross)(P4,900,000 / 98%) P 5,000,000
Merchandise inventory at cost(P1,500,000 / 150%) 1,000,000
Accounts payable (B) P6 ,000,000
*The amount was gros sed-up since the entity is no longer enti tled to cash

discount. The liability as of March 15, 2015 has been outstanding for more than
10 days.

PROBLEM 25-8 Bonus payable

Amount of bonus
Net income before bonus and income tax P 2,200,000
Less: Required income to earn bonus 880,000
Basis of bonus P1,320,000
Multiply by: Bonusrate 10%
Total current liabilities (C ) P 132,000
PROBLEM 25-9 Bonus payable

Amount of bonus
Net income before bonus and income tax P 1,600,000
Less: Required income to earn bonus 1,000,000
Amount of income subject to bonus (125%) P 600,000
Less: Bonus (25%)(squeeze) (D) 120,000
Basis of bonus (100%) (P600,000/125%) P 480,000
PROBLEM 25-10 Unearned Revenue

Unearned revenue – gift certificates

Unearned revenue
1,500,000 Balance, Beg.
Gift certificate Cash receipts from
redeemed 4,000,000 5,000,000 gift certificate sold
Expired gift
certificate 300,000
4,300,000 6,500,000
Balance, End (B) 2,200,000
6,500,000 6,500,000

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

PROBLEM 25-11 Advances from Customers

Unearned revenue – Advance s from customers
Unearned revenue
1,100,000 Balance, Beg.
Advances applied to Advances
shipments 1,600,000 1,800,000 received
Ordersc ancelled 100,000
1,700,000 2,900,000
Balance, End (C) 1,200,000
2,900,000 2,900,000
PROBLEM 25-12 Escrow Liability

Deposits received – Escrow account

Escrow liability
600,000 Balance, Beg.
Cash payments nine Cash receipts for
months 4,200,000 4,500,000 nine months
4,200,000 5,100,000
Balance, End (C) 900,000
5,100,000 5,100,000
PROBLEM 25-13 Container’s Deposits

Deposits received – Escrow account

Liability for Deposits
100,000 Balance, Beg.
Cash refunds for
container returned in Cash deposits
2014 92,000 100,000 from d eliveries
92,000 200,000

Balance, End (C) 108,000

200,000 200,000
PROBLEM 25-14 VAT payable

Provision - VAT payable

VAT Payable
- Balance, Beg.
Payment made 120,000 120,000 For October
84,000 For November
96,000 For December
120,000 300,000
Balance, End (A) 180,000
300,000 300,000
Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

PROBLEM 25-15 Provision: Continuous range of outcome

(D) A range between 10,000 and means that the contingency cannot be
reliably estimated, hence no pro vision is recognized.

PROBLEM 25-16 Provision: Expected value with adjustment factor

70% chance that outcome will occur × 20% × 200,000 28,000
70% chance that outcome will occur × 80% × 100,000 56,000
Expectedvalue 84,000
Multiply by: Riskadjustment 1.07
Risk adjustedexpected value 89,880
Multiplyb y:Presentvaluefactor 89,000
Provision (D) 81,709
PROBLEM 25-17 Restructuring Provisions

Wagesofretrenchedemployees 1,000,000
Salary ( 50,000x 60%) 30,000
Retrenchmentpackage 150,000
Restructuring provision (D) 1,180,000

Note that 60% (administering the closure and transfer of employees of Factory
A) is only included in computing the restructuring provision since it is directly
related to the restructuring.

PROBLEM 25 18 Contingencies
(C) Since the outcome of the lawsuit remains uncertain, disclosure of the
contingency in the notes to financial statements would be the necessary.

PROBLEM 25-19 Contingencies

(B) Since it is probable that De rick will be liab le to pay the 3,000,000 as supported by
Rose’s filing of a petition for bankruptcy, Derick should accrue and disclose the provision
for guarantee on a loan of 3,000,000.

PROBLEM 25-20 Premiums Payable

Provision – Premiums liability
Premiums liability
- Balance, Beg.
**Coupons redeemed 50,000 80,000 *Premiums expense

50,000 80,000
Balance, End (D) 30,000
Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

80,000 80,000
*(20,000 x 80%)/5 x (P30 + P5 - P1 0)
**(10,000/5) x (P30 + P5 - P10)

PROBLEM 25-21 Premiums

Premiums liability (2015)
**Balance,E nd 200,000 - Balance,Beg.
*Coupons expense
redeemed 800,000 1,000,000 (squeeze)
1,000,000 1,000,000
Premiums liability (2016)
**Balance, End 120,000 200,000
Balance, Beg.
*Coupons expense
redeemed 2,000,000 1,920,000 (squeeze) (D)
2,120,000 2,120,000
*Number of towels distributed x net cost of P40
**Number of towels yet to be distributed x net cost of P40
The beginning balance of the 5,000 towels is included as part of the 50,000 towels
distributed in 2016. If the actual towels distributed from 2016 is different from that
was recorded as of the end of 2015, this is considered as a change in accounting
estimate which should be taken into account during 2016
and for the succeeding accounting period.

PROBLEM 25-22 Warranty Liability

Warranties liability (2015)
- Balance, Beg.
Actual expenditures 150,000 500,000 *Warranties expense
150,000 500,000
Balance, End 350,000
500,000 500,000

Warranties liability (2016)

350,000 Balance, Beg.
Actual expenditures 550,000 600,000 *Warranties expense
550,000 950,000
Balance, End (A) 400,000
950,000 950,000
*Sales x Total estimated warranty cost of 10%

PROBLEM 25-23 Warranty Liability

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

Warranties liability
- Balance, Beg.
Actual expenditures 140,000 480,000 Warranties expense
140,000 480,000
Balance, End (C) 340,000
480,000 480,000
PROBLEM 25-24 Warranty - Sales are Made Evenly

Pattern of Realized Revenues:

2015 SALES
Fromsalesi n: 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total
1st (40%x½) 0.20 0.20 0.40
2nd (36%x½) 0.18 0.18 0.36
3rd (24%x½) 0.12 0.12 0.24
Total 0.20 0.38 .030 0.12 1
2016 SALES
Fromsalesi n: 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total
1st (40%x½) 0.20 0.20 0.40
2nd (36% x½ 0.18 0.18 0.36
3rd (24%x½) 0.12 0.12 0.24
Total 0.20 0.38 0.30 0.12 1
Requirement No. 1 (A)

Warranty Sales in 2015 earned in 2016 (38% x 1,000 x P1,500) 570,000

Warranty Sales in 2016 earned in 2016 (20% x 1,200 x P1,500) 360,000
Total warranty sales revenue earned in 2016 930,000

The 38% repre sents the realized revenue in 2016 from 2015 Sales.
The 20% repre sents the realized revenue in 2016 from 2016 Sales.

Requirement No. 2 (B)

Total warranty sales revenue earned in 2016 (see No. 1) 930,000
Expenses relating to computer warranties 60,000
Profitfromsales warranty 870,000

Requirement No. 3 (A)

Unearned sales warranty from 2015 [(30% + 12% x 1,000 x 630,000
Unearned sales warranty from 2016 [(100%-20%) x 1,200 x 1,440,000
Totalunearnedsalesw arranty 2,070,000

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

The 30% and 12% repr esent the unrealized revenues in 2016 from 2015
The 20% rep resents the realized revenue in 2016 from 2016 Sales. So
100% minus 20% realized is equal to 80% unrealized revenue in 2016 from
2016 Sales.

1.A 2. B3.A

PROBLEM 25-25 Refinancing

1. P2,000,000 (Letter B). The entire amount is payable within one year from the
reporting date thus presen ted as current liability.
2. Nil (Letter A). Since both parties are financially capable of honoring the
agreement’s provisions and the debtor has the discretion to refinance or roll over
the loan for at least twelve months from December 31, 2014 the entire amount is
treated as Noncurrent liability.
3. Nil (Letter A). Since the company entered into a refinancing agreement
with a bank to refinance the loan on a long-term basis before the reporting
date, the entire amount of liability is treated as noncurren t.
4. P2,000,000 (Letter B). Since the company entered into a refinancing agreement
with a bank to refinance the loan on a long-term basis after the reporting date, the
entire amount of liability is treated as current.

PROBLEM 25-26 Obligations Payable on Demand, Breach of Loan

1. P2,000,000 (Letter C). Only if an enforceable promise is received by the end of
the reporting period from the creditor not to demand payment for at least 12
months from the end of the reporting period that the note may be classified as
2. Nil (Letter A). The entire amount of loan is noncurrent liability since there was an
agreement on the reporting date not to demand payment in order for the debtor
to rectify the breach with 12 months from the reporting date.
3. P2,000,000 (Letter B). The entire amount of loan is current liability since the
agreement not to demand payment happened after the reporting period.

PROBLEM 25-27 Contingencies

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

5. A (Amount of accrual is P2,040,000 using expected value method which is

calculated as (P1.6M x 20 + (2M x 50%) + (2.4M x 30%)
6. A (Amount of accrual is P2,250,000 using midpoint of the range which is
calculated as (P1.5M+3M)/2)

PROBLEM 25-28 Contingencies

1. A
2. B (Disclose an amount of P1,500,000)
3. B (Disclose an amount of P1,500,000)
4. B (Disclose an amount of P1,000,000)
5. D
6. A (It is virtually certain that the company will be receiving the P1,5000,000.)

PROBLEM 25-29 Bonus Computation

1. Net income before bonus but before tax
B = NY x BR
= 3,090,000 x 20%
= 618,000

2. Net income after bonus but before tax

100% + BR
= 20% x 3,090,000
100% + 20%
= 515,000

3. Net income after bonus and tax

B = BR X (NY–B–T)
B = 20% x (3,090,000-B-(927,000-3.B)
B = 20% x (3,090,000-B-927,000+.3B)
B = 618,000-.2B-185,400+.06B
1B+.2B-.06B = 618,000-185,400
1.14B = 432,600
1.14 1.14
B = 379,474

T = 30% X (3,090,000 – B)
= 927,000-.3B
B = BR x [NY x (1-TR)]
1 + [BR x (1-TR)]

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

= 20% x (3,090,000 x (1-30%)

1+[20% x (1-30%)]
= 20% x (3,090,000 x 70%)
1+(20% x 70%)
= 20% x (2,163,000)
= 379,474

NY = Net income before bonus and tax
B = Bonus
BR = Bonus Rate
T =T ax
TR = Tax Rate

1.D 2. B3.C

Question Nos. 1 and 2
Estimated liability from Warranties
Disbursement for 44,800 Beginning balance
warranties 164,000
Balance end 212,000 240,000 Warranty expense.
Total 376,000
Warrantyexpense 240,000

Divideby% ageofwarranty 4%
Sales from musical instruments and sound
reproduction equipment (Question No. 1) 6,000,000
Question No. 3

= P2,000,000 X 1c oupon x 9 0% P34-P20
200 coupons
= P63,000

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

Question No. 4
Inventory of Premium
Beg.Balance 39,950 56,950 Balance end
Net Purchases (6,500 x 221,000 Cost of issued premium
204,000 (1.2M coupons.200 coupons
x P34
Total 260,950
Question No. 5

Estimated liability for Premiums

Disbursement for premiums 44,800 Beginning balance
(1.2M coupons/200 coupons
x P(34-P20) 84,000
Balance end 23,800 63,000 Premium expense.
Total 107,800

1. A 2.A3. C4.D 5. D

PROBLEM 25-31 Refinancing of Loan, Notes Payable Interest and Non-

Interest Bearing
Note to the Professor: This problem should be discussed after the discussion in
Chapter 26.

QuestionNo. 1 (A)
Periodic payment-NP Delivery equipment
(P2M/4) 500,000
Multiplyb y PV of ordinarya nnuity 3.0373
Present value of NP-delivery equipment 1,518,650
Amortization table:

Payment Interest Discount Present

Date Expense Amortization value
01/01/2015 1,518,650
12/31/2015 500,000 182,238 317,762 1,200,888
12/31/2016 500,000 144,107 355,893 844,995
Question Nos. 2 and 3

Noncurrent Current
12% Note payable 1,400,000 700,000
10% note payable 2,000,000
Note payable-del. 844,995 355,893
Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

Total 4,244,995 1,055,893

Question No. 4
Accrued interest payable-12% Note payable
=P2,100,000 x 12% x 8/12
Question No. 5
Interest expense:
12% Note payable
1/1-5/1 (2.8M x 12% x 4/12) 112,000
5/1-12/31 (2.1M x 12% x 8/12) 168,000
10% Note payable (2M x 10%) 200,000
Note payable - Delivery. Equipment
(seea mortization table) 182,238
Total 662,238
1. A 2. B 3. B 4 . B 5. C
PROBLEM 25-32 Warranty, Premiums and Bonus

Question No. 1
Warrantyexpense(P150 x1,200) 180,000
Less:Warrantypaid 85,000
Estimated Premiums payable (A) 95,000

Question No 2
Premium expense
(P1,200,000 x 1 coupon/P1)/400 x 60% x (P45-P20) 45,000
Less: Net cost of redeemed coup ons
(500,000/400)x(P45-P20) 31,250
Estimated Premiums payable (C) 13,750
Question No. 3

Unadjustednetincome 1,935,000
Warranty expense under, Net income over (P180,000-P85,000) (95,000)
Premium expense over, Net income under (P270,000-P45,000) 225,000
Adjusted Net income (C) 2,065,000
Question No. 4

Net income after bonus but be fore tax

B = BR x NY
100% + BR
= 20% x 2,065,000
100% + 20%
Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities
= 344,167 (B)

Question No. 5

Net income after bonus and tax

B = BR x (NY–B–T)
T = TR x (NY – B)

B = BR x [NY x (1-TR)]
1 + [BR x (1-TR)]
Net income after bonus and tax
B = BR X (NY–B–T)
B = 20% x (2,065,000-B-(9619,500-3.B)
B = 20% x (2,065,000-B-619,500+.3B)
B = 413,000-.2B-123,900+.06B
1B+.2B-.06B = 413,000-123,900
1.14B = 289,100
1.14 1.14
B = 253,596 (C)
T = 30% X (2,065,000 – B)

= 619,500-.3B
BR x [NY x (1-TR)]

= 20% x (2,065,000 x (1-30%)

1+[20% x (1-30%)]
= 20% x (2,065,000 x 70%)
1+(20% x 70%)
= 20% x (1,445,500)
= 253,596

NY = Net income before bonus and tax
B = Bonus

T =T ax
TR = Tax Rate

1.A 2. C 3.C4.B 5. C

Chapter 25: Introduction to Liabilities

PROBLEM 25-33 Comprehensive

Question No. 1
SSSPayable 10,000
Philhealth payable 9,000
Estimated liabilities under guarantee agreement 110,000
Estimatedwarrantieso ng oodss old 120,000
Utilities payable 6,000
Trade payables (170,000+30,000+20,000+12,000-8,000) 224,000
Notesp ayablea risingf rom purchaseo fg oods 200,000
Convertibleb ondsp ayable due July1 ,2 014 1,000,000
Serial bonds payable(40,000 x 2) 80,000
Accrued interestexpense 4,000
Advances from customers 25,000
Unearned rent income 36,000
Unearned interestonreceivables 3,500
Incometaxes payables 45,000
Cashdividends payable 100,000
Property dividends payable 120,000
Creditbalanceof notes payable 40,000
Overdraft with PNB 80,000
Container's deposit 45,000
Loans payable-12% 270,000
Financiall iabilityd esignateda s FVTPL 200,000
Current liabilities (B) 2,727,500
Question No. 2

Deferredtaxliability 40,000
Notes payable
Arsingfrom 4-year bankloan 400,000
Arising from advances by officers, dune in 3 years 300,000
Serial bonds payable (800,000 minus (40,000 x 2) 720,000
Security deposit received froml essee 89,000
Loanspayable-10% 150,000
Total noncurrent liabilities (A) 1,699,000
Question No. 3

Total liabilities
Currentliabilities 2,727,500
Totalnoncurrentl iabilities 1,699,000
Total liabilities (B) 4,426,500

1.B 2. A3.B

Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring



PROBLEM 26-1 Financial Liabilities at FVTPL (Interest Expense and
Unrealized gains or losses)
Question No. 1
Face value 3,000,000
Multiply by:nominal rate 8%
Multiplyb y: months outstanding/12 12/12
Interest expense (A) P240,000
Question No. 2

Fairvalue ofthebonds 3,090,000

Less:Carryingvalue 2,850,756
Unrealized loss (or gain)-P&L (B) 239,244
Question No. 3

RetirementP rice (3M x 104) 3,120,000

Less: Carryingv alue( 3M x1 03) 3,090,000
Realized loss on derecognition-P&L (D) 30,000

1.A 2. B3.D

PROBLEM 26-2 Unrealized Gain or Loss of FVTPL with Change Due To

Credit Risk
Question No. 1
Market price of the liability, end of the period 4,000,000
Less: Fair value of liability using the sum observed interest rate
andinstruments pecificIRR 4,155,480
Unrealized gain - OCI (C) 155,480
Internal rate of return at the start of the period - yield or

effective rate 10%

Less: Observed (benchmark) interest rate, date of inception 9%
InstrumentspecificIRR 1%
Observed (benchmark) interest rate, end of period 8%

Add:Instrumentspecific-IRR 1%
Discountrate 9%
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

PROBLEM 26-3 Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost-Term

Bonds Question No. 1
Present value of Principal (1,200,000 X 0.7513 ) 901,560
Add: PV of interest payments (96,000 X 2.4869 ) 238,742
Present value of the investment bonds (C) 1,140,302
Question No. 2

Amortization Table
Interest Interest Premium Present
Date payment expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 1,140,302
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring
12/31/2016 96,000 114,030 (B) 18,030 1,158,333

12/31/2017 96,000 115,833 19,833 1,178,166

12/31/2018 96,000 117,867 21,835 1,200,000

1.C 2. B

PROBLEM 26-4 Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost-Serial Bonds

Question No. 1
Interest Total Preset value
Principal payment payment factor TotalP V
400,000 96,000 496,000 0.9091 450,914
400,000 64,000 464,000 0.8264 383,450
400,000 32,000 432,000 0.7513 324,562
Total PV of the bonds (A) P1,158,925
Question No. 2

Interest Interest Discount Princi- Present

Date Payment Expense Amortization pal value
01/01/2016 1,158,925
12/31/2016 96,000 115,892 19,892 400,000 778,817
12/31/2017 64,000 77,882 13,882 400,000 392,699
12/31/2018 3 2,000 39,301 7,301 400,000 -

1.A 2. A

PROBLEM 26-5 Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost - Term Bonds with

Transaction Costs
IssueP rice (5,000,000x98%) 4,900,000
Less:Bondissue cost 140,000
PresentvalueonJanuary 1,2015 4,760,000
Add: Discount amortization
Nominalinterest(5M x1 0%) 500,000
Effective interest (4,760,000 x 12%) 571,200 71,200
Carrying value – 12/31/2015 (D) 4,831,200

PROBLEM 26-6 Financial Liabilities at Amortized Cost - Term Bonds with

Transaction Costs
IssueP rice( 5,000,000x110%) 5.500,000
Less:Bondissue cost 80,000
PresentvalueonJanuary 1,2015 5,420,000
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring
Less: Premium amortization

Nominalinterest(5Mx8 %) 400,000
Effective interest (5,420,000 x 6%) 325,200 74,800
Carrying value – 12/31/2016 (B) 5,345,200
PROBLEM 26-7 Bonds payable with warrants

Market value of the bonds without the warrants (B) 4,800,000

PROBLEM 26-8 Issuance of Convertible Bonds

Question No. 1
TotalProceeds( P1,000x1,000) 1,000,000
Less: Fair value of the bonds without conversion privilege 900,000
Total Share Premium (A) 100,000
Using 7.48%

Present value of Principal (1,000,000 x 0.7 ) 700,000

Add: Present value of interest payments (50,000 x 4 ) 200,000
Totalpresentvalue 900,000
Question No. 2 See amortization table below.

Amortization Table
Interest Interest Discount Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 900,000
12/31/2016 500 00 67,320 173 20 917,320
PROBLEM 26-9 Retirement of Bonds Payable

Retirementp rice ( 5,000,000 x. 98) 4,900,000

Less: Carrying value ( 5,000,000 - 50 0,000 - 30 0,000) 4,200,000
Loss on retirement (A) 700,000

PROBLEM 26-10 Conversion of Convertible Bonds

Question No. 1 – Case No. 1

Nil. (A) No gain or loss on conversion of convertible bonds unless the conversion is
induced by the company. The journal entry to record the transaction would then be:

Bonds payable 1,500,000

Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring
Share premium-conversion option 60,000

Premiumonbondspayable 52,049
Ordinarys hares(20000X50) 1,000,000
SharePremium 612,049
Question No. 2 - Case No. 2

Fairvalue ofliability 1,600,000

Less: Carrying amount of the bonds payable 1,552,049
Loss on settlement (conversion) of liabi lity (B) 47,951
Fairvalue ofliability 1,600,000
Less: Totalp arv alueo ft he shares issued 1,000,000
SharePremium 600,000
The journal entry to record the transaction would then be :

Bonds payable 1,500,000

Losso ns ettlementofliability 47,951
Premiumonbondspayable 52,049
Ordinarys hares(20,000X50) 1,000,000
SharePremium 600,000
PROBLEM 26-11 Induced Conversion

Facea mount of debts ecurities converted 1,500,000

Divideby:New conversionprice 20
Number ofs haresi ssued upon conversion 75,000
Multiply by: Fair value of shares on the conversion date 30
Fairvalueo fsharesconverted 2,250,000
Facea mount of debts ecurities converted 1,500,000

Divideby:Old conversion price 25

Number of shares issued under original conversion 60,000
Multiply by: Fair value of shares on the conversion date 30
Fair value of shares under original conversion 1,800,000
Fairvalueo fsharesconverted 2,250,000

Less: Fair value of shares under original conversion 1,800,000

Debt conversion expense or loss on induced conversion (B) 450,000
Journal entry is:

Bonds payable 1,500,000

Debt conversion expense or loss on
inducedconversion 450,000
Premiumonbondspayable 52,049
Ordinaryshares(75,000x10 ) 750,000
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring
Sharepremium 1,252,049

PROBLEM 26-12 Interest-Bearing Note

Accrued interest 2015 ( 0,000 x 12% x 9/12) 450,000
Accrued interest 2016 ( 5,450,000 x 12% x 12/12) 654,000
Total accrued interest (C) 1,104,000
PROBLEM 26-13 Non-Interest Bearing Note

Principal 2,000,000
Less: Discount on notes payable 216,000
(2M x 10.8% x 12/12)
Amortization (216,000/12x 5) (90,000) 126,000
Carrying amount of the note payable (B) 1,874,000
PROBLEM 26-14 Interest-Bearing Note

Accrued interest [( 1,350,000 - 450,000) x 12% x 4/12] (B) 36,000

PROBLEM 26-15 Loans Payable

Principal 1,500,000
Less: Directo riginationf ees paid (1.5M x4 %) 60,000
Initial carrying amount of the loans payable (D) 1,440,000
PROBLEM 26-16 Debt Restructuring

Carrying value of liability ( 6,000,000 + 00,000) 6,600,000

Less: Cost orcarryingvalueofl and 3,500,000
Gain on extingui shment (D) 3,100,000
PROBLEM 26-17 Debt Restructuring

Fair value of equity securities ( 70 x 50,000) 3,500,000

Less:Par value( 2,500,000
Share premium (D) 1,000,000
PROBLEM 26-18 Debt Restructuring

Question No. 1
Present value of Principal ( 4,000,000 x 0.75) 3,000,000
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring
Add: Present value of interest payments (320,000 x 2.49) 796,800

Present value oft he notes payable 3,796,800

Less: Carrying value of the notes ( 5,000,000 + 00,000) 5,500,000
Gain on extingui shment (B) 1,203,200

The gain is recognized since the restructuring results in a substantial modification

(i.e., 21.88% = 1,203,200 / 5,500,000)

Question No. 2
Interest expense (3,796,800 x 10%) (B) 379,680

PROBLEM 26-19 Debt Restructuring

Principal P6,000,000
Add: Accrued interest – January 1,2 015 600,000
Accruedinterest–2015 600,000
Carryingamountofo ldl iability 7,200,000
Less: Present value of new liability
Present value of principal (P5M x .6209) 3,104,500
Present value of interest (P5M x .08 x 3.7908) 1,516,320 4,620,820
Gain on extinguishment of liability (A) 2,579,180

PROBLEM 26-20 Interest-Bearing Note – Lump Sum

Question No. 1
Present value of Principal (4,000,000 x 0.6830 ) 2,732,054
Add: Present value of interest payments (600,000 x 3.1699) 1,901,919
Present value of the notes payable (D) 4,633,973
Amortization Table:

Interest Interest Discount Present

Date Payment Expense Amortization value
01/01/2017 4,633,973
12/31/2017 600,000 463,397 136,603 4,497,370
12/31/2018 600,000 449,737 150,263 4,347,107
12/31/2019 600,000 434,711 165,289 4,181,818
Question No. 2

Interest Expense (4,633,973x .10) =463,397 (C)

Question No. 3

P4,497,370. See amortiz ation table above. (C)

Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

Question No. 4
Nil. (A) The entire note payab le is noncurr ent liability.

Question No. 5
P4,497,370. (D) The entir e note payable is current liability.

1.D 2. C 3.C4.A 5. D

PROBLEM 26-21 interest-bearing note – non-uniform installments

Question No. 1
Interest Total Preset value Present
Principal payment payment factor Value
1,200,000 60,000 1,260,000 0.8929 1,125,054
400,000 24,000 424,000 0.7972 338,013
400,000 12,000 412,000 0.7118 293,262
Total PV of notes payable (D) 1,756,328
Amortization Table

Date Interest Discount Principal Present

Date Expense on N/P Payment Value
01/01/2016 1,756,328
12/31/2016 60,000 210,759 150,759 1,200,000 707,088
12/31/2017 24,000 84,851 60,851 400,000 367,938
12/31/2018 12,000 44,079 32,062 400,000 -
Question No. 2

Interest expense (1,756,328 x .12) P210,759 (D)

Question No. 3

Carrying amount – December 31, 2016 P707,088 (C)

Question No. 4

Principal payable Dec. 31,2 017 P400,000

Less: Discount on notes payable 60,851
Carrying amount-current liability (C) P339,149
Question No. 5

Principal payable Dec.3 1,2 018 P400,000

Less: Discount on notes payable 32,062
Carrying amount-noncurrent liability (C) P367,938

Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

1.D 2. D3.C4.C 5. C

PROBLEM 26-22 Interest-Bearing Note –Uniform Installments

Question No. 1
Interest Total Preset value Present
Principal payment payment factor Value
1,000,000 600,000 1,600,000 0.9091 1,454,545
1,000,000 450,000 1,450,000 0.8264 1,198,347
1,000,000 300,000 1,300,000 0.7513 976,709
1,000,000 150,000 1,150,000 0.6830 785,465
Total PV of notes payable (C) 4,415,066
Amortization Table

Interest Interest Premium Principal Present

Date Payment Expense Amortization Payment Value
01/01/2017 4,415,066
12/31/2017 600,000 441,507 158,493 1,000,000 3,256,573
12/31/2018 450,000 325,657 124,343 1,000,000 2,132,230
12/31/2019 30 0,000 213,223 86,777 1,000,000 1,045,453
12/31/2020 150,000 104,545 45,455 1,000,000 0

Question No. 2
Interest expense (4,415,066 x .10) P441,507 (B)
Question No. 3

Carrying amount – December 31, 2017 3,256,573 (B)

Question No. 4

Principal (payable Dec. 31, 2018) P1,000,000

Add: Premium on notes payable 124,343
Carrying amount-current liability (C) P1,124,343
Question No. 5

Carrying amount – December 31, 2017 P3,256,573

Add: Premium on notes payable 1,124,343
Carrying amount-noncurrent liability (D) P2,132,230

1.C 2. B3.B 4.C 5. D

PROBLEM 26-23 Noninterest-Bearing Note – With Cash Price Equivalent

Question No. 1

Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

The carrying amount of the note on initial recognition is equal to its cash price
equivalent of P994,760 . (C)

Coincidentally, the effective rate using the cash price equivalent is 12% and the
amortization table is as follows:

Amortization Table at 12%

Principal Interest Present
Date payment expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 994,760
12/31/2016 400,000 99,476 300,524 694,236
12/31/2017 400,000 69,424 330,576 363,660
12/31/2018 400,000 36,340 363,660 -
Question No. 2

Interest expense (994,760x .12) P99,476 (A)

Question No. 3

Carrying amount – December 31, 2016 P694,236 (A)

Question No. 4

Principal (payableD ec.3 1,2 017 P400,000

Less: Discount on notes payable 69,424
Carrying amount-current liability (B) P330,576
Question No. 5

Principal (payableD ec.3 1,2 018 P400,000

Less: Discount on notes payable 36,340
Carrying amount noncurrent liability (C) P363,660

1.C 2. A 3.A 4. B 5. C
PROBLEM 26-24 Noninterest-Bearing Note – Lump Sum

Question No. 1
Present value of Principal (1,200,000 x 0.7118 ) (B) 854,160
Amortization Table

Date Intereste xpense Presentv alue

01/01/2016 854,160
12/31/2016 102,499 956,659
12/31/2017 114,799 1,071,458
12/31/2018 128,542 1,200,000
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

Question No. 2
Interest expense (854,160 x .12) P102,499 (B)
Question No. 3

Carrying amount – December 31, 2016 P956,659 (A)

Question No. 4
Nil. The entire note payable is noncurrent liability since it is due beyond 12
months from the reporting date. (B)

Question No. 5
The total entire carrying amount of note payable is presented as noncurrent
liability. See Question No. 4. (A)

1.B 2. B3.A4.B 5. A

PROBLEM 26-25 Noninterest-Bearing Note – Installments

Question No. 1
Present value of Principal (400,000 X 2.4018 ) (D) 960,720
Amortization Table

Date Interest Interest Present

Payment expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 960,720
12/31/2016 400,000 115,286 284,714 676,006
12/31/2017 400,000 81,121 318,879 357,127
12/31/2018 400,000 42,873 357,127 -

Question No. 2
P115,286. See amortization table above. (A)

Question No. 3
P676,006. See amortization table above. (A)

Question No. 4
Principal (payableD ec.3 1,2 017 P400,000
Less: Discount on notes payable 81,121
Carrying amount-current liability (B) P318,879
Question No. 5

Principal (payableD ec.3 1,2 018 P400,000

Less: Discount on notes payable 42,873
Carrying amount-noncurrent liability (C) P357,127
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

1.D 2. A3.A4.B 5. C

PROBLEM 26-26 Issuance, Retirement and Conversion of Non-Convertible

Question No. 1
Present value of Principal (3,000,000 X 0.6499 ) 1,949,794
Add: Present value of interest payments
(3,000,000 x12%x3.8897) 1,400,274
Present value of the bonds payable (B) 3,350,068
Amortization Table

Date Interest Interest Discount Present

payment expense Amortization value
01/01/2014 3,350,068
12/31/2014 360,000 301,506 58,494 3,291,574
12/31/2015 360,000 296,242 63,758 3,227,816
Question No. 2

RetirementPrice 1,900,000
Less: Carrying amount (3,227,816 x 1/2) 1,613,908
Loss on retirement (B) 286,092
QuestionNo. 3 (B)

Amortization table:
Interest Interest Present
Date payment expense Amortization value
12/31/2015 1,613,908
12/31/2016 180,000 145,252 4,7483 1,579,160
Question No. 4

Fair value of the ordinary shares issued (460 x 5,000) P2,300,000

Less: Carryinga mount oft he liability 1,579,160
Loss on conversion (D) P720,840*
Or P720,839*

Question No. 5

Fair value of the ordinary shares issued (460 x 5,000) P2,300,000

Less: Total par value of the shares issued (40 x 5,000) 200,000
Share Premium (D) P2,100,000
1.B2.B3. B4.D5. D
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

PROBLEM 26-27 Issuance, Retirement and Conversion of Convertible Bonds

Question No. 1
TotalProceeds P3,000,000
Less: Present value of the bonds without the
conversion option
Present value of Principal (3,000,000 x 0.5674 ) 1,702,281
Present value of interest payments (300,000 x 1,081,433
3.6048 ) 2,783,713
Residual amount to equity (B) 216,287
Amortization Table
Date Interest Interest Discount Present
payment expense Amortization value
01/01/2015 2,783,713
12/31/2015 300,000 334,046 (34,046) 2,817,759
12/31/2016 300,000 338,131 (38,131) 2,855,890
Question No. 2

Fair value of liability using current rate 1,537,969

Less: Carryinga mount (2,817,759 x ½) 1,427,945
Loss on settlement of liability (B) 110,024
Present value using 9% for 3 per iods

Present value of Principal (1,500,000 X 0.7722) 1,158,275

Add: Present value of interest payments (150,000 X 2.5313) 379,694
Present value oft he bondsp ayable 1,537,969
Question No. 3

Retirement Price 1,600,000

Less: Fair value of liability using current rate 1,537,969
Decrease in equity (C) 62,031
Question No. 4

Interest expense is P338,131 based on the amor tization table above. (D)
Question No. 5

Shares to be issued based on amended terms (1.5M/400) 3,750

Less: Shares to be issued based on original terms (1.5M/500) 3,000
Incrementalshares 750
Multiply by: Fairvalue 420
Debt settlement expense (C) 315,000

1.B2. B 3. C4.D 5. C

Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

PROBLEM 26-28 Redeemable Preference Shares and

Debentures Present value of the redeemable preference
Present value of Principal (15,000 x 1.05 x 0.72161 ) 11,365
Add: Present value of interest payments (1,500 x 2.42308 ) 3,635
Present value oft he preferences hares 15,000
Amortization table:

Date Interest Interest Present

Payment Expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 15,000
12/31/2016 1,500 1,723 223 15,223
12/31/2017 1,500 1,749 249 15,472
12/31/2018 1,500 1,778 246 15,718

Question No. 1
P1,723. See amortization table above. (B)
Question No. 2

P1,749. See amortization table above. (C)

Question No. 3

P1,778. See amortization table above. (D)

Present value of the debentures

Present value of Principal (20,000 x 1.02 x 0.53884 ) 10,992

Add: Present value of interest payments (2400 x 3.5032 ) 8,408
Presentvalueofbonds payable 19,400
Amortization Table

Date Interest Interest Present

Payment Expense Amortization value
12/31/2018 19,400
12/31/2019 2,400 2,554 (154) 19,554
Question No. 4

P2,554. See amortization table above. (B)

Question No. 5

P19,554. See amortization table above. (B)


1.B 2. C 3.D 4. B 5. B

Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

Question No. 1
Accounts payable, unadjusted P1,350,000
Good in transitF OB shippingp oint 75,000
Undeliveredcheck 60,000
Accounts payable, adjusted (D) P1,485,000
Question No. 2

14% Note payable (1,250,000 x 14%) P175,000

16% Note payable (3,000,000 x 16%) 480,000
10% Note payable (2,000,000 x 10% x 6/12) 100,000
Interest expense (D) P755,000
Question No. 3

14% Note payable (1,250,000 x 14% x 3/12) P43,750

16% Note payable (3,000,000 x 16% x 9/12) 360,000
10% Note payable (2,000,000 x 10% x 6/12) 100,000
Interest expense (C) P503,750
QuestionNos. 4 and 5

Current Noncurrent
Accountspayable 1,485,000
14%Notepayable 1,250,000
16%Notepayable 3,000,000
10%Notepayable 2,000,000
Accrued interestpayable 503,750
Total P3 238,750 P5,000,000
(C) (C)
1.D2.D3.C4.C 5. C
PROBLEM 26-30 (Comprehensive)

Question No. 1
Present value of Principal (10,000,000 X 0.3118 ) 3,118,000
Add: Present value of interest payments (500,000 X 11.46992 ) 5,734,960
Present value of the bonds payable (A) 8,852,960
Question No. 2

April1,2016 P400,000
July1, 2016 600,000
October1,2016 300,000
January 1, 2017 300,000
Notes payable-current liability (B) P1,600,000
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

QuestionNos. 3 and 4
Estimated liability from Warranties
Disbursement for 180,000 Beginning balance
warranties 358,000
Balance end(A) 342,000 520,000 Warranty expense (C)
Total 700,000
Question No. 5

(a) (b) ( c) d=b x c E=d-a

Fixed Comm. Comm. Salaries
salary Net Sales Rate Expense Payable
A 10,000 200,000 4% 8,000 0
B 14,000 4 00,000 6% 24,000 10,000
C 18,000 600,000 6% 36,000 18,000
Total (C) P28,000
Question Nos. 6 and 7

Current Noncurrent
Int. payable - Bonds (10M x 10% x 3/12) 250,000
Int. payable - Note payable 600,000
Notespayable 1,600,000 5,400,000*
Estimated warranties payable 342,000
Tradepayable 740,000
Salescommissions payable 28,000
Cash dividends payable (6M x P.2) 1,200,000
Bonds payable 8,970,751
Total P4,760,000 P14,370,751**
(B) (C)

* or P14,370,783 which is the same as P8,952,185 x 100% +(Effective rate x
months outstanding/12) minus payment

Or [(P8,952,185 x 103%) - P250,000]

Amortization Table
Interest Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
07/01/2014 500,000 531,178 31,178 8,852,960
01/01/2015 8,884,138
07/01/2015 500,000 533,048 33,048 8,917,186
01/01/2016 500,000 535,031 34,999 8,952,185
03/31/2016 250,000 268,566 18,566 8,970,751
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

(8,952,185 x 12% x 3/12)

1.A 2.B3.A4.C 5. C 6 B 7 C

PROBLEM 26-31 Financial liabilities, Investment in associate and research

and development cost
Question No. 1
Totalproceeds(P100x2M) 200,000,000
Less: Present value of the convertible debt (see No. 2) 181,635,200
Share premium – conversionp rivilege 18,364,800
Less:Shareissuancecost 4,000,000
Net amount allocated to equity (C) 14,364,800

Question No. 2
Present value of convertible debt without conversion option at 11.81%
Present value of Principal (200M x .7154) 143,080,000
Add: Present value of interest payments (200M x .08 x 2.4097) 38,555,200
Present value of the convertible debt (B) 181,635,200
Question No. 3

Interest expense (181,635,200 x .1181) (D) 21,451,117

Question No. 4

Netassetof GL 380,000,000
Less:Recoverableamount 370,000,000
ImpairmentlossofGL 10,000,000
Multiply by:Percentageshare 20%
Impairment loss (C) 2,000,000
Question No. 5

1. Researcho n sizeo fp otential market 800,000

6. Stafftraining costs 600,000
7. Advertisementcosts 3,400,000
Total amount expensed (B) 4,800,000

Question No. 6
2. Productsdesigning 1,500,000
3. Laborc osts in refinement of products
4. Development work undertaken to finalize the 950,000
productdesign 11,000,000
Total Development cost capitalized (C) 13,450,000

Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

1.C 2. B3.D 4.C 5. B 6 C

PROBLEM 26-32 Financial Liabilityat FVTPL vs. FLAC


Question No. 1
Initial carrying amount is fair value or issuance price of 1,898,205.
Transaction cost is expensed outright. (D)

Question No. 2
Interest expense ( 2,000,000 x 8%)= 160,000 (A)
Question No. 3

Fair value 12/31/2015 (1.02 x 2,000,000) 2,040,000

Less:Initialcarryingamount 1,898,205
Unrealized loss (C) 141,795
Question No. 4

Carrying value ( 2,000,000 x .98)= 1,960,000 (C)

Question No. 5

Fair value1 2/31/2017 (.99 x 2,000,000) 1,980,000

Less:Carrying value (.98x 1,960,000
Unrealized loss (D) 20,000
Question No. 6

Retirementp rice (1.05 x 2,000,000) 2,100,000

Add:Transactioncost 20,000
Totalretirementprice 2,120,000
Less:Carrying value (.98x 1,980,000
Loss on derecognition (A) 140,000

1.D 2. A3.C 4. C 5. D 6. A

Question No. 7

Issue price 1,898,205

Less:Transactioncost 25,000
Initial carrying amount (C) 1,873,205
Chapter 26: Financial Liabilities and Debt Restructuring

Question No. 8
Effective interest rate = 10% (B)
Please refer to discussion on interp olation.

Question No. 9
Interest expense ( x 10%)= 187,321 (B)

Question No. 10
No gain or loss due to change in fair value is not recognized . (D)

Question No. 11
Carrying value 12/31/2016 (A) 1,930,579
Question No. 12

Retirementp rice (1.05 x 2,000,000) 2,100,000

Add:Transactioncost 20,000
Totalretirementprice 2,120,000
Less: Carryingv alue– 01/01/2018 1,963,636
Loss on derecognition (B) 156,364

7.C8.B9.B10.D11.A 12. B

Chapter 27 – Lease


PROBLEM 27-1 Unequal rental payments
2014 20,000
2015 18,000
2016 16,000
2017 14,000
Totalrent 68,000
Divide by: Numberofyears 4
Rent expense per year (C) 17,000

PROBLEM 27-2 Operating Lease - Unequal rental payments

07/01/2014 to 06/30/2015 60,000
07/01/2015 to 06/30/2016 90,000
07/01/2016 to 06/30/2017 210,000
Total 360,000
Divideby:Leaseterm 3
Rent income pery ear 120,000
Rent income to date (120,000 x 2) 240,000
Less: Collection to date (60,000 +
90,000) 150,000
Rent receivable (A) 90,000

PROBLEM 27-3 Operating Lease - Comprehensive

Question No. 1
Periodic rent-one year ( (B) 300,000
Question No. 2
Periodicrent-oneyear 300,000
Amortization of lease bonus (180,000 / 3 ) 60,000
Rent expense (C) 360,000
Question No. 3
Total lease payments [(3 x 12) – 6) x 25,000] 750,000
Divideby:Leaseterm (D) 3
Rent expense per year 250,000

Chapter 27 – Lease

Question No. 4
Total payments to date, 2016 (6 x 25,000 ) 150,000
Less: Total expenset o date, 2016 250,000
Accrued rent payable (D) 100,000
Question No. 5
Total lease payments
(25,000x 2x 12) 600,000
(30,000x1x12) 360,000 960,000
Divideby:Leaseterm 3
Rent expense per year (A) 320,000
Question No. 6

Total payments to date, 2016 300,000

Less: Total expenset o date, 2016 320,000
Accrued rent payable (D) (20,000)
Question No. 7
Rent Revenue 300,000
Less: Amortization of Direct Cost (120,000 / 3) 40,000
Insurance and property tax expense on 40,000
leased asset
Depreciationo ft he leased asset 30,000
Net income (A) 190,000

Question No. 8
Periodrentforoneyear 300,000
Add: Contingent rent
1st [(2,500,000 – 1,500,000) x 10%] 100,000
2nd [(6,000,000 – 2,500,000) x 8%] 280,000 380,000
Total rent expense (A) 680,000

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. (D)5. A
6. D 7. A 8. A

PROBLEM 27-4 Finance Lease - Lease Liability

(A) The capitalized lease liability should be the annual lease payments less the
executory cost (real estate taxes) times the present value factor for an ordinary annuity of 1 for nine
years at 9%. The calculation would be: (P26,000 - 1,000) ×
6.0 = P150,000. The real estate taxes are a period cost and should be charged
to expense.

Chapter 27 – Lease
PROBLEM 27-5 Finance Lease with Bargain Purchase Option

QuestionNo. 1 (A)
Present value of periodic payment (120,000 x 3.4018) 408,220
Add: Present value of bargain purchase option (20,000 x 0.6355) 12,710
Present value ofm inimuml ease payments 420,926
Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date payment expense Amortization value
12/31/2016 420,926
12/31/2016 120,000 36,111 - 120,000 300,926
12/31/2017 120,000 83,889 217,037
12/31/2018 120,000 26,044 93,956 123,082
12/31/2019 120,000 14,770 105,230 17,851
12/31/2020 20,000 2,142 17,858 (6)

QuestionNo. 2 (B)
P36,111. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 3 (C)
P83,889. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 4 (B)
P217,037. See amortization table above.
1.A 2.B 3. C 4.B

PROBLEM 27-6 With Guaranteed Residual Value And Initial Direct Cost
Question No. 1
Present value of periodic payment (130,000 x 3.4869) 453,297
Add: Present value of guaranteed residual value (50,000 x 0.683) 34,150
Present value ofm inimuml ease payments 487,447
Add:Initialdirect cost 40,000
Cost of the Machinery (C) 527,447
Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date payment expense Amortization value
12/31/2016 487,447
12/31/2016 130,000 - 130,000 357,447
12/31/2017 130,000 35,745 94,255 263,192
12/31/2018 130,000 26,319 103,681 159,511
12/31/2019 130,000 15,951 114,049 45,462
12/31/2020 50,000 4,538 45,462 0
Chapter 27 – Lease

QuestionNo. 2 (B)
P35,745. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 3 (C)
P94,255. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 4 (B)
P263,192. See amortization table above.

Question No. 5 CASE NO. 2

Present value of periodic payment (130,000 x 3.4226) 444,938
Add: Present value of guaranteed residual value (50,000 x 0.647) 32,350
Present value of minimum lease payments = Fair value 477,288
Add:Initialdirect cost 40,000
Cost of the Machinery (D) 517,288
Amortization Table: Effective rate = 11.50%
Annual Interest Present
Date payment expense Amortization value
12/31/2016 477,288
12/31/2016 130,000 - 130,000 347,288
12/31/2017 130,000 39,938 90,062 257,226
12/31/2018 130,000 29,581 100,419 156,807
12/31/2019 130,000 18,033 111,967 44,840
12/31/2020 50,000 5,160 44,840 (0)
QuestionNo 6 (D)

P39,938. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 7 (A)

P90,062. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 8 (D)

P257,226. See amortization table above.


1.C 2.B 3. C 4. B 5.D6. D7.A 8. D

Chapter 27 – Lease

PROBLEM 27-7 Finance Lease - Depreciation

Question No. 1
Cost of the lease asset 487,447
Less: Estimated residual value end of the useful life of the asset 60,000
Depreciable cost 427,447
Divideby:Useful life 8
Depreciation (A) 53,431
Question No. 2

Cost of the lease asset 487,447

Less: Gross amount of guaranteed residual value 50,000
Depreciable amount 437,447
Divideby:Leaseterm 4
Depreciation (B) 109,362
PROBLEM 27-8 Computation of Periodic Lease Payments

Fairvalue 800,000
Less: Present Value of Guaranteed Residual Value 59,630
Total 740,370
Divide by: Present valueo f Annuity Due 4.8897
Periodic lease payments (B) 151,414
PROBLEM 27-9 Direct Financing Lease - Lessor

Question No. 1
Gross Investment:
Total Periodic Lease Payment (261,692 x 4) *1,046,775
Add: Unguaranteed Residual value (URV) 150,000 1,196,775
Less:Cost oftheequipment 1,000,000
Unearned interest income (C) 196,775
*1,046,770 OR 1,046,775
Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
12/31/2016 1,000,000
12/31/2016 261,692 - 261,692 738,308
12/31/2017 261,692 81,214 180,479 557,829
12/31/2018 261,692 61,361 200,331 357,498
12/31/2019 261,692 39,325 222,368 135,130
12/31/2020 150,000 14,864 135,136 (6)
Chapter 27 – Lease

QuestionNo. 2 (C)
P81,214. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 3 (A)
P180,479. See amortization table above.

1. C 2. C 3. A
PROBLEM 27-10 Direct Financing Lease - With Initial Direct Cost

Question No. 1
Gross Investment:
Total Periodic Lease Payment (251,600 X 4) *1,006,402
Add Unguaranteed Residual value (URV) - 1,006,402
Less:Cost oftheequipment 924,128
Unearned interest income (A) 82,273
*4,796,278 OR *4,796,280
Costo ft he equipment 900,000
Add: Initial directc ost 24,128
Net cost ofi nvestment 924,128
Amortization Table

Annual Interest Present

Date Collection Income Amortization value
12/31/2016 900,000
12/31/2016 251,600 - 251,600 648,400
12/31/2017 251,600 51,872 199,728 448,671
12/31/2018 251,600 35,894 215,707 232,964
12/31/2019 251,600 18,637 232,963 1

QuestionNo. 2 (A)
P51,872. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 3 (B)
P199,728. See amortization table above.

1. A 2. A 3. B

Chapter 27 – Lease

PROBLEM 27-11 Direct Financing Lease - Sale Of Leased Asset

Question No. 1
Gross Investment:
Total periodic lease payments (300,000 x 4) 1,200,000
Add:ResidualValue 50,000 1,250,000
Present value of the leased asset
Present value of minimum lease payments
(300,000 x3.3121) 993,630
Add: Present value of residual value (50,000 x
.735) 36,750 1,030,380
Unearned interest income(A) 219,620
Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2016 1,030,380
12/31/2016 300,000 82,430 217,570 812,810
12/31/2017 300,000 65,025 234,975 577,835
12/31/2018 300,000 46,227 253,773 324,062
12/31/2019 350,000 25,906 324,094 (32)
Question No. 2

P82,430. See amortization table above.

Question No. 3: Guaranteed

Sales 1,030,380
Less: Costo f goods sold 900,000
Initial direct cost 10,000
Dealer's profit (B) 120,380
Question No. 4

Nil. (A)
The journal entry is:
Inventory 44,000
Cash 6,000
Leasereceivable 50,000

1. A 2. B 3.B 4.A

Chapter 27 – Lease

Question No. 1
Gross Investment:
Total periodic lease payments (300,000 x 4) 1,200,000
Add:ResidualValue 50,000 1,250,000
Present value of the leased asset
Present value of minimum lease payments
(300,000 x3.3121) 993,630
Add: Present value of residual value (50,000 x
.735) 36,750 1,030,380
Unearned interest income(A) 219,620

QuestionNo. 2 (B)
Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2016 1,030,380
12/31/2016 300,000 82,430 217,570 812,810
12/31/2017 300,000 65,025 234,975 577,835
12/31/2018 300,000 46,227 253,773 324,062
12/31/2019 350,000 25,906 324,094 (32)
Question No. 3: Unguaranteed

Sales 993,630
Less: Net cost
Costo fgoodssold 900,000
Less: Present value of URV 36,750 863,250
Initialdirectcost 10,000
Dealer's profit (B) 120,380
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

The journal entry is:
Inventory 44,000
Loss ons ales type 6,000
Leasereceivable 50,000

1. A 2. B 3.B 4.B
PROBLEM 27-12 Sales-Type Lease

NetSellingPrice 400,000
Less: Present value of lease receivable 150,000
Gain on sale (D) 250,000
Chapter 27 – Lease

PROBLEM 27-13 Sale and Leaseback as Finance Lease

Question No. 1
SalesPrice 993,630
Less:Carryinga mount 1,100,000
Loss on sale and le aseback (B) (106,370)
Question No. 2

SalesPrice 993,630
Less:Carrying amount 900,000
Deferred gain on sale and leaseback 93,630
Divideby:Leaseterm 4
Gain on sale and leaseback (D) 23,408

PROBLEM 27-14 Sale and Leaseback as Operating Lease - Treatment of

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
SalesPrice =Fair value 800,000
Less:Carrying amount 500,000
Gain on sale - recognize immediately 300,000

QuestionNo. 2 (B)
Salesprice 800,000
Less:Carryinga mount 1,000,000
Loss on sale - recognize immediately (200,000)

Question No.
Salesprice 800,000
Less:Fair value 600,000
DeferredGain 200,000
Fairvalue 600,000

Less:Carrying amount 450,000

Outright gain (D) 150,000
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

SalesPrice =Fair value 800,000

Less:Carrying amount 400,000
Gain on sale - recognize immediately 400,000
QuestionNo. 5 (B)

SalesPrice =Fair value 800,000

Less:Carrying amount 880,000
Lossons aleandleaseback (80,000)
Chapter 27 – Lease

Question No. 6
Nil. The loss is compensate d by future lease rental below the market r ate.

1. B 2.D 3.D 4.B5.B6.A

QuestionNo. 1 CASE NO. 1
“Substantially all” test
Present value of Periodic Payment (200,000 x 6.75902) 1,351,805
% age 1,351,805 =68%
Not substantially all.
Major part test
%age 10 =50%

The lease term does not amount to major part of the economic life of the asset.
Answer: Nil. The lease do not classify as finance lease.

QuestionNo. 2 (B)
Rente xpense P200,000
QuestionNo. 3 (A)

QuestionNo. 4 (A)

QuestionNo. 5 (D)

Depreciation expense overstated, net income understated (115,181)

Interest expense overstated, net income understated (135,181)
Rent expense understated, net income overstated 200,000
Netincome understated (50,362)

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. D


QuestionNo. 1 (B)
“Substantially all” test
Chapter 27 – Lease

% age 1,351,805 =90%

The lease is a finance lease. The cost of the leased asset is lower between the
fair value and the present value of minimum lease payment which is P1,351,805.

Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
01/01/2015 1,351,805
12/31/2015 200,000 - 200,000 1,151,805
12/31/2016 200,000 115,181 84,819 1,066,986
12/31/2017 200,000 106,699 93,301 973,684
12/31/2018 200,000 97,368 102,632 871,052

QuestionNo. 2 (D)
Depreciation expense (1,351,805/10) 135,181
Interestexpense 115,181
Total lease- related expenses 250,362

QuestionNo. 3 (C)
P93,301. See amortization table above.
QuestionNo. 4 (B)
P1,066,986. See amortization table above.
QuestionNo. 5 (A)
Nil. The company did not commit any error.
1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5. A

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
Lease is a finance lease thus any gain should be deferred and amortize over the
lease term.
SellingPrice 379,695
Less:Carrying amount 350,000
Deferred gain on sale and leaseback 29,695
Less: Amortization in 2014 (29,695/10) 2,970
Deferred gain on sale and leaseback, end 26,725

QuestionNo. 2 (D)
Interestexpense 38,363
Depreciation expense (379,695/10) 37,970
Rentexpense(5,000x1 2) 60,000
Chapter 27 – Lease
Total lease related expenses 136,333

Amortization Table

Annual Interest Present

Date Payment Expense Amortization value
01/02/2016 379,695
01/02/2016 60,000 - 60,000 319,695
01/02/2017 60,000 38,363 21,637 298,058
QuestionNo. 3 (C)

Sale and leaseback as finance lea se

Lease liability, 01/02/2016 319,695
Add:Accruedinterest 38,363
Total lease-relatedl iability 358,058
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

Amortization of deferred gain on sale and leaseback (see No. 1) 2,970

Add: Gain on sale and leaseback as operating lease (P400,000- 50,000
Totalgainonsale andleaseback 52,970

QuestionNo. 5 (B)
The deferred gain on sale and leaseback should be recognized immediately.

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5. B

QuestionNo. 1 (C)
Present value of Periodic Payment (50,000 x 4.0373) - LOWER 201,865
FairValue ofthe leasedasset P213,213

PAR. 20 OF PAS 17 States that: At the commen cement of the lease term,
lessees shall recognise finance leases as assets and liabilities in their balance
sheets at amounts equal to the fair value of the leased property or, if lower, the
present value of the minimum lease payments, each determined at the inception
of the lease. The discount rate to be used in calculating the present value of the
minimum lease payments is the interest rate implicit in the lease, if this is
practicable to determine; if not, the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate shall be
used. Any initial direct costs of the lessee are added to the amount recognized as
an asset.
Question Nos. 2-4
Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value

Chapter 27 – Lease
12/31/2015 201,865

12/31/2015 5 0,000 50,000 1 51,865

12/31/2016 50,000 18,224 31,776 120,089
12/31/2017 50,000 14,411 35,589 84,499
12/31/2018 50,000 10,140 39,860 44,639
12/31/2019 50,000 5,361 44,639 0
QuestionNo. 2 (D)

P120,089. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 3 (C)

P35,589. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 4 (C)

P18,224. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 5 (A)

Depreciation expense (201,865/5) P40,373


1. C 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. A

QuestionNo. 1 (A)
Fair market value – Present value of

Annual lease payments = Unguaranteed Residual Value

Annuity due
= 286,420 - (.5066 X 20,000)
Annual lease payments = 60,000
QuestionNo. 2 (C)

Total minimum lease payments(60,000 x 6) 360,000

Add: Unguaranteedr esidual value 20,000
Totalleasereceivable 380,000
Less: Fair market value of thele ased asset 286,420
TotalFinancialrevenue 93,580

Chapter 27 – Lease
QuestionNo. 3 (A)

Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2016 286,420
01/01/2016 6 0,000 60,000 2 26,420
12/31/2016 60,000 27,170 32,830 193,590
QuestionNo. 4 (C)

Present value of periodic lease payments (60,000 x 4.6048) P 276,288

Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2015 276,288
01/01/2015 6 0,000 60,000 2 16,288
12/31/2015 60,000 25,955 34,045 182,243
Depreciation expense (276,288/6) 46,048
Add:Interestexpense 25,955
Totalexpenses 72,003

QuestionNo. 5 (C)
P182,243. See amortization table in No. 4.

1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5. C

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
Periodic rent (12,000x 12) 144,000
Amortization of lease bonus (300,000/6) 50,000
Rentexpense 194,000
QuestionNo. 2 (C)

Periodicrent 480,000
Contingent rent:
1st(4Mx4%) 160,000
2nd( 6M-4M)x 5%) 100,000 260,000
Amortization of lease bonus (500,000/5) 100,000
Totalrentexpense 840,000

Chapter 27 – Lease
QuestionNo. 3 (B)

Rent expense = [(3 x 12)-6] x 10,000

Rent expense = 100,000
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

Lease No. 1 (Rent expense overstated, asset understated)

(P444,000-P194,000) (250,000)
Lease No. 2 (Rent expense overstated, asset understated) (400,000)
Assetunderstated (650,000)
Rentexpenseperyear-Lease3 100,000
Less:Payment(10,000x6 months) 60,000
Accrued rent payable under, Liability understated (40,000)
QuestionNo. 5 (C)

Lease no. 1 (Rent expense overstated, net income understated) (250,000)

Lease No. 2 (Rent expense overstated, net income understated) (400,000)
Lease No. 3 (Rent expense understated, net income overstated) 40,000
Netincome understated (610,000)

1.B 2.C 3. B 4.B 5. C

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
The present value of annuity due of 12% for 10 periods can be computed as:
[1 – (1+12%) -9] + 1 = 6.33
Annual rentals P1,440,000
Executory costs (49,410)
Minimumlease payment P1,390,590
Multiply by: Present value of annuity due 6.33
Present value of minimum lease payments P8,802,438
Fair valueo f the property P8,800,000

(The difference is immaterial, implicit rate is 12% at P8.8M)

QuestionNo. 2 (D)

[12/31/2015 balance x (1+Effective rate)] – annual payments = 12/31/15 balance

[(P8,800,000 – P1,390,590) x 1.12%] - P1,390,590 = P 6,907,949
The current portion as of 12/31/2016 can be compu ted as:
(P6,907,949 - P1,390,590) x 12% = P561,636
Chapter 27 – Lease

QuestionNo. 3 (B)
12/31/2016 balance – current portion(no.2) = Non-current portion =
P6,907,9 49 - P561,636 = P6,346,313

QuestionNo. 4 (A)
P8,800,000/10 = P880,000
QuestionNo. 5 (A)

Depreciationexpense P 880,000
Interest expense (P8,800,000 – P1,390,590) x 12 889,129
Executory costs 49,410
Total lease-related expenses P1,818,539
1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5. A

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
07/01/2015 to 06/30/2016 60,000
07/01/2016 to 06/30/2017 90,000
07/01/2017 to 06/30/2018 210,000
Total 360,000
Divide by: Numberofyears 3
Rent expense per year 120,000
Rent expense to date (120,000 x 1) 120,000
Less:Payment odate 60,000
Accrued rent payable 60,000
QuestionNo. 2 (B)

Present value of Periodic Payment (400,000 x 5.9500) 2,380,000

Fairvalue ofleasedasset P2,380,000

Cost is equal to P2,380,000 (Fair value which is the same as the Present value
of minimum lease payments .)
Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
06/30/2016 2,380,000
06/30/2016 400,000 - 400,000 1,980,000
06/30/2017 400,000 277,200 122,800 1,857,200

Chapter 27 – Lease
QuestionNo. 3 (A)

Firstl ease( SeeN o. 1) 60,000

Second lease (see amortization table) 122,800
Current liabilities 182,800
QuestionNo. 4 (A)

Rent expense (First lease) 120,000

Interestexpense 277,200
Depreciation expense (2,380,000/10) 238,000
Total lease-related expenses 635,200
1. B 2.B 3. A 4. A
PROBLEM 27-23 Exercise of Guaranteed Residual Value

QuestionNo. 1 (C)
Present value of periodic payment (120,000 x 3.4437) 413,244
Add: Present value of bargain purchase option (30,000 x 0.6587) 19,761
Present value ofm inimuml ease payments 433,005
Add:Initialdirect cost 20,000
Cost of the Machinery 453,005
QuestionNo. 2 (B)

Interestexpense 34,431
Executory cost 20,000
Depreciation 105,751
Total lease related expenses 160,182
Question Nos. 3 to 4

Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
12/31/2016 433,005
12/31/2016 120,000 - 120,000 313,005
12/31/2017 120,000 34,431 85,569 227,436
12/31/2018 120,000 25,018 94,982 132,453
12/31/2019 120,000 14,570 105,430 27,023
12/31/2020 30,000 2,977 27,023 (0)

QuestionNo. 3 (C)
P85,569. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 4 (B)
P227,436. See amortization table above.

Chapter 27 – Lease
QuestionNo. 5 (B)

Gross amount of guaranteed residual value 30,000

Less:Fairvalue 25,000
Losson finance lease 5,000

QuestionNo. 6 (A)
QuestionNo. 7 (C)

Cost of leased asset 453,005

Less: Accumulatedd epreciation 211,503
Carryingamount 241,503
Add:Cashpayment 200,000
Totalconsideration 441,503
Less:Leaseliability 227,436
Costo f equipment purchased 214,067
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B6.A7.C

PROBLEM 27-24 Direct Financing Lease

QuestionNo. 1 (C)
Annual payment = P3,224,000 = P750,000

Total interest to be earned = [(P750,000 x 5) – P3,234,000] = P516,000

QuestionNo 2 (B)
(P3,234,000 – P750,000) x 8% = P198,720

QuestionNo. 3 (A)
The PV annuity due of 12% over 8 years can be com puted as:
[1 – (1+12%) -7] + 1= 5.5638
The present value of 12% for 8 years can also be computed as:
(1+12%)-8 = 0.4039
The total interest revenue is the difference the lease receivable and the present
value of the minimum lease payments.
Lease receivable (P959,500 x 8 + P400,000) P 8,076,000
Present value of the lease
Unguaranteed residual value
(P400,000 x 0.4039) P 161,560
Present value of lease payments
(P959,500 x5 .5638) 5,338,466 5,499,966
Total interest over the lease term P2,576,034*
Chapter 27 – Lease

Since the lease is a direct financing lease (meaning, present value of the minimum
lease payments approximates the value of the property upon the commencement
of the lease), this can be solved alternatively as: [(P959,500 x 8 + P400,000) –
P5,500,000)] = P2,576,000

QuestionNo. 4 (B)
(P5,500,000 – P959,500) x 12% = P544,860

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B
PROBLEM 27-25 Sales-Type Lease

QuestionNo. 1 (A)
Lease receivable (P3,000,000 x 5 + P1,000,000) P16,000,000
Present value of minimum lease payments:
Rental (3.60 x P3,000,000) P10,800,000
Unguaranteed residual value
(0.57 x P1,000,000) 570,000 (11,370,000)
Total unearned interest income P4,630,000
QuestionNo. 2 (B)

Present value of minimum lease payments 11,370,000

Cost of goods sold (P8,000,000 + P300,000) (8,300,000)
QuestionNo. 3 (A)
P11,370,000 x 12% = P1,364,400
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

Selling price P 7,040,000

Book value (5,600,000)
Gaino n sale P1 ,440,000
QuestionNo. 5 (B)

P7,040,000 x 10% x 6/12 = P352,000


1. A 2. B 3. A 4.B 5. B

Chapter 27 – Lease

PROBLEM 27-26 Financial Liability, Sale and Leaseback, Impairment loss

on PPE and Investment in Associate

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
Interestcostpaid(50Mx1 2%) 6,000,000
Less: Interest expense for the year (47,078,000 x 14%) 6,590,920
Understatedfinancecost (590,920)
Rounded off to P591,000

QuestionNo. 2 (C) 10,000,000

Profit accounted for on disposal of plant
Profittobebooked(10M/5 X. 5) 1,000,000
Overstated profit on sale and leaseback 9,000,000

QuestionNo. 3 (C)
Depreciationperbook(30M/15) 2,000,000
Depreciation to be booked Apr. 1, 2015 to Sept. 30,
2015(30M/15X.5) 1,000,000
Depreciation to be boo ked Oct . 1, 2015 to March 31, 2016
(16M/5 X.5) 1,600,000 2,600,000
Understateddepreciation (600,000)

QuestionNo. 4 (C)
Carrying value as of October 1, 2015 (30M/15 X 10.5) 21,000,000
Recoverable amount 16,000,000
Impairmentloss 5,000,000

QuestionNo. 5 (C)
Acquisitioncost 6,000,000
Dividend income( P20 x 50,000) (1,000,000)
Share in the net income( P10M x2 5%) 2,500,000
Share in the comprehensive income (P2M x 25%) 500,000
Investmentinassociate 8,000,000

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5. C

Chapter 27 – Lease

PROBLEM 27-27 Investment Property

QuestionNo. 1 (A)
Nil, since the property should be investment property and not property, plant
and equipment.
Present value of periodic payment (500,000 x 4.97) 2,485,000
Add: Present value of bargain purchase option (400,000 x 0.40) 160,000
Present value of Minimum lease payments 2,645,000
Present value of minimum lease payments 2,645,000
Less: Fair value of the land at the inception of the lease 200,000
Cost of the building as investment property 2,445,000
Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 2,645,000
12/31/2016 500,000 317,400 182,600 2,462,400
12/31/2017 500,000 295,488 204,512 2,257,888

QuestionNo. 2 (C)
P317,400. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 3 (C)
P204,512. See amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 4 (C)
P2,257,888. See amortization table above.

Question No. 5 and 6

Total rent income (40,000 x 24) + (50,000 x 24) x 20 43,200,000
Divideby:Numberofyears 4
Rentincomeper year 10,800,000
Periodicrent 10,800,000
Add: Amortization of lease bonus (30,000 x 20)/4 150,000
Gross Rental income (No. 5) (A) 10,950,000
Less: Expenses
Amortization of initial direct cost (5,000 x 20)/4 25,000
Annualmaintenancecost 40,000
Interestexpense 317,400
Depreciation *(2,645,000-200,000/10) 244,500
Net rental income (B) 10,323,100

1.A 2.C 3. C 4. C 5.A6.B

Chapter 27 – Lease

QuestionNo. 1 (D)
(900,000+50,000+25,000) P 975,000
QuestionNo. 2 (D)

Total warranty expense (1.4M x 12%) P 168,000

Less: Total actuale xpenditures 63,000
Warranty liability end of 2015 P 1 05,000
QuestionNo. 3 (C)

Legal services P 4,600

Add:Medicalservices 5,500
Payroll(14,400/12 x8) 9,600
Royalties 3,900
Totalaccrual P 23,600
QuestionNo. 4 (D)

Fair value (equal to present value MLP) P 490,000

Less:First payment 70,000
Total 420,000
Add: Interest accrued( 420,000x 9%) 37,800
Totallease liability P 457,800
QuestionNo. 5 (A)

(3,875,902 x1 11%)-400,000 P 3,902,251


1.D 2.D 3.C 4. D 5. A


QuestionNo. 1 (C)
Unadjusted balance – Accounts Payable 450,000
2 60,000
3 45,000
Adjustedbalance 555,000
QuestionNo. 2 (A)

Units sold:
October 32,000
November 28,000
December 40,000
Total 100,000
Multiply by 2%
Totalfailuresexpected 2,000
Chapter 27 – Lease
Less: Failures already recorded:

October sales 640

Novembersales 360
December sales 180 1,180
Expectedfuturefailures 820
Multiply by 150
Estimatedcost 123,000
Warrantyexpense 123,000
Estimated warranty liability 123,000
QuestionNo. 3 (C)

Notes payable is (200,000 x 3.6048 ) = 720,960

Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 720,960
12/31/2016 200,000 86,515 113,485 607,475
12/31/2017 200,000 72,897 127,103 480,372
QuestionNo. 4 (A)

Present value ofp rincipal (4M x .6830) 2,732,000

Present value of interest payments (480,000 x 3.1699) 1,521,552
TotalPresentvalue 4,253,552
Amortization Table

Date Interest Interest Premium Present

Payment Expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 4,253,552
12/31/2016 480,000 425,355 54,645 4,198,907
QuestionNo. 5 (D)

Present value of minimum lease payments (200,000 x 6.759) P1,351,800

Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
01/01/2016 1,351,800
01/01/2016 200,000 - 200,000 1,151,800
12/31/2016 115,180 1,266,980
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D

Chapter 27 – Lease

QuestionNo. 1 (D)
Zero, the two notes payable should be presented as noncurrent liabi lities.

QuestionNo. 2 (D)
FINANCE LEASE: Amortization Table
Annual Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
12/31/2015 379,692
12/31/2015 60,000 - 60,000 319,692
12/31/2016 60,000 38,363 21,637 298,055
12/31/2017 60,000 35,767 24,233 273,822
Answer: P273,822. Refer to amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 3 (B)
Answer: P38,363. Refer to amortization table above.

QuestionNo. 4 (D)
Annual rent expense = P720,000/3=P240,000
Operating lease
Date Expense Expense Payment Accrued rent
To date to date (Prepaid)
1/1-12/31/16 240,000 240,000 120,000 120,000
1/1-12/31/17 240,000 480,000 300,000 180,000
1/1-12/31/18 2 40,000 720,000 720,000 -
QuestionNo 5 (C)

Answer: P400,000 (P200,000+P200,000)
1. Only a disclosure is necessary because it is not p robable that the company
will be liable, although the amount can be measured reliably.
2. Retainedearnings 200,000
Estimated liability for income tax 200,000
3. Accounts receivable – Innova 120,000
Lossonguaranty 80,000
Notepayable –bank 200,000
1. D 2. D 3. B 4. (D)5. C

Chapter 27 – Lease

Question No. 1
Date Finance cost Present Value
04/01/2011 19,000,000
03/31/2012 1,900,000 20,900,000
03/31/2013 2,090,000 22,990,000
03/31/2014 2,299,000 25,289,000
03/31/2015 2,528,900 27,817,900
03/31/2016 2,781,790 30,599,690

Date Finance cost Present Value

04/01/2016 25,000,000
09/30/2016 1,250,000
10/1/2016 to 3/31/2016 (2,781,790 x 6/12) 1,390,895
04/01/2016 to 9/30/2016 (25,000,000 x 10% x 6/12 1,250,000
Finance cost (C) 2,640,895
Question No. 3

Cost of theplant 130,000,000

Add: Present value of decommissioning cost 19,000,000
Total 149,000,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (149M/20 x 5) 37,250,000
Carryingvalue,3/31/2016 111,750,000
Less: Decrease due to revision of decom liability
Present value of decommissioning liability 30,599,690
Less Revised estima e 25,000,000 5,599,690
Total 106,150,310
Less: Depreciation April to Sept 2016 3,538,344
(106,160,310/15 x 6/12)
Carrying value, 9/30/2016 (B) 102,611,966
Question No. 2

Depreciation October1 to March 31 3,725,000

Depreciation April to Sept 2016 (106,160,310/15 x 6/12) 3,538,344
Total depreciation (B) 7,263,344
Question No. 4

2016 6,000,000
2017 6,300,000
2018 6,615,000
Total 18,915,000
Divideby:Totalsemi-annualpayments 6
Semi-annual income (B) 3,152,500
Chapter 27 – Lease

Question No. 5
Totalincometodate 3,152,500
Less:Totalcollectiontodate 3,000,000
Rent receivable (B) 152,500

1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5. B

Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity


QuestionNo.1 (A)
Authorized ordinary shares at P10 stated value 1,200,000
Less: Unissued ordinarys hares 650,000
OrdinarySharesissued 550,000
QuestionNo.2 (B)

Authorized preference shares at P50 par value Less: 800,000

Unissued preference shares 150,000
PreferenceSharesi ssued 650,000

QuestionNo.3 (D)
Share Premium on ordinary shares 300,000
Share Premium conversion option-bonds payable 40,000
Share premium on preference shares 150,000
Gaino n sale of treasury shares 60,000
Ordinary share warrants outstanding 35,000
Donatedcapital 40,000
Ordinary shares options outstanding 25,000
TotalShare Premium 650,000
QuestionNo.4 (D)

OrdinarySharesissued 550,000
PreferenceSharesi ssued 650,000
SubscribedO rdinarys hares 200,000
Subscription receivable – ordinary shares (20,000)
SubscribedP reference shares 50,000
Subscription receivable – preference (15,000)
TotalShare Premium 650,000
ContributedCapital 2,075,000
QuestionNo.5 (C)

PreferenceSharesi ssued 650,000

SubscribedP reference shares 60,000
OrdinarySharesissued 550,000
SubscribedO rdinary shares 200,000
Share Premium on ordinary shares 300,000
TotalLegal Capital 1,760,000

Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
QuestionNo.6 (D)

ContributedCapital 2,075,000
Accumulated profits – unappropriated 500,000
Unrealized increase in value of FVTOCI securities 10,000
Reserve for bond sinking fund 320,000
Revaluationsurplus 130,000
Total Shareholders' Equity 3,035,000

1. A 2. B 3. D 4.D5.C6.D

1. Cash (2,000x P50) 100,000

Share capital 100,000
To record share issuance at a premium
2. Cash (5,000x P60) 300,000
Share capital (5,000 x P50) 250,000
Share premium 50,000
To record share issuance at a premium
Share premium 50,000
Retained earnings 20,000
Cash 70,000
To record payment of share issue cost
3. Cash (4,000x P40) 160,000
Discount onshare capital 40,000
Share capital (4,000 x P50) 200,000
To record share issuance at a discount

1. Machinery 180,000
Share capital (2,500 x P50) 125,000
Share premium 55,000
To record share issuance for machinery
2. Patent(1,000x P65) 65,000
Share capital (1,000 x 50) 50,000
Share premium 15,000
To record share issuance for patent

3. Organization expense 40,000

Share capital (400 xP50) 20,000
Share premium
To record share issuance for organization services. 20,000

Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity

Loanspayable-bank 150,000
Share capital 100,000
Share premium** 40,000
Gain on settlement on liability 10,000
To record issuance of shares for liability
*Computation of loss on extinguishment of liability
Fair value of equity instruments issued (or if not reliably determinable, use 140,000
the fair value of liability) (2,000 x P70)
Less:Carryinga mountofliability 150,000
Gainonsettlementof liability 10,000
**Computation of increase in share premium
Fair value of equity instruments issued (or if not reliably determinable, use 140,000
the fair value of liability) (2,000 x P70)
Less: Total par or stated value of equity issued (2,000 x P50) 100,000
Share premium(or Discount) 40,000

1. Cash (2,500x P216) 540,000

Preferenceshares( 2,500x P200) 500,000
Share premium-pref.share 40,000
To record issuance of preference shares
2. Cash (500x P120) 60,000
Ordinary shares (500x P100) 50,000
Share premium -ordinary shares 10,000
To record issuance of ordinary shares

Allocation of the lump-sum price: Total Fair value Fraction proceeds
Preferences hares( 2,500x P216) 540,000 54/60 810,000
Ordinarys hares( 500x1 20) 60,000 6/60 90,000
Total 600,000 900,000
The transaction will then be recorded as follows:
Cash 900,000
Preferenceshares (2,500 x P200) 500,000
Share premium-preference share (810,000-500,000) 310,000
Ordinary shares (500x 100) 50,000
Sharepr emium - ordinary share (90,000-50,000) 40,000

Allocation of the lump-sum price:

Totalproceeds 900,000
Less: Total fair value of preference shares (2,500 x P216) 540,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Amounta llocated to theordinaryshares 360,000

The transaction will then be recorded as follows:

Cash 900,000
Preferenceshares (2,500 xP200) 500,000
Share premium-preference share (540,000-500,000) 40,000
Ordinary shares (500x P100) 50,000
Share premium-ordinary share (360,000-50,000) 310,000
To record issuance of preference and ordinary shares

1. Subscription receivable (4,000 xP 60) 240,000

Subscribed sharec apital( 4,000 xP 50) 200,000
Share premium 40,000
To record subscriptions of share capital
2. Cash (240,000x 40%) 96,000
Subscriptionreceivable 96,000
To record cash collection
3. Cash (240,000x 60%) 144,000
Subscriptionreceivable 144,000
To record cash collection
Subscribedsharecapital 200,000
ShareCapital(4,000x 50) 200,000
To record issuance of share certificate

1. Subscriptions receivable (5,000 xP 60) 300,000

Subscr bedo rdinarys hares( 5,000xP 50) 250,000
Sharepremium-ordinary share 50,000
To record subscriptions of 10,000 shares at P110
2. Cash (300,000x 40%) 120,000
Subscriptionsreceivable 120,000
To record receipt of cash for subscriptions
3. Subscribedordinaryshares 250,000
Sharep remium-ordinarys hare 50,000
Subscriptions receivable (300,000x 60%) 180,000
Sharep remiumf orfeited down-payment 120,000

Journal entries to record the transactions would be:

To record the expenses incurred related to the auction 10,000
Receivable from highest bidder P
Cash P 10,000
To record the collection from highest bidder
Cash 300,000
Subscriptionreceivable 290,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Receivable fromh ighest bidder 10,000

To record the issuance of share capital

Subscribed share capital (7,500 x P50) 375,000
Share capital 375,000

To record the expenses incurred related to the auction

Receivable from highest bidder P 10,000

Cash P 10,000
To record the acquisition of entity’s own shares
Treasuryshares 300,000
Subscriptionreceivable 290,000
Receivable fromh ighest bidder 10,000
To record the issuance of share capital
Subscribed share capital (7,500 x P50) 375,000
Share capital 375,000

1) Treasuryshares( 15,000x 24) 360,000

Cash 360,000
2) Cash (5,000x P26) 130,000
Treasuryshares (5,000x P24) 120,000
Share premium-Treasuryshares 10,000
3) Cash (4,000x 20) 80,000
Sharep remium-Treasury shares 10,000
Retained earnings 6,000
Treasuryshares (4,000x 24) 96,000
4) Ordinarys hares( 6,000x2 0) 120,000
Share premium (600,000/100,000) x 6,000 36,000
Share premium-Treasuryshares 12,000
Treasuryshares (6,000x P24) 144,000
5) Memo entry: Received 5,000 shares from a stockholder
as a donation.
Cash (2,000x 28) 56,000
Donated capital 56,000

a. Preferences hares( 3,000xP 100) 300,000

Share Premium on Preference shares [(300,000/30,000) x

3,000] 30,000
Accumulated profits (balancing figure) 90,000
Cash (3,000x P140) 420,000
b. Preference shares 300,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Share Premiumo n Preferences hares 30,000

Cash (95 x 3,000) 285,000

Share premium retirement of shares (balancing figure) 45,000

1) Preferences hares( 4,000xP 100) 400,000

Share Premium on Preference shares [(300,000/30,000) x
4,000] 40,000
Ordinary shares (4,000x P50) 200,000
Sharep remium-ordinaryshares 240,000
2) Preference shares( 4,000xP 100) 400,000
Share Premium on Preference shares [(300,000/30,000) x
4,000] 40,000
Accumulatedprofits 560,000
Ordinarys hares( 4,000x5 /1xP 50) 1,000,000

1a. Ordinarys hares( 50,000xP 50) 2,500,000

Share Premium on Ordinary shares 100,000
Ordinarys hares( 50,000x P40) 2,000,000
Sharep remium-recapitalization 600,000
1b. Ordinary shares 2,500,000
Share Premium on Ordinary shares 100,000
Accumulatedprofits 4,400,000
Ordinarys hares( 50,000x P140) 7,000,000
2. Ordinary shares ((P50-P40) x5 0,000) 500,000
Sharep remium-recapitalization 500,000
3. Share split
Before Multiplyb y After
OrdinaryS harec apital issued 100,000 5/1 500,000
Subscribedsharecapital - 5/1 -
Total 100,000 5/1 500,000
Less:Treasuryshares - 5/1 -
Outstandingshares 100,000 5/1 500,000
Before multiply by After
Par valueper share P50 1/5 P10
Memo entry:
Changes: increase number of shares
Same SHE
Decrease number in Par value

Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity


Total Fair Fraction Allocated cost

Preferences hares( 2,000x P80) 160,000 80% 320,000
Warrants (2,000 x P20) 40,000 20% 80,000
Total 200,000 400,000*
*(150 x 4,000)
Cash 400,000
PreferenceSharecapital( 2,000xP 50) 100,000
ShareP remium(320,000-100,000) 220,000
Ordinarys harewarrantsoutstanding 80,000
When the warrants are exercised:
Cash(1,000x 80% x P40) 32,000
Ordinary share warrants outstanding (80,000 x 80%) 64,000
OrdinaryS hare capital( 1,000x 80% xP 20) 16,000
Share Premium–ordinaryshare 80,000

Totalproceeds 400,000
Less: Total fair value of the preference shares (2,000 x P80) 160,000
Valueofthewarrants 240,000
Cash 400,000
PreferenceSharecapital( 2,000xP 50) 100,000
Share Premium(160,000-100,000) 60,000
Ordinarys harewarrantsoutstanding 240,000

Marketvalueofordinary shares P 50
Less:Option price/exercise price 40
Intrinsic valueof warrant 10
Multiply: # of ordinary shares claimable under warrants 1,000
Marketvalueofshare warrants P 1 0,000
Totalproceeds 400,000
Less:ValueofSharewarrants 10,000
Valueassignedt oPreferenceS hare 390,000
Cash 400,000
PreferenceSharecapital( 2,000xP 50) 100,000
Share Premium(390,000-100,000) 290,000
Ordinarys harewarrantsoutstanding 10,000

Ordinarys haresi ssued 40,000

Less:Treasury shares 2,000
Outstandingshares 38,000
a. Retainede arnings( 38,000x P5) 190,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity

Dividends payable 190,000

b. No formal accounting entry
c. Dividends payable 190,000
Cash 190,000
PROBLEM 29-18 Cash dividends for Preference Shares-Semi-annual Payment

July1: RetainedEarnings 45,000

Dividends Payable (9,000 x P100 x 10% x6 /12) 45,000

Dec. 31: Retained Earnings
Dividends Payable (9,600 x P100 x 10% x 6/12) 48,000
Computation of outstanding shares:
July1 December 31
Preference shares issued 10,000 Preference shares issued 10,000
Less: Treasury shares 1,000 Less: Treasury shares (1,000-600) 400
Outstanding shares 9,000 Outstanding shares 9,600

Feb.15, Retained earnings 450,000

2017 Dividends payable 450,000
Dec. 31, Retained earnings 150,000
2016 Dividends payable 150,000
Fair value,Dec.31 600,000
Less:PreviousF airv alue 450,000
Increase ind ividendsp ayable 150,000
Feb.15, Dividends payable 60,000
2017 Retained earnings 60,000
Fair value,Feb. 15 540,000
Less:PreviousF airv alue 600,000
Decrease ind ividendsp ayable (60,000)
Dividends payable 540,000
Inventory 500,000
Gain on distribution - prop.d ividends 40,000
Carrying amount of dividend payable = Fair value 540,000
Less: Carrying amount of noncash assets 500,000
Gain on distribution of prop. Dividends 40,000

Nov. 1, Retained earnings 450,000

2017 Dividends payable 450,000
Equipment-noncurrent asset for distribution* 450,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Impairment loss (P500,000 – P450,000) 50,000

Equipment 500,000
Dec. 31, Retained earnings 150,000
2017 Dividends payable 150,000
Fair value,Dec.31 600,000
Less:PreviousF airv alue 450,000
Increase ind ividendsp ayable 150,000
Equipment-noncurrent asset for distribution** 50,000
Gain on recoveryo fi mpairmentl oss 50,000
Feb.15, Dividends payable 60,000
2018 Retainedearnings 60,000
Fair value,Feb. `5 540,000
Less:PreviousF airv alue 600,000
Decrease ind ividendsp ayable (60,000)
Dividends payable 540,000
Equipment-noncurrent asset for distribution 500,000
Gain on distribution of prop.D ividends 40,000
Carrying amount of dividend payable = Fair value 540,000
Less: Carrying amount of noncash assets 500,000
Gain on distribution of prop. Dividends 40,000
*(Lower between P500,000 and P450,000)
**(P800,000 minus P600,000) but the gain shall not exceed the amount of impairment
loss of P100,000.
Alternative Computation:
*Computation of the impairment loss is as follows:
Original carryingamount 500,000
Less: Lower between these two amounts
FV LessC ost To Distribute (FVLCTD) 450,000
Originalc arryinga mount 500,000 450,000
Impairment loss 50,000
**Computation of the gain on reversal of the impairment loss is as follows:
Lower between subsequent FVLTCD and srcinal carrying amount
Original carrying amount 500,000
FVLCTD, Dec. 31 600,000 500,000
Carryingamounta ti nitial recognition 450,000
Gainonreversal 50,000

PROBLEM 29-21 Cash and Noncash Alternative

Retainede arnings P 84,000
Dividends payable P 84,000
Supporting computation:
Casha lternative(10x6 0%x P8,000) P 48,000
Non-casha lternative( 10x 40%x P9,000) 36,000
Totaldividends P 84,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity

Date of payment:
If the shareholders opted to receive cash, the journal entry is:
a. Dividends payable 84,000
Cash (10 X 8,000) 80,000
Retainede arnings(balancingf igure) 4,000
If the shareholders opted to receive noncash, the journal entry is:
b. Dividends payable 84,000
Loss on distribution of dividends (balancing figure) 6,000
Noncash(10x 9,000) 90,000

PROBLEM 29-22 Share Dividends: Small, Large and Treasury Shares

Computation of outstanding shares:
Ordinarys haresi ssued 53,000
Less:Treasuryshares 3,000
Outstandingshares 50,000
1) Accumulated Profits 400,000
[(50,000) x 10% x P80]
Share dividends payable [(50,000) x 10% x P50] 250,000
Sharep remiumo nOrdinary shares 150,000
2) Accumulated Profits 500,000
[(50,000) x 20% x P50]
Share dividends payable [(50,000) x 20% x P50] 500,000
3) Capital Liquidated (P2 x 50,000 shares) 100,000
Cash 100,000
4) AccumulatedProfits 120,000
Treasuryshares 120,000

PROBLEM 29-23 Fractional Share rights

1. Date of declaration of share dividends
Retained earnings (100,000 x 30% x 50) 1,500,000
Sharedividends payable 1,500,000
2. Issuance of full share dividends and the fractional share warrants or rights
Share dividends payable 1,500,000
Sharec apital (27,000 x 50) 1,350,000
Fractional warrants outstanding 150,000
3. Issuance of full shar es as a result of the exercise of the frac tional share
Fractional warrants outstanding 150,000
Sharec apital(2,800x 50) 140,000
Share premium-unexercised warrants 10,000

Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
PROBLEM 29-24 Comprehensive Problem

Questions 1 to 3

Date Ordinary Preference

shares shares
A. Jan2,.2012 20,000 10,000
B. Jan.3, 2013 (10,000/50x2) 400
C. May1, 2014 10,000
BAL Dec. 31, 2014 (D) 1. 30,400 10,000
D. Jan. 1, 2015 [(30,400/2 x 3) - 30,400] 15,200
BAL Dec. 31, 2015 (B) 2. 45,600 10,000
Jan. 1, 2016 [(45,600/1 x 2) - 45,600] 45,600
E. July 1,2 016 (10,000x 2 x 20%) 4,000 (10,000)
BAL Dec. 31, 2016 (A) 3. 95,200 -
Question No. 4

June 30 ( 1.50 x 45,600) 68,400

Dec.3 1 ( 2.50 x 45,600) 114,000
Total Dividends (A) 182,400
Question No. 5

June 30 ( 1.25 x9 1,200) 114,000

Dec.3 1 ( 1.00 x 95,200) 95,200
Total Dividends (D) 209,200

1. D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. D


Questions 1 to 3
Total Subs.
Pref. Ord. Share Retained Treasury Ord. Subs.
*in ‘000s shares shares Premium earnings shares share Receivable
Beginning 1,400 3,500 1,925 4,500
Jan5. 600 60 (20)
Jan28. 1,000
Feb. 2 Memo
Feb14. 50 (500)
Jul. 15 800 100 200 1,500 3,750
Oct15. 2,250
Nov. 15 (1,500)
Nov. 27 1,000 (1,000) (1,500)
Dec. 31 1,000
Total 2,200 5,200 5,305 5,480 500 500 750
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
1.( B) 2.( C) 3.( C)

QuestionNo.4 (C)

Retained earnings, total P 5,480,000

Outstanding balance of treasury stocks ( 50 0,000)
Retained earnings – unappropriated P 4,980,000
QuestionNo.5 (B)

Preferenceshares P 2,200,000
Ordinary shares 5,200,000
Subscribedo rdinarys hares 500,000
Subscriptionsr eceivable (750,000)
Sharepremium 5,305,000
Retained Earnings 5,480,000
Treasurystocks ( 500,000)
Total P17,435,000

1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B

Pref. Ord. Share Retained Treasury

shares shares Prem earnings shares
Beg. 400,000 200,000 250,000 900,000
2.) 200,000
3) 20,000 (80,000)
4.) 400,000 80,000
5.) 6,000 30,000
6.) 38,200 (38,200)
8.) 2,400,000
9.) (80,000)
Total 800,000 244,200 380,000 3,090,120 120,000
1. (C) 2. (D) 4. (D)
Number of Shares

Ordinary Preference
Beginningbalance 40,000 4,000
2.T reasury shares (5,000)
3. Reissuance of treasury shares 2,000
4. Issuance of P/S 4,000
5.E xercise of warrants 1,200
6.S hared ividends 7,640
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Balance 45,840 8,000

Dividendpershare x2 x 10
Dividends 91,680 80,000
QuestionNo.3 (D)

Retained earnings (see table above) P 3,090,120

Less:Treasury shares 120,000
Retained earnings - unappropriated P 2,970,120
QuestionNo.5 (A)

Preferenceshares P 800,000
Ordinary shares 244,200
Sharepremium 380,000
Retainedearnings-total 3,090,120
Treasuryshares (120,000)
Totalshareholder’sequity P 4,394,320

1. C 2. D 3.D 4.D 5. A

Subscri Subscri Total Retaine

bed ption Share d Treasu
Pref. Ord. share Receiva Premiu Earnin ry
Shares Shares Capital ble m gs Shares
Beg. 4,000 840 100 52 968 15,000 44
1.) 80 (100) (52) 9.6
2.) (200) 40 160
3.) 1,350 675
4.) 27 (33)
5.) 280
6.) 2,500
7.) (1,217)
Total 3,800 2,310 0 0 1,839.6 16,563 11
1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (C)
Beginningbalance -issued 84,000
Beginningbalance -treasury (4,000)
1.) February 1,2 016 Issuance of shares 8,000
2.) March 1, 2016 Conversion of preference shares 4,000
3.) April 1, 2016 Exercise of stock rights (67,500 x 2) 135,000
Balance –April30 227,000
4. ) September 30, 2016 Reissuance of treasury shares 3,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Balance –October 31 230,000


Beginning balance– issued ando utstanding 40,000
2.) March 1, 2016 Conversion into ordinary shares (2,000)
Balance –April30&October 31 38,000
Computation of dividends:

Ordinary shares:
April30 (227,000x P1) 227,000
October31(230,000 xP1) 230,000
Preference shares:
April30 (38,000xP100x10%) 380,000
October31(38,000xP100 x10%) 380,000
Totaldividends 1,217,000
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

Retained earnings (see table above) P16,563,000

Less:Treasury shares 11,000
Retained earnings - unappropriated P16,552,000
QuestionNo. 5 (B)

Preference shares 3,800,000

OrdinaryShares 2,310,000
SharePremium 1,839,600
Retained Earnings - Unappropriated 16,552,000
Retained Earnings - Appropriated 11,000
Less: Treasury Shares 11,000
Shareholder’s Equity 24,501,600

1. D 2. C 3. C 4. (B)5. (B)

Preference Ordinary Share Retained Treasury
Shares Shares Premium Earnings Shares
Beginning 840,000 4 20,000 15,000,000 44,000
A.) 13,500 (16,500)
B.) SPLIT2 for1 (650,000)
D.) 200,000 340,000
E.) 8,000 16,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
F.) (10,000) (5,000) (25,000)

G.) (650,400)
H.) 2,400,000
Total 200,000 838,000 844,500 16,074,600 27,500
1.( C) 2. (D) 3.( C)
Computationo fc ashdividends: Ordinary
Beginningbalance -issued 84,000
Beginningbalance -treasury (4,000)
a.J an1 5R eissuanceo ft reasury shares 1,500
Balance 81,500
b. March 12for1sharesplit 81,500
e. October 1 Exercise of warrants (80% x 2,000) 1,600
f.N ovember2Retirementofshares (2,000)
Balance –December 31 162,600
Multiply: Dividendpershare P4
Totaldividends 650,400
QuestionNo. 4 (A)

Retained earnings (see table above) P16,074,600

Less:Treasury shares 27,500
Retained earnings - unappropriated P16,047,100
QuestionNo. 5 (A)

Preferenceshares 200,000
OrdinaryShares 838,000
SharePremium 844,500
Retained earnings unappropriated 16,047,100
Retained earnings - appropriated 27,500
Less: Treasury Shares 27,500
Shareholders’E quity 17,929,600

1. C 2.D 3.C 4. A 5. A

Preferenc Ordinary Share Retained Treasury
e Shares Shares Premium Earnings OCI Shares
Beg. 1,200,000 1,800,000 4,116,000 2,300,000 61,740 420,000
Jan.4 400,000 300,000 750,000
Mar. 2 500,000
May7 18,000 (126,000)
Jun. 15 split
Jul.2 98,000 274,400 (274,400)
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Oct1. 61,740 (61,740)

Oct1. (329,280)
Oct. 15 400,000 5,000 800,000
Nov. 1 (82,320)
Dec. 31 (825,200)
Total 2,000,000 2,203,000 6,458,400 2,876,540 0 294,000
1.( D) 2.( C) 3.( B)

Beginningbalance -issued Shares

Beginningbalance -treasury (20,000)
Jan.4Issuanceof shares 30,000
Balance –January30 190,000
May7R eissuanceoftreasuryshares 6,000
Balance beforesharesplit 196,000
Add:Sharesplit–2 for1 196,000
Balance 392,000
July2 5%sharedividends 19,600
Oct. 15Issuance of shares 1,000
Balance –December 31 412,600

Beginning balance– issued ando utstanding 12,000
Mar2. Issuanceof shares 4,000
October15 Iss ance ofshares 4,000
Balance –December 31 20,000
Computation of cash dividends:

Ordinary shares:
Dec31(P2x412,600) 825,200
Preference shares:
Dec31 (8%xP2,800,000) 224,000
Totaldividends 1,049,200
Question No. 4 (E)

Retained earnings-total 2,876,540

Less: Appropriated for Treasury shares 294,000
Retained earnings-unappropriated 2,582,540
Question No. 5 (E)

Preferenceshare 2,000,000
Ordinary share 2,203,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Totalsharepremium 6,458,400

Retained earnings - unappropriated 2,582,540

Retained earnings – appropriated 294,000
Less:TreasuryShares 294,000
Total Shareholders’ equity 13,243,940

1. D 2.C 3.B4. (E) 5. (E)


Jan1. Land 340,000

Organization expense 140,000
Ordinarys hares( 1,000 x P100 10,000
SharePremium-O/S 470,000
Feb. 23 Cash (20,000 x 150)-150,000 2,850,000
Preference shares (20,000 x P100) 2,000,000
Sharepremium-PS 850,000
Mar. 10 Cash (6,000 x 390)-50,000 2,290,000
Ordinarys hares( 6,000 x P10) 60,000
Sharepremium-OS 2,230,000
Apr. 10 Subscriptions receivable (8,000 x P450) 3,600,000
Subs.O rdinary shares( 8,000x P10) 80,000
Sharepremium-OS 3,520,000
July14 Building 1,080,000
Preferences hares( 2,800 x P100) 280,000
Share Premium-PS (460,000-280,000) 180,000
Ordinarys hares( 1,400 x P10) 14,000
Share premium-OS (560,000-14,000) 546,000
Fair valueo f the building 1,020,000
Less: Fair value of the ordinary shares 560,000
(480,000/1,200 x 1,400)
Valueo f the pref. shares 460,000
July14 Cash 480,000
Ordinarys hares( 1,200 x P10) 12,000
SharePremium-OS 468,000
Aug3. Cash 2,800,000
Subscriptions receivable 2,800,000
Subs. Ordinary shares (8,000 x ½ x P10) 40,000
Ordinary shares 40,000
Dec.1 Retainedearnings 580,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Dividendspayable 580,000

Pref.d ividends (2,280,000 x 10%) 228,000

OSI ssued (136,000/10) 13,600
Add:SubscribedOS 4,000
Outstandingshares 17,600
Multiplyb y:D ividend pers hare 20 352,000
Totaldividends 580,000
Dec.3 1 Dividendspayable 228,000
Cash 228,000
Ordinar Subscrib Receiv
P/S SP– P/S y Shares SP – O/S ed O/S able R/E
1/1 P - P - P10 P 470 P - P -
2/23 2,000 850 - - - -
3/10 60 2,230
4/10 3,520 80 3,600
7/14 280 180 14 546
7/14 12 468
8/3 40 (40) (2,800)
12/1 (228)
50 1,280
Total P2,280 P1,030 P136 P7,234 P 40 P800 P700
1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (B)
QuestionN o.6 (C)

Preference shares 2,280,000

Ordinary shares 136,000
Subscribed ordinary shares 40,000
Less: Subscriptions receivable 800,000 (760,000)
Paidi nc apital-Pref.s hares 1,030,000
Paidi nc apital-Ordinarys hares 7,234,000
Retained earnings 700,000
Total shareholders’ equity 10,620,000

Sec. 43 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines states that “ The board of
directors of a stock corporation may declare dividends out of the unrestricted retained
earnings which shall be payable in cash, in property, or in stock to all stockholders on the
basis of outstanding stock held by them: Provided, That any cash dividends due on
delinquent stock shall first be applied to the unpaid balance on the subscription plus
costs and expenses, while stock dividends shall be withheld from the delinquent
stockholder until his unpaid subscription is fully paid”

Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity

Thus, the dividend on the subscribed share capital is paid to that shareholder because
he was not yet declared delinquent by corporation.

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5. B 6. C

QuestionNo.1 (C)
Preferenceshares,beg. P 800,000
Additionali ssue (20,000x P10) 200,000
Total P1,000,000
QuestionNo.2 (A)

Ordinary shares,beg. P 200,000

Stockdividend(3,480sharesx P5)* 17,400
Total P 217,400
Outstandingshares,beginning 40,000
Treasurysharesacquisition (8,000)
Treasurysharesre-issue 2,800
Totaloutstandingshares 34,800
Multipliedby: 10%
Dividendshares 3,480
QuestionNo.3 (A)

Sharepremium,beg. P 384,000
Premium on treasury share re-issue (100,000 – (2,800 x P20) 44,000
Premium on preference share ssue (P15 – P10) x 20,000 shares 100,000
Premium on stock dividends (P12 – P5) x 3,480 shares 24,360
Totalsharepremium,end P 552,360
QuestionNo.4 (D)

Retainedearnings,beg. P 2,400,000
Add: Net Income
UnadjustedN et Income P 1,780,000
Overstatement in operating expenses 100,000 1,880,000
Less: Dividends
Stock dividends (3,480 x P12) P 41,760
Cash dividends* 119,140 (160,900)
Retainedearnings,adjusted P 4,119,100
Retained earnings, appropriated for treasury shares (104,000)
Retained earnings, appropriated for plant expansion (1,200,000)
Retained earnings, unappropriated P 2,815,100
* Cash dividends
Preferred stock dividends (80,000 + 20,000) x P1 P 100,000
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
Ordinarys hares (34,800+ 3,480) x P.50 19,140

Totalcashdividends P 119,140
QuestionNo.5 (B)

Treasury shares acquired (8,000x P20) P 160,000

Treasury shares reissued (2,800x P20) ( 56,000)
Treasuryshares,end P 104,000
* Computation of the Cash dividends

Preferred stock dividends (80,000 + 20,000) x P1 P 100,000

Ordinarys hares (34,800+ 3,480) x P.50 P 19,140
Totalcashdividends 119,140
Computation of the net income:
Net Income
Unadjusted NetIncome P 1,780,000
Overstatement in operatinge xpenses 100,000
Adjustednet income P 1,880,000

1. C 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. B

EntriesM ade Shouldb ee ntries Adjustinge ntries

a Other 100 Dividends 100 Dividends 100
. operating payable payable
Cash 100 Cash 100 Other 100
b Ordinary 160 Treasury 160 Treasury 160
. shares shares shares
Cash 160 Cash 160 Ordinary 160
c Equipment 100 Equipment 1 00 Ordinary 14
. shares
Ordinary 14 Treasury 56 Share 86
shares shares Premium
(2,800 x P5) (2,800 x 20)
Share 86 Share 44 Treasury 56
Premium Premium-TS shares
(2,800 x 20)
Share 44
d Cash 300 Cash 300 Preference 100
. shares
Preference 300 Preference 200 Share 100
shares shares Premium-PS
(20,000 x
Share 100
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity

e Memoe ntry Retained 41,7 Retained 41,7

. earnings 60 earnings 60
(40K-5,200) (40K-5,200)
x 10% x x 10% x
P12) P12)
Share div. 17.4 Share div. 17.4
payable payable
(34,800 x (34,800 x
10% x P5) 10% x P5)
Share 24.3 Share 24.3
premium 6 premium 6
f. Share 17.4 Share div. 17.4 Share div. 17.4
Premium payable payable
Ordinary 17.4 Ordinary 17.4 Share 17.4
shares shares Premium
g No journal Retained* 119. Retained 119.
. entry earnings 14 earnings 14
Dividends 119. Dividends 119.
payable 14 payable 14
h Retained 1,20 Same AJE NO
. earnings- 0
Retained 1,20
earnings 0
d for plant
No journal Retained 104 Retained 104
entry earnings- earnings-
unappropria unappropria
ted ted
Retained 104 Retained 104
earnings earnings
appropriate appropriate
d for d for
Treasury Treasury
shares shares
i. No journal Income 1,88 Income 1,88
entry summary 0 summary 0
Retained 1,88 Retained 1,88
earnings- 0 earnings- 0
unappropria unappropria
ted ted
* Computation of the Cash dividends
Preferred stock dividends
(80,000 + 20,000) x P1 P 100,000
Ordinary shares
(34,800+ 3,480) xP .50 19,140
Total cash dividends P 119,140
Computation of the net income:

Net Income
UnadjustedN et Income P 1,780,000
Overstatement in
Chapter 29 – Shareholders’ Equity
operatingexpenses 100,000

Adjustedneti ncome P 1,880,000

Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share



PROBLEM 30-1 One Class of Shares

Totalshareholders'equity 16,220,000
Add:Subscriptionreceivable 1,200,000
Total SHE excluding subscription receivable 17,420,000
Divided by:O rdinarys hares outstanding* 200,000
Book value per share (A) 87.10
Sharesissued 200,000

Add: Subscribed shares (P1,000,000 / P50 par) 20,000

Less:Treasury shares 20,000
Ordinary sharesoutstanding 200,000
PROBLEM 30-2 Two Classes of Shares - Preferenceand Ordinary Shares

Preference shares: Shares par value
Preference share capital issued 12,500 P5,000,000
Add:Subscribedpreferenceshares - -
Total 12,500 P5,000,000
Less:Treasurysharesatpar - -
Shares outstanding and total par value 12,500 P5,000,000

Ordinaryshares: Shares par value

Ordinarys harec apitali ssued 75,000 P3,000,000
Add:Subscribedordinaryshares - -
Total 75,000 P3,000,000
Less:Treasury sharesatpar - -
Shares outstanding and total par value 75,000 P3,000,000
Totalshareholders'equity 15,000,000
Less: Par value of outstanding preference shares 5,000,000
Par value of outstanding ordinary shares 3,000,000
Excessoverpar 7,000,000
Question No. 1 & 2
Excess Preference Ordinary
Balances over par shares shares
P7,000,000 P5,000,000 P3,000,000
Preference dividend
(5,000,000 x 8% x 4) (1,600,000) 1,600,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 5,400,000 5,400,000
Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share
Total shareholders’ equity 6,600,000 8,400,000

Divide by: Outstanding shares 12,500 75,000

Book value per share P528.00 P112.00
Question No. 3 & 4
Excess Preference Ordinary
over par shares shares
Balances P7,000,000 P5,000,000 P3,000,000
Preference dividend
(5,000,000 x 8% x 4) (1,600,000) 1,600,000
Liquidation premium [(P420-
P400)x 12,500] (250,000) 250,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 5,150,000 5,150,000
Total shareholders’ equity 6,850,000 8,150,000
Divide by: Outstanding shares 12,500 75,000
Book value per share P548.00 P108.67
Question No. 4 & 5
Excess Preference Ordinary
over par shares shares
Balances P7,000,000 P5,000,000 P3,000,000
Preference dividend
(5,000,000 x 8% x 1) (400,000) 4 00,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 6,600,000 6,600,000
Total shareholders’ equity 5,400,000 9,600,000
Divide by: Outstanding shares 12,500 75,000
Book value per share P432.00 P128.00
Question No. 7 & 8
Excess Preference Ordinary
over par shares shares
Balances P7,000,000 P5,000,000 P3,000,000
Preference dividend
(5,000,000 x 8% x 4) (1,600,000) 1,600,000
Ordinary dividend
(3,000,000 x8%x 1) (240,000) 240,000
Balance for participation 5,160,000
Preference (5/8 x 5,160,000) (3,225,000) 3,225,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 1,935,000 1,935,000
Total shareholders’ equity 9,825,000 5,175,000
Divide by: Outstanding shares 12,500 75,000
Book value per share P786.00 P69.00
1.A 2.A 3.B 4. D 5.C6.B 7. D8.C
Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share
PROBLEM 30-3 Book Value per Share

Preference shares: Shares par value
Preference share capital issued 40,000 P4,000,000
Add:Subscribedpreferenceshares - -
Total 40,000 P4,000,000
Less:Treasury sharesatpar - -
Shares outstanding and total par value 40,000 P4,000,000

Ordinaryshares: Shares par value

Ordinarys harec apitali ssued 26,000 P1,040,000
Add:Subscribedordinaryshares - -
Total 26,000 P1,040,000
Less:Treasurys haresatpar 1,000 40,000
Shares outstanding and total par value 25,000 P1,000,000
Totalshareholders'equity 11,970,000
Less: Par value of outstanding preference shares 4,000,000
Par value of outstanding ordinary shares 1,000,000
Excessoverpar 6,970,000
Question No. 1 & 2
Excess Preference Ordinary
over par shares shares
Balances P6,970,000 P4,000,000 P1,000,000
Preference dividend
(40 00,000x 8% x4 ) (1,280,000) 12 80,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 5,690,000 5,690,000
Total shareholders’ equity 5,280,000 6,690,000
Divide by: Outstanding shares 40,000 25,000
Book value per share P132.00 P267.60
Question No. 3 & 4
Excess Preference Ordinary
over par shares shares
Balances P6,970,000 P4,000,000 P1,000,000
Preference dividend
(4,000,000 x 8% x 4) (1,280,000) 1,280,000
Liquidation premium
[(P105-P100) x 40,000] (200,000) 200,000 5,490,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 5,490,000
Total shareholders’ equity 5,480,000 6,490,000
Divide by: Outstanding shares 40,000 25,000
Book value per share P137.00 P259.60
Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share

Question No. 5 & 6

Excess Preference Ordinary
over par shares shares
Balances P6,970,000 P4,000,000 P1,000,000
Preference dividend
(4,000,000x 8% x 1) (320,000) 320,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 6,650,000 6,650,000
Total shareholders’ equity 4,320,000 7,650,000
Divide by: Outstanding shares 40,000 25,000
Book value per share P108.00 P306.00

Question No. 7 & 8
Excess Preference Ordinary
over par shares shares
Balances P6,970,000 P4,000,000 P1,000,000
Preference dividend
(4,000,000x 8% x 1) (320,000) 320,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 6,650,000 6,650,000
Total shareholders’ equity 4,320,000 7,650,000
Divide by: Outstanding shares 40,000 25,000
Book value per share P108.00 P306.00
Excess Preference Ordinary
over par shares shares
Balances P6,970,000 P4,000,000 P1,000,000
Preference dividend
(4,000,000x 8% x 1) (320,000) 320,000
Ordinary dividend
(1,000,000 x8%x 1) (80,000) 80,000
Balance for participation 6,570,000
Preference (4/5 x 6,570,000) (5,256,000) 5,256,000
Balancet o ordinarys hares 1,314,000 1,314,000
Total shareholders’ equity 9,576,000 2,394,000
Divide by: Outstanding shares 40,000 25,000
Book value per share P239.40 P95.76

1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C6.A 7. D8.D

Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share
PROBLEM 30-4 Weighted Average with Bonus Issue

Date Shares Fraction Average
01/01/2015 200,000 x 120% 240,000 12/12 240,000
03/01/2015 15,000x 120% 18,000 10/12 15,000
07/01/2015 (10,000) (10,000) 6/12 (5,000)
10/01/2015 4,000 4,000 3/12 1,000
Weighted average outstanding shares (A) 251,000
PROBLEM 30-5 Weighted Average with Share Split

Date Shares Fraction Average
01/01/2015 220,000 x 4/1 880,000 12/12 880,000
03/01/2015 12,000 x 4/1 48,000 10/12 40,000
04/01/2015 9,000 9,000 9/12 6,750
10/01/2015 6,000 6,000 3/12 1,500
Weighted average outstanding shares (A) 928,250
PROBLEM 30-6 Basic Earnings per Share

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
Basic EPS = [P3,000,000 / 40,000] = P75 per share
QuestionNo. 2 (C)
Basic EPS = [P3,000,000 - (10,000 x 10% x P50)]/40,000= P73.75 per share
QuestionN . 3 (C)
Basic EPS = [P3,000,000 - (10,000 x 10% x P50)]/40,000= P73.75 per share

PROBLEM 30-7 Basic Loss per Share

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
Basic LPS = [P2,000,000 / 30,000] = P66.67 per share
QuestionNo. 2 (C)
Basic LPS = [P2,000,000 + (5,000 x 10% x P100)]/30,000= 68.33 per share
QuestionNo. 3 (D)
Basic LPS = [P2,000,000 + (60,000)]/30,000= P68.67 per share

PROBLEM 30-8 Basic and Diluted EPS with Convertible Bonds Payable
Question No. 1
Basic EPS = P3,000,000 / 120,000 = P25 per share

Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share
Question No. 2

Diluted = P3,000,000 + [(P1,800,000 x 10%) x (1 – 30%)]

EPS 129,000 shares *
Diluted EPS = P24.23 per share
Weighted average of actual ordinary shares 120,000
Add: Weighted average of potentia l ordinary
shares from assumed conversion (1,800 x 5 x 12/12) 9,000
Total weighted averageo f ordinary shares 129,000
Question No. 3

Diluted = P3,000,000 + [(P1,800,000 x 10% 8/12) x (1 – 30%)]

EPS 126,000 shares *
Diluted EPS = P24.48 per share
Weighted average of actual ordinary shares 120,000
Add: Weighted average of potentia l ordinary
shares from assumed conversion (1,800 x 5 x 8/12) 6,000
Total weighted averageo f ordinary shares 126,000
Question No. 4

Basic EPS = P3,000,000

= P24.24
Weighted averageo f actual ordinary shares 120,000
Add: Issuance of shares related to conversion
(1,800 x5x5/12) 3,750
Total weighted average of actual ordinary shares issued 123,750
Add: Assumed converted ordinary shares x months
outstanding(1,800x5x7/12) 5,250
Total weighted average outstanding ordinary shares 129,000
Question No. 5

Diluted EPS =
P3,000,000 + [(P1,800,000 x 10% x 7/12) x (1 – 30%)]
Diluted EPS = P23.83 per share
1.A 2.D 3. B 4.D 5. B

PROBLEM 30-9 Basic and Diluted EPS with Convertible Bonds Payable

Question No. 1
Basic EPS = P4,000,000 / 200,000 = P20 per share

Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share
Question No. 2

Diluted EPS = P4,000,000 + [(P1,123,910 x 10% x 8/12) x (1 – 30%)]

Diluted EPS = P19.30 per share
Weighted averageo f actual ordinary shares 200,000
Add: Weighted average of potential ordinary shares from
assumedc onversion(15,000 x8 /12) 10,000
Total weighted averageo f ordinary shares 210,000

PROBLEM 30-10 Basic and Diluted EPS with Convertible Preference

Shares Question No. 1
Basic EPS =P4,000,000 - [5,000 x P100 x 10%]
Basic EPS = P19.75 per share
Question No. 2

Diluted EPS = P4,000,000

Diluted EPS = P17.78 per share
*[200,000 + (5 x 5,000 x 12/12)]
Question No. 3

Diluted EPS = P4,000,000

Diluted EPS 218,750 shares
= P18.29 per share
*[200,000 + (5 x 5 000 x 9/12)]
Question No. 4

Basic EPS = P4,000,000 – (5,000 x P100 x 10% x 9/12)]

Basic EPS = P19.21 per share
*[200,000 + (5 x 5,000 x 3/12)]

Question No. 5

Diluted EPS = P4,000,000

Diluted EPS = P17.78 per share

*[200,000 + (5 x 5,000 x 3/12) + (5 x 5,000 x 9/12)]


1.A 2. D 3.C 4.C 5. D

Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share

PROBLEM 30-11 Basic and Diluted EPS with Warrants and Options
Question No. 1
Basic EPS = P4,000,000 / 100,000 = P40 per share

Question No. 2
Diluted EPS = P4,000,000
Diluted EPS = P39.53 per share
Weighted averageo f actual ordinary shares 100,000
Add: Weighted average of incremental shares
from assumed exercise of options (1,200 x 12/12) 1,200
Total weighted averageo f ordinary shares 101,200

Note: Months outstanding for assumed exercise of options is 12 months, which is

from date of issuance up to the reporting date.
Option shares 9,000
Multiplyb y: Totale xercise price( 120+10) 130
Proceeds from assumed exercise of options 1,170,000
Divided by: Average market price during the year 150
Assumed treasuryshares 7,800
Option shares 9,000
Less:Assumedtreasuryshares 7,800
Incrementalshares 1,200
Question No. 3

Diluted EPS = P4,000,000

100 900 shares *
Diluted EPS = P39.64 per share
Weighted averageo f actual ordinary shares 100,000
Add: Weighted average of incremental shares
from assumed exercise of options (1,200 x 9/12) 900
Total weighted averageo f ordinary shares 100,900
Question No. 4

Diluted EPS = P4,000,000

Diluted EPS = P38.22 per share
Weighted average of actual beginning ordinary shares 100,000
Add: Weighted average number of shares from issuance of
share options(9,000x4/12) 3,000
Total weighted average of actual ordinary shares issued 103,000
Add: Weighted average of incremental shares
from assumed exercise of options (2,500 x 8/12) 1,667
Total weighted average outstanding ordinary shares 104,667
Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share
Option shares 9,000

Multiplyb y: Totale xercise price( 120+10) 130

Proceeds from assumed exercise of options 1,170,000
Divided by:M arketp rice at exercise date 180
Assumedtreasuryshares 6,500
Option shares 9,000
Less:Assumedtreasury shares 6,500
Incrementalshares 2,500

1.A 2.C 3. B 4.D

PROBLEM 30-12 Multiple Potential Dilutive Securities

QuestionNo. 1 (A)
Basic EPS = P2,360,000 – (60,000 x P100 x 6%)
Basic EPS = P10 per share

Question No. 2
1) Check for initial test of dilution
a. Options
Dilutive. The exercise price (P50) is less than the average market price

b. Convertible preference shares

Probably dilutive. The incremental EPS (P1.2) is less than the basic
EPS (P10).
Incremental EPS = (P6,000,000 x 6%)
(60,000 x 5)
Incremental EPS = P1.2 per share
c. Convertible bonds
Probably dilutive. The incremental EPS (P.84 ) is less than the basic
EPS (P10).
Incremental EPS = (P2,000,000 x 12%) x (1-30%)
(P2,000,000/P1,000) x 100
Incremental EPS = P.84 per share

2) Rank the dilutive potential diluters from the most dilutive to the leas t dilutive.

1st Options
2nd Convertible bonds (incremental EPS of P.84 per share)
3rd Convertible preference share (incremental EPS of P1.2 per share)
3) Include potentially dilutive convertible securities one by one. Every time an
item is included, calculate new earnings per share or new loss per share
amount as follows:
Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share

Profit shares EPS

Basic EPS from continuing *2,000,000 200,000 10
Options 0 10,000
Total 2,000,000 210,000 9.52
Convertible Bonds payable 168,000 200,000
Total 2,168,000 410,000 5.29
Convertible Preference share 360,000 300,000
Total 2,528,000 710,000 3.56

*Net Income less preference dividends [(P2,360,000 –(60,000 x P100 x 12%)]

Answer: The final diluted EPS would be P3.56 per share. (D)
QuestionNo. 3 (B)

BasicE PS = P500,000
BasicE PS = P2.5 per share
Question No. 4 (C)
Diluted EPS = P500,000
Diluted EPS = P.70 per share

1.A 2.D 3.B4. C

PROBLEM 30-13 Rights Issue

Fairvalue pershare–righton P 150

Less:Theoreticalvalueofoneright* 22
Theoretical ex-rights fair valuep er share P 128
*Value of one right = 150 –40 = 22
4* +1
Adjustmentfactor (150/128) 1.17
Question No. 1

Weighted average outstanding shares (40,000 x 1.17 x 12/12) 46,800
Basic EPS (P562,500 /46,800) (D) P12.02 /share

Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share
Question No. 2

Weighted average outstanding shares
(40,000x1.17x3 /12) 11,700
[(40,000+ 10,000) x 9/12] 37,500 49,200
Basic EPS (P800,000/49,200) (B) P16.26 /share
Question No. 3

Weighted average outstanding shares[(40,000 + 10,000) x 12/12] 50,000
Basic EPS (P1,000,000 /50,000) (A) P20p ers hare
PROBLEM 30-14 Written Put Options (C)

Incremental shares = (P350 – P280) x 10,000 = 2,500 shares

PROBLEM 30-15 Comprehensive Problem

Item NetI ncome Earnings
2015 2016 12/31/16
Unadjusted **1,300,000 *500,000 1,800,000
1) (50,000) 50,000 -
2) - (30,000) (30,000)
3) 45,000 (45 000) -
4) ***28,000 (28,000) -
5) 5,000 (5,000) -
6) (20,000) (20,000)
7) - - -
8) - - -
9) - - -
Adjusted 1,328,000 422,000 1,750,000

* (P5 EPS x P1,000,000 / P10 par)

* (1,800,000 – 500,000 2015 net income)
* (P48,000 / 12 x 7 months)

QuestionNo. 1 (D)
Refer to table above. Adjusted Net Income in 2016 is P422,000.

QuestionNo. 2 (C)
Refer to table above.

Chapter 30 – Book Value and Earnings Per Share

QuestionNo. 3 (C)
EPS 2016 (P422,000 / 100,000 shares) = P4.22

QuestionNo. 4 (B)
Ordinarys harec apital,P10par 1,000,000
Sharepremium 500,000
Retained earnings, 12/31/2016 (as adjusted) 1,750,000
Totalshareholders'equity 3,250,000
QuestionNo. 5 (B)

BVPS (P3,250,000 / 100,000) = P32.50

1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5. B

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income



PROBLEM 32-1 Current and Noncurrent Assets

Question No. 1
Cash 400,000
Tradereceivables 1,500,000
Inventory, including inventory expected in the ordinary course of 1,200,000
operations to be sold beyond 12 months amounting to P800,000
Prepaid insurance 240,000
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 300,000
NoncurrentA ssets held fors ale building 650,000
Total Current Assets (D) 4,290,000
Question No. 2

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 600,000

Financialassetsat amortizedc ost 1,000,000
Deferredtaxasset 150,000
Machinery 800,000
Accumulated depreciation (200,000)
Landusedasaplant site 920,000
Total Noncurrent Assets (C) 3,270,000
PROBLEM 32-2 Current and Noncurrent Assets

Question No 1
Cash (1M+300,000+100,000-50,000-280,000) 1,070,000
Accounts receivable (3M-200,000+50,000) 2,850,000
Investments securities held for trading (1.8M-500,000) 1,300,000
Inventories (800,000-200,000+(450,000/125%) 960,000
Prepaid Expenses (only the prepaid insurance) 48,000
Total Current Assets (A) 6,228,000
Question No. 2

Cash in sinking fund 280,000

Long-term investments 500,000
Deposit to supplier for inventories to be delivered in 16 months 23,000
Cash surrender value 20,000
Property,plantandequipment 5,000,000
Total noncurrent Assets (A) 5,823,000

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

PROBLEM 32-3 Current and Noncurrent Liabilities

Question No. 1
Bank overdraft 300,000
Accounts payable (1M+25,000+100,000) 1,125,000
Property dividendspayable 400,000
Income taxpayable 300,000
Notepayable,d ueJanuary31,2 016 500,000
Cash dividendspayable 80,000
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 130,000
Estimated expenses of meeting warranties 335,000
Estimated damages as a result of unsatisfactory performance on 268,000
a contract
Loanspayable-current 100,000
Total current liabilities (A) 3,538,000
Question No. 2

Bondspayable 3,400,000
Premiumonbondspayable 200,000
Deferredtaxliability 400,000
Mortgage payable 1,000,000
Loanspayable-noncurrent 400,000
Total noncurrent liabilities (C) 5,400,000
PROBLEM 32-4 Shareholders’ Equity

Ordinary share capital 10,000,000

Sharepremium 1,000,000
Subscribed ordinary share 100,000
Subscriptionsreceivable (120,000)
Retained earnings unappropriated (6M-2M cost of treasury) 4,000,000
Retained earnings appropriated for treasury shares 2,000,000
Reserveforcontingencies 3,000,000
Unrealizedgain onFVTOCI 1,000,000
Revaluationsurplus 4,000,000
Cumulative translation adjustment – debit (1,500,000)
Total 23,480,000
Less:Treasuryshares 2,000,000
Total Shareholders' Equity (C) 21,480,000

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

PROBLEM 32-5 Adjusting and Nonadjusting events

Lossonexpropriation 100,000
Impairment loss on Accounts Receivable 600,000
Litigationloss 1,000,000
Total adjusting events (A) 1,700,000

All other data are nonadjusting events.

PROBLEM 32-6: Related Party Relationship

Requirement No. 1
The following companies are considered to be related parties of Frozen Throne
Company in accordance with PAS 24 Related Party Disclosures:
Name Description
1) Sand King Co. Post-employment benefit plan established by
Frozen Throne
2) Shadow Fiend Co. Associate
4) Harbringer Co. Subsidiary
5) Night Crawler Co. Subsidiary of Harbringer
6) Disruptor Co. Associate of Harbringer
7) Geomancer Co. Parent
8) Jakiro Co. Parent ofG eomancer
9) Rylai Co. Sister company of Frozen Throne Company
10) Medusa Co. Key Management personnel of Frozen Throne
11) BarathrumC o. Bank
16) Pudge Co. Joint venturer of Frozen Throne Company
17) Invoker Co. Joint venture of Frozen Throne Company

Requirement No. 2
Regardless of whether there have been transactions between a parent and a
subsidiary, an entity must disclose the name of its parent and, if different, the
ultimate controlling party. Therefore, Frozen Throne Company should disclose
Jakiro Co., its ultima te parent or controlling party.

PROBLEM 32-7 (Distribution costs and general and administrative expenses)

Question No. 1
Advertising 500,000
Deliveryexpense 300,000
Rent foro ffices pace (500,000 X1 /2) 250,000
Salescommissions 1,075,000
Depreciationondeliverytruck 14,000
Total distribution costs (B) 2,139,000
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Question No. 2
AuditingandAccounting fees 300,000
Officers’salaries 625,000
Rent foro ffices pace (500,000 X1 /2) 250,000
Insurance 200,000
Depreciationonofficeequipment 15,000
Total general and administrative expenses (D) 1,390,000
PROBLEM 32-8 Comprehensive Income

NetSales 4,000,000
Cost of goodssold 2,500,000
Grossincome 1,500,000
Other income 30,000
Shareofprofitof associate 125,000
Totalincome 1,655,000
Distribution costs 60,000
Administrative expenses 120,000
Financecost 35,000
Otherexpense 50,000 265,000
Income beforeincome tax 1,390,000
Income taxexpense 408,000
Incomef romc ontinuingo perations 982,000
Incomef rom discontinued operations 100,000
NetIncome 1,082,000
Other comprehensive income:
Revaluationsurpus 300,000
Translationgain 50,000
Unrealized gain on FVTOCI securities 200,000 550,000
Comprehensive income (C) 1,632,000
Other income:
Interestincome 30,000
Other expense:
Lossonsaleofequipment 50,000

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Current current
Asset asset Total Asset
Unadjusted balance 44,300 158,400 202,700
1. Notes receivable – maturity (10,000) 10,000 -
date July 1, 2018
Land (12,000) 12,000 -
2. FVTOCI 4,600 (4,600) -
3. Inventory 30,500 (30,500) -
4. Treasuryshares (1,800) (1,800)
5. Prepaid insurance 2,900 (2,900) -
10. Accumulated depreciation (21,000) (21,000)
– Building
Accumulated depreciation (13,000) (13,000)
– Equipment
Allowance for baddebts (700) (700)
Adjusted balance 59,600 106,600 166,200
1. (B) 2. (A)

Current current
Liabilities liabilities Equity
Unadjusted balance 66,600 24,100 112,000
4. Treasuryshares (1,800)
6 Bondspayable (40,000) 40 000
7. Accruedwages 4,100 (4,100)
8. Mortgage – current portion 4,000 (4,000)
9. P remiumonbonds payable 4,300 (4,300)
10. Allowance for baddebts (700)
Accumulated depreciation (21,000) (21,000)
– Building
Accumulated depreciation (13,000) (13,000)
– Equipment
Adjustedbalance 34,700 60,300 71,200
3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A)

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Cash in Accts. Accum. Depre-
bank Inventory Receivable PPE Depr ciation
Unadjusted 100 1,800 2,500 1,000 400 -
1 - 4- - - -
2 - (15) - - - -
3 (14) - - - - -
4 20 - - - - -
5 (5) - 5 - - -
6 - -- - - -
7 - - - 500 112.5 112.5
8 - -- - - -
9 - 60 - - - -
10 - - - (20) (4) (4)
11 -- - - - -
Adjusted 101 1,849 2,505 1,480 508.5 108.5
balances 1. (B)

from Accounts Interest Bonds Amorti-
customers payable payable payable Discount zation
Unadjusted - 320 1,924,144 - -
1 - 4 - - - -
2 - - - - - -
3 - 14 - - - -
4 - 20 - - - -
5 - - - - - -
6 - - - - - -
7 - - - - - -
8 5 (5) - - - -
9 - 60 - - - -
10 - - - - - -
11 - - 180 75,856 63.442 12.414
Adjusted 5 413 180 1, 936,558 63.442 12,414
balances 2. (B)
Current Assets:
Cash inbank 101,000
Inventory 1,849,000
Accounts Receivable 2,505,000 4,455,000 3.(A)
Noncurrent assets:
PPE 1,480,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 508,500 971,500 4.(B)
Totalassets 5,426,500
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Current liabilities:
Advances from customers 5,000
Accounts payable 413,000
Interest payable 180,000 598,000 5.(B)
Noncurrent liabilities:
Bondspayable 2,000,000
Discount on bonds payable 63,442 1,936,558 6.(C)
Totalliabilities 2,534,558

1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B




1. EI over, COS under 385,000 157,600 98,500 69,300
2015 6,200 (6,200)
2. Salaries expense under
2015 14,600
3. Sales overstated
2015 (1,700)
4 Expense ov rstated
2015 (180)
5. Purch. Over, COS over
2015 (3,200)
6. Sales under
2015 2,500
7. Bad debt under
2015(32.4+2.5) x2% 698
2016 (66.1+4) x 2%-698
8. Dep. Expense under
2015 14,500
Adjusted bal. 385,800 160,600 92,300 98,918
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

1. EI over, COS under 420,000 203,800 164,900 76,700
2015 (6,200)
2016 8,500 (8,500)
2. Salaries expense under
2015 (14,600)
2016 17,300
3. Sales overstated
2015 1,700
2016 (800)
4. Expense overstated
2015 180
2016 (200)
5. Purch. Over, CO S over
2015 3,200
2016 (4,600)
6. Sales under
2015 (2,500)
2016 4,000
7. Bad debt under
2015 (32.4+2.5) x 2%
2016(66.1+4) x2%-698 704
8. Dep. Expense under
2016 14,500
Adjusted bal. 422,400 204,700 156,400 94,584

QuestionNo. 6 (A)
Sales 385,800
LessCost ofsales 160,600
GrossProfit 225,200
LessOperatingexpenses 98,918
AddOther income 2,100
Netprofit 128,382
Add: Retained earnings, beginning 23,400
Retained earnings, December 31, 2015 ) 151,782

QuestionNo. 7 (C)
Cost 145,000
Less Accumulated depreciation (14,500 x 2) 29,000
Book value of machinery, December 31, 2016 116,000
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

QuestionNo. 9 (B)
Accounts receivable, 2015 (32,400+2,500) 34,900
Less: Allowance for bad debts (32,400+2,500) * 2% 698
Netrealizablevalue 34,202

QuestionNo. 10 (B)
Sales2016 422,400
Less:Cost ofsales 204,700
GrossProfit 217,700
Less:Operatingexpenses 94,584
Add:Otherincome 1100
Netincome 124,216

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B

Question No. 1
Unadjustedsales 4,323,600
Less:Advances 132,000
Adjusted Sales (A) 4,191,600
Question No. 2

Carrying value( 100,000x70%^4*) 24,010

Less:Recoverableamount(higher) 23,000
Impairment loss (B) 1,010
*future value after 4 periods = carry ing value after 4 periods.
Question No. 3

Sales 4,191,600
Add: Increase in raw materials (75,800 – 56,800) 19,000
Increase in finished goods (130,700 – 105,800) 24,900
Less: Purchaseo fr awm aterials (2,056,500)
Othere xpenses(seebelow) (522,100)
Wages and salaries (890,400 + 33,000) (923,400)
Amortization of development cost (648,000 / 3 x 4/12) (72,000)
Impairmentloss (1,010)
Depreciation [(567,000 – 402,000) x 30%] (49,500)
Tax expense (52,000 + 35,000 – 30,000) (57,000)
Net income (A) 553,990

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

UnadjustedOther Expense 569,900

Add: Rent expense [10,000+ (4,000/4)**] 11,000
Increase in accrued expense (26,700 - 17,000) 9,700
Less: Taxsettlement (35,000)
Increase in prepaid expense (45,000 – 11,500) (33,500)
AdjustedOtherExpense 522,100
**Since the deposit is non-refundable, this is recognized as additional expense
over the lease term.
Questions No. 4to No. 7

Current assets: 8,850

Cashi n bank (41,850 –33,000)
Trade receivables and other receivables 245,800
Raw materials 75,800
Finished goods 130,700
Prepaidexpense 45,000 506,150
4. (B)
Non-current assets:
Intangible asset (648,000 – 72,000) 576,000
Plant (567,000 – 402,000 – 49,500 – 1,010) 114,490
Lease deposit (4,000 – 1,000) 3,000 693,490
Total assets . (C 5 ) 1,199,640
Current liabilities:

Tradeandotherpayables 156,700
Incometax payable 52,000
Advancesfromc ustomers 132,000
A cruedpurchases 26,700 367,400
6. (C)
Non-current liabilities:
None - -
Totaliabilities 367,400

Ordinary shares 300,000

Retained earnings (553,990 – 1,750 deficit – 7. (A)
20,000) 532,240 832,240
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 1,199,640

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5. C6.C 7. A

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Question Nos. 1 and 2
2015 2016
Unadjustednetincome 195,000 220,000
1) BD expense under, NI over (392,000 x 10% )-
37,000 (2,200)
2) Unreal. Gain (Loss) (81,000-78,000) and
(62,000-81,000) 3,000 (19,000)
3) EI overstated, NI over (4,000) 4,000
EI overstated, NIover (6,100)
4) *Expenseo ver,NIunder 10,900
Depreciation expense under, NI over (1,100)
5) **Gainon saleunder, NIunder 2,500
6) ExpOver. 1,800 (900)
Adjustednet income 206,700 197,200
1.( B) 2.( B)
*(Expenses recorded P12,000 should be (12,000-1,000)/10= 12,000-1,000)
**NetSellingPrice 2,500
Less carrying amount
Cost 17,500
Less Accumulated depreciation 17,500 0
Gain onsale 2,500
Question No. 3

Cash 82,000
Accounts receivable (296,000-18,000) 278,000
Tradings ecurities at Fairv alue 81,000
Merchandise inventory (202,000-4,000) 198,000
Prepaidi nsurance( 2,700 -900) 1,800
Total current assets (D) 640,800
Question No. 4

Cash 163,000
Accounts receivable (392,000 x 90%) 352,800
Tradings ecurities at Fairv alue 62,000
Merchandise inventory (207,000-6,100) 200,900
Prepaid insurance 900
Totalcurrentassets 779,600
Property, plant and equipment
(169,500+12,000-17,500) 164,000
Less: Accumulated. Depreciation
(121,600+1,100+1,100-17,500) 106,300
NetBook value 57,700
Total Assets (B) 837,300
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Question No. 5
Sharec apital (20,000 x P10) 200,000
Sharepremium 60,000
Retained earnings (206,700+197,200+*52,000) 455,900
Adjusted Shareholders' equity (A) 715,900
1.B 2.B 3.C 4. B 5. A

Question No. 1
Unadjustedsales 550,000
Less: Sale with a repurchase agreement (selling price) (10,000)
Adjusted Sales (B) 540,000

Note: The transaction should be reported as a financing arrangement, rather than

sale. Hence, the company will instead report a liability and interest. Also, the cost
sho uld be included as part of inventory.

Question No. 2
Unadjustedcost ofsales 411,500
Less: Sale with a repurchase agreement (cost) (7,000)
Add: Depreciation on Plant (see below) 13,600
Depreciation onB uilding (35,000/ 14) 2,500
Adjusted cost of sales (D) 420,600
Depreciation of plant asset iscomputed as follows:

Plant asset classified as held for sale [(9,000 – 5,000) x 20% x

6/12] 400
Remaining plant asset [(70,000 – 4,000) x 20%] 13,200
Totalplant assetdepreciation 13,600
Non-current asset held for sale:

Fairvalue lesscosttosell 4,200

Carrying value date of classification (4,000 – 400) 3,600
Initial carrying amount - LOWER 3,600
Question No. 3

Sales 540,000
Less:Cost ofsales 420,600
Grossprofit 119,400
Less: Distribution cost (21,500)
Administrativeexpenses (30,900)
Interest [(700 + (10,000 x 10% x6 /12*)] (1,200)
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Provision for bonus (540,000 x1 %) (5,400)

Tax expense (increase in DTL and CTL) – (27, 200 + 9,400
–1,200–6,200) (29,200)
Net income (A) 31,200
Question No. 4

Netincome 31,200
Add: Revaluation surplus (see computation below) 7,000
Total comprehensive income (B) 38,200

Appraisedvalue 12,000
Carryingamount 10,000 2,000
Appraisedvalue 35,000
Less: Carrying amount (50,000 – 20,000) 30,000 5,000
Totalrevaluation surplus 7,000
Questions No. 4to No. 9

Current assets:
Tradereceivables 42,200
Inventory(43,700+ 7,000) 50,700
Non-current asset held for sale 3,600 96,500
5. (D)
Non-current assets: 12,000
Building( 35,000–2,500) 32,500 (C6. )
Plant (66,000–13,200) 52,800 97,300
Totalassets 193,800
Current liabilities:

Tradepayables 35,100
Bank overdraft 6,800
Currenttaxliability 27,200
Provision –bonus 5,400 74,500
7. (C)
Non-current liabilities:
Deferredtax liability 9,400 -
Bank loan 10,000 (D)8.
Interestpayable 500 19,900
Totaliabilities 94,400
Equityshares 50,000
Sharepremium 20,000
Revaluationsurplus 7,000
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

9. (B)
Retained earnings (11,200 + 31,200 – 20,000) 22,400 99,400
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 1,199,640
Question No. 10

Netincome 31,200
Divided by: Weighted average shares (see below) 96,739
Earnings per share (A) 3225
April 1 to July 1 (80,000* x 2 / 1.84** x3/12) 21,739

July1t oMarch31(100,000x9/12) 75,000

Weightedaveragen umberofs hares 96,739

*The number of shares before the exercise of the rights may be computed
by dividing the ( ¼rights).
**Adjustment factor.
Value of one right = Fair value per share – right on minus exercise price
Number of rights to purchase one share plus 1
Value of one right = -
Fair value per share – rig ht on

Less:T heoretical valueof oneright .16

Theoretical ex-rights fair value per share

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D
6. C 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A

Question No. 1
Inventoriesat30September2015 31,800
Add:Purchases 344,000
Less: Inventories at 30 September 2016 27,300
Add: Depreciation – plant and machinery (see below) 46,485
Add: Depreciation – machine classified as held for sale (8,200 x
20%6/12)x 820
Add: Impairment loss – noncurrent asset held for sale [(8,200 –
820)6,500]– 880
Adjusted Cost of Sales (B) 396,685
Plant and Machinery
Cost –balanceforward 385,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation – balance forward 144,375
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Less: Held fors ale asset – carrying amount 8,200

Balance 232,425
Less: Depreciation during the year (232,425 x 20%) 46,485
Carryingamount–year end 185,940
Question No. 2

Trial balance 216,200

Add: Depreciation – Property (14,500 + 30,000) - see below 34,500
Add: Downward Valuation (480,000 – 456,000) 24,000
Adjusted Admin Expense (C) 274,700
Property Valuations

Property A Property B
Carrying amount – October 1, 2015 372,000 1,080,000
Valuation– October 1,2 015 (449,500) (600,000)
Revaluation(gain)/loss (77,500) 480,000
Valuation– October 1,2 015 449,500 600,000

Less: Depreciation (Property A: 31 years;

PropertyB :3 0y ears) (14,500) (20,000)
Carrying amount – October 1, 2016 435,000 580,000
Question No. 3

Trial balance 86,900

Add:Provisioncharge( seebelow) 33,600
Add:Leaseexpense (seebelow) (C) 27,600
Adjusted Other Operating Costs 148,100
Provision – Onerous Lease
Current liabilities [(3,000 – 2,300)x 12] 8,400
Non-current liabilities (8,4000 x3 years) 25,200
Total 33,600
Operating Lease

Total Payments [(18,000 x 7 years) + (36,000 x 8 years)] 414,000

Dividedby: 15 years
Operatingl easeexpensep eryear 27,600
Question No. 4

Revenue 1,057,000
Less:Cost ofsales 396,685
Grossprofit 660,315
Less: Administrative expenses ( see No. 2) 274,700
Other operating costs (see No. 3) 148,100
Profitbefore tax 237,515
Less:Tax 56,000
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Profit after tax (A) 181,815

Questions No. 4 to No. 8

Current assets:
Inventories 27,300
Trade and otherreceivables 61,500
Cash inbank 5,100
Non-current asset heldf ors ale 6,500 100,400
5. (D)
Non-current assets:
PPE (185,940 + 400,000 + 435,000 + 580,000) 1,600,940 1,600,940
Total assets (D) 6. 1,701,340
Current liabilities:

Tradeand otherpayables 199,800

Incometax payable 56,000
Provisions 8,400 264,200
7. (A)
Non-current liabilities:
Leaseliability( 27,600–18,000) 9,600 -
Provision 25,200 34,800
Totaliabilities 299,000
Ordinary share capital 672,600
Revaluationsurplus 135,000 (B)8.
Retainedearnings 594,740 1,402,340
Total liabilities and shareho ders’ equity 1,701,340
Retained Revaluation

Earnings Surplus
Beginningbalance 576,875 518,000
Total comprehensive income for the year 181,515 (378,500)
(77,500 – 456,000)
Dividend on ordinary shares (168,150)
Piecemeal realization of revaluation surplus 4,500 (4,500)
Ending balance 594,740 135,000

1.A 2.C 3. D 4. A 5.D6.D 7.A8.B

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Cost of Sales:
Unadjustedbalance 298,700
Add: Amortization of leased property [36,000 / (12 – 4)] 4,500
Add: Amortization of leased plant (25,000 / 5) 5,000
Add: Depreciation of other plant and equipment [(47,500 –
33,500) 20%]x 2,800
AdjustedCostof Sales 311,000
Leased Property: 32,000

Carrying amount – April 1, 2015 (48,000 – 16,000)

Add: Revaluation surplus (36,000 – 32,000) 4,000
Revaluedamount–April1,2015 36,000
Less: Amortization (36,000 / remaining life 8 years) (4,500)
Carryingamount–March3 1,2016 311,000
Leased Liability:

Amortization Table:
Principal Interest Present
Date Payment Expense Amortization value
April1,2015 25,000
April1,2015 2,000 - 2,000 23,000
March3 1,2 016 6,000 2,300 3,700 19,300
March3 1,2 017 6,000 1,930 4,070 15,230
Leased Plant: 25,000

Fairvalue –April1, 2015

Less:Amort zation (25,000 /5 years) 5,000
Carryingamount–March3 1,2016 20,000
Deferred Tax:

Deferred tax liability – March 31, 2016 (12,000 x 25%) 3,000

Deferredtaxliability–April 1,2 015 3,200
Decreaseindeferredtaxliability 200
Question No. 1

Revenue 350,000
Less:Cost ofsales 311,000
Grossprofit 39,000
Less: Distribution costs 16,100
Administrative expense (26,900 + 3,000 fraud) 29,900
Finance cost (300 + 2,300 interest in the lease) 2,600
Lossbeforetax (9,600)
Incomet ax benefit [(9,600 x 25%) + 200 – 800] 1,800
Loss after tax (D) (7,800)
Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

Questions No. 2 to 5
Current assets:
Inventory 25,200
Trade receivables (28,500 – 4,000) 24,500
Current tax refund (9,600x 25%) 2,400 52,100
Non-current assets:
Leasedproperty 31,500
Leased plant (25,000 – 5,000) 20,000
Owned plant (47,500 – 33,500 – 2,800) 11,200 62,700
Totalassets 114,800
Current liabilities:

Tradepayables 27,300
Bank overdraft 1,400
Financel ease liability – current 4,070 32,770
Non-current liabilities:
Finance lease liability – noncurrent 15,230
Deferredtax liability 3,000 18,230
Totaliabilities 51,000

Sharecapital 54,000
Sharepremium 9,500
Revaluationsurplus 3,500
Retainedearnings (3,200) 9,800
Totalshareholders’ equity 63,800
Statement of Changes in Equity:

Share Share Revaluation Retained

Capital Premium Surplus Earnings
Begbal 45,000 5,000 - 5,100
Prior period adjustment
fraud– (1,000)
Restatedbalance 4,100
Rights issue (see below) 9,000 4,500
Netloss (7,800)
Revaluationsurplus 4,000
Piecemeal realization of
R/S . (500) 500
Ending bal. 54,000 9,500 3,500 (3,200)

The rights issue was 18 million shares (45,000/50 cents each x 1/5) at 75 cents
= 13·5 million. This equates to the balance on the susp ense account. This
should be recorded as 9 million equity shares (18,000 x 50 cen ts) and 4.5 million
share premium (18,000 x (75 cents – 50 cents)).

Chapter 32 – Statement of Financial Position and Comprehensive Income

The discovery of the fraud represents an error part of which is a prior period
adjustment ( 1 million) in accordance with PAS 8 Accounti ng policies, changes in
accounting estimates and errors.

Question No. 6
Lossafter tax 7,800
Divided by: Weighted average shares (see below) 99,000
Loss per share (B)
April 1 to December 31 (90,000 x 1.20 / 1.125* x 9/12) 72,000

January1 to March 31( 108,000 x 3/12) 27,000

Weightedaveragen umberofs hares 99,000

*Adjustment factor.

Value of one right = Fair value per share – right on minus exercise price
Number of rights to purchase one share plus 1
Value of one right =

Fair value per share–right on 1.20

Less:T heoretical value of one right .075
Theoretical ex-rights fair value per share
1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5. B 6. B

Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows


PROBLEM 33-1 Cash flows and non-cash activities

1) Sale of common stock F
2) Sale of land I
3) Purchase of treasury stock F
4) Merchandise sales O
5) Issuance of long-term note payable F
6) Purchase of merchandise O
7) Repayment of note payable F
8) Receipts from sale of half of investment in associate I
9) Employee salaries O
10) Sale of equipment at a gain I
11) Issuance of bonds F
12) Acquisition of bond of another corporation I
13) Acquisition of a 60-day treasury bills Not
14) Purc hase of building I
15) Acquisition of a land und er a finance lease NC
16) Collection of nontrade note receivable (principal amount) I
17) Loan to another firm I
18) Declaration of cash dividend NC
19) Retirement of common stock F
20) Income taxes paid O
21) Issuance of short-term note payable to a supplier NC
22) Sale of a copyright I
23) Purchase of a treasury share of another corporat on I
24) Payment of cash dividends F
25) Receipt of dividends O
26) Payment for the acquisition of additio nal 10% interest in a F**
27) Payment of semiannual interest on bonds payable F
28) Receipt of interest O
29) Increase in shareholders’ equity from a dividend NC
reinvestment plan
30) Declaration of share dividend NC
31) Interest paid capitalized under PAS 23 I
*Acquisition of 60-day treasury bills is transaction reclassifying cash to cash
**PFRS 10.23 Changes in a parent’s ownership interest in a subsidiary that do not result in the
parent losing control of the subsidiary are equity transactions
(ie transactions with owners in their capacity as owners). PAS 7 par 42A Cash
flows arising from changes in ownership interests in a subsidiary that do not

Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows

result in a loss of control shall be classified as cash flows from financing activities.

PROBLEM 33-2 Indirect Method - Operating Activities

Netincome 668,000
Decreaseinaccountsreceivable 96,000
Increaseinaccountspayable 44,000
Depreciationexpense 20,000
Net cash provided by operating activities (A) 828,000
PROBLEM 33-3 Indirect Method - Operating Activities

Netincome 292,000
Increaseinaccountsreceivable (40,000)
Decreaseinprepaidexpenses 12,000
Increase in accumulated depreciation-depreciation expense 64,000
Decreaseinaccountspayable (16,000)
Net cash provided by operating activities (A) 312,000
PROBLEM 33-4 Investing Activities

Cash acquisition of fair value through other comprehensive

securities (100,000)
Proceeds from sale of the company’s used equipment 1,000,000
Purchase of equipment (B) (560,000)
Net cash provided by investing activities 340,000
PROBLEM 33-5 Financing Activities

Issuance of shares of the company’s own ordinary shares 680,000

Dividends paid to the company’s own shareholders (28,000)
Repayment of principal on the company’s own bonds (160,000)
Net cash provided by financing activities (A) 492,000

Question No. 1
Cash receipts from receivable (216 + 800 – 324) 692
Cash payment for purchases [(321 + 300 – 425) + 117 – 210] (103)
Cashd isbursement – insurance (66 +4 0 – 88) (18)
Cash disbursement – salaries (93 + 120 – 102) (111)
Cashd isbursement–interest( 50–10) (40)
Cashd isbursement–tax(78+5 2– 60) (70)
Net cash provided by operating activities (D) 350
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows

Question No. 2
NetIncome 88
Depreciation 123
Gain onsaleofbuilding (11)
Losson saleof machinery 12
IncreaseinA/R (108)
DecreaseinInventory 104
Decreaseinprepaidinsurance 22
IncreaseinAccountsPayable 93
Increaseinsalariespayable 8 9
Bonddiscountamortization 10
Net cash provided by operating activities (D) 350

Note that cash flows for operating activities using direct or indirect method
is the same.

QuestionNo. 1 (B)
Accounts receivable
Beg. balance – AR 125,0000 135,000 Balance end - AR
Sales on account 1,000,000 - Sales returns and
Recoveries - - Salesdiscounts
990,000 Collections (squeeze)
- W ite-off
Total 1,125,000 1,125,000
QuestionNo. 2 (C)

Accounts Payable Trade

Payments (squeezed) 525,000 190,000 Beg. balance – AP
Purchase returns and 0 485,000 Purchases
Purchased iscounts 0
Balance end – AP 150,000
Total 675,000
Merchandise Inventory

Beg. Balance 175,000 160,000 Balance end

Net Purchases (squeeze) 485,000 500,000 Cost of Sales
Total 660,000
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows

QuestionNo. 3 (D)
Deferred income taxes
Payments (squeezed) 190,000 175,000 Beg. balance
100,000 Income tax expense
Balance end 85,000
Total 275,000
QuestionNo. 4 (D)

Collectiono fa ccounts receivable 990,000

Paymentof accountspayable (525,000)
Paymentof income taxes* (190,000)
Paymentofo peratingexpenses (180,000)
Net cash prov ided by (or used in) Operating activities 95,000
*Computation of Payment of income taxes
Prepaid insurance
Beg. Balance 25,000 40,000 Balance end
Payment (squeezed) 180,000 165,000 Operating expenses
excluding depreciation
Total 205,000
Depreciation expense=245,000-150,000

Question No. 5

Receipt of cash from note payable-bank (200,000-160,000) 40,000

Issuance for cash of ordinary shares(225,000-200,000) 25,000
Dividendspaid (75,000)
Net cash provided used in Financing activities (A) (10,000)
Question No. 6

*ProceedsfromSaleofi nvestment 20,000

Cash acquisition of PPE (540,000-460,000) (80,000)
Net cash provided used in investing activ ities (B) (60,000)
Costo fi nvestment sold (190,000-180,000) 10,000
Add:Gainon sale 10,000
Proceedsfroms aleofi nvestment 20,000

1.B 2.C 3. D 4.D 5. A 6. B
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows

QuestionNo. 1 (A)

Accounts receivable
Beg. Balance 600,000 1,250,000 Bal. end
Sales on account 5,000,000 4,330,000 Collections
20,000 Write-off
5,600,000 5,600,000
QuestionNo. 2 (B)

Accounts payable
Bal. end 4,800,000 4,500,000 Beg. Balance
Payment 1,900,000 2,200,000 Net purchases
6,700,000 6,700,000
Merchandise inventory

Beg. Balance 2,000,000 2,200,000 Bal. end

Net purchases 2,200,000 2,000,000 Cost of goods sold
4,200,000 4,200,000
QuestionNo. 3 (A)

Netincome 700,000
Amortization of premium of Investment in Bonds 60,109
Depreciation 900,000
Gain onsaleofequipment (220,000)
Amortizationof franchise 100,000
Decrease (or increase) in Trading securities (450,000)
De rease(ori ncrease)inNetAR (530,000)
Decrease (ori ncrease) in Inventories (200,000)
Increase(ordecrease)inAP 300,000
Increase(ordecrease) in DTL 200,000
Net cash prov ided by (or used in) Operating activities 860,109
Computation of accumulated depreciation:

BegBalance. 3,200,000
Add: Depreciationexpense 900,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation of asset sold 200,000
Balance end 3,900,000
Gain or (loss) on sale
NetSellingPrice 500,000
Less: Carry ing amount
Cost 480,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 200,000 280,000
Gain onsale 220,000
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
Amortization table:

Interest Interest Premium Present

Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2015 4,253,552
12/31/2015 480,000 425,355 54,645 4,198,907
12/31/2016 480,000 419,891 60,109 4,138,798
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

AcquisitionofPPE (1,000,000)
SaleofPPE 500,000
Net cash provided by (or used in) investing activities (500,000)
QuestionNo. 5 (D)

Dividendspaid (300,000)
Cash receipts-issuance of OS (10,000 x 120) 1,200,000
Cashp aidforT reasuryshares (500,000)
Net cash provided by (or used in) Financing activities 400,000

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5. D


QuestionNo. 1 (D)
Accounts payable
Bal. end 3,400,000 3,500,000 Beg. Balance
Payment 1,900,000 1,800,000 Net purchases
5,300,000 5,300,000
Merchandise inventory

Beg. Balance 2,000,000 1,800,000 Bal. end

Net purchases 1,800,000 2,000,000 Cost of goods sold
3,800,000 3,800,000
QuestionNo. 2 (B)

Income tax payable/Deferred tax liability

Bal. end-ITP 150,000 200,000 Beg. Balance-ITP
Bal. end-DTL 700,000 500,000 Beg. Balance-DTL
Payment 150,000 300,000 Income tax expense
1,000,000 1,000,000
QuestionNo. 3 (A)

Netincome 700,000
Share in the net income ofa ssociate (1,024,000)
Cash dividendsfromassociate 280,000
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
Depreciation 200,000

Losson saleofequipment 100,000

Amortizationof franchise 100,000
Decrease (or increase) in Tradin g securities
Decrease(ori ncrease)inNetAR (90,000)
Decrease (ori ncrease) in Inventories 200,000
Increase(ordecrease)inAP (100,000)
Increase(ordecrease)inITP (50,000)
Increase(ordecrease)inDTL 200,000
Net cash provided by (or used in) Operating activities 516,000
Year of Acquisition

Percentageof ownership 20%

Cost of Investment 4,000,000
Less: Book value of net asset acquired 2,400,000
Excess ofc ost over book value 1,600,000
Over or (under) valued asset
Inventory (40,000)
Machinery 240,000
Land -
Goodwill 1,800,000
Amortization of Over (Under) valued asset 2015 2016
Inventory 40,000
Machinery (240,000)
Divideby:Remaining life 10
Amortization of Under (over) valued asset (24,000) (24,000)
No of monthsdivideby12(1st year) 1 1
Amortization of Under (over) valued asset (24,000) (24,000)
2015 2016
Net incomeo ft hea ssociate 4,000,000 5,000,000
Dividends declareda nd paid 1,000,000 1,400,000
2015 2016
Net incomeo ft hea ssociate 4,000,000 5,000,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 20% 20%
Sharein thenetincome 800,000 1,000,000
Dividends declareda nd paid 1,000,000 1,400,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 20% 20%
Dividendsreceived 200,000 280,000
2016 Investment Income
ShareintheNetIncome 1,000,000
Add: Amortization ofo vervalued machinery 24,000
Netinvestmentincome-2016 1,024,000

Investment in Associate

Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
BegBalance. 4,584,000

Add:Netinvestmentincome 1,024,000
Less:Dividendsreceived 280,000
Balance end 5,328,000
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

Cashr eceiptfromloanreceivable 120,000

AcquisitionofPPE (2,000,000)
SaleofPPE 500,000
Net cash provided by (or used in) investing activities (1,380,000)
QuestionNo. 5 (D)

Dividendspaid (350,000)
Cash receipts-issuance ofO rdinary shares 1,120,000
Cash receipts-reissuance of Treasury shares 105,000
Net cash provided by (or used in) Financing activities 875,000
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5. D

QuestionNo. 1 (D)
Accounts payable
Bal. end 4,000,000 3,500,000 Beg. Balance
Payment 1,700,000 2,200,000 Net purchases
5,700,000 5,700,000
Merchandise inventory

Beg. Balance 1,500,000 1,700,000 Bal. end

Net purchases 2,200,000 2,000,000 Cost of goods sold
3,700,000 3,700,000
QuestionNo. 2 (B)

Income tax payable/Deferred tax liability

Bal. end-ITP 150,000 200,000 Beg. Balance-ITP
Bal. end-DTL 700,000 500,000 Beg. Balance-DTL
Payment 270,000 420,000 Income tax expense
1,120,000 1,120,000
QuestionNo. 3 (A) 980,000

Share in the net income ofa ssociate (630,000)
Cashd ividendsfromassociate 225,000
Depreciation 200,000
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
Losson saleofequipment 150,000

Amortizationof franchise 100,000

Amortization of disc on investment in bonds (12,708)
Decrease (or increase) in Net Accounts Receivable (90,000)
Decrease (ori ncrease) in Inventories (200,000)
Increase (or decrease) in Accounts Payable 500,000
Increase (or decrease) in Income Tax Payable (50,000)
Increase (or decrease) in Deferred Tax Liability 200,000
Net cash provided by (or used in) Operating activities 1,372,292
Amortization table:
Interest Interest Premium Present
Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2016 939,230
12/31/2016 100,000 112,708 12,708 951,938
12/31/2017 100,000 114,233 14,233 966,170
Year of Acquisition
Percentageof ownership 25%
Cost ofInvestment 3,500,000
Less: Book value of net asset acquired 2,500,000
Excess ofc ost over book value 1,000,000
Over or (under) valued asset
Inventory (50,000)
Machinery 300,000
Land -
Goodwill 1,250,000
Amortization of Over (Under) valued asset 2015 2016
Inventory 50,000
Machinery (300,000)
Divideby:Remaining life 10
Amortization of Under (over) valued asset (30,000) (30,000)
No of monthsdivideby12(1st year) 1 1
Amortization of Under (over) valued asset (30,000) (30,000)
2015 2016
Net incomeo ft hea ssociate 2,000,000 2,400,000
Dividends declareda nd paid 800,000 900,000
2015 2016
Net incomeo ft hea ssociate 2,000,000 2,400,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 25% 25%
Shareinthenetincome 500,000 600,000
Dividends declareda nd paid 800,000 900,000
Multiplyb y: Percentage of ownership 25% 25%
Dividendsreceived 200,000 225,000

2015 Investment Income

Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
ShareintheNetIncome 500,000

Add: Amortization ofo vervalued machinery 30,000

Less:Undervaluationofinventory 50,000
Netinvestmentincome-2015 480,000
Investment in Associate
Cost of investment 3,500,000
Add:Netinvestmentincome 480,000
Less:Dividendsreceived 200,000
Balance end, 12/31/2015 3,780,000
2016 Investment Income 600,000

Add: Amortization ofo vervalued machinery 30,000
Netinvestmentincome-2016 630,000
Investment in Associate
Beginning balance,01/01/2016 3,780,000
Add:Netinvestmentincome 630,000
Less:Dividendsreceived 225,000
Balance end, 12/31/2016 4,185,000
Property, Plant and Equipment

Beg. Balance 9,000,000 900,000 Cost of equipment sold

Acquisition cost 600,000 9 ,069,180 bal. end
Present value of MLP 369,180
9,969,180 9,969,180
Accumulated depreciation

Bal.e nd 3,000,000 3,200,000 Beg. Balance

Accumulated depreciation
of asset sold 400,000 200,000 Depreciation expense
3,400,000 3,400,000
NetSellingPrice 350,000

Less: Carry ing amount

Cost 900,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 400,000 500,000
Losson sale (150,000)
QuestionNo. 4 (B)

Casha cquisition ofI nvestment inB onds (939,230)

AcquisitionofPPE (600,000)
SaleofPPE 350,000
Net cash provided by (or used in) investing activities (1,189,230)
Present Value of Periodic Payment (100,000 x 3.4869) 348,690
Add: Present Value of Bargain Purchase option(30,000 x 0.683) 20,490
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
Present Value ofM inimuml ease payments 369,180

Amortization table:

Interest Interest Present

Date Payment Expense Amortization value
12/31/2016 369,180
12/31/2016 100,000 - 100,000 269,180
12/31/2017 100,000 26,918 73,082 196,098
QuestionNo. 5 (D)

Payment of principal finance lease liability (100,000)

Dividendspaid (350,000)
Cash receipts-issuance ofO rdinary Shares 720,000
Net cash provided by (or used in) Financing activities 270,000
Share Capital
Beginningbalance 10,000,000
Issuancefor cash 600,000
IssuancethruSDP 1,910,000
Balance end 12,510,000
Share Premium
Beginningbalance 1,000,000
Issuancefor cash 120,000
Balance end 1,120,000
Retained Earnings
Beginningbalance 3,740,000
Add:Netincome 980,000
Less:Dividendsdeclared-cash 350,000
Less:Sharedividend 1,910,000
Balance end 2,460,000
1.D 2.B 3.A 4.B 5. D

Question No. 1
Collection from customers (202M + 410M – 200M – 6M) 406M
Proceeds from investment income (4M + 5M – 6M) 3M
Proceedsfroms aleofc ash equivalent 2M
Payment of purchases [(205M + 180M -200M) + 65M – 50M] (200M)
Paymentofi nsurance(4M+7M-8M) (3M)
Paymentofs alaries(11M+65M–6M) (70M)
Paymentofi nterest( 4M+25M–8M) (21M)
Payment oft ax( 14M + 8M + 36M – 12M – 11M) (35M)
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
Net cash provided from operating activities (C) 82M

Question No. 2

Purchase of land(196M–150M) (46M)

Proceeds from sale of major components of machine 17M
Purchase of long-term investment (25M)
Proceeds froms ale ofl ong-term investment 23M
Net cash used from investing activities (C) (31M)
Long-term Investment

Beg.Balance 125M 156M Bal.e nd

Investment income
(associate) 6M 23M Disposal
Acquisition (Tory) 48M
Total 179M 179M
Question No. 3

Retirement ofbonds (60M)

Proceeds fromi ssuance ofp referreds tock 75M
Acquisitionoftreasuryshares (9M)
Dividendspaid (22M)
Net cash used from financing activities (A) (16M)
Retained Earnings

Balancee nd 242M 227M Beg. Balance

Dividends 52M 67M Netincome
Total 294M 294M
Totaldividends 52M

Less: Stock dividends – small (4M shares x 7.50 fair value) 30M
Cash dividendspaid 22M

1.C 2.C 3. A

Question No. 1
Overdraftend– 110
Add:Bank,beginning 120
Netc asho utflow (A) (230)
Question No. 2

Profitfor the year 135

Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
Depreciation 115

Amortization 25
Increaseininventory( 200–110) (90)
Increase in trade receivable (195 – 75) (120)
Increaseintrade payable (210 –160) 50
Decrease in current tax payable( 80 – 110) (30)
Net cash from operating activities (D) 85
Question No. 3

Acquisition of PPE (see computation below) (305)

Acquisition of intangible assets (see computation below) (125)
Acquisitionofinvestment (230)
Net cash used in investing activities (A) (660)
PPE, net

Balanceb eginning 410 680 Endingb alance

Acquisition 305 - Disposal
Revaluation 80 115 Depreciation
Total 795 795
Intangible asset, net

Balanceb eginning 200 300 Endingb alance

Acquisition 125 - Disposal
Revaluation - 25 Amortization
Total 325 325
Question No. 4

10%securedloannotes 300
Issuanceofshares 100
Dividends paid (seec omputation below) (55)
Net cash from financing activities (C) 345
Retained Earnings

Balancee nd 375 295 Beg.Balance

Dividends 55 135 Net income
Total 430 430

1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C

Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows

Question No. 1
Cash 5,639,900
Accountsreceivable 1,000,000
Allowancef ord oubtfula ccounts (180,000)
Inventories 2,200,000
Total current assets (A) 8,659,900
Question No. 2

Investment in bonds - FA at amortized cost 3,861,105

Propertyp lant and equipment 9,520,000
Accumulatedd epreciation (3,900,000)
Franchise -net 500,000
Total noncurrent assets (A) 9,981,105
Totalassets 18,641,005
Question No. 3

Liabilities and equity

Accountspayable 4,800,000
Dividendspayable 400,000
Total current liabilities (A) 5,200,000
Question No. 4
Deferredtaxliability 700,000
Total noncurrent liabilities (C) 700,000
Totalliabilities 5,900,000
Question No. 5

Ordinary shares, P100 parv alue 11,000,000

SharePremium 1,200,000
Treasurysharesatc ost (500,000)
Retainedearnings 1,041,005
Total shareholders' equity (C) 12,741,005
Total liabilities and equity 18,641,005
Accounts receivable

Beg. Balance 600,000 1,000,000 Bal. end

Sales on account 5,000,000 4,600,000 Collections
- Write-off
5,600,000 5,600,000

Allowance for doubtful accounts

Bal.e nd 180,000 40,000 Beg. Balance
Write-off - 140,000 Baddebts
180,000 180,000
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows

Merchandise inventory
Beg. Balance 2,000,000 2,200,000 Bal. end
Net purchases 2,200,000 2,000,000 Cost of goods sold
4,200,000 4,200,000
Accounts payable

Bal. end 4,800,000 4,500,000 Beg. Balance

Payment 1,900,000 2,200,000 Net purchases
6,700,000 6,700,000
Amortization table:

Interest Interest Discount Present

Date Collection Income Amortization value
01/01/2015 3,746,368
12/31/2015 320,000 374,637 54,637 3,801,005
12/31/2016 320,000 380,100 60,100 3,861,105
12/31/2017 320,000 386,111 66,079 3,927,184
12/31/2018 320,000 392,816 72,816 4,000,000

Property, Plant and Equipment

Beg. Balance 9,000,000 480,000 Cost of equipment sold
Acquisition cost 1,000,000 9,520,000 bal. end
PresentvalueofM LP -
10,000,000 10,000,000
Accumulated depreciation

Bal.e nd 3,900,000 3,200,000 Beg. Balance

Accumulated depreciation
of asset sold 200,000 900,000 Depreciation expense
4,100,000 4,100,000
NetSellingPrice 500,000

Less: Carry ing amount

Cost 480,000
Less: Accumulated Depreciation 200,000 280,000
Gain onsale 220,000
Ordinary shares
Beginningbalance 10,000,000
Issuancefor cash 1,000,000
Balance end 11,000,000
Share Premium
Beginningbalance 1,000,000
Issuancefor cash 200,000
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
Balance end 1,20,000

Retained Earnings
Beginningbalance 461,005
Add:Netincome 980,000
Less:Dividendsdeclared-cash 400,000
Balance end 1,041,005
1.A 2.A 3.A 4. C 5. C

QuestionNo. 1 (C)

Income tax payable

Ending balance 143,700 65,000 Beg. Balance
Payment 76,000 154,700 Income tax expense
Total 219,700 219,700
QuestionNo. 2 (C)

PPE, net
Balance beginning 791,500 805,300 Ending balance
Acquired – cash 50,000 - Disposal
Acquired – lease 12,130 153,330 Depreciation
Acquired – business
combination 105,000 958,630
Total 958,630
QuestionNo. 3 (A)

Profitfor the year 471,440

Depreciation 153,330
Amortization 8,200
Shareinprofitofassociate (24,700)
Increase in inventory (57,300 – 46,900) (10,400)
Increase in trade and other receivables (excluding receivable (17,520)
from business combination) – (75,900 – 51,930 – 6,450)
Decrease in trade and other payab les (excluding receivable from (43,758)
business combination) – (82,600 + 9,950 – 48,792)
Increaseinincome taxpayable 87,800
Net cash provided by operatinga ctivities 615,292
QuestionNo. 4 (C)

Proceeds from sale of license (see computation below) 21,600

AcquisitionofPPE (50,000)
AcquisitionofHey Jude (10,000)
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
AcquisitionofYesterday (58,800)

Cash and cash equivalents acquired in business combination 8,700

Net cash used by investing activities (88,500)
Intangible asset, net

Balance beginning 33,450 28,800 Ending balance

Acquisition - 8,200 Amortization
Goodwill* 25,150 21,600 Disposal
Total 58,600 58,600
Consideration transferred [(58,500 + (35,000 x 1.4)] 107,800

Less:FVNAA(110,200x 75) 82,650

Goodwill 25,150
QuestionNo. 5 ()


QuestionNo. 1 (A)

Interest receivable – investing

Beg. Balance 10,500 1 2,500 Endingb alance
Interest income 52,000 50,000 Collection
Total 62,500 62,500
QuestionNo. 2 (A)

Income tax payable

Ending balance 170,000 130,000 Beg. Balance
Payment 140,000 180,000 Income tax expense
Total 310,000 310,000
QuestionNo. 3 (B)

Increase in cash and cash equivalents (12,500 – 400) 12,100

Add:Decrease inbankoverdraft 3,500
Netcashinflows 15,600
Netincome 834,900

Depreciation 560,000
Gaino nsale(450,000–324,500) (125,500)
Interest income – investing activities (52,000)
Decreaseininventory 56,400
Decrease in trade and other r eceivables (excluding interest 79,500
related to investing) – (495,100 – 415,600)
Decrease in trade and other payables (122,600)
Decreaseinwarranty (30,000)
Chapter 33 – Statement of Cash Flows
Increaseinincome taxpayable 40,000

Net cash provided by operating activities 1,240,700

QuestionNo. 4 (A)

Interest collected – investing activity 50,000

Proceedsfroms aleofm achinery 450,000
Proceeds froms ale off actory building 340,000
Loans to unrelated parties (1,000,000 – 850,000) (150,000)
Acquisition of PPE (see computation below) (2,022,500)
Net cash used by investing activities (1,332,5000
PPE, net

Balance beginning 1,594,400 2,567,400 Ending balance

Acquisition 2,022,500 324,500 Disposal - Machinery
Revaluation 220,000 340,000 Disused factory
560,000 Depreciation
Total 3,791,900 3,791,900
Revaluation surplus

Ending balance 350,000 250,000 Balance beginning

Transfer to R/E 120,000 220,000 R/S – current period
Total 470,000 470,000
QuestionNo. 5 (C)

Dividends paid (seec omputation below) (42,600)

Proceeds from issuance of shares (100,000 x 1.50) 150,000
Net cash provided from financing activities 107,400
Retained Earnings

Balance end 1,478,300 876,000 Beg. Balance

Bonus issue* 310,000 834,900 Net income
Transfer to R/E 120,000
Dividends 42,600
Total 1,830,900 1,830,900
*Total increase in share capital and share premium 460,000

Less:Issuanceofshareforc ash 150,000

Bonusissue 310,000


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